Updates On Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Is There Anything Really New?
Updates On Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Is There Anything Really New?
Updates On Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Is There Anything Really New?
Background: Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) is a severe disease, with systemic involvement and complex diagnosis and
treatment. Since the current guidelines were published by the AHA/ASA, Neurocritical Care Society and the European Stroke Organization
in 2012-2013,there has been an evolution in the comprehension of SAH-associated brain injury and its multiple underlying mechanisms. As
a result, several clinical and translational trials were developed or are underway. Objective: The aim of this article is to review some updates
in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological complications of SAH. Methods: A review of PubMed (May, 2010 to February, 2022) was
performed. Data was summarized. Results: Content of five meta-analyses, nine review articles and 23 new clinical trials, including pilots,
were summarized. Conclusions: Advances in the comprehension of pathophysiology and improvements in critical care have been reflected in
the reduction of mortality in SAH. However, despite the number of publications, the only treatments shown to be effective in adequate, well-
controlled clinical trials are nimodipine and repair of the ruptured aneurysm. Thus, doubts about the optimal management of SAH still persist.
Keywords: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage; Aneurysm; Vasospasm, Intracranial.
Antecedentes: Hemorragia subaracnóide aneurismática (HSAa) é uma doença grave, com envolvimento sistêmico, complexo diagnóstico e
tratamento. Desde a publicação dos atuais protocolos de conduta pela AHA/ASA, Neurocritical Care Society e European Stroke Organization de
2012-2013, houve evolução na compreensão da lesão cerebral associada à HSA e seus múltiplos mecanismos subjacentes. Como resultado,
muitos trabalhos clínicos e translacionais foram desenvolvidos ou estão em andamento. Objetivos: O objetivo deste artigo é revisar algumas
das atualizações no diagnóstico e tratamento de complicações neurológicas de HSA. Métodos: Revisão de Pubmed (Maio de 2010 a Fevereiro
de 2022) foi realizada. Dados foram sintetizados. Resultados: O conteúdo de 5 metanálises, 9 artigos de revisão e 23 novos estudos clínicos,
incluindo pilotos, foram sumarizados. Conclusões: Avanços na compreensão da fisiopatologia e melhorias no cuidado crítico têm se refletido
na redução da mortalidade em HSA. Entretanto, apesar do volume de publicações, os únicos tratamentos que se mostraram efetivos com
testes clínicos bem controlados são o uso de nimodipino e o tratamento dos aneurisma rotos. Assim, dúvidas acerca do manejo ideal em
HSA ainda persistem.
Palavras-chave: Hemorragia Subaracnóidea; Aneurisma;Vasoespasmo Intracraniano.
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 50% at the time of aneurysmal rupture and with 30-day mor-
tality up to 45%) and extensive long-term morbidity (a third
Aneurysmatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (aSAH) is a of survivors require full care, and a third are not able to return
complex disease and a relevant health problem. In terms to work)4. And lastly, it is estimated that the global aSAH case-
of epidemiology, concepts should be highlighted: incidence fatality rate has decreased by 17% to 50% in the last 30 years as
varies greatly among countries. It is estimated at 2-16 per a result of improving diagnostic accuracy, surgical techniques,
100,000 per annum worldwide1, while Finland is the country critical care support, cardiovascular risk prevention measures
with the highest incidence, with 22.7 per 100,000 per annum2. and adherence to guideline recommendations5.
Furthermore, aSAH affects a relatively young population, with International guidelines are periodically updated with
a peak of around 50 years-old3, causing higher mortality (about recommendations on screening, diagnosis, treatment and a
Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Emergências Clínicas, São Paulo SP, Brazil.
comprehensive pathophysiological review. However, the last Box 1. The Ottawa SAH Rule*.
publication was by the AHA/ASA, Neurocritical Care Society,
and the European Stroke Organization dated 2012-20133,6,7. This Inclusion: patients older than 15 y with new severe nontraumatic
article was developed by summarizing some recent studies headache reaching maximum intensity within 1h.
(five meta-analyses, nine review articles and 23 clinical trials)
Not for patients with new neurologic deficits, previous aneurysms,
and their results as to diagnosis and treatment of aSAH neu-
SAH, brain tumors, or history of recurrent headaches (≥3 episodes
rological complications.
over the course of ≥6 mo).
Algorithm adaptation of milrinone using Montreal Protocol. CVC: Central Venous Pressure; BP: Blood Pressure; MAP: Median Arterial Pressure.
Figure 1. Adaptation of Montreal Protocol.
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