Seed Propagation: For nursery planting seeds are germinated in shaded beds of friable
soils, sand or coir dust. Germinated seeds are transplanted into shaded nurseries at spacing
depending on the type of plant required. Seed germination will be completed in about 3
weeks. Seeds start germinating with in 6 - 10 days of sowing.
Clonal seeds: Sexual progeny of budded clones is known as clonal seed. Seed garden
progeny is probably a better name. As clonal seedlings are more variable than budded
rubber their average yield is less. It is desirable to select for vigor in the nursery and in the
field and later for yield in the early years of bearing. Legiti mate seeds may be produced
by hand pollination between selected clones.
Classification of rubber clones: In rubber clones are broadly classified into three
categories based on the methods adopted for the development of mother trees.
1. Primary clones: When mother trees are selected from existing seedling populations
of unknown parentage and are multiplied vegetatively. Eg: Tjir –1(Tjirandji –1 of
Indonesia), G.T-1 (Godng Tapen of Indonesi) , G.I –1( Glenshiel-1 of Malaysia) and PB-
2. Secondary clones: When the mother trees are evolved by cross pollination (hand
pollination) between two primary clones and are then multiplied vegetatively, they are
known as secondary clones.
Eg: 1) RRIM – 600 = TJIR –1 x PB – 86 and
2) PRIM - 628 = TJIR –1 x PRIM – 527
3. Tertiary clones : Are produced by controlled pollination of two existing clones, but
they differ from secondary clones in that at least one of parents or both the parents are of
secondary clones.
Eg: RRIM – 703 = RRIM – 600 x RRIM –500.
Most popular clone is RRIM 1105
Table: Clones developed by RRII for cultivation in South India
Sl. No Name Parents Important traits
A. Primary clones
1 TJIR –1 - Indonesian clone yield = 930 kg per ha per year
2 G.T –1 - Indonesian clone, Yield =1360 kg per ha per year
3 Gl-1 - Malaysian clone, Yield = 1130 kg per ha per year.
Drought tolerant
4 PB- 86 - Malaysian clone, Yield = 1130 kg per ha per
B Secondary clones
1 RRIM – 600 Tjir –1 x PB Developed by RRIM, Yield = 1317 kg/ha
– 86
2 RRIM – 628 TJIR – 1 x Yield = 1051 kg/ha/yr
RRIM –527
C Tertiary clones
1 RRIM – 703 RRIM- 600 x Yield = 1725 kg /ha/yr
Polyclonal see dlings in rubber
All desirable characters viz., high latex content, drought resistance etc may not be
available in a single clone. Hence, it may not be wise to adopt a single clone for
cultivation in large areas, because if disease or pest epidemic occurs the entire plantation
may be wiped out. Therefore to get the benefits of mixed clones in a population, poly
clonal seed gardens are being established by blending different clones. The hybrid RRII
–105, is the highest yielding in the world. It has become very popular, occupying 80 per
cent of the area under rubber. Its average yield is 2.400 kg /ha/year. Superior clones
numbering 3 to 6 are planted in an isolated area and allowed for natural open pollination.
F or prevention of pollen contamination from rubber trees of neighbouring area an
isolation belt of 100 m width is provided all around the seed plantation.
Polyclonal seed families generally give rise to seedlings of good vigour and growth. In
olden days monoclonal seeds of single selected mother clones such as Tjir –1, not
c ontaminated by crossing with seedling rubber or undesirable male parent clones had been
extensively used as improved plant materials.
Poly clonal seeds are easier to establish and maintain when compared to buddings. The
trunk of the seedlings are much larger than those of budded trees.
Bases of young rubber plants must be weeded cleanly to avoid weed competition.
Mulching with dry leaves, Water weed (Salvinia spp), Grass cuttings, Cover
crop loppings etc
Around the plant is recommended to prevent soil degradation due to severe climatic
Aquatic weed = Salvinia spp (African payal) is spreding as a menace in the water ways
and can be applied @ 5 kg per m as sun dried material. Season of mulching: After
monsoon i.e., November
Weed control in rubber: Until cover crops is established regular weeding is necessary.
About 4 to 5 rounds of hand weeding are required during first 2 years. Once the cover
crops are established or after the canopy has closed there is a little weed growth.
(1) Abnormal leaf fall (Phytophthora palmivora) Infected leaves fall in large number
Control: Spray Bordeaux mixture (1%) as prophylactic measure, prior to the onset of
south west monsoon.
(2) Powdery mildew (Oidium haveae): Ashy coating noticed on tender leaves. Control:
Dusting sulphur @ 10 - 15 kg/ha. 3 to 6 times at 10 - 15 days intervals. Pests:
1) Scale insects (Saissetia nigra): Severely affected portion dry up and die due sucking
sap from leaf lets, petioles and tender shoot portions.
Control: Spray melathion at 0.05% concentration.
2) Mealy bug (Perrisiana virgata): Severely affected portion dry up and die. Damage is
similar to scale insects.
Control: Spray melathion at 0.05% concentration or fish oil or soap water ( Neem soap).
Non parasitic maladies:
Brown blast – Taping panel dryness (TPD)
Cause: A physiological disorder, mainly due to intensive tapping. High yielding clones
are more vulnerable.
Symptoms: Partial drying up of tapping cut (initial symptom) with the outer latex vessel
drying up first (No production of latex).
Light brown discoloration of the attacked portion (Hence TPD is also known as brown
bast) Tumors can be seen on the panel area.Drying up entirely and cessation of latex
1) Remove affected tissues and
2) Rest the trees without tapping from 3 to 12 months,
3) Low frequency tapping is also recommended and
4) Proper manuring
these two lines, at the opening height, ensuring a high left to low right, the line for
tapping cut and a few guidelines are marked through the grooves. The vertical front end
of the template should be kept on the front channel of the tree, parallel to it and the free
end of the template is wound on the trunk towards the left side. After marking the
guidelines, spout and cup hanger are fixed. The marking should be repeated annually.
The best yield is obtained by tapping to a depth of less than one millimetre close to
the cambium since more latex vessels are concentrated near the cambium. Shallow tapping
results in considerable loss of crop. To obtain optimum yield, at the time of tapping
care should be taken not to injure the cambium. However, minor tapping wounds which
will heal in due course need not be considered as serious in the case of medium and
low yielding clones. To restart flow from a tapping cut in a subsequent tapping, all that is
needed is to cut a thin shaving of the bark along with which the plugs of coagulated
latex are also removed. Latex flow ceases when latex gets coagulated, clogging the cut
ends of the latex vessel s in turn with minute plugs of coagulated latex.
The rate of bark consumption will depend much on the skill of the tapper. For
obtaining optimum yield, it is preferable to consume about 20-23 cm of bark annually
on 1/2S d/2 system without rest period. However removing bark shaving thicker than
what is necessary does not increase the latex yield but only wastes the bark.
Bark regeneration is brought about by the activity of the cambium. The rate and extent
of renewal are dependent on the inherent genetic characters of the planting materials,
fertility of the soil, climatic conditions, tapping system and intensity, planting density, and
disease incidence.
Time of Tapping and Tapping Task
It is necessary to commence tapping early in the morning, since late tapping will reduce
the exudation of latex due to increased transpiration by the trees leading to lower turgor
pressure in latex vessels. Such reduction is more marked in the summer months. For pre -
dawn tapping, headlights are used.
The number of trees allotted to a tapper for a day’s tapping is known as tapping task.
Task size is fixed on the basis of stand of trees per ha and topography of land. Normal
tapping task in India varies from 300 to 400 trees. Task size is reduced when double cut
or other intensive systems are adopted.
Economical life: About 40 years
After the completion of economical life go for slaughter tapping.
In south India the annual yield of rubber is about 375 kg per hector per annum
from the seedlings, whereas budded plantations yield 900 to 1000 kg of rubber per ha.
Average latex yield of 1000 to 2000 kg per ha (even some times it ranges from 850 kg
to 2500 kg)
Market rate: Rs 40 to 50 per kg.
Tapping and processing:
Latex is a milky white dispersion of rubber in water which is harvested by the process of
Containers: Coconut shell, Polythene cups. These containers are generally used to collect
latex in Indian estates. Collected latex is later transferred to clean buckets two or three
hours after tapping.
Systems of tapping
Rubber attains tapping stage at about 7 years of age during which period, required girth is
attained ( i.e., 55cm girth at 50 cm height) from ground.
Time of tapping: Early in the morning ( Late tapping will reduce latex flow)
Tapping task: Number of trees tapped in a day by one tapper. In India it is 300 trees
compared to 400 to 500 trees in other countries.
Slaughter tapping is sometimes practiced even on branches with the help of ladders. Here
length, height and frequency of tapping are all increased.
Chemical methods of yield increase:
Chemical used: Ethrel (2, chloroethyl phosphonic acid) i.e., ethephon.
Ethrel stimulate and increase the yield of rubber latex flow at least by two folds. Ethrel
has to be diluted with coconut oil to have 10 per cent active ingredient. Judicious application
of dilute (1 to 5 % active ingredient) ethephon on the panel or on th e bark at prescribed
intervals and seasons enhances the yield.
Method of application: Bark application with a brush below the tapping cut to a width of
5 cm after light scrapping of outer bark.
Schedule of application:
1) After drought period, preferably a fter few premonsoon showers
2) Subsequent application during September
3) November
Latex can be processed into any of the following forms
1. Preserved field latex and latex concentrate
2. Sheet rubber
3. Block rubber
4. Crepe rubber
Field coagulum can be processed only into crepe rubber or block rubber.