f2 Agric C-HR 10 QP

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N/B In Response to the Huge Costs Associated in Coming Up with Such/Similar Resources Regularly, We
inform us All, MARKING SCHEMES ARE NOT FREE OF CHARGE. However Similar QUESTIONS, Inform of
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by Amobi Group of Examiners.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
1. State two reasons why farmers should be encouraged to practice organic farming (1mk)
2. State main categories of parasites (1mk)
3. State four importance of water treatment. (2mks)
4. Mention 3 major sources of water on the farm. (3mks)
5. State four ways in which nitrogen is removed from the atmosphere (2mks)
6. State the intermediate hosts of the following parasites. (2mks)
(i) Tapeworm(Taenia spp) (ii) Liver fluke
7. State 3 forms of soil water. (3mks)
8. State four vector-borne diseases affecting farm animals. (2mks)
9. State the plant part used for vegetative propagation in the following plants. (2mks)
i) Pyrethrum ii) Sisal iii) Pineapples iv) Tea
10. State four pests commonly found in tomatoes. (2mks)
11 State four qualities considered when selecting seeds for planting (2mks)
12 State four advantages of crop rotation (2mks)
13. State any four post-harvest practices in crop production. (2mks)
14. Differentiate between soil texture and soil structure (2mks)
Soil texture & Soil structure
15. State four factors influencing soil formation. (2mks)
16. List four factors that influence the rate of respiration in an animal. (2ms)
17. State four factors that influence crop rotation (2mks)
18. Give the term used to describe the following livestock. (4mks)
(i) Mature male cattle
(ii) Mature castrated male cattle

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
(iii) A mature female pig after first parturition
(iv) Mature female bird
19. Differentiate between gapping and rogueing (2mks)
Gapping & Rogueing
20. State four characteristics of plants used as green manure. (2mks)
21. Differentiate between over-sowing and under-sowing. (2mks)
Over-sowing & Under- sowing
22. State four factors that determine spacing in crop production (2mks)
23. State four divisions of livestock farming. (2mks)
24. (a) State the two classes of phylum Arthropod a with most ecto- parasites (2mks)
(b) State four characteristics of an effective acaricide (2mks)
(c) Name two types of labour records. (2mks)
(d) Name two minor pests in tomato production (1mk)
25. State the causal organism of the following diseases. (2mks)
a) Mastitis b) Rinderpest c) Red water d)Foot and mouth
26. a) State four methods of fertilizer application (2mks)
b) Define the term agriculture. (1mk)
c) State four factors that determine the type of irrigation (2mks)
e) Differentiate between seed dressing and seed inoculation (2mks)
27. a) Differentiate between mixed farming and agroforestry (2mks)
b) State four factors within the animal that may pre-dispose it to a disease. (2mks)
c) State the lacking mineral in the following disorders. (2mks)
(i) Anaemia in piglets
( ii) Osteomalacia
(iii)Milk fever
(iv)Swayback in lambs

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
28. A farmer with one hectare of land requires 40kg of n in his farm. He applied CAN which
costs shs 35 per kg. CAN contain 20kg N.
(a) Calculate the amount of C.A.N the farmer requires (2mks)
(b) How much will a farmer with one and a half hectares spend to apply in his farm? (1mk)
(c) Name two types of compound fertilizers used by farmers. (2mks)

29. Study the diagrams below of farm tools and equipment and answer the questions that follow.

a) Identify tools O and N (2mks)

b) State the function of tool P (1mk)
c) State two maintenance practices of tool Q. (2mks)
30. The diagram below shows a livestock parasite

a) Identify the above parasite. (1mk)

b) Name any two diseases transmitted by the parasite. (2mks)
c) State the four main stages in its life cycle. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
31. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

a) What is the experiment set up above designed to study. (1mk)
b) Name the three types of soil. (3mks)
c) State 3 characteristics of soil A above. (3mks)
d) State one method of improving soil C above. (1mk)
32(a) What is soil sampling? (1 mark)
(b) Below is a method of soil sampling. Use it to answer the question that follow.
(b) Below is a method of soil sampling. Use it to answer the question that follow.

1 7

2 8

3 9

10 4

11 5

12 6

(i) What method of soil sampling is represented above? (1mark)

(ii) name the other method of soil sampling (1mark)
(iii) Outline four areas which should be avoided during soil sampling. (4 mark)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes

1. State three ways through which agriculture contribute to industrial development. (3mks)
2. Name three factors that influence shifting cultivation. (3mks)
3. State two categories of parasites that affect livestock production. (2mks)
4. List two maintenance practices carried out the following farm tools. (6mks)
a) Wheel barrow b) Milking pail c) Wool shears
5. State two reasons why a farmer should prepare land before planting. (2mks)
6. Name three methods a farmer can use when doing tertiary cultivation. (3mks)
7. State two disadvantages of plastic pipes in water conveyance. (2mks)
8. State two importance of treating farm water before using it. (2mks)
9. List two methods of preparing compost manure. (2mks)
10. State two characteristics of a dairy cattle breed. (2mks)
11. State two uses of farm records. (2mks)
12. What does the following initials represent in fertilizer description N.P.K. (3mks)
13. Differentiate between the following terms.
a) Straight fertilizer and compound fertilizer. (2mks)
14. A farmer was advised to apply 180 kg CAN/ha when top-dressing the maize crops. If the
C.A.N. available in shops contain 21% N. Calculate the amount of nitrogen applied per
hectare. (2mks)
15. State two advantage of using seeds as planting materials. (2mks)
16. Name two methods a farmer can use to break seed dormancy. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
Answer all questions in this section.
17a) Study the diagrams below and answer the questions that follow

a) Identify the soil sampling methods shown above. A & B (2mks)

b) State three types of information written on a soil sample before it’s taken to the laboratory for
testing. (3mks)
c) State four areas where soil samples should not be collected for sampling. (4mks)
18. Study the diagram below and answer the questions

a) Name the practice above. (1mk)

b) State two advantages of the above practice on iris potatoes. (2mks)
c) Name two methods used when planting crops. (2mks)
9. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
a) Identify manure preparation method above. (4mks)
i) Wood ash ii) Rotten manure iii) Stick iv) Top soil
c) State one reason why manure heap should be turned at least every 3 to 4 weeks. (1mk)

Answer any two questions in this section
20a) Explain five factors that determine the quality of farm yard manure. (10mks)
b) Discuss five importance of keeping livestock in Kenya today. (10mks)

21a) Explain five methods through which a soil loses its fertility. (10mks)
b) Describe five factors that affect the rooting of cuttings in vegetative propagation. (10mks)

22a) Explain five methods a farmer can use when applying fertilizer to crops. (10mks)
b) State and explain five reasons why farm tools should be maintained. (10mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
1. What are farm records? (1mk)
2. State five uses of farm records (5mks)
3. List four characteristics of a dairy cow. (4mks)
4. Give five ways in which soil loses fertility (5mks)
5. Name three types of organic manure. (3mks)
6. Name the tool used for; (3mks)
a) Shooting solid drugs through the mouth of an animal.
b) Lifting seedlings from the nursery
c) Checking the vertical straightness in construction
7) State three main sources of water on the farm (3mks)
8. List four reasons for treating water (4mks)
9. a) What are the functions of the following in preparation of compost manure? (3mks)
b. what is the importance of the stick that is driven into the compost heap during
preparation (1mk)
10. Name various breeds of: (3mks)
a) Beef cattle: b) Rabbit: c) Dairy goats:
11. State the six stages in treatment of water in an orderly manner (6mks)
12. a) What is opportunity cost? (1mk)
b) Give two instances when opportunity cost is zero (2mks)
13. List four aspects of rainfall (4mks)
14. Give four characteristics of crops used for green manure preparation (4mks)
15. State four reasons for preparing land before planting (4mks)
16.a) Name five farm records kept by a farmer (5mks)
b). List two types of labour records (2mks)
17. Name two categories of plant nutrients (2mks)
18. List six biotic factors affecting agricultural production (6mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes

1. What determines the colour of a particular soil? (1mk)

2. Give three reasons why soil is important in crop production. (3mks)
3. State four physical agents of weathering. (4mks)
4. List four tools used for laying concrete blocks when constructing a wall. (4mks)
5. Differentiate between the following :-
i) Seeded and seedling bed. (2mk)
ii) Tilth and tillage. (2mks)
6. State four climatic factors that influence crop production. (4mks)
7. Name four types of water pumps. (4mks)
8. Name two breeds of dairy goats kept in Kenya. (2mks)
9. List down at least five characteristics of a typical beef cattle. (5mks)
10. a) Identify the tools labeled A,B,C and D (2mks)
10. a) Identify the tools labeled A,B,C and D (2mks)



b) Give oneb) Give

use one use
of each of each
of the tools of the toolsinillustrated
illustrated in (a) above.
(a) above. (2mks)
c) Name the part of the animal where specimen A is placed when in use. (1mk)

11.State three features of a good maize granary. (3mks)

12.Give four advantages of mulches on crops. (4mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
13.Mention four reasons for carrying out testing of a soil sample. (4mks)
14.State any four post – harvest practices. (4mks)
15. i) What is parasitism? (1mk)
ii) State four effects of parasites on livestock animals. (4mks)
16.Name two categories of plant nutrients. (2mks)
17.Mention four roles of nitrogen in plants. (4mks)
18.The diagram labeled E below shows a kale seedling attacked by a pest.

i) Identify the pest. (1mk)

ii) What damage does the pest cause to the crop? (1mk)
iii) State one method of controlling the pest. (1mk)
19. State the importance of using certified seeds for planting. (4mks)
20. State four fact ors considered in determining the depth of planting. (4mks)
21. The diagram below shows a soil sampling method.

3 4 6


1 10 9

14 12 11

(i) Identity the method. (1mk)

(ii) State four activities that are carried out during soil sampling in the field. (4mks)
(iii) What information should the sample have before being taken to the laboratory. (3mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
22. Outline two positive effects of wind on crop production. (2mks)
23. State four agricultural practices that pollute water. (4mks)
24. Mention any four methods used in draining land during land reclamation. (4mks)
25. i) What is opportunity cost? (1mk)
ii) State four types of farm records. (4mks)
26. Outline four factors that affect rooting of cuttings. (4mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
1. State main categories of parasites (1mk)
2. State four importance of water treatment. (2mks)
3. Mention 3 major sources of water on the farm. (1 1/2mks)
4. State four ways in which nitrogen is removed from the atmosphere (2mks)
5. State the intermediate hosts of the following parasites. (2mks)
(i) Tapeworm(Taenia spp)
(ii) Liver fluke
6. State 3 forms of soil water. (1 1/2mks)
7. State four vector-borne diseases affecting farm animals. (2mks)
8. State the plant part used for vegetative propagation in the following plants. (2mks)
i) Pyrethrum
ii) Sisal
iii) Pineapples
iv) Tea
9. State four pests commonly found in tomatoes. (2mks)
10. State any four post-harvest practices in crop production. (2mks)
11. Differentiate between soil texture and soil structure (2mks)
Soil texture Soil structure
12. State four factors influencing soil formation. (2mks)
13. List four factors that influence the rate of respiration in an animal. (2ms)
14. State four factors that influence crop rotation (2mks)
15. Give the term used to describe the following livestock. (4mks)
(i) Mature male cattle (iii) A mature female pig after first parturition
(ii) Mature castrated male cattle (iv) Mature female bird

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
16. Differentiate between gapping and rogueing (2mks)
17. State four characteristics of plants used as green manure. (2mks)
18. Differentiate between over-sowing and under-sowing. (2mks)
Under- sowing
19.State four factors that determine spacing in crop production (2mks)
20. State four divisions of livestock farming. (2mks)
21. (a) State the two classes of phylum Arthropod a with most ecto- parasites (2mks)
(b) State four characteristics of an effective acaricide (2mks)
(c) Name two types of labour records. (2mks)
(d) Name two minor pests in tomato production (1mk)

22. State the causal organism of the following diseases. (2mks)

a) Mastitis
b) Rinderpest
c) Red water
d) Foot and mouth

23. a) State four methods of fertilizer application

b) Define the term agriculture. (1mk)
c) State four factors that determine the type of irrigation (2mks)
d) Differentiate between seed dressing and seed inoculation (2mks)
Seed dressing
Seed inoculation

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
24. A) Differentiate between mixed farming and agroforestry (2mks)
Mixed farming
b) State four factors within the animal that may pre-dispose it to a disease. (2mks)
c) State the lacking mineral in the following disorders. (2mks)
(i) Anaemia in piglets (iii)Milk fever
(ii) Osteomalacia (iv)Swayback in lambs

25. A farmer with one hectare of land requires 40kg of n in his farm. He applied
CAN which costs shs 35 per kg. CAN contain 20kg N.
(a) Calculate the amount of C.A.N the farmer requires (2mks)
(b) How much will a farmer with one and a half hectares spend to apply in his farm?
(c) Name two types of compound fertilizers used by farmers. (2mks)

26.Study the diagrams below of farm tools and equipment and answer the questions that follow.
1. Study the diagrams below of farm tools and equipment and answer the questions that follow


a) Identify tools O and N (2mks)

b) State the function of tool P (1mk)
c) State two maintenance practices of tool Q. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
27.The diagram below shows a livestock parasite

a) Identify the above parasite. (1mk)

b) Name any two diseases transmitted by the parasite. (2mks)
c) State the four main stages in its life cycle. (2mks)

28. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

a) What is the experiment set up above designed to study. (1mk)

b) Name the three types of soil. (11/2mks)
c) State 3 characteristics of soil A above. (11/2mks)
d) State one method of improving soil C above. (1mk)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes


1. Give two sub- branches of arable farming. (2mks)
2. Give biotic factors that influence agriculture. (4mks)
3. Give four reasons why land should be prepared early in readiness for planting. (4mks)
4. Give two circumstances that may necessitate irrigation. (2mks)
5. Give two characteristics of fresh market tomatoes. (2mks)
6. State three characteristics of plants that are used for green manure. (3mks)
7. Outline three methods of breaking seed dormancy. (3mks)
8. List three advantages of raising seedlings using polythene sleeves. (3mks)
9. State the difference between large white and landrace breeds of pigs. (2mks)
10. Give four importance of keeping livestock healthy. (4mks)
11. List four ways of applying fertilizers in crop production (4mks)
12. Name two types of inventory records. (2mks)
13. Give four advantages of crop rotation. (4mks)
14. State four disadvantages of organic mulch. (4mks)
15. Give four reasons for pruning coffee. (4mks)
16.State four deficiency symptoms that would be seen in crop lacking potassium. (4mks)
17. Outline four advantages of mixed farming. (4mks)
18. Highlight three reasons for keeping health records. (3mks)
19. Name two major physical differences between dromedary and bactrian breeds of
camel. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes

20. The illustration below shows a vegetative material used in propagation of bananas.

a) Identify the above material. (1mk)

b) Name two essential substances provided by the culture medium. (2mks)
c) Other than culture medium, name two other conditions required to promote
development of roots and shoots in the banana plantlets. (2mks)
21. The diagram below represents a tomato pest.
a) Identify the pest labeled Y above. (1mk)
b) What is the effect of the above pest on the plant. (1mk)
c) How can the pest above be controlled. (1mk)
d) Apart from the above pest, name two other pests of tomatoes. (2mks)
22.Below is a diagram of farm equipment. Study it carefully and answer the questions that

a) Identify the equipment. (1mk)

b) Name the parts labeled P, Q, S and T. (2mks)
c) State the functions of T and U. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
23. The experiment below was set up to investigate a property of soil.

a) State the aim of the above experiment. (1mk)

b) From the experiment, what conclusion can be deduced? (2mks)
c) State two physical properties of soil that influence its productivity. (2mks)

24. State and explain five factors which may influence the spacing of crops. (10mks)
25. a) Describe six main nursery management practices carried out in a tomato nursery. (6mks)
b) Give four factors that influence soil formation. (4mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes

1. State four systems of farming. (2mks)

2. State two effects of HIV/AIDS on agricultural production. (2mks)
3. List four physical agents of weathering. (2mks)
4. List four factors influencing soil formation. (2mks)
5. Name two types of water pumps. (2mks)
6. Mention two tertiary operations carried out during land preparation. (1mk)
7. Outline four characteristics of a fertile soil. (2mks)
8. Give two characteristics of plant used for preparing green manure. (2mks)
9. Differentiate between a root stock and a scion as used in grafting. (2mks)
10.Name two forms in which nitrogen is absorbed by plants. (2mks)
11.State two deficiency symptoms of Nitrogen. (2mks)
12.List four examples of phosphatic fertilizers. (2mks)
13.A farmer was asked to apply fertilizers as follow: 200 kg/ha of DSP (40% P2O5),
150kg/ha of sulphate of ammonia 20% Nitrogen and 150kg/ha of Muriate of
Potash 60% K2O)
a) How much P2O5 did the farmer apply per ha. (2mks)
b) How much K2O did the farmer apply per ha. (2mks)
c) How much nitrogen did the farmer apply per/ha. (2mks)
14. State two methods of pH testing. (2mks)
15. Outline four disadvantages of mulching in crop production. (2mks)
16. List 3 factors that determine the time of harvesting farm produce. (3mks)
17. State four post harvesting practices. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
18. The diagram below shows a type of storage facility. Use it to answer question that follow.

a) Name the structure. (1mk)

b) Name part L and state its function. (2mks)
c) Name the roofing material the structure is made of: (1mk)
d) List three limitations of the above structure. (3mks)
e) Give two preparations that the farmer should make on the above structure
before the crop produce is brought in. (2mks)

19. Give four categories of vegetables. (2mks)

20. The diagram below represents a pest that attacks tomatoes.

i) Identify the pest. (1mk)

ii) State two control measures of the above pest. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
21. (a) Differentiate between health and disease as used in livestock health. (2mks)
(b) State four factors that predispose livestock to diseases. (4mks)
(c) Outline 3 routine management practices of disease control. (3mks)
(d) State three activities in livestock health that necessitate handling of animals. (3mks)

22. (a) List two harmful effects of tsetsefly infestation to livestock. (2mks)
(b) Name:
i) Intermediate host for tapeworm. (1mk)
ii) Intermediate host for liverfluke. (1mk)
(c) Give two examples of one host tick. (2mks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes

1. List any four types of records a farmer should keep. (2marks)

2. Give two conditions in agricultural production under which opportunity cost is zero (1 mark)
3 Give four reasons-for keeping livestock health records on the farm. (2 marks)
4. State 4 reasons for primary cultivation. (2marks)
5. Distinguish between soil structure and soil texture (1mark)
6. State one function for each of the following:
(a) shovel; (1 mark)
(b) strip cup. (1 mark)
7 Differentiate between olericulture and pomoculture (2mks)
8 State four conditions under which shifting cultivation is practiced. 2mks
9 State 3 reasons why agriculture is important in Kenya’s economy (3mks)
10 Name the exotic cattle with
i) Highest butter fat content (1marks)
ii) Lowest butter fat content (1mark)
11. State two characteristics of goats that make them adaptable to arid areas of Kenya. (1mark)
12 Give four ways by which soil loses its fertility (2marks)
13 State four characteristics that make a crop suitable for green manuring. (2marks)
14 State four ways in which burning of vegetation may lead to loss of soil fertility. (2 marks)
15.What is the function of each of the following ingredients in the preparation of
compost manure?
(a) Wood ash (1 mark)
(b) Top soil (1 mark)
16 Give 4 reasons why water treatment is important. (2marks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
17.The diagram below illustrates a final seedbed after a tertiary operation done during land
preparation. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the tertiary operation carried out on the seedbed (1mark)
b) Give two advantages of planting crops on a final seedbed illustrated above (2 marks)

18 a) List two aspects of light that influence crop growth. (2marks)

b The diagram below shows an experiment set up using soil types G , H and J and
observations made after 24 hours. Study the diagram and answer the questions
that follow.

i) What is the experiment represented above designed to study? (1mark)

ii) Name the soil types G and J (1mark)
iii) What is the characteristic texture of soil types G and J? (2marks)
iv) State how a farmer would improve the structure of soil type G. (1mark)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
19 Study the diagrams of workshop tools shown below

(i) Identify the tools labeled E and F (1 mark)

(ii) What functional advantage does tool E have over tool F? (1 mark)

20. The diagram below illustrates the general shape of a cattle breed. Study it carefully and
answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the type of breed illustrated by the above shape (1mark)
(b) Give an example of a breed in (a) above. (1 mark)
(c) State four physical characteristics of the type of breed identified in (a) above. (2 marks)

21. The diagrams labeled A1, A2, A3, and B below illustrate materials and methods of vegetative
propagation. Study them and answer the questions that follow.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
(a) Name the parts labeled A1, and A2 (2 marks)
(b) Name the methods of propagation illustrated in diagrams A3 and B (2 marks)

22.The diagrams labeled D and E below are illustrations of coffee established using two
different formative pruning systems. Study them and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the system of pruning illustrated in diagram D above (1 mark)

(b)State 2 disadavantages of the pruning system labelled E (2 marks)
23 (a) The diagrams below represent two ways in which a crop was pruned. Study them
carefully and answer the questions that follow.

(i) Which diagram represents the correct way of pruning? (1 mark)

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (i) above. (1 mark)

(b) State two ways in which pruning assists in controlling crop diseases. (1 mark)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
24. Below are diagrams showing different types of internal parasites. Study them carefully and
answer the questions that follow:-

a) Identify the parasites K & M (1mark)

b) Name the organs where each parasites is found (2marks)
c) Give the intermediate host of parasite M (1mark)


25. a) State and explain five factors which may influence the spacing of crops (10 marks)
b) State and explain five advantages of crop rotation (10marks)

26 (a) Describe ten signs of ill –health in livestock (10 marks)

b). Explain measures used to control livestock diseases. (10 marks)

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes

1. List down any two branches of Agriculture. (1mk)
2. Name the three primary macronutrients (1½mks)
3. Name four common daily cattle breeds in Kenya (2mks)
4. List four methods of fertilizer application (2mks)
5. Name four tertiary operations during land preparations (2mks)
6. Outline three causes of blossom end rot in tomatoes (3mks)
7. Name two method of layering (2mks)
8. Name four post harvesting practices infield crops (2mks)
9. Name two methods used in pruning of coffee (1mk)
10. List down two reasons for earthing up in carrots (2mks)
11. Name two methods used in coffee pruning (2mks)
12. What do you understand by the following terms as used in nursery practices (2mks)
a) Pricking out b) Hardening off
13. Name three factors that determine the stage of harvesting in crops (1½mks)
14. Outline two qualities of a good grain store (2mks)
15. Why is use of manure discouraged when planting carrots (1mks)
16. Highlight two qualities of plants used in preparation of green manure (2mks)
17. Name two abiotic factors that influence Agriculture (1mks)

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Answer All Questions In This Section
18.The diagram below shows a cabbage crop invested by a pest. Study it carefully then
answer the questions that follow.

i) Identify the pest. (1mk)

ii) What damage does the pest cause the crop? (1mk)
iii) State two methods of controlling the pest (2mks)
iv) Name any two diseases that attack cabbage in the field. (2mks)

19.The diagram below shows a practice carried out in the nursery. Study it carefully then answer
the questions that follow.

(i) Identify the practice (1mk)

(ii) Name the garden tool shown used in carrying out the practice (1mk)
iii) At what stage should the practice be carried out in vegetable seedlings? (3mk
(iv) Explain why the nursery should be watered thoroughly before carrying out the
practice (1mk)

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20.Below is an illustration carried out in vegetative crop propagation. Use it to answer the questions
that follow.

(i) Identify the method crop propagation illustrated (1mk)

(ii) Under what circumstances is the method preferred to the other methods (1mk)
(iii) Name three other type of the illustration method that can be used in crop propagation. (3mks)
(iv) A famer was advised to apply 150kg CAN while top dressing his maize field. CAN
contain 21% nitrogen. Calculate the amount of Nitrogen applied per/ha. (3mks)

21.a) Discuss on the importance of organic mulching in crops (10mks)
b) What are the advantages of using seeds as planting materials (5mks)
22.a) Describe five nursery management practices (10mks)
b) Describe any five types of vegetables giving an example in each case (5mks)
23.a) Discuss on tomato production under the following sub headings
i) Varieties (2mks)
ii) Field management practices (8mks)
b) Outline any five factors that determine spacing in crops during planting (5mks)

------ When we wake up every morning, we have two simple choices-------

‘’Go back to sleep and dream or wake up and chase those dreams.”

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1. (a) List three aspects of rainfall that determine the type of crop grown. (1½ marks)
(b) List three human factors that hinder agricultural development. (1½ marks)
2. Give four factors which influence the rate of weathering. (2 marks)
3. Differentiate between pomoculture and olericulture. (1 mark)
4. (a) State four benefits of water harvesting. (2 marks)
(b) State three ways by which water can be collected and stored on the farm. (1½ mark)
5. Give four factors that influence the choice of tools and equipment used in primary
cultivation. (2 marks
6. State five factors determining the quality of farm yard manure. (2½ marks)
7. Give four reasons for seed selection before planting. (2 marks)
8. State three factors which increase the depth of planting. (1½ marks)
9. Give four deficiency symptoms for potassium in crops. (2 marks)
10. Define the following terminologies as used in agriculture.
(a) Seed dressing. (1 mark)
(b) Seed inoculation (1 mark)
11. Give four ways of controlling damping off disease in nursery seedlings. (2 marks)
12. List three physical weathering agents in the soil formation process. (1½ marks)
13. State four advantages of drip irrigation. (2 marks)
14. State two factors that would determine the amount of fertilizer to be top dressed to a crop in
the field (1 mark)
15. State four ways in which burning of vegetation may lead to lose of soil fertility. (2 marks)

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16. The diagram labelled D below shows a Kale crop infested by a pest.

(a) Identify the pest. (1 mark)

(b) What damage does the pest cause the crop? (1 mark)
(c) State two methods of controlling the pest. (2 marks)
17.The diagram labelled A1, A2, A3 and B below illustrate materials and methods of vegetative
propagation. Study them and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the parts labelled A1 and A2. (2 marks)

(b) Name the methods of propagation illustrated in diagrams A3 and B. (2 marks)
18. The illustration below is a diagram of a nursery for raising tomato seedlings.

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(a) Name the part labelled J. (1 mark)
(b) State two uses of part labelled J. (1 mark)
(c) Give two management practices that should be carried out on the nursery
from the time seedlings emerge to the stage of transplanting. (2 marks)

19. The diagram below shows a house water storage tank. Study it and answer the questions that

(a) Identify the parts labelled H, J, K, L. (2 marks)

(b) Give the function of the part labelled J. (1 mark)

20. The diagram below shows a method of soil sampling.

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(i) Name the above method of soil sampling. (1 mark)
(ii) State four precautions taken when collecting the soil for testing using the
named method above. (2 marks)
(iii) Give two reasons for testing soil from the farm. (2 marks)


21.(a) Explain the factors that determine the time of harvesting crop produce. (10 marks)
(b)Explain the various post harvest practices done on the crop produce after
(10 marks)
22. Describe the field production of tomatoes under the following sub-heading.
(i) Ecological conditions. (4marks)
(ii) Transplanting (4marks)
(iii) Field practices. (8 marks)
(iv) Disease control (4 marks)

23. (a) Describe ways in which soil loses its fertility. (10 marks)
(b) Explain the benefits of organic mulch in crop production. (10 marks)

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