Ar 2013 14

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life we celebrate you


Another year has gone by. I see now clearly what Yet, we continue, hoping and trying to create
Gar Alperovitz meant when he wrote, “Developing a models, that may be understood, that may be of
democratically oriented alternative to capitalism can’t help to our marginalized people, that may show
be done overnight. What we’re seeing is the ways to develop democratically oriented alternatives
prehistory, possibly, of the next great change, in to capitalism. Fritz Schumacher had said that, ‘We
which a movement is built from the grassroots that must do what we think is right and not bother
becomes the foundation of a new era.” ourselves whether we succeed or not. For if we do
not do what we think is right we shall be doing the
Our attempts at revitalising shattered village wrong thing and so become part of the problem rather
economies, in a small little pocket of this massive than part of the solution.' Yet, I am optimistic, as I
country, has been and is going to continue being know that all that we have done, has been done in a
so very difficult, in an atmosphere where the local, sacred manner and in celebration. This, to me, is
especially the rural, economy is of no consequence. already an end in itself.”
Infact it is something to be done away with. When
that is done, we will lose the art of living a simple In the following pages is a summary of the work
but full life, we will lose the small holder farmer, the done by the Timbaktu Collective between April 1st
artisan, the medicine, the biodiversity, the multiple 2013 and March 31st 2014. I hope you enjoy reading
cultures of food, dance, song and arts along with it.
the diverse domesticated animals and ofcourse the
wildlife. Viva
C.K. Ganguly (Bablu),
- in 1990, the Timbaktu Collective is a women, people with disabilities, children and
not-for-profit development organisation, working agricultural labourers. Youth and Dalits are actively
with marginalised people in 156 villages, in 7 represented in all the programmes.
mandals of drought affected Anantapur district,
Andhra Pradesh. The main operational strategy of the Collective is
to promote viable, sustainable and democratic
The Collective envisions that ‘rural communities take cooperatives and community based people’s
control of their own lives, govern themselves and organisations, through thematic working groups -
live in social and gender harmony while maintaining
a sustainable lifestyle’. v Chiguru: Alternative education & rights of
children and youth;
Its mission is ‘to enable marginalised rural people, v Militha: Empowerment & inclusion of people
landless labourers, and small and marginal farmers with disabilities;
particularly women, children, youth, dalits and the v Swasakthi: Empowerment of women &
disabled, to enhance their livelihood resources, get alternative banking;
organised and work towards social justice and gender v Dharani: Organic farming and marketing & rural
equity and lead life in a meaningful and joyous enterprise development;
manner’. v Gramasiri: Livelihood enhancement of
agricultural labourers;
The values held dear by the Collective are v Kalpavalli: Natural Resource Management, eco
‘Celebration of life’ - ‘Gender equity’ - ‘Faith in people restoration of common lands, watershed
and in their wisdom’ - ‘Excellence’. management; revitalization of water bodies,
The Collective is currently engaged with about management of village orchards; and
20,000 families. It addresses issues concerning the v Sruthi: Administrative and management support.
rights and livelihoods of small holder farmers,

A piece of dry degraded land 24 years ago, where strategies for eco-restoration, organic farm-
Timbaktu is today a green wilderness and an agro ing, alternative construction, alternative lifestyles
forest habitat. Timbaktu has been our learning space and alternative education were developed.
Rights of Children and Youth & Alternative Education

-The Chiguru working group continued to run three Children had ample opportunities to try their hands
projects - the Prakruthi badi (Nature School), an in drawing, painting, clay work, stitching, hemming
alternative school for underprivileged children, the etc. Classes in folk dances like Chekkabhajana,
Children’s Resource Centre (CRC) and ‘Mogga’ Kolatam, vocals and tabala were conducted
(meaning bud) working on rights of children and regularly. Besides making good use of the
youth in 45 villages. playground with cricket, badminton, kho-kho,
swings and see saws, the children played many
Initiated in 1992, Prakruthi Badi located in indoor games. They also tried their hands in growing
Timbaktu caters to drop out and children from greens and vegetables in small plots.
difficult backgrounds. Previously up to class 10,
Prakruthi badi, as of this academic year, is being The Collective recognises celebrations as important
run as a primary school. This is primarily because components of learning. At Prakruthi Badi we
the government has set up a “Kasturba school’ (only celebrated Ugadi, Independence Day, Ganesh
for girls) and a “Model school” in each mandal for Chaturthi, Diwali, Christmas, Sankranthi and the
children above class 5. This year Prakruthi badi Republic day. Children and teachers went for seed
provided 50 children with a meaningful and dibbling camps to Kalpavalli and also joined the
enjoyable learning experience in a safe and happy trips to Korakal and Pennahobilam reservoirs
environment. The academic sessions included organized by Mogga. The teachers kept in touch
Maths, Telugu, Hindi, English, Social Studies, and with the families of the children and held quarterly
Science. In order to monitor the progress of each meetings with them. These meetings also became
child, an assessment was carried out which was a forum to discuss Child Rights. Children who were
followed up by required teacher trainings. helped to join other schools in classes 6 to10 at the
begining of the year received handholding support
Since the children are from nutrition deficient and follow up from the teachers and the Mogga team.
backgrounds, healthy and balanced food was
provided and their health and hygiene monitored. During the year three young volunteers worked at
the school. Ms. Mallika Vaznaik, from Singapore,
explored story telling & building techniques,
developed a ‘puppet show’ accompanied by sound
effects and built a ‘wall of language’ to help improve
the vocabulary of the children. Ms. Ella Seidel, from
Germany, helped the children to paint and brighten
up their dormitories with themes selected by them.
Mr. Mathias from Switzerland, worked with children
of class 3 and made simple percussion instruments
with bamboo and coconut shells to help them
recognise beat and rhythm.

Initiated in 2002 and located in C.K. Palli village,

the Children’s Resource Centre (CRC) hosts a
library, a science laboratory and a computer learning
facility while providing indoor and outdoor play
materials for children and youth of C.K. Palli and
surrounding villages. This year the CRC innovated
ways to optimize the use of its facilities. The 10,500
books in the library were re arranged and made
easily accessible to different age groups. The four
computers at CRC were used by the children to
learn Word, Paint, Power Point, Telugu Typing etc.
CRC also began a mobile unit to take its facilities to
children living on the outskirts of C.K. Palli, the three
government hostels and to some of the remote
villages. Students of the Zilla Parishad school, the
Elementary school, the A.P. Model school, and the
Sri Sai Junior college also used the facilities at the
CRC. Various sessions included reading, drawing,
painting, origami etc. The sanghas meet weekly and their ‘spaces’ in the
villages are used as library cum activity centres
As in the previous years, events like Sports day, where they also play indoor and outdoor games.
Science day, Independence day, Republic day, They maintain these spaces clean and free of plastic
Environment day etc. were held at the CRC. As part waste. They engage in ‘Shramdaan’(free labour) to
of these celebrations, interesting competitions were clear plastic waste accumulated in the villages. 90
held in rangoli, natural painting, drawing, essay child leaders, 2 per sangha, meet on a monthly basis
writing, quiz, story writing, etc., for children from to talk about their activities and strategies adopted.
local schools, hostels and Balala sanghas. A senior
sports day was held with 400 children from 7th to On understanding their Right to Education, children
10th class with kho-kho, kabaddi, long jump, from all the 45 sanghas identified issues like
shortput and badminton. CRC also held workshops inadequate infrastructure and facilities, in their
this year with the support of friends and visitors. 45 schools and met the local authorities to submit
children participated in a workshop conducted by petitions. They enquired into the status of all children
Dasarath from Bangalore on waste segregation and in the villages and conducted a survey to gauge
management. 264 children participated in a the number of drop-outs. On the World Day against
workshop conducted by Manjunath & Lalitha, also Child Labour, the children met the Mandal
from Bangalore, on games exclusively for girls and Education Officers and handed over the list of
a science workshop where 15 experiments were dropouts in their Mandals for follow up. They
taught. While the united Andhra Pradesh agitation participated in tackling issues of child marriage
was going on, local leaders were invited to talk about along with the legal aid centre run by the women’s
the history of AP and contemporary issues. 25 cooperatives. On February 12th, they conducted Red
children participated in a filmmaking workshop hand campaign against child labour and the use of
conducted from 4th to 8th February 2013. children in wars and dangerous activities.
Mogga: The Collective believes that children, along This year the Mogga team had intense discussions
with adults, are major stakeholders of natural with the children to help them understand concepts
resources and need to participate in the conservation such as biodiversity, sustainable livelihood, etc.
of environment and protect their ecological rights. Children also had the opportunity to learn and work
The Collective has formed 45 children’s eco clubs on the “36 model” of organic vegetable and tree
(Balala Sanghas) in as many villages and a Youth gardening. In doing this they learned about seed
Forum with 2000 children/youth members in the preservation, plant health, soil health, pest control
age group of 10 to 18, who come together to express and drip irrigation. The Organic Farming team of
and explore a better future. the Collective gave them the required learning
opportunities by conducting Children Field Schools
(CFS). Besides, 50 children had the opportunity to
visit and learn from Dr. Narayana Reddy, a environment, wildlife, etc. 111 young people
renowned organic farmer. 444 children participated attended the three youth camps that were
in13 seed dibbling camps held in the Kalpavalli conducted in Kalpavalli. A group of 30 from both
wilderness. During the camps they were also helped childrens’ forum and youth forum went for an
to explore flora and fauna of the area and have educational trip to Sirsi, Karnataka, to understand
discussions on alternative forms of energy, the Appiko Movement in Uttar Kannada District of
particularly wind energy in the context of the Karnataka - a successful peoples’ movement to stop
windmills that have been installed in Kalpavalli area. indiscriminate felling of trees by the government
News items from the balala sanghas, stories, and private profit making nexus. They met and
drawings, proverbs, puzzles, etc., were brought to interacted with the leaders of the movement, Mr.
the monthly sangha leaders' meetings and the Panduranga Hegde and Mr. M.N. Hegde. The group
editorial team, comprising of five children, used also visited Vanastree, an organization working on
these to continue publishing the children’s monthly environment conservation, indigenous seed
newsletter, Chinnari nestham. protection and sustainable lifestyles headed by Ms.
Sunita Rao.
This year, the youth forum promoted under Mogga
renamed themselves as ‘Navayuvatha’. Under this In June 2013, childrens’ forum along with
80 youth got the opportunity to come out of the Navayuvatha organised their first Paryavarana
gender biased cultural confinement and got trained Parasa (Environment day - Celebrating Ecology and
as Child Rights trainers as enshrined in the United Biodiversity), where they shared their experiences
Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and learning. They put up stalls on organic manures,
(UNCRC) while continuing to work on the concept pesticides, forest seeds from Kalpavalli and
of ecological rights of children and youth. They held agricultural seeds including millets. They also
refresher trainings in child rights for the balala pepared and put up models on Appiko movement,
sanghas. The youth forum has also started their own alternative energy and food chain. 1,025 children
newsletter and named it “Navayuvatha”. They and youth from 45 villages participated in this event.
brought out interesting articles on organic farming,

Empowerment & Inclusion of People with Disabilities
In 2001, the Collective took up the cause of people The programme continued its momentum through
with disability in its working area through the the year with excellent ownership and commitment
programme called ‘Militha’, meaning inclusion. After taken by the directors of Prathibha and the team.
establishing Cross Disability Groups (Sanghas) in The branch offices continued their struggle to access
the villages including the parents/care givers of the rights and entitlements for their members
children with disabilities, mandal level federations through a set of activities diligently carried out.
of sanghas were formed in the three mandals to Pratibha now has 1303 members in 126 sanghas
access schemes and entitlement for their members. across 98 villages. With the sanghas meeting
In time, an apex body, called Pratibha Disabled regularly and the federation leaders taking an active
Peoples Mutually Aided Cooperative, was registered role in revamping the systems, the thrift & credit
with the mandal level federations as its branches. programme saw increased discipline in savings and
The sanghas were encouraged to do small monthly repayment of loans taken to for small ruminants,
savings. Slowly other activities such as home based milch animals, weaving, petty shops etc. The total
therapy for children with disabilities and other turnover of Pratibha at the end of the year is Rs.
services were added to the work. 21,03,064.

The Pratibha directors took active part in organizing

the AGM of the cooperative, the World Disability
Day and Louis Braille’s day. These turned out to be
great opportunities for both exercising leadership
and building awareness on themes such as disability
rights and access of relevant entitlements, etc. An
exposure visit to the Network of Persons with
Disability Organisations (NPDO) in Hyderabad, was
another great success.
Following a training of trainers session, the team
and directors of Pratibha conducted 33 member
education sessions for the sangha members to build
awareness on UN Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities, UN Child Rights
Convention, entitlements and schemes for people
with disabilities, savings and credit programme, the
MACS Act etc. The procedures to access
government programmes and schemes were
compiled in simple language and made available
to members as part of member education. The
members were helped to put together and keep in
safe custody, all their identity and other documents,
which were needed to access some of the
entitlements. During the year, Militha team also
facilitated 4 Sadarem camps in which 236 members
participated and as a result, 79 members received
disability certificates. 178 additional members were
formed into Sramasakthi sanghas and received job
cards under NREGA to get full wages for 70% work.

ANNUAL REPORT 2013-14 ...7

Our special educators provided regular home based Nagireddy and team where 15 members with hearing
therapeutic services to 230 children with disabilities. impairment and 23 members with physical disabilities
Regular meetings were held with parents/caregivers were identified and scheduled for follow-up.
of the children to help them follow up the
rehabilitation services of the therapists. Two camps, held in Timbaktu, gave children with
disabilities the opportunity to explore, play and learn
After holding two assessment and surgery camps, drawing, painting, games, toy making, other crafts,
41 children were supported to get treatment through chess, carom, folk dances and musical instruments
medication, referrals and corrective surgeries with like Dappu and Tabala. Ms. Astrid Hochbach, an
support of BIRDS Institute and RDT hospital. The art therapist from Germany, was the main resource
programme continued providing medication to 28 person at the camps.
children who suffered from fits /convulsions and
emergency health support. Surveys were conducted Mr. Pavan Munda from Swadhikar, conducted a
so that proper toilets could be organized for two day training on UN Convention on the Rights of
deserving members. Militha continued to get ample Persons with Disabilities for the Pratibha directors
support from institutions like BIRDS Institute, and Militha team. The CEO and chief accountant of
Tirupati, RDT hospital, Bathalapalli, NIMH, Mahasakthi cooperative federation trained the
Secunderabad, and NIMHANS, Bangalore. RDT Pratibha and Militha team in management of
also extended financial support in construction of Cooperatives. As part of exploration on livelihood
houses for four members who did not have houses. enhancement of people with disabilities, Ranjeet
Two medical camps were conducted by Dr. Ranade, a well known trainer in rural enterprise
conducted two
trainings for
Pratibha directors.
While exploring
various options, the
directors showed
particular interest
in taking up
collective activities,
which have the
potential to create
livelihoods for large
number of people
with disabilities.
Back yard poultry
and soap making
came up as an
option. Following
this, a soap making
training was
conducted by Ms.
Anke Schwarzer
from Switzerland.

...8 REPORT 2012-13
Empowerment of Women & Alternative banking
The Swasakthi programme of the Collective focuses members took loans worth Rs. 76.30 million. The
only on women and their empowerment. Over the number of defaulters came down from 24 in the
years it has promoted and anchored four mandal previous year to 12 this year.
level mutually aided thrift cooperatives of rural
women, Adisakthi in C.K. Palli, Ananthasakthi in Functioning autonomously, the cooperatives carried
Roddam, Mahilasakthi in Ramagiri and Durgasakthi out all the related activities diligently. The basic units
in Penukonda, and their federation Mahasakthi. of the cooperatives are the women’s sanghas at
the village level, which met twice a month, one for
The Alternative Banking part of the programme is savings and credit activities and the second for all
the result of the thrift and credit activity that was other matters. The leaders of the sanghas meet
initiated twenty years ago. Starting with a monthly quarterly, the sangha records were verified,
saving of Rs. 10/- twenty years ago, members now elections to the position of the cooperative directors
save around Rs. 50/- to Rs. 100/- per month. were held and relevant information for the running
Members can avail of loans up to Rs. 80,000, which of the cooperatives and benefit of members were
are repaid in easy installments. At the beginning of shared. Besides discussions and decisions on
the year, the total membership of the cooperatives matters relating to approval of loans, approval of
stood at 16,315 and the capital available with them members joining / leaving, welfare activities,
was Rs. 95.32 million. During the current year the conducting events like celebration of international
membership increased to 17,140 and the capital women’s day and the annual general body meeting,
availability is Rs. 113.37 million. Of this, 7,334 the directors of the four cooperatives planned and

ANNUAL REPORT 2013-14 ...9

monitored the activities of their respective
cooperatives. Select members from among the
directors conducted loan counseling sessions with
their members prior to disbursement of loans. All
the cooperatives held their respective annual general
body meetings within the stipulated period.

The directors of Mahasakthi federation also met

every month to discuss and decide on policy matters
for the member cooperatives, new programmes and
guidance to member cooperatives. A capacity
building training was organized for the directors of
Mahasakthi and staff of the Cooperatives by Asmitha
women’s resource centre, Hyderabad, on gender
equity and rights of women with specific focus on
building awareness on legislations regarding
Marriage Laws. Mahasakthi took the responsibility
for running the women’s legal aid & counseling
centers. This year 59 cases including domestic
violence, child marriage, desertion, property issues,
etc., were taken up by Mahasakthi with the help of
local judicial officers, Judges, Bar association and
the police authorities. Mahasakthi also organized
legal camps in 17 villages attended by 2,083
members. From among the sangha leaders, 21
women were identified and appointed as paralegal the government besides entering the local
volunteers by the legal authorties to follow up on governance structures.
the cases related to women’s rights.
Select directors of Mahasakthi federation
With the support of the Collective and the Fair conducted member education sessions for 365
Climate Network, Mahasakthi applied for a CDM members of Durgasakthi. Being the newest
project to help set up atleast 6,000 biogas units for cooperative, Durgasakthi conducted internal
the members of the cooperatives. It played an active exposure visits to 12 sanghas of Adisakthi to
role in the effort taken up by all cooperatives understand its systems and norms. The cooperatives
promoted by the Collective to generate a public also continued to run welfare activities for their
debate and build awareness on issues related to members. As part of this, a total of Rs. 0.525 million
the division of the state of Andhra Pradesh. In an was distributed among 115 members under the
exercise conducted by Mahasakthi to look at the micro-insurance, emergency health care, education
impact of its work, it was found that the cooperatives of girl children and natural calamities schemes.
had opened up tremendous leadership and
livelihood opportunities for their members. It was This year all four cooperatives celebrated
also found that this work has helped them to access International Women’s day at mandal level with rallies
many opportunities in different initiatives and and public meetings. Like the year before, the
schemes of the government. Many members are theme of the celebrations focused on violence on
now Anganwadi functionaries and leaders of village women and the demand for protection of human
organisations and mandal federations promoted by rights of women.

2% 1%
2% Agriculture
Amount in Rs. Members
3% Milch Animals 1. Agriculture 2,07,82,800 1,565
Business 2. Milch animals 1,17,24,000 613
11% Sheep Rearing
3. Business 1,14,19,500 672
4. Sheep rearing 66,28,000 547
House Construction
5. House construction 60,50,500 393
6. Education 50,20,900 332
7% Health 7. Health 40,22,000 382
Home Needs 8. Home needs 37,26,800 635
6% Functions at home
9. Functions at home 25,22,200 182
11% 10. Purchase of gold 24,92,000 107
Purchase of gold
11. Debt relief 20,45,600 139
7% Debt. Relief
12. Artisan work 10,98,000 91
Artisan work 13. Weaving 10,11,000 66
TOTAL 7,85,43,300 5,724
Sl. Particulars
Adisakthi Ananthasakthi Mahilasakthi Durgasakthi Grand
1. Membership 5,864 4,870 4,700 1,815 17,209
2. Groups 213 175 168 65 621
3. Villages 43 55 38 17 153
4. Share Capital 10,95,920 9,56,340 8,87,000 1,81,500 31,20,760
5. Member Savings 3,76,42,196 2,34,28,438 2,45,98,821 32,39,308 8,89,08,763
6. Reserve Fund 59,10,413 21,35,890 33,10,997 2,61,762 1,16,19,062
7 Reserve Fund
Welfare Scheme 7,70,274 6,21,271 6,04,118 17,645 20,13,308
8 Deposits
Members 5,000 5,000
Sangha's 1,78,894 1,78,894
9. Assets
Land&Building 21,92,333 29,90,860 21,75,716 - 74,16,923
Furniture 58,014 26,374 27,785 - 1,12,173
Total 4,78,53,044 3,01,59,173 3,16,04,437 37,00,215 11,33,74,883
10. Loan with mem. 4,19,62,044 2,38,39,859 2,63,21,832 37,55,190 9,58,78,925

ANNUAL REPORT 2013-14 ...11

Promotion of organic farming among smallholder farmers
The Timbaktu Organic programme has come a long could see and verify success stories on their own. It
way since it was initiated in 1999. Currently it works is hoped that the success in foxtail millet production
with 1,800 smallholder farming families covering will be replicated in other minor millets in the coming
over 9,000 acres from 45 villages and is being season.
supported Brot für die Welt (BfdW, Germany).
To increase biomass, the Collective provided 60,000
Much of 2013/14 was spent in building awareness saplings to the farmers for planting on the field
and capabilities of the 750 smallholder farming bunds along with 80 tonnes neem cake to improve
families who were inducted into the programme in soil health. Support to receive organic certification
2012/13 while focusing on increasing millet through the PGS system ( also
production. Farmer field schools were conducted continued with peer inspection and record
during the Kharif season in all the 45 programme maintenance.
villages and agricultural extension support was
provided to all the participating families. To ensure better support to the farmers and
effective implementation of the project, the team
Considerable energies were spent in convincing the strength was increased from 9 to 17. The newly
participating families to shift from the highly capital recruited team members underwent a two-day
intensive groundnut mono-cropping to the traditional training to understand and learn the concept and
mixed cropping and millet cultivation which will techniques of organic farming, manure
ensure food sovereignty and food security for management and preparation of organic
smallholder farming families. Participating farmers concoctions under the well known organic farmer,
were provided good quality millet seeds at Dr. Narayan Reddy, at his farm in Dodabalabur.
subsidized rates. In effect the production of millets
improved considerably, with foxtail millet production The organic farming team also supported the
increasing tenfold from 2 tonnes last year to 20 Collective’s work with the children (Mogga program).
tonnes this year. Some enterprising farmers also The team supported the children’s groups in
took up cultivation of other minor millets, such as managing organic farming plots maintained by
Kodo millet (Arika) and Proso millet (Barigalu) in them. In addition to providing technical support in
the last season and reaped benefits. Visits between the form of preparation of organic concoctions, the
villages and farmers were organized so that they trainers in the organic team conducted special
farmer field schools for the children’s groups.
A producer owned business enterprise
Promoted by the Collective and registered in 2008, 14,000,000
under the MACS Act of Andhra Pradesh, Dharani is 12,000,000
a federation of farmer sanghas and a producer 10,000,000
owned business enterprise. It procures, stores, 2013-14
processes, value adds, packages and markets the 6,000,000
organic produce of its members under the brand
name Timbaktu Organic. As on March 31st 2014,
Dharani had 1,800 share holding members, all small
holder farmers doing family farming, who have -
Sales Purchase Cost of Direct Indirect Gross Indirect Net
invested Rs. 2.13 million as share capital and Goods Expense Income Profit Expense Profit

deposits in the enterprise.

Working capital requirements of Rs. 2.80 million
Overall, Dharani has done quite well this year. The during the year was raised from the various
team worked hard to achieve some brilliant results. Cooperatives promoted by the Collective as short
Going beyond the business plan, total annual term low interest loans. By end of March 2014,
procurement increased by 22% from Rs 8.82 million Dharani had repaid Rs. 1.10 million and is scheduled
to Rs 10.78 million, total sales by 34% from Rs. to repay the remaining Rs 1.70 million by June 2014.
9.80 million to Rs. 13.15 million and net profit by
75% from Rs. 0.45 million to Rs. 0.80 million. As of Dharani has acquired another stainless steel tank
31st March 2014, there was stock worth Rs. 5.50 to stock the increased production of groundnut oil
million available with Dharani. and a vacuum sealing machine to stock good quality
peanuts in vacuum sealed packets.
While the main crops procured were Groundnut,
As per the decision of the board of directors, Rs.
Finger millet (Ragi), Foxtail millet (Korra) and various
0.39 million will be distributed as incentive to
types of Paddy, Dharani members have, for the first
members based on patronage (quantity of produce
time, cultivated and supplied Kodo millet (Arika),
supplied) from the profits earned. Another Rs. 0.16
Podo millet (Sama), Proso millet (Bariga), and
million will be distributed to the staff and daily
Hyderabadi Basmathi in 2013/14.
labour as incentive bonus for the extra work put in
Meanwhile, Dharani has introduced 13 “ready to and the higher profits achieved. It is worth noting
cook” and “ready to eat” products such as dosa that Dharani generated 5,900 work days for local
mix, pongal mix, muruku into the market. The value labour during the year and 68% of the sales value
added products contributed to 12% of total sales. was returned to the members.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 ...15

For product information please visit

Alternative livelihood for agricultural labour Pro-poor clean development mechanism
The Collective initiated an alternative livelihoods
programme in 2008 for agricultural labourers. With
project support from EED, Germany, and the
European Union, the Collective helped 270 members
of 18 sanghas from as many villages, to purchase
sheep in 2009 and 2010. These labour sanghas were
federated to form the Gramasiri mutually aided
Cooperative, which was legally registered in March
2010. As of 31st March 2014, Gramasiri has 652
share-holding members who have contributed Rs.
0.34 million as share capital and deposits over the
past few years. As part of the Fair Climate Network (FCN), the
Collective had initiated two small projects [Low
After numerous meetings among the members and Carbon Farming (LCF) and Biogas] with support of
the leaders and much discussion and debate, the BfdW, Germany, over the last couple of years, as a
directors of Gramasiri locked on to the idea of humble effort to address the issue of climate change.
initiating a collective business in trading of sheep These projects were taken up with an objective to
and goats, on an experimental basis this year. In incentivize the families who are adopting ways of
March ’14, with 50% loan from Gramasiri and 50% life leading to lower carbon footprint.
grant from the Collective, the Cooperative helped
28 members of two labour sanghas purchase 150 Last year, under the LCF project, a demographic
sheep and goats. The agreement is that the survey of 1,037 families was conducted and along
members will fatten the animals over 4-6 months with this all their lands were mapped with GPS. This
after which the Cooperative will purchase them back year the farming practices were recorded for the
and sell them in local and distant markets. Based 2013 Kharif season in the farmer diaries and
on the benefits that accrue to both the members uploaded. During the year, a lab was set up with
and the Cooperative from this experiment, a detailed GHG Chromatograph for measuring emission
business plan will be developed and launched in reduction in organic farming vis-à-vis mainstream
the coming year. farming. The initial scientific measurements leading
to the final calculations of emission reductions have
The programme also generated 952 days of labour started this year.
for the members of Gramasiri when they undertook
planting of saplings, mulching, fencing, watering Under the Biogas project, basic demographic data
and other maintenance works in 187 acres of of 14,158 families were collected last year to
common lands maintained by the labour sanghas establish the “baseline”. During this year the
in 13 villages. The programme team also conducted demographic data collected was analyzed to
member education sessions on bye-laws of the confirm that all data was in place and how many
Cooperative for 100 members during the year and families could be made part of the Project Design
the process is on-going. The programme is presently Document (PDD). A stakeholder consultation was
receiving financial support from BfdW, Germany. conducted in December 2013 where views,
opinions, issues and suggestions from various
stakeholders like leaders of local community,
government officials, elected officials and regional
NGOs, were recorded and a report was prepared
for the PDD. Once the PDD is ready it will be verified
and registered with the UNFCCC in 2014-15.

Natural resource management and protection of common lands

Kalpavalli p r o g r a m m e o f t h e C o l l e c t i v e conserve and judiciously use the natural resources

encompasses all the work done on natural resource such as water, plants, forests, animals, land and
management. It anchors, village level associations air. The work in Kalpavalli is carried forward by a
(sanghas) of tree growers, all training programmes Cooperative namely Kalpavalli Mutually Aided Tree
in protection and regeneration of wastelands, Growers Cooperative Society with members from 9
development and management of around 8,000 villages in C.K. Palli, Roddam and Ramagiri
acres of watersheds, ecological restoration and mandals. It is a federation of Vana Samrakshana
conservation of 7,500 acres of contiguous common Committees (Forest Protection Committees - VSCs)
(wasted) lands into a bio-reserve and a wild life and Biodiversity Management Committees (BMC)
corridor, 240 acres of community owned tamarind that were established in the 9 villages. Despite many
orchards, revival of traditional water harvesting obstacles, Kalpavali Cooperative has remained
structures and water bodies, Kalpavalli tree growers strong and vibrant, protecting and conserving the
cooperative, Research studies on ecology, water, common lands. The Representative General Body
biodiversity and wildlife, and work with youth on meeting of Kalpavali Cooperative was held on 25th
issues of local governance. September, 2013.

Initiated in 1993 with 150 acres of the revenue During the year, number of activities were carried
wasteland, Kalpavalli today is a wilderness and bio out to protect and conserve Kalpavalli bio-reserve.
reserve. This work is based on the understanding Mr. Siddharth Rao along with Mr. Naren, ecologists
that survival and future of the common people here from Mysore, conducted a preliminary study on
depends on how well they are able to protect, status of wild life in Kalpavali bio-reserve while Mr.

ANNUAL REPORT 2013-14 ...17

Sachin from Delhi made a video document of the time, 85 families registered themselves and were
area. 13 watchers continued to be involved in watch able to earn livelihood from forest produce such as
and ward of the area. By making fire breaks, around palm fruits & fronds, Broom grass and Jamoon
70% of protected area was saved from fire this year. fruits. Over 250 herds of sheep (around 40,000)
Through seed dibbing camps, 2,284 kg of 49 were brought to the reserve for grazing through
varieties of forest tree seeds collected by the the year. The fight against the wind power
watchers through the year, were dibbled in 265 companies that have been setting up windmills in
acres. Around 700 members of the women’s the area continued. This year 14 members were
cooperatives and children’s sanghas participated interviewed regarding the windmills case and
in these camps. Another 31,000 saplings of nine affidavits against the windmills were sought from
varieties of forest species were planted in 500 acres. 10 members as evidence for the case that is being
During the peak season, 48 shepherd counselling heard in the National Green Tribunal, Delhi.
sessions were held in 10 shifts to bring awareness
amongst the shepherds on conservation matters to The Watershed development project supported by
be taken seriously while grazing sheep in the area. NABARD in 4 villages, Beedupalli in Puttaparthi
A bore well was dug along with the erection of a mandal, Marakuntapalli in Kottacheruvu mandal,
fence and name board for the Chandamuru Julakunta in Somendapalli mandal and Motuvaripalli
tamarind orchard. As part of the programme, 572 in Penukonda mandal, is meant to support the
members of Kalpavali Cooperative participated in livelihood of small holder farmers and agricultural
training and awareness sessions that were labour. Since 2011, around Rs. 3.20 crores has been
conducted through the year to strengthen the invested in this project till March 2014. As the project
committees. They focused on the role of women, is to conclude in 2014, all efforts were made to take
livelihood from forest produce, alternative lifestyles, forward the planned activities and build capacities
fire protection and biodiversity. Another 12 members of the CBOs concerned to sustain the programme
of the cooperative participated in the Biodiversity after the project is completed.
convention held at Hyderabad, which also added During the year, farm bunds were constructed 1,263
to the learning gained. hectares of land, to conserve soil and moisture.
The program, like last year, generated livelihood 28,600 square meters of stone & pebble bunds were
and employment to the community. Using NREGA constructed and farm ponds dug besides the 28
funds 14,400 cubic meters of soil and water rock filled dams, 20 loose bolder structures and 20
conservation works were carried out in Kalpavalli Gulley plugs. To afforest 63 acres of common land,
to develop the ‘Common Property Resources’. This 31,500 saplings of pongamia, neem, seethapal and
generated around 28,589 work days. At the same glyricidia were planted. Another, 1,050 kg of seeds
were dibbled on earthen bunds and hillocks. 43
acres of land were revived and made cultivable
where orchards were planted along with 58 acres
of dry lands belonging to 35 farmers where 3,560
fruit trees were planted. To see that the people of
the villages continue to benefit from the project and
proper systems are set up, all the four watershed
committees were registered as cooperatives under
the MACS act in March 2013 with 563 members.
Rs. 44,39,114 was deposited in the cooperatives to
be used for livelihood loans for members.

As told by M. Anjinamma and M. Anjineyulu of
Peddamma Swami Kooli Sangham, Kuntimaddi
village, Ramagiri mandal

Kuntimaddi, in Ramagiri Mandal, is my native village.

We were daily wage labourers. In 1999, due to lack of
daily earning opportunities in the village, we migrated
to Bangalore and worked as construction labourers for
six years. But as my husband's health began to deteriorate
we had to shift back to the village where we found make
a living very difficult as there were very few Story of M. Muthyalappa from Chinnapalli village
opportunities. and member of Dharani Farmers Cooperative

In 2008, we joined Peddamma Swami Kooli sangham Muthyalappa joined the organic farming sangha in 2006,
and the Gramasiri Cooperative Society and began to earn due to repeated crop failure and the associated high
some wages from the common land works taken up by costs. He underwent training on organic farming and
the sangham. In 2009, Gramasiri Cooperative Society brought the 4.5 acres of land that he cultivated under
provided us loan of Rs. 10,440 with which we purchased organic farming. Even after taking up organic farming,
9 goat kids. We took care of the goats and through the he continued to cultivate groundnut, but due to erratic
profit generated from the sales of the animals, we rainfall the yields were very low.
gradually expanded the size of the herd. We now have a
In 2012, he decided to cultivate foxtail millet on an
herd of fifty goats. In time we were also able to set up a
experimental basis in his 2.5 acres of land after efforts
kirana shop and a small kebab business with the profits
made by the Collective to promote millets. He got a very
accrued from the rearing of goats. In addition to this, we
good yield of around 8 quintals which fetched him
also have a deposit of Rs. 10,860 with the Gramasiri
revenue of Rs.16000. In addition to this he also got Rs.
Cooperative. Today our children are getting good
4335 as patronage bonus from Dharani Cooperative.
education, we have a good social standing among our
Overall, deducting the cost of cultivation he got a net
relatives and society and lead a happy life thanks to
profit of around Rs. 15000 from the 2.5 acres of land that
Gramasiri and Timbaktu!
he had brought under foxtail millet cultivation.

He has become a role model for other farmers, inspiring

them to take up millet cultivation. The area under millet
cultivation by farmers affiliated with Dharani Cooperative
increased from 30 acres in 2012 to 300 acres in 2013. In
Kharif season of 2013, Muthyalappa took an additional
3 acres of land on lease and cultivated foxtail millet in a
total of 7.5 acres of land. This time he got a yield of only
11.5 quintals owing to bad rainfall. After adjusting for
the costs involved, he got a net profit of Rs. 14920. In
addition to this he would be getting the patronage bonus
from Dharani Cooperative in the current year also, which
would amount to around Rs. 5000. He is happy that he
could earn positive returns in a year in which a majority
of farmers who cultivated groundnut ended up suffering
negative returns, owing to bad rainfall.

ANNUAL REPORT 2013-14 ...19

Interview with T. Vasudha of Yerrampalli village, C.K.Palli mandal
In conversation with Vasudha one evening it was interesting to hear her
narrate the paths she traversed from being the member of Srimallela Balala
Sangha to the post of the President of Mogga Samakhya for two years.

Vasudha narrated her story much like the rise of phoenix from the ashes.
She mentioned that when she joined the Balala sangha in the year 2010,
without understanding the possible impact it would have on her life.The
first few meetings she was inattentive and would also be absent on a few
occasions. It was with time that she started interacting with the other children
in the Sangha and felt a sense of attachment growing. Mogga engaged the
children on issues,mostly concentrating on Child Rights.Vasudha began feeling more and more attached to the
cause.There were also consecutive sessions on Child Marriage which brought out the ill effects on a person’s life.

It was interesting to see that how she became her Sangha leader at first and then became active with the group and
her community. She was a great contributor in the two street plays, one based on the soil issues and second based
on Child Marriage. She has also been the Mogga Samakhya leader consecutively for the years 2012 and 2013. She
was instrumental in stopping a child marriage in the village of Subbarayanpalli. She was also a part of the editorial
team of Chinnari Nestam (monthly newsletter for Mogga). She said this journey not only helped her evolve as a
person but also helped her social well being.

Story of Mokshaswaroop Bramha

When Mokshaswaroop joined Prakurthi Badi, he was very shy and

hardly used to talk with anyone. His interactions with peers and teachers
were limited, but once he started settling down, there was a great amount
of change in him. Gradually he became friendly and interactive with his
peers and teachers.
Academically he has been a great student and in the past year he has
been able to do well in Maths. Today he is able to read English well and
can also write names in Hindi. He is interested in learning new things.
Mokshaswaroop has been inquisitive about life and things in general,
he tries to apply all his learnings when he goes back home.
Mokshaswaroop is a very intelligent child, he is a quiet observer but at
the same time he is a great enthusiast. He is not only a well behaved boy
but also commands the same from others who interact with him.

He likes singing, dancing and especially likes to perform Chekkabhajana.

His interest in Chekkabhajana has enabled him to master it in the past
one year. Mokshaswaroop also enjoys drawing and painting and his
imagination is reflected clearly in his drawings, which brings many colors
of his inner world on the paper. He also likes to narrate stories to others
and is very interactive with the people visiting Prakurthi Badi

Name: Charan Kumar - 8 years
Parents : Jayamma and Gangadri
Livelihood : Sheep rearing
Village : Madapuram
Block : Ramagiri
Charan Kumar is the only son of
Jayamma and Gangadri. Charan
was born with a partial Club foot.
When he was 16 days old, his
parents took him to a doctor who
put Charan’s leg in a cement
bandage. This was repeated till
he became 1 year old. In due
course, his foot turned totally
club. In 2012, after being identified by a cadre of the Timbaktu Collective, his parents were counseled twice and
then taken to BIRD Hospital at Tirupathi. But due to the ill health, he had to be brought back on two occasions.
Finally, Charan was assesed by doctors from RDT Hospital, Anantapuramu in a Surgery Assessment Camp organized
by the Timbaktu Collective.
Charan underwent surgery for both of his legs after which he has been able to walk on his legs. Presently, with AFO
device, he regularly attends his school and is happy to spend time with his friends.

Story of Pathapalam Lalithamma who harvests Bodha grass in Kalpavalli

Lalithamma lives in Mustikovila village of Chennekothapalli Mandal. She is married to P. Akkulappa and has two
small children. The family does not own any agricultural land and major part of their livelihood comes by working
as agricultural laborers. This year Lalithamma harvested Bodha grass (used for roofing or brooms) from Urajalakonda
in Kalpavali area and made brooms with that.

This year in the month of February (2014), she went

to Kalpavali for 17 days and collected Bodha grass.
Her daily routine would begin early in the morning till
noon. After cutting the grass she would clean it and
make small brooms. As a result of this entrepreneurial
initiative she sold 2,350 brooms at Penukonda and
Dharmavaram market at the rate of Rs. 2 per broom
and earned Rs 4,700. Part of this income was used to
payback a loan of Rs. 3,000, she had taken earlier for
consumption needs.

Given the nature of her association and dependence

she thinks that Kalpavalli is a great opportunity for
her and other people like her to earn a supplementary
income for their sustenance.

ANNUAL REPORT 2013-14 ...21

Basampalli village of C.K.Palli mandal

Basampalli is quite an unique village. There are 348 families of all castes residing here. Their main source of
livelihood is from agriculture, rearing of small ruminants, agricultural labor and selling of flowers. Due to the
drought situation in the consecutive years, the situation of agriculture in the area has deteriorated. Hitherto famous
for silk weaving there has been large scale migration of silk weavers due to shrinking market for silk products.

It was at this critical stage, that Adisakthi, a Mutually Aided thrift Cooperative Society, promoted by the Timbaktu
Collective, initiated the Eshwari sangham. Over the past few years it has been able to provide livelihood support to
the people and nine such sanghas have been formed with women of 252 families as members.

There are 120 members from the 45 families who are now involved in flower business. The members of these groups
have taken loans up to Rs 50, 000 to invest in leasing flower gardens and in expanding their flower business to
Dharmavaram. Members of another 45 families are getting daily wage work to knit flowers.
With the income from this business they have been able to construct houses, educate children, purchase gold and
cattle. They say that that earlier nobody was willing to give them loans. Now, after associating with the Cooperative,
their life has taken a new turn.

This village also has a large population of Scheduled Caste families. 24 of them are members of one sangha or the
other of Adisakthi Cooperative and have been agricultural labourers by profession and dependent on the bigger
land owners for their livelihood. After becoming members of the sanghas, they have accessed loans from the
Cooperative and become flower knitters or shepherds and goat herders or milk sellers. With the increased awareness
on their rights and entitlement, many of them have availed Indiramma houses under the government scheme. Some
of them together sell upto 50 litres of milk every day. As a result of these initiatives wealth and prosperity has
increased in village.

Total savings of the members in

the village amounts to
Rs.12,73,929 while the total loans
taken amounts to Rs.11,55,587
The Cooperative runs a legal aid
and counseling centre through
which legal camps are held
regularly. In the process, the
women have collectively
mobilized and succeeded in
shutting down all the liquor shops
in the village. This was a big
victory for women’s sanghas and
they were applauded by the press
and government officials.

Donors Amt. in lakhs TIMBAKTU PANCHAYATI
Particulars Amt. In lakhs
Opening Balance 108.72
Sustainable Agriculture 101.79 Rs. M F Total
Sale Assets 9.20 We thank
Administration 46.68 all the
Interest on Investments 5.65 < 5,000 - 01 01
Foreign Contributions Capital Expenditure 41.02 institutional
5 to 10,000 49 25 74
EED - Bfdw - Germany 158.19 Health & Disability 39.28 & individual
Alternative Education 37.77 10 to 15,000 1 0 05 15 donors for
TdH - BMZ - Germany 73.15
Kadoorie Charitable Foundation-Hongkong 45.04 Ecorestoration & NRM 31.47 15 to 20,000 0 3 01 04 their
Asha for Education - London 6.68 20 to 25,000 0 3 - 03 continued
Livelihood Programmes & Resource Centre 19.88
RDT,Anantapur - Spain 5.66 support to
Child Rights 18.75 25 to 30,000 0 2 - 02
Mulbery, Assam 5.53 effectively
Community Trainings & Capacitation 16.89 30 to 35,000 0 1 - 01 carry out
LAYA / KZE (Smile), Vizag - Germany 1.18 Low Carbon Farming 14.90 35 to 40,000 0 1 01 02 our work
APPS, Anantapur 0.41
Alternative Banking 13.91 in the field.
Foreign Contributions - Individuals 11.43
Youth Development 1.19 Total 69 3 3 102
Domestic Contributions
Individuals & Local Organisations 20.83 Staff Welfare 1.06
Based on staffing and salary levels on
SDTT, Mumbai 18.81 Legal Aid & Counselling 0.84 31.03.2014, the Programme Coordinator
Asha, Bangalore 17.33 Community Health Support 0.80 income at Rs. 37,062/- per month was
Kudumbasree, Kerala 15.50 Staff Trainings & Meetings 0.19 the highest.
NABARD, Ongole 12.55
Corpus Fund / Specified 0.05 Accounts & Auditing: Accounts are
Closing Balance 129.49
maintained on a cash basis; complete
TOTAL 515.91 audited statement of accounts is
TOTAL 515.91
available on request.
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount Expenditure Amount Income Amount
CAPITAL FUND FIXED ASSETS - At cost 133.01 Programmes 168.25 Specific grants &
Being fixed assets at cost 133.01
FUNDS INVESTMENTS Programme facilitation Contribution 392.29
Corpus Fund 1.30 Fixed Deposits IVP,NSC, RD 64.81 & coordination 130.48 Interest on bank deposits 5.65
CRC Fund 1.51
Other Fund 126.68 129.49 CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS & Administration 46.68 Other income 9.20
ADVANCES Capital costs (Fixed assets) 41.01
Cash & Bank Balances 40.10
CURRENT LIABILITIES Programme Advances 36.23 76.33
Programme Advances 0.90 Excess of Income
Others 10.75 11.65 over Expenditure 20.72

Total 274.15 Total 274.15 Total 407.14 Total 407.14

Mr. C.K.Ganguly Chairperson Mr. V. Manikandan (Convenor)
Ms. Mary Vattamattam Secretary Mr. D.R. Visweswara Rao
Mr. John D’Souza Treasurer Mr. A. Chennakesavulu
Mr. B. Venkatesh Member Ms. Mary Vattamattam
Ms. Radha Kunke Member Mr. K. Sannappaiah
Mr. K. Murugeshan
Mr. B. Akkulappa
Mr. C.K. Ganguly
Ms. Sayonika


A.R. Rao & Rajan (Chartered Accountants) Canara Bank, Trinity Circle branch,
186/A, 1st Floor, Opp Central Theatre, MG Road, Bangalore - 560 001, India.
Venkatranga Iyengar Street, Seshadripuram, Canara Bank, C.K.Palli branch,
Bangalore - 560 020, INDIA Anantapur Dt., A.P. 515 101, India
Tel : +91 (0)80 23442983, 23443243 Bank Accounts:
email : Domestic Contr. : SB A/c 0792 1010 22808
Foreign Contr. : SB A/c 0792 1010 22807


Registered under Societies Registration
Act XXI of 1860
No.: 546/90-91, Bangalore. Dtd: 14.11.1990
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No : 0 9 4 4 2 0 6 2 1 - Dated: 03.01.1994
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