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Jurnal LOCUS Ekonomi Lingkungan Translate

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LOCUS JOURNAL: Research & Community Service

Volume x No. x Month 2022
E-ISSN 2829-7334| P-ISSN 2829-5439
Homepage: https://locus.rivierapublishing.id/index.php/jl

Environmental Economic Valuation of Mangrove Ecosystem Services: A Sustainable

Development Perspective in Coastal Areas in Kalimantan

Thomas Erico Joran Minda1, Aji Ali Akbar2

Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Tanjungpura University
Email ericojoran@gmail.com

The abstract is written in two languages, namely English and Indonesian. The abstract
contains a brief description of the background, objectives, methods, research results, and
conclusions of the research. The abstract contains a maximum of 200 words, single-spaced
and written in italics for English abstracts. Below the abstract are listed keywords consisting
of a maximum of six words, where the first word is the most important. The abstract in
Indonesian is a translation from English. The editor has the right to edit the abstract for
reasons of clarity of the abstract content.

Keywords: Mangrove Conservation Land, Ecosystem Economic Valuation, Sustainable

The abstract is written in two languages, namely English and Indonesian. The abstract
contains a brief description of the background, objectives, methods, research results, and
conclusions of the research. The abstract contains a maximum of 200 words, single-spaced
and written in italics for English abstracts. Below the abstract are listed keywords consisting
of a maximum of six words, where the first word is the most important. The abstract in
Indonesian is a translation from English. The editor has the right to edit the abstract for
reasons of clarity of the abstract content.

Keywords: Mangrove Conservation Land, Ecosystem Economic Valuation, Sustainable

Corresponding: Author name
Email: Email author

This template should be used as a guideline for the format and/or layout of articles to
be published in the JII Journal. Authors must follow all writing rules, including font type,
size, layout, word count, systematics, and reference writing. Authors must also ensure that the
article uses good and correct Indonesian.
The body of the article including the bibliography is written in one column as in this
template. Each new paragraph must be indented into one tab. The submitted article must be in
Microsoft Word format, with A4 paper size, top and left margins of 2.54 cm, right and
bottom margins of 2.54 cm, and single line spacing. The font used in the body of the article is
(Calibri (Body), Font Size 11).

He: 1
Author Name
Title of Manuscript

Punctuation (period, comma, colon, semicolon, parentheses, quotation marks,

question marks, exclamation marks, slashes, etc.) is not preceded by a space and followed by
a space, except for the use of a period or comma in decimal number markers. Examples of the
use of this section can be seen throughout the contents of this template.
The introduction section mainly contains the reasons for conducting the research
supported by a literature review (theoretical). The introduction section is expected to contain
as many citations as possible from scientific journals (preferably from national journals and
reputable international journals).
To make it easier for the author, technically the author can use this template in full.
The author can adjust the entire contents of the writing with this template (overwritten) part
by part, so that overall it is expected that the submitted article is in accordance with the
expected guidelines. It is better to delete as needed, to avoid errors in other parts.

The research method used in solving the problem includes the analysis method. The
image caption is placed as part of the figure caption, not as part of the image. The methods
used in completing the research are written in this section. In the Research Method, small and
non-main tools (commonly found in the lab, such as: scissors, measuring cups, pencils) do
not need to be written, but simply write the main equipment series, or the main tools used for
analysis and/or characterization, even down to the type and accuracy; Write in full the
location of the research, number of respondents, how to process the results of observations or
interviews or questionnaires, how to measure performance benchmarks; common methods do
not need to be written in detail, but simply refer to reference books. Experimental procedures
must be written in the form of news sentences, not command sentences. (Calibri (Body), Font
Size 11).


Results and discussion contain the results of research findings and their scientific
discussion. Write down the scientific findings obtained from the results of research that has
been conducted but must be supported by adequate data. The scientific findings referred to
here are not the research data obtained. These scientific findings must be explained
scientifically including: What are the scientific findings obtained? Why did it happen? Why
is the variable trend like that? All of these questions must be explained scientifically, not only
descriptively, if necessary supported by adequate scientific basic phenomena. In addition, a
comparison must also be explained with the results of other researchers with almost the same
topic. The research results and findings must be able to answer the research hypothesis in the
Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English with a maximum of 20 pages
including figures and tables. Manuscripts must be written according to this article template in
a print-ready format (Camera ready). Articles must be written with A4 writing size (210 x
297 mm) and with a left margin format of 3 cm, right margin of 3 cm, bottom margin of 3
cm, and top margin of 3 cm. Manuscripts must be written in Times New Roman font with a
font size of 12 pt, single-spaced, and in a single-column format (except for the article title,
author's name, and abstract). The distance between columns is 1 cm.
Foreign words or terms are used in italics. It is better to avoid using foreign terms for
Indonesian language articles. New paragraphs start 1.15 cm from the left margin, while there
is no space between paragraphs.

LOCUS Journal: Research & Community Service – Vol x No x Month, Year 2

Author Name
Title of Manuscript

Tables and Figures are placed in a group of texts after the table or figure is referred to.
Each figure must be given a figure caption below the figure and numbered sequentially
followed by the figure title. Each table must be given a table caption and numbered
sequentially above the table followed by the table title. Figures must be guaranteed to be
printed clearly (font size, resolution and line size must be guaranteed to be printed clearly).
Figures and tables and diagrams/schemes should be placed according to the column between
groups of texts or if they are too large placed in the middle of the page. Tables should not
contain vertical lines, while horizontal lines are allowed but only the important ones.
The use of tables and figures must be mentioned in the text by mentioning table 1;
figure 1 and so on.

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics Results

No. Descriptive Size Mark
1 Mode 6.56
2 Median 6.78
3 Mean 6.85
4 Standard Deviation 1.2
5 Variance 1.44
Table data reference source:

Every time after writing a table, it is required to describe the table that was created.
Example: Based on table 1 above, the results of descriptive statistics…

Figure 1. Mendeley Standard View

(the image must be clearly visible/not blurry)

An example of direct citation is as follows:

“Fill in the quote directly. Quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote
quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote
quote quote quote quote. quote The text continues here. Proofs must be formatted as
follows: quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote “.

The explanation of the quote can be written here.

The conclusion is the conclusion of the research results that have been carried out and
is the answer to the formulation of the problem. The conclusion is aligned with the
formulation of the problem and the purpose of the research. In the case of more than one
conclusion, it is written using numbering and not using bullets. In this closing section,
development prospects from the research results and further applications can also be added
which are the prospects for subsequent studies.

LOCUS Journal: Research & Community Service – Vol x No x Month, Year 3

Author Name
Title of Manuscript


All references cited in the body of the article must be written in the bibliography section and
written in 1 space alphabetically, and using international language standards (English) even
though the quoted text is in Indonesian. It is mandatory to include international journal
references. Here is an example of writing a bibliography:
1. There is no need to separate references in the form of books, journals, and so on.
2. Do not translate Indonesian scripts into English.

Freudenthal, H. (1991). Revising Mathematics Education. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic


Madya, S. (2011). Theory and Practice of Action Research. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Prahmana, RCI (2012). Designing Number Operation Learning Using Traditional Picture
Clapping Game for Grade III Elementary School (SD) Students. Unpublished Thesis.
Palembang: Sriwijaya University.

Zulkardi. (2002). Developing A Learning Environment on Realistic Mathematics Education

for Indonesian Student Teachers. Published Dissertation. Enschede: University of

Fajriyah & Supardi. (2015). Application of metacognitive learning strategies to mathematics

learning outcomes. In Leonard (Editor). EduResearch: Raise The Standard, Vol. 1, 1-
24. Jakarta: Unindra Press.

Leonard. (2013). The role of lateral and positive thinking skills on learning achievement in
educational evaluation. Horizon of Education, 32(1): 54-

Darmawan, H. (2016). Constructivism-based learning using animation media with the TPCK
framework and learning styles on student learning achievement. Journal of Educational
Technology, 6(1): 1-11.http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/formatif.v6i1.747

Adriana, I. (2016). The influence of self-efficacy and learning independence on mathematical

problem solving ability. Proceedings of the National Panel Discussion of Mathematics
Education, 539-548. Jakarta: Mathematics Education Study Program, Indraprasta PGRI

Astuti, DP, Leonard, L., Bhakti, YB, & Astuti, IAD (2019). Developing Adobe Flash-based
mathematics learning media for 7th-grade students of junior high school. Journal of
Physics: Conf. Series 1188 012098. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-

LOCUS Journal: Research & Community Service – Vol x No x Month, Year 4

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