Chapter 3 - Living in The IT Era
Chapter 3 - Living in The IT Era
Chapter 3 - Living in The IT Era
When the old generation think about the news, they think of the old ways of how they come to be
updated with the news. It may be through the radio, the newspaper, and the good old-fashioned
televisions; but with the innovations of today's generation, millennials now have different ways to
consume and get updated with the news.
About eighty-five percent (85%) of the millennials say that they are updated with the latest news.
A number that people consider staggering knowing that people actually blame the millennials for
the death of the newspaper.
Nature of Knowledge: It asks us to consider what constitutes knowledge. What differentiates knowledge
from mere belief or opinion? How can we be certain that what we claim to know is actually true?
Sources of Knowledge: This question prompts us to examine where our knowledge comes from. It
includes evaluating the reliability of different sources, such as sensory experience, reason, memory, and
testimony. Are these sources trustworthy, and how do we verify their accuracy?
Justification: It explores how we justify our beliefs. What evidence or reasoning supports our claims to
knowledge? How do we distinguish between well-supported beliefs and those that are unfounded?
Limits of Knowledge: It encourages us to consider the boundaries of what we can know. Are there things
that are inherently unknowable? How do we deal with uncertainty and ignorance?
Critical Thinking: This question underscores the importance of critical thinking and skepticism. It invites
us to question our assumptions and to be open to revising our beliefs in light of new evidence or
1. Expert Knowledge - acquired by those who study and read scientific papers conducted
and examined findings from studies, and those who earned their advanced degrees. They
are people who are called in for advice on their respective subject of study.
2. 'Wiki" Knowledge - most millennials know about wiki or Wikipedia, a website on internet
which allows its users collaboratively modify the content of some topic and structure
directly from their web browser. But since contributors are not experts in these, the "wiki
knowledge obtained does not provide conclusive evidence.
The internet can be a helpful tool to its users but it can also lead to misinformation. Users must
not forget that there are designated experts in each field that had allotted time and expert to gain
reliable knowledge on their subject of study. An example of this is someone who would search the
symptoms that they are suffering from in the internet instead of going to the doctor and get
checked up. This may lead to misdiagnose and overthinking. Users must remember that not
everything you see in the internet is true and that we need to consult experts for their opinions.
Video: Video media sharing sites allow users to upload videos for
free such as YouTube. YouTube has a massive audience
worldwide, some of the celebrities Internationally or locally have
their own YouTube channels.
Informational networks provide assistance and guidance 4. to
people in need and answer what the users need to their everyday
problems. Examples: The Nature Conservancy, and Do-It-Yourself
This network's purpose is to provide interaction for students to
students, students to teacher, or teacher to teacher, and create a
working forum where they can collaborate based on school related
tasks and projects. Examples: Canvas, School Blogs, and The Math
For research and thesis use, academic network provides a workspace wherein they can share previous
researches for the people to view it in Public and create beneficial for oneself.
Example:, and Research Gate
Anyone can easily interact with one another internationally because of the connectivity it offers globally .
Interest can be found in any category of website so users can easily find hobbies to consume their time
The information can be shared instantly, saving time for research and study intentions expressed from the
Advertising grosses high profit that can be put up in any websites.
Speed that technology can offer are now boundless.
Network Theory in social media analyzes research according to how people individually, from certain groups
and organizations interact with one another by the use of social network. Discovering and understanding the
process of the theory starts with the element which is larger, narrowing down to the smallest element
Feel dissatisfied with who they are. Attack the victims where
they are most vulnerable.
Feel angry and vengeful. The victims feel angry about what is
happening to them.
Feel ill. The victims can have ill like stomach ulcers and skin
53% Adult from 18 years old and above
47% Minor from 17 years old and below
57% are female
43% are male.