The - Two - Sisters - 6 Verses
The - Two - Sisters - 6 Verses
The - Two - Sisters - 6 Verses
Rev. J. L. Sims, Pageton WV, Oct 1931 Oh, the wind and rain
Scottish/Scandinavian origin, ca. 1600 Child Ballad No. 10/93
There lived a Lord in the North count ry, Oh, the wind and rain. He had daught ers
one, two, three, Oh, thedread ful wind and rain. Well Will iam hecourt ed the el der first,
Oh, the wind and rain. But still he loved the young er best, Oh, thewind and rain.
2.He bought the young est a gold en ring, Oh, the wind and rain. Ne ver bought the el der athing,
Oh, thedread ful wind and rain. Sis ter, o sis ter let's we walk out, Oh, the wind and rain. To
see the ships a sail ing a bout, Cry ing oh, thewind and rain. 3.There they walked by the
wa ter's brim, Oh, the wind and rain. The el dest pushed the young est in. Oh, the dread ful
wind and rain. Sis ter, o sis ter lend me ahand, Oh, the wind and rain. And I shall give you
lots of land,Cry ing oh, the wind and rain. 4.I'll give you nei ther hand nor glove, Oh, thewind and
rain. But I shall have your own true love, Cry ing oh, the dread ful wind and rain.
She's float eddown to the mil ler's dam, Oh, the wind and rain. The mil ler's come out with his
long hook and line, Oh, the wind and rain. 5.He's laid her on the bank for to dry, Oh, thewind and
rain. And there came a fid dler pas sing by, Cry ing oh, the dread ful wind and rain. He
made fid dlestrings of her long yel low hair, Oh, the wind and rain. Made fid dlepegs of her
fin gers fair, Cry in' Oh, the wind and rain. 6.Made a lit tle fid dle of her own breast bone,
Oh, the wind and rain. The sound could melt a heart of stone, oh, thedread ful wind and
rain. The mil ler was hung on the gal lows tree, Oh, the wind and rain. And the eld est sis ter
she went free, oh, the wind and rain. Oh, thedread ful wind and rain.