Assessment of Learning Activity

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Activity 5: The Difference of Traditional and Authentic Assessments in 5 Dimensions


Structure of In a specific interaction between teachers In the interaction between teachers and
Problems and learners, the events are ordained students are freely conducted. Teachers do
beforehand. Questions and answers are not ordain events beforehand for the
established and plotted according based on problem. Students move freely to analyze
the implied problem (topic) to be discussed. problems rather than to memorized facts.
Problems to be given with solutions are Questions and answers may vary depending
shallow, it has a limited number of choices on the how the problem weights. Problems
to choose from. Responses between are provided with a lot of choices with no
problems are classified between short specific answers. It matters the creativity in
responses like quizes and tests and long which students used to apply to solve
responses like essays may vary based on the problems. Teachers only facilitates learning
problem. The problems are with potential process and often prepares and organizes
correct answers in which the learners sought learner's ideas rather than prompting.
answers that fits more on the problem.

Learning Setting Learning setting in this area are crafted and Learning setting in this area naturally arises
created in a synchronous matter where and spontaneous where interaction comes
students must be on the same time and freely. Students are allowed to engage,
place to learn. There are applied limitations interact and cooperate in the learning
between time and space which are created process. Students has the freedom to
to reduced the difficulties in classroom sizes. gather deep ideas, raise arguments and
It uses symbols, objects and models to state facts. It projects experiences as the
simulate learning beyond great capacity. main learning equipment to be efficient and
Discussions are in straight-flow, facts driven be in target of the track. Assessments are
and teachers moderate the class. No high-ordered and performanced-
freedom of expression between insights and based,nevertheless it is relevant, meets the
topic are being heared from students unless end of the facilitator and real.
if they are asked.

Cognitive Activity It is classified as low-order thinking skills. It It is calssified as high-orser thinking skills for
does not require synthesis of ideas as often students have opportunities to
as possible. It generaly relies on choices. In demonstrate what they have learned. In
tbe process of making,they become harder addition,activities under this area requires
andd time consuming to create a choice. It synthesizing, creating and formulating
demands low cognitive efforts such as useful and purposeful alternatives. It helps
memorizing, recalling and subjective. It is learners to express their own various
norm-referenced based and only focuses on ablilities through multiple intellegences. It is
single styles of assessments. It needs speed criteria-referenced. It relies on rubrics to
and considerably no feedbacking realized. track students performances and in
engages feedbacking.

Learner Agency It is teacher-defined for teachers conducts Its is learner-defined where teachers only
the whole process of learning with seldom facilitates the learning and the students.
interaction towards the learner. Teachers Teachers at this time let students observe
are authoritarian, staright forward and and reproduce or demonstrate.
subjective. Teachers utilizes fast and easy Feedbacking is very important in here.
activities. They prefer norms that are Teachers are objective enough to conduct
conventional and economical. They seldom assessments and they give emphasis on the
produce high-order thinking activities, less performance of the students. They look
feedbacking and less interaction towwards forward on the skills to be attained by
the students. students for the real life that awaits.

Application of It is indirect evidence based because it It is direct- evidence beacuse it shows first
Learning collects sources of students works to provide hand and real life situations and
outcome or program outcome. It happens experiences of the learner. The learners can
when there are some collection of able to feel, identify and justify what has
transcripts of some records, paper and been done to provide an outcome. It aims
pencil tests, recorded scores and even to equip learners to face real life events and
average scores depending on what sources situations that can prepare them in
are needed. It aims to observe on the employment or continous education. It
students life, preference, norms, ability and offers insight into what and to what degree
even traits. It is believed to help to illustrate students have learned through evaluating
students goals and roles in life. The ability of exams, papers, performances, observations
the child to learn matters on tests and of student work. It has the ability to make
assessments provided. judgements about mastery of learning skills
that students have achieved.

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