Gizmobuild DNA
Gizmobuild DNA
Gizmobuild DNA
Building DNA
Vocabulary: double helix, DNA, DNA helicase, DNA polymerase, enzyme, mutation,
nitrogenous base, nucleotide, replication
1. Look at the DNA molecule shown at right. What does it look like?
The dna molecule unwinds, and the two sides split, then new
nucleotides are added to each side until two identical sequences
Gizmo Warm-up
The Building DNA Gizmo allows you to construct a DNA
molecule and go through the process of DNA replication.
2. How many different nitrogenous bases do you see? Four different nitrogenous bases
The names of these nitrogenous bases are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and
thymine (T).
Activity A: Get the Gizmo ready:
4. Fill in: Write the name of the nitrogenous base that joins to each of the bases below:
1. Observe: An enzyme is a protein that facilitates certain cell processes. Drag the blue DNA
helicase enzyme onto the DNA strand. What does this enzyme do to the DNA molecule?
2. Observe: Drag the yellow DNA polymerase molecule onto the DNA strand. DNA
polymerase adds complementary nucleotides to create new double-stranded DNA
molecules. Notice two groups of nucleotides on the right.
A. Drag the correct nucleotide to the bottom of the left strand, where the DNA
B. Continue adding nucleotides to both strands. What happens to the DNA polymerase
molecule each time you add a nucleotide? More nitrogenous bases are
C. Complete the two DNA molecules. How do these molecules compare to each other?
3. Compare: Click the camera to take a snapshot of the DNA molecules, then paste the image
into your document. Label this image “Daughter DNA molecules.”
How do these molecules compare to the original? It shows the DNA molecule showing
completeDNA molecules for the daughter cell
Congratulations! You have completed the process of replication, where one “parent” DNA
strand divides to form two identical “daughter” DNA strands.
4. Think and discuss: Why is DNA replication such an important process? Whenever a cell
divides, the two new daughter cells must contain the same genetic information, or DNA, as
the parent cell
5. Extend your thinking: Sometimes errors called mutations occur during DNA replication.
What are some of the possible consequences of mutations?
mutations can cause people to be born without eyes, and legs, born with extra arms, and
fingers which can lead to inabilities to do things that unmutated people could do