Sesi 13 Aspheric Lens
Sesi 13 Aspheric Lens
Sesi 13 Aspheric Lens
1. Topik/Sub Topik
Aspheric Lens Design
2. Pengantar Topik
Perancang lensa memiliki alat lain yang dapat digunakan saat merancang lensa: aspheric.
Seperti namanya, permukaan asferis adalah permukaan yang menyimpang dari bentuk bola
sempurna. Fortunately, lens designers have another tool at their disposal when designing
lenses: asphericity. As the name implies, an aspheric surface is a surface that departs from
being perfectly spherical. Lensa asferik umumnya lebih sensitif terhadap kisaran resep yang
telah mereka optimalkan. Akibatnya, lensa asferis biasanya memiliki base curve yang lebih
banyak, dengan penambahan daya permukaan yang lebih kecil. Pemilihan base curve yang
tepat, seperti yang direkomendasikan oleh pabrik, sangat penting. Karena geometri
permukaan aspherik dapat mengurangi ketebalan lensa, menjadi mungkin untuk
menggunakan aspheris hanya untuk tujuan kosmetik.
3. Obyektif Perkuliahan
Mahasiswa dapat memahami dan mengetahui lensa disain Aspheris
4. Isi/Konten
Aspheris lens Design
Fortunately, lens designers have another tool at their disposal when designing lenses:
asphericity. As the name implies, an aspheric surface is a surface that departs from being
perfectly spherical. Aspheric surfaces are rationally-symmetrical surfaces that gradually very
in surface power from the center towards the edge, in a radial fashion. This change in surface
power produces surfaces astigmatism that can counteract and neutralize the oblique
astigmatism. Aspheric surfaces free lens designers from the constraints of best from lenses.
Lenses can be made flatter, thinner, and lighter, while maintaining excellent optical
Aspheric lenses were originally employed to provide acceptable vision in high-plus, post-
cataract lenses, which generally exceed the +8.00 D limit of Tscherning’s ellipse. We can see
from the schematic eye (Table 6) that the crystalline lens is responsible for nearly a third of
the refracting power of the eye. When the lens is removed from the eye as a result of a
cataract (opacity of the crystalline lens), extremely high-plus spectacle lenses can be used to
supplement the loss of refracting power.
Because of surgical advances and intraocular lens implants, such lenses are now all but
obsolete. Today, aspheric surfaces are mainly used to allow lens designers to produce flater,
thinner lenses with the superior optical performance of the steeper corrected curve, or best
from, lenses.
To produce a three-dimentional aspheric surface, in aspheric curve is rotated about an
axis of symmetry. the central curvature, or vertex curvature, of an aspheric surface will be
nearly spherical. The vertex curvature of an aspheric surface will be the front curve value
utilized for lens power an surfacing calculations. Away from the vertex curvature, the
amount of surface astigmatism smoothly increases. The rate of increase in surface
astigmatism depends upon the degree of asphericity. Figure 10:13 demonstrates the surface
produced by rotating an ellipse about an axis of symmery. Notice the changing radii of
curvature in both the tangential and sagittal meridians (Jalie 516).
Original aspheric designs utilized conivoid surface produced by rotating a coninc section
about an axis of symmetry to produce a three-dimensional surface. The conic section could
be any one of five from the family of conics, including the circle, prolate, ellipse, oblate
ellipse, hyperbola, and parabola. These conic sections are illustrated in figure 10:14.
Conicoid surface can be described by the following formula (Jalie 517)
Where z is the height of the surface, Rs is the vertex curvature, x is the semi diameter of
the lens, and P is a value that controls the amount/degree of asphericity (or eccentricity of the
coninc focus) for the surface.
Modern aspheric lenses often employ higher order surfaces that allow for more complex
shapes than the simple conic sections of the form:
a = Rs / 2
One the first coefficient a has been determined, the final coefficient are then determined
by ‘rey tracing’ procedures that refine the off-axis performance of the lens for various
viewing angle. Many designers chose to optimize the off-axis performance of a lens out to at
least 30⁰ to 35⁰.
Unfortunately, because of the fact that the curvature of an aspheric surface varies away
from the center, normal measuring instruments such as the lens clock cannot measure the
front curve value – or vertex curvature-of an aspheric lens accurately. The wider the spacing
between the pins, or the wider the diameter of the sag gauge bell, the less accurate the
instrument become for measuring aspheric surface. Moreover, becouse the asphericity of
many of these surfaces varies only subtly away from the center of the lens, it is often equally
difficult to detect asphericity using such instrument.
Most aspheric lenses are designed to alloe use of a flatter, more cosmetically pleasing
lens, while minimizing off-axis aberrations. Since flattening a lens introduces astigmatic and
power errors, the peripheral curvature of the aspheric surface should change in a manner that
neutralizes this effect. For instance, plus lenses with asphericity on the front surface require a
flattening of curvature away from the center of the lens to reduce the effective gain in oblique
power and astigmatic error. Asphericity on the back surface of a plus lens will require a
steepening of curvature away from the center of the lens. The opposite holds true for minus
Aspheric lenses are generally more sensitive to the range of prescriptions that they have
been optimized for. Consequently, aspheric lenses typically have more base curves available,
in smaller increment of surface power. Proper base curve selection, as recommended by the
manufacture, is critical.
The further a lens form is flattened from its optimum, best form base (spherical) base
curve, the more asphericity (or surface astigmatism) will be required to property compensate
for the off-axis optic.
We now know that flatter base curves produce thinner lenses. It is intersting to note that
the actual geometry of an aspheric surface also helps reduce lens thickness. This is a
consequence of the fact that the sagitta of an aspheric surface differs from the sagitta of a
spherical surface. Consider the comparison made in figure 10:15. At a given diameter, the
aspheric surface has a shallower sagitta than the spherical surface and therefore a reduced
plate height. Th thickness reduction is maximized when the surface with the highest surface
power is made aspheric (Jalie 340)
We can now compare the physical and optical properties of a steep best form lens, a flat
lens with a spherical base curve, and a flat aspherical lens. Careful consideration of table 18
shows that a best form lens (+4.00 D) can be produced having no astigmatic error and very
little mean power error. A flat lens can also be made, which would be cosmetically superior,
but would suffer significant astigmatic and mean power errors.
However, using an aspheric front surface, a lens can be produced that eliminates the
astigmatic error while providing an even thinner center.
Since the geometry of an aspheric surface can reduce the thickness of a lens, it becomes
possible to use asphericity strictly for cosmetic purpose. By producing a highly aspherical
surface with a rapid change in curvature towards the periphery of the lens, the sagitta of the
surface can be made much shallower.
The aspheric surface of the Hi-Drop cataract lens, for instance, which is shown in figure
10:16, rapidly drops between 3 to 4 diopters from the center of the lens to its edge to produce
an extremely thin profile. This type of the lensis called a zonal aspherical, becouse of its
zones of changing surface power.
When asphericity is ‘exaggerated’ in this fashion, the off-axis optics are generally poor-
since the lens has been optimized solely fo cosmetic, with litle regard for optics. Another
problem with making lenses too flat is that they do not provide enough clearance for the
In addition to aspheric lenses strictly optimized for optics and lenses strictly optimized
for cosmetics, there are aspheric lenses available that combine the benefits of both. The
surface of certain continuous-surface aspheric lenses is optimized out to a cartain point
across for optics, and then drops off rapidly in curvature to the edge for cosmetics.
Lensa Aspheris
Desain lensa ini adalah bukan merupakan bagian dari kelengkungan bola
Desain ini dpt berupa elips/parabola
Desain lens modern ini dpt meminimalkan aberasi yg terjadi & lbh indah karena lebih
flat/datar sehingga dpt lbh tipis dibandingkan dgn lensa spheris
5. Kesimpulan
Lensa aspheris memiliki base curve tidak seperti bola / spherical, lensa di ciptakan untuk
meningkatkan kosmetik dimana lensa lebih tipis dan permukaan depan yang datar
meminimalkan aberrasi distorsi pada bagian perifer nya, masalah pada lensa aspheris lensa
lebih datar hingga perhatikan bulu mata sipengguna karena akan menyentuh permukaan
belakang lensa, dan lakukan penitikan fitting hight yang agak rendah sebelum dilakukan
pemotongan untuk masalah efek prisma yang terjadi.
6. Daftar Pustaka.
Ajay Kumar Bhoota.(2009). 0phthalmic Lenses.New Delhi. Jaypee brother
Darryl Meister, ABOM, James E. Sheedy, OD,PhD. (2008) Introduction to Ophthalmic
Optic, Sandiego.; CA.Carl Zeiss Vision.
7. Latihan/Tugas/Praktek
a. Essay
1). Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan lensa Aspheris
2). Apa yang membedakan lensa aspheris dengan spheris secara pembuatannya?
3). Bagaimana permukaan aspheris dihasilkan.?
b. kriteria penilaian
1). Lensa Aspheris
Desain lensa ini adalah bukan merupakan bagian dari kelengkungan bola
Desain ini dpt berupa elips/parabola
Desain lens modern ini dpt meminimalkan aberasi yg terjadi & lbh indah karena lbh
flat/datar sehingga dpt lbh tipis dibandingkan dgn lensa spheris
2). Lensa Aspheris Lensa dapat dibuat lebih rata, lebih tipis, dan lebih ringan, sambil
mempertahankan kinerja optik yang sangat baik.
3). Untuk menghasilkan permukaan asferis tiga-dimensi, kurva asferis diputar sekitar
sumbu simetri. lengkungan pusat, atau lengkungan verteks, dari permukaan asferis akan
hampir bulat. Kelengkungan verteks permukaan aspheric akan menjadi nilai kurva depan
yang digunakan untuk kekuatan lensa dalam perhitungan permukaan.