Reaction Rate

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1. Definition of reaction rate:

The reaction rate is the increase in molar concentration of product of a reaction per unit time or the
decrease in molar concentration of reactant per unit time.
Usual unit: moles per liter per second [mol/(L.s)]
Reaction rate depends on:
+ Concentration of reactants (often increases with the reactant increase).
+ Temperature at which the reaction occurs.
+ Catalyst (Concentration of catalyst).
+ Surface area of a solid reactant or catalyst.
2. Reaction rate expression:
D [ reac tants ] D [ products ]
Rate of reaction = - =+
Dt Dt
∆𝑡 → 0: Instantaneous rate (tốc độ tức thời).
∆𝑡≫ 0: Average rate over ∆𝑡 (tốc độ trung bình).
Example: Consider the reaction: aA + bB ® cC + dD
1 D [ A] 1 D [ B] 1 D [C ] 1 D [ D]
Rate = - =- =+ =+
a Dt b Dt c Dt d Dt
3. Reaction rate equation:
For a reaction between substances X and Y, the rate of reaction can usually be described by an equation
of the form
Rate = k[X]m[Y]n
where k is a constant called the rate constant, [X] and [Y] represent the reactant concentrations, and
m and n are typically either integers or half integers. The actual values of the exponents m and n must be
measured experimentally. (In some cases, these values can be related to the stoichiometric coefficients of
the reaction, but not always!)
4. Reaction Order
The reaction order with respect to a given reactant species equals the exponent of the concentration of
that species in the rate law, as determined experimentally.
The overall order of a reaction equals the sum of the orders of the reactant species in the rate law
Consider: 2NO + 2H2 ® N2 + 2H2O
Rate law: Rate = k [ NO2 ] [ H 2 ] (determined experimentally)

• Reaction order with respect to NO2: second

• Reaction order with respect to H2: first
• Overall reaction order: third
Exercise: Determined the rate law:
Example 1: Consider the reaction:
NH 4+ + NO2- ® N 2 + 2 H 2O
Three experiments were run, and the following
data obtained.
Determine the rate law for this reaction.
m n
Solution: We have, The rate law for this reaction can be described by Rate = k éë NH 4+ ùû éë NO2- ùû
Rate 1 = k(0.01)m(0.02)n = 0.02
Rate 2 = k(0.015)m(0.02)n = 0.03
Rate 3 = k(0.01)m(0.01)n = 0.005
m n
Rate1 æ 0.01 ö 0.02 Rate1 æ 0.02 ö 0.02
Þ =ç ÷ = Þ m = 1; =ç ÷ = Þn=2
Rate2 è 0.015 ø 0.03 Rate3 è 0.01 ø 0.005
Thus, the rate law is Rate = k éë NH 4+ ùû éë NO2- ùû
Example 2: Consider the reaction:
NO2 + O3 ® NO3 + O2
Three experiments were run, and the following
data obtained.

Determine the rate law and rate constant for

this reaction.
Example 3: Consider the reaction:
NO2(g) + CO(g) ® NO(g) + CO2(g)
The initial rate of the reaction is measured at
several different concentrations of the reactants,
and the tabulated results are shown here.
From the data, determine:
(a) the rate law for the reaction
(b) the rate constant (k) for the reaction
5. Integrated Rate Laws

Ex1. Using the integrated form of the rate law, determine the rate constant k of a zero-order reaction
if the initial concentration of substance A is 1.5 M and after 120 seconds the concentration of substance A
is 0.75 M.
Ex2. For the first order reaction A ® B the rate constant is 4.5 x 10-2 s-1. What is the half-life for this
reaction if we start with 0.050 M of A.
Ex3. A reaction of the form aA ® Products is second order with a rate constant of 0.169 L/(mol.s). If
the initial concentration of A is 0.269 mol/L, how many seconds would it take for the concentration of A
to decrease to 6.07 x 10-3 mol/L
6. Reaction mechanism:
6.1. The rate law and the mechanism:
- The rate-determining step is the slowest step in the reaction mechanism.
- Because the rate-determining step limits the rate of the overall reaction, its rate law represents the
rate law for the overall reaction.
6.2. Catalysis:
- A catalyst is a substance that increase the rate of a reaction but is not consumed by it.
- A catalyst has no effect on the equilibrium composition of a reaction mixture. A catalyst merely
speeds up the attainment of equilibrium.
- Classification:
+ Homogeneous catalyst: the catalyst and reactant(s) are in the same phase.
+ Heterogeneous catalyst: the catalyst and reactant(s) are in different phases.
+ Bio catalyst: somewhere between homo- and hetero-geneous catalysis (catalyst ≡ enzyme).
- How catalyst work: A catalyst provides an alternative route for the reaction. That alternative route
has a lower activation energy. (Activation energy: minimum energy required to get the reaction started.)

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