2TERMS Plants Plante and Memo

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Plants / Plante


1. Die divisie waartoe blomplante hoort.
The division to which flower plants belong.
2. Plante wat sade kan produseer.
Plants that can produce seeds.
3 Die divisie wat naakte-sade produseer.
The division that produces naked-seeds.
4 Die manlike deel van ‘n angiosperm.
The male part of an angiosperm.
5 Die plantgenerasie wat haploïed is.
The plant generation that is haploid.
6 Die gedeelte van die meeldraad wat stuifmeel vervaardig.
The part of the stamen that produces pollen.
7 Die vroulike struktuur op ‘n mosplant.
The female part of a moss plant.
8 Haploïede strukture wat deur die wind versprei word en ontkiem om ‘n
protallus te vorm.
Haploid structures that are dispersed by the wind and germinate to form
a prothallus.
9 Die manlike struktuur op ‘n mosplant.
The male structure on a moss plant.
10 Die vrouliek deel van ‘n angiosperm.
The female part of an angiosperm.
11 Groen knoppies op die onderkant van ‘n varing se blaar.
Green dots on the bottom of a fern’s leaf.
12 Bruin skubbe op ‘n varing se risoom.
Brown hair on the rhizome of a ferm.
13 Die taai gedeelte van die stamper wat die stuifmeel ontvang.
The sticky part of the pistil that receives the pollen.
14 Die stuifmeel van een plant se blom bestuif die blom van ‘n ander plant.
The pollen of one plant’s flower pollinates the flower of another plant.
15 Die horisontal, ondergrondse stingel in varings.
The horizontal, underground stem of a fern.
16 Die struktuur wat vorm as ‘n moss spoor ontkiem.
The structure that develops when a moss spore germinates.
17 Die struktuur wat vorm as ‘n varing spoor ontkiem.
The structure that develops when a fern spore germinates.
18 Helfte van die aantal chromosome.
Half the number of chromosomes.
19 Die proses waardeur ‘n manlike gameet en vroulike gameet saamsmelt.
The process through which a male and female gamete fuse.
20 Die proses waardeur spore gevorm word in die sporangium.
The process by which spores are formed in the sporangium.
21 Manlike en vroulike keëls word op een boom gedra.
Male and female cones are carried on one plant.
22 Die divisie waartoe dennebome geklassifiseer word.
The division to which pine trees are classified.
23 Oorblyfsels van die vroulike struktuur wat die sporangium by ‘n mosplant
Remnants of the female structure that covers that sporangium in a moss
24 Kleurvolle blarekrans van ‘n blom.
Colourful leaves of a flower.
Plants / Plante
25 Plante wat kroonblare in veelvoudige van 3 het met ‘n bywortelstelsel.
Plants that have petals in multiples of 3 and an adventitious root system.
26 Kroonblare en kelkblare saam.
Petals and sepals together.
27 Area van die stamper wat die vrug sal word.
Area of the pistil that will become the fruit.
28 Plante wat kroonblare in veelvoudige van 4 of 5 het met ‘n
Plants that have petals in multiples of 4 and 5 and a taproot system.
29 Blare wat die knoppie en groeipunt van ‘n blomplant beskerm.
Leaves that protect the bud and growth tip of a flowering plant.
30 Area van die stamper wat die saad sal word.
Area of the pistil that will become the seed.
31 Tipe voortplanting wat gamete vereis.
Type of reproduction that requires gametes.
Plants / Plante
1. Angiosperm(e)s
2. Spermatofiete / Spermatophyta
3 Gymnosperme (s)
4 Meeldrade (Andresium) / Stamen
5 Gametofiet / Gametophyte
6 Helmknoppie / Anther
7 Argegonium / Archegonium
8 Spore / Spores
9 Anteridium / Antheridium
10 Stamper (Vrugblaar / Ginesium) / Pistil (Carpal)
11 Sorusse (Sori)
12 Ramenta
13 Stempel / Stigma
14 Kruisbestuiwing / Cross pollination
15 Risoom / Rhizome
16 Protonema
17 Protallus / Prothallus
18 Haploïed / Haploid (n)
19 Bevrugting / Fertilization
20 Meiose / Meiosis
21 Eenhuisig / Monoecious
22 Gymnosperme(s)
23 Kaliptra / Calyptra
24 Kroonblaarkrans / Petals
25 Monokotiel / Monocot
26 Periant / Perianth
27 Vrugbeginsel / Ovary
28 Dikotiel / Dicot
29 Kelkblare / Sepals
30 Saadknop / Ovule
31 Geslagtelik / Sexual
Plants / Plante

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