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Design and Analysis of Algorithm Questions and Answers

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Design and Analysis of Algorithm Questions and Answers

Algorithms and Data Structures (Bharati Vidyapeeth University)

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1. What is an algorithm? [M – 13]

An algorithm is a sequence of unambiguous instructions for solving a problem, i.e., for
obtaining a required output for any legitimate input in finite amount of time.
An algorithm is step by step procedure to solve a problem.

2. What are the types of algorithm

efficiencies? The two types of algorithm
efficiencies are
 Time efficiency: indicates how fast the algorithm runs
 Space efficiency: indicates how much extra memory the algorithm needs

3. Mention some of the important problem

types? Some of the important problem types
are as follows
 Sorting
 Searching
 String processing
 Graph problems
 Combinatorial problems
 Geometric problems
 Numerical problems

4. What is worst-case efficiency?

The worst-case efficiency of an algorithm is its efficiency for the worst-case input of size
n, which is an input or inputs of size n for which the algorithm runs the longest among all
possible inputs of that size.
5. What is best-case efficiency?
The best-case efficiency of an algorithm is its efficiency for the best-case input of size n, which is

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input or inputs for which the algorithm runs the fastest among all possible inputs of that size.

6. What is average case efficiency? [M-14]

The average case efficiency of an algorithm is its efficiency for an average case input
of size n. It provides information about an algorithm behavior on a ―typical‖ or
―random‖ input.

7. Define O-notation? [M -13][M-15]

A function t[n] is said to be in O[g[n]], denoted by t[n] ε O[g[n]], if t[n] is bounded
above by some constant multiple of g[n] for all large n, i.e., if there exists some
positive constant c and some non- negative integer n0 such that
T [n] <=cg [n] for all n >= n0

8. Define Ω-notation? [M – 14]

A function t[n] is said to be in Ω [g[n]], denoted by t[n] ε Ω [g[n]], if t[n] is bounded
below by some constant multiple of g[n] for all large n, i.e., if there exists some
positive constant c and some non- negative integer n0 such that
T [n] >=cg [n] for all n >=n0

9. Define θ-notation? [N-14]

A function t[n] is said to be in θ [g[n]], denoted by t[n] ε θ [g[n]], if t[n] is bounded both
above & below by some constant multiple of g[n] for all large n, i.e., if there exists
some positive constants c1 & c2 and some nonnegative integer n0 such thatc2g [n] <= t
[n] <= c1g [n] for all n >= n0

10. Give the Euclid‘s algorithm for computing gcd[m, n] [M –

16] ALGORITHM Euclid_gcd[m, n] //Computes gcd[m, n] by Euclid‘s algorithm
//Input: Two nonnegative, not-both-zero integers m and n
//Output: Greatest common divisor of m and n
while n ≠ 0 do
r ←m
mod n
n←r return m
Example: gcd[60, 24] = gcd[24, 12] = gcd[12, 0] = 12.

11. Define the terms: pseudo code, flow chart

 A pseudocode is a mixture of a natural language and programming language like
constructs. A pseudocode is usually more precise than natural language.

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 A flowchart is a method of expressing an algorithm by a collection of connected

geometric shapes containing descriptions of
the algorithm‘s steps.
12. Compare the
order of growth n[n-1]/2 and n . [M – 16]
Polynomial Quadratic Quadratic
1 0 1
2 1 4
4 6 16
8 28 64
45 102 of n2
is lesser than the half
10 4950 104
Complexity Low High
Growth Low high

13. State
how binomial coefficient is computed through algorithm? Or Write an algorithm to find the
number of binary digits in the binary representation of a positive decimal integer. [M-15]
//Input: A positive decimal integer n
//Output: The number of binary digits in n‘s binary
representation count ←1
while n >1do
count ←count
+1 n← n/2
return count

14. What is the use

of asymptotic notation? [M-15]
The notations describe different rate-of-growth relations between the defining function
and the defined set of function. They are used to compare two function sizes. Ex: linear,
logarithmic ,cubic, quadratic, exponential functions are used.

15. What is the substitution

method? [M-14][N-14]
One of the methods for solving any such recurrence relation is called the substitution method.

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16 marks

1. Explain the various Asymptotic Notations used in algorithm design? Or Discuss the
properties of asymptotic notations. Or Explain the basic efficiency classes with notations.
Asymptotic notation is a notation, which is used to take meaningful statement about the
efficiency of

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a program. The efficiency analysis framework concentrates on the order of growth of an

algorithm‘s basic operation count as the principal indicator of the algorithm‘s
To compare and rank such orders of growth, computer scientists use three
notations, they are: O - Big oh notation, Ω - Big omega notation, Θ - Big theta
Let t[n] and g[n] can be any nonnegative functions defined on the set of natural
numbers. The algorithm‘s running time t[n] usually indicated by its basic operation
count C[n], and g[n], some simple function to compare with the count.
There are 5 basic asymptotic notations used in the algorithm design.
 Big Oh: A function t[n] is said to be in O[g[n]], denoted by t[n] ε O[g[n]], if t[n] is
bounded above by some constant multiple of g[n] for all large n, i.e., if there
exists some positive constant c and some non-negative integer n0 such that T
[n] <=cg [n] for all n >= n0
 Big Omega: A function t[n] is said to be in Ω [g[n]], denoted by t[n] ε Ω [g[n]], if t[n]
is bounded below by some constant multiple of g[n] for all large n, i.e., if there
exists some positive constant c and some non-negative integer n0 such that T [n]
>=cg [n] for all n >=n0
 Big Theta: A function t[n] is said to be in θ [g[n]], denoted by t[n] ε θ [g[n]], if
t[n] is bounded both above & below by some constant multiple of g[n] for all
large n, i.e., if there exists some positive constants c1 & c2 and some
nonnegative integer n0 such that c2g [n] <= t [n] <= c1g
[n] for all n >= n0
 Little oh: The function f[n] = 0[g[n]] iff Lim f[n] = 0 n - � g[n]
 Little Omega. :The function f[n] = ω [g[n]] iff Lim f[n] = 0 n - � g[n]
t[n]  O[g[n]] iff t[n] <=cg[n] for n > n0

t[n]  Ω[g[n]] iff t[n] >=cg[n] for n > n0

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t[n] Θ[g[n]] iff t[n]O[g[n]] and Ω[g[n]]

Informal Definitions: Big O, Ω, Θ

Some properties of asymptotic order of growth
 f[n]  O[f[n]]
 f[n]  O[g[n]] iff g[n] [f[n]]
 If f [n]  O[g [n]] and g[n]  O[h[n]] , then f[n] 
O[h[n]] Note similarity with a ≤ b
 If f1[n]  O[g1[n]] and f2[n]  O[g2[n]] , then f1[n] + f2[n]  O[max{g1[n], g2[n]}]

Basic Efficiency classes:

1 constant Best case
log n logarithmic Divide ignore part
n linear Examine each
n log n n-log-n or Divide use all parts
n2 quadratic Nested loops
n3 cubic Nested loops

2n exponential All subsets

n! factorial All permutations

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2. Explain recursive and non-recursive algorithms with example. Or

With an example, explain how recurrence equations are solved. [N-14][M-14]
Mathematical Analysis of Recursive Algorithms
General Plan for Analysis
 Decide on a parameter indicating an input‘s size.
 Identify the algorithm‘s basic operation.
 Check whether the number of times the basic op. is executed may vary on different
inputs of the same size. [If it may, the worst, average, and best cases must be investigated
 Set up a recurrence relation with an appropriate initial condition expressing the number
of times the basic op. is executed.
 Solve the recurrence by backward substitutions or another method.

EXAMPLE Compute the factorial function F[n] = n! for an arbitrary nonnegative integer n
//Computes n! recursively
//Input: A nonnegative integer n
//Output: The value of n!
if n = 0 return 1
else return F[n − 1] * n

EXAMPLE 2: consider educational workhorse of recursive algorithms: the Tower of Hanoi

puzzle. We have n disks of different sizes that can slide onto any of three pegs. Consider A
(source), B (auxiliary), and C (Destination). Initially, all the disks are on the first peg in order
of size, the largest on the bottom and the smallest on top. The goal is to move all the disks to
the third peg, using the second one as an auxiliary.
//Move disks from source to destination recursively
//Input: n disks and 3 pegs A, B, and C
//Output: Disks moved to destination as in the
source order. if n=1
Move disk from A to C
Move top n-1 disks from A to B
using C TOH(n - 1, A, B, C)
Move top n-1 disks from B to C
using A TOH(n - 1, B, C, A)

Mathematical Analysis of Non-Recursive Algorithms

General Plan for Analysis
Decide on parameter n indicating input size

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 Identify algorithm‘s basic operation

 Determine worst, average, and best cases for input of size n
 Set up a sum for the number of times the basic operation is executed

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 Simplify the sum using standard formulas and rules [see Appendix A]

EXAMPLE Consider the problem of finding the value of the largest element in a list of n numbers
ALGORITHM MaxElement[A[0..n−1]]
//Determines the value of the largest element in a given array
//Input: An array A[0..n−1] of real numbers
//Output: The value of the largest
element in A maxval ←A[0]
fori ←1 to
n−1do if A[i]>
return maxval

EXAMPLE 2 Given two n×n matrices A and B, find the time efficiency of the definition-based
algorithm for computing their produc tC =AB. By definition,C is an n×n matrix whose elements
are computed as the scalar [dot] products of the rows of matrix A and the columns of
matrixB: whereC[i, j]=A[i, 0]B[0, j]+...+A[i, k]B[k, j]+...+A[i, n−1]B[n−1, j] for every pair of
indices 0 ≤i, j ≤n−1.

ALGORITHM MatrixMultiplication[A[0..n−1, 0..n−1], B[0..n−1, 0..n−1]]

//Multiplies two square matrices of order n by the definition-based algorithm
//Input: Two n×n matrices A andB
//Output: MatrixC
=AB fori ←0 to
for j ←0 to
n−1do C[i,
for k←0 to n−1do
C[i, j]←C[i, j]+A[i,
k]∗B[k, j] return C
To measure an input‘s size by matrix order n. There are two arithmetical operations in the
innermost loop here—multiplication and addition—that, in principle, can compete for
designation as the algorithm‘s basic operation.

2. What are the fundamental steps to solve an algorithm? Explain. Or Describe in detail about
the steps in analyzing and coding an algorithm. [M-15][M-14]
An algorithm is a sequence of unambiguous instructions for solving problem, i.e., for
obtaining a required output for any legitimate input in a finite amount of time.
Algorithmic steps are

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 Understand the problem

 Decision making
 Design an algorithm
 Proving correctness of an algorithm
 Analyze the algorithm
 Coding and implementation of an algorithm

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Figure : Algorithm design and analysis process

3. Understand the problem

a. Read the description carefully to understand the problem completely
b. Identfiy the problem types and use existing algorithm to find solution
c. Input (instance) to the problem and range of the input gets fixed.
4. Decision making
a. Ascertaining the capabilities of computational device
i. In Ram instructions are executed one after another, accordingly
algorithms designed to be executed on such machines are executed
sequential algorithms
ii. In some computers operations are executed concurrently in parallel.
iii. Choice of computational devices like processor and memory is mainly based
on space and time efficiency.
b. Choosing between exact versus approximate problem solving
i. An algorithm used to solve the problem exactly and produce correct
result is called exact algorithm

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ii. If the problem is to so complex and not able to get exact solution then
it is called approximation algorithm.

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c. Algorithm design strategies

i. Algorithms + data structures = programs, though algorithms and data
structures are independent then they combined to produce programs.
ii. Implementation of an algorithm is possible with the help of algorithms and data
iii. Algorithm design strategy techniques are brute force, dynamic
programming, greedy technique, divide and conquer and so on.
iv. Methods for specifying an algorithm
1. Natural language: It is very simple and easy to specify an algorithm using natural
language. Example // addition of 2 nos
Read a
Read b
Store and display the result in c
2. Flow chart – Flowchart is a diagrammatic and graphical representation of an
algorithm. It is a method of expressing an algorithm by a collection of connected
graphical shapes containing description of the algorithm‘s steps.
3. Pseudo code - It is a mixture of natural language and programming language
constructs. It is usually more precise than natural language.
Example // sum of 2 nos
// input a and b
// output c
c← a+ b
d. Proving an algorithm’s correctness
i. Once an algorithm has been specified then its correctness must be proved.
ii. An algorithm must yields a required result for every legitimate input in a finite amount of time.
iii. For example, the correctness of Euclid‘s algorithm for computing the
greatest common divisor stems from the correctness of the equality gcd(m,
n) = gcd(n, m mod n).
iv. A common technique for proving correctness is to use mathematical induction
because an algorithm‘s iterations provide a natural sequence of steps needed for such
v. The notion of correctness for approximation algorithms is less straightforward than
it is for exact algorithms. The error produced by the algorithm should not exceed a
predefined limit.
e. Analyzing an algorithm
For an algorithm the most important is algorithm efficiency .There are two types of
algorithm efficiencies are
 Time efficiency: indicates how fast the algorithm runs
 Space efficiency: indicates how much extra memory the algorithm needs
So the efficiency of an algorithm through analysis is based on both time and space

There are some factors to analyze an algorithm are:

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 Simplicity of an algorithm
 Generality of an algorithm
 Time efficiency of an algorithm
 Space efficiency of an algorithm
f. Coding an algorithm
i. The coding / implementation of an algorithm is done by a suitable programming
language like C, C++, JAVA.

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ii. The transition from an algorithm to a program can be done either incorrectly or
very inefficiently. Implementing an algorithm correctly is necessary. The Algorithm
power should not reduce by inefficient implementation.
iii. Standard tricks like computing a loop‘s invariant outside the loop, collecting
common sub expressions, replacing expensive operations by cheap ones, selection of
programming language and so on should be known to the programmer.

5. What are the fundamental steps to solve an algorithm? Or

What are the steps for solving an efficient algorithm? [M-15]
Analysis of algorithm is the process of investigation of an algorithm‘s
efficiency with respect to two resources: running time and memory
The reasons for selecting these two criteria are:
 The simplicity and generality measures of an algorithm estimate the efficiency
 The speed and memory are the efficiency considerations of modern
computers. That there are two kinds of efficiency: time efficiency and space
 Time efficiency, also called time complexity, indicates how
fast an algorithm in question runs.
 Space efficiency, also called space complexity, refers to the amount of memory
units required by the algorithm in addition to the space needed for its input and
The steps for an efficient algorithm
1. Measuring an input‘s size
a. The efficiency measure of an algorithm is directly proportional to the input size or range.
b. The input given may be a square or a non-square matrix.
c. Some algorithms require more than one parameter to indicate the size of their inputs.
2. Units for measuring time
a. We can simply use some standard unit of time measurement-a second, a
millisecond, and so on-to measure the running time of a program implementing the
b. There are obvious drawbacks to such an approach. They are
 Dependence on the speed of a particular computer
 Dependence on the quality of a program implementing the algorithm
 The compiler used in generating the machine code
 The difficulty of clocking the actual running time of the program.
c. Since we are in need to measure algorithm efficiency, we should have a
metric that does not depend on these extraneous factors.
d. One possible approach is to count the number of times each of the
algorithm's operations is executed. This approach is both difficult and

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e. The main objective is to identify the most important operation of the

algorithm, called the basic operation, the operation contributing the most to the total
running time, and
compute the number of times the basic operation is executed.
3. Efficiency classes
a. It is reasonable to measure an algorithm's efficiency as a function of a parameter

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indicating the size of the algorithm's input.

b. But there are many algorithms for which running time depends not only
on an input size but also on the specifics of a particular input.
4. Example, sequential search. This is a straightforward algorithm that
searches for a given item (some search key K) in a list of n elements by
checking successive elements of the list until either a match with the search
key is found or the list is exhausted. ALGORITHM Sequential Search(A[0..n -1], K)
//Searches for a given value in a given array by sequential search
//Input: An array A[0..n -1] and a search key K
//Output: Returns the index of the first element of A that matches K
// or -1 ifthere are no matching
elements i←0
while i < n and A[i] ≠ K
do i←i+1
if i < n return i
else return -1
Worst case efficiency
 The worst-case efficiency of an algorithm is its efficiency for the worst-
case input of size n, which is an input (or inputs) of size n for which the algorithm
runs the longest
among all possible inputs of that size.
 In the worst case, when there are no matching elements or the first
matching element happens to be the last one on the list, the algorithm makes the
largest number of key comparisons among all possible inputs of size n: Cworst (n) =
Best case Efficiency
 The best-case efficiency of an algorithm is its efficiency for the best-case
input of size n, which is an input (or inputs) of size n for which the algorithm runs
the fastest among
all possible inputs of that size.
 First, determine the kind of inputs for which the count C (n) will be the
smallest among all possible inputs of size n. (Note that the best case does not
mean the smallest input; it means the input of size n for which the algorithm
runs the fastest.)
 Then ascertain the value of C (n) on these most convenient inputs. Example- for
sequential search, best-case inputs will be lists of size n with their first
elements equal to a search key; accordingly, Cbest(n) = 1.
Average case efficiency
 The average number of key comparisions Cavg(n) can be computed as follows,
o let us consider again sequential search. The standard
assumptions are, In the case of a successful search, the probability of the

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first match occurring in the ith position of the list is pin for every i, and the
number of comparisons made by the algorithm in such a situation is
obviously i. Cavg(n) =(n+ 1)/2
5. Orders of growth
Big oh , Big omega and Big Theta notations described above 2 Question.

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2 marks

1. What is brute force algorithm?

A straightforward approach, usually based directly on the problem‗s statement and
definitions of the concepts involved.

2. What is exhaustive search?

A brute force solution to a problem involving search for an element with a special
property, usually among combinatorial objects such as permutations, combinations, or
subsets of a set.
Examples or Techniques used:
 Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
 Knapsack Problem (KP)
 Assignment Problem (AP)

3. Give the general plan for divide-and-conquer algorithms. [N –

16] The general plan is as follows
 A problems instance is divided into several smaller instances of the same problem,
ideally about the same size
 The smaller instances are solved, typically recursively
 If necessary the solutions obtained are combined to get the solution of the original
problem Given a function to compute on ‗n‗ inputs the divide-and-conquer strategy
suggests splitting the inputs in to‗k‗ distinct sub sets, 1<k <n, yielding ‗k‗ sub
problems. The sub problems must be solved, and then a method must be found to
combine sub solutions into a solution of the whole. If the sub problems are still
relatively large, then the divide-and conquer strategy can possibly be reapplied.

4. Define – Feasibility [M -14]

A feasible set [of candidates] is promising if it can be extended to produce not merely a
solution, but an optimal solution to the problem.

5. Define - Hamiltonian circuit [N-14][M -13]

A Hamiltonian circuit is defined as a cycle that passes through all the vertices of the
graph exactly once.

6. Define- Merge sort and list the steps also

Merge sort sorts a given array A[0..n-1] by dividing it into two halves a[0..[n/2]-1] and
A[n/2..n-1] sorting each of them recursively then merging the two smaller sorted arrays into
a single sorted one.

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1. Divide Step: If given array A has zero or one element, return S; it is already sorted.
Otherwise, divide A into two arrays, A1 and A2, each containing about half of the elements
of A.

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2. Recursion Step: Recursively sort array A1 and A2.

3. Conquer Step: Combine the elements back in A by merging the sorted arrays
A1 and A2 into a sorted sequence

7. Define -Quick Sort

Quick sort is an algorithm of choice in many situations because it is not difficult to
implement, it is a good\"general purpose\" sort and it consumes relatively fewer resources
during execution.
Analysis: O[n log n] in average and best cases and O[n ] in worst case

8. What is binary search? [M -15]

Binary search is a remarkably efficient algorithm for searching in a sorted array. It works
by comparing a search key K with the arrays middle element A[m]. If they match the
algorithm stops; otherwise the same operation is repeated recursively for the first half of
the array if K < A[m] and the second half if K
> A[m]. Binary Search Time Complexity: O[n log n]

9. Define - Dijkstra‘s Algorithm

Dijkstra‘s algorithm solves the single source shortest path problem of finding
shortest paths from a given vertex[ the source], to all the other vertices of a
weighted graph or digraph.
Dijkstra‘s algorithm provides a correct solution for a graph with non-negative weights.

10. Define - Huffman trees

A Huffman tree is binary tree that minimizes the weighted path length from the
root to the leaves containing a set of predefined weights. The most important
application of Huffman trees are Huffman code.
11. What do
you mean by optimal solution? [N-14][M
-14] Given a problem with n inputs, we obtain a subset that satisfies come
constraints. Any subset that satisfies these constraints is called a feasible solution. A
feasible solution, which maximizes or
minimizes a given objective function, is called optimal solution.

12. What is Closest-

Pair Problem? [M – 16]
The closest-pair problem finds the two closest points in a set of n points. It is
the simplest of a variety of problems in computational geometry that deals with
proximity of points in the plane or higher-dimensional spaces.

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13. Distinguish
between BFS and DFS. [M-13]
DFS follows the procedure:
a. Select an unvisited node x, visit it, and treat as the current node
b. Find an unvisited neighbor of the current node, visit it, and make it the new current node;

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c. If the current node has no unvisited neighbors, backtrack to the its parent, and make
that parent the new current node;
d. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until no more nodes can be visited.
e. If there are still unvisited nodes, repeat from
step 1. BFS follows the procedure:
f. Select an unvisited node x, visit it, have it be the root in a BFS tree being formed.
Its level is called the current level.
g. From each node z in the current level, in the order in which the level nodes were
visited, visit all the unvisited neighbors of z. The newly visited nodes from this
level form a new level that becomes the next current level.
h. Repeat step 2 until no more nodes can be visited.
i. If there are still unvisited nodes, repeat from Step 1

14. What are applications or examples of Brute force techniques?

 Exhaustive searching techniques [TSP,KP,AP]
 Finding closest pair and convex hull problems
 Sorting: selection and bubble sort
 Searching: Brute force string match and sequential search.
 Computing n!

15. What are the applications of divide and conquer techniques?

 Sorting : Merge sort and quick sort
 Search: Binary search
 Strassen‘s Matrix multiplication
 Finding closest pair and convex hull problems
 Multiplication of large integers

16 marks
1. Write the algorithm to perform Binary Search and compute its time complexity. Or
Explain binary search algorithm with an example.[N-14][N-15]

Very efficient algorithm for searching in sorted array:

A[0] . . . A[m] . . . A[n-1]
If K = A[m], stop [successful search]; otherwise,
continue searching by the same method in A[0..m-
1] if K < A[m] and in A[m+1..n-1] if K > A[m]
// Input: An Array A[0…n-1] sorted in ascending orger and a search key K
//Output: An index of the array‘s element that is equal to K or -1 if there is no such element.

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l  0; r  n-1
while l  r do
m  [l+r]/2
if K = A[m] return m
else if K < A[m] r 
m-1 else l  m+1
return -1

Time complexity: CWorst[n]=1,Cavg[n]=log2n,Cbest[n]=log2n+1

For Example

The following is our sorted array and let us assume that we need to search the location of
value 31 using binary search.

First, we shall determine half of the array by using this

formula − mid = low + [high - low] / 2

Here it is, 0 + [9 - 0 ] / 2 = 4 [integer value of 4.5]. So, 4 is the mid of the array.

Now we compare the value stored at location 4, with the value being searched, i.e. 31. We
find that the value at location 4 is 27, which is not a match. As the value is greater than 27
and we have a sorted array,

to change our low to mid + 1 and find the new mid value again. low = mid + 1, mid = low +
[high - low] / 2 Our new mid is 7 now. We compare the value stored at location 7 with our
target value 31.

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The value stored at location 7 is not a match, rather it is less than what we are looking for.
So, the value must be in the lower part from this location.

Hence, we calculate the mid again. This time it is 5.

We compare the value stored at location 5 with our target value. We find that it is a match.

We conclude that the target value 31 is stored at location 5.

Binary search halves the searchable items and thus reduces the count of comparisons to be
made to very less numbers.

2. Write down the algorithm to construct a convex hull based on divide and conquer
strategy. Or Explain the convex hull problem and the solution involved behind it.[N-15]
Convex hull: smallest convex set that includes given points. An O[n^3] brute force time.
Assume points are sorted by x-coordinate values
 Identify extreme points P1 and P2 [leftmost and rightmost]
 Compute upper hull recursively:
1. find point Pmax that is farthest away from line P1P2
2. compute the upper hull of the points to the left of line P1Pmax
3. compute the upper hull of the points to the left of line PmaxP2
 Compute lower hull in a similar manner
 Finding point farthest away from line P1P2 can be done in linear time
 Time efficiency: T[n] = T[x] + T[y] + T[z] + T[v] + O[n], where x + y +
z +v <= n. worst case: Θ[n2] T[n] = T[n-1] + O[n]
average case: Θ[n]
If points are not initially sorted by x-coordinate value, this can be accomplished in
O[n log n] time. Several O[n log n] algorithms for convex hull are known.

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1. Sort the points by x [list one] and then by y [list two].
2. Divide the points given into two subsets S1 and S2 by a vertical line x = c so that half
the points lie to the left or on the line and half the points lie to the right or on the
3. Find recursively the closest pairs for the left and right subsets.
4. Set d = min{d1, d2}, We can limit our attention to the points in the symmetric vertical
strip of width 2d as possible closest pair. Let C1and C2 be the subsets of points in the left
subset S1 and of the
right subset S2, respectively, that lie in this vertical strip. The points in C1 and C2 are
stored in increasing order of their y coordinates, taken from the second list.
5. For every point P[x,y] in C1, we inspect points in C 2 that may be closer to P than d. There
can be no more than 6 such points [because d ≤ d2]! Running time of the algorithm
[without sorting] is: T[n] = 2T[n/2] + M[n], where M[n]  Θ[n] By the Master Theorem
[with a = 2, b = 2, d = 1] T[n]  Θ[n log n] So the total time is Θ[n log n].

3. Explain the closest pair and convex hull problem in brute force technique. [N-15]
Find the two closest points in a set of n points [in the two-dimensional
Cartesian plane]. Brute-force algorithm
 Compute the distance between every pair of distinct points
 And return the indexes of the points for which the distance is the smallest.
ALGORITHM BruteForceClosestPair[P ]
//Finds distance between two closest points in the plane by brute force
//Input: A list P of n [n ≥ 2] points p1[x1, y1], . . . , pn[xn, yn]
//Output: The distance between the closest pair of
points d←∞
for i ←1 to n − 1
do for j ←i + 1 to
n do
d ←min[d, sqrt[[xi− xj ]2 + [yi− yj ]2]] //sqrt is
square root return d
CONVEX HULL THEOREM The convex hull of any set S of n>2 points not all on the same
line is a convex polygon with the vertices at some of the points of S. [If all the points do
lie on the same line, the polygon degenerates to a line segment but still with the
endpoints at two points of S.]

The convex-hull problem is the problem of constructing the convex hull for a given set S
of n points. To solve it, we need to find the points that will serve as the vertices of
the polygon in question. Mathematicians call the vertices of such a polygon
―extreme points.‖

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4. Develop a pseudo code for divide and conquer algorithm for merge two sorted arrays
into a single sorted one – explain with example. or Write down the algorithm for merge
sorting. Explain how the following elements get sorted
[310,285,179,652,351,423,861,254,450,520] or Sort the following set of elements using
merge sort:12,24,8,71,4,23,6,89,56. Or State and Explain Merge sort algorithm and give
the recurrence relation and efficiency [M-14] [N-15][M-15][M-

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Merge sort is a perfect example of a successful application of the divide-and conquer
technique. It sorts a given array A[0..n − 1] by dividing it into two halves A[0..n/2− 1]
and A[n/2..n − 1], sorting each of them recursively, and then merging the two smaller
sorted arrays into a single sorted one.
Merge sort sorts a given array A[0..n-1] by dividing it into two halves a[0..[n/2]-1] and
A[n/2..n-1] sorting each of them recursively then merging the two smaller sorted arrays
into a single sorted one.
 Divide Step: If given array A has zero or one element, return S; it is already sorted.
Otherwise, divide A into two arrays, A1 and A2, each containing about half of the
elements of A.
 Recursion Step: Recursively sort array A1 and A2.
 Conquer Step: Combine the elements back in A by merging the sorted arrays A1
and A2 into a sorted sequence

ALGORITHM Mergesort[A[0..n − 1]]

//Sorts array A[0..n − 1] by recursive mergesort
//Input: An array A[0..n − 1] of orderable elements
//Output: Array A[0..n − 1] sorted in
nondecreasing order if n > 1
copy A[0..n/2− 1] to
B[0..n/2− 1] copy A[n/2..n −
1] to C[0..n/2− 1]
Mergesort[B[0..n/2− 1]]
1]] Merge[B, C, A]

The non-recursive version of Mergesort starts from merging single elements into sorted pairs.
ALGORITHM Merge[B[0..p − 1], C[0..q − 1], A[0..p + q − 1]]
//Merges two sorted arrays into one sorted array
//Input: Arrays B[0..p − 1] and C[0..q − 1] both sorted
//Output: Sorted array A[0..p + q − 1] of the elements of
B and C i ←0; j ←0; k←0
while i <p and j <q
do if B[i]≤ C[j ]
A[k]←B[i]; i ←i + 1
else A[k]←C[j ]; j ←j + 1
k←k + 1
if i = p

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copy C[j..q −1] to A[k..p + q − 1]

else copy B[i..p − 1] to A[k..p + q − 1]

Analysis of Merge sort algorithm

The recurrence relation for the number of key comparisons

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C[n] is C[n] = 2C[n/2] + Cmerge[n] for n > 1, C[1] = 0.

In the worst case, Cmerge[n] = n − 1, and we have the
recurrence C worst[n] = 2Cworst[n/2] + n − 1 for n > 1,
Cworst[1] = 0.
By Master Theorem, Cworst[n] ∈ Θ[n log n] the exact solution to the worst-case recurrence
for n = 2 k Cworst[n] = n log2 n − n + 1.
For large n, the number of comparisons made by this algorithm in the average case
turns out to be about 0.25n less and hence is also in Θ [n log n].
For example
8 3 2 9 7 1 5 4

8 3 2 9 7 1 5 4

8 3 2 9 71 5 4

8 3 2 9 7 1 5 4

3 8 2 9 1 7 4 5

2 3 8 9 1 4 5 7

1 2 3 4 5 7 89
Quicksort is the other important sorting algorithm that is based on the divide-and-
conquer approach. quicksort divides input elements according to their value. A
partition is an arrangement of the array‘s elements so that all the elements to the left
of some element A[s] are less than or equal to A[s], and all the elements to the right
of A[s] are greater than or equal to it:
Sort the two subarrays to the left and to the right of A[s] independently. No work
required to combine the solutions to the subproblems.
Here is pseudocode of quicksort: call Quicksort[A[0..n − 1]] where As a partition algorithm use
the HoarePartition

ALGORITHM Quicksort[A[l..r]]
//Sorts a subarray by quicksort
//Input: Subarray of array A[0..n − 1], defined by its left and right
// indices l and r
//Output: Subarray A[l..r] sorted in
nondecreasing order if l < r

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s ←Partition[A[l..r]] //s is a split position

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Quicksort[A[l..s − 1]]
Quicksort[A[s + 1..r]]

Time Efficiency analysis

Best case: split in the middle — Θ[n
log n] Worst case: sorted array! —
Average case: random arrays — Θ[n log n]

Example: 5 3 1 9 8 2 4 7
2 314589 7
1 234578 9
1 234578 9
1 234578 9
1 234578 9

5. Explain the method used for performing Multiplication of two large integers. Explain
how divide and conquer method can be used to solve the same. [M-16]
Some applications like modern cryptography require manipulation of integers
that are over 100 decimal digits long. Since such integers are too long to fit in a single
word of a modern
computer, they require special treatment.In the conventional pen-and-pencil algorithm for
multiplying two n- digit integers, each ofthe n digits of the first number is multiplied by each
of the n digits of the second number for thetotal of n2 digit multiplications.

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The divide-and-conquer method does the above multiplication in less than n2 digit
multiplications. For any pair of two-digit numbers a = a1a0 and b = b1b0, their product
c can be

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computed by the formula c = a ∗ b = c2102 + c1101 + c0, where

c2 = a1 ∗ b1 is the product of their first digits,
c0 = a0 ∗ b0 is the product of their second digits,
c1 = [a1 + a0] ∗ [b1 + b0] − [c2 + c0] is the product of the sum of the
a‘s digits and the sum of the b‘s digits minus the sum of c2 and c0.
c = a ∗ b = [a110n/2 + a0] ∗ [b110n/2 + b0] = [a1 ∗ b1]10n + [a1 ∗ b0 + a0 ∗ b1]10n/2 + [a0 ∗ b0]
= c210n + c110n/2 + c0,
c2 = a1 ∗ b1 is the product of their first halves,
c0 = a0 ∗ b0 is the product of their second halves,
c1 = [a1 + a0] ∗ [b1 + b0] − [c2 + c0] is the product of the sum of the
a‘s halves and the sum of the b‘s halves minus the sum of c2 and c0.

Analysis of Time Complexity: By using Master Theorem, we obtain A[n] ∈

Θ[nlog23], Example: For instance: a = 2345, b = 6137, i.e., n=4.
Then C = a * b = [23*102+45]*[61*102+37]
C = a ∗ b = [a110n/2 + a0] * [b110n/2 + b0]
= [a1 * b1]10n + [a1 * b0 + a0 * b1]10n/2 + [a0 * b0]
= [23 * 61]104 + [23 * 37 + 45 * 61]102 + [45 * 37]
= 1403•104 + 3596•102 + 1665
= 14391265

6. Find all the solution to the traveling salesman problem [cities and distance shown
below] by exhaustive search. Give the optimal solutions. Or Explain exhaustive searching
techniques with example. Or Find the optimal solution to the fractional knapsack problem
with example. Or Solve the given knapsack problem un=3,m=20,[p1,p2,p3]=[25,24,15],
[w1,w2,w3]=[18,15,10][M-15][N-14][M-14][N-15] [M-16] TRAVELING SALESMAN PROBLEM
The traveling salesman problem [TSP] is one of the combinatorial problems. The problem
asks to find the shortest tour through a given set of n cities that visits each city exactly
once before
returning to the city where it started.The problem can be conveniently modeled by a
weighted graph, with the graph‘s vertices representing the cities and the edge weights
specifying the distances. Then the problem can bestated as the problem of finding the shortest
Hamiltonian circuit of the graph.
[A Hamiltoniancircuit is defined as a cycle that passes through all the vertices of the graph exactly
A Hamiltonian circuit can also be defined as a sequence of n + 1 adjacent vertices
vi0, vi1, . . . , vin−1, vi0, where the first vertex of the sequence is the same as the last one
and all the other n − 1 vertices are distinct. All circuits start and end at one particular

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Figure presents a small instance of the problem and its solution by this

method. For example,

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Tour Length
a ---> b ---> c ---> d ---> a I = 2 + 8 + 1 + 7 = 18
a ---> b ---> d ---> c ---> a I = 2 + 3 + 1 + 5 = 11 optimal
a ---> c ---> b ---> d ---> a I = 5 + 8 + 3 + 7 = 23
a ---> c ---> d ---> b ---> a I = 5 + 1 + 3 + 2 = 11 optimal
a ---> d ---> b ---> c ---> a I = 7 + 3 + 8 + 5 = 23
a ---> d ---> c ---> b ---> a I = 7 + 1 + 8 + 2 = 18
FIGURE Solution to a small instance of the traveling salesman problem by exhaustive search.
Time Complexity of TSP:O[n-1!]

Given n items of known weights w1, w2, . . . , wn and values v1, v2, . . . , vn and a
knapsack of capacity W, find the most valuable subset of the items that fit into the
Real time examples:
 A Thief who wants to steal the most valuable loot that fits into his knapsack,
 A transport plane that has to deliver the most valuable set of items to a remote
location without exceeding the plane‘s capacity.
The exhaustive-search approach to this problem leads to generating all the subsets of the set
of n items given, computing the total weight of each subset in order to identify feasible
subsets [i.e., the ones with the total weight not exceeding the knapsack capacity], and
finding a subset of the largest value among them.
Time Complexity of KP: O[2n]
Given n items:
• weights: w1 w2 … wn
• values: v1 v2 … vn
• a knapsack of capacity W
Find most valuable subset of the items that fit into the
knapsack Example: Knapsack capacity W=16
item weight value
1 2 $20
2 5 $30

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3 10 $50

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4 5 $10

Subset Total weightTotal value

{1} 2 $20
{2} 5 $30
{3} 10 $50
{4} 5 $10
{1,2} 7 $50
{1,3} 12 $70
{1,4} 7 $30
{2,3} 15 $80
{2,4} 10 $40
{3,4} 15 $60
{1,2,3} 17 not feasible
{1,2,4 12 $60
{1,3,4} 17 not feasible
{2,3,4} 20 not feasible
{1,2,3,4} 22 not

There are n people who need to be assigned to n jobs, one person per job. The cost of
assigning person i to job j is C[i,j]. Find an assignment that minimizes the total cost.
For Example,
Job 0 Job 1 Job 2 Job 3
Person 0 9 2 7 8
Person 1 6 4 3 7
Person 2 5 8 1 8
Person 3 7 6 9 4

9 2 7 8
C= 6 4 3 7
5 8 1 8
76 9 4
Assignment [col.#s] Total Cost
1, 2, 3, 4 9+4+1+4=18
1, 2, 4, 3 9+4+8+9=30

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1, 3, 2, 4 9+3+8+4=24
1, 3, 4, 2 9+3+8+6=26

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1, 4, 2, 3 9+7+8+9=33
1, 4, 3, 2 9+7+1+6=23
[For this particular instance, the optimal assignment can be
found by exploiting the specific features of the number given. It
is: 2,1,3,4 ]

Time Complexity of TSP: O[n!]

7. Explain about Strassen‘s Matrix Multiplication with example.

The divide-and-conquer approach can reduce the number of one-digit multiplications in

multiplying two integers by using strassen‘s logic. Thus, to multiply two 2 × 2 matrices,
Strassen‘s algorithm makes 7 multiplications and 18 additions/subtractions, whereas the
brute-force algorithm requires 8 multiplications and 4 additions. These numbers should not
lead us to multiplying 2 × 2 matrices by Strassen‘s algorithm. Itsimportance stems from its
asymptotic superiority as matrix order n goes to infinity.

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2 marks

1. Define - Dynamic programming.

Dynamic programming is a technique for solving problems with overlapping sub problems.

2. What are the features of dynamic programming? [M-14] [N – 14] [M - 15]

 Optimal solutions to sub problems are retained so as to avoid re-computing their values.
 Decision sequences containing subsequences that are sub optimal are not considered.
 It definitely gives the optimal solution always.

3. Define - Principle of optimality [N-14] [M – 14]

It states that an optimal sequence of decisions has the property that whenever the
initial stage or decisions must constitute an optimal sequence with regard to stage
resulting from the first decision.

4. Write the difference between the Greedy method and Dynamic programming.

Greedy method Dynamic programming

Only one sequence of decision is Many number of decisions are generated.
It does not guarantee to give It definitely gives an optimal
an solution
optimal solution always. always.

5. What is greedy technique?

Greedy technique suggests a greedy grab of the best alternative available in the
hope that a sequence of locally optimal choices will yield a globally optimal solution
to the entire problem. The choice must be made as follows
 Feasible : It has to satisfy the problem’s constraints
 Locally optimal: It has to be the best local choice among all feasible choices available on that step.
 Irrevocable : Once made, it cannot be changed on a subsequent step of the algorithm

6. What is the use of Dijksra‘s algorithm? [M – 16]

Dijkstra‗s algorithm is used to solve the single-source shortest-paths problem: for a
given vertex called the source in a weighted connected graph, find the shortest path to
all its other vertices. The single-source shortest-paths problem asks for a family of
paths, each leading from the source to a different vertex in the graph, though some
paths may have edges in common.

7. Define - Spanning tree and MST.

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Spanning tree of a connected graph G: a connected acyclic subgraph of G that includes all
of G‗s vertices.Minimum spanning tree of a weighted, connected graph G: a spanning
tree of G of the minimum total weight.

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8. Define -Warshall‘s algorithm [M – 16]

Warshall‘s algorithm is an application of dynamic programming technique, which is used
to find the transitive closure of a directed graph.

9. Define the single source shortest path problem. [M –

16] Dijkstra‘s algorithm solves the single source shortest path problem of
finding shortest paths from a given vertex[ the source], to all the other vertices of
a weighted graph or digraph. Dijkstra‘s algorithm provides a correct solution for a
graph with non-negative weights.

10. State Assignment

problem. [M – 16]
There are n people who need to be assigned to execute n jobs, one person per job.
[That is, each person is assigned to exactly one job and each job is assigned to
exactly one person.] The cost thatwould accrueifthe ith personisassigned tothejth
jobis aknownquantity [�, �] foreach pair
�, � = 1, 2, . . . , �. The problem is to find an assignment with the minimum total cost.

11. What are the applications or examples of dynamic programming?

 Computing a binomial co-efficient
 Finding shortest path of Floyd‘s algorithm
 Finding the transitive closure of a graph using Warshall‘s algorithm
 Optimal Binary search tree

12. Write the Warshall‘s algorithm to find the transitive

closure of a digraph. ALGORITHM Warshall(A[1..n, 1..n])
//ImplementsWarshall‘s algorithm for computing the transitive closure
//Input: The adjacency matrix A of a digraph with n vertices
//Output: The transitive closure of the
digraph R(0) ←A
for k←1 to n
do for i ←1 to
n do for j ←1
to n do
R(k)[i, j ]←R(k−1)[i, j ] or (R(k−1)[i, k] and
R(k−1)[k, j]) return R(n)

13. What are the applications or examples of greedy techniques?

 Finding Minimum spanning tree of using Prim‘s and Kruskal‘s algorithm
 Finding all pairs shortest path problem of using Dijkstra‘s algorithm
 Huffman trees

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16 marks
1. Write and analyze the Prim‘s Algorithm. How do you construct a MST using Kruskal‘s
Algorithm? Explain. Define Spanning tree. Discuss the design steps in Kruskal‘s algorithm
tp construct MST with example.[M-14][M-15][N-15]
A spanning tree of an undirected connected graph is its connected acyclic
subgraph [i.e., a tree] that contains all the vertices of the graph. If such a graph has
weights assigned to its edges, a minimum spanning tree is its spanning tree of the
smallest weight, where the weight of a tree is defined as the sum of the weights on all
its edges.
The minimum spanning tree problem is the problem of finding a minimum spanning tree
for a given weighted connected graph.
Prim‘s algorithm constructs a minimum spanning tree through a sequence of expanding
sub trees. The initial sub tree in such a sequence consists of a single vertex selected
arbitrarily from the set V of the graph‘s vertices. On each iteration, the algorithm
expands the current tree in the greedy manner by simply attaching to it the nearest
vertex not in that tree.
//Prim‘s algorithm for constructing a minimum spanning tree
//Input: A weighted connected graph G = V, E
//Output: ET , the set of edges composing a minimum spanning
tree of G VT←{v0} //the set of tree vertices can be initialized
with any vertex ET←∅
for i ←1 to |V| − 1 do
find a minimum-weight edge e∗ = [v∗, u∗] among all the
edges [v, u] such that v is in VT and u is in V − VT
{e∗} return

For example,


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Efficiency of the Prim’s algorithm

If a graph is represented by its adjacency lists and the priority queue is
implemented as a min-heap, the running time of the algorithm is O[|E| log |V |]
in a connected graph, where
|V| − 1≤ |E|.

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The algorithm begins by sorting the graph‘s edges in non-decreasing order of their
weights. Then, starting with the empty sub graph, it scans this sorted list, adding the next
edge on the list to the current sub graph if such an inclusion does not create a cycle and
simply skipping the edge otherwise.
For Example,

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//Kruskal‘s algorithm for constructing a minimum spanning tree
//Input: A weighted connected graph G = V, E
//Output: ET , the set of edges composing a minimum spanning
tree of G sort E in nondecreasing order of the edge weights
w[ei1] ≤ . . . ≤ w[ei|E|]
ET←∅; ecounter ←0 //initialize the set of tree edges and
its size k←0 //initialize the number of processed edges
while ecounter < |V| −
1 do k←k + 1
if ET� {eik} is acyclic
ET<-ET<- {eik}; ecounter<-ecounter
+ 1 return ET
Efficiency of the Kruskal’s algorithm
If a graph is represented by its adjacency lists and the priority queue is
implemented as a min-heap, the running time of the algorithm is O[|E| log |V |]
in a connected graph, where
|V| − 1≤ |E|.

2. Write down and explain the algorithm to solve all pair‘s shortest paths problems? Or
Solve all pairs shortest path problem for the digraph with the weight matrix given
below. Or Describe all pairs shortest path problem and write procedure to compute
lengths of shortest paths.[M-13][M-14] [M-15]
Given a weighted connected graph (undirected or directed), the all-pairs shortest paths
problem asks to find the distances—i.e., the lengths of the shortest paths— from each
vertex to all other vertices.
ALGORITHM Floyd(W[1..n, 1..n])
//Implements Floyd‘s algorithm for the all-pairs shortest-paths problem
//Input: The weight matrix W of a graph with no negative-length cycle
//Output: The distance matrix of the shortest paths‘
lengths D ←W //is not necessary if W can be
for k←1 to n
do for i ←1 to
n do for j ←1
to n do
D[i, j ]←min{D[i, j ], D[i, k]+
D[k, j]} return D
Efficiency of Floyd‘s Algorithm: Time efficiency Θ(n 3) and Space Efficiency
is Θ(n2) For Example,

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Consider the single-source shortest-paths problem: for a given vertex called the
source in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to all its other vertices. The
single-source shortest-paths problem asks for a family of paths, each leading from the source
to a different vertex in the graph, though some paths may, of course, have edges in common.
There are several well-known algorithms for finding shortest paths, including Floyd‘s algorithm
for the more general all-pairs shortest-paths problem and the best-known algorithm for the
single-source shortest-paths problem, this algorithm is applicable to undirected and
directed graphs with nonnegative weights only, First, it finds the shortest path from the
source to a vertex nearest to it, then to a second nearest, and so on. In general, before
it‘s ith iteration commences, the algorithm has already identified the shortest paths to i − 1
other vertices nearest to the source.

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For Example,

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The shortest paths [identified by following nonnumeric labels backward from a

destination vertex in the left column to the source] and their lengths [given by numeric
labels of the tree vertices] are as follows: from a to b : a − b of length 3
from a to d : a − b − d of length
5 from a to c : a − b − c of
length 7 from a to e : a − b − d
− e of length 9

ALGORITHM Dijkstra[G, s]
//Dijkstra‘s algorithm for single-source shortest paths
//Input: A weighted connected graph G = V, E with nonnegative weights
// and its vertex s
//Output: The length dv of a shortest path from s to v
// and its penultimate vertex pv for every vertex
v in V Initialize[Q] //initialize priority queue to
for every vertex v in V
dv←∞; pv←null
Insert[Q, v, dv] //initialize vertex priority in the
priority queue ds←0; Decrease[Q, s, ds] //update
priority of s with ds VT←∅
for i ←0 to |V| − 1 do
u∗←DeleteMin[Q] //delete the minimum priority
element VT←VT� {u∗}
for every vertex u in V − VT that is adjacent to u∗ do if du∗ +
w[u∗, u] < du du←du∗ + w[u∗, u]; pu←u∗ Decrease[Q, u, du]

Time efficiency analysis of Dijkstra’s algorithm:

For graphs represented by their adjacency lists and the priority queue implemented as a min-
heap, it is in O[|E| log |V |].

3. Write the procedure to compute Huffman code. [N-

15] Suppose we have to encode a text that comprises symbols from some n-symbol
alphabet by assigning to each of the text‘s symbols some sequence of bits called the code
word. For example, we can use a fixed-length encoding that assigns to each symbol a bit
string of the same length m
(m ≥ log2 n).
Step 1 Initialize n one-node trees and label them with the symbols of the alphabet given.
Record the frequency of each symbol in its tree‘s root to indicate the tree‘s weight.
(More generally, the weight of a tree will be equal to the sum of the frequencies in
the tree‘s leaves.)
Step 2 Repeat the following operation until a single tree is obtained. Find two trees with the
smallest weight. Make them the left and right sub tree of a new tree and record the
sum of their weights in the root of the new tree as its weight.

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A tree constructed by the above algorithm is called a Huffman tree. It defines—in the

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described above—a Huffman code.

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4. Write short notes on optimal binary search tree. Or Write an algorithm to construct the
optimal binary search tree given the roots r(i,j), 0<=i<=j<=n. Also prove that this could
be performed in time O(n)
Let C[i,j] be minimum average number of comparisons made in T[i,j], optimal BST for keys ai < …<
, where 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n. Consider optimal BST among all BSTs with some ak (i ≤ k ≤ j ) as
their root; T[i,j] is the best among them.

ALGORITHM Optimal BST(P [1..n])

//Finds an optimal binary search tree by dynamic programming
//Input: An array P[1..n] of search probabilities for a sorted list of n keys
//Output: Average number of comparisons in successful searches in the
// optimal BST and table R of subtrees‘ roots in the
optimal BST for i ←1 to n do
C[i, i −
1]←0 C[i,
i]←P[i] R[i,
C[n + 1, n]←0
for d ←1 to n − 1 do //diagonal
count for i ←1 to n − d do
j ←i + d
for k←i to j
if C[i, k − 1]+ C[k + 1, j]< minval
minval←C[i, k − 1]+ C[k + 1, j];
kmin←k R[i, j ]←kmin
sum←P[i]; for s ←i + 1 to j do sum←sum + P[s]
C[i, j ]←minval + sum
return C[1, n], R

0 1 j n
0 p1




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Running time of this algorithm: Time Efficiency Θ(n2) and Space Efficiency :
Θ(n3) For Example,

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2 marks

1. Define flow and flow conservation requirement. [N –

15] A flow is an assignment of real numbers xij to edges [i,j] of a given network that satisfy
the following:
flow-conservation requirements: The total amount of material entering an intermediate vertex
must be equal to the total amount of the material leaving the vertex capacity constraints
0 ≤ xij ≤ uij for every edge [i,j] E

2. What is cut and min cut? [M - 15]

Let X be a set of vertices in a network that includes its source but does not include its
sink, and let X, the complement of X, be the rest of the vertices including the sink. The
cut induced by this partition of the vertices is the set of all the edges with a tail in X and a
head in X.
Capacity of a cut is defined as the sum of capacities of the edges that compose the cut.
Minimum cut is a cut of the smallest capacity in a given network

3. State max – flow – min – cut theorem.

The value of maximum flow in a network is equal to the capacity of its minimum cut.

4. Define Bipartite Graphs. [M – 15]

Bipartite graph: a graph whose vertices can be partitioned into two disjoint sets V and U,
not necessarily of the same size, so that every edge connects a vertex in V to a vertex
in U. A graph is bipartite if and only if it does not have a cycle of an odd length.

7. What is augmentation and augmentation path?

 The length of an augmenting path is always odd
 Adding to M the odd numbered path edges and deleting from it the even
numbered path edges increases the matching size by 1 [augmentation]

8. Write the detailed description about simplex

method. Step 0 [Initialization]
Step 1 [Optimality test]
Step 2 [Find entering
variable]. Step 3 [Find
departing variable] Step 4
[Form the next tableau]

9. Define - Maximum flow problem

Problem of maximizing the flow of a material through a transportation network [e.g.,
pipeline system, communications or transportation networks]

10. State Extreme

point theorem. [M – 16]

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Extreme point theorem states that if S is convex and compact in a locally convex space,
then S is the closed convex hull of its extreme points: Convex set has its extreme points at
the boundary. Extreme points should be the end points of the line connecting any two points
of convex set.

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16 marks

1. Summarize the Simplex method. Or Write the procedure to initialize simplex which
determine if a linear program is feasible or not . Or Use simplex to solve the farmers problem
given below.[M-16][N-15][M-15] Simplex method procedure:
Step 0 [Initialization] Present a given LP problem in standard form and set up initial tableau.
Step 1 [Optimality test] If all entries in the objective row are nonnegative then stop: the
tableau represents an optimal solution.
Step 2 [Find entering variable] Select the most negative entry in the objective row. Mark its
column to indicate the entering variable and the pivot column.
Step 3 [Find departing [leaving] variable] For each positive entry in the pivot column, calculate
the θ-ratio by dividing that row's entry in the rightmost column [solution] by its entry in the
pivot column. [If there are no positive entries in the pivot column then stop: the problem is
unbounded.] Find the row with the smallest θ- ratio, mark this row to indicate the departing
variable and the pivot row.
Step 4 [Form the next tableau] Divide all the entries in the pivot row by its entry in the pivot
column. Subtract from each of the other rows, including the objective row, the new pivot row
multiplied by the entry in the pivot column of the row in question. Replace the label of the pivot
row by the variable's name of the pivot column and go back to Step 1.
Standard form of LP problem
 Must be a maximization problem
 All constraints [except the nonnegativity constraints] must be in the form of linear equations
 All the variables must be required to be nonnegative
 Thus, the general linear programming problem in standard form with m constraints and
n unknowns [n ≥ m] is
Maximize c1 x1 + ...+ cn xn
Subject to ai 1x1+ ...+ ain xn = bi , i = 1,...,m, x1 ≥ 0, ... , xn ≥ 0
maximize 3x + 5y maximize 3x + 5y + 0u
+ 0v subject to x + y ≤ 4 subject to x + y
x + 3y ≤ 6 to x + 3y + v = 6
x≥0, y≥0 x≥0, y≥0, u≥0, v≥0
Variables u and v, transforming inequality constraints into equality constrains, are called
slack Variables

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2.State and Prove Maximum Flow Min cut Theorem. Or Explain Max-Flow Problem Or How do
you compute maximum flow for the following graph using ford-Fulkerson method?[M-15][N-15]
Maximum Flow Problem
Problem of maximizing the flow of a material through a transportation network [e.g., pipeline
system, communications or transportation networks]

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Formally represented by a connected weighted digraph with n vertices numbered from 1 to

n with the following properties:
• Contains exactly one vertex with no entering edges, called the source [numbered 1]
• Contains exactly one vertex with no leaving edges, called the sink [numbered n]
• Has positive integer weight uij on each directed edge [i.j], called the edge capacity,
indicating the upper bound on the amount of the material that can be sent from i to j through
this edge.
A digraph satisfying these properties is called a flow network or simply a network

Flow value and Maximum Flow Problem

Since no material can be lost or added to by going through intermediate vertices of the
network, the total amount of the material leaving the source must end up at the sink:
Σ x1j = Σ xjn
j: [1,j] є E j: [j,n] є E
The value of the flow is defined as the total outflow from the source [= the total inflow
into the sink]. The maximum flow problem is to find a flow of the largest value [maximum
flow] for a given network. Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem
1. The value of maximum flow in a network is equal to the capacity of its minimum cut
2. The shortest augmenting path algorithm yields both a maximum flow and a minimum cut:
• Maximum flow is the final flow produced by the algorithm
•Minimum cut is formed by all the edges from the labeled vertices to unlabeled vertices
on the last iteration of the algorithm.
•All the edges from the labeled to unlabeled vertices are full, i.e., their flow amounts are
equal to the edge capacities, while all the edges from the unlabeled to labeled vertices, if
any, have zero flow amounts on them.
Flow augmenting path algorithm or Ford Fulkerson method to solve max-flow problem
Thus, to find a flow-augmenting path for a flow x, we need to consider paths from source
to sink in the underlying undirected graph in which any two consecutive vertices i, j are
i. connected by a directed edge from i to j with some positive unused capacity rij = uij −
xij (so that we can increase the flow through that edge by up to rij units), or
ii. connected by a directed edge from j to i with some positive flow xji (so that we can
decrease the flow through that edge by up to xji units)
For example,
Edges of the first kind are called forward edges because their tail is listed before their
head in th vertex list 1→. . . i →j . . .→n defining the path; edges of the second kind are
called backward edges because their tail is listed after their head in the path list 1→. . . i
←j . . .→n. To illustrate, for the path 1→4→3←2→5→6 of the last example, (1, 4), (4, 3), (2,
5), and (5, 6) are the forward edges, and (3, 2) is the backward edge.

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3. Write down the optimality condition and algorithmic implementation for finding M-
augumenting paths in bipartite graphs? Or Illustrate the workings of the maximum matching
algorithm on the following weighted trees. [N-15][M-15]
A matching in a graph is a subset of its edges with the property that no two edges
share a vertex. A maximum matching—more precisely, a maximum cardinality
matching—is a matching with the largest number of edges.
Case 1 (the queue‘s front vertex w is in V ) If u is a free vertex adjacent to w, it is used
as the other endpoint of an augmenting path; so the labeling stops and augmentation of
the matching commences. The augmenting path in question is obtained by moving
backward along the vertex labels (see below) to alternately add and delete its edges to
and from the current matching. If u is not free and connected to w by an edge not in M,
label u with w unless it has been already labeled.
Case 2 (the front vertex w is in U) In this case, w must be matched and we label its mate in V with

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ALGORITHM Maximum Bipartite Matching(G)

//Finds a maximum matching in a bipartite graph by a BFS-like traversal
//Input: A bipartite graph G = V, U, E
//Output: A maximum-cardinality matching M in the input
graph initialize set M of edges with some valid matching (e.g.,
the empty set) initialize queue Q with all the free vertices in V
(in any order)
while not Empty(Q) do
Dequeue(Q) if w ∈ V
for every vertex u adjacent to
w do if u is free
M ←M � (w,
u) v←w
while v is labeled do
u←vertex indicated by v‘s label; M ←M −
(v, u) v←vertex indicated by u‘s label; M
←M � (v, u) remove all vertex labels
reinitialize Q with all free vertices
in V break //exit the for loop
else //u is matched
if (w, u) ∈M and u is
unlabeled label u with w
Enqueue(Q, u)
else //w ∈ U (and
matched) label the mate v
of w with w
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Enqueue(Q, v)
return M //current matching is
maximum For Example,

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4.Briefly describe on the stable marriage problem. [M-15]

Stable marriage algorithm
A marriage matching M is a set of n (m, w) pairs whose members are selected from
disjoint n-element sets Y and X in a one-one fashion, i.e., each man m from Y is paired
with exactly one woman w from X and vice versa
Consider an interesting version of bipartite matching called the stable marriage problem.
Consider a set Y = {m1, m2, . . . , mn } of n men and a set X = {w1, w2, . . . , wn } of n
women. Each man has a preference list ordering the women as potential marriage
partners with no ties allowed. Similarly, each woman has a preference list of the men,
also with no ties.
Input: A set of n men and a set of n women along with rankings of the women by each man
and rankings of the men by each woman with no ties allowed in the rankings
Output: A stable marriage matching
Step 0 Start with all the men and women being free.
Step 1 While there are free men, arbitrarily select one of them and do the following:
Proposal The selected free man m proposes to w, the next woman on his preference list
(who is the highest-ranked woman who has not rejected him before).
Response If w is free, she accepts the proposal to be matched with m. If she is not free, she
compares m with her current mate. If she prefersm to him, she accepts m‘s proposal,
making her former mate free; otherwise, she simply rejects m‘s proposal, leaving m
Step 2 Return the set of n matched pairs.
For Example,

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2 marks

1. What is meant by n-queen Problem?

The problem is to place n queens on an n-by-n chessboard so that no two queens attack
each other by being in the same row or in the same column or in the same diagonal.

2. Define - Backtracking
Backtracking is used to solve problems with tree structures. Even problems seemingly
remote to trees such as a walking a maze are actually trees when the decision \'back-left-
straight-right\' is considered a node in a tree. The principle idea is to construct solutions one
component at a time and evaluate such partially constructed candidates

3. Define -Subset-Sum Problem [M – 13]

This problem find a subset of a given set S={s1,s2,……,sn} of n positive integers
whose sum is equal to a given positive integer d.

4. Define -Traveling Salesman Problem [M-15]

Given a complete undirected graph G=[V, E] that has nonnegative integer cost c[u, v]
associated with each edge [u, v] in E, the problem is to find a hamiltonian cycle [tour] of G
with minimum cost.

5. Define - Knapsack Problem [N-14] [M – 13]

Given n items of known weight wi and values vi=1,2,..,n and a knapsack of capacity w,
find the most valuable subset of the items that fit in the knapsack.

6. Define - Branch and Bound

A counter-part of the backtracking search algorithm which, in the absence of a cost
criteria, the algorithm traverses a spanning tree of the solution space using the
breadth-first approach. That is, a queue is used, and the nodes are processed in first-
in-first-out order.

7. What is a state space tree? [M-15] [N – 15]

The processing of backtracking is implemented by constructing a tree of choices being
made. This is called the state-space tree. Its root represents a initial state before the
search for a solution begins. The nodes of the first level in the tree represent the
choices made for the first component of the solution, the nodes in the second level
represent the choices for the second component and so on.

10. Define -
Hamiltonian circuit. [M – 15]
Hamiltonian is defined as a cycle that passes through all the vertices of the graph
exactly once. It is named after the Irish mathematician Sir William Rowan Hamilton
[1805-1865].It is a sequence of n+1 adjacent vertices vi0, vi1,……, vin-1, vi0 where the

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first vertex of the sequence is same as the last one while all the other n-1 vertices are

11. What is a feasible solution and what is an optimal solution?

In optimization problems, a feasible solution is a point in the problem‗s search space that satisfies all

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problem‗s constraints, while an optimal solution is a feasible solution with the best value of the
objective function.

12. Define - Integer

Linear Programming [N – 15]
It is a Programming to find the minimum value of a linear function of several integer-
valued variables subject to a finite set of constraints in the form of linear equalities and/or in

13. Define –NP[nondeterministic Polynomial] [M-

14] Class NP is the class of decision problems that can be solved by nondeterministic
Polynomial algorithms. This class of problems is called nondeterministic Polynomial.

14. Define NP-Complete [M -15]

An NP-Complete problem is a problem in NP that is as difficult as any other problem in this
class because any other problem in NP can be reduced to it in Polynomial time.

15. What
are the strengths of backtracking and branch-and-bound? [M-
15] The strengths are as follows
 It is typically applied to difficult combinatorial problems for which no efficient
algorithm for finding exact solution possibly exist
 It holds hope for solving some instances of nontrivial sizes in an acceptable amount of time
Even if it does not eliminate any elements of a problem‗s state space and ends up
generating all its elements, it provides a specific technique for doing so, which can be of
some value

16 marks

1. State the subset-sum problem and Complete state-space tree of the

backtracking algorithm applied to the instance A={3, 5, 6, 7} and d=15 of the
subset-sum problem.[M-16]
The subset-sum problem finds a subset of a given set A = {a1, . . . , an} of n positive
integers whose sum is equal to a given positive integer d. For example, for A = {1, 2, 5, 6, 8} and
d = 9, there are two solutions: {1, 2, 6} and {1, 8}. Of course, some instances of this problem
may have no solutions.
It is convenient to sort the set‘s elements in increasing order. So, we will assume that a1< a2 < . . . < an.
For Example,
A = {3, 5, 6, 7} and d = 15 of the subset-sum problem. The number inside a node is the sum
of the elements already included in the subsets represented by the node. The inequality below
a leaf indicates the reason for its termination.

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FIGURE Complete state-space tree of the backtracking algorithm applied to the instance
 The state-space tree can be constructed as a binary tree like that in the instance A =
{3, 5, 6, 7} and d = 15.
 The root of the tree represents the starting point, with no decisions about the given
elements made as yet.
 Its left and right children represent, respectively, inclusion and exclusion of a1 in a set
being sought. Similarly, going to the left from a node of the first level corresponds to
inclusion of a2 while going to the right corresponds to its exclusion, and so on.
 Thus, a path from the root to a node on the ith level of the tree indicates which of the first
I numbers have been included in the subsets represented by that node. We record
the value of s, the sum of these numbers, in the node.
 If s is equal to d, we have a solution to the problem. We can either report this result
and stop or, if all the solutions need to be found, continue by backtracking to the node‘s
 If s is not equal to d, we can terminate the node as non-promising if either of the
following two inequalities holds:
� + �i+1 > � [the sum s is too large],
s + ���
=�+1 j < d [the sum s is too small].

2. What is an approximation algorithm? Give example. Or Suggest an approximation

algorithm for TSP. Assume that the cost functions satisfies the triangle inequality. Or
Write a greedy algorithm for solving the knapsack optimization problem. Or Implement
an algorithm for Knapsack problem using NP-Hard approach.[N-13][M-15][N-15]
A polynomial-time approximation algorithm is said to be a approximation algorithm,
where c ≥ 1, if the accuracy ratio of the approximation it produces does not exceed c for
any instance of the problem in question: r(sa) ≤ c.
The knapsack problem, given n items of known weights w1, . . . , wn and values v1, . . . ,
vn and a knapsack of weight capacity W, find the most valuable subset of the items that fits
into the knapsack.

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Greedy algorithm for the discrete knapsack problem

Step 1 Compute the value-to-weight ratios ri= vi/wi, i = 1, . . . , n, for the
items given. Step 2 Sort the items in non-increasing order of the ratios
computed in Step 1.
Step 3 Repeat the following operation until no item is left in the sorted list: if the current
item on the list fits into the knapsack, place it in the knapsack and proceed to the next
item; otherwise, just proceed to the next item.


Greedy Algorithms for the TSP
The simplest approximation algorithms for the traveling salesman problem are based on the
greedy technique..
Nearest-neighbor algorithm

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The following well-known greedy algorithm is based on the nearest-neighbor heuristic: always
go next to the nearest unvisited city.
Step 1 Choose an arbitrary city as the start.
Step 2 Repeat the following operation until all the cities have been visited:go to the unvisited
city nearest the one visited last (ties can be broken arbitrarily).
Step 3 Return to the starting
city. For Example,

3. Using an example prove that, satisfiability of Boolean formula in 3-conjunctive

normal form is NP- Complete. Or Briefly explain NP-Hard and NP-Completeness with
example. Or Write short notes on deterministic and non-deterministic algorithms.
[M-14] [M-15] [N-15]

Class P: An algorithm solves a problem in polynomial time if its worst-case time

efficiency belongs to O(p(n)) where p(n) is a polynomial of the problem‘s input size n.
(Note that since we are using big-oh notation here, problems solvable in, say,
logarithmic time are solvable in polynomial time as well.) Problems that can be solved
in polynomial time are called tractable, and problems that cannot be solved in
polynomial time are called intractable.
 Class P is a class of decision problems that can be solved in polynomial
time by (deterministic) algorithms. This class of problems is called polynomial.
(Class P)
 Examples: Searching, Element uniqueness, primality test, graph acyclicity

Class NP: A nondeterministic algorithm is a two-stage procedure that takes as its input
an instance I of a decision problem and does the following. Nondeterministic
(―guessing‖) stage: An arbitrary string S is generated that can be thought of as a
candidate solution to the given instance I (but may be complete gibberish as well).

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 Class NP is the class of decision problems that can be solved by

nondeterministic polynomial algorithms. This class of problems is called
nondeterministic polynomial.
 Examples: TSP, AP, Graph coloring problem, partition problem, Hamiltonian circuit

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Class- NP Complete: A decision problem D1 is said to be polynomially reducible to a

decision problem D2, if there exists a function t that transforms instances of D1 to
instances of D2 such that:
1.t maps all yes instances of D1 to yes instances of D2 and all no instances of D1 to
no instances of D2
2. t is computable by a polynomial time
algorithm A decision problem D is said to be
NP-complete if:
1. it belongs to class NP
2. every problem in NP is polynomially reducible to D

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4. Solve n-Queens problem. Or Explain 8-Queens problem with an algorithm. Explain

why backtracking is the default procedure for solving problems. Or Explain 8 Queens
problem with example.[M-14][N-13] [N-14]
The n-queens problem is to place n queens on an n × n chessboard so that no two
queens attack each other by being in the same row or in the same column or on the
same diagonal.

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State space tree for 4-queen problem. Similar to other queen problem also.

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