17 Tips For Struggling Affiliates - R - Affiliatemarketing
17 Tips For Struggling Affiliates - R - Affiliatemarketing
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main template-driven website, you create a page template for the different
content 1 types of content you
Createand to have a
want to publish. This has many benefits, chiefly the ability to create content more efficiently
consistent look and feel that builds credibility. A good template-based page builder also allows you to change
the structure or layout of the template, cascading all of the changes to the individual pages built using that
template. This was instrumental in my success, because it meant I could modify visible on-page elements like
my layout but more importantly my not-so-visible, Google-centric elements like JSON-LD structured data.
2. Go after the incredibly low-volume keywords
Having a template-driven site made it way easier to pump out content, which meant I could create more
articles in less time. I leveraged that advantage by going after every low-to-zero volume keyword I could find. I
reviewed countless products that Ahrefs didn't even have in their database. I reviewed products that literally
zero other sites had published pages for. If the first search result was an Amazon product page, I published a
review of it.
These articles generally pulled in 10-50 organic search visits each month, but my template-based process
meant I was able to create each article in 1-2 hours. In a 20-hour workweek, I published 10-20 new articles
that would pull in about 250-500 organic search visits each month. I knew the average visit to my site was
worth $0.10, so I averaged about $25-$50 of revenue per month ($300-$600 per year) for those 20 hours of
work. Plus, my goal was to sell my site, and I ultimately earned a 48x monthly multiple, so those 20 hours of
work added $1,200-$2,400 to my site's valuation.
3. Get creative with your content strategy
I earned about 7,000 organic search visits per month by building a directory of physical brick-and-mortar
locations for businesses related to my niche. I was in kitchen products, so imagine a directory of all of the
bakeries in the United States organized by state. (Not the exact industry but you get the idea.) Anytime
someone searched for that bakery or "bakeries in michigan" or wherever, they saw one of my articles on the
first page.
Each individual business listing in my directory had the name of the business, the city and state where they
were located, information about the business such as contact info, website, address, and hours of operation,
an embedded Google Map of the location, and a list of other bakeries nearby.
I monetized these business listings in two ways:
1. Display ads, duh.
2. I promoted a subscription service for monthly baked goods delivered to your home.
People searching for bakeries near them obviously like baked goods, so the subscription box was a perfect fit.
I don't remember exactly how much I made from this promotional strategy, but it definitely was worth the
Also note that this approach was made possible by the dynamic, template-driven design I mentioned in Tip #1,
but you can do similar things with any type of design.
4. Build a content calendar and know exactly why you're publishing each piece of
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Skip time
to identifying
main content content you want to create. For each piece of content, identify
1 exactly what purpose it
serves. Examples include the following non-exhaustive list: Create
Monetization: Content that includes ads and links
Establishing Authority: Necessary content designed to show your expertise to visitors but that doesn't
earn traffic or drive sales on its own
Outreach & Promotion: Content that you'll use to build backlinks or social shares
Knowing why you're creating a piece of content ensures you can (a) judge whether that content has been
successful, and (b) create a well-balanced site (or social media account) that successfully walks the tightrope
of making you money without being a straight up, transparent, low-value affiliate cash grab.
5. Break up your content into easily digestible pieces
No one likes walls of text. On social media, no one likes boring diatribes. People skim content, so make it easy
for them to skim. Use clearly defined sections and structure everything clearly and consistently. It makes it
easier for Google to index your page/site and it makes it easier for people to consume your content, which has
the indirect benefit of improving your search engine performance through better on-page engagement
6. Focus on search intent and answer the visitors' question as quickly as possible
One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is that they identify a keyword with potential and they write an
article about it without ever considering why someone would be searching for that keyword. This leads to
content that checks all of the obvious SEO checklist boxes but underperforms because either (a) Google has
decided the search intent is different than what you've described, or (b) your content doesn't align with the
visitor's expectations. Both are catastrophic for search rankings and conversions.
Also put the answer to whatever question your visitors want answered at the beginning of your article. (On
TikTok, you need to do a little teasing.) If possible, put an affiliate link, email sign-up form, or other value-
added CTA near the answer so your now-pleased visitors can act accordingly.
7. Be accurate
Far, far, farrrr too many affiliate marketers focus on quantity over quality. While I do endorse the quantity-
driven approach, as you can see from my tips above, it's important that everything you post be accurate. I
spent countless hours reading product manuals and extracting product specifications, which gave me a major
advantage over my competitors, because I was able to create content that was more accurate and more
comprehensive (and I could do it more quickly, because I was a true expert now). This expert knowledge and
accuracy skyrocketed my conversion rates.
8. Be genuinely helpful
I saw a post on this sub earlier today that said something to the effect of "Why won't people just buy through
my affiliate links and help a brother out!" Make it so that you're so incredibly helpful that they want to help you
out. Being genuinely helpful also leads to better content, which leads to better search engine rankings and all
that jazz.
9. Don't use AI to write your content
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Skip trymain
to to pullcontent
a fast one on Google. In the end, the cream always rises to the 1top, and in this case that
means content written by an actual person. Use AI for brainstorming and outlining, but writeCreatethe content
10. Invest time in creating unique images
You need to stand out from all of the other affiliate sites, both to Google and to your visitors. Do that by
creating your own unique images. That doesn't mean you need to take professional product photos or
anything like that. One of my go-to strategies was to take screenshots of YouTube product reviews and to
overlay text boxes and arrows pointing out or explaining features in the video (citing the video, of course).
This was an easy way to have unique product photos (not the same old stock photos everyone else had) while
providing real, tangible value.
11. Pay extra attention to all of the small, tedious SEO tasks
Image file sizes. Image alt text. JSON-LD schema markup. Page structure and hierarchy. OpenGraph image
optimization. Updating old posts to include internal links to more recently-published content. Optimizing for
Core Web Vitals performance. Structuring headers and content to target featured snippets. These are all
time-consuming, often tedious tasks deserving of your time and attention before publishing any content.
12. Pay careful attention to your internal link structure
Watch out for orphaned pages (no internal links) and pages that take more than 3-4 clicks to get to from the
home page. Be purposeful in how you connect your monetized and non-monetized content. Carefully pay
attention to how you distribute link equity from pages that have earned backlinks. Silo your content to help
Google understand what it is, but interlink silos where appropriate to connect everything.
My website had a pretty low Ahrefs DR of about 25, but I pulled in over 100,000 monthly organic search visits
in a niche where sites of similar sizes had DRs of 45+. My internal link structure and overall content quality
were huge reasons why.
13. Use Google Search Console to optimize your existing content
It's way easier to update and improve existing content than to create new content.
I used Google Search Console every single day to monitor how my site and individual pages were performing
in the SERPs. Two things I did religiously:
Looked for keywords on my higher-volume pages where I was ranking on the bottom of page 1 or on
page 2. Updating content to optimize for these keywords often had huge traffic benefits.
Looked for pages with good rankings and SERP impressions but low traffic resulting from poor
clickthrough rates. Updating meta titles and descriptions to improve how they appeared to users in the
SERPs often had huge traffic benefits.
The best part? Working in conjunction, the benefits of both are multiplicative.
14. Perform your own manual backlink outreach and get used to rejection
It sucks, but backlinks and social shares are critical to success. Your content calendar should have content
published exclusively for the purpose of outreach (link bait), so find pages on other sites that could benefit
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to to content
main your content. There are a million articles on how to do that, so I won't
1 expand further, but set
up a process for prospecting and pitching and get used to being called a lowlife piece ofCreate
scum for invading
other peoples' inboxes.
15. Prioritize Pinterest
Pinterest is so underutilized in many niches. Household products obviously has an audience on Pinterest, but
most niches can see not-insignificant traffic from Pinterest with just a little bit of effort. Pinterest traffic
doesn't convert as well as other types of traffic due to the "just browsing" nature of Pinterest users
(remember "intent"?), but it's still good traffic nonetheless.
16. Answer tons of questions on Quora
Similar to Pinterest, Quora traffic doesn't convert as well, but it's incredibly easy to generate a ton of views on
Quora and pull in a chunk of traffic from it. Best of all, here's where you can use AI. This is my process:
1. Search for topics related to your niche.
2. Use AI to answer every single question you can by pasting the question into your AI tool of choice (along
with some style prompts).
3. Do NOT include any links to your content. (But DO include a link in your Quora profile about section.)
4. Wait a few days to see which content is generating more views.
5. Go back and add relevant links to your content into those higher-performing Quora answers.
6. Go back and add some links to other sources in your lower-performing Quota answers, just to avoid any
spam filters they may have in place.
In the last 24 hours, I used AI to answer 115 questions on Quora (LOL) and already have generated over 1,800
views on those answers. That's in just one day on brand new answers. Even a low clickthrough rate will result
in some decent traffic.
17. Pace yourself
If you burn too hot at the start, you're going to burn out. With my site, I killed myself for the first 3 months
working 20-30 hours per week on top of a full-time job (my girlfriend, now wife, HATED me for those 3
months). I burned out hard and ignored the site for about 2 months until I noticed my traffic and sales
climbing exponentially, which reinvigorated me.
It doesn't matter if you're marketing on a website, a social media account, through email--whatever. It usually
takes time, so have a plan and execute your plan methodically.
I hope this post was helpful for you. I'm happy to answer any questions or provide clarifications in the
comments. Keep your spirits up and always try to improve on how and why you're doing something, and you'll
be OK. Good luck!
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• 8mo ago • 1 Create
I have read your journey documentation and it's really inspiring. In your documentation you have targeted
on high volume of content. I am a complete beginner. Can u help me explain how can I write content fast?
What tools are using to write content fast. I understood u use ahrefs for finding keywords and use
skyscraper technique. But I need to know more which I can follow to write atleast 30000 per month. How
can I write my content faster. Expecting your valuable suggestions
bprs07 OP • 7mo ago •
I use my keyboard and I type. The only way to work faster is to practice and develop a system.
to main content• 8mo ago • 1 Create
Great info
bprs07 OP • 8mo ago •
I'm glad you found it helpful!
to main •content
8mo ago • 1 Create
Some_Profit_5521 • 8mo ago •
Thank you for this post. I am still figuring out Pinterest. I've really struggled to gain any kind of following
there. Quora is a great idea. I never thought of that. Thank you! As for the rest of your recommendations,
I do what I have time to do. I only have a few hours a month to dedicate to my affiliate marketing. In the
beginning, I dedicated way more time for pennies, so I stopped wasting my time. Part of my problem is
that I'm in an oversaturated niche and I'm not a hot 22 year old who likes to wiggle her ass for people, so
my social media following is low. Recently WordPress had a sale to upgrade to business plan for two
years, so I went for it. I'm giving myself two years to start making money. If I'm not earning steady
revenue by then, I'm out.
Gremic77 • 8mo ago •
Yes, I need one or two of those ass wiggling 22 yo's in a two piece to help promote my content. They
have their own Social Platform now "OnlyFans" - Good Luck to them.
bprs07 OP • 8mo ago •
If you're trying to build a website and gain organic search traffic, stop doing social media. It's better
to do one thing well vs two things poorly.
My site had no Facebook page, no IG account, no Twitter account, and a sparse email list. My sole
focus was organic search and nothing deviated from that, except Pinterest and Quora because the
ROI on my time was so high.
Related to Pinterest, followers are good but not gospel. Post a lot. Optimize for SEO and keywords.
Experiment with different layouts. See what works.
Gremic77 • 8mo ago •
Careful with the post a lot advice. Have read about people getting banned for spamming. I am just
doing one pin a day and that seems to be keeping Pinterest happy. Same On Instagram, although
that is just dead. Regardless, I still do it as AI allows me to make both pin and post respectively
and upload in about half an hour.
bprs07 OP • 8mo ago •
Everything I've ever read says Pinterest doesn't really care how many times you post as long
as it's high quality and has varied layouts. In fact, the successful Pinners I keep an eye on
suggest pinning at least 20 new items per day, but no doubt there's a wide range of
suggestions when it comes to all things digital marketing.
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SkipThis soundscontent
to main like an upsell. 1 Create
Are we allowed to promote affiliate programs in this sub?
Every affiliate message board I have ever been a part of eventually exploits the new people.
Here is real advice from someone who made a ton of stupid cash in affiliate marketing.
99.9999% fail.....
Now, if you are still here in five years, congratulations!
The only difference I have seen from people who make money more than those who don't is consistency
and expectations.
Failure is part of the process. If you don't fail then you are not trying hard enough. Failure opens up
opportunity and the ability to make a ton of money.
I am giving you real advice... Go out and fail, it will make you leathery and wise. Money doesn't come over
night, it comes to you when you are ready.
bprs07 OP • 8mo ago •
My post sounds like an upsell?
ISeekGirls • 8mo ago •
Are you selling anything?
bprs07 OP • 8mo ago •
No, I have no product to sell and I have no affiliate relationships with any brands in the
affiliate, web design, or any related spaces.
ISeekGirls • 8mo ago •
Link building?
bprs07 OP • 8mo ago •
Nope, not selling anything.
Skip to main thank you. 1
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Skip to mainOnly_Breadfruit_3248
content • 8mo ago • 1 Create
Why the move away? Is it the volatility? It’s what moved me away for awhile. I went into local web
design but definitely prefer affiliate sites. However having less control of affiliate sites and loss of
earnings overnight is off putting
bprs07 OP • 8mo ago •
The volatility is tough to deal with for sure. Mostly, it's that I hate promoting products and
getting just 5%. I'd much rather get 100% lol or have my own affiliates and still get a huge
share. If I do stick with affiliate stuff for the long-term, I want to find a good system to use AI,
because that's where it's all heading ultimately.
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makes sense now, thanks! Clarity in prospect's mind is crucial1 for easy conversions.
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