Comphrensive-Audit - Checklist EHIA HC 27 OCT 2021
Comphrensive-Audit - Checklist EHIA HC 27 OCT 2021
Comphrensive-Audit - Checklist EHIA HC 27 OCT 2021
1. Facility Profile 2
3. Health centre reform guideline performance (average of the year for three years) 4
4. Service delivery organization readiness 6
5. Human Resources for Health (Staffing) 7
6. Facility general and clinical care readiness audit 8
7. Clinical care audit 17
8. Pharmacy audit checklist 18
9. Inventory and stock management audit 19
10. Referral audit tool 20
11. Quality improvement audit checklist 22
12. over all Comprehensive Audit score 24
Reference: 25
Zone/Sub city
Telephone No.
4 Approved budget of health facility for the last Ethiopian fiscal year (treasury source)
3. Health centre reform guideline performance (average of the year for three years- for
Request for Health center Reform performance report for the last three years and capture the percentage score for each chapter.
Chapter Number of % of Standards Met for ______ Remark
4. Human Resources for Health (Staffing)
Please tell me how many staff in each of the following occupational categories are currently assigned to or employed by this facility,
whether full-time or part-time. Please tell me how many staff in each of the following occupational categories are currently assigned
to, or employed by to this facility, whether full time or part-time, the health center shall have at least the following summary of
Minimum Standard
Full par
Professionals required number Total Remark
time time Met in %
Health Officer 2
Midwife 3
Nurse 5
Ophthalmic nurse 1
Psychiatry nurse 1
Archive workers 6
Maintenance officer 1
Morgue attendant 1
5. Service delivery organization readiness
Arrange a meeting with the Manager/ Medical Director and present the questions below.
Self-assessment Validation Action
1 Is there a duty schedule or call list for 24-hour staff coverage? If no go to
2 May I see the duty schedule or call list for 24-hour staff coverage?
3. Does the health center have a functional governing board that meets
regularly to oversee service delivery at the health center?
Note: board established according to relevant legislation, meets regularly
(quarterly), minutes taken at each meeting
4. Does the facility conduct at least one SMT meeting every month
6. Does the health center have a functional SMT that meets regularly to
manage and execute the overall health center activities?
Note: Obtain a copy of the health center’s organogram and check it
against the SMT members, ToR is prepared and signed by all members;
and SMT meets every week
9. Does this facility conduct routine monitoring of staff satisfaction (twice per
12. Does this facility have any of the following other sources of electricity?
Such as: Fuel operated generator, Battery operated generator, Solar
system or other
13. Is this facility available 24/7 used source of water for the facility at time
from any source?
Such as: piped tap water, protected dug well, rainwater collection, tanker
14. Is there a separate toilet (Latrine) for men and separate toilet for women in
the general OPD, laboratory, and labour and delivery service areas?
S. No. Auditing components Self-Evaluation Validation
19. Does the health center have a single unified medical registration unit for all
patients’ registration?
Note: Interview Head of Medical Records Department (or equivalent) and
confirm that only one registration system exists for ALL patients, including
inpatients, outpatients, emergency patients, and specialty clinic patients.
20. Does the health center utilize paper and computer-based systems to register
and retrieve medical records?
Note: Identify the Master Patient Index & view MR tracking system.
V. Patient flow
Yes (1) No (0) Yes (1) No (0)
21. Does the Health center has a Triage, staffed with appropriately trained
personnel and equipped with necessary equipment and supplies
22. Does the health center has Outpatient/client appointment systems are in
place for all disciplines provided by the health center.
23. Does the Health center has a Liaison and Referral Service guideline that the
health facility staff understand and implement
24. Are there sign posts at the compound of the health that directs
clients/patients to the desired health service units
25. Does the health center established maternity waiting room fulfilled with
essential utilities such as latrine, bathroom, electric power and water
26. Does the health center have Infection prevention and patient safety
27. Does Infection prevention and patient safety committee develop an action
plan and operational
28. Does the health center has Standard practices to prevent, control and
reduce risk of HCAIs are in place and transmission based precautions (TBP)
are adequately addressed
29. Does the health center have the necessary commodities and supplies of IPPS
routinely available in the designated service areas?
● Check the availability and adequacy of necessary PPE’s and utilization
of PPEs
30. Does the Health center provides health education to patients, caregivers
and visitors, as appropriate on infection prevention practices Note:
31. Does the health center ensure the availability of adequate and functional
toilets, hand washing sinks, and showers?
● The number of functional toilets are adequate to clients (1 toilet for20-
24 clients)
● Hand washing facilities are available at all service units
● Functional showers at all wards
● Proper and separate storage of washed lines
● Presence of Hand washing facility
32. Does the health center have a client education system for IPPS
S. No. Auditing components Self-Evaluation Validation
Note: Check
● The presence of client education schedule where relevant IPPS contents
is included
● Educational materials and supplies related to IPPS
33. Does the health center have a functional Drug and Therapeutics Committee
(DTC) that develops and implements interventions promoting the rational
and cost-effective use of medicines?
● Presence of DTC annual plan for the fiscal year
● Presence of terms of reference (TOR)
● Presence of official letter of assignment for members
● Presence of at least 6 signed meeting minutes in the last 12 months
● Presence of performance report of DTC activities of the last fiscal year
34. The health center has a Medicines Formulary listing all pharmaceuticals
prioritized by VEN that can be used in the facility. The Formulary is
utilized and updated annually.
● Availability of annually updated pharmaceutical list or formulary
and the list is prioritized by VEN
35. Does the health center implement auditable, transparent, and accountable
pharmaceutical transactions and services (APTS)?
S. No. Auditing components Self-Evaluation Validation
● Presence of properly recorded and filed prescriptions, sales
tickets, and registers at dispensaries
36. Does the facility have 24/7 functional pharmacies available in the
ward/inpatient or outpatient departments?
● Check the posted schedule and attendance of the professionals
37. Does the health center ensure execution of good dispensing practices at all
dispensing outlets?
S. No. Auditing components Self-Evaluation Validation
38. Does the health center have an efficient and effective pharmaceutical
logistics management system that reduces the frequency of stock-outs,
wastage, over supply and drug expiry?
● Presence of procurement policy
39. Does the health center has policies and procedures for identifying and
managing drug use problems, including: Identifying and reporting adverse
drug reactions, and prescription monitoring
● Presence of semi-annual prescription monitoring report
● Presence of annual DUE Report
● Presence of ADE report
S. No. Auditing components Self-Evaluation Validation
40. Does the health center have an appropriate inventory management system?
Note: see the Presence of properly recorded and filed Vouchers at store
41. Does the health center ensures proper and safe disposal of pharmaceutical
wastes and expired drugs in line with national guidance?
● Presence of SOP for disposal for the health center
● Presence of list of disposed products with description
● Expired medicines are separately segregated
● Presence of certificate for disposed medicines (minutes during
42. Does the health center provide drug information services to health care
providers, patients, and the public?
● Presence of properly filled query receiving and answering forms (see
the previous month records)
● Presence of recently prepared sample drug alert/newsletter, therapy
update, drug monograph
● Presence of updates on stock availability to the health center
community (ask health care team or see records)
S. No. Auditing components Self-Evaluation Validation
43. Does the Laboratory management meet the needs and requirements of
customers making the laboratory results are discussed up on and
44. Does the health center has Current list of laboratory tests provided by the
facility with the price of each test is accessible to all clinical staff and
patients. in all services areas, customer satisfaction survey report and View
presence of suggestion box to collect customers suggestions & posted
available test menu
45. Does the laboratory has a logistic management system to monitor the
procurement and use of laboratory materials that prevents unnecessary
storage or shortage
48. Does the laboratory has a health and safety manual with procedures that
include different types of actions (handling fire and chemical hazard etc?)
49. Does the laboratory have and implements a quality assurance policy that
covers all aspects of laboratory functions
S. No. Auditing components Self-Evaluation Validation
50. Does the health center has Bilingual fee posters are displayed beside each
departmental reception desk, in all waiting areas and at all cash points?
Each poster shows the fees and exemptions and advises patients to obtain
and keep receipts for all payments.
51. Does the health center Accountant prepares a monthly report for the
Health Center Management with details of credit granted, credit repaid
and balance outstanding.
52. Does the health center conduct monthly reconciliation is undertaken for
every health center bank account and any donor grants.
53. Does the health center keep monthly and quarterly reports on revenue,
expenditures, receivables, payables, trial balance, the status of budget
utilization and others including the health center’s operating margin are
prepared by the Finance Department and submitted to the health center
management and Governing Body.
● Confirm that financial records of services kept and documented
● View most recent two quarters reports submitted to concerned bodies
54. Does the health center conduct Internal and external audit of health center
accounts is conducted as a minimum annually and audit reports are
reviewed by the Governing Body.
55. Does the health center has a Memorandum of Understanding with Waiver
Certificate Granting Authorities providing details on the type of service and
mode of conduct
S. No. Auditing components Self-Evaluation Validation
58. Does the quality committee prepare an annual and quarterly plan
59. Does the health center implement quality improvement cycle for selected
priority problems
60. Does the health center monitor Client satisfaction survey and other quality
improvement assessments
● View results of last patient satisfaction survey.
● Confirm that survey conducted within last 6 months.
● Check and confirm that actions were taken as a results of patient
satisfaction survey
S. No. Auditing components Self-Evaluation Validation
61. Does the health center to collect, analyze and use for quality improvement
purposes and report reportable indicators to the respective body as per
HMIS standards
For new facilities applying to contract with the health insurance system, identify data sources from services provided in the last quarter. In case of
comprehensive audit for renewal of contract, use the Claims submitted by the facility to select 19 medical records randomly. Simple Random
sampling, Random number generator of calculators or Table of Random numbers can be utilized. The 19 medical record number and patient full
name will be recorded and forwards to the health facility for retrieval on the date of the visit. Upon receiving the medical records, the table below
will be utilized to capture data on each audit element. (If Yes=1, if No=0, NA= when non applicable) (Mixed method- should be narrated or SOP
should be prepared) - Recent visit per sheet (last visit) – observation while clerking for validation
1. Patient information
3. Investigations
5,3, No error or if
Errors, crossed with a
single line and signed
5.4. No local/personal
Abbreviation, or
Abbreviations are
contained within an
agreed glossary
Total score
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4
Product 5
Product 6
Product 7
Product 8
Product 9
Product 10
Product 11
Product 12
Product 13
Product 14
1 Updated list of services for which the health facility refers clients is available at OPD and liaisons office.
2 Staff oriented/trained on the updated list of services for which the health facility refers clients
3 There is current /updated agreement with the health facility accepting referred clients
4 The liaison officer communicates with the accepting facility before sending referred patients
5 The health facility has a record-keeping system (referral registration) to track all referrals
6 The health facility updates the registration book by collecting feedback from receiving facilities
7 Referral to the receiving facility done in accordance with the Primary Care Clinical Guideline (at PHC
facilities) and other relevant guidelines
2. Referral Letter verification and audit: Randomly select 19 referrals from the claim submitted from the facility using
table of random number. Capture the name of the patient, MRN and referral date to identify and scrutinize copy of the
referral letter at the facility.
3. Write 1 if yes and 0 if No check documentation of
the following on the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Total Average
referral letter
Pt & facility related information
1 Patient's name, age, &Medical
record number
2 Name of referring health
3 Name of receiving health
Clinical information
4 Description of chief complaint &
associated symptoms
5 Relevant clinical findings
6 Provisional diagnosis or clinical
7 Reason for referral
Standard and completeness of referral sheet
8 Seal of the referring facility
9 Use standard referral format
Referral letter verification
1 Referral status mentioned on
the same date on the medical
2 Referral status documented on
the referral registration book of
the facility
3 Referral justified by the primary
care Clinical guideline or other
relevant guidelines
2 Is there evidence that the facility’s quality team identifies and evaluates safety and quality issues identified through
supervision, review meetings, clinical audit and client concerns? (verifying the implementation of quality improvement
4 Agreed gap 1 Review process is in place to evaluate quality improvement plans and assess performance data; findings are
generated for follow up and used to plan ahead; summary of findings are documented.
5 Agreed gap 2
Review process is in place to evaluate quality improvement plans, and assess performance data; findings are generated for
follow up and used to plan ahead; summary of findings are documented.
6 Agreed gap 3
Review process is in place to evaluate quality improvement plans, and assess performance data; findings are generated for
follow up and used to plan ahead; summary of findings are documented.
7 Agreed gap 4
Review process is in place to evaluate quality improvement plans, and assess performance data; findings are generated for
follow up and used to plan ahead; summary of findings are documented.
8 Is there evidence that staff and management know of the types of improvement activities that have been undertaken, i.e.
have these been communicated and celebrated?
9 Is there evidence that the facility has processes in place to track and improve client satisfaction?
● Look for: Comment and complaint forms are available for patients to complete?
● Secure patient comment and complaint boxes are in publicly accessible places?
● There is a current complaints register which includes responses and actions to address identified issues?
● There is evidence of regular/urgent meetings about client comments and complaints?
Look for:
Look for:
Total score
12. over all Audit score (re-look) Audit type Total Score Weight Adjusted score
8 Referral
9 Quality improvement
1. Reference:
● Health facility readiness assessment tool; Ethiopian Health Insurance Agency (EHIA)
● Ethiopian hospital services transformation guidelines (EHSTG), September 2016; Ethiopia Ministry Of Health (FMOH)
● Health care audit, 2016 April 15; Food, Medicine and Healthcare Administration and Control Authority (FFMHACA)