Ach Universal 2
Ach Universal 2
Ach Universal 2
ACH Universal
1. ACH Universal 8
1.1 Absolute basics .................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Getting Started ................................................................................................................... 10
1.2.1 Download and Install .................................................................................................. 11
1.2.2 Gathering Data ............................................................................................................ 12
1.2.3 Create an Account ....................................................................................................... 15
1.2.4 ACH Setup .................................................................................................................... 19
1.2.5 Change Location of ACH File ....................................................................................... 28
1.2.6 Import Data ................................................................................................................. 30
1.2.7 Create and Transmit File ............................................................................................. 37
1.2.8 Getting Started FAQ .................................................................................................... 39
1.2.9 Automate Backup ........................................................................................................ 41
1.3 Importing Transactions ...................................................................................................... 42
1.3.1 Importing Transactions ............................................................................................... 43
1.3.2 Entering Transactions Manually ................................................................................. 48
1.3.3 Deleting An Import ...................................................................................................... 51
1.3.4 Deleting A Single Transaction ..................................................................................... 52
1.3.5 Editing Untransmitted Records ................................................................................... 53
1.3.6 Filtering Imports .......................................................................................................... 55
1.3.7 Mapping Fields - Reference ........................................................................................ 57
1.3.8 Profiles ......................................................................................................................... 60 Creating Profiles ............................................................................................................................. 61 Using Profiles .................................................................................................................................. 66
1.3.9 IAT - International Transactions ................................................................................. 68
1.4 File Creation and Transmission ......................................................................................... 73
1.4.1 Balanced Files - Offsetting Records ............................................................................. 75
1.4.2 Prenotification ............................................................................................................ 76
1.4.3 Recurring Transactions ................................................................................................ 78
1.4.4 Addenda Records (CCD+, PPD+) .................................................................................. 86
1.4.5 Reversals ...................................................................................................................... 88
1.4.6 Transmission Methods ................................................................................................ 91
1.4.7 Email notification - file level ....................................................................................... 93
1.4.8 File encryption AES ..................................................................................................... 95
1.4.9 Consolidation/Summary of Records ......................................................................... 100
1.4.10 Security / Login record .............................................................................................. 104
1.4.11 General Ledger and Loan Records ............................................................................ 105
1.4.12 Separate Batches DR vs. CR ....................................................................................... 110
1.4.13 SSH - SFTP .................................................................................................................. 111 Create SSH Keys ............................................................................................................................ 113 SSH Setup ...................................................................................................................................... 123
Index 590
1 ACH Universal
ACH Universal™ creates ACH / NACHA files for electronic fund transfers.
Get up and running in less than one hour. We highly suggest watching our
tutorials --less than 15 minutes in length--and, at the end, you'll be able to
create an ACH file for testing with your bank.
Have you been asked to create an ACH file to send to your bank?
ACH Universal enables you to create ACH / NACHA files from the data in your
accounting, payroll or other system.
Brevity is critical--and we value your time. The videos are less than 6 minutes
each and, at the end, you will be able to create your ACH files for testing with
your bank.
If you do not have speakers at your current computer, or would prefer to view it later, feel free to copy the links below and play the
video back later:
To begin using ACH Universal, please refer to the instructions at each tab:
1. Download and install the software
2. Gather your data
When prompted, save this file to your Desktop. The file is approximately 75
Once the installation is complete, you are ready to begin using ACH Universal.
Next: Gathering Data >>
1.2.2 Gathering Data
Gathering Data
Enter transactions easily and automatically with ACH Universal. You can import
files already in electronic format--or you can simply key them in.
The import (or 'source') data files typically would be created from within your
accounting software. They may be as simple as Excel or CSV (comma
delimited) reports, or they can be custom-written data dumps from third-party
reporting packages, such as Crystal Reports.
Basic Importing
The advantage of the Basic ("On-The-Fly") method is that you can generate a
one-time payment without being forced to set up a profile for a party you will not
need in the future. If your system is capable of storing the bank account and
ABA/routing numbers, this is the simplest method of importing.
You should be able to create an Excel or CSV file that contains all the required
· Name
· Account number
· ABA/Routing number
· Amount
· Checking or Savings indicator
If all of your transactions are to/from checking accounts, you do not need to
map a column for Checking/Savings. The system will automatically default to
If your transactions are mixed between checking and savings, include a
Checking/Savings column for this with field entries "CHK" or "SAV".
Profile-Based Imports
In this scenario you would create profiles for each of your Customers,
Employees and Vendors in the ACH software (yes, it is possible to import this
information). Profiles are retained automatically by ACH Universal.
Profile-based imports make the transaction file very simple. The only fields
required are an amount and a lookup field.
The current layout of your data should determine whether you choose Ad Hoc
imports or Profile lookups. The resulting ACH file will be exactly the same
regardless of import method.
Create an Account
Open Treasury Software and the Welcome New Users page will load. Select
the Option for “ACH Universal."
Create Account
The first thing you want to do is to create a New Account for your work. Click
File>New Account.
Important - Any data saved in the 'Sample' account will be reset, as it
synchronizes with the tutorial. It is advisable to work in a new, "Test" account
that is set up rather than the Sample account.
Select the option to “Create an Account and Add it to your Catalog” and click
Enter a name for the Account. This name is strictly internal and should help you
identify the purpose of the account. For example,if you are using ACH Universal
for payroll, you might name the account Payroll. Once the name is entered,
click Next.
Congratulations! You have finished creating the account. Click Finish to begin
using this Account.
Next Step
If you have your account information from your bank, you can enter it now at
ACH Setup.
However, you can create ACH files for internal testing without this information.
Next: ACH Setup >>
1.2.4 ACH Setup
ACH Setup
In-house testing?
If you are simply performing in-house testing (such as IT testing), you can skip
this step, as you can create ACH files without entering this information.
To start the ACH Setup Wizard select the 'Settings' tab > 'ACH File Setup'.
The ACH File Header Record is the first record in the ACH file, and is identified
by a '1' in the first position. It's primary purpose is to identify who sent the file
(your organization) and where it is going (to your financial institution/processor).
If you already signed up with your bank for ACH service, this information will be
in your Welcome packet.
If you have been creating ACH files, but do not have the original documentation
form your bank, ACH Universal can pull this information off of a file that you
have already created.
If you have neither documents above, follow our guidelines within the wizard
below. Of course, we can't guarantee compliance with your bank, but it is a
very conservative approach to start.
Note: If you are using ACH Universal's Multiple Origination account feature in
the Processor edition, this advanced feature will override some of the values
Offset Record
Only use an offset record if your bank notifies you that it is required.
If your bank does require an offset record, click this check-box on Screen 4.
- Enter the ABA or Routing Number for your organization's bank.
- Enter your organization's bank account number.
For the vast majority of users, you can click 'Finish' to complete the wizard.
This will save your work.
If you have advanced needs, or are curious as to the additional settings, click
Preferences - Screen 5
Description on your recipient's bank statement - In the text field, enter the
description of the transaction that will show on customer, employee, and vendor
bank statements. For example, you might enter "Payroll" for a direct deposit
payment to an employee. This entry is located in the ACH file in the Batch
Header (5 record, positions 54 - 63).
Default effective date - Select when you want the bank to process the
transactions. For example, some banks want an ACH file two days prior to
processing. In that case, change the dropdown to Two Days.
--This setting only effects transactions when a date is not entered. Therefore, if
you import a 'Date' field with your transactions, this setting has no effect.
--For maximum control, import a 'Date' with your transactions
--This setting takes into account Saturday and Sundays, but not holidays.
--The bank's rules determine the exact date of processing. Contact your bank
for their exact policies.
ACH Universal supports the NACHA cutoff indicator in the descriptive date (positions
64 - 69).
Profile Lookup
ACH Universal has full support of profiles for creating payments. Profiles are
not required by ACH Universal, however, as it is capable of ad hoc payments.
When using profiles, the lookup can be done by Name or by ID Number.
Profile Lookup - This setting only comes into play during the import process.
Pre-notifications are used to test a transmission to ensure all settings are
correct before transmitting live data. A pre-note is indicated in your data by a 0
amount. In the dropdown box, select the transaction type you wish to test (DR-
>collecting funds or CR->paying funds).
The next screen is the last screen in the process. In most cases, you can
simply click Finish.
You have finished creating and setting up an ACH Universal account. You can
now begin importing data into the account and transmitting ACH files.
By default the Treasury Software will automatically save your file in the location
listed below.
C:\Users\Public\Treasury Software\To Bank
However, if you need to change this location, just follow these simple steps.
3. Lastly, navigate to a location like your Desktop or any other location and click
The Column Mapping screen allows the user to tell the File Formatter what
information is in each column on the import file. Simply Highlight a column, and
select the appropriate column mapping from the drop down for the data.
After selecting the Column Mapping, the section about the column names (F1,
F2, F3, etc) will switch from Red to Green and list the selected mapping.
Repeat this for all required columns. The required fields are Amount or
Amount_Reverse_Sign, Bank_Account_Number, ABA_Routing_Number, and
Name. When all the necessary columns are mapped, click next to continue the
Import Wizard.
Review Records
This screen will display a list of the importable rows and invalid rows. To review
the list of Importable Records, click on the “+” sign as shown below.
If the “Amount” and “# of Records” columns are correct, click Next and go to
The grid will display the importable transactions and the basic information.
The Invalid Rows section will list all rows that will not be imported into ACH
Universal. The software will automatically mark Header rows, footer rows,
summation lines, and blank lines as invalid. For each row that is invalid, a
check mark will be placed in the appropriate column indicating why the row
was invalid. In this case, the records were Invalid because the system detected
that one was a summary row and the other was a header row. This caused
both Amount and the ABA number to be invalid.
Once you have verified the importable information is accurate, click Next. If you
wish to Cancel the import process and try again, simply hit Cancel.
Click Finish to complete the Import Wizard.
Next Step
You are now ready to create and transmit your ACH file.
Next: Create and transmit ACH file >>
Click the Create ACH File button in the center of the homepage.
This will take you to Create ACH File Page (see below)
The Review Records link on the Right Side Explorer Bar allows you to access
the Reports Section for review or deletion of Records
Click Create ACH File to create the file.
Once you click on Create ACH File, ACH Universal will ask if you want to view
the file. Select Yes if you want to verify the format or review the file. Otherwise
click No.
At this point, transmit the file to your bank using their procedures.
Congratulations! You have completed your first ACH file transmission.
If you have any questions, please consult our FAQ. This contains answers to
many common questions from first-time ACH Universal users.
Next Step
Review our FAQ for answers to many common questions.
Next: FAQ >>
Positive amounts increase your account balance and represent collections (i.e.,
from customers)
Negative amounts decrease your account balance and represent payments
(i.e., vendors, employees)
If negative numbers are in your import file (for example, you are doing payroll
and the amounts are shown as negative), use Amount.
If this is exactly the reverse (for example, you are doing payroll and the amounts
in the import file are positive), use Amount_Reverse_Sign.
down box. Click Run. Select a record in the grid (it will turn blue), and click the
Red X on the toolbar.
Note: To preserve the audit trail, transactions already included in an ACH file
cannot be deleted.
When you are just getting started with setting up the software it is a good idea
to create an automatic backup. In the event there is database corruption you
will be able to restore your work quickly and easily. There are just three steps
you need to follow to set this up.
Importing is the process that brings data into ACH Universal. There are
actually several different ways to bring in data.
Profiles alone do not contain enough information to create an ACH file as they
are not associated with any specific transaction. Transactional data can include
the payee information. If your accounting system uses Profiles, transactional
data includes a field that identifies a specific payee by name or ID number
(most common).
[NOTE: QuickBooks Online users will be required to set up Profiles in ACH
In some situations, you may want to enter a transaction (or sometimes several
transactions) manually instead of using a file import.
See Entering Transactions Manually for information on manual entry.
1.3.1 Importing Transactions
Importing Transactions
The file that you are importing should be in Excel, comma delimited (CSV), tab
delimited or another tabular format.
See Gathering Data for more information.
From the ACH Universal Home Page, click the Import Transactions icon.
Click Next.
In a typical scenario, you will need to map the following fields (in no required
· Name
· Bank_Account_Number
· ABA_Routing_Number
· Amount or Amount_Reverse_Sign
· Checking_or_Savings
If the Excel or other file that you are importing is displaying amounts as positive
numbers--and the transactions represent payments out--then map the field as
Amount_Reverse_Sign. This has the effect of multiplying the amount by a
negative 1.
Review Records
This screen will display a list of the importable rows and invalid rows. Expand
the summary rows to view the detail by clicking on the “+” sign as shown
below. The one invalid row is usually the source data column headers, which
will not be transferred to the transmission file.
While the bulk of records should be imported as files for maximum accuracy
and efficiency, there can be situations where entering a record manually is a
better choice.
If using Profiles:
If you are using Profiles, click the first radio button and select the profile from
the dropdown box.
Applicatio Select the Standard Entry Class Code you wish to use for this
n transaction. In this case, CCD is selected for a payment to another
Date Select the date the requested processing date. Note: You cannot
force a same-day transaction by using the current date. Contact
your bank for their exactly time frame.
Debit/Cre Select whether you are paying or receiving funds
Payment Enter the amount as a positive number.
If you are not using profiles or are making a one-time payment and do not wish
to create a profile, click the second radio button.
Enter the appropriate information. All fields are required with the exception of
the Addenda Record.
Click OK.
Follow the steps below to delete an entire file import (every transaction from the
imported file).
From the Home tab select Delete Entire Import > select the record (the row will
turn blue) > select delete ' '.
Select the transactions (yes, you can select multiple records) to be deleted,
then click the button. Click Yes to confirm the deletion, No to cancel.
Run the Untransmitted Records report from the Home tab, select a record (the
row will turn blue), then click 'Edit Record'.
Edit information as needed, then click 'OK'. Run the report to see the changes.
You can edit transactions as long as they have not been included in an ACH
Once a record has been included in a file--regardless of whether it was actually
transmitted to the bank--the record cannot be edited.
Filtering Imports
By definition, a filter is only required if you have already created multiple ACH
Universal accounts.
Before beginning
The steps below must be repeated for each ACH Universal account. In the
example of Payroll and Checking, the steps must be done once in the Payroll
account and once in the Checking account.
A filter consists of nothing more than an identifier used to distinguish data for
one account from other data. This can be a field containing the text "payroll"
and "checking", an account number, or some other identifier. Each filter must
be unique from that of all other accounts.
Repeat these steps for every account you need to filter. The identifiers must be
different for each account.
There are two ways to use the filter. You can schedule imports using the
Control Panel for recurring imports or you can perform the import manually.
Map all fields in the file as usual with one addition: map the field representing
the filter text as 'Filter.' ACH Universal will import all transactions from the file
into the proper account based on the filter text. If you do not map 'Filter' the
entire import will be brought into the account currently opened.
NOTE: You can also click "Scheduler" to schedule the import using the
Automated Scheduler.
We of course recommend that you map the following fields, but the system can
use defaults:
• Date - to the next day (or other default)
• Checking_or_Savings - to checking
• ID_Number - to blank - this is the other party's identification in your system (ie.
payroll - this would be employee #).
There are over 40 additional fields available. Please see the individual help
Please remember, that this page relates to the other party's data - such as your
clients, employees and vendors.
This is the name of the party that you are paying or collecting from. It does not
need to be an 'exact' match of the name on the account.
The 9 digit number assigned to each bank.
For all of you trivia experts - technically the ABA is an 8 digit number, and the
ninth digit is a check sum. However, common use dictates to always use all 9
digits unless specified otherwise.
Using Excel - don't worry about the leading zero dropped. Depending on your
formatting, Excel may drop the leading zero, ACH Universal will automatically
add the leading zero, and then perform it's verification.
If you are on our Corporate or Processor edition, you can look up and report on
the current list of ABA numbers (Reports > ABA Listings).
This is the bank account number of the party that you are paying or collecting
from. Do not include dashes or other non-numeric data. If leading zeroes are
included, we recommend passing them along.
The amount being paid or collecting.
Sign in Funds flow Transaction Use
Amount Field
Positive From other party to Debit Collect from customers
Negative From you to other Credit Pay vendors and
party employees
The metaphor is:
Positive amounts increase your account balance, and typically represent
collections from customers and others.
Negative amounts decrease your account balance, and represent payments out
to employees and vendors.
If the file you are importing contains both debit and credit transactions, sign the
amounts accordingly.
Special issues
If the file that you are importing is displaying the amounts in positive format, and
the transactions represent payments out - then map the field as
Tip: This field saves you the step of opening the file in Excel and multiplying by
negative 1.
No decimals
If the amount you are importing does not contain a decimal point, from the main
menu select the 'Settings' tab > 'Import,System' > 'Import tab'. Scroll to
'Imported Amounts need decimals - G/L' and turn 'on'.
Example: The imported amount is $5.00, and is shown in the file as 500. In this
scenario, turn on the option above.
If a 'Date' field is mapped, ACH Universal will use that date as the effective
Default date
If no date column is mapped, the system will use the next available business
date, without regard for holidays.
You can change the default setting of 'Next day' to 'Two days', etc... in ACH
Setup (File > ACH Setup).
Note: If a date field is mapped, but a record has an invalid date, the system will
filter out the record.
Checking or Savings
If all of your transactions are to/from checking accounts (such as a vendor
payment run), you do not need to map a column. The system will assume
'checking' as the default.
If the data you are importing is mixed, ie.containing transactions which will be
received by checking and savings accounts, you will want to map the field as
The values in the data can be (case insensitive):
Checking Saving
0 1
Checking Saving
Checkings Savings
Special issues:
If you have a non-standard value representing checking/saving, you can select
it ACH > Setup > Last Panel > Advanced > Legacy 1.
1.3.8 Profiles
As mentioned earlier, all the fields needed to create a transaction may not be
available in the accounting system.
First, you would create profiles for each of your Customers, Employees and
Vendors (yes, you can import profiles).
Creating Profiles
You can create profiles manually, one at a time, or you can create multiple
profiles at one time by importing an Excel, comma delimited (CSV) or other
tabular file type that contains the profile information.
Importing Profiles
From the main menu select the Profiles tab > Import > Customers, Employees
and Vendors to start the Import Wizard.
The Profile Import Wizard Mapping screen will be displayed (below). Map the
file as appropriate...
You can set the following options in ACH File Setup which can be accessed by
selecting the 'Settings' tab > 'ACH File Setup'. On screen 7 select the
'Profiles/Origination Accounts' tab.
Start the Import Transactions Wizard as usual from the ACH Universal home
At the mapping window, click on the 'Show all fields selection', and map the
following two fields:
--Amount or Amount_Reverse_Sign
--ACH_Name_Internal (Profile Lookup) or ACH_ID_Internal (Profile Lookup)
Click next to review your records. If there are no exceptions, simply complete
the Import Wizard
If you imported a transaction, but didn't yet create a profile for the Vendor (or
Client or Employee), the transaction will not be imported.
If you have automated the process, or would simply like to review your records
which were not imported, select the View tab > All Reports > Unimportable
You can import data files to create IAT transactions--just like any other type of
Knowledge of IAT
The IAT format is a fairly complex format compared to our other formats, such
as CCD and PPD.
For example, instead of four required fields for CCD and PPD (Name, Amount,
ABA/Routing and Account number), there are over forty different fields required
by IAT!
If you are not familiar with the complexities of IAT, we recommend that you use
our Add a Record interface which can walk you through the process.
Unfortunately, Treasury Software is not structured to provide training in IAT,
only in the use of our software.
All fields noted below are required to be mapped - even if they are empty
(blank), or of $0.00 amount.
Failure to import all of the fields may result in the inability of ACH Universal to
create a proper transaction; while other omissions may allow the transaction to
be created, but ultimately the file may be rejected by the NACHA network.
We have pre-mapped the fields to match the template supplied with the Excel
file 'International - IAT.xls'.
Of course, you can certainly map your own template.
Mapping Fields
Below are screen shots of the fields as shown in the Sample account, along
with Sample data.
We recommend using the file below as a template (included with ACH
C:\Users\Public\Treasury Software\Tutorial\ACHData\International - IAT.xls
Note: The data samples below indicate the range of data that can be imported.
Field references
After transactions have been imported, from the Home Page, click on the 'Go
To Create ACH File Page' icon.
The top pane will list the file transmission method. After creation, ACH
Universal will use this method to transmit the file to your bank. In this case,
Web Upload is the selected method. For more information on transmission
methods, see Transmission Methods. Also, you will see listed the archive
location, or the absolute path on your local system where the created ACH file
will be saved.
The bottom pane contains a table showing a summary of all imported data, and
is stored for later use as part of the audit trail in the 'Transmission Logs' report.
A dialog box will appear asking if you wish to view the created file. Click Yes to
view the file. Note: You can always view the file later.
Typically, an ACH file contains only the transactions that you specify.
Example: If you have to pay five contractors each $1,000, the file will contain the
five 'Credit' transactions - one for each payment. Your bank knows to debit
your account for the offset, which in this case would be $5,000.
In the above example, if a bank did require an offset record (also known as a
'balanced file'), then the file would contain the five transaction records (Credits)
PLUS an additional record for a $5,000 debit.
To enable balanced files (offsetting records), from the top menu select the
'Settings' tab > 'ACH Setup' and proceed to the 4th screen (by going to the
Advanced section).
Check the box and enter your settings, and complete the wizard.
1.4.2 Prenotification
Creating a Pre-notification
When importing transactions as a file, ACH Universal will treat all zero-dollar
amounts as pre-notifications. It will create a debit or credit pre-notification
based on your default selection during Account Setup. It is important to create
one pre-notification for debits and one pre-notification for credits.
During transmission, on the 'Transmit to Bank' screen you will see the number
of pre-notifications listed in the summary information in the "Pre-Note" column.
Fill out all fields exactly as you would for a dollar transaction, except the amount
must be $0.00. Click OK. A dialog box will be displayed to confirm that you
intended to create a pre-notification. (This is to verify that the amount was
intended to be zero and was not left blank unintentionally). Click Yes to create
the pre-notification.
You can import or enter all other types of transactions as you normally would.
During transmission, on the 'Transmit to Bank' screen you will see the number
of pre-notifications listed in the summary information in the 'Pre-Note' column.
Recurring Transactions are those transactions which you may want to use over
and over again. To begin, make sure you have entered in your Profile
information manually, or have imported Profiles from an Excel or CSV file.
Please visit Profiles for more information on creating Profiles.
Set up
After you have created your Profiles, from the main menu in Treasury Software,
select the 'Profiles' tab > 'View /Edit'.
Select a Customer, Employee or Vendor that you want to create a recurring
transaction for (row should be highlighted in blue) and then click Edit Record.
For example, a number of credit unions use this feature to collect payments
from their clients. Some payments are due on the 1st of the month, others the
2nd of the month, and so on.
Below, as an example, are some transactions that are recurring each month.
Note that each has been assigned to a Group.
Click on the down arrow key and select the Groups/filter you want to create
transactions for.
A confirmation window will display telling you the number of transactions that
will recur and the total amount to process. Click OK.
Finally go to the home page of Treasury Software under your account and click
on the Create ACH File icon.
Setting up Groups
When you're editing the Customer, Employee or Vendor record, you can enter
the Group in the lower left corner.
3435\ (State Excise Tax)
1. If you already created the field, simply import the addenda information
with your data
2. If you don't have the data, ACH Universal can create the addenda
record for you.
In all profiles (i.e., Vendor and Government Agencies), you can enter the layout
of the specified format (below).
See Tax Payments (TXP) for detailed information on TXP and Vendor
See CTX on how to create EDI in an 820 transaction set using our embedded
EDI engine.
1.4.5 Reversals
Reverse the entire original transaction and resubmit the correct transaction. Do
not reverse an amount to make the 'net' correct.
Select the records, and then from the Reports sub-menu Actions > Reverse.
Only use this method if the original entry was not made from ACH Universal.
If the original entry was made in ACH Universal, use the 'Easy Method' above.
It much less error prone.
1. From the Home Page, select 'Add a Record' to display the Add a Record
2. Fill out the screen exactly as the original entry has it, except for the
debit/credit selection and date.
Enter the opposite debit/credit type as the original transaction. If the erroneous
transaction was submitted as a debit, you must create the reversal as a credit
and vice-versa.
The date will be the new transaction date (not the original entry).
3. Click the 'Reversal' link at the bottom of the page. This will display the
check-box below. Leave the check-box 'checked', and click 'OK' to save the
If you want to import, prepare an import file as you would normally do, however,
reverse the amount sign. If you originally had positive amounts, use negative
amounts (yes, you may remap using Amount_Reverse_Sign).
In the 'Select a file' screen, in the lower left corner, there will be a check-box
titled 'Reversal'. Check this box.
The only function of this check-box is to enter the word 'REVERSAL' in the
appropriate location within the ACH file.
Remember: You must reverse the sign of the transaction yourself in this option.
--You may edit a reversing transaction prior to transmission, just as you would
any other transaction, however, you may not change the status of a transaction
from reversing to regular or vice versa.
--Treasury Software does not warrant the viability of any return that you create
as to whether it is within the acceptable date range or other conditions set by
There are six choices available as transmission methods. See Changing File
Transmission Method to learn how to change methods.
The method you use is based primarily on how your bank requires the file to be
transmitted and, secondarily, on your company's policies regarding electronic
fund transfers.
None The ACH file will be created and archived, but it will not be
transmitted. You must transmit the file to the bank manually.
FTP After creation, ACH Universal will transmit the file to the FTP server
you specify. This should be your bank's FTP server. Contact your
bank for information on their requirements.
SSH- After creation, your file is created and Treasury Software can
FTP automatically transmit your file via SSH to your bank.
Web After creation, your default Internet browser will be started to a
Upload specified web page that corresponds to your bank's upload portal.
Upload the created file.
Email ACH Universal will email the created file as an attachment to the
email addresses specified. This method is not recommended as it is
Other For backward compatibility only. Used to transmit the file using
modem commands.
By default, ACH Universal will use Web Upload and load a generic page on the
Treasury Software website, reminding you to upload the file in your bank's
website. See Changing File Transmission Method to set up the transmission
method as required by your bank.
Follow the steps below to enable email notifications of all ACH file
transmissions to other personnel in your organization. If you wish to set up
notifications for your customers, employees, or vendors, see Notifying
Customers, Employees, and Vendors.
Note: You may need to configure your firewall to allow email to be sent through
TreasurySoftware_email.exe. Contact your system administrator regarding this
From the Home tab select Email > Email Setup. The necessary information
can be obtained through your mail client (for example, Outlook) or by contacting
your system administrator. Information in the Email tab lists addresses to
receive the created ACH file. Information in the Notification tab lists addresses
who should receive notification of a transmission, but not a copy of the actual
In the To: and CC: fields, enter the email addresses of your organization's
personnel you wish to receive notifications. Enter your email address into the
From: field. To send a notification to yourself, leave the check-box enabled.
Enter a suitable subject to use for all notifications in the Subject field. The
transmitted file will be given the name in the New File Name textbox. Enter a
file name you wish to use.
Click the Email Advanced tab to display the the advanced mail server settings
screen (Figure 2 below).
When finished, return to the Email tab and click the Test link. This will generate
a test email using the entered settings. If entered correctly, a test email will be
sent to the email address listed in the To: field. If entered incorrectly, you will
be alerted to a problem in the transmission. Please ensure all settings are
correct as notifications will be not usable.
Click Close to complete notification setup. These settings will now be used to
notify the listed personnel of all file transmissions.
ACH has the capability to secure files with AES 256 encryption.
This feature:
--is compatible with WinZip. Therefore, your bank can decrypt using WinZip
(assuming you supply them with the password).
--can be used for any file, not just for ACH files. Feel free to secure any
communication file.
To access this feature from the Settings tab > Encrypt ACH File.
Click Encrypt files > Defaults to enter your default password. This is the
password that you will need to provide to your bank.
In addition, you may select an encryption strength. Unless contra-indicated, we
would recommend maximum (256)
Click Save.
ACH Universal leaves the original file (in this case a text file) untouched, and
creates a password encrypted zip file.
Most ACH Universal users will never use the decryption process, as this was
intended to be used by banks and anyone else receiving your files.
The good news is, if you do need to decrypt a file, you have the tools.
ACH Universal will leave the encrypted zip file untouched, and extract out the
This feature enables you to import detailed information and summarize it for
payments, as well as email (if needed).
In addition, if you are sending emails, we will send one consolidated email
with the check stub information as below:
From within the Settings tab > ACH Setup > Panel 7 > Advanced tab > General
tab. Finish the wizard to save your updates.
How it works:
2. After you import/add records (Step #1), but before you create the ACH
files (Step #3),
the system will display the records as detailed.
3. Create the ACH File ****It is at this point that the records are
During the ACH file creation process, the system will create summary records
by grouping the untransmitted records based on the banking information (ABA
and Account number) of each record, as well as all batching rules (payment
date, etc.).
The newly-created summary records will contain the check stub information
from the detailed records. This will include data from the following fields:
--ID Number
If you were to send emails at this time, a summary email would be sent. Using
the example on this page, Staples and Verizon would each receive one email
showing the check stub information.
You can run reports, such as the Transmittal Log report, and view either
detailed or consolidated information.
Several large banks, such as JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo, require an
additional security record within the ACH file.
Enter the information in the field as below, and then click 'Close'.
This is for users who need to create Financial Institution General Ledger
records with a transaction code of 41 - 49, and Loan Account records with
transaction codes of 51 - 56.
Note: These codes are typically used internally within financial institutions and
their processing partners, and should not be used unless specifically
Just as there are multiple ways to import and manually add transactions into
ACH Universal, there are just as many ways to indicate their Transaction Code.
The methods below are not mutually exclusive and you can use any one or
combination of methods.
Manual addition
If you want to manually enter in a record, from within the Home tab select 'Add
a Record'.
By selecting from the drop down list, the system will auto-select between 42/47
and 52/55. If you wish another code in the 40 or 50 series, you may key it in
directly into the drop down list.
Profile Storage
If you are using Profiles, you may enter the G/L or Loan category from the drop
down list. The system will auto-select between 42/47 and 52/55 for debits vs.
QuickBooks Integration
As ACH Universal pulls the underlying banking information from the Profile,
these transactions will be compatible for 40 series and 50 series transactions
as well.
When you are importing Profiles, you can specify the Profile type:
In addition, some banks have some additional requirements, and that is the
separation of Debits from Credits in their batches.
To separate out debits and credits, simply enable the feature within ACH Setup
(Settings tab > ACH Setup).
Upon starting ACH Setup, proceed to screen 5, enable the feature and
complete the wizard.
--The separation of Debits and Credits is inherently contra-indicated with the
use of balanced records, as a balanced batch will always create an offset
debit/credit record.
--Pre-notification ($0.00) entries are not covered by this feature. Therefore
simply process pre-notes separately to create separate batches.
1.4.13 SSH - SFTP
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) enables the automated transmission of a file over
the Internet. However, FTP by itself offers no encryption.
By adding SSH, we encrypt the tunnel between the two computers, making it a
secure transmission.
Next steps:
1. Create your Public and Private keys (if you don't have any).
2. Exchange Public keys with your bank: You will send them your Public key.
They will send you their Public key.
3. Complete the SSH setup in Treasury Software.
All SSH functions, including key creation and setup - can be accessed from
Settings > Transmission Options > Transmission Method > SSH Settings (see
While our SSH file transmission tool enables you to work with the majority of
banks, we cannot guarantee compatibility with every bank. If your bank has
unique requirements, we recommend using an FTP client, such as Ipswitch's
If you do not have keys, please follow the instructions on this page to create
If you already have keys, skip this page.
While there are many key creation tools, the most common is PuTTY.
For your convenience, a copy of the PuTTY generation tool has been included
with Treasury Software.
--If you installed prior to build 347, download from
--The example below illustrates the use of PuTTY, but you may use any tool you
To access the copy of PuTTY already on your computer, click Settings >
Transmission Options > Transmission Method > SSH Settings (see below).
Click on Generate.
While our SSH file transmission tool enables you to work with the majority of
banks, we cannot guarantee compatibility with every bank. If your bank has
unique requirements, we recommend using an FTP client, such as Ipswitch's
SSH Setup
This page will show you how to configure the SSH transmission.
Note: You will need your Private key and your Bank's Public key to complete
this setup.
To access SSH setup, click Settings > Transmission Options > Transmission
Method > SSH Settings (see below).
--If the User ID appears to be an email address, check with your bank.
For example if they send you they may only want you to
enter jjones as the User ID.
They may want you to leave off the bank domain name (i.e.,
--If your bank has specified a remote folder, type it in on 'Remote Folder'--
otherwise leave blank.
While our SSH file transmission tool enables you to work with the majority of
banks, we cannot guarantee compatibility with every bank. If your bank has
unique requirements, we recommend using an FTP client, such as Ipswitch's
Paying taxes is easy. However, sending the remittance information, so you (or
your client) gets credit is the tricky part.
ACH Universal creates the Addenda records, also called the '7' or TXP record.
This is commonly referred to as a CCD+ transaction.
Please note that Addenda record creation requires either ACH Universal
Corporate or Processor edition. Overview
Note: When adding a Government Agency, rather than a Vendor profile, ACH
Universal will auto-populate as CCD.
This will be covered in great detail in the next few pages. Save your work when
Note: If you used tags for the tax period ending date or verification numbers,
these fields will be available to you here.
You can use the Quick Pay and Recurring entries windows for any payment that
has an Addenda record. Please note that, by definition, these windows are
batch oriented and do not provide fields to populate period ending dates, etc. If
you require these fields, use the 'Add a Record' form.
--Create a profile from the Profile tab or
--Open an existing Profile from the main menu
Edit/Add > Profiles - TXP Gov't Agencies > Edit/Listing > select the profile, and
click 'Edit Record' on the sub-menu
Click on the tab 'Addenda Records - Child Support, Invoices and Tax Payments
(TXP)', and then check the check-box to activate this feature.
If you are only paying the agency on behalf of one taxpayer, the taxpayer ID is
static. In this example, everything prior to the amount would be static.
If your taxpayer ID is 651122334, you would type in the static part of the
addenda line, which (so far) would look like:
As the amount will vary on each transaction, insert the tag (including the
brackets) for Amount:
Note: The brackets are required, although the tag itself is case-insensitive.
ACH Universal will automatically take care of the leading '705', as well as any
spaces and trace numbers following the Addenda record.
With the fields below, you can create any TXP10 Federal or State addenda
record, as well as virtually any vendor specified format.
While the [Amount] tag is certainly the most commonly used tag, the other two
most commonly used tags include:
[Period_Date] - Signifies the period ending date of the tax period to which the
payment applies. Tip: Federal is always the 1st of the month. The default
format is YYMMDD, and it can be changed on a profile by profile basis.
All tags:
Tag/Field (in Description Source
[Amount] Amount, no decimal From transaction
[Amount_with_dec Amount, with decimal From transaction
Tag Sources
1. From transaction
3. Imported
For those tags which can be added at 'Add a Record', these fields will be
available for you
Don't forget to substitute your taxpayer name and your Federal taxpayer ID
number into the ACH Entry Detail record (also known as the payment and '6'
record). See Substitution into 6 Record.
Up until now, the Tax Payments section has dealt with the Addenda records,
which are also know as the '7' records.
However, Federal formats and many State formats require that the taxpayer
name and ID be placed in the payment ('6') record.
While this can be accomplished by simply entering in the name and ID number
of the taxpayer into the Vendor or Agency profile, it is overly simplistic, as you
would be limited to paying only one type of tax, for one entity.
How to enter in your tax payer name and number into the payment ('6')
Typically, you would enter your name and taxpayer ID number into the fields
below by going to Profiles >Government Agencies / View/Edit.
If you are a processor, or paying on behalf of multiple entities, select the second
radio button and import the data.
While there is no national standard format, many states use a format similar to
the Commonwealth of Virginia, which is shown below:
The states require a CCD+, which is simply a CCD record with the + referring
to the Addenda record.
ACH Universal will auto-populate as CCD (CCD+ will be when the Addenda
record is created).
Click the addenda tab, and turn on (check) the 'Create an addenda record'
On the Child Support sub-tab, click the hyperlink 'Populate the entry above...'
For most users, this is all you need to do.
Note: If you will only be paying the state on behalf of one employee, you can
overwrite any of the variables and hard-code the Addenda record.
For example, you can update the template to pay on behalf of John Jones, with
a case identified of 12345678, and Social Security number of 333224444.
Of course, if you are paying on behalf of multiple employees, leave the default.
2. Creating transactions
In the New Record screen, select the Government Agency and enter in the
balance of the fields. Click OK when finished.
b. Start the Import Transactions Wizard from the Home page and select the file
that you created.
When finished with importing or adding records, create the ACH file as normal.
Your file will include the Addenda records (7 records) and should look similar
Advanced Options
Want different taxpayer name and ID's in the payment (6) record?
Then, during the import process, you can map the TAX_TaxpayerName,
TAX_TaxpayerID fields (located in the Tax section of the dropdown mapping
list) as well as the Origination_Account field as needed.
Multiple Taypayers
1. Create a profile for the state agency as you would for a single taxpayer
- and enter the banking information.
2. Click to the Addenda tab. Below is what our earlier example looks like
for a single taxpayer.
and save.
Note: You may still need to substitute the Tax Payer Name and ID on the '6'
record. If so, please see '6 record substitution'.
This will prompt you with the form below. Enter in the fields as indicated, and
confirm that 'Checking' and 'CCD' are selected.
Note: If you are paying taxes to the same agency on behalf of different Taxpayer
ID's (subsidiary, parent company, etc...) we recommend that you use an
internal or nickname for the Name and ID Number fields. The system will
populate them with 'IRS', etc... as show in the next help topic.
Congratulations - At this point, you have entered all the information needed to
make an ACH payment. Creating a Tax Form
Following from the previous help page, we are now displayed with a tax form.
Format tab
Below is a tax form for Federal payroll tax payments with Form 941.
While it looks like a lot, a number of the fields are pulled from the transactional
and profile information.
By reviewing the instructions for the Federal Form 941, we realize that we need
to make four entries, and enable two check boxes.
Whether a Federal or State agency, each piece of the addenda is labeled from
TXP01 to TXP10. Fill out each field as required by the tax code:
TXP0 Taxpayer ID number. This field is filled automatically during ACH file
1 creation based on the governmental agency profile.
TXP0 Tax code number
TXP0 Tax period end date format. For example, enter YYMMDD, not 090107 as
3 the specific date is filled in automatically for each payment.
TXP0 For most states, enter T. For most federal payments, enable the
4 checkbox labeled "Repeat from TXP02." Consult your specification for
exact requirement.
TXP0 If the tax only contains a single payment, this field is the transaction
5 amount. If the tax has subcategories, this is the amount for subcategory 1.
TXP0 Tax code subcategory. Enter as specified by the tax code. If using, must
6 enable "Use subcategory 2" checkbox.
TXP0 Subcategory transaction amount. Cannot edit this field.
TXP0 Tax code subcategory. Enter as specified by the tax code. If using, must
8 enable "Use subcategory 3" checkbox.
TXP0 Subcategory transaction amount. .
TXP1 Verification number used only for state tax codes (never used for Federal
0 tax payments). This field will be automatically filled during ACH file
creation based on the governmental agency profile.
Please note that Treasury Software does not maintain a database or service for
any taxing authorities.
Settings tab
Now click on the Settings tab at the top of the form.
Note: The top section (Form Identification) does not carry over to the ACH file -
it is for your internal use only.
When you are done, click 'OK' save your work and close the form.
Question: Why do we need a Payment Profile (Gov't Agency) and a Tax
Form? Why isn't the Tax Form just another tab on the Payment Profile?
Answer - Reuse.
You can use the same tax form for multiple profiles. If you are responsible to
make tax payments under multiple tax payer ID's, you only need to create one
tax form, but can use it with an unlimited number of Profiles.
At this point, you should have already created a Governmental Agency Profile
(similar to a Vendor profile) and a Tax form. You should have also tested the
addenda record by creating a manual transaction.
Enter into the Sample account within ACH Universal and select from the main
menu Import > Tax Payments (either)
You will see the location of the Excel file on your computer. Please feel free to
use this as a template.
This will enable you to create an ACH file with TXP transactions (technically a
CCD+ payment, with a TXP formatted addenda record):
Upon closing the Tax form, you will be returned to the Gov't Agency Profile.
Review the information on the screen. In almost all cases, taxing authorities
require taxing authority name and taxpayer ID be listed in the ACH detail
record. Unless the tax format you are creating specifically states otherwise,
leave the defaults (of course, fill in the 'Name' field'). Your screen will resemble:
From the main menu select Add a Record to display the screen below.
Then select from the drop down list one of your Governmental Agency Profiles.
The form will then reset to accommodate the tax information, as well as
populate default fields:
All you need to do is enter the amounts and click 'OK'
Date notes:
The Date field on the 1st row is the effective date of the transaction (the date
you are going to pay), and will appear in the Batch Control/Header '5' record.
The TXP_Date field on the 2nd row is the tax period that your payment applies
to and will appear in the addenda '7' record. The format is configurable in the
Tax Form. Tip - the Federal format is YYMM01 (the date is always 01, the first
of the month).
The next time that you create an ACH file, this transaction will be included. Fiduciary Mode
In the previous help pages, the TXP import centered around creating a
separate profile for each taxpayer ID.
The Fiduciary mode enables you to import the Tax Payer ID (TXP01),
Verification (TXP10) and the name and ID for the ACH payment record.
The New Tax form will be displayed. For illustration purposes, we will mock up
a Kentucky State Withholding tax payment.
Addenda record requirements (mock-up):
Segment Identifier TXP
KY Revenue Account (different for each client)
Tax Type Code 02200
Tax Period End Date YYMMDD format
Payment Amount Type T
Then click the 'Settings' tab at the top, and enter the following fields as
--The ABA and account numbers are the governmental agency's that you are
--The 'substitute' checkboxes - here it does not matter whether checked or not,
as we will be over-riding the values - by importing the taxpayer's name and ID
into these fields.
When done, click 'OK', to close and return to the Governmental Agency Profile
Click the drop down list and select the newly created form.
Click on the 'Advanced' sub-tab. Make sure both check boxes are un-marked.
Note: These substitution check boxes are different then the ones we saw earlier
on the tax form.
Select the 'General' tab and enter the Name and 'Save'.
The 'Name' should be the same value and match the text in your Excel/csv file
that you are importing.
This value will not appear within the ACH transaction or any file sent to the bank
or governmental agency.
It is simply the 'link/lookup' value between your data and this profile.
--Click on the 'Show all field selections' to display the fields.
--The verification field (TXP10) is not always used. If it is not needed, do not
map it.
--If you do not have the Tax_Payer_Name_6_Record field in your drop down
list, map it as the Text16 field. Then you will also need to substitute Text15 for
--If you do not see the <<Processors-TXP>> section, you may not be licensed
at the correct edition
622063000047343205552 0000231437ERNST HANDEL 208441649
622063000047343205552 0000695228SAVE-A-LOT MARK780873395
622063000047343205552 0000791862HUNGRY COYOTE I860847885
622063000047343205552 0000365262EASTERN CONNECT722887268
622063000047343205552 0000068643RATTLESNAKE CAN549040602
1.4.15 Returns
This section assumes that you are a bank customer and have submitted
transactions which have 'bounced' - or have been otherwise rejected.
If you are a bank and need to create a Returns file to send to your clients,
please see Banking Edition.
A return is an entry that you made which could not be honored by the other
party's bank.
An example:
You attempt to collect funds from a customer, but there are not enough funds in
the customer's account. The transaction is returned to you as Insufficient Funds
(return code R01).
An example:
An employee left your company in February, but you neglected to remove the
person from the payroll system. In March you erroneously sent that employee a
direct deposit payment and immediately noticed the error.
To correct the erroneous payment, you would send a reversal entry to correct it.
For more on reversals.
What happens to the transaction returned and how are you notified?
If you were paying 100 employees and one employee closed his account, only
the payment to the one account will be returned. The other 99 transactions
would be fine.
How the bank notifies you depends on the services that your bank offers and
what you've signed up for.
Some small banks may call you, others may email or fax you, and others may
have you log into their website to see the postings. Many will provide you with
an ACH Return file (below).
The balance of this Help file focuses on utilizing ACH Universal™ Corporate
and Processor edition's features of importing and resubmitting return
transactions from an ACH Return file.
If you do not have the Corporate edition or higher, or you are not receiving an
ACH Return file, you will need to track and resubmit transactions manually.
The ACH Return file contains all the details of the transaction you originally
submitted, as well as detailed information as to why the transaction was unable
to be fulfilled.
The return code is noted with a 3 digit code starting with 'R'.
This file can be imported directly into ACH Universal™ and be used to track
and resubmit transactions, when applicable.
Importing ACH Return files enables you to track the returned transactions and,
if you choose, it will also allow you to resubmit the transactions.
Note: When ACH Return files are imported, the transactions are saved into a
separate 'Returns' table. The records are placed into this table where they
await your action. No action occurs during the import process, other than
populating this table.
From the Home tab select the ACH Return Files drop down box arrow.
Note: If you are unable to view the menu selection above, you do not have the
Corporate or Processor edition. Please upgrade your ACH Universal edition to
use this feature.
This will start the Import Wizard. Select the file and complete the Wizard as
you normally would.
Return Reports
From the Home tab select ACH Return Files drop-down menu and then select
Review returned transactions and resubmit (default).
If a record has been returned for Insufficient funds, you may resubmit the
However, if a record has been returned for any other code, it is not eligible to
be resubmitted.
The logic is that if the account is closed, or there is a wrong ABA number--or
any other reason (other than ISF)--resubmitting the transaction will still result in
the transaction being returned.
These records will be placed into the Untransmitted ACH records holding
queue along with any other untransmitted records that you may have.
What is CTX?
CTX, or Corporate Trade Exchange, is a Standard Entry Class code that can
contain multiple addenda records which provide additional information on
each transaction (also called remittance information, such as invoice
What is EDI?
The common SEC Codes, such as PPD and CCD, provide specific
transaction information. However, they both lack the ability to use more than
one addenda record. An addenda is an extension to a transaction entry that
provides additional information about the nature of the transaction, most
commonly remittance information. One common example is an invoice
number. PPD+ and CCD+ add the ability to use an addenda record, but you
are limited to at most one addenda record per transaction and a maximum
length of 80 characters. If your organization wanted to make one payment for
multiple invoices and provide remittance information, there is no way to do so
using a non-CTX SEC Code.
The same processes used in ACH Universal for other SEC Codes are used to
create and transmit CTX files. However, CTX has a few added requirements
that other codes are not subject to.
The other formats you may already be familiar with are on a one-payment-to-
one-invoice scenario. For example, an ACH-PPD entry containing an
employee's direct deposit payroll payment is a one-payment-to-one-paycheck
With ACH-CTX, you can pay hundreds of invoices from one payment. This is
a one-payment-to-many-invoices scenario.
The key here is not just the fact that you are paying multiple invoices, but that
you are including the remittance information as well. CTX passes along the
detailed remittance information in the addenda records that follow the
payment records.
Addenda Records
In other formats such as PPD and CCD, you can include one addenda record
to provide additional information about the payment. When attaching the
addenda record, these payments are often referred to as PPD+ and CCD+
(plus sign for addenda).
These formats only allow one record, and the addenda record text is free form
- meaning there is no standard as to the syntax or layout (unless, of course,
one was agreed to by the originator and receiver).
With CTX, you can have up to 9,999 addenda records, and the system
expects the records to be in an EDI format.
There are many EDI standards, each with its own derivatives, dialects and
Treasury Software's built-in EDI engine supports the common business format
often referred to as the ANSI ASC 820 transaction set. Virtually all business
formats are a derivative or subset of this format.
creating CTX as well as non-CTX files, it is recommended you use one account
for CTX-only transactions and one account for all other transactions.
Creating an Account
Create an account by selecting from the main menu File > New Account.
Format Selection
In the ACH Setup Wizard (lower left corner of ACH Universal), on screen 4 of 6,
you will see Figure 1 (below). Select the radio button for CTX-EDI Subsets. In
almost every situation you will use EPN STP 820. Make sure it is visible in the
dropdown box.
On the final screen (Screen 6 of 6), select the CTX tab. You will see Figure 3
In the first dropdown box, select the method your organization is using to
identify yourself at the transaction level. This is decided by your bank. Your
choices are:
Leave the defaults for all other fields unless instructed differently by your bank. Account Setup - CTX
Account Setup
From the Settings tab select 'ACH File Setup'.
On screen 4 of 6, select the radio button 'CTX-EDI Subsets' and select from the pull down menu the
subset you want to work with. If you are unsure of the subset, leave the default presented - you can
change it any time.
On screen 6 of 6, select the 'CTX' tab and enter your Federal ID, DUNS, or other identifying number
as required by your Trading Partner (CTX receiver). Again, if unsure, leave blank for now - you can
modify at any time. Click 'Finish' to save your work and close the ACH Setup Wizard.
Name: Enter the name which will appear on your import file. Example: If you are paying an office
supply company and their company name (which appears on each line item of the detailed report you
are using as an input file) is 'Office Depot', enter that here.
Account # and ABA routing number - Using our previous example, enter the office supply company's
information here.
ID number - This is for your records - enter your internal vendor number here. Using our example, it
may be 'OfficeDepot001'. Note: Very often, this entry is simply the same as the Name.
Checking or Saving - Leave as Checking unless instructed otherwise by your Trading Partner.
The fields that you prepare for your report are directly related to your Trading Partner's
requirements. Additional fields such as purchase order, trace and adjustments will be covered in the
next topic Mapping CTX Files - Advanced
ACH_Name_Internal - You should already be familiar with - this populates the payees name in the
payment line, as well as provides as a 'look-up' field to the Customer, Employee and Vendor table.
Continue with the Import Wizard until finished. Afterwards, you can create and transmit the file, just
as you would any other ACH file.
In addition to the information listed in the Mapping CTX Files - Basic topic, the addenda records can
contain the following detailed information.
The fields below relate to the detailed information you are importing and mapping. In the EDI output,
you will see additional segments - these are header and footer records which are created
automatically by the system.
--The CTX setup window referenced below can be accessed from the 'Settings' tab > 'ACH Setup'.
--You do not need to map every field. The fields below which have not already been mentioned in the
'Basic' section are used infrequently.
Name_Full_NM1 Individual or organization name. Do not map unless
otherwise instructed to - as it can be duplicative of the N1
Depending on your scenario, you may not need to create a vendor profile for
each vendor.
If your vendors will accept a standard format - you can create files 'on-the-fly' as
noted on this page.
If your vendors have specific requirements, you will need to use our profiles.
Reminder: The ABA, Account, Receiver ID (if used) and Receiver Qualifier (if
used) - need to be on each line for each vendor.
If you don't have the ID number for a vendor - you can leave it blank, but there
will be no ID in the CTX-EDI and you run the risk of it not be received by the
Tip: You can find the fields in the 'On-The-Fly-Only' grouping of the drop down
When you map and import the ID, the system will assume that it is a Federal ID
- and enter the appropriate value (30 - indicates a Fed ID) as the type
(technically called the Interchange ID Qualifier - ISA07).
You do not need to include/map the Qualifier if all of your ID's are
Federal ID #'s.
However, if you do need to map the Qualifier field, please use the following two
character values:
01 Duns (Dun & Bradstreet)
14 Duns Plus Suffix
17 ABA number
30 US Federal Tax Identification Number CTX Output
Create your ACH-CTX transmission file, just as you would any other ACH file, by clicking 'Transmit to
If you view the file, you'll notice that there are a number of addenda records after each payment line.
We've clipped out only the EDI portion of the addenda information from the Office Depot example
(we've alternated the color to help identify the beginning and ending of each segment):
The GS (Functional Group Header) segment is system generated and the function is largely
redundant to the ISA (in a non-ACH EDI file there would be multiple groups - and the
role would be more significant).
The ST (Transaction Set Header) segment is system generated and marks the beginning of
the transaction set.
The BPR (Beginning segment for Payment order/Remittance advice) segment is system
generated and contains summary payment information.
The TRN (Trace) segment provides a unique identification for the transaction. If one is
not provided (mapped), the system generates a unique sequential identifier.
\N1*PR*YOUR COMPANY*91*227777777
The N1 (Originator Name Identification) segment is your company name.
Note: the PR - indicates Payer.
The N1 (Receiver Name Identification) segment is the receiver's company name.
Note: the PE - indicates Payee.
The ENT (Entity) segment is required, but typically not significant in non-tax
applications as payments are all on behalf of the same entity.
The RMR (Remittance Advice) segment contains the invoice number, amount to be paid,
total of the invoice and any amounts taken as a discount.
The DTM (Date/Time) segment contains date information, if needed, for the RMR segment.
2nd invoice
2nd invoice
3rd invoice
3rd invoice
3rd invoice
The SE (Transaction Set Footer) segment is system generated and marks the end of the
transaction set (offset to ST).
The GE (Functional Group Footer) segment is system generated and marks the end of the
group (offset to GS).
The IEA (Interchange Control Footer) segment is system generated and marks the end of
the Interchange Control (offset to ISA). XML
XML Initiative
Currently, EDI is the standard for populating the remittance records (7 records)
for CTX.
However, a new XML based standard has been proposed for the remittance
records, and ACH Universal has added this newly proposed standard as well.
Sample XML-based ACH-CTX file.
Sample EDI-based ACH-CTX file (as a guide for comparison).
--ACH Universal has incorporated the Opt-in Rules for Incorporating XML
Messaging in ACH Addenda Records (XML-ACH) as of August 30, 2013.
For a copy of this document, as well as additional information, please see:
--Support in ACH Universal for XML segments is 100% compliant with the EPN
STP 820 transaction set for EDI.
--Upon starting the software, at the 'Welcome New User' page - select ACH
--On screen three (below), select CTX, then click 'Next' > 'Finished'.
Note: The drop down to the right of the selection will not display XML, as it has
not yet been formally adopted.
In the next step, we will enable the standard for specific vendors.
--Select the Profiles tab > View Customers, Employees and Vendors.
Then select a profile and click Edit Record.
Tip: If you are in the Sample account, and following this demo - select Office
Congratulations - you're all done with setup. Now let's import some data and
create an ACH File.
Note: If you are working in the Sample account - you have a demo file ready to
If you're not in the sample account, prepare an import file (and matching profile) with at least
the following minimum fields:
--Vendor name (which matches the lookup name in the profile)
--Invoice Number
Please note that the field names are in EDI (EPN STP 820) syntax. This enables you to send EDI-
based files to some vendors, while simultaneously sending XML to others.
2. Select the file to import (or leave the default if in the Sample account)
3. If in the Sample Account - leave the default settings. Otherwise, map as needed.
ACH_Name_Internal (Profile Lookup) - You should already be familiar with - this populates the payees
name in the payment line, as well as provides as a 'look-up' field to the Customer, Employee and
Vendor table.
5. Navigate to the Create ACH File page, and click 'Create ACH File'
You can now view the completed file.
Easily create the Health Care Reassociation record ('7' addenda record)
with ACH Universal Corporate and Processor Editions.
ACH Universal enables users to meet the Federal Regulations established by the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
This includes, amongst other items: the ANSI ASC X12 835 version 5010 TRN
Reassociation Trace Number data segment.
This format requires that a Custom Code be entered. The Health Care
Reassociation format uses code 344.
To enter the code, click on the Settings tab, then > 'Import, System'. The
Options window will pop-up.
Click on the Custom tab, enter 344 in the top line - and click Update.
The Reference Identification field is optional and can be left blank. If you
choose to, you may enter a value here. This value is referred to as TRN04.
Click Close when complete.
CCD is the Standard Entry Class code (SEC) - automatic
HCCLAIMPMT will be the Company Entry Description - automatic
Obtain a service pack by clicking on the Help tab, then within the Update Group
> Software. Allow the software to exit and re-start.
1.5 Reporting
ACH Universal has a wide selection of industry standard reports which include
transactions, profile listings, audit trail logs and more.
You can arrange the fields in any order. To do so, click and drag the column
header to its new location.
Custom Layouts
If you prefer your report to be different than the default display, simply modify
the report to your preference.
The saved layout will retain all information in the current report, including filters,
groupings, summary information, and field order.
The next time you run the report, it will be displayed per your settings.
Note: To remove the custom layout - click the 'Remove' icon, just to the right of
the 'Save' icon.
Reports are only useful if they can be interpreted quickly and accurately. It is
both cumbersome and error-prone to be forced to scroll through tens or
hundreds of records looking for certain ones.
Advanced Reporting allows you to group report data on many different fields to
see a breakdown by category.
In Figure 1 (below), the Advanced Reporting grid is displaying the All Records
In this case, the records are grouped by Date. To create a grouping, drag the
header into the gray bar. It is possible to create multiple groupings. For
example, to group by company name inside the date grouping, drag the
Description header onto the gray bar. To un-group, drag the header from the
bar to a position in the header row.
Selecting fields
The number of usable fields depends on your data. Follow the steps below to
select the specific fields you wish to view in a report. These fields are retained
in a user layout.
There are two ways to open the Field Chooser. One method is to click the
button the toolbar.
Immediately below the column headers is the filter row. Each field in the report
can have its own filter. Select the type of filter for the field and then enter the
filter text into the appropriate box.
For each field you want to filter, click the corresponding button. This will
display the filter choices.
Note: The comparisons are based on the sign of the data. For example, if you
want to see issued checks larger than $10,000 and all issued checks have
negative signs, create a filter of "Less than" and enter -$10,000 as the amount.
For textual filtering, your options are all the above, plus:
Textual comparisons use simple text searches for the filter text, with the
exception of "Matches Regular Expression" which uses regular expressions to
create matches. Regular expressions, while powerful, create an extra layer of
complexity and normally are not needed for basic text filtering.
In the text box next to the filter type button, enter your filter criteria. As you type,
the data in the report will be filtered automatically.
Summarizing Data
Advanced Reporting also provides the ability to create data summaries for any
fields you wish. The summary information available is:
· Count (number of records)
· Minimum
· Maximum
· Sum
· Average
These summaries are stored as a part of user layouts and can be exported with
the report data if you wish to retain them.
To turn on summaries, select View from the main menu, then Enable Summary.
A will be displayed in each field. To enable summary information for a field,
click the in the field header.
The Select Summaries box will be displayed. Below is the box for the Amount
field. All other fields have Count, Maximum, and Minimum available.
To turn on a summary value, enable the check-box. When finished, click OK.
The summary information will be displayed after the last row of report data.
To turn off summaries, select View from the main menu, then Disable
Summaries. Summaries are stored as a part of the user layout. Summaries
are automatically disabled when you switch reports.
All export options are accessible through the Export option on the main menu.
These options are:
Excel Export - All Export all displayed records. Records filtered out will
Records not be included. All visible columns will be exported.
Excel 'Copy' - Export all manually selected records. All visible
Selected Records columns will be exported.
CSV Export - All Same as Excel Export- All Records, but exports to a
Records CSV file
CSV Export - Same as Excel 'Copy' - Selected Records, but exports
Selected Records to a CSV file
Data Dump - All Exports all records (regardless of filter) and all columns
Records, All Columns (visible and not visible) to a txt file.
Also under the Export menu is the option "Open Excel when exporting to Excel
or CSV." Leave this checked if you wish to load the exported file immediately in
Excel (Note: Excel must be installed). To export to a file but not view the file,
select the option and uncheck it.
Our Software Integration Kit (SIK) enables you to automate most routine
processes, such as importing files, creating transmission files (for ACH and
Positive Pay) and for running Automated Transaction Matching (for Bank Rec).
Legacy (Basic) automation has been replaced by the Software Integration Kit.
The Software Integration Kit requires either ACH Universal Corporate or
Processor editions, Bank Rec or Bank Positive Pay automation edition.
This section is devoted to accounting software developers and other third party
developers (including end-users) who are looking to integrate Treasury
Software applications into a seamless and automated process for their users.
Our Software Integration Kit (SIK), unlike most automation development kits, is
included directly in the runtime edition and is available to both power users and
software developers in a Graphical User Interface.
and, of course
Note: The Software Integration Kit is referenced as the 'Custom Import Menu
Setup' in some documents and will be used here interchangeably.
To access the Software Integration Kit (formerly called Custom Import Menus),
from the Automation tab select Software Integration Kit.
You can have up to 20 integration routines per account. Select one that is not
being used and click 'Add/Edit'. Settings
Visible - Check this box if you want this process to be available to the user from
the main menu (Import submenu). This checkbox only drives visibility - it does
not activate or inactivate a process.
If you only want to import one file, but the file name is dynamic (keeps
changing), then use the folder option.
Mapping Templates
Each custom process has it's own custom import layout. For example, here in
the 1st process, the system defaults to the Custom Menu #1 template in the
drop down list. The 2nd custom process will have a Custom Menu #2, and so
This enables each custom process to have its own file layout.
This is used to preserve the audit trail and keep the original import file available for future research and
The file is moved to the archive directory after a successful import. We recommend appending the file
name with a date/time stamp, as this will make the file name unique, and insure that when the file is
copied into the archive directory it will not over-write any existing files.
Note: Fixed width text files are not supported in the archive process.
Tip: Confirm that the user triggering the custom process will have rights/privileges to the archive
directory - as it will be performed under their security profile.
File format
Tabular - includes Excel, comma delimited (csv) and tab delimited files.
This enables the process to be triggered from the Command Line Interface.
Processes are triggered by the numeric value set here. Therefore, all twenty
processes could be called from a single command line - assuming all has the
same value.
This example triggers the Custom Import Menu group #1 (AUTO=1) for the
'sample' account.
You want to trigger three import processes and then create and transmit an
ACH file.
Import process 1 - Import a single payroll file
Import process 2 - Import all trade payable files in a directory
Import process 3 - Import all customer collection files in a directory
Create three separate custom menus, with all having the same Command Line
Group number (1). As the processes are sequenced based on the process
order (from the list top to bottom), make sure they are in sequence, as the last
one will contain the automation process.
On Import process 3 (only), select the 'Custom Action After Import' to 'ACH File
- Create and Transmit'.
The syntax for the command line trigger is simply:
[path]\BRCOM.exe /ACCT="sample" /MENU /AUTO=1
From the user interface, select 'Import', then the name of the process you
created. The system will walk you through the import process 'step-by-step'.
Tip: 'Step-by-step' is literal - there can be five clicks per file. If testing a folder
import, plan the number of files in a folder accordingly to minimize the test time.
Note: Actions after import, such as file creation and transmission, will only
occur from the command line (see testing methods #2 and #3 below to trigger).
Right click on the shortcut, select 'Properties', and in the 'Target:' (path) add the
trigger. A sample Target might look like:
Files\TreasurySoftware\BRCOM.exe /ACCT="sample" /MENU /AUTO=1
For event driven triggering, such as from a the third party software:
--shell to a command prompt and send a command line trigger, such as above
in #2.
templates, but not your custom selections. Don't forget to re-click any custom
This feature requires an advanced knowledge and skill set with SQL Server. It
is best used for high volume and highly automated environments.
1. You will populate data into the Treasury Software holding table. The holding
table exists in each SQL Server database.
2. Then, when Treasury Software is triggered, it will move the data from the
holding table into a permanent table and create an ACH file.
1. Start the Software Integration Kit.
Select the Automation tab > Software Integration Kit.
2. Basic tab:
--Check the 'Visible' box (described later) and name this process (example
Daily Processing)
--Select 'SQL Insertion'.****
--Click the 'SQL Insertion - Select Fields' link *****
Note: As the mapping templates are not used, you can leave the default.
4. Automation tab
Select a non-zero command line group number (typically 1).
Select an action from the drop down list (ACH File - Create and Transmit).
Copy the command line noted below. You will use this line to trigger moving
this process.
Due to our existing system processes, please note that not all
transaction types and fields are available for insertion.
1. If Transaction codes are supplied in the
ACH_CheckingorSavings field, enter all amounts in
absolutes (positive).
2. If Transaction codes are NOT supplied, indicate
whether the amount is a Debit (collecting funds, ie from
clients) by signing it positive, or a Credit (paying funds,
ie. employees and vendors) by signing it with a negative
Date The effective date, in MM/DD/YY format. Note: The
month and day can be one or two digit, the year can be
two or four digit.
International format? - Use your local regional settings.
Description Name of receiving party (no apostrophes or special
Text1 Identification (ID#) of receiving party. Optional field.
ACH_Account Bank Account number of receiving party
ACH_Routing_ABA Routing number of receiving party
Class_3_Letters Standard Entry Class code (PPD, CCD, WEB, TEL,
etc....). Optional field.
ACH_CheckingorSa Numeric entry only. Either enter:
vings 1. Simple checking (0) or savings (1) indicator
2. Transaction codes (22, 27, 32, 37, etc...)
After you have performed your one-time setup, and then populated your data,
you can test your work.
Start the Software Integration Kit, select the process, and then click 'Run'.
Complete the import wizard.
Upon a successful import, the ACH file will be automatically created. The file
can typically be found (by default) at:
C:\Users\Public\Treasury Software\To Bank
Note: Your data that you populated will be cleared out of the
No valid records? - Remember that the software will filter out invalid ABA
numbers. Make sure that you use valid ABA numbers in testing.
tblHoldingGLIntegration.Comp_ID_Resend) VALUES
('123.45', 'ABC Company', 'ABC01',
'88888888','063000047', '0', 'CCD', '12/31/2013', 'XYZ
Corp.', '998765432')
Trigger the Software Integration Kit using the command line noted in the
Automation tab.
General notes
--This feature requires SQL Server (not SQL Express), and access to the
Software Integration Kit.
Here we will address the issue of performing the same task for multiple
The Global Batch Process saves you the 'pain' of writing batch commands or
scripts to trigger processes in each account.
The system will start with command line group 1 and run the processes
The icon to access the Global Batch Process - Across Accounts - will always be
to the right of the SIK.
Notice that no accounts are listed. Click the link 'Utilities to add/create'.
Your Main screen is now populated with a list of accounts that you have on your
Remove the accounts you don't need, or simply remove the checkboxes. The
system will only run the process if there is a check box.
In this example, we are only using process #1 - we'll simply click 'Uncheck
all' (lower right corner), and then check the processes we need.
The syntax for the command line is (assuming default location and command
line group 1):
c:\Program Files (x86)\Treasury Software\version 201X XX\BRCOM /GLOB=1
This may be copied into a user's desktop shortcut for on-demand processing,
or used in Windows Task Scheduler for after hours processing.
This trigger - regardless of how it is called (you can use any third party utility or
program) can:
Import the source file(s)
This feature is a legacy feature of the Processor edition and will be retired
Do not use this feature, or any other legacy feature in a new setup/configuration
- as it may not be compatible with all other features in our current product
Access to this feature has been suppressed by default and should not be
activated without authorization from Treasury Software support.
1.6.2 Command Line Syntax
The Treasury Desktop™ contains a rich command line interface that allows
for full automation from other applications.
While the command line interface compliments a number of features which
are available in our point-and-click 'Control Panel', the interface allows for full
customization and control of output files' location/names.
Control Panel
The Command Line interface is used to schedule import and transmission jobs through the Windows
scheduling system. This is similar to using the Scheduler, but by using the Command Line you are able
to schedule multiple jobs and do not have to load ACH Universal to do so.
This example imports a source file named ACH_with_Accounts.xls at the specified absolute position
into the Sample account in ACH Universal (ACHX). After import, the system creates and transmits
(XMIT) the NACHA file.
Valid source files include comma delimited text files, tab delimited text files, fixed width text files and
Excel worksheets.
If processing simultaneous command line requests, use different accounts (Sample1, Sample2, etc...)
to minimize any record locking issues. If this is not an alternative, consider processing sequentially, or
using our Control Panel.
For Web and Citrix based applications, please contact a Treasury Software support representative. ACH Universal
ACH Universal
(ACH File Software)
· Account - /ACCT
· Data Import (include to activate) - /ACHX
· ACH File Creation and Transmittal (include to activate) - /XMIT
· Source File for import - /SRCE
Syntax Example
If Treasury Desktop was installed in the default location:
Files\TreasurySoftware\BRCOM.exe /ACCT="sample" /ACHX /XMIT /SRCE="C:
This example imports a source file (identified with SRCE) for ACH Universal (ACHX).
After import, the system creates and transmits (XMIT) the NACHA file. This example
takes place in the sample account (ACCT).
Valid source files include comma delimited text files, tab delimited text files, fixed
width text files and Excel worksheets.
For Web and Citrix based applications, please contact a Treasury Software support
representative. ACH-2-Excel
· Account - /ACCT
· Data Import (include to activate) - /ACH2
· Source File for import - /SRCE
· Output File - /OUTD
Valid source files include ARC, CCD, CIE, CTX, DNE, ENR, POP, PPD, RCK, TEL, TRC,
TRX, WEB, XCK. Note: Some formats may require further parsing.
Syntax Example
If Treasury Desktop was installed in the default location:
Turn on/off appropriate settings. From the main menu 'File', 'ACH File Conversion',
'Output' tab - unselect open in Excel afterwards.
For Web and Citrix based applications, please contact a Treasury Software support
representative. BAI-2-Excel
· Account - /ACCT
· Data Import (include to activate) - /BAI2
· Source File for import - /SRCE
· Output File Detail - /OUTD
· Output File Summary- /OUTS
Syntax Example
If Treasury Desktop was installed in the default location:
Turn on/off appropriate settings. From the main menu 'File', 'BAI File Conversion',
'Output' tab - unselect open in Excel afterwards.
For Web and Citrix based applications, please contact a Treasury Software support
Enables the automation of Custom Import Menus - regardless as to whether the program
is set for ACH Universal, Bank Positive Pay or Bank Reconciliation.
· Account - /ACCT
· Include to activate - /MENU
· Group to use - /AUTO
Syntax Example
If Treasury Desktop was installed in the default location:
This example triggers the Custom Import Menu group #1 (AUTO=1) for the 'sample'
--The group number can be set for each Custom Import Menu selection. From the main
menu select 'Import', 'Custom Import Menu Setup', then select to edit. From the Custom
Menus Setup window, select the 'Advanced' tab. Change the group number in the 'Other
Settings' section.
For Web and Citrix based applications, please contact a Treasury Software support
Syntax Example
If Treasury Desktop was installed in the default location:
Files\TreasurySoftware\BRCOM.exe /ACCT="sample" /POSP /XMIT /SRCE="C:
\aaavb\1000\Tutorial\GLData\Check Register 2003-04-08csv.csv"
This example imports a source file (identified with SRCE) for Bank Positive Pay (POSP).
After import, the system creates and transmits (XMIT) the positive pay file. This
example takes place in the sample account (ACCT).
Valid source files include comma delimited text files, tab delimited text files, fixed
width text files and Excel worksheets.
Notes for all applications:
· The order of the parameters is not significant
· Capitalization is not significant
· When specifying a file name (SRCE), use the full file path and name within quotes.
When using mapped drives, remember that the path should be centric/relative to the
machine where Treasury Desktop is located, not the machine issuing the
· Place the account name in quotes.
Working with multiple users and multiple account:
Each command line trigger - will create an independent instance of the application.
There is no limit to the number of instances.
For Web and Citrix based applications, please contact a Treasury Software support
· Account - /ACCT
· Import Customer, Employee and Vendor profiles - /CEVX
· Source File for import - /SRCE
Syntax Example
If Treasury Desktop was installed in the default location:
This example imports a source file (identified with SRCE). This example takes place in
the sample account (ACCT).
Valid source files include comma delimited text files, tab delimited text files, fixed width
text files and Excel worksheets.
For Web and Citrix based applications, please contact a Treasury Software support
Note - This feature has been replaced by the Software Integration Kit and
is no longer supported in versions 2013 and on.
This documentation is included for our existing legacy clients, and the inclusion
of this feature in future versions of software cannot be guaranteed.
The Scheduler is used to schedule single file imports and file transmission. If
you need to schedule multiple files during the same
routine, see Custom Import Menus.
There are two steps to scheduling an automated file import and transmission
(from now on called a job).
1. Create the job. This would be the account to be used and the file to be
2. Running the job. This instructs ACH Universal on time and frequency the job
should be run.
Select the Automation tab > Basic and you will see a form similar to the one
Note: If you are using a version prior to 2013, select Control Panel from the
main menu. The Control Panel (below) will be displayed.
All the accounts are shown in the grid. In this case, Checking and Payroll have
been created for live data. (Remember: Never use the Sample account for live
data). They both can be scheduled to run at the same time, or you can choose
to schedule just one account. Note: It is not possible to schedule them at
different times and days using the Scheduler. See Custom Import Menus if you
need this type of setup.
To create a job:
Enable the checkbox in the Import column of the account you wish to use.
Click the gray box under the Import ACH File Name to browse for the source
file to be imported.
Select how you wish the system to handle transmission of the ACH file. Your
choices are:
· No (ACH file is created, but not transmitted. You must transmit manually).
· Only when new records imported
· Yes, always (On every job, the file is transmitted using the method you set)
A screen will pop up requiring a Windows user name and password. The
Scheduler will use this user name and password to schedule the job. You may
leave the password blank, but the job may not run due to lack of authorization
as required by Windows.
Figure 1 - Scheduler
To schedule a job to run once a day on certain days and at certain times, select
the checkboxes for each day and then enter the time in Start Time textbox.
If you need to schedule a job to run multiple times per day, click the "Repeat
throughout the day" button.
The job can be scheduled to run in increments of hours or minutes. Enter the
length of time between job runs and then select hours or minutes from the drop-
down box.
In the textbox on the right side, you can specify the end time for the schedule.
For example, ABC Company wants to run their job every 30 minutes, but only
between 11 AM and 3PM.
In Figure 1, ABC would set the start time to 11:00 AM and choose the
appropriate days. In Figure 2, ABC would enable the checkbox, then enter 30
into the first textbox, change the dropdown to minutes, and put 3:00 PM in the
remaining textbox.
The articles contained in Advanced Topics deal with features of ACH Universal
that are not necessary to basic ACH file creation, but enhance your efficiency in
using ACH Universal.
For the purposes of this Help page, the term 'Remote Desktop' will include
Terminal Services and Citrix.
For instructions on initial setup and system requirements, please see our
Installation checklist at:
Turn On/Off
In a simple environment, the settings file is accounts.brd and is located at c:
Remote Desktop
When the system is 'switched' to Remote Desktop, the system protects the
accounts.brd from being accessed.
As each user starts Treasury Software for the first time, the system creates an
accounts.brd specific for that individual, and it is placed in the \users directory.
The accounts.brd file is appended with their login id.
The users directory will be either below the Program Files\Treasury Software
tree (Windows XP), or in the Users\Public\Treasury Software tree (Vista,
Windows 7 on).
If you create two new accounts (i.e., Checking and Savings) prior to any users
logging in, each user when logging in for the first time will have Checking and
Savings accounts in their catalog.
As a corollary, if you are the system administrator and make changes to the
system, such as entering new license codes, this information will:
--not be available to existing users (their accounts.brd's have already been
--will be available to any new users, as the system will use the updated
accounts.brd as a template.
If you want to force this change to all existing users, you will need to delete the
user settings files. Then, once each user logs in, the system will create a new
settings file for them (using the newly updated settings file as a template).
Warning - Deleting the user's settings files will reset all of their settings to the
default settings file (which you just updated).
This includes:
--License information
--Account catalogs
--SQL Server server name and authentication method (no effect if using
Windows Authentication)
--Minor settings
If there is a setting that you missed, or wish to change, you can repeat this
I. Traditional approach
The traditional approach is best used when there is a need to segregate duties
and access to data. Often, payroll will be a separate function, and the the 'net
pay' needs to be private.
With ACH Universal Processor edition, we offer our customers the ability to
work with a single ACH file.
A benefit plan administrator (processor) needs to make payments weekly on
behalf of their 50 clients.
In this case, it is best to use the consolidated approach. What would have been
50 separate files is now a 'batch' within one ACH file.
The Batch Header provides the bank with the 'Origination' account.
By using a single, consolidated file, the processor can minimize the tedious and
error-prone process of transmitting (and confirming) 50 individual files. Also, if
the processor is normally charged a service fee of $15 per ACH file by their
bank, for instance, the processor saves $735 each week (49 files not
transmitted x $15).
NACHA compliance
By placing the originating Company Name in the batch header ('5' record,
positions 5 - 20), you will stay in compliance with NACHA's Third Party Rules
and Regulations.
Importing transactions
2. Prepare your import file. In addition to the fields that your file would typically
have (Name, Amount, ABA/Routing number, Account Number, etc.), the file
should also contain:
--Company Name
--Company Identification
ACH File
When the ACH File is created, it is batched taking into account the Company
Name and Company ID, thereby enabling you to satisfy NACHA Third Party
Rules and Regulations
The fields below are only accessible in the mapping window if this feature has
been turned on (see Step #1)
Company Name - Origination Acct (On-The-Fly)
Company ID - Origination Acct (On-The-Fly)
If the value of either field (Company Name or ID) is blank/null in the import file,
the transaction is not considered to be a valid transaction (no blanks are
allowed--these are mandatory NACHA fields).
Balanced files (or offset records) can be created using the default information
entered in ACH Setup (screen 4 of 7).
If offset records are required based on the origination account, use our profiles-
based multiple origination account feature.
From the Profile tab, create an Origination Account for each bank account that
you will be using.
If you will be creating entries for your (1) Payroll and (2) Accounts Payable bank
accounts, create two origination accounts here--one for each.
If you have a large number of accounts, and you would rather import an Excel
(or CSV) file with this information, follow this link to 'Import Origination
If you are creating the Origination Accounts one at a time, you will be presented
with the following:
Header tab
Offset tab
Only fill in the information in the Offset tab if your bank notifies you that they
require an offset record.
A dialog box will be displayed. If you need to add more origination accounts,
click Yes. If finished adding accounts, click No. You can always add more
accounts at another time.
From the Profiles tab select View/Edit in the Origination Accounts (Multiple)
This will bring up the Origination Accounts. After updating, click save.
Rather than adding Multiple Origination Accounts one at a time, you can import
a file with this information.
Prepare a file
From the Settings tab select ACH Setup and proceed to the 6th screen.
Start the Transaction Import Wizard. Select a file to import and continue until
you arrive at the Mapping Screen.
Map the field with the lookup values as 'Origination_Account'. Tip - Click the
'Show all field selections' link.
Now, create the ACH file as you normally would -- Go To Create ACH File
Page > Create ACH File.
Your ACH file should have characteristics similar to the file below.
Each batch header contains the information regarding its origination account.
This page is designed to walk you through the process of copying settings data
from another account and applying them towards a new one.
4. Copy all settings and transactions you want to move over to the new account
and click next.
5. If you want to bring over any transactions, choose the appropriate radio
button and select 'Copy Transactions'.
Authentication File
Depending how your account is set up, you may need to initiate the
release/processing of transactions.
While this is typically performed by an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) dial-in
system, some banks may require a secondary file.
Note: This process is only required for a handful of banks. Unless your bank
specifically requested it, you can skip this topic.
From the Settings tab select Transmission Options > Local File tab >
Authentication File sub-tab.
For items that will be dependent on the transmission file, such as amounts and
counts, please use the following tags in your text. The system will substitute
these tags with the actual values.
--The ruler on the bottom is a guide for your use and is not used in the file
creation. Therefore, it is possible that the tag may not be the same length as
the output value you have specified--this is fine.
For example, your bank may require that your amount fields be 15 positions in
length. However, when you enter the text "[DR$_AMOUNT]" into the line, it only
takes up 12 positions according to the ruler. This is okay and to be expected.
Just make sure that you specified 15 positions in the first numerical text box.
--If this feature is activated, it will create an authentication file in the same
location as the ACH transmission file.
You can manually transmit this file, or if you have selected 'FTP' (not WS_FTP)
as the transmission option, it will be automatically sent as well. Any advanced
modifications, such as name, extension, and other transmission methods will
need to be performed outside of Treasury Software.
Once turned on, the file will automatically be created and transmitted (if FTP is
selected). No further action is needed on the user's part.
1.7.5 No Write Permissions to Users-Public
No-Write Permissions to Users-Public
Note: This folder is not created at installation, but is created at the time of first
In certain environments, for security concerns, users are restricted from writing
or modifying data in the C:\Users\Public\ folder.
3. Select 'ACH Universal' from the Welcome New User screen--or any account
if you have already created accounts.
4. From the Settings tab select 'Migrate to Remote Desktop Services' to start
the Wizard. On the second panel of the Wizard, select the directory that you
want to use.
Complete the Wizard, exit the software, and you are done.
You have changed the working directory to the directory of your choice.
In doing so, you have engaged our Remote Desktop feature. Please make sure
that you have the appropriate license required for this.
While no data will be written or stored in the C:\Users\Public\Treasury Software
going forward, the 'pointer/shortcut' to the new directory is stored there. Please
do not delete this folder. Make sure that the user has read rights to the folder.
Important Reminders:
This feature enables you to place transactions on hold, until you are ready to
process them.
How it works
The records you select will be placed on hold and will not be included in an
ACH file.
The next time you run the report, you can see the status of the records in the
first column:
Are you a bank and sending files directly to the Federal Reserve?
If so, please note that you reverse the ID numbers in the File Header (1
--The effective date has always, and will continue, to control whether it is same
day or not.
--The features noted here are to satisfy the requirements of many banks that
are requiring the cutoff code in the descriptive date field (positions 70 - 75) of
the batch header (5 record).
If you are including a date within your import file, simply map the field as 'Date'.
If you do not have a date within your import file, the system will use the default
date. To set the default date, start the ACH File Setup Wizard and update the
default date on the fourth panel to read 'Same Day'.
2. Populating the batch header's descriptive date field (70 - 75) with a
cutoff indicator
In addition to setting the effective date to today, many banks will want you to
insert a cutoff indicator into the batch header.
This indicator will either be a code for Same Day at 1:00 p.m. (SD1300) or for
5:00 p.m. (SD1700):
If you need to set this field with the cutoff time indicator, navigate to the Same
Day ACH options in the toolbar and check the top box, and select a default
cutoff time.
--ACH Universal will only insert the default cutoff indicator for those
transactions that have an effective date for that day and that are not IAT
(International) transactions.
--International transactions are never valid Same Day ACH transactions.
--The NACHA Rules are phasing in debits and credits over a three year period
and currently have a $25,000 transaction limit.
If you need to specify some transactions for the 1:00 p.m. cutoff and some for
the 5:00 p.m. cutoff (rare), you can map the column as the "Same Day /
Descriptive Date" field and populate that field as either SD1300 or SD1700.
Each record must be populated.
If your in-house system is unable to prepare the file with SD1300 and SD1700,
but can create an indicator, you can enter this into the Same Day ACH Option
window as well.
Each record must be populated.
1.8 Email
Email Notification
ACH Universal enables you to notify your customers, employees and vendors
of ACH transactions.
For example, if you are collecting funds from your customers, but only a
percentage have provided you with their email address, that's okay.
ACH Universal will send out emails for the transactions with an email address,
and simply skip the others.
Yes, and there is a special integration feature that enables you to send the 'stub'
information for vendor payments.
Do you need to email the ACH file to your bank, or do you need to notify them,
(or an internal colleague) by email that you've created an ACH file? If so, see
email notification at the file level.
1.8.1 Email Setup
Setting Up Email Notification
Welcome screen
Covers basic concepts and reminds users that they will need ACH Universal
Corporate or Processor level editions.
Check the box to activate the feature and click 'Next'.
This page follows the instructions for Outlook. See the next page for the
Advanced setup.
--If you cc yourself, you will 'spam' yourself. Remember, the email will be in
your Outlook 'Sent' mail folder.
--The 'From' address will always be your default Outlook profile.
Please note the tags below (capitalized and within brackets) - such as [DATE],
[AMOUNT], etc.
These tags merge data from the transaction into the email body.
After pressing Next you will be on the Check Stub screen. Here you can
consolidate ACH transactions into one ACH transaction so
that only one email goes out.
With the exception of the To: field (which is automatically filled in by ACH
Universal), all fields will be used for each email notification.
Click Next.
Note: There are different templates--one for debits and one for credits.
Information on this tab will be used for notification regarding all debit or credit
transactions. A basic notification email is provided by default. You may
customize the email as you see fit by editing directly in the window. Click the
Credit tab to modify settings for credit notifications.
There are variables available for use in the emails to provide customer-specific
information. This list is available in the Help/Tags tab as well as at List of
Transaction Tags.
Note: The Memo tag holds the information for QuickBooks vendor 'stub'
In Figure 4 (below), you will provide the settings needed to transmit emails
using the email account you listed earlier. These settings can be obtained from
your email client (for example, Outlook) or from your system administrator.
Enter the name of your SMTP server into the textbox. Click the 'Security -
Authentication' tab.
You will see Figure 5 (below).
Exchange Server:
1. Configure these panels to connect to your SMTP port.
2. Initially test with an internal address (within your domain)
3. Tip: The Exchange console setting under the Server Transport--choose the
internal connector.
4. Tip: Exchange's Network tab--add the IP address of the computer that will be
sending emails to the Exchange Server.
Enter your email credentials on the left side ('Outgoing email server requires
Tip: Are you only able to send emails internally (to your domain), but fail when
sending outside your domain? If so, check your settings here. Make sure 'My
outgoing server requires authentication' is checked, and your User Name and
Password are correct.
If your SMTP server is configured with either SSL or TLS (gmail), then check
the box and leave 'explicit' as your initial setting.
When all settings are entered, go back to the Server Name tab and click Test
Email Setting. Enter your email address. If your settings are correct, you will
receive a system-generated test message. If your settings are not correct, ACH
Universal will display a message.
1. QuickBooks stub information - Check this to populate the Memo field with the
check stub information from within QuickBooks.
Important - Remember to have the '[MEMO]' tag placed in the body of the email
in the Debit (or Credit) template. See Screen number 4 above.
If you are:
--importing transactions, map 'ACH_Email_Address' to identify the email
address column.
--using ACH Universal Profiles, make sure that an email address is entered in
the Profile
--integrating with QuickBooks, enter an email address in the QuickBooks
Vendor, Employee or Customer profile.
2. Confirm that there are no firewalls, such as Microsoft Windows Firewall, that
could be blocking you.
3. If using Exchange server, make sure that you have proper permissions, and
that your computer IP address has been added to the sender's list.
1.8.2 List of Transaction Tags
List of Transaction Tages - Overview
Below are the tags you can use in email notifications to tailor each email to the
individual recipient. To use the tag, insert it into the appropriate space in the
Transaction Tags
Tag Definition
[DATE] Effective transaction date
What if you have an application server, or if you only want to install the software
once and have your users remote into this one computer? Use our Remote
Desktop Services (or RDS) feature.
By default, Treasury Software can only be used on any given machine in a non-
concurrent manner.
However, with the introduction of our Remote Desktop Services feature, you
can configure an application server, or any computer, to enable multiple users
to concurrently use the software,
Note: This feature is available with SQL Express and SQL Server platform
To start the Remote Desktop Services Wizard - enter into any account and
select the Settings tab > Migrate to Remote Desktop Services, Citrix. Select
Tip: To minimize your time, enter license codes and migrate to SQL prior to
enabling Remote Desktop Services.
Your users need a working directory to save transmission and report files,
export to Excel, and archive import files.
By default, the system uses a directory tree in the Users\Public folder to make
sure all users have access.
Clustered environments: Make sure that you select a drive location on a non-
clustered server.
Note: Treasury Software does not support working directories for desktop
platform databases on a different computer.
Click Next.
Click Next
**** Exit and re-enter into Treasury Software to initialize your changes ****
How it works
Prior to enabling this feature, Treasury Software creates a directory tree in the
Users\Public folder.
The software uses the file 'accounts_201201.brd' to hold (where 201201 is the
year-version number), amongst other items: account catalog information, the
SQL Server name, the SQL ID and password (RSA encrypted).
Once Remote Desktop Services is turned on, the system will look into the
c:\Users\Public\Treasury Software\Users directory for a user's file.
When a user starts the software for the first time, the software looks to see if
they have a file. If not, the system will create the file in the c:
\Users\Public\Treasury Software\Users directory.
Using the example above, after migrating to Remote Desktop Services and
having four users log in, the system will create four account files in the Users
folder of Treasury Software.
Once the software creates the user accounts, by design, there is no active link
between these files and the template.
For all normal maintenance, leave Remote Desktop Services on and repeat the
entry with the users.
This includes license keys, new accounts, etc.
What if there is a global change for all users, such as a new SQL Server?
1. Turn off Remote Desktop Services in Treasury Software (File > Maintenance
> 'Other' tab > 'Reset Remote Desktop Services' button). A password will be
required. Exit and re-enter into the software.
2. Enter into Treasury Software and make your changes.
3. Delete the user's (typically all) files in \users\public\Treasury Software\users\
using Windows Explorer
4. Turn Remote Desktop Services in Treasury Software on (File > Migrate to
Remote Desktop Services)
When the users log back in, the updated accounts_201201.brd from the root
will be used as a template for each user. This file will, of course, have the
1. Turn off Remote Desktop Services in Treasury Software. From the Settings
tab select Maintenance > Other >Reset Remote Desktop button. A password
will be required. Exit and re-enter into the software.
2. Enter into Treasury Software and start the Wizard again (Settings tab >
Migrate to Remote Desktop Services)
Select your target directory and complete the wizard.
Note: Treasury Software only supports SQL Express and SQL Server when a
working directory location is selected on another computer.
Below are tips to minimize the work during installation and maintenance.
1. Install the software on one server. We will later refer to this as the 'original'
2. Start the software. Upon starting Treasury Software, it will copy the working
directory tree to C:\Users\Public\Treasury Software. We will refer to this
directory as the 'root'.
3. In the root will be br_201201.txt (where 201201 is the year-version).
If you open it, you'll see the last three lines as:
If you are using a directory other than the default directory. If you continue to
use c:\Users\Public\Treasury Software as the default directory, this will be
'False'. If you change the directory, it will 'True'.
If you have not yet enabled Remote Desktop Services, this will be False.
If you are not using the default location, this will hold the new location of the
working directory.
What you'll want to do is update all of your settings on one server, and then
copy this file, along with some other files, to the other servers (details to follow).
4. Migrate to SQL Server (Settings tab > Migrate to SQL Express, SQL Server).
Enter your license ID. Enter all information that you can (you can always
update later). Exit and re-enter the software.
Finished with the first server. Repeat this for all the other servers in the
2. Copy the entire directory tree from the original server to the current server.
Specifically, copy from the original server C:\Users\Public\Treasury Software\
to the current server C:\Users\Public\Treasury Software\.
Include all the subdirectories.
Test this for permissions before you go to the next server. Simply start
Treasury Software on the current server and make sure it loads and exits
Note: This can only be done with SQL Express and SQL Server platforms. It
will not work with the Desktop edition.
Once you have tested, repeat with the balance of your servers.
At this point, you have set up the servers exactly the same.
You can create ACH (also known as NACHA) files directly from
your QuickBooks data.
Starting with ACH Universal 2011, ACH enables direct integration with
QuickBooks, enabling you to store your banking data on each profile in
--Simple to install and use. Doesn't change the way you work with QuickBooks.
Keeps all of your processes the same. Pay vendors and employees, collect
from customers as you currently do.
--Full control over payments and collections with your bank. Enables you to
temporarily hold a transaction, stop a transaction, and even resend a
--Assists with the transmission of the ACH file to your bank. Your bank, not a
processor, will handle the transactions.
Step-by-step checklist
Note: If you have a multi-user edition of QuickBooks, you do not need to install
ACH Universal on all of the other computers. Just install it on the computers
that will be creating ACH files. For now, just install on one.
Need to download? Go to
Start Treasury Software and at the 'Welcome New User' screen, enter into
ACH Universal (top selection).
The top option “Create an Account and Add it to your Catalog” should already
be selected. Click Next.
Enter a name for the account. This name is strictly internal and should help you
identify the purpose of the account. For example, if you are using ACH
Universal for payroll, you might name the account Payroll. Once the name is
entered, click Next.
Congratulations! You have finished creating the account. Click Finish to begin
using this account.
If prompted to edit/modify your transmission information, click No.
Connect to QuickBooks
Enter into your account and select the QuickBooks tab > QuickBooks
The first time ACH Universal attempts to connect to your QuickBooks company,
you will be prompted by QuickBooks to grant access.
Once you have connected to your QuickBooks company, you can complete the
Integration Wizard.
Enter into your account and select the QuickBooks tab > QuickBooks
Note: This is the same menu choice you selected earlier to establish a
connection. Once a connection has been made, the settings are automatically
saved--it is a one-time setup.
Click 'Next'.
View the list of your QuickBooks accounts - select your bank account
Have more than one origination account? We'll cover this in settings.
Confirm that 'QuickBooks profiles' is selected, and that the profiles you
want to work with are checked.
If a profile group is unchecked, and it is one you need, stop here and close the
Wizard. You may need to remove some existing custom fields for that profile
[Note: If you are using QuickBooks Online, select ACH Universal profiles.]
You must be in single-user mode and logged in as an Admin. If you need to,
make the changes in QuickBooks, then close QuickBooks and re-enter.
Customers - From the QuickBooks main menu select Customers > Customer
Double click on the customer, and then select the 'Additional Info' tab. Enter
their banking info, then click 'Save'.
Employees - From the QuickBooks main menu select Employees > Employee
Double click on the employee, and then select the 'Additional Info' tab. Enter
their banking info, then click 'Save'.
Vendors - From the QuickBooks main menu select Vendors > Vendor Center.
Double click on the vendor, and then select the 'Additional Info' tab. Enter their
banking info, then click 'Save'.
Access the ACH Setup Wizard by clicking either the ACH Setup icon on the
ACH Universal home page (below), or on the ACH Setup icon under Settings,
in the top toolbar.
Enter the 'file header' info (see below). This identifies you and your bank.
1. If you received this information from your bank, enter it exactly as noted.
2. Otherwise, if you have already created ACH files using Notepad or another
software process, and you have access to this file, ACH Universal can import
the settings from that ACH file. Simply click on the link 'Populate header entries
from an existing ACH file'.
3. Or, you will enter this manually. Follow the text in the Wizard.
Enter the 'batch header' info. This is often a subset of the file header.
1. If you received this information from your bank, enter it exactly as noted.
2. Otherwise, if you clicked on the link 'Populate header entries from an existing
ACH file', do not modify your entries. Your entries have been populated.
3. Or, if you entered the prior screen manually, click on the 'Auto-fill' link. This
will populate your entries based on your earlier entries.
Leave the Standard Entry Class as defaulted (PPD), unless noted otherwise.
If your bank requested a balanced file, or an offset record, check the box at the
top of this screen and enter the information.
Click 'Finish' to save your work.
Next step - Create an ACH file - for testing or sending to your bank Troubleshooting-Setup
When setup is successfully completed, three custom fields should have been
created within QuickBooks (see below).
However, if the software brought you to this page, the setup didn't create the
three fields needed.
The first profile (vendor) will be displayed by default. Simply click on the edit
button on the upper right.
On the profile window, click on the Additional Info tab, then 'Define Fields'
The three field names that should appear exactly as shown are:
- Bank Account Number
- ABA Routing Number
If you had a typo or had to re-enter a field, you can stop here, close the edit
window and try the Integration Wizard again.
Tip: Don't forget to check the boxes for the profiles you want to display
(Customers, Employees, Vendors).
Enterprise users:
As there is a 12 field limit, the most check-marks that you can have in a column
is 9 (as ACH Universal will need to create 3 in each profile).
Tip: You only need to unmark check-boxes for the profile types (Customers,
Employees, Vendors) that you will be using with ACH Universal.
Once you have updated the fields, click OK and close the profile edit window.
In ACH Universal, you can reselect the QuickBooks Integration Window and
click 'View Transactions'. You will get the same message as before, but on the
following screen you can opt to re-run the Wizard (please do so to complete).
If you have upgraded, and did not have a CHK/SAV field, you can over-ride this
Select the Settings tab > click 'Import, System' > 'Import' tab > QuickBooks
suppress field warning > select 'suppress'.
Once you have completed your setup, you can create ACH files.
1. Change your 'From' and 'To' dates to historical/old transactions which you
have already fulfilled. You can then send that ACH file up to your bank for
2. Just starting out and don't have any historical data? See our Utilities tab to
create a pre-note file.
Step 1. Adjust dates, if needed, and then click on the 'View transactions'
This will display all available records within the date range.
Step 2. After reviewing the records, click the 'Send to ACH Universal'
Once the file is created at your location, it must be transmitted to your bank to
be fulfilled.
Otherwise, it's like writing a check, but not mailing the check.
How you transmit to the bank depends entirely on your bank's options or
directions for receiving the files.
To view the options available to you through ACH Universal, select the Settings
tab then Transmit to Bank.
None The ACH file will be created and archived, but it will not be
transmitted. You must transmit the file manually.
FTP After creation, ACH Universal will transmit the file to the FTP server
you specify. This should be your bank's FTP server. Includes SSL
capability. Contact your bank for information on their requirements.
Web After creation, your default Internet browser will be started to a
Upload specified web page that corresponds to your bank's upload portal.
Upload the created file.
Email ACH Universal will email the created file as an attachment to the
email addresses specified. This method is not recommended as it is
Other For integration with third party utilities. Enables the use of SSH, SSL
with certificates and OpenPGP. Note: OpenPGP is not the same as
Web upload
The vast majority of our clients upload the ACH file through their bank's web
If this is the case with you, select the third option 'Web Upload', and enter your
bank's URL address to login.
Then, whenever you create an ACH file, ACH Universal will open an instance of
your default browser to that login page. Think of it as an 'electronic sticky-note
ACH Universal can write back a unique reference number to QuickBooks, using
a different numbering sequence - even alphanumeric (such as ACH100,
ACH101, etc...).
This enables you to run ACH transactions first - then when you go to
print vendor checks - those processed by ACH Universal will not print
paper checks.
Note: This feature is designed for Vendor payments. Employee payroll checks
cannot access this feature due to security set by QuickBooks.
One-time Setup
Turn ON - From within the QuickBooks Integration Window, click on Settings >
ACH Settings > Other Settings and check the box below.
Want to set additional options? Click on the 'Write back Options' - and this will
open the settings screen (2nd screen shot).
From the QuickBooks Transactions window (from the QuickBooks tab >
QuickBooks Integration), once you click in 'View Transactions', several
advanced record control options appear.
As you may not be collecting and paying electronically from all of your
customers, employees and vendors, this option suppresses those profiles who
you are not paying or collecting from electronically.
Example: You have 50 employees and 40 of them have signed up for Direct
By default, when viewing this screen, only the 40 employees on Direct Deposit
will be displayed, as these are the electronic transactions you will be creating.
If you want to view the other 10 employees who will be paid by paper check,
uncheck the box.
Note: Viewing the other 10 will have no effect when creating an ACH file. They
will not be included in the ACH file as these employees do not have their
banking information stored in their profile.
You can accommodate for this by marking these records as 'Do not transmit'.
To use any of these Advanced Record Controls - first select the transactions
(the row will highlight in blue), and then click on one of these buttons.
Example of use: A customer authorizes you to draft funds from their account,
but at the last minute asks you to wait another day to perform the draft.
Example of use: You received goods from a vendor and created the payment in
However, before processing, you realize the goods are damaged and the
vendor is not being cooperative. Select this transaction and place it on
permanent hold.
When you have come to terms with your vendor, you can mark it to be paid by
using the 'Send' button described below.
Send (over-ride)
Enables you to resend a transaction that (ACH Universal says) you have
already sent, or to send a transaction that you have placed on hold.
Example of use:
--You marked a transaction as 'Do not send (permanent)', but now want to
release payment. Use this button.
--If you sent a payment to a vendor or employee, but the transaction was
returned as they closed their bank account and neglected to tell you. You can
resend the transaction using this button.
With this feature, you can create a NACHA compliant ACH-IAT file to upload to
your bank.
One-time setup
1. Create a new account within ACH Universal
Click on File > New Account.
Note: You will need to create a separate account within ACH Universal, apart
from your typical transactions.
We recommend that you call the new account 'International' or similar to help
you distinguish it from your other accounts.
To add a new profile, click on the name drop down on the top and select <<Add
a Profile>>.
Important: The names that you enter MUST MATCH EXACTLY as to as you
have entered the name within QuickBooks.
Daily use
Enter transactions into QuickBooks as usual.
When you create your 'typical' transmission file - the International transactions
will not be included in it.
Release notes:
This feature will be fully released on May 15, 2018.
The release applies to QuickBooks Pro, Premier and Enterprise.
The release will not initially support encryption.
The Settings tab can be accessed from the ACH Universal main menu -
QuickBooks > QuickBooks Integration > Settings tab.
Within the Settings tab, by default, the General and Advanced tabs are
General tab
In the General tab, you can add or change the QuickBooks bank account that
holds your transactions.
Common Settings
If you changed either #1 or #2, completely exit out of QuickBooks and restart
Steps #1 and #2 account for virtually all connection issues. Below are some of
the additional steps that our support department may check for in rare
Note: If you have been prompted to update QuickBooks, please do so. You will
not be able to connect until you have updated.
From within QuickBooks, select from the main menu Edit > Preferences >
Integrated Applications > Company Preferences. Verify that the checkbox to
disable integration remains unchecked.
7. Using Vista?
Vista's User Access Control must be enabled. This is a limitation under Vista
From your Windows Operating System, select Control Panel > User Accounts >
User Access Control.
Check this by entering into a sample account within QuickBooks. Then try to
connect from within Treasury Software. If you can connect to the Sample
account, but not your other account, this is a permissions issue. Have your
QuickBooks administrator grant access to Treasury Software.
The default user security enables all users for all versions of QuickBooks
to run Treasury Software.
This page is for Enterprise users who grant specific user permissions, and
want to make sure that each user has the lowest level of rights granted.
From within QuickBooks select Company > Users > Set Up Users and Roles
On the pop up window, select Role List > the role you want to edit (in this
example Accountant14) and then 'Edit'.
There are only two 'Areas and Activities' that ACH Universal requires: Centers
and Reports.
Click on the plus sign next to Centers. ACH Universal requires at least 'Partial'
access for all three areas within Centers. Even if you're not utilizing all three
areas, follow the instructions as the system needs to loop through each,
regardless (at that point, the system will see you're not using it).
Note: For Customer Center, the 'View Balance' needs to be checked.
Click on the plus sign next to Reports. ACH Universal requires at least 'Partial'
access for:
-Accountant & Taxes
-Customers & Receivables
-Employees & Payroll
-Vendors and Payables
Even if you're not utilizing all areas, follow the instructions as the system needs
to loop through each, regardless (at that point, the system will see you're not
using it).
During the initial Integration set up, three fields are automatically created in
each employee’s profile. These fields are Bank Account number, ABA /
Routing number, and the Checking or Savings field.
When these fields are filled, ACH Universal knows the employee is to be paid
by Direct Deposit, rather than by check. Once banking information is complete
for all employees paid by direct deposit, you’ll be ready to run your first payroll.
Payrolls containing both direct deposit and check payments can be processed
with one of two methods:
1. Method one is to run a single payroll. If you’re already running payroll this
way, your current process won’t change. However, checks will be
printed for all employees--both those paid by Direct Deposit as well as
those paid by check. This means the checks printed for employees on
Direct Deposit must be voided.
2. Method two is to run two payrolls--one for the employees paid by Direct
Deposit and one for those paid by check. We highly recommend using
this method, first, because you won’t need to void checks and, second,
because it creates a clearer audit trail. While this option requires some
initial set up, the QuickBooks Scheduled Payroll feature makes it easy.
You simply separate employees into two groups according to how they
are paid--one group for those getting checks and one group for those
paid by Direct Deposit--and run payroll for both.
If you want to use Method Two (above) and simplify your payroll, this is how you
can set up groups quickly and easily using Scheduled Payments.
On the Payroll Schedule List screen, select: Payroll Schedule > New. We will
call our group No Checks but you can choose any name. Select your payroll
frequency, enter the next period end date and payroll date, then Okay to finish.
Repeat this process to create a second group called Print Checks for the
employees receiving checks.
Next, assign each employee to a group. Select Employee Center and Edit
From the Change tabs drop down, select: Payroll and Compensation Info.
This employee signed up for direct deposit, so we’ll select No Checks in the
payroll schedule drop down.
Now we’re ready to process our payroll. If you’re processing a single payroll
and haven’t divided your employees into groups, at this point you’ll process
your payroll as you normally would. If you’re processing payroll for two groups,
from the main menu select Employees > Pay Employees > Scheduled
First select the No Checks group. Enter hours or update the payroll as you
would during any normal payroll process.
From the Bank Account drop down confirm that the checking account
selected during Integration setup is the default account.
On the next screen change the Paycheck Option from 'Print paychecks from
QuickBooks' to 'Assign check numbers to handwritten checks'. While the
check number field can contain more characters, keep it simple and enter DD,
for Direct Deposit.
To process payroll for the paper check group, follow the same steps with two
exceptions: First, set the print option to Print checks (not "Assign Check
Numbers") from within QuickBooks, and second, select to 'print paychecks',
not 'pay stubs'.
Go to ACH Universal. From the main menu select QuickBooks > QuickBooks Integration.
Assign the date range and then select View transactions. Only the direct deposit payroll
transactions should appear in the window.
Confirm the totals and count, and then Send to ACH Universal to create your ACH file. We
can view the file if we want to check it one last time. When done, transmit it to your bank as you
would any other ACH file.
Pay Cards
A Pay Card is a reloadable debit card, with either with the Visa or MasterCard
It is an alternate way for employees that do not have bank accounts to receive
their pay electronically. It takes the place of paper paychecks and works in a
similar manner as a debit/credit card.
Each payday the Pay Card is reloaded with the employee’s net salary and
employees have the option of withdrawing money from ATM's or using it to
purchase goods and services.
I'm working with a pay card provider now - what are the next steps for
They will also include a detailed list of the issued pay cards with:
--each employee's name
--a unique account number for each pay card
--When calling your bank's Treasury Services department, avoid the use of the
terms 'payroll' and 'direct deposit' as they may transfer you to the wrong
department, as they may provide payroll services like ADP and Paychex.
--Do not call or visit your local branch as they are typically focused on retail
(consumer) banking, as opposed to business banking, and may not be familiar
with ACH file services.
Once you are signed up for ACH File service, they will provide you with certain
information that needs to be included in an ACH file.
Once you have the information from #1 and #2 above, proceed to the next step.
a. Run the ACH File Setup Wizard to enter key banking information.
ACH Universal enables you to send individual emails for any QuickBooks
initiated transaction.
Create your own personalized template that will be sent out to each individual -
with only their information.
Email setup
Please setup email if you have not done so already:
Setup and configure ACH Universal's email
Make sure that you have elected to click on the 'stub' checkbox on the last page
of the Email setup (see above link):
Sending out 'item' details? ACH Universal can accommodate this as well:
Note: ACH Universal is able to email Vendor detail information down to the level QuickBook gives
that information such as detail Expense and Item information in a check that is written. Bill Pay
stub information is not available to be emailed to clients due to Quickbooks does not show that
detail in the bill to be paid screen.
You can then send out the emails from the QuickBooks main menu File > Send
1.10.13 Testing
1. If you haven't done so already, download the software from the link below
and install on the same computer that QuickBooks is running on.
2. Start the software to arrive at the 'Welcome New Users' page and click on
ACH Universal
5. In ACH Universal, click the 'QuickBooks' tab on the main menu, then
QuickBooks Integration.
You can opt for either the 3rd option (typical), or the 4th option (advanced/rare,
only if you will be running our software when QuickBooks is not running).
Make your selection and complete the Wizard.
Your bank accounts and Undeposited Funds account for the open QuickBooks
company will be displayed.
For the demo, we are selecting Checking as it contains the most transactions.
ACH Universal creates three custom fields within each Customer, Employee
and Vendor profile in the QuickBooks company.
As we are in a sample QuickBooks company, the option to populate these fields
with sample data is checked.
For this demo, leave the default settings as is and click next.
Note: While creating the fields is fairly quick, populating the sample account
with data can take a few minutes.
The software will now display the transactions available for transmission from
within the QuickBooks bank account that was selected in the Wizard. Click
'Send Transactions to ACH Universal' to create an ACH file.
If this were a 'live' production run, you would then upload this file to your bank.
In QuickBooks:
ACH Universal created three custom fields in QuickBooks when you ran the
Integration Wizard. Typically one would enter the banking data here, although
in this demo ACH Universal populated sample banking data for you.
To see an example in QuickBooks, go to the Vendor Center, click to edit a
vendor, and click on the Additional Info tab.
Want more information, or would you like to schedule a live demo with Treasury
Software Support?
Please contact us at 866 226-5732 or online.
**** This method keeps the banking information in ACH Universal rather
than in QuickBooks (preferred).****
Only use this option if there is an issue (rare) in using our integration
In QuickBooks®
On an ongoing basis: Use the new sub-account that you created for your
electronic transactions.
In ACH Universal
ACH Universal:
--Protects you from duplicate transactions by integrating and tracking
QuickBook's transaction ID
--Stores all of your customers', employees', and vendors' banking information
--Provides you with a full audit trail of all transactions
--Enables you to manage untransmitted transactions (on temporary hold,
permanent hold, etc.)
To use ACH Universal's integration package, you will need to have installed on
your computer:
--QuickBooks Pro, Premiere, or Enterprise - 2003 or later
--ACH Universal 2011.0.4 (build 109) or later
QuickBooks - Setup
1. Create a sub-account of your Bank account
2. Enable bank account selection
Start QuickBooks and open the company you want to work with.
Enter the name of your sub-account (we recommend something descriptive like
'ACH', 'EFT', 'Direct Deposit', etc...), check the 'sub-account' box and select
your bank account that your ACH bank service is with.
From the QuickBooks main menu select Edit > Preferences > Payments >
Company Preferences. Clear the 'Use undeposited funds' checkbox.
Note: QuickBooks documentation has this feature listed in 'Sales & Customers',
rather than 'Payments'. The location may be updated in a future release of
To reach Advanced Setup, from within your account that you created select
'QuickBooks' > 'QuickBooks integration' > Settings > Advanced.
Effective Date
As you operate your business, each transaction date is recorded per your
wishes in QuickBooks.
Sometimes you pre-date or post-date transactions, which is fine.
However, when electronic transactions are sent to your bank, they are typically
expecting the date you send them to be in the future - as this is the 'effective
date' of the transaction.
--you are editing records in ACH Universal after sending them from
--you are manually creating records in ACH Universal
--there are internal control measures which require another individual to create
the file
--bank procedures require batch totals - which you would get from ACH
or any other advanced situation.
If you are constantly changing the default dates on the report, you can save
yourself some time and change the default range here.
To reach this transactions screen, from within the account you created select
the QuickBooks tab > QuickBooks integration > Settings > Advanced.
This screen is a 'Window' into your QuickBooks data. By default, it displays all
records in your QuickBooks account(s) that need be electronically transmitted.
In a basic situation, the system will display your new transactions - and all of
them can be sent to ACH Universal. ACH Universal will then create an ACH
file, which is sent to your bank.
In a similar fashion, ACH Universal maintains profiles - but keeps only banking
information, such as their routing / ABA number and account number.
No Profile field
If the 'No Profiles' checkbox is checked, this means that you have created a
transaction in QuickBooks, but ACH Universal has not created a profile on this
entity (customer, employee or vendor).
In order to pay/collect from this entity, you are going to need to create a profile
and complete it.
ACH Universal helps you do this easily. We'll show you in Step #2.
Click on the 'Send transactions to ACH Universal' button to create an ACH file
with the eligible records in the grid. You can then transmit the ACH file to your
However, any records are marked as 'No profile', or 'Profile info missing' will
not be included in the ACH file.
To get these records fixed (unmarked), you will need to either create a profile
for them, or fill in missing information for their profile. You can see at a glance
the records that need to be addressed by clicking on the 'Attention needed ...'
button in red text. For information on how to fix these records, please see
Adding Profiles
Editing Profiles
In a perfect world, all of the transactions that you create in QuickBooks are to be
sent for immediate electronic processing.
As we know, this is not always the case. Sometimes payments are held
temporarily - or permanently canceled and sometimes payments need to be
Marking records
ACH Universal provides you with the tools to do this. Uncheck the checkbox to
display your record controls (circled in red).
--If you re-run or refresh the grid prior to transmission, this will clear your
marked records. You will need to re-mark them.
Marking records 'Do not transmit' stop the transactions from being imported
now - or in the future.
If in the future, you decide that you need to process this record, see the
instructions below for 'Mark - Import (over-ride)'.
Note: In order to select a record, you'll need to view it. However by default,
previously transmitted records and those placed on permanent hold - are
suppressed from being displayed. See the section below to display these
QuickBooks maintains profiles for each customer, employee and vendor.
ACH Universal
Like QuickBooks, ACH Universal also maintains profiles for each customer,
employee and vendor.
However, there is very little overlap - ACH Universal's goal is to stores banking
As QuickBooks does not have the ability to store and report this banking
information for each customer, employee and vendor - ACH Universal will do it
for you.
ACH Universal provides the ability to import customer, employee and vendor
information from a spreadsheet, as well as manually enter them one at a time.
As you are reading this, you are probably using QuickBooks - there is an
additional way to auto-create profiles from your QuickBooks data. Please see
Auto-creation of Profiles. Adding
While you can always import profiles from a spreadsheet and manually enter
them one at a time - ACH Universal enables QuickBooks users to auto-create
When you click on the link above, the system will take you to the Profiles > Add
screen, which you can then simply click 'Add Profiles into ACH Universal'.
I just auto-created profiles, but I still can't create a transaction. The transactions
are marked as 'Profile info missing'. What do I do?
You created a profile, but did not yet finish updating it with the ABA/Routing
number and account number.
Click on the link to go to the 'Profiles – Information Missing' report (build 111
and above) to run the report. Then click on the 'Edit Record' button on the
toolbar to update your profiles.
· QBOE Setup
· QBOE Profiles
Congratulations! You have finished creating the account. Click Finish and you
will begin using this account.
Step 2. Once authorized, the bank account(s) will populate and you'll choose
the account you want to use for payments or collections in ACH Universal--and
"Save Bank Account".
Now, you are ready to transfer transactions and set up your Profiles for
vendors, employees, and/or customers!
You'll go to the Quickbooks Tab, and select the transactions to process by date
range, and click "View Transactions".
At this point, the three individuals' names have been populated under the
"Profiles" tab. This is where you will include their ABA/Routing numbers and
Account numbers. (Once the information is retained, you will only see the last
four digits of the Account number.) Only new vendors/employees/customers
will sync over in future imports.
Profiles hold the banking information for each of your Customers, Employees
and Vendors that you want to pay or collect from electronically.
When importing transactions from QuickBooks Online, the Profile names will
automatically transfer over to ACH and can be seen under the "Profiles" tab.
The first time Profiles are transferred, it will be necessary to manually add their
ABA/Routing and Account numbers next to their names. After that, the
information will be retained in ACH and only the last four digits of the Account
number will be seen. If the Profile is already in the system, it will not overwrite
or add to ACH Universal during the next import.
[Note: Any Profiles that do not have ABA/Routing and Account numbers
entered will have a check-mark "Missing banking profile info" on the
Transactions page.]
Here, the names automatically transferred over to the Profiles section and we
entered the banking information for John and Sandy:
Once all Profiles have ABA/Routing and Account information, you'll check the
control totals for accuracy, and then "Create ACH File".
When you click "Create ACH File", you will be creating a TXT file that will look
similar to this:
(There are various formats available and your bank should provide their
formatting requirement.)
Then, you will login to your bank's website and upload this file, or transfer the
file per your bank's instructions.
that gear . Under "Your Company", go to "Account & Settings", and then
"Billing & Subscription". The Company ID appears at the top of the page.
The transactions won't come over from QuickBooks to ACH when I click
"View Transactions"--what is wrong?
Be sure the items to import appear in the QuickBooks Bank Register. If bills
have not yet been paid, for instance, ACH will not find the transactions.
1.12 Security
Treasury Software practices the concept of 'Defense in Depth' (also known as
Castle Approach), in which the system has multiple layers of controls.
Security includes:
--Database encryption using AES-256
--Encrypt within QuickBooks qbw
--Password Protection
--SQL Server security
--Full Audit Trail
--Automated Backups
--Segregation of Duties
--SSH-FTP encrypted transmission
Please see the help pages in this chapter for additional information.
Based on the membership, the user will have access to or be denied to the
Client-based security
The following help pages cover client-based security.
Holistic Approach
While we are proud of our client-based security features - if only client-based
security is implemented - it will merely be an inconvenience to those seeking to
commit fraud.
Locking down the 'front door' (client), only to leave the 'back door' (server-data)
open is not an ideal security model.
Menu Selection
The security menu selection by default is hidden. Please note: The
displaying/suppression of the menu choice has no effect on the security level.
To view the menu choice, from the main menu select the Settings tab > Import,
System and turn 'Suppress Security Menu' to 'Display'. You will then need to
exit and re-enter this account (display is on a per account basis).
Login - setup
To access the login screen, from the main menu select File > Security >
Security Administration
Once logged in (only an admin can pass through setup security), you will be at
the security main page.
--Do not put security on the Sample account (do not place 'real' account
numbers, etc.. in the sample setup)
--Change the default admin password
--Use a Windows Operating Screen screen saver with password protection Users-Add
Change the password on the 'Admin' account.
Users can switch from account to account as long as their name is listed as a
user in each account.
All users will be assigned to a Role.
In the panel, you can add Roles (a.k.a. Groups), as well as delete and edit.
Each user will need to be added here.
Note: If you are using Windows Authentication, you do no need to enter a
password for them to access the account - however, if you assign the user to
the Admin role - they will need a password to access this setup window.
Permissions are granted on a role by role basis
1. Select the role
2. Grant access, if appropriate
--Check the 'Access to the Account' checkbox to allow the user entry into the
account. Leaving this unchecked is the same as removing them from the user
list. Use this checkbox when there is a temporary vacancy and you do not want
to reset the permissions.
--Your tabs will differ slightly based on your applications that you are running. Roles
Segregation of duties security is available on SQL Server platforms with an
Enterprise license from Treasury Software.
--You only need to maintain roles for Feature level security.
--You cannot delete the admin role.
Tip: Create roles before you add users. This way, you only need to be in users
once (you don't have to go back).
Database Encryption.
ACH Universal encrypts account numbers using the most secure symmetrical
encryption algorithm available (AES-256). AES is used by the U.S. and
Canadian governments as their standards for encrypting data.
To enable
Click on the Settings tab and then 'Encrypt Databases'
--Either feature may be enabled at any time.
--To maintain security - once turned 'On', the features require Treasury
Software Support to turn 'Off'.
--These features are available in all platforms (Desktop, SQL Express and SQL
Server), as well as all editions.
1.13 Reference
ACH Universal is used to create and transmit ACH files. The structure of an
ACH file is a standard governed by NACHA. For more information on the file
structure, see ACH File Structure
All ACH transactions are associated with a Standard Entry Class Code,
sometimes called an SEC Code. This code defines several aspects of the
transaction, such as authorization and type of account being used. For
example, most company payroll transactions use the PPD code. See List of
Standard Entry Class Codes for information on all the codes to assist in
determining which code to use for your specific situation.
See the Glossary for definitions of terms common throughout ACH files in
general and in ACH Universal.
1.13.1 Backup SQL Accounts
This page is for backing up account databases when you're using our SQL
Express or SQL Server platforms.
You can backup your accounts manually through the user interface and you can
backup the databases from the command line prompt.
Manual Backups
1. Confirm that you are running Treasury Software from the same
computer that is hosting the SQL Express/Server.
If you are not sure, click on the Settings tab > Maintenance > SQL tab. The
SQL server will be listed here.
The SQL Server name should either start with your computer name or be
The command line must be triggered from the computer that has both Treasury
Software installed on it and that is hosting the SQL Express/Server.
If you are not sure, click on the Settings tab > Maintenance > SQL tab. The
SQL server will be listed here.
The SQL Server name should either start with your computer name or be
2. Create a backup using the manual process (above) first to confirm that
you have proper rights.
This is critical in confirming local drive permissions.
Sample command line with parameters - where the names of the accounts are
Checking, Payroll and Depository are written to the folder C:\Backup.:
4. Requirements:
The system requires access to write a log file to either (version dependent):
C:\Users\Public\Treasury Software\Logs
C:\Program Files (x86)\Treasury Software\version 2014 01\
Then click on the Compatibility tab > Check 'Run this program as an
administrator > Save.
Tip: If you receive any pop-up confirmation windows from the system UAC, you
may want to alter the UAC level.
1 File Header
5 Batch Header
6 Batch Entry
7 Batch Entry Addenda
8 Batch Footer
9 File Footer
File Header - 1
All this information comes from settings created during Account Setup.
Batch Header - 5
A batch creates a logical separation of transactions in an ACH file. For any list
of transactions, batches are separated by:
· Date
· Standard Class Entry Code
· Origination Account (if desired)
There is no way to change the first two as they are a feature of the ACH format.
However, you can choose to separate batches by origination account if
needed. See LINK Separating batches by origination account for more
There can be multiple batches per file, but there will always be a minimum of
one batch.
Batch Entry - 6
There can (and most likely will) be multiple batch entries per batch.
Batch Footer - 8
File Footer - 9
A file footer denotes the end of the file. It contains information marking the file
end and any padding needed to create proper file width.
The File ID Modifier is located in the File Header Record, position 34, and can
be numeric (0-9) or alphabetic (A-Z).
For example, the first file transmitted on particular day will have the value of '1'.
The second will be '2', the third '3' and so on.
On the next day, the file modifier is automatically reset back to '1' for the first
ARC A Standard Entry Class Code that allows an ACH debit to be created
from a consumer check sent through standard U.S. mail or drop
Addenda A record type used to carry supplemental information for account
Record holder identification or to provide payment information to Receiver
and RDFI.
The most common SEC Codes are CCD and PPD, which are credits and
debits done against corporate and consumer accounts respectively. These are
used for direct deposit, payments to vendors, and collections from customers.
The list can be broken into three parts: Consumer codes, Corporate codes, and
codes that can work on both types of accounts.
IAT International
PO Debit for in-person purchase of goods or services
PPD Prearranged payments and deposits, most often on a recurring basis
(payroll, bill payments)
RC Single debits used to represent check that was processed and returned
K due to lack of funds
TEL Single debits authorized via telephone.
WE Single or recurring debits authorized via Internet.
The consumer's check (source document) is used to collect the account number, routing number, check
serial number, and dollar amount for the transaction.
At a minimum, you will need to import an amount, account number, Routing number, payee/payor
name, and the check number for each transaction. Map the fields as listed below:
· Name as Name
· Amount as Amount
· Check as ACH_Check
· Account number as Bank_Account_Number
· Bank Routing Number as ABA_Routing_Number
The consumer's check (source document) is used to collect the account number, routing number, check
serial number, and dollar amount for the transaction.
At a minimum, you will need to import an amount, account number, Routing number, payee/payor
name, and the check number for each transaction. Map the fields as listed below:
· Name as Name
· Amount as Amount
· Check as ACH_Check
· Account number as Bank_Account_Number
· Bank Routing Number as ABA_Routing_Number
The format can support a limited amount of payment related data with the funds transfer while also
being capable of a stand-alone funds transfer.
CCD+ is simply a CCD transaction that includes an addenda record. An addenda includes additional
information about the transaction, but is not required for ACH processing. This can include identification
numbers, region codes, or anything considered necessary on the Receiver's end. CIE - Customer Initiated Entry
The CIE Standard Entry Class Code is limited to credit transactions where the consumer initiates the
payment, typically to a company for payment through some type of bill payment service provider.
CIE+ is simply a CIE transaction that includes an addenda record. An addenda includes additional
information about the transaction, but is not required for ACH processing. This can include identification
numbers, region codes, or anything considered necessary on the Receiver's end.
ACH Universal requires CTX transactions be done via profiles. Account and routing numbers for each
payee are stored as a profile in ACH Universal and then looked up via name or ID number when
importing transactional information.
See CTX-EDI for more information on working with the CTX format. IAT - International
The IAT Standard Entry Class Code is used for the transmission of International cross-border credit
and debit ACH entries.
The IAT format handles both inbound and outbound (into and out of the US). The format contains
detailed information unique to cross-border payments.
The new IAT format will contain enough information to comply with programs administered by the
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), and with the Bank Secrecy Act's 'Travel Rule'. Please note
that ACH Universal provides for both Gateway and Secondary OFAC screening indicators, ACH
Universal and Treasury Software does not screen the OFAC SDN list.
Note: There is a maximum of 12 addenda records able to be transmitted per NACHA guidelines.
You may key the detail in as needed. The movie below demonstrates the use of profiles.
... or import data 'On-the-Fly' from Excel or a comma delimited (csv) file format - just like any other
transaction for ACH Universal.
This enables batch processing of IAT-ACH International transactions from web servers and other third
party databases. For more information on 'On-the-Fly' importing - see Importing.
Whether you are domestic or foreign, creating inbound or outbound entries - or whether you are a
corporate entity, bank or governmental agency - ACH Universal's Pro edition can help you easily create
IAT transactions for International commerce.
Enter into an account. From the main menu select File > ACH Setup. Follow the prompts and enter
the information regarding your header information and Gateway Operator (GO). Click Next until you are
at the last page.
If you will be utilizing any Foreign Correspondent banks, enter them here. Check the box if you would
like to have these entered into your transactions by default.
Click Finish.
Enter transactions
From the main menu select Edit > Enter an International Transaction (IAT).
1. Top of the window contains transactional information such as date, amount, debit vs. credit
Enter date, Debit/Credit, amount as appropriate.
For Variable-to-Fixed transactions the foreign amount is required, the exchange rate is not used.
For Fixed-to-Variable transactions the foreign amount is not used, the exchange rate is required. Per
NACHA the system will over-write the foreign amount of outbound transactions with zero's. For inbound
transactions, the foreign amount should contain the amount in the originating currency
For Fixed-to-Fixed transactions, the foreign amount is required, the exchange rate is used. The system
will over-write the exchange rate/reference field with blanks per NACHA.
By definition, transactional information changes with each payment and are not saved as part of any
When finished, enter a profile name in the drop down box (at the top of the section), and then click on
'Save to profile'. You can update a profile at anytime by clicking this save link. In addition, you can use
the profile as a template by changing the profile name and then clicking 'Save to profile' link. Both the
originator's and receiver's profiles work the same.
4. Second tab - Foreign Correspondent Banks and OFAC (click on the link in the lower left of
the screen titled 'Foreign Correspondent Banks and OFAC screening'
OFAC screening - ACH Universal Pro does not provide OFAC screening - therefore by default a space
is entered to indicate no screening has been made. If your financial institution has provided you with a
third party process to screen OFAC settings, you may adjust them here.
Foreign correspondent banks - The banks entered in the International tab of the ACH Setup will be
displayed here. A checkbox indicates that a bank will be included in the 7-18 addenda record.
NACHA limitation
NACHA allows for up to five foreign correspondent banks, but this limit will be decreased in a one to
one ratio based on the number of additional remittance records are included.
Importing Data
The import process for IAT is identical to that of any other format. The difference is that there are over
40 fields used in the process.
We recommend for this topic to reference the sample data included with ACH Universal Corporate and
use this as a template.
The source document is voided by the merchant and returned to the consumer at the point-of-purchase
is used to collect the information required to create the ACH Debit entry to the consumer's account.
Direct Deposit - Direct Deposit is a credit program that transfers funds into a consumer's account at
the Receiving Depository Financial Institution. The amount deposited can be from a variety of products,
such as payroll, interest, pension, dividends, etc.
Pre-Authorized Bill Payment - Preauthorized payment is a debit program enabling companies with billing
operations to collect funds from consumers thorough the electronic transfer of bill payment entries. For
example, monthly payments of household utility bills can be collected through a PPD.
PPD+ is simply a PPD transaction that includes an addenda record. An addenda includes additional
information about the transaction, but is not required for ACH processing. This can include identification
numbers, region codes, or anything considered necessary on the Receiver's end. RCK - Represented Check Entry
A re-presented check entry is a single ACH debit used by originators to re-present a check processed
through the check collection system and returned due to insufficient or uncollected funds.
This collection method provides originators the potential to improve processing efficiency and reduce
This type of transaction can only be originated when there is either an existing relationship between the
Originator and Receiver or when the Receiver initiates the telephone call if a relationship does not
previously exist.
Note: Information below assumes you are using a Profile-Based import. If you are not (using Ad Hoc
instead), you must also import an account number as ACH_Account and an ABA/Routing Number as
ACH_Routing_ABA. The below screenshot uses a name-based lookup to link each entry to a
customer, employee, or vendor profile.
For example, companies are required by law to pay the federal 941 tax that
covers Social Security, Medicare, and employee withholding. These
transactions are regular CCD on an ACH level. However, each transaction
would include an addenda formatted based a specification outlined by the
taxing authority that contains information about the tax.
The WEB code assists in addressing risk issues inherent to Internet Payments through requirements for
additional security procedures and obligation.
In addition, Payment Related Text can be mapped as one of the Text fields (for example, Text4 or
Text5) to retain the information in ACH Universal.
The default SEC Code is used unless the code is stipulated directly by
mapping the Class_3_Letters field to a field containing the SEC code.
See List of Standard Entry Class Codes for the list of SEC Codes and more
information on each one.
From the main menu select File, then ACH Setup. Click the Next button three
times to display screen four (bottom left corner of screen). At the top of the
screen, you will see Figure 1.
For a non-CTX code, leave the top radio button selected and choose the
desired SEC Code from the dropdown box.
For a CTX code, select the CTX-EDI Subsets radio button and then choose the
desired transaction set from the dropdown box. In almost all cases, this will be
the EPN STP 820 set (currently shown).
Click Next two more times, then click Finish to exit the ACH Setup window and
save your changes. Changing Profile Lookup Field
Click Next 4 times. In the bottom left, you will see "Screen 5 of 6."
At this point, ACH Universal will use ID Number for the profile lookup.
In both the profile and transaction files, map the appropriate field containing the
ID number as ACH_ID_Internal (Profile Lookup).
Debit and Credit text is used in conjunction with the Sign field to identify
whether a transaction in a file is a debit or a credit. Follow the steps below to
enter the debit and credit text for your data.
From the main menu select File, then Options, then General.
In the "Text for Debit" field, enter the text to identify a debit transaction. The
default is "debit".
In the "Text for Credit" field, enter the text to identify a credit transaction. The
default is "credit".
Your vendors may or may not see any addenda information, depending solely on the service provided
to them by their bank.
Of course the statement will also include other fields, such the amount and actual posting date to the
account. I am collecting from customers. How do I know the funds went into my account?
Your bank tracks each transaction that you have submitted and will notify you of any transactions which
was unable to be completed.
For example, if an account has been closed, or if you are debiting funds and the account balance is
insufficient, you will be notified by your bank. This report can be printed/faxed or can be sent
electronically in an ACH Return file. Regardless of the format, the returned items will contain a standard
three-digit return code (an 'R' and two numeric digits).
In addition, your bank may offer optional services which will allow you to track all transactions, rather
than a negative-confirmation scenario.
A: No. You will need to upgrade to the SQL Server Express or SQL Server
Platform. With multiple workstations you can have a separation of data (payroll
on one workstation, checking on another), but the two are unable to share
between them. What is an account?
Q: What is an account?
A: An account is the ACH Universal front-end to a database that stores all the
data you import. For example, a Payroll account access a Payroll database
(either a .brd on the Desktop platform or a Payroll database on the SQL Server
platform). This manual uses the term "account" instead of "database" because
that is how ACH Universal refers to them. I have one source file but multiple databases. How do I split the file into the correct
Q: I have one source file, but multiple ACH Universal databases. How do I split
the file into the appropriate database?
A: A non-standard format is a format which isn't supported by your Windows (Control Panel, Regional
Settings) Settings.
A date format of 31/12/2002 is non-standard in the United States, but is standard in the United
From the main menu, select File, then Options, then General.
If the date is embedded within another field, see My date field is embedded within text. My date field is embedded within text. How do I import it?
Q: My date field is embedded within text. How do I import it?
From the main menu, select File, then Options, then General.
In "CDI: Source Format G/L", select your date format from the dropdown box (31/12/2002,
2002/12/31, etc...)
In "CDI: Separator G/L", select your separator, (slash, colon, hyphen, none)
In "CDI: Embedded Start G/L" enter the date's first position (counting from the left) within the field. For
example, when date is in a field by itself, this position is 0. If there were three characters prior to the
start of the date, you would enter 4.
A: A login record, if used by the bank, is the very first line in an ACH file, even
before the file header record. It is used by the bank to identify the sender.
Distinct from ACH identification, the bank will use this information for
processing and tracking purposes.
ACH Universal will now include the login record in every ACH file made in that
account. ADO/MDAC Re-Installing
1 – Yes…After a clean install, the first error message received was the
“SwitchPrograms_SampleData” after clicking the ACH Universal Sample Account Demo from the
welcome new users screen.
The articles in this section provide information on backing up and restoring your
database (Desktop platform only) as well as how to upgrade ACH Universal
and apply current service packs.
See Database Backup for information related to scheduling and working with
database backups.
See Upgrade ACH Universal for steps on upgrading ACH Universal to the most
recent version.
See Download Service Pack for steps on how to download and install the most
recent service pack. Database Backup
ACH Universal stores all information for each account in a .brd file. There is 1
brd file for each account and they share the same name. For example, if you
create an account named Payroll, there will be a Payroll.brd database file that
contains all the data imported into that account. Never place the brd file on a
network drive and attempt to share it among multiple workstations. Multiple
workstation licenses should only be used for totally separate database files
(through totally separate accounts). If you need to share data, you must use the
SQL Server platform.
It is highly recommended to leave this option on. If you wish to turn it off:
From the main menu, select File, then Options, then General.
Select the System tab. Change the "Backup data on exit" option to No. Click
Close to save your changes.
Follow the steps below on the Desktop platform to restore a database backup. For example, if the
database becomes corrupted, restoration would be required.
From the Help tab, select Software > One Click Update.
If you have an Internet connection, click Yes to proceed with the download.
ACH Universal will automatically download and install the newest service pack
if not already installed.
When prompted, close and restart ACH Universal to complete the service pack
1.13.7 Legacy Help
We are proud of our continual development of ACH Universal.
This folder contains help topics relevant to older versions of ACH Universal.
While the screens and instructions may not apply to your version, we have
included them to support our existing client base.
ACH Universal enables users to create NACHA compliant files for use with Fedline and other
In addition to standard origination (PPD, CCD, etc...) transactions, the Processor Edition now
incorporates the features from the Banking Edition, including:
--Returns, and
--Notification of Changes
To create ACH Return files - you need a Processor edition of ACH Universal.
Note: If you are a client of a bank - you will want to view the client-side of returns. Returns
1. Create a new account for Returns.
From the ACH Universal main menu select 'File', 'New Account', then select the option button
'CREATE' . We suggest, and for this narrative, we will name the new account: Returns
Reminder: To create ACH Return files - you need a Processor edition of ACH Universal.
Once you have setup a 'Returns' account, you can enter transactions that you have received from
other financial institutions.
2a. Recommended method - copy and paste from the original ACH instructions
Open the original ACH transaction in a text editor such as Notepad. Locate and copy the transaction.
Note: Transaction records start with a '6'.
Click on the 'Paste Detail' (2nd link). This will automatically populate the necessary fields for your
Then, return to the text editor and locate the batch header for this transaction. Copy the batch
header. Return to the 'Add Record(s)' window and click on the 'Paste Header' (1st link). This will
automatically populate the necessary fields for your header information.
Note: The order in which you copy and paste is academic (5 record vs. 6 record).
Below is a sample batch header (row starting with '5') and transaction line (row starting with '6'). We
have included the first two lines as a ruler to help with the column positions (1 through 94). Of
course, the ruler rows are not part of the ACH file.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Alternatively, you may manually enter the information into the window. Please note that this method
is not recommended, as the information must be EXACTLY as originally transmitted. Any
typographic error may result in a rejection of your return.
3. Return Code
On the bottom left of the 'Add Record(s)' window, select the Return Code (ie. Insufficient funds,
etc...). Click 'Save' when finished.
--Returns are created in the 'Add Record(s)' window and may be edited/modified before transmittal.
--There is no import functionality through the import wizard for returns.
Reminder: To create ACH Return files - you need a Processor edition of ACH Universal.
If you have an in-house IT group that is supplying you with data - it should contain the information in the
chart at the end of this page.
The only way to get this data is to have access to the original ACH file. You can parse this yourself, or
use our ACH-2-Excel conversion utility.
1. Use our built-in ACH-2-Excel conversion utility (from the main menu 'File', 'ACH File Conversion') to
create a comma delimited file.
2. Import the entire comma delimited file created with ACH-2-Excel into your core processing system
or other database table.
The table should have an additional column for the Return Code. Include the 'R' and leading 0 if
needed. Therefore, the return code 1 - Insufficient funds, would be in your database as R01.
Note: Adding the column should be performed programmatically in your database and not in Excel. If
the file is opened in Excel, it will convert the trace numbers into exponential notation - making them
Once you have marked the records with the Return Code, export this to a comma delimited file.
Of course, not all records in the file you imported into your database are to be returned (at least we
hope not). You will only want to export those with a return code.
As an example, we have used ACH-2-Excel to convert an ACH file into a csv file. Programmatically, we
have edited the file and removed the last field and substituted it with the return code (R01, R02, etc...).
This file can be imported directly into ACH Universal.
3. Enter into the 'Returns' account within ACH Universal. Start the import wizard and import your file.
--If you used ACH-2-Excel to make your file - select the 'ACH NACHA RETURNS' mapping template.
The columns will be in the correct order and position.
Note: When you select 'ACH NACHA RETURNS' for the first time, the system may warn you that the
mapping template has more fields than the file you are importing. This is fine, as the additional field is
used only in Notification of Changes.
--When selecting the template - mark it as the default, by checking the default checkbox. This is
required if you are going to perform any type of automation.
Assuming you have retained our file layout from ACH-2-Excel and simply added one additional field
(Return Code), this will map all the columns as shown below.
--It is NOT necessary to map each column in order to generate a notification. Banks vary widely in
their requirements of data - but of course, failure to include the information can result in their rejection.
This is bank dependent. The more information provided to the originator, the easier it will be for them
log your notice.
--The column in green, is the field to map to in ACH Universal.
--The middle column is a description, along with location of where the data was obtained from
First number - which record - header record '5', or the detail record '6'.
Second and third numbers - the start and end position within the record
--The last two entries, ReturnNOC_Code and Corrected_Data_Resend, are not from the original ACH
transaction. The parenthesis in the last two lines refer to their location in the new file.
Note: The last line - Corrected_Data_Resend is not used in the Return file (only used in Notification of
Reminder: To create ACH Return files - you need a Processor edition of ACH Universal. Returns - Creating files
Creating files
Create and transmit the records from this account. Please remember that these records will be in a
separate file from your 'regular' ACH transactions, and the file will have a different name (see 'File',
'Options', 'Transmit to Bank', 'Local File' for the name and location of this file).
You may automate this process using our command line interface.
Reminder: To create ACH Return files - you need a Processor edition of ACH Universal. Returns - Processing from an ACH File
ACH Universal can create an ACH Return from from many sources.
This help page contains instructions if you are receiving an ACH file and need
to create returns based on a subset (hopefully small) of them.
One-time setup
When finished, select 'Advanced Setup - Access all setup options' to enable the
'Next' button to continue. Click Next.
A spreadsheet will open with the converted data. Format column H (Trace
number) as a number to avoid the values being displayed in Exponential
For this sample, add a column to the rightmost field - and enter return codes.
Note: Enter the 'R' plus a leading digit if applicable. For example, for
Insufficient Funds, enter R01 as below.
In the upper right corner, select the mapping template 'ACH NACHA
First click on fields F3 and F4 to unmap them. Your screen should now look
Click on the 'Show all field selections' (see red arrow below)
Select field F34 and select ReturnNOC_Code
Click Next, Next and Finish to import and most importantly - to save your
1. Simply prepare the data file as above in step 3. All other work has
been saved.
Note: Of course, your returns will only be a subset of the entire file. Delete the
records within Excel that do not need to be returned.
This would be a good time to backup your work. Click File > Backup.
Reminder: To create ACH Return files - you need a Processor edition of ACH Universal. Notification of Change
Use 'Notification of Change' when you are the RDFI (receiving financial institution) and you want to
notify the originator (ODFI) of an error in the ACH transaction. Use a Notification of Change when
you can fulfill the ACH transaction. Use a Return when you cannot fulfill the transaction.
Important ********
Notification of Changes (as are Returns) are kept in a separate account within ACH Universal.
1. Create a new account for Notification of Changes.
From the ACH Universal main menu select 'File', 'New Account', then select the option button
'CREATE' . We suggest, and for this narrative, we will name the new account:
Click through the wizard to complete it. At the end you will be prompted to enter your transmittal
Hint: For additional reference, cancel the wizard, switch back to your other account and note/print the
entries. Then go back to the account and re-start the ACH Setup Wizard from the main menu at
'File', 'ACH Setup'.
Screen Four - In 'Application - Standard Entry Class Code', the radio button 'All except EDI-CTX'
should be selected. In the drop down box, select:
COR- Notification of Change
Click through the wizard to complete it. You will be prompted to exit and re-enter the account -
please do so.
Reminder: To create ACH Return files - you need a Processor edition of ACH Universal. Notification of Change - Manually adding records
Once you have setup a 'Notification Of Changes' account, you can enter transactions that you have
received from other financial institutions.
2a. Recommended method - copy and paste from the original ACH instructions
Open the original ACH transaction in a text editor such as Notepad. Locate and copy the transaction.
Note: Transaction records start with a '6'.
Click on the 'Paste Detail' (2nd link). This will automatically populate the necessary fields for your
Then, return to the text editor and locate the batch header for this transaction. Copy the batch
header. Return to the 'Add Record(s)' window and click on the 'Paste Header' (1st link). This will
automatically populate the necessary fields for your header information.
Below is a sample batch header (row starting with '5') and transaction line (row starting with '6'). We
have included the first two lines as a ruler to help with the column positions (1 through 94). Of
course, the ruler rows are not part of the ACH file.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
--Notification Of Changes are created in the 'Add Record(s)' window and may be edited/modified
before transmittal.
--Notification Of Change transactions are batched within the file with a transaction type of 'COR'.
Reminder: To create ACH Return files - you need a Processor edition of ACH Universal. Notification of Change - Importing records
In addition to manually entering the Notification of Changes transaction, they can be imported through
the Import Wizard.
This functionality, the Bank Merger/ABA utility, is used when banks consolidate and an automated
method is needed to notify the ACH originators of the ABA change. Of course, the import
functionality can be used for any Notification of Change code.
Once you have setup a 'Notification Of Changes' account, you can enter transactions that you have
received from other financial institutions.
a. Use our built-in ACH2Excel conversion utility (from the main menu 'File', 'ACH File Conversion') to
create a comma delimited file.
c. Enter into the 'Notification Of Changes' account within ACH Universal. Start the import wizard and
select the 'ACH NACHA RETURNS' mapping template. This will map all the columns as shown
--It is NOT necessary to map each column in order to generate a notification. Banks vary widely in
their requirements of data - but of course, failure to include the information can result in their
rejection. This is bank dependent. The more information provided to the originator, the easier it will
be for them log your notice.
--The column in green, is the field to map to in ACH Universal.
--The middle column is a description, along with location of where the data was obtained from
First number - which record - header record '5', or the detail record '6'.
Second and third numbers - the start and end position within the record
--The last two entries, ReturnNOC_Code and Corrected_Data_Resend, are not from the original ACH
transaction. The parenthesis refer to their location in the new Notification of Change file.
c. Enter into the 'Notification Of Changes' account within ACH Universal. Start the import wizard and
select an unused mapping template. Map the columns as shown above.
--Notification Of Changes are created in the 'Add Record(s)' window and may be edited/modified
before transmittal.
--Notification Of Change transactions are batched within the file with a transaction type of 'COR'.
Reminder: To create ACH Return files - you need a Processor edition of ACH Universal. Notification of Change - Creating files
Creating files
Create and transmit the records from this account. Please remember that these records will be in a
separate file from your 'regular' ACH transactions, and the file will have a different name (see 'File',
'Options', 'Transmit to Bank', 'Local File' for the name and location of this file).
You may automate this process using our command line interface.
Reminder: To create ACH Return files - you need a Processor edition of ACH Universal.
1.13.9 SQL Lockout
SQL Lockout - Resetting the SQL settings
Use this page if you have been up and running using SQL Server - and then
your Network Administrator changed a user's password SQL password - or
other connection information.
Rather than uninstall, reinstall and re-configure Treasury Software, you can
simply reset the SQL Settings.
Tip: While there are a lot of message prompts below - just remember:
When asked to create an account - click 'No'.
While there are a lot of message prompts - just remember: When asked
to create an account - click 'No'.
2. Reconnecting to SQL
From the Ribbon Bar, select Settings > Migrate to SQL Server and follow the
Enter the new settings in this process.
ACH Universal enables you to create files that are compatible with U.S. Bank's
Secure Payment format.
While the Secure Payment format is similar to an ACH file, there are several
differences. To account for these differences, you will need to enter a custom
code into ACH Universal.
I. Setup
1. Download and install the software:
Tip: If you are installing for a multi-user environment, please see additional
documentation at:
2. Create a new account by selecting File > New Account > Create
Complete the wizard.
Note: Upon clicking 'Update', you will receive the following message (assuming
you entered the correct code):
Click next to bring you to the Mapping Window. Map the fields as noted below.
--The US Bank Secure Payment utility is different than an ACH file. Other
features within ACH Universal may not be compatible with this format.
Setting or engaging features not documented on this page - may result in a
Secure Payment file no longer compatible with US Bank specifications.
U.S. Bank and the U.S. Bank logo are registered trademarks of U.S. Bank
Note: If a Canadian user wants to have the receiving bank in the US, you'll need
to create an IAT transaction - and these instructions can be found at ACH-IAT.
2. Click Next until you get to screen 5. Tip: At screen 2, you'll need to select
'Advanced' to continue.
Enter 'CA' for your Discretionary Data.
3. Click Next until you arrive at screen 7. Click on the far right tab Advanced >
Non-standard adjustments > Perform no verification of ABA numbers.
Click Finish.
4. Finally, RBC uses an embedded login record for security. Note: If you are
uploading to a correspondent bank, you might not need to include this.
As with all of the settings, consult with your banker.
To enter your login record, click on Settings > Transmission Options > Local
File > General > and enter the login record as shown below.
Click Close when finished.
You're all set. Of course, if you are working with a correspondent bank, and
they advise you to skip the login record (or other setting), as always - please
follow their specific instructions.
This page is for CitiDirect clients who are on the Global Electronic Customer
Delivery platform.
The format is also referred to as CitiDirect File Import (5.1 latest format), North
America – United States Flat File Import Specification.
If your Citibank account is not on the platform noted above - and it accepts a
standard ACH (a.k.a. NACHA) files - stop here and do not use this page.
ACH Universal™ creates both the ACH Credit and ACH Debit record formats
for CitiDirect.
All major functions of ACH Universal that are used to create ACH files, are also
available to create the CitiDirect files. This includes:
--Excel and csv file import, and profile-based import
--QuickBooks integration
--Email notification
--Security features including encryption, web and/or SSH transmission and
SQL Server support
--Automation - Software Integration Kit
--Bank accounts should be a one to one match to accounts within ACH
Universal. If you are using using multiple origination accounts, please create
an account within ACH Universal for each account, as our multiple origination
account format (stacking) is not applicable for this format.
--ACH-CTX is an EDI format, and this is not supported in the CitiDirect format.
How to create CitiDirect ACH Credits and ACH Debits for the
North American Global Platform
Should I enter any information within the ACH File Setup Wizard (7 screens)?
No, please leave the settings at their default settings - and any entries empty.
Sample Output
After you complete the process, your file will look like:
Click on the file - or on this link to open the file in Notepad - CitiDirect-ACH-
This section is to document code extensions for clients with whom Treasury
Software Support has been working with.
Do not enter any custom code unless you have been contacted by Treasury
Software support to do so.
Treasury Software cannot support the unauthorized use of custom codes for
clients other than those for which this code is intended for. 369
Do not enter this code unless you have been contacted by Treasury
Software support.
There may be additional procedures, update routines and archiving processes
that run in the background which are not documented here.
Treasury Software cannot support the unauthorized use of custom codes for
clients other than those for which this code is intended for.
Next steps:
1. Download and install Treasury Software version 2016, build 606 or later from
2. Start Treasury Software. From the main menu select 'File' > 'New Account' >
'Add an Existing Account' to your catalog and select the .BRD (account) file to
add to your catalog. Allow the software to update the account(s) if prompted.
Repeat this step for each .BRD (account) file. Enter your new license codes.
In QuickBooks
4. Enter into the account in QuickBooks you'll be using. Enter into the Vendor
Center and select any vendor and edit that vendor. Select Additional Info tab >
Define Fields. Create the two additional fields for vendors (and make sure that
you check the box to display):
Email P1
Email P2
Save your work. When finished it should look like the image below.
Let's now move your email addresses from Alt Email 1 to the fields Email P1
(and Email P2 for overflow).
Add the Alt Email 1 field to the report by clicking on Customize Report >
checking Alt. Email 1.
6. Save this report to Excel. Note that you will have a column header titled
Setup is complete. Use the software as usual. When emailing ACH remittance
emails, the system will use the address in Email P1 (and Email P2) as rollover.
Why are there two fields Email P1 and Email P2?
There are length limitations within QuickBooks, and any emails too long will roll
to the next field.
During the email process the system simply concatenates the two fields.
1.13.14 FAQ's
This section has a number of common questions that are asked and we
answer. How do I change the effective date on something I just imported?
If you want to change the effective date on something you just imported follow the steps
2. Select the records you want to change the effective date. To select the row select
where the red arrow is pointing.
3. Select the change date icon this will allow for you to select a new effective date.
5. Select the Home icon to take you back to the main screen to finish importing your
7. Select Create ACH File and your file will be ready to go to the bank. How to I create a balanced file or offset record or have debits equal credits?
To create a offset record which is also known as having your file balanced can
be done by following the setups below.
From the top menu select the 'Home' the select 'ACH Setup'
First you will want to Enable the offset record, see the red arrow.
Input your bank's Routing number and your Account number then if you want put in
your Company name.
1. Select the Delete Entire Import icon on the Home tab main menu bar.
3. Once the import is selected look for a red X to delete that import.
1. Select the QuickBooks integration button from the main tool bar.
3. Don't panic the next screen you will be show any transaction.
4. When you remove the check mark next to Hide transactions already process
(see red arrow) your transactions will re-appear.
5. Click and high-lite the transaction you want to re-import and select the Send
(over-ride) button.
1. Have you done all your QuickBooks updates? To verify this let's take a look
at QuickBooks under the Help menu and select Update QuickBooks.
2. When the Update QuickBooks box opens select the Update Now tab and
scroll down the list and see if anything needs to be updated. If it does select
Get Update (see the red arrows) ** One thing to note if you do not have ADMIN
privileges you will not be able to do this, so you will want to contact your IT
3. If there are updates please complete the Update process and exit out of
QuickBooks and Treasury Software then re-enter both applications and try
connecting again.
4. If there are no updates or doing the updates does not resolve your issue you
will need to remove the Treasury Software certificate from QuickBooks and add
the certificate back into QuickBooks. To do this you will need to be logged into
QuickBooks as Admin and in Single User Mode.
5. Once you are logged in as Admin and Single User Mode you will need to
select Edit then Preferences.
8. Then you will see that Treasury Software certificate is gone. Once it is gone
you can select OK.
9. Exit QuickBooks and Treasury Software, then open Treasury Software and
open QuickBooks and make sure you login as the ADMIN in Single User Mode.
Now we are going to add the Treasury Software certificate back into
10. While is Treasury Software you will want to make sure you are in your
account that you want to integrate with QuickBooks. Inside of Treasury
Software select QuickBooks from the main menu, then select QuickBooks
11. Look down in your task bar at your QuickBooks icon it should be flashing.
If it is flashing please select it.
12. When you open QuickBooks certificate should be open. You will want to
select the 3rd option ( Yes, whenever this QuickBooks company file is open).
Then select Continue!
13. Then you will want to select DONE on the Access Confirmation page.
14. Then the QuickBook Integration Wizard will start up. You will want to
select Next on this page.
15. Then select your account you wish to use, then select Next.
16. The on this next screen you won't need to change because you have
already populated your fields. All you need to do is select Next.
18. If you are able to successfully re-connect you should see your data being
If you have done all these steps and you are still unable to connect your
QuickBooks back to Treasury Software please contact us at: Contact Support!
From the main menu select QuickBooks the select QuickBooks Integration.
Then you need to select the the Utilities tab and then make sure the Prenote
tab is selected.
Then you will want to select which item you want to send a pre-note for, either
Customers, Employees or Vendors. Now you can send one group or all 3, it is
up to you. Once you make your choice select Display List.
Select the Name you want to send the pre-note for, see the red arrow in the
example. Then select Send pre-notes to ACH Universal button.
Once you select Send pre-notes to ACH Universal your file is created and you
can send it to the bank. (See the example of what a pre-note will look like) I was able to get into my software yesterday but today I am getting an error?
Were you able to get into your ACH Universal software yesterday and today you
are having trouble. First you need to know is there an error occurring? If so
does it read something like this example below?
If you are running the ACH Universal Desktop version of our software you may
have a corrupt database. You can easily fix this issue by restoring a backup
copy of your database.
2. Then you will need select which database you want to restore, (see the
red arrow) and then select Display Backups.
3. Choose a date you want to restore from, (see the red arrow) and then select
( *** NOTE: If you are using PROFILES you may have to re-create those who
use inserted since the restore date.)
4. Once you select Restore the next screen opens all you have to do is select
5. This next screen will ask you if your file was restored properly?
6. Open Treasury Software and see if you are able to get into your database. If
you are not able to get into your database please contact support at: Contact
Support How can I see the full account number in my report?
Do you want to see the full account number when pulling a report? That can be
done by following the steps below:
This will open the Import, Systems Options page. On this page select the
Custom tab.
Enter in the custom code technical support supplied you into the System Entry
2, then select Refresh, then select OK and then Close.
Then exit out of the software and then restart. Then select the report you want
to see the full account number. Then select View, (see RED box)
*** Now one thing to note, we do not recommend keeping this custom code active. We
recommend you remove it once you are done with your report because of security issues.
1st did you contact your bank and see how they wanted you to get the file to
Your bank determines the method on how the file can be sent to them. See the
image below on the different methods that ACH Universal has to offer, but
again your bank is the one that determines it:
2nd if the bank wants you to upload the file to them did you log into the banks
web site and upload the file?
If you did not log instructions from the bank regarding logging into your bank
site you need to contact them directly. They are the ones who can assist you
through this process. We do not have ID's or password's from the bank.
If so tell us what the error is by filling out a ticket through our web site at:
Contact support
Make sure you supply us a screen shot of what the error is, that way we can
quickly diagnose the issue. Sometimes the error is a bank error and we will be
happy to point you in the right direction to resolve any types of errors. To
capture a screen shot from your PC you can utilize the key board stocks of
CTRL PRTSCRN and then paste the error in a document and send that to us
though our ticketing system on our site.
4th if you get an error using the automated system SSH-FTP send a screen
shot of the error and we will assist you with resolving this issue.
You can enter a 'custom code' and this will force all batches to have a 200 (5200 )
To enter the custom code, please see the attached screen shot - and enter code:
From the program home page, click ACH Setup > then navigate through the
wizard to screen 5 of 7.
Upon saving your work on the Maintain Company ID's page, you will return to
the ACH Setup Wizard.
Click Next, Next, Finish to save your work in the wizard.
Now go ahead and import your data and create a file - it will automatically
assign the correct company ID's.
1.14 Utilities
This is a catch all for the various utilities included in all modules.
Please note that not all utilities will be listed, as this listing may be limited to
your license level.
Use these instructions to create a BAI 2 formatted file from any any imported file
- such as Excel, a comma delimited (csv) file or tab delimited file.
Set options:
Please enter your identifying information, as well as your client's.
--This can alphanumerical data - it is not limited to the ABA number.
--SAP and Oracle users - you can enter your Company ID - or any thing you
want for the bank book here.
3. Map the fields of the file that you are importing (perform only
a. Click on the Import Wizard, and select the file containing your transactions.
The file format can be Excel, comma delimited (csv), tab delimited or any other
format that is supported.
Amount note:
(Rare) If you are not using the default BAI codes in setup, but instead you are
including them - in your source Excel or csv file - and Mapping them as 'BAI
Code' - make sure that all of your amounts in the file are absolute (positive).
Why? The BAI Code if mapped, will change the signs of the amounts to
represent debits/credits.
--The import file can contain one or multiple account numbers. However, if you
need to create BAI files for more than one recipient (ie. if you are a bank and
have multiple clients), you will need to create a new account/database (File >
New Account > Create) for each client.
Access the BAI options window as usual. There are now three tabs to work
General tab
New features:
Default account number. If not imported, the system will use the number here.
Note: If no number is imported, and a value is not set, the system will default to
Advanced Tab
New features:
Include 100 and 400 segments in the 03 account record. The system will
automatically calculate the amount values.
Currency code for the 03 account record. Note: Only enter this value for
currencies other than USD. Reminder, the value should be three characters.
New features:
Include 010 and 015 segments in the 03 account record.
Include 010 and Amount if amount <> $0. If amount = $0, then display 010, but
suppress amount
Always include both.
Remember - these amounts must be included with the import file - see
The system cannot calculate the opening and closing balances. These
amounts must be imported into the system.
Enter the beginning and ending value on at least one record for each 03 record.
If you put different non-zero amounts on different lines within the same 03
grouping, the system will take the last value (not necessarily in your order -
never a good idea).
16,399,336375,Z,,,Fort Lauderdale/
16,399,262575,Z,,,Boca Raton/
16,399,186250,Z,,,Palm Beach/
16,399,167775,Z,,,Atlanta - Downtown/
SAP Compliance
Using the above features will enable your file to fulfill the requirement for SAP.
ACH2Excel is a utility included with ACH Universal used to convert an ACH file to an Excel spreadsheet
(.xls). You can use it through ACH Universal or through the command line.
From the main menu, select File, then ACH File Conversion. You will see Figure 1 (below).
To do a quick conversion, click Done. This will convert the file and load it in Excel (as a csv value).
To specify file output options, click Output to open the Output tab (Figure 2 below).
To output the conversion to a specific click, enable the Output to 'csv' file located in the directory
checkbox, then click the button to browse to the appropriate directory.
To import the converted file into ACH Universal for further processing (such as an ACH Return File for
Returns), enable the checkbox.
Syntax Example
If Treasury Desktop was installed in the default location:
Turn on/off appropriate settings. From the main menu 'File', 'ACH File Conversion', 'Output' tab -
unselect open in Excel afterwards.
If processing simultaneous command line requests, use different accounts (Sample1, Sample2, etc...)
to minimize any record locking issues. If this is not an alternative, consider processing sequentially, or
using our Control Panel.
For Web and Citrix based applications, please contact a Treasury Software support representative.
1.14.3 ACH Edit
ACH Edit™
ACH Edit is a utility within ACH Universal Processor edition, which enables
users to edit and then recreate ACH files. Transactions can be:
1. Import ACH files
Start the Import Wizard using the bottom half of the Import Transactions button
and selecting Import ACH file.
The Wizard will walk you through several screens including the Mapping
window. Do not change any of the mappings.
Once you've displayed the records, you can add, edit and delete.
Select the record, then click 'Edit Record'
--This feature requires the Processor edition of ACH Universal.
--The import and file creation process can be automated with the included
Software Integration Kit.
--Dates can be updated for multiple records using the 'Change Dates' icon on
the Reports toolbar. To use the current default date, unmap the 'Date' field
from Field 1 in the import wizard.
The Notification of Change Merge Utility enables users to Import an ACH file
and generate Notification of Change transactions for each record which has the
old ABA number.
The Notification of Change (COR) entry will contain the new ABA number as
the corrected data, as well as 'C02' (Updated ABA number) as the NOC code.
After the Notification of Change transactions are created, you can create an
ACH file to send, just like any other ACH file.
--Transactions in the ACH file which do not have the old ABA number are
--This utility is only available in the Banking Edition
Note: If you did not select 'Yes' in the step above, simply select File > ACH
Setup to start the wizard.
Import ACH file received
Import your ACH file received from the Federal Reserve Bank (or other
processor) from the main menu at Import > ACH File > ACH File.
Note: The count on the creation page is for all transactions in the file, not just
the NOC transactions.
Done - Congratulations!
1.14.5 BAI-2-Excel Batch Processing
BAI-2-Excel Batch Processing
Use this page if you want to convert many BAI files to comma delimited (csv)
Using the same conversion engine, the process takes one BAI file and converts
it to:
--a csv file containing the transactional information
Initial Setup
1. Copy the BAI files that you have downloaded from your bank (or any
other source) to a folder on your computer or network.
Our suggestion is to copy only one or two files into this folder during testing.
3. Setup
Once you've confirmed that you are in a Bank Positive Pay account, select BAI
Utilities from the Home tab.
4. Create a Desktop Shortcut with the parameters that you saved in the
step above
For step-by-step instructions on creating the shortcut, see:
Place the source BAI files in your source folder. Click on the desktop icon.
In the output folder, you should see two (detail and summary/status) csv files for
each BAI file.
Merge ACH Files quickly and automatically with Treasury Software's ACH-Merge.
The source / individual files can be from any system or bank, they do not have to be
from ACH Universal.
ACH Merge associates key batch information with each record, enabling you to
recreate the transactions - and their batch header records - exactly as they were.
This is not simply a stitch and copy utility.
1. Click on ACH File Setup Wizard and enter the information for the file header if
you haven't done so already. This information will be used to create the '1' File
Header and '9' File Control/Footer record.
4. Note the location as to where you want the consolidated ACH file to be created.
5. Click Merge.
Note: The software may minimize into a background operation during this process.
This is normal and to be expected.
7. Reporting
--a. Activity Receipt Reporting - File level
--b. Unimportable Records report - record level
--c. Import Logs and Transmittal Logs
Why would a file show as 'False' (skipped / not included in the consolidated file)?
The system will import only ACH files in conformity to NACHA standards. Non-
standard ACH files may have transactions excluded - or even skipped in their
entirety (depending on the issue) - from the consolidated file.
To turn on the activity receipt, select the main menu Automation tab* > Software
Integration Kit > scroll down to ACH Merge (Group 16) and highlight the row. Click
on Add/edit. In the popup window, select the Reports tab and fill in as needed.
* If you are still testing in the Sample account, use the 'Samples' tab as opposed to
the 'Automation' tab.
--Do not use the 'Unimportable Records - Last Import' report, as this will only provide
you with information from the last individual source file.
--The 'Unimportable Records' report will only contain records from importable files
('Success') which may have been filtered out. Records from files that failed the
import process, such as Excel files, or defective ACH files, etc... will not be listed.
How do I edit/delete some of the records after importing the ACH Files, but before
creating the consolidated file?
You will not use the ACH-Merge automation utility, but instead import the ACH files
using through the main interface.
Then you can edit/delete the records.
When completed, you can create the consolidated file from the Create ACH file
Note: If the batch headers (5 records) all contain the same company and ID
information, you can perform this with an ACH Universal Corporate license.
However, if the company and ID information is different, you will need an ACH
Universal Processor license.
ACH Merge isn't merging a file. Why not?
Please confirm that your file is in a valid text format by opening it in Notepad or
similar application.
Once loaded, click File > Save As and confirm that the Encoding is set to ANSI. If it
is not in the correct encoding, contact the entity that provided you with the file.
If the file is in a proper text (ANSI) file, test the file using our ACH-2-Excel utility.
From the Home tab, select 'ACH-2-Excel' and select the file. As ACH Merge uses the
same parsing engine as ACH-2-Excel - if the file cannot be parsed, it cannot be
Note: A poorly formatted transaction not adhering to NACHA standards may
invalidate the entire file. Contact the entity that provided you with the file.
If you imported an ACH file manually - not through the wizard/automation, please
check the mapping template used during the import process. You can also run an
Untransmitted Records report to review the records which have been imported, but
not yet included in a file.
Of course, please contact our support team at any point if you are unable to
complete the ACH Merge process.
ACH Universal supports the CPA Standard 005 format, which is accepted
by all major Canadian banks.
Please note that this format differs from US-based NACHA (ACH) formats.
Canadian vs US processes
Unless noted otherwise, all processes are the same for the two formats.
Please follow the same instructions and videos as the NACHA format.
All major functions of ACH Universal that are used to create US-based files, are
also available to create Canadian based files. This includes:
--Excel and csv file import, and profile-based import
--QuickBooks integration
--Email notification
--Security features including encryption, web and/or SSH transmission and
SQL Server support
--Automation - Software Integration Kit
--The CPA005 standard is a one account standard, therefore our multiple
origination account format is not applicable.
--The CPA005 does not include a checking / savings account indicator.
Therefore, you do not need to map / include this field.
--The CPA005 does not support EDI (ACH-CTX).
Supported banks:
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Toronto Dominion (TD)
Bank of Montreal (BMO)
and all other Canadian Banks accepting the CPA 005 1464 byte file format
1.15.1 Setup
--It is very unusual for you to need to adjust the settings in the 'Bank and Over-
ride codes' section.
--Enter a short (abbreviated up to 15 characters) company name as well as a
long company name ( up to 30 characters) - as either may be displayed on the
other party's bank statement.
Should I enter any information within the ACH File Setup Wizard (7 screens)?
No, please leave the settings at their default settings - and any entries empty.
First time creating a file to be sent to the bank - any special settings?
Yes, please enter the following into the 'Over-ride for the File Creation Number'
TD, enter '0001'
BMO, enter '0001'
After you've created the files for the above scenarios, delete the entry from the
'Over-ride for the File Creation Number' field.
Deleting records 52
-D- Mapping fields 57
Dates Multiple Origination Accounts 248
Embedded 461 Multi-user platform 460
Non-standard 461
Deleting entire imports 51
Add 48
-N- Delete 52
Edit 53
NOC - Notification of Change 573
Transmit file to the bank 37
Transmsision Header record 104
-O- Tutorials 9
TXP 126
Offset records 75
-P- -U-
Updates 465
PPD 456
Pre-notes (Prenotification) 76
Prenotification -V-
set default Debit or Credit 27
Videos 9
Processor - Multiple Accounts 248
Create 61
Missing 66
Remote Desktop 244
Reports 202
Return Files 173
Reversals 88
Scheduler 241
SEC Code
Change default 458
SEC Codes 446
CTX 449
Security 411
Security record 104
Share database 460
Sign-on record 104
Software Integration Kit (SIK) 209
SSH 111
Tax payments 126
Terminal Services 244
Third Party Origination 248