Level 3 GW 06b-1729878161878
Level 3 GW 06b-1729878161878
Level 3 GW 06b-1729878161878
Level 3 Unit 6b
Future forms: going to, will, and present continuous
1 Look at the pictures and write sentences. Use going to, will, or the present continuous.
1 I’m going to pay for it. 2 I’m going to have a 3 I’ll help you.
I’ll pay for it. ✓ vacation in Florida! I’m going to help you.
I’ll have a vacation in Florida.
4 I’ll be a doctor like my father. 5 I’ll get it. 6 I’ll have a party tonight.
I’m going to be a doctor like I’m going to get it. I’m going to have a party
my father. tonight.
4 Complete the sentences with I’m going to or I think I’ll.
1 I’m going to see Real Madrid play AC Milan: I’ve got tickets.
2 The sun’s come out. I'll go to the beach.
3 I’ve sold my car. I’m going to buy a new one.
4 It’s getting dark. I'll turn on the light.
5 I’m going to Tokyo for six months. study Japanese.