UV Visible Spectros
UV Visible Spectros
UV Visible Spectros
Mr. P.Prachet,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis,
Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1
• The UV-visible spectroscopy is one of the oldest instrumental techniques of
analysis and is the basis for a number of ideal methods for the determination
of micro and semi-micro quantities of analytes in a sample.
• UV-visible spectrum results from the interaction of electromagnetic radiation
in the UV-visible region with molecules, ions or complexes.
• These determinations finds applications in research, industry, clinical
laboratories and in the chemical analysis of environmental samples.
• Ultra violet spectroscopy is concerned with the study of absorption of UV
radiation which ranges from 200nm to 400nm.
• Compounds which are coloured, absorb radiation from 400nm to 800nm.
• Compounds which are colourless absorb radiation the UV region.
• In both UV as well as visible spectrosopy, only the valence electrons absorb
the energy, thereby the molecule undergoes transition from ground state to
excited state.
Origin of spectrum
• The absorption of radiation in the UV-visible region of the spectrum is
dependent on the electronic structure of the absorbing species like atoms,
molecules, ions or complexes.
• A given electronic energy level has a number of vibrational energy levels in
it and each of the vibrational energy level has a number of rotational energy
levels in it.
• When a photon of a given wavelength interacts with the molecule it may
cause a transition.
• Many molecules absorb ultraviolet or visible light.
• Any molecules has either n, pi, sigma or a combination of these electrons n
these bonding and non bonding electrons absorb the characteristic radiation
and undergoes transition from ground state to excited state.
Electronic transitions
• The transitions that results in the absorption of electromagnetic radiation in
this region of the spectrum are transitions between electronic energy energy
• As a molecule absorbs energy, an electron is promoted from an occupied
orbital to an unoccupied orbital of greater potential energy i.e. transition is
from The highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) to the lowest
occupied molecular orbital (LUMO)
• For most molecules, the LUMO are the sigma orbitals, which corresponds to
sigma bonds. The pi orbitals lie at somewhat higher energy levels, and
orbitals that hold unshared pairs, the nonbonding (n) orbitals lie at even
higher energies. The unoccupied or antibonding orbitals are the orbitals of
higest energy .
1. n Π* Transitions
• Its require lowest energy.
• The peak is called R band, where n electron present.
• Double bonds and triple bonds are present .
E.g. Aldehydes or ketones.
2. Π Π* Transitions
• This type of transition gives rise to B, E and K bands .
• B bands : Aromatic & hetero aromatic systems.
• E bands :Aromatic systems.
• K bands :Conjugated systems.
• Its require energy between n σ and n Π*
• Wavelength is in the range 174 - 178 nm.
E.g. Beta carotene, lycophene etc.
3. n σ* Transitions
• These transitions occur in saturated compounds containing atoms with lone
pairs (non-bonding electrons).
• These transitions usually requires less energy than σ - σ * transitions.
• They can be initiated by light whose wavelength is in the range 180 - 250
4. σ σ*Transitions
• Its require highest energy.
• These transitions occur in saturated compounds (specially hydrocarbons).
• Wavelength is in the range 125 - 135 nm.
E.g. Methane, ethane, propane etc.
It is defined as any isolated covalently bonded group that shows a
characteristic absorption in the ultraviolet or visible region. Some of the
important chromophores are ethylenic, acetylenic, carbonyls, acids, esters, and
nitrile group etc. –CH2–, – CΞC –, – COOH–, – CΞN etc.
Types of Chromophores
There are two types of chromophores such as
a. Chromophores in which the group contains π electrons and they undergo
π → π * transitions. Such chromophores are ethylene, acetylenes etc.
b. Chromophores which contains both π electrons and n (non-bonding)
electrons. Such chromophores undergo two types of transitions i.e., π → π* and
n → π*. Examples of this type are carbonyls, nitriles, azo compounds, nitro
compounds etc.
3. Hyperchromic shift/effect
It is an effect due to which the intensity of absorption maximum (εmax)
increases. For example, the B-band for pyridine at 257 mµ εmax 2750 is shifted
to 262 mµ εmax 3560 for 2methyl pyridine. Introduction of an auxochrome
usually increases intensity of absorption.
Pyridine 2-methyl pyridine
4. Hypochromic effect
It is defined as an effect due to which the intensity of absorption maximum
decreases, i.e., extinction coefficient, εmax . For example, biphenyl absorbs
at 250 mµ εmax 19000 whereas 2-methyl biphenyl absorbs at 237 mµ, εmax
10250 (εmax decreases). Introduction of methyl group distorts the geometry
of the molecules thus, cause hypochromic effect.
Choice of solvents
• It should not itself absorb radiations in the region under investigations.
• It should be less polar so that it has minimum interaction with the solute
• Most commonly: 95%ethanol.
• Cheap, good dissolving power, does not absorb radiation above 210nm.
Typical examples
Solvent effect
• The position and intensity of an absorption band may shift when the spectrum
is recorded in different solvents.
• A dilute sample solution is prefered for analysis.
• Most commonly used solvent is 95% ethanol. It is best solvent as it is cheap,
transparent down to 210nm.
• Position as well as intensity of absorption maxima get shifted for a particular
chromophore by changing the polarity of solvent.
• By increasing polarity of solvent → dienes, conjugated hydrocarbons→ no
• α, β unsaturated carbonyl compound show 2 different shifts.
B band
• The position as well as the intensity of the band is not shifted by increasing
the polarity of the solvent.
• But the heterocyclic aromatic compound, a marked hyperchromic shift is
observed by increasing the polarity of the solvent.
Lambert’s Law
When a monochromatic light passes through an absorbing medium at right
angles to the plane of surface of medium or solution, the rate of decrease in
intensity with thickness of medium (b) is proportional to the intensity of
incident light.
In other words the intensity of transmitted light decreases exponentially as the
thickness of medium increases arithmetically.
Beer’s Law
Bernard and Beer independently stated that ‘The intensity of incident light
decreases exponentially as the concentration of absorbing medium increases
arithmetically. This is similar to Lambert’s law and thus,
Where ε is the Molar extinction coefficient, a constant dependent upon the
wavelength of incident radiation and the nature of absorbing material and the
concentration is expressed in gram mole/litre
Since absorbance A= log Io /It
We can infer that
A= εbc (Equation of beer – Lambert’s law)
Where, A – Absorbance or optical density
ε – Molar extinction coefficient
c – Concentration of the drug (mol/lit)
b – Path length (normally 10mm or 1cm)
Or A= abc
a –absorptivity, if concentration is expressed in grams/litre
3. Mismatched cell
• If the cells holding the analyte and the blank solutions are having different
path-lengths, or unequal optical characteristics it leads to deviation from
Beer’s law.
1. Light source
2. Monochromator
3. Detector
4. Read out device
Source of radiant energy
Requirements of an ideal source
• It should be stable and should not allow fluctuations.
• It should emit light of continuous spectrum of
• high and uniform intensity over the entire wavelength region in which it’s used.
• It should provide incident light of sufficient intensity for the transmitted
energy to be detected at the end of optic path.
• It should not show fatigue on continued use.
• It emits the major portion of its radiant energy in near IR region of the
• The lamp since operates at high voltage becomes very hot during operation
and hence needs thermal insulation.
• Not suitable for continuous spectral studies,(because it doesn’t give
continuous radiations).
• These are used to reflect, focus or collimate light beams in
• To minimize the light loss, mirrors are aluminized on their front surfaces.
• Slit is an important device in resolving polychromatic radiation into
monochromatic radiation.
• To achieve this, entrance slit and exit slit are used.
• The width of slit plays an important role in resolution of polychromatic
• It is a device used to isolate the radiation of the wavelength from
wavelength of the continuous spectra. Following types of monochromatic
devices are used.
• Selection of filters is usually done on a compromise between peak
transmittance and band pass width; the former should be as high as possible
and latter as narrow as possible.
• Absorption filters- work by selective absorption of unwanted radiation and
transmits the radiation which is required.
E.g. Glass and Gelatin filters.
• Simple in construction
• Cheaper
• Selection of the filter is easy
• Less accurate.
• Band pass (bandwidth) is more (±20-30nm) i.e. if we have to measure at
400nm; we get radiation from 370-430nm. Hence less accurate results are
Interferance filters
• Works on the interference phenomenon, causes rejection of unwanted
wavelength by selective reflection.
• It is constructed by using two parallel glass plates, which are silvered
internally and separated by thin film of dielectric material of different
(CaF2, SiO, MgF2) refractive index. These filters have a band pass of 10-
15nm with peak transmittance of 40-60%.
• Provide greater transmittance and narrower band pass (10- 15nm) as
compare to absorption filter.
• Inexpensive .
• Additional filters can be used to cut off undesired wavelength.
• Prism is made from glass, Quartz or fused silica.
• Quartz or fused silica is the choice of material of UV spectrum.
• When white light is passed through glass prism, dispersion of polychromatic
light in rainbow occurs. Now by rotation of the prism different
wavelengths of the spectrum can be made to pass through in exit slit on
the sample.
• The effective wavelength depends on the dispersive power of prism
material and the optical angle of the prism.
• Are most effective one in converting a polychromatic light to
monochromatic light. As a resolution of +/- 0.1nm could be achieved
by using gratings, they are commonly used in spectrophotometers.
Gratings are of two types
1. Diffraction grating
2. Transmission gratings
Diffraction grating
• More refined dispersion of light is obtained by means of diffraction
• These consist of large number of parallel lines ( grooves) about 15000-
30000/ inch is ruled on highly polished surface of aluminum.
• These gratings are replica made from master gratings by coating the
original master grating with a epoxy resin and are removed after setting.
• To make the surface reflective, a deposit of aluminum is made on the
surface. In order to minimize to greater amounts of scattered radiation and
appearance of unwanted radiation of other spectral orders, the gratings are
blazed to concentrate the radiation into a single order.
Transmission grating
• It is similar to diffraction grating but refraction takes place instead of
reflection. Refraction produces reinforcement. this occurs when radiation
transmitted through grating reinforces with the partially refracted radiation.
• Grating gives higher and linear dispersions compared to prism monochromator.
• Can be used over wide wavelength ranges.
• Gratings can be constructed with materials like aluminium which is resistant to
atmospheric moisture.
• Provide light of narrow wavelength.
• No loss of energy due to absorption.
Sample Holders
Glass or Quartz was used but mostly cuvette made up of Quartz was used.
• Device which converts light energy into electrical signals, that are displayed on
readout devices.
• The transmitted radiation falls on the detector which determines the intensity of
radiation absorbed by sample.
The following types of detectors are employed in instrumentation of absorption
1. Barrier layer cell/Photovoltaic cell
2. Phototubes/ Photo emissive tube
3. Photomultiplier tube
• Simple in construction.
• Easy to use and economical.
• Any fluctuation in the intensity of radiation sources affects the absorbance.
• Continuous spectrum is not obtained.
• It facilitates rapid scanning over wide λ region.
• Fluctuations due to radiation source are minimised.
• It doesn’t require adjustment of the transmittance at 0% and 100% at each
• It gives ratio of intensities of sample & reference beams simultaneously.
• Construction is complicated.
• Instrument is expensive.
1. Detection of Impurities
UV absorption spectroscopy is one of the best methods for determination of
impurities in organic molecules. Additional peaks can be observed due to
impurities in the sample and it can be compared with that of standard raw
material. By also measuring the absorbance at specific wavelength, the
impurities can be detected.
Benzene appears as a common impurity in cyclohexane. Its presence can be
easily detected by its absorption at 255 nm.
2. Structure elucidation of organic compounds.
UV spectroscopy is useful in the structure elucidation of organic molecules,
the presence or absence of unsaturation, the presence of hetero atoms.
From the location of peaks and combination of peaks, it can be concluded that
whether the compound is saturated or unsaturated, hetero atoms are present or
not etc.
3. Qualitative analysis
UVabsorption spectroscopy can characterize those types of compounds which
absorbs UV radiation. Identification is done by comparing the absorption
spectrum with the spectra of known compounds.
UV absorption spectroscopy is generally used for characterizing aromatic
compounds and aromatic olefins.
4. Quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical substances
Many drugs are either in the form of raw material or in the form of formulation.
They can be assayed by making a suitable solution of the drug in a solvent and
measuring the absorbance at specific wavelength.
Diazepam tablet can be analyzed by 0.5% H2SO4 in methanol at the wavelength
284 nm.
Quantitative analysis