EJC Econs N2023 H2 EQ6 - Students
EJC Econs N2023 H2 EQ6 - Students
EJC Econs N2023 H2 EQ6 - Students
The use of expansionary demand-side policies designed to achieve economic growth or to lower
unemployment may lead to undesirable consequences.
(a) Explain why expansionary fiscal policy designed to achieve economic growth or lower
unemployment may lead to undesirable consequences. [10]
(b) Discuss whether expansionary supply-side policies would be effective in achieving the
macroeconomic policy aims for an economy. [15]
Suggested Response
• Economic growth refers to the rate at which an economy’s real national income/output
increases over a period of time.
• Lower unemployment refers to a fall in the proportion of the labor force that is unemployed.
The two undesirable consequences are demand-pull inflation and crowding out effect.
Mark Scheme
Band Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis Marks
L3 For an answer that shows well-developed explanation of the concepts of 8-10
demand-pull inflation and crowding out.
L2 For an answer that shows under-developed analysis of the undesirable 5-7
• lacks details in analytical explanation (i.e., limited use of AD/AS analysis,
gaps in demand-pull inflation analysis or gaps in diagrammatic analysis)
(b) Discuss whether expansionary supply-side policies would be effective in achieving the
macroeconomic policy aims for an economy. [15]
Suggested Response
• The selected macroeconomic policy aims for an economy in this discussion are inclusive and
sustainable growth and low unemployment
• (other macroeconomic policy aims ie low inflation, healthy BOT are acceptable)
• Expansionary supply-side policies can achieve sustainable growth via Innovation / promotion
of green technology eg solar energy that help reduce carbon emissions/ global warming.
Rising productivity also means getting more out of existing resources so fewer resources are
• Limitations:
o Policy conflict / trade- off: Improving productivity through automation to achieve potential
growth may result in structural unemployment if low- skilled workers don't have relevant
skills so unable to find employment in high- skilled jobs.
Summative Evaluation
• Stand: In conclusion, expansionary supply-side policies can achieve the macroeconomic
policy aims of inclusive and sustained growth and low unemployment by increasing the
economy’s LRAS primarily and increasing factor mobility in the long run.
• Justification: Expansionary supply-side policies are effective especially in the context of
globalisation and technological advancement. Globalisation and technological disruption are
some of the root causes of higher structural unemployment and widening income inequality.
Moreover, many developed countries have been experiencing stagnant LRAS as productivity
suffers, hence supply-side polices are appropriate to achieve sustained growth which is
prerequisite for inclusive / sustainable growth.
• Recommendation: However, in the short run, expansionary demand-management policies
are more effective because the policies can respond quickly to a fall in the aggregate demand
as evident in the Covid pandemic recession.
Mark Scheme
Band Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis Marks
L3 For an answer that shows well-developed and well-balanced explanation of how 8-10
expansionary supply-side policies achieve the two policy aims
• well-supported with diagrammatic analysis (AD/AS diagram)
L2 For an answer that shows under-developed explanation (i.e. limited effective use 5-7
of relevant economic analysis or gaps in diagrammatic analysis);