Employee Loyalty
Employee Loyalty
Employee Loyalty
The following publication Yee, R. W. Y., Yeung, A. C. L., & Edwin Cheng, T. C. (2010). An empirical study of employee loyalty, service quality and
firm performance in the service industry. International Journal of Production Economics, 124(1), 109-120 is available at
business performance, we examine the relationships among employee loyalty, service quality,
customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and firm profitability, and the contextual factors
chain notion of Heskett et al. (1994) and empirically tested the model by conducting a survey
of 210 high-contact service shops in Hong Kong. Using structural equation modeling (SEM),
we observed that employee loyalty is significantly related to service quality, which in turn
impacts customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, ultimately leading to firm profitability in
high-contact service industries. Using multiple-group analysis of SEM, we found that the effect
of employee loyalty on firm profitability through service quality, customer satisfaction and
market competitiveness, and switching cost in the sampled shops. This finding supports the
© 2009. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.
Over the years, operations management (OM) has advocated the optimization of
operational processes as an effective means to profitably deliver value to customers and meet,
or even surpass, customer expectations. Considerable research has devoted to studying such
topics as designing, managing and optimizing different service delivery systems in hopes of
attaining higher service quality and operational efficiency (e.g., Frei et al., 1999, Soteriou and
Zenios, 1999). This operational approach has been applied enthusiastically and has proved to
researchers of organizational behaviour (OB) have stressed that employee attributes are crucial
to organizational effectiveness (Schwab and Cummings, 1970, Vroom, 1964). For a long time,
the studies of OM and OB have long been viewed as distinct fields. An abundance of research
has been conducted to examine employee attributes, as well as to investigate the extent of
employee attributes influence job commitment and performance (Becker and Gerhart, 1996,
Meyer et al., 2004). Recently, OM researchers have eagerly promoted inter-disciplinary studies
by integrating various fields together (Boudreau et al., 2003), believing that inter-disciplinary
studies would yield more fruitful outcomes in both research and practice.
Pioneers of this topic, Heskett et al. (1994) proposed the service-profit chain (S-PC)
notion that highlights the importance of employee attributes to deliver high levels of service
quality to satisfy customers in order to enhance business performance. The notion has triggered
some researchers to study the impact of employee attributes and/or customer purchase
indicators on business performance in specified service contexts (e.g., Hallowell, 1996, Voss
et al., 2005). However, there is a dearth of research aimed at explicitly examining the
relationships between employee attributes and firm performance through service operations
Besides, only a few researchers have recognized the need to examine the moderating
factors influencing the relevant relations embedded in the S-PC in particular, and the
associations between employee attributes and operational and firm performance in general
(Anderson and Mittal, 2000, Ranaweera and Neerly, 2003, Silvestro and Cross, 2000). Jones
and Sasser (1995) and Lee et al. (2001) attempted to investigate the moderating effects of
market competitiveness and switching cost, respectively, on the association between customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty. Ranaweera and Neerly (2003) studied the moderating effects
of price perception and customer indifference on the relation between service quality and
customer retention. The recognition of the existence of moderating factors emerges from the
employee attributes affect service operations performance and business outcomes (Silvestro
In this study we explore two important research questions: (1) What are the likely
relationships among employee loyalty, service quality, customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty, as well as firm performance in high-contact service industries where there are direct
and close contacts between employees and customers? (2) How do various contextual factors,
moderate such relationships? We developed a research model grounded in the S-PC notion of
Heskett et al. (1994) and tested the model by applying structural equation modelling to the
empirical data collected from a survey of 210 high-contact service shops in Hong Kong.
increasingly involved in service management (Oliva and Sterman, 2001), they find employee
attributes potentially a vital factor for operational efficiency enhancement. On the other hand,
many behaviour psychologists have mainly focused on studying the relationships between
employee attributes and individual work performance (e.g., Becker et al., 1996, Hunter and
Thatcher, 2007, Meyer, Becker and Vandenberghe, 2004). Only a few organizational studies
have contributed to examining the relationships between employee attributes and operational
and firm performance (e.g., Hui et al., 2001, Sun et al., 2007). To the best of our knowledge,
the relationship between employee loyalty and operational performance has not been explicitly
between quality, customer satisfaction and business performance (e.g., Balasubramanian et al.,
2003, Heim and Sinha, 2001, Nagar and Rajan, 2005), research on the impact of employee
attributes on operational performance is relatively scarce. In the last decade, the importance of
human resources to operational performance has been noted by a few researchers. Roth and
Jackson III (1995) revealed that organizational knowledge residing in employees is the primary
determinant of superior service quality, influencing market performance. Hays and Hill (2006)
demonstrated that service organizations with highly motivated employees would enhance the
Besides, examining the contextual factors that affect the relationships between
employee attributes and operational performance is another important and pertinent research
topic, which however has been under-researched for years. Loyal employees are presumed to
be positively correlated with high service quality in the S-PC (Heskett, Jones, Loveman, Sasser
Jr. and Schlesinger, 1994). Nonetheless, Silvestro and Cross (2000) have identified an inverse
relationship between employee loyalty and organizational performance in the industry they
surveyed, where the interaction between employees and customers was not seen as a key driver
of service value. This suggests that the level of contact between employees and customers may
account for variations in the relationship between employee loyalty and business performance.
Chase (1981) considered the degree of customer contact to be a key dimension in classifying
service settings. This concept can help a service provider take appropriate measures to react
and customize the services it offers to its customers. Soteriou and Chase (1998) investigated
the influence of customer contact, in terms of communication time and intimacy between
employees and customers, on customers’ perceptions of the quality of the services that were
delivered. Strictly speaking, Soteriou and Chase’s (1998) study did not focus on investigating
the moderating effect of customer contact on the perception of the quality of services. However,
their study highlighted the significant impact of customer contact on customer perceptions of
the quality of an organization’s services. Based on the suggestion of Silvestro and Cross (2000),
we speculate that the contact, in particular the contact time, between employees and customers
may have a moderating effect on the link between employee loyalty and customer perception
of service quality.
The competitive environment of the service sector has been identified as a factor that
influences the link between customer satisfaction and loyalty (Jones and Sasser, 1995). In a
highly competitive market where there are many alterative products and services for customers
to select from and the cost of switching is low, customers are not loyal unless they are fully
satisfied. Conversely, in a monopolistic market, customer satisfaction seems to have very little
impact on loyalty. Jones and Sasser’s (1995) study inspired Lee et al. (2001) to examine how
switching cost affects the link between customer satisfaction and loyalty in the cell phone
market. Lee et al. (2001) postulated that the impact of switching cost on the relationship
between customer satisfaction and loyalty is affected by market structure. Their findings
showed that switching cost plays a significant role in moderating the relationship between
customer satisfaction and loyalty. The link between customer satisfaction and loyalty is weak
for price-sensitive users. But the cost of switching does not affect customer loyalty in the group
of price-insensitive users. On the basis of Jones and Sasser’s (1995) and Lee et al.’s (2001)
studies, one may infer that market competitiveness, as reflected by the switching cost, affects
the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, these two studies were
only limited to a particular industry and based on a small sample, so their findings may not be
Employee loyalty and service quality. The S-PC purports that employee loyalty affects
the customer’s perception of service quality (Heskett, Jones, Loveman, Sasser Jr. and
Schlesinger, 1994). Loyal employees who are satisfied with their job demonstrate their loyalty
to the employing organization by working hard and being committed to delivering services
with a high level of quality to customers. Loveman (1998) demonstrated that employee loyalty
Social exchange theory can be applied to account for the relationship between employee
loyalty and service quality. The norm of reciprocity in social exchange theory states that an
action by one party leads to a response by another party. A positive reciprocity orientation
involves the tendency to return positive treatment for positive treatment (Eisenberger et al.,
2004, Uhl-Bien and Maslyn, 2003). Furthermore, the norm of equity in social exchanges
suggests that people expect social equity to prevail in interpersonal transactions (Cropanzano
et al., 2003, Organ, 1977). An individual accorded some manner of a social gift that is
inequitably in excess of what is anticipated will experience gratitude and feel an obligation to
reciprocate the benefactor. In the context of the social exchange theory, the employer is devoted
to building a relationship of long-term employment with his employees by fulfilling their needs
through offering them favourable working conditions; in return, employees will be loyal to
their employer by being committed to making extra efforts to offer services with a high level
al., 1997). The employer’s willingness to build a relationship with his employees and the
Drawing on the norms of reciprocity and equity of social exchange theory, we argue
that employees who are loyal to their employing organizations are prone to delivering services
of a higher level of quality. Therefore, we theorize that employee loyalty has a positive impact
Service quality and customer satisfaction. Yi (1990) stated that service quality is an
essential determinant of customer satisfaction. The conceptualization of the S-PC suggests that
external service value, i.e., the value of services perceived by customers, is linked with
customer satisfaction (Heskett, Jones, Loveman, Sasser Jr. and Schlesinger, 1994). The
rationale behind this is that high-quality services offered by a firm would lead to customer
the empirical study of Voss et al. (2005), service quality was shown to be positively related to
has a long-term financial impact on the business (Nagar and Rajan, 2005). Previous research
has investigated the links between customer satisfaction and its various outcomes, such as
customer loyalty (Stank et al., 1999, Verhoef, 2003) and profitability (Anderson et al., 1994,
Mittal and Kamakura, 2001). Highly satisfied customers of a firm are likely to purchase more
frequently, in greater volume and buy other goods and services offered by the same service
provider (Anderson, Fornell and Lehmann, 1994, Gronholdt et al., 2000). Research in
accounting has also shown that customer satisfaction is an intangible asset and a leading
indicator of business unit revenues (Ittner and Larcker, 1998). More recently, Hays and Hill
(2006) strongly recommended that customer satisfaction and loyalty are integral to the
reasons. First, customer satisfaction enhances customer loyalty and influences customers’
future repurchase intentions and behaviours (e.g., Stank, Goldsby and Vickery, 1999, Verhoef,
2003). When this happens, the profitability of a firm would increase (Anderson, Fornell and
Lehmann, 1994, Mittal and Kamakura, 2001). Second, highly satisfied customers are willing
to pay premium prices and less price-sensitive (Anderson, Fornell and Lehmann, 1994). This
implies customers tend to pay for the benefits they receive and be tolerant of increases in price,
ultimately increasing the economic performance of the firm. The last premise is that satisfaction
results in enhanced overall reputation of the firm, which in turn can be beneficial to establishing
and maintaining relationships with key suppliers and distributors (Anderson, Fornell and
Lehmann, 1994). Reputation can provide a halo effect on the firm that positively influences
customer evaluation. This discussion suggests that customer satisfaction generates more future
sales, reduces price elasticity, and increases the reputation of the firm. Thus, we hypothesize
between employee loyalty, service quality, and service performance indicators, based on the
OM and OB literature. Another, relatively scarce, stream of work is the investigation of the
potential moderating effects on the hypothesized relationships. Not the dominant area of
research, this has attracted little attention (e.g., Ranaweera and Neerly, 2003, Silvestro and
Cross, 2000). In keeping with this trend, we examine the influence of employee-customer
contact time, market competitiveness, and switching cost as moderators of the postulated
relationships among employee loyalty, service quality, customer satisfaction and customer
organizations as the prevailing condition that exists. However, Chase (1981) attempted to
classify service organizations into forms that are pure services, mixed services, or quasi-
manufacturing. Soteriou and Chase (1998) and Kellogg and Chase (1995) further advocated
the defining characteristic of a service context to be the existence of some form of contact
between employees and customers. The time spent for the contact between employees and
Chase, 1995, Soteriou and Chase, 1998). It varies with various factors, including the servers,
the service and the environment (Kellogg and Chase, 1995). Thus, we argue that a more
realistic portrayal of the contact between employees and customers is to identify the service
environment according to the contact time between employees and customers in the service
delivery process. Contact time reflects the interaction between a service employee and a
The contact time might moderate the relationship between employee loyalty and service
quality. When a service sector is characterized by high customer contact, the service context is
most potent, and thus the loyal employees would be more capable of having a greater control
of the level of quality in the services they offer. The longer the time a loyal service employee
interacts with a customer, the more time there will be for the customer to express his/her needs
to the loyal service employee, the easier the loyal service employee will understand and react
to the customer’s needs, and consequently the higher the quality of service the loyal service
employee will deliver to the customer. Hence, we suggest the following hypothesis
Hypothesis 5: The contact time between service employees and customers moderates the
relationship between employee loyalty and service quality in such a way that
the greater the contact time, the stronger the relationship.
Market competitiveness: The theories that provide the foundation for the relationship
between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are useful for determining how customer
satisfaction influences loyalty in a monopoly or competitive market (Jones and Sasser, 1995).
Nevertheless, given the potentially negative repercussions of switching intention and behaviour
encouraged by competitors who offer a greater variety of products and services with better
quality, service firms typically have a strong interest in preventing such an intention and action,
even if switching is explicitly or implicitly encouraged in the market. For example, a service
organization may prevent its customers from forming the intention to switch and act on this
intention by delivering services of a high level of quality to satisfy customers’ needs and
introduce loyalty programs to retain customers. But competitors in the market are eager to
encourage switching by offering more products and better quality in services to customers. This
contrast presents an interesting dilemma: if the market encourages switching, but a service firm
We expect that a service firm’s ability to retain customers will depend on how it
satisfies its customers and encourages its customers to make repeat purchases. Conditions that
diminish the level of customer satisfaction and/or enhance the switching intent and action of
customers would certainly weaken the firm’s influence on the customers’ decisions to make
repeated purchases. A competitive market often strengthens the switching intention and
behaviour of customers by making available to them a wider variety of products and services
of a higher level of quality to satisfy them. This, in turn, affects customers’ intentions to make
and behaviours of making repeated purchases and, ultimately, has an impact on their loyalty
towards the service provider. We consider that a firm’s influence on customers is limited by
effect on the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty as postulated in the
hypothesis below.
Switching cost: Switching cost is regarded as the costs that a customer has to pay during
the process of switching from one service firm to another. Compared with a customer who
perceives a low cost to be paid for switching, the customer who perceives a high switching cost
is likely to be loyal to his/her current service firm. This customer is, therefore, more likely to
make repurchases from his/her present service firm. The higher a customer perceives the
switching cost, the more likely that the customer has to consider repurchases from his/her
current service firm. Hence, we consider that switching cost would have a moderating effect
on the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, as stated in the
following hypothesis:
3.1 Sample
This study focuses on the high-contact service industries in Hong Kong. High-contact
service industries typically involve activities in which service employees and customers have
close and direct interaction for a prolonged period (Chase, 1981). A high contact environment
richness of information exchanged (Kellogg and Chase, 1995). Through high contacts, service
employees and customers have ample opportunities to build up their ties and exchange
information about purchase. This enhances the ability of service employees to deliver a higher
level of service quality to satisfy and retain customers, contributing to firm performance.
Researchers have argued that loyal employees are more committed to serving customers (e.g.,
Loveman, 1998, Silvestro and Cross, 2000, Yoon and Suh, 2003). In line with the above
arguments, loyal employees in a high-contact environment are more likely to have greater
influence on service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and firm performance.
Thus, organizations in high-contact service sectors are particularly suited for examining how
We identified 12 main shopping areas in Hong Kong (e.g., Tsimshatsui and Causeway
Bay) and randomly selected five major shopping centres or avenues from each area. We
controlled firm size by choosing small service organizations with two to five service employees.
Service employees are defined as customer-contact persons whose major responsibility is sales
and customer services in a shop. Being small organizations, their employee loyalty level tends
to be more consistent (George and Bettenhausen, 1990) and easier to assess. We avoided
choosing large chain stores as the customer satisfaction and loyalty of such firms are more
likely reflected at the corporate level, rather than at the individual shop level. Nevertheless, we
intended to cover different types of service shops, except for those with extremely low
customer contacts (e.g., convenient stores), to enhance the generalizability of our study. Table
We conducted a pilot study in eight different types of service shops, through which we
verified the relevance of the indicators to their corresponding constructs, appropriateness of the
questionnaire wording, and clarity of the instructions to fill in the survey. Upon completing the
pilot study, we made minor modifications to the questionnaire in order to improve its validity
and two “service employee” questionnaires. The persons in charge of a shop are responsible
employee-customer contact time, market competitiveness, and switching cost. They are
normally the shop proprietors or shop managers with the ultimate responsibility for profits and
a comprehensive understanding of the market situation, and thus are capable of providing very
customer satisfaction, empirical findings from similar studies have demonstrated that internal
and external measures of customer satisfaction are highly correlated (Goldstein, 2003,
Schneider and Bowen, 1985), justifying our study’s use of internal measures of customer
satisfaction (Soteriou and Zenios, 1999). Because of the proven high correlation between
internal and external measures of customer satisfaction in particular and customer data in
Service employees refer to employees responsible for service deliveries in shops. They
therefore are relevant informants of employee loyalty and service quality. We surveyed two
service employees in each shop. Although customers are more preferred to be informants of
service quality, empirical findings from relevant studies have established that employee
perception data are proxy for customer perception data to assess service quality (Hays and Hill,
multiple informants from a business unit where subjectivity in judgment is anticipated (Becker
and Gerhart, 1996). Our questionnaire was developed in English and translated to Chinese. To
questionnaire items into a foreign language and then back-translate them to identify any
We deployed a research team consisting of one of the authors as the leader, a research
assistant, and some student helpers to solicit the participation of service shops in our study.
From our experience, deploying a team rather than relying on individuals improves the
response rate. Our research team visited each shop in person to show our sincerity and clearly
explained our requirements of the survey. For instance, we required the shop-in-charge person
to fill in the questionnaire based on actual accounting data and recent customer survey data, if
available. To further enhance the response rate and reduce the non-response bias, we rewarded
each respondent a cash coupon of HK$50 (US$6.5), which is roughly the wage of two hours
of an unskilled service employee in Hong Kong. Experimental psychologists have shown that
recruiting participants with monetary rewards greatly improves the quality of responses (Brase
et al., 2006, Camerer and Hogarth, 1999). To the best of our knowledge, there is no reason to
believe that such a practice would induce any systematic bias to the study. Our research team
distributed the questionnaires in person to each of the three respondents in each shop. The
respondents were allowed to complete the questionnaire at different time and various places
(e.g., work vs. home) at their convenience. This helped mitigate the problem of transient mood
state and common stimulus cues – a source of common method bias (Podsakoff and Organ,
1986). Our research team then collected the questionnaire from each respondent individually
at his/her convenient time with the cash coupon rewarded. The research team also re-visited
individual participants that had not returned the questionnaire by the due date to re-invite them
Almost 300 shops were visited over a twelve-month period. However, because of
only obtained 677 questionnaires from 232 shops. We dropped the returns of 22 shops because
data on either the shop-in-charge or one of the service employee questionnaires were missing
or the questionnaires were not duly completed, leaving 210 sets of usable questionnaires from
The measures used in this study were drawn from well-established instruments in
measures that are able to capture a service employee’s feelings towards his/her service shop.
We included four indicators for employee loyalty, namely intention to stay, willingness to
perform extra work, sense of belonging, and willingness to take up more responsibility
Service quality: Service quality is concerned with the overall perception of the
performance of the services offered by the service employees within a service shop. We
adopted the SERVQUAL instrument developed by Parasuraman et al. (1988) and Parasuraman
et al. (1991). The SERVQUAL instrument suggests that there are five dimensions of perceived
service quality, namely tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Since
the items under each of these dimensions are not equally appropriate in the service context of
this study, we chose the most relevant item from each of the five dimensions for this study,
instead of using all the 22 items. This is consistent with previous research in service quality
(e.g., Gotlieb et al., 1994). Respondents were asked to rate these five items on a seven-point
state of a customer from his/her experience with the shop, i.e., a summary evaluative response
(Anderson, Fornell and Lehmann, 1994, Fornell, 1992). This summary response contains
evaluations of the key facets that customers consider important in the service context (Oliver,
evaluation is more likely to influence customer repurchase (Gustafsson et al., 2005). Four
questions related to feature performance that drive satisfaction were developed, including
dissatisfaction (Gustafsson, Johnson and Roos, 2005, Heskett et al., 1997, Oliver, 1997). A
seven-point Likert-type scale anchored at 1 = “totally disagree” and 7 = “totally agree” was
customer has to the service shop. Following past relevant research of marketing, we selected
consideration of the service shop as the first priority for purchase, recommendation to others,
speaking good words, and encouragement of others to purchase (Gronholdt, Martense and
Kristensen, 2000, Liao and Chuang, 2004, Zeithaml et al., 1996). Respondents were asked to
rate each item on a seven-point Likert-type scale anchored at 1 = “totally disagree” and 7 =
“totally agree”.
Consistent with previous research, we chose return on assets (ROA), return on sales (ROS),
and return on investment (ROI) as indicators (Schneider et al., 2003, Staw and Epstein, 2000).
Perceptual data were obtained. We asked shop-in-charge persons to assess their shops’
profitability relative to industry norms (Delaney and Huselid, 1996, Sakakibara et al., 1997)
with regard to the above three indicators on a seven-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 =
“much lower” to 7 = “much higher”. Although perceptual data may impose limitations through
increased measurement error, the use of such measures is not without precedence (Delaney and
Huselid, 1996, Powell, 1995). Research has found measures of perceived organizational
performance data to correlate positively (with moderate to strong associations) with objective
Employee-customer contact time: Contact time is defined as the perceptual time that
service employees and customers contact and communicate directly for the purposes of
personal selling and service delivery within a transaction. We measured contact time by asking
the respondents to estimate the average times they spend for personal selling and service
the market of the service industry is competitive. Jones and Sasser (1995) suggested measuring
particular characteristic of the market in the service industry, we added the indicator of
“availability of attractive benefit plans in the market” to assess market competitiveness. Thus,
we included three questions related to the availability of alternative products, services and
attractive benefit plans to measure market competitiveness in this study. Respondents were
asked to rate these three items on a seven-point Likert-type scale anchored at 1 = “totally
Switching cost: Switching cost is concerned with the costs that a customer has to pay
during the process of switching from one service provider to another. It covers the costs of
switching in terms of economics, psychology and marketing aspects (e.g., Guiltinan, 1989,
Jones et al., 2002). Based on the six indicators developed by Jones et al. (2002) for switching
cost, we chose four indicators that are relevant to the service environment. The selected
indicators are pre-switching cost for search and evaluation, post-switching cost for learning
new services, after-switching cost for building a relationship with new service provider, and
lost performance cost due to switching (Jones, Mothersbaugh and Beatty, 2002). We adopted
these four dimensions since they are more relevant to our studied context. A seven-point Likert-
type scale anchored at 1 = “totally disagree” and 7 = “totally agree” was used.
We obtained responses on employee loyalty and service quality from two service
in psychology research (James et al., 1984, Lindell and Brandt, 1999). The average within-
group interrater reliability values, rwg(j), for the constructs of employee loyalty and service
quality were 0.919 and 0.950, respectively. The interrater reliability values are higher than
research studies of similar types (e.g., Ryan et al., 1996, Schneider, Hanges, Smith and
Salvaggio, 2003) and than the commonly accepted criterion of 0.7 (James, 1982), suggesting
sufficient within-group agreement to aggregate the data to the shop level for analysis.
To further justify aggregation to the shop level, we used intra-class correlation (ICC)
statistics, ICC(1) and ICC(2), to assess interrater reliability (Bartko, 1976, Schneider et al.,
1998, Shrout and Fleiss, 1979) within shops. ICC(1) compares the variance between units of
analysis (shops) to the variance within units of analysis using the individual ratings of each
respondent. ICC(2) assesses the relative status of between and within variability using the
average ratings of respondents within each unit (Bartko, 1976, Schneider, White and Paul,
1998). The ICC(1) values were based on a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). In this
study, the ICC(1) values were 0.428 and 0.435 for employee loyalty and service quality,
respectively, which are much higher than the cutoff value of 0.12 (James, 1982), indicating a
sufficient inter-shop variability ratio. The ICC(2) values were acquired from Spearman-Brown
formula. The ICC(2) values of this study were 0.600 and 0.606 for employee loyalty and service
quality, respectively, which are equal to or slightly higher than the cutoff point of 0.60
recommended in fields of psychology (Glick, 1985) and OM (Boyer and Verma, 2000),
rendering sufficient interrater reliability within the shops for further analysis at the shop level.
Taken together, the rwg(j), ICC(1), and ICC(2) values justified the aggregation of the data of
When two or more variables are collected from the same respondents and an attempt is
made to interpret their correlation, a problem of common method variance could happen
(Podsakoff and Organ, 1986). In our study, there are two relations that might be affected by
this problem, namely the relations between (1) employee loyalty and service quality, and (2)
customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and firm profitability. One proactive approach to avoid
common method variance is to separate the measurement items within the questionnaire, which
was adopted in this research. We also applied Harman’s one-factor test to assess the influence
of common method variance (Podsakoff and Organ, 1986) in our collected data. We conducted
Harman’s one-factor test on items for employee loyalty and service quality. We also combined
all items of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and firm profitability for another Harman’s
one-factor test. All the tests yielded clearly separate factors, except the pair of customer
satisfaction and loyalty. This suggests that common method bias might exist in the pair of
customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, the major objectives of this research are not to find
out the relationship in this pair. Thus, common method bias should not cause serious problems
to our research. In addition, referring to the test of discriminant validation conducted for
customer satisfaction and loyalty, the results provide strong evidence that customer satisfaction
and loyalty are different and unique constructs. As a whole, we believe that common method
variance was not serious in this research. In particular, there was no sign of common method
variance among the five key components, i.e., employee loyalty, service quality, customer
We applied structural equation modelling (SEM) to examine the proposed model and
Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS). Similar to relevant studies (e.g., Fynes et al., 2005,
Skerlavaj et al., 2007), we followed Anderson and Gerbing’s (1988) two-step approach to
estimate a measurement model prior to the structural model. In what follows, we present the
results of measurement model analysis, structural model analysis, hypothesis testing, and
We assessed the convergent and discriminant validity of the scales by the method
outlined in Fornell and Larcker (1981) and Chau (1997). Convergent validity can be assessed
by the significance of the t-values for item loadings, construct (composite) reliability, and
average variance extracted (AVE) (Chau, 1997, Fornell and Larcker, 1981). All the item
loadings for the constructs were significant, with t-values higher than 7.66 (p < 0.001). In
addition, as shown in the Appendix, all the measures of our instrument were found to be highly
reliable with construct reliability greater than 0.8 (Nunnally, 1978). The values of construct
reliability ranged from 0.827 for service quality to 0.954 for switching cost. The AVE values
were all above the suggested criterion of 0.5 (Fornell and Larcker, 1981), except the one for
service quality, with a range from 0.623 to 0.838. The AVE value for service quality was 0.492,
which is only marginally below the suggested criterion. These results provide sufficient
Discriminant validity can be evaluated by fixing the correlation between any pair of
related constructs at 1.0, prior to re-estimating the modified model (Chau, 1997, Segars and
Grover, 1993). A significant difference in the chi-square statistics between the fixed and
unconstrained models indicates high discriminant validity. By fixing the correlation between
any pair of related constructs in the measurement model to the perfect correlation of 1.0, the
chi-square values increased by at least 259.285. With an increase in one degree of freedom,
these chi-square values were highly significant at p = 0.01 (Δχ2 ≥ 6.635). In addition,
discriminant validity exists if the AVEs of two constructs are greater than their squared
correlation (Chau, 1997, Fornell and Larcker, 1981). For example, the AVEs for employee
loyalty, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, firm profitability, market
competitiveness and switching cost were 0.728, 0.492, 0.711, 0.805, 0.816, 0.623 and 0.838,
respectively, while the highest value of the squared correlation between any pair of those
Table 2 shows the results of the analysis of the individual measurement models (Chau,
1997) of the seven constructs. The values of absolute fit measures for employee loyalty, service
quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, firm profitability, market competitiveness and
switching cost were above their corresponding acceptable criteria, suggesting the measurement
models are capable of predicting the observed covariance or correlation matrix. The values of
comparative fit measures were also above the acceptable criteria, providing evidence against
the hypothesis of a null model. All the results of absolute fit measures and comparative fit
measures supported the belief that the measurement models achieve satisfactory fit and are
Table 3 shows the goodness-of-fit statistics for our hypothesized model. The overall fit
of our structural model is good: χ2 = 218.896 (p = 0.004), χ2/df = 1.319, GFI = 0.908, AGFI =
0.883, CFI = 0.983, NFI = 0.934, NNFI = 0.981 and RMSR = 0.039. All the four hypothetical
relationships were supported at the significance level of p = 0.001. The estimate of the
standardized path coefficient (P) indicates that the linkage between employee loyalty and
service quality (Hypothesis 1) is highly significant (P = 0.531, t = 6.286, p < 0.001). Service
quality has a significant and direct impact on customer satisfaction, supporting Hypothesis 2
(P = 0.388, t = 4.768, p < 0.001). The relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty
between customer loyalty and firm profitability (Hypothesis 4) is highly significant (P = 0.300,
t = 4.190, p < 0.001). The hypothesized model and its path estimates are depicted in Figure 1.
After the analysis of the main effects shown in the hypothesized model, we examined
between employee loyalty and service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, as
well as firm profitability. We assessed the influence of three moderator variables on different
first conducted separate median splits in the collected sample, based on the values of an
two sub-samples (i.e., high versus low values of the moderator variable). Accordingly, we
compared three pairs of models, each of which included different moderators and relationships.
The first hypothesis test was concerned with the moderating effect of employee-customer
contact time on the effect of employee loyalty and service quality. The other two investigations
were concerned with the moderating impacts of market competitiveness and switching costs
restricted model. The general model normally has one degree of freedom less than the restricted
model. The chi-square value is also always lower for the general model than that of the
restricted model. If the improvement in chi-square value is significant when moving from the
restricted model to the general model, it indicates the existence of differential effects of the
moderator on the corresponding relationship in the two sub-samples. This provides statistical
The results of the multiple-group SEM analysis are shown in Table 3. Regarding the
moderator of employee-customer contact time, the chi-square difference (∆χ2 = 0.055, p <
0.001) did not indicate the presence of a significant moderating impact on the relationship
between employee loyalty and service quality (since ∆χ2 < 3.841). Thus, Hypothesis 4 was not
competitiveness and switching cost on the relationship between customer satisfaction and
customer loyalty. As shown in Table 3, the differences of chi-square (∆χ2 = 0.563 for market
competitiveness and ∆χ2 = 0.581 for switching cost) were not significant at p = 0.001. These
In sum, the chi-square differences in the multiple-group analysis for each of the three
suggested moderator variables were not significant with one degree of change. Thus, this study
does not offer statistical support for the suggested moderator variables on the corresponding
relationships. In other words, Hypotheses 4, 5 and 6 were not supported by the results of this
empirical study.
In this study we developed and tested the relationships among employee loyalty, service
quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and firm profitability in the context of
high-contact services. The results lend strong support for the assertion that employee loyalty is
an important determinant of firm profitability. The findings are consistent with the popular S-
PC concept that the key driver of firm performance is employee attributes, such as employee
loyalty, in service organizations (Heskett, Jones, Loveman, Sasser Jr. and Schlesinger, 1994).
Similarly, anecdotal evidence from service firms, such as Domino’s pizza, where researchers
According to the social exchange theory, service employees who are loyal to their
employing organizations will be committed to delivering services with higher levels of quality
to customers. It seems quite logical to consider that customer contact time is a moderator on
the relationship between employee loyalty and service quality. As the duration of the service
encounter in a transaction increases, the intimacy between the employee and the customer may
be also enhanced. In this case, during the encounter time, a loyal employee has more
opportunities to understand and fulfill the specific needs of his/her customers, leading to a
greater impact of employee loyalty on service quality. Surprisingly, the result of the sampled
firms in this study did not support this argument. A possible cause was homogeneity, in terms
of the overall customer contact level, of the sampled firms of this study.
For the service sector in which the contact time between employees and customers is
very short (e.g., convenience stores and postal services), the quality of the service encounter is
relatively less important, and so is the commitment of service employees to offering high levels
of quality in their services. Thus, given the short contact time, loyal employees would have
limited influence on service quality. At the other extreme, for service firms that operate in a
very high employee-customer contact environment (e.g., estate agencies and beauty services),
the intimate relationship between employees and customers in service delivery allows a loyal
employee to deliver a higher level of service quality through the environment where he/she can
extremely low customer contact (e.g., convenience stores and postal services) were not
included in this study because they are not in the scope of this research. Given this result, we
speculate that the relationship between employee loyally and service quality would diminish
Jones and Sasser (1995) suggested that the relationship between customer satisfaction
and customer loyalty is affected by the level of market competitiveness. However, the results
of this study showed that market competitiveness does not have a significant moderating
influence on this relationship in the sampled firms. Neither did we find that switching cost
moderates the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. Similarly, we suspect
that this is because the operating environment of the investigated sample was in fact rather
homogenous in terms of market competitiveness and switching cost. As a whole, the service
sectors that require professional skills (e.g., legal, architectural and medical services) or high-
service sectors with a relatively low initial capital investment. In other words, these service
sectors in the sample of this research are generally operating in a competitive market with low
switching cost. As a result, we did not find any significant moderating effects. Furthermore, as
can been seen in the hypothesized model, the relationship between customer satisfaction and
customer loyalty is very strong (P = 0.818). This suggests that satisfied customers always tend
to be loyal to their service providers. For this reason, other environment factors, such as market
competitiveness and switching cost, may not have a significant moderating effect on such a
Our findings bear some practical implications for service operations management.
Employee loyalty is an essential factor for operations managers to boost service quality,
customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and plays a significant role in enhancing the
customers with a high level of quality in their services, which leads to enhanced firm
profitability. Furthermore, this work environment can also satisfy customers’ needs and retain
The findings suggest the payoff to build employee loyalty in service organizations. The
test results of the hypotheses on the moderating factors recommend that the performance effects
induced by employee loyalty are not contingent upon customer contact, market
competitiveness, and switching cost. Consequently, managers need to determine their expected
return from the payoff for building employee loyalty. This is helpful for the firm to optimize
As mentioned in Section 3.2, we followed previous studies to assess the levels of service
quality, as well as satisfaction and loyalty of customers by using internal customer data. We
therefore intended to validate whether the use of internal measures by employees, instead of
external measures by customers directly, was reliable in this study. We collected the data of
service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty from both employees and customers
from an extra sample of 38 service shops. In each shop, we surveyed three service employees
and five randomly selected customers. We examined the correlations between the averaged
ratings obtained from employees and from customers. We found that, given the small sample
size (n = 38), the correlations of all the items of service quality, customer satisfaction and
loyalty between the two sources were highly significant at p < 0.1, providing empirical support
for the use of internal measures of service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty in this
In this study our focus was on investigating the impact of employee loyalty on firm
performance; however, the need for employee learning in organizations is likely a success
factor of businesses in the service industry. For future research, we believe that it would be
interesting to find out the relationships between employee loyalty, organizational learning and
firm performance. For example, would a lack of employee loyalty impede organizational
customer contact, market competitiveness and switching cost on the hypothesized relationships
in this study. Further research can explore the impacts of other potential moderators on the
hypothesized relationships, such as employee retention package and customer reward program.
For instance, would employee retention package moderate the relationship between employee
loyalty and service quality? Would customer reward program be a moderator of the relationship
between satisfaction and loyalty in customers? We hope this research will provide an impetus
and operational performance. We also hope that further research will seek to move beyond the
demonstration of main effects to an investigation of how and why employee attributes are
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Table 4. Results of zero-order correlations for the items of service quality by the
data of employees and customers.
Items Employees
1 2 3 4 5
1. Tangibles .368*
Items 1 2 3 4
Customer satisfaction
1. Price .379*
2. Enquiry service .271 .323*
3. Customer service in transactions .245 .332* .424**
4. Service handling of dissatisfaction .240 .212 .345* .441**
*p < 0.05
**p < 0.01
Table 6. Results of zero-order correlations for the items of customer loyalty by the
data of employees and customers.
Items 1 2 3 4
Customer loyalty
1. Considering as their first choice .534**
2. Recommending to people .433** .387*
3. Saying good words (.141) (.141) .308*
4. Encouraging friends and relatives to .492** .489* (.035) .429*
*p < 0.05
**p < 0.01
The Appendix
Responses to the following questions ranged from “1=much worst”, through “4=no
change” to “7=much better” for financial performance of the firm as compared to
industrial norms.
Standardarised path weight from the latent variable to the measurement item.
*Deleted item.