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Himansu Delhi 30.10.


Q. With cyclones increasing in frequency and intensity, examine the ecological and socio-economic
importance of mangroves in coastal areas in the context of disaster resilience.

Mangroves play a crucial role by

acting natural barriers to frequent
and severe cyclones in coastal
areas , contributing to ecological
and socio-economic developments.

Importance of Mangroves w.r.t

Disaster Resilience:

Ecological Importance:

1. Biodiversity support to over

1500 species of flora and fauna,
of which 15 are threatened with
extinction as per UNEP.
2. Coastal protection by acting as
natural barrier to storm surges,
tsunami, tidal flood protecting
coastal communities.
3. Soil erosion prevention and
water quality improvement by
trapping sediments and nutrients
in its roots,filtering pollutants
4. Natural Carbon sink by
absorbing large amounts of
carbon dioxide from atmosphere.
Socio-economic importance:
1. Mangrove forest products covers in

provide for livelihoods of coastal

2. safe and favourable
environment of mangroves gives
rise to Fishery and aquaculture
3. Mangrove-based ecotourism is a
potentially valuable and
sustainable source of income for
local communities.
4. Climate change mitigation
through conservation and
reforestation of mangroves which
will enhance climate resilience in
coastal regions.

Threats to Mangroves: uncontrolled

aquaculture, water pollution due to
rivers, sea level rise due to climate

Way forward: Conserving

mangroves through Ramsar
convention, MISHTI program by
India to increase mangrove cover
and tangible income.

Mangroves are thus essential for

both ecological health and socio-
economic stability in coastal
regions, making their conservation
and restoration a priority in the
face of climate change.

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