Assignment C++

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Programming in Modern C++: Assignment Week 0

Total Marks : 30

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur 721302,

June 14, 2024

Question 1
Consider the below code snippet. [MCQ, Marks 2]
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

typedef double num[3];

num array[5] = {1,2,3,4,5,6}; // LINE-1

printf("%u", sizeof(array));

printf(" %.2f", array[1][1]);

return 0;
What will be the output/error (sizeof(double) = 8 bytes)?
a) 40 2.00

b) 120 5.00

c) 120 2.00

d) Compilation error at LINE-1

Answer: b)
typedef is a keyword used in C language to assign alternative names to existing data types.
Here, num array[5] is equivalent to double array[5][3]. So, sizeof(array) = 5 * 3 * 8 =
120 bytes.
The structure of array looks like array[5][3] = {{1.00, 2.00, 3.00}, {4.00, 5.00,
6.00}, {0.00, 0.00, 0.00}, {0.00, 0.00, 0.00}, {0.00, 0.00, 0.00}}.
Hence, array[1][1] gives output 5.00.

Note: Default initialization of the array element is 0.00 though it varies from compiler to

Question 2
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <stdio.h>

enum Covid_prevention {
Sanitizer = 1,
Wear_mask = 2,
Soc_distance = 4

int main() {
int myCovidPrevention = Wear_mask | Soc_distance;

printf("%d", myCovidPrevention);

return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 2

b) 4

c) 6

d) 8

Answer: c)
The enum value Wear mask and Soc distance are assigned with a bitwise OR (The pipe
symbol, |) operator to the integer variable myCovidPrevention. So value of Wear mask |
Soc distance = 2 | 4 = 000010 | 000100 = 000110 = 6.

Note that, int is of 4 bytes though we are considering the right most six bits for calculation
and ignore all zeros in the left.

Question 3
Consider the below program. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int x = 1;
case x:
printf("case 1 ");
case x + 1;
printf("case 2 ");
printf("default block");
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) case 1

b) case 2

c) default block

d) Compilation error: ’x’ expected to be an integer or a character constant

Answer: d)
The case statement accepts only an int or char constant expression. As the case statement
is having variable i.e. not constant expression, the program will give compilation error.

Question 4
Consider the following linked list: [MCQ, Marks 2]

I -> I -> T -> K -> G -> P

What is the output of the following function when it is called with the head of the list?

void fun(struct node* start) {

if (start == NULL)
printf("%c ", start->data); // Considering data is of ’char’ type
if (start->next != NULL)
printf("%c ", start->data);

a) I T G I G

b) I T G G

c) I T G G T I

d) I T G I T G

Answer: c)
fun() prints alternate nodes of the given Linked List, first from head to end, and then from
end to head. If the Linked List has an even number of nodes, then skips the last node.

Question 5
A single array A[1..MAXSIZE] is used to implement two stacks. The two stacks grow from
opposite ends of the array. Variables t1 and t2 (tl < t2) point to the location of the topmost
element in each of the stacks. If the space is to be used efficiently, the condition for stack full
is: [MCQ, Marks 2]

a) (t1 = MAXSIZE/2) and (t2 = MAXSIZE/2+1)

b) t1 + t2 = MAXSIZE

c) (t1 = MAXSIZE/2) or (t2 = MAXSIZE)

d) t1 = t2 - 1

Answer: d)
If we are to use space efficiently, then the size of the any stack can be more than MAXSIZE/2.
Both stacks will grow from both ends and if any of the stack top reaches near to the other top
then the stacks are full. So the condition will be t1 = t2 -1 (given that t1 ≤ t2)

Question 6
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

void fun(Queue *que) {

Stack Stk;

while (!isEmpty(que)) {
push(&Stk, deQueue(que));

while (!isEmpty(&Stk)) {
enQueue(que, pop(&Stk));

where push and pop are two standard functionalities of stack data structure. Similarly, enQueue
and deQueue are two standard functionalities of queue data structure to insert and delete the
items respectively. And isEmpty checks if the stack or the queue is empty or not.

What does the above function do?

a) Remove the last element from que

b) Reverse the elements in the que

c) Keeps the que unchanged

d) Makes que empty

Answer: b)
The function takes a queue que as an argument. It dequeues all items of que and pushes them
to a stack Stk. Then pops all items of Stk and enqueues the items back to que. Since stack is
LIFO order, all items of queue are reversed.

Question 7
Consider the below code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int x = 1;
int y;

y = (x=x+5, x*5);


return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 25

b) 30

c) 6

d) 5

Answer: b)
Comma operator evaluates multiple expressions from left to right. The value of rightmost
(x*5) expression is assigned to y. Here first x=x+5 will be evaluated and make the value of x
as 6. Then second expression x*5 will be evaluated and 6*5=30 will be assigned to y.

Question 8
Consider a three-dimensional array arr[5][10][20]. An element from this array can be
represented as arr[i][j][k] where 0 ≤ i ≤ 4, 0 ≤ j ≤ 9 and 0 ≤ k ≤ 19. How can you write
arr[2][6][10] in an equivalent pointer expression? [MSQ, Marks 2]

a) ((**(*a+2)+6)+10)

b) (**(*(a+2)+6)+10)

c) (*(**(a+2)+6)+10)

d) *(*(*(a+2)+6)+10)

Answer: d)
C represents an array as row-major. As a multidimensional array is stored in one dimensional
fashion in memory, the innermost index is the slowest to change. Hence, the equivalent pointer
which points to the element arr[i][j][k] is *(*(*(a+i)+j)+k). Hence, the correct option
is d).

Question 9
Consider the code segment below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int *p, n = 5;
p = &n;
*p += 1;

printf("%d,%d", *p, n);

return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 5,5

b) 5,6

c) 6,5

d) 6,6

Answer: d)
The address of variable n is assigned to the pointer variable p. So, whatever changes are done
in pointer variable will be reflected to n. The value of *p is incremented by 1. So, the value of
n will also be incremented by 1. Hence, output will be 6,6.

Question 10
Consider the code segment below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <stdio.h>

struct result {
char subject[20];
int mark;

int main() {
struct result r[] = {
printf("%s ", r[1].subject);
printf("%d", (*(r+2)).mark);

return 0;

What will be the output?

a) Science 80

b) Science 93

c) English 80

d) English 93

Answer: a)
r is an array variable of structure result type. The first print statement will print subject
value of the second array item. Similarly, the second print statement will print mark value of
the third array element. Hence, the correct option is a).

Question 11
Consider the code segment below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <stdio.h>

void teller1(char* msg) {

printf("teller1: %s\n", msg);
void teller2(char* msg) {
printf("teller2: %s\n", msg);
void teller3(char* msg) {
printf("teller3: %s\n", msg);

__________________________ // LINE-1
void caller(char *msg, F_PTR fp) {

int main() {
caller("Hello", &teller1);
caller("Hi", &teller2);
caller("Good Morning", &teller3);

return 0;

Identify the correct option to fill in the blank at LINE-1, such that the output is:

teller1: Hello
teller2: Hi
teller3: Good Morning

a) void (*F PTR)(char*);

b) typedef void (*F PTR)(char*);

c) void *F PTR(char*);

d) typedef void (*f ptr)(char*) F PTR;

Answer: b)
Since F PTR is the name of the function pointer, we need to define it with typedef. Thus, the
correct option is b).

Question 12
Consider the code segment below. [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int array[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
int *ip, i;

for(ip = array + 4, i = 0; i < 5; i++)

printf("%d ", ________); // LINE-1

return 0;

Identify the correct option/s to fill in the blank at LINE-1, such that the output is:

50 40 30 20 10

a) -i[ip]

b) ip[-i]

c) -ip[i]

d) (-i)[ip]

Answer: b), d)
-i[ip] is equivalent to -*(i + ip), which prints -50 followed by 4 garbage values. So it is
wrong option.
ip[-i] is equivalent to *(ip - i), which prints 50 40 30 20 10.
-ip[i] is equivalent to -*(i + ip), which prints -50 followed by 4 garbage values. So it is
wrong option.
(-i)[ip] is equivalent to *(-i + ip), which prints 50 40 30 20 10.

Question 13
Consider the code segment below. [MCQ, Marks 2]
Assume that the sizeof(int) = 4

#include <stdio.h>

union uData {
int a;
int b;

struct sData {
union uData c;
int d;

int main() {
struct sData da = {10, 20};

printf("%ld ", sizeof(da));

printf("%d %d %d", da.c.a, da.c.b, da.d);

return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 8 10 10 20

b) 16 10 20 <garbage-value>

c) 16 10 <garbage-value> 20

d) 8 10 <garbage-value> 20

Answer: a)
sizeof(union uData) = 4, since the size of a union is same as the size of the largest element
of the union
Thus, the sizeof(da) = sizeof(struct sData) = sizeof(union uData) + sizeof(d) =
sizeof(union uData) + sizeof(int) = 8.
10 is intialized to the union data member. Hence, both union data member will hold 10 when
accessed. Hence, da.c.a = 10, da.c.b = 10 and da.d = 20.

Question 14
Consider the code segment below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int x = 8, y, z;

y = --x;
z = x--;

printf("%d %d %d", x, y, z);

return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 8 7 7

b) 8 7 6

c) 6 7 7

d) 6 7 6

Answer: c)
The first expression is y = --x; so, x becomes 7 because of pre-decrement operator and value
of y = 7. in the next step, the post decrement operator is applied on x. So, current value of
x is assigned to z (z = 7) then x decremented by 1 (x = 6). Hence, final values will be x=6,
y=7 and z=7.

Question 15
Consider the code segment below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int p = 5, q = 6;

printf("%d ", ++(p+q+5));

return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) 35

b) 36

c) 41

d) Compilation error: lvalue required as increment operand

Answer: d)
The operand of unary operator (increment / decrement) must be a variable, not a constant or
expression. In our case, unary increment operator is applied on expression p+q+5 which throws
a compilation error.

Programming in Modern C++: Assignment Week 1
Total Marks : 25

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302

June 25, 2024

Question 1
Consider the following program. [MCQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
string message = "Good Morning World";
_________________; // LINE-1
cout << message;
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output is Good Morning.

a) message.resize(12)

b) message.clear()

c) message.replace(0, 12, "Good Morning")

d) strcpy(message, "Good Morning")

Answer: a)
message.resize(12) function resizes the string to the length of 12, leaving Good Morning.
message.clear() function erases the contents of the string, leaving it empty.
message.replace(0, 12, "Good Morning") function replaces the first 12 characters of the
string with "Good Morning", but since the first 12 characters are already “Good Morning”, it
does not change the string.
strcpy(message, "Good Morning") function gives a compilation error as strcpy can only be
applied to C-strings, not C++ strings.
Hence, the correct option is a).

Question 2
Consider the following code segment. [MSQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

bool compare(int i, int j) {

return (i < j);

int main() {
int arr[] = {9, 4, 2, 8, 6, 3, 1};
sort(_______________________); // LINE-1

for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)

cout << arr[i] << " ";
return 0;

Identify the appropriate option(s) to fill in the blank at LINE-1, such that the output is:
2 4 9 8 6 3 1

a) &arr[0], &arr[0] + 3, compare

b) arr, arr + 3, compare

c) &arr[0], &arr[0] + 2, compare

d) arr, arr + 2, compare

Answer: a), b)
As the output suggests, the array arr needs to be sorted up to the 3rd element. Hence, the
sort function will take the first address of the array as the first argument and the address
of the fourth element (i.e., one past the third element) as the second argument. Hence, the
correct options are a) and b).

Question 3
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main () {
int values[] = {60, 25, 35, 15, 45};
sort (&values[1], &values[4]);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << values[i] << " ";
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 60 15 25 35 45

b) 60 25 15 35 45

c) 60 25 35 45 15

d) 60 25 35 15 45

Answer: a)
Since the call is sort(&values[1], &values[4]), it considers 3 elements of the array values[]
from the second element for sorting. Thus, it prints 60 15 25 35 45.

Question 4
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int numbers[6];
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
*(numbers + i) = (i + 1) * 10;
rotate(numbers, numbers + 5, numbers + 6);
rotate(numbers, numbers + 2, numbers + 5);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
cout << numbers[i] << " ";
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 10 20 30 40 50 60

b) 10 20 60 30 40 50

c) 60 30 40 50 10 20

d) 20 30 40 60 10 50

Answer: d)
The rotate(first, middle, last) function rotates the order of the elements in the range
[first, last), such that the element pointed to by middle becomes the new first element.
After the first rotation with rotate(numbers, numbers + 5, numbers + 6), the array be-
comes {60, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50}. After the second rotation with rotate(numbers, numbers +
2, numbers + 5), the array becomes {20, 30, 40, 60, 10, 50}. Hence, the output is 20 30 40
60 10 50.

Question 5
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const int size = 4, c = 100;
vector<int> vi(size, 5);
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
vi.push_back(c + i);
vi.resize(12, 99);
for (int i = 0; i < vi.size(); i++)
cout << vi[i] << " ";
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 5 5 5 5 101 102 103 99 99 99

b) 5 5 5 5 100 101 102 103 99 99

c) 5 5 5 5 101 102 103 99 99

d) 5 5 5 5 100 101 102 103 99 99 99 99

Answer: a)
Vectors are similar to dynamic arrays having the ability to resize themselves automatically
when an element is inserted or deleted, with their storage being handled automatically by the
container. The statements and the states of the vector are as follows:

• vector<int> vi(size, 5); creates a vector with initial values [‘5’, ‘5’, ‘5’, ‘5’],

• vi.push back(c + i); adds values [‘5’, ‘5’, ‘5’, ‘5’, ‘101’, ‘102’, ‘103’] (since 100 is the
value of ‘c’ and i varies from 1 to 3),

• vi.resize(12, 99); changes the vector to [‘5’, ‘5’, ‘5’, ‘5’, ‘101’, ‘102’, ‘103’, ‘99’, ‘99’,
‘99’, ‘99’, ‘99’],

• vi.resize(10); reduces the size to [‘5’, ‘5’, ‘5’, ‘5’, ‘101’, ‘102’, ‘103’, ‘99’, ‘99’, ‘99’].

Question 6
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
string str = "Programming";
str.erase(3, 5);
str.insert(3, "AB");
str.insert(5, "XYZ");
cout << str;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) ProABXYZing

b) ProABgXYZramming

c) ProABXYZmming

d) ProXYZABgramming

Answer: a)
The initial string is “Programming”. The erase(3, 5) function call removes 5 characters
starting from index 3, resulting in “Proing”. The insert(3, ‘‘AB") function call inserts
”AB” at index 3, resulting in “ProABing”. Finally, the insert(5, "XYZ") function call
inserts “XYZ” at index 5, resulting in “ProABXYZing”. Therefore, the correct output is

Question 7
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int array[] = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
int j = array[i];
replace(array, array + 5, j, *(_________________)); //LINE-1
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
cout << array[i] << " ";
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output is

50 20 30 40 50

a) array + 4 - i

b) array + 5 - i

c) array + i - 4

d) array + i - 5

Answer: a)
The statement: replace(array, array + 5, j, *(array + 4 - i)); replaces the first el-
ement (10) with the last element (50), resulting in the array 50 20 30 40 50. Hence, LINE-1
will be filled as array + 4 - i .

Question 8
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <stack>

using namespace std;

int main(){
char str[12] = "ABCDEFGHIJK";
stack<char> stack1, stack2;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < strlen(str)/2; i++)
for(i=i-1; i < strlen(str); i++)

while (!stack1.empty()) {
stack2.push(; stack1.pop();
while (!stack2.empty()) {
cout <<; stack2.pop();
return 0;

What will be the output?





Answer: a)
The stack stack1 stores {‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’} and the stack stack2 stores {‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’,
‘H’, ‘I’, ‘J’, ‘K’}. Then the elements of stack1 are also pushed into stack2 in the order {‘E’,
‘D’, ‘C’, ‘B’, ‘A’}. Thus, when we finally pop and print the elements from stack2, the output

Question 9
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

int x = 10;
const int *a = &x;
int * const b = &x;
int const *c = &x;
int const * const d = &x;

*a = 20; //STMT-1
*b = 20; //STMT-2
*c = 20; //STMT-3
*d = 20; //STMT-4

Which statement/statements is/are correct?

a) STMT-1

b) STMT-2

c) STMT-3

d) STMT-4

Answer: b)
In statement const int *a = &x;, for a the pointee is constant, hence *a cannot be modified.
So a) is incorrect.
In statement int const *c = &x;, again for c the pointee is constant, hence *c cannot be
modified. So c) is incorrect.
In statement int const * const d = &x;, for d the pointer and pointee both are constant,
hence *d cannot be modified. So d) is incorrect.
But in statement int * const b = &x;, for b the pointer is constant, but the pointee can be
modified. Hence, *b can be modified. So b) is the correct option.

Programming Questions

Question 1
Consider the program below.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 to declare a stack variable st.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 to push values into the stack.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-3 with the appropriate statement.

The program must satisfy the given test cases. Marks: 3

using namespace std;
int main() {
char input[20];
char character;
cin >> input;
________________; //LINE-1
for(int i = 0; i < strlen(input); i++)
_________________; //LINE-2
for(int i = 0; i < strlen(input); i++) {
character = _________; //LINE-3
cout << character;
return 0;

Public 1
Input: coding
Output: gnidoc

Public 2
Input: reverse
Output: esrever

Input: stack
Output: kcats

LINE-1: stack<char> st;
LINE-2: st.push(input[i]);
To reverse the input string using a stack, we need to declare a stack of characters at LINE-1 as
stack<char> st;. At LINE-2, we push each character of the input string into the stack using
st.push(input[i]);. At LINE-3, we retrieve and print the top element of the stack using;. We then pop the top element of the stack until the stack is empty, effectively
reversing the input string when printed.

Question 2
Consider the following program.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with the appropriate if statement,

• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 and LINE-3 with the appropriate return statements.

The program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3

using namespace std;
bool IsLonger(string str1, string str2){
if(___________) //LINE-1
_________________; //LINE-2
_______________; //LINE-3
int main(){
string str1, str2;
cin >> str1 >> str2;
cout << str1 << ", " << str2 << " : " << IsLonger(str1, str2);
return 0;

Public 1
Input: apple banana
Output: apple, banana : 0

Public 2
Input: notebook note
Output: notebook, note : 1

Input: open close
Output: open, close : 0

LINE-1: str1.length() > str2.length()
LINE-2: return true
LINE-3: return false
At LINE-1 the condition must be if(str1.length() > str2.length()), then at LINE-2
it will be return true;, otherwise it will be return false; at LINE-3. This ensures the
function returns true if the first string is longer than the second, and false otherwise.

Question 3
Consider the program below.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 to include the appropriate header file to utilize the abs()

• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 to compute the Manhattan distance between two points pt1
and pt2 as |pt1.y − pt2.y| + |pt1.x − pt2.x|.

The program must satisfy the given test cases. Marks: 3

#include <iostream>
__________________ //LINE-1
using namespace std;
struct Point{
int x, y;

double calculate_distance(Point pt1, Point pt2){

return _____________________; //LINE-2

int main() {
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
cin >> x1 >> y1 >> x2 >> y2;
Point pt1, pt2;
pt1.x = x1;
pt1.y = y1;
pt2.x = x2;
pt2.y = y2;
cout << calculate_distance(pt1, pt2);
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 2 5 3 8
Output: 4

Public 2
Input: 10 20 40 20
Output: 30

Input: 20 40 60 10
Output: 70

LINE-1: #include <cmath>
LINE-2: abs(pt1.x - pt2.x) + abs(pt1.y - pt2.y)
The C library math.h can be included in a C++ program as #include <cmath>.
At LINE-2, the formula to compute the Manhattan distance between two points can be imple-
mented as:
abs(pt1.x - pt2.x) + abs(pt1.y - pt2.y).

Programming in Modern C++: Assignment Week 2
Total Marks : 25

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302

July 15, 2024

Question 1
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
int n = 5;
int *const p = &n;
int m = 10;
p = &m; //LINE-1
cout << *p;
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) 5

b) 10

c) 0

d) Compilation Error at LINE-1: assignment of read only variable ‘p’

Answer: d)
The pointer variable p is declared as a constant pointer to an integer, which means the address
stored in p cannot be changed. At LINE-1, we attempt to change the address stored in the
constant pointer p, leading to a compilation error.

Question 2
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Mark 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void update(int &x){

x += 5;

int main(){
int a = 3;
int b = 4;
cout << a << " " << b;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 3 4

b) 8 9

c) 8 4

d) 3 9

Answer: b)
The function update(int &x) takes an integer reference as a parameter and increments the
value of the referenced variable by 5. When update(a) is called, the value of a becomes 8
(since 3 + 5 = 8). Similarly, when update(b)

Question 3
Consider the following code segment. [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void update(const int &x){

x = 10; // LINE-1

int main(){
const int a = 5;
int b = 15;
const int *p = &a;
*p = b; // LINE-2
p = &b; // LINE-3
update(a); // LINE-4
update(b); // LINE-5
return 0;

Which line/s will give you an error?

a) LINE-1

b) LINE-2

c) LINE-3

d) LINE-4

e) LINE-5

Answer: a), b)
The function parameter const int &x is a reference to a constant integer, so attempting to
modify it at LINE-1 results in a compilation error. The pointer p is a pointer to a constant
integer, so attempting to modify the value at the location it points to at LINE-2 results in a
compilation error. At LINE-3, the pointer p is reassigned to point to another address, which is
allowed. At LINE-4, the constant integer a is passed to the function, but since no modification
is attempted in the function body, it doesn’t cause an error here. At LINE-5, the non-const
integer b is passed to the function, which also doesn’t cause an error since it’s a valid operation.

Question 4
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void increment(const int &x) {

x++; // LINE-1

int main() {
const int a = 10;
int b = 20;
increment(a); // LINE-2
increment(b); // LINE-3
cout << a << " " << b;
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) 10 21

b) 10 20

c) Compilation Error: attempt to increment a constant reference

d) Compilation Error: invalid initialization of non-const reference

Answer: c)
The function parameter const int &x is a reference to a constant integer, so attempting to
modify it at LINE-1 results in a compilation error. Hence, the code will not compile.

Question 5
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int& modify(int& a) { //LINE-1
return a = a * 2;
int main() {
int p = 3, q = 4;
int& r = modify(p);
cout << p << " " << r << " ";
modify(p) = q;
cout << p << " " << r;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 6 6 4 4

b) 6 6 8 8

c) 3 3 4 4

d) 3 3 8 8

Answer: a)
The modification of the formal parameter a is reflected on the actual variable p because it
is passed as a reference. The function modifies the value of p to p * 2. So, the first cout
statement will print 6 6. The statement int& r = modify(p); modifies p and returns it by
reference. The statement modify(p) = q; then modifies the value of p and r to the value of
q. Hence, the output is 6 6 4 4.

Question 6
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main(){
int *ptr = ___________________; //LINE-1
cout << *ptr;
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output is 20.

a) (int)malloc(20sizeof(int))

b) new int

c) new int(20)

d) new int[20]

Answer: c)
The pointer variable ptr should be assigned with integer type memory and should be initialized
with the value 20 to get the desired output. This can be done by new int(20). Hence, the
correct option is c).

Question 7
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

enum Days {Sunday, Monday=2, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday};

Days operator+(const Days &a, const Days &b){

unsigned int ea = a, eb = b;
unsigned int c = (ea + eb) % 7;
return (Days)c;

int main(){
Days x = Tuesday, y = Friday;
Days result = x + y;
cout << result;
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) 0

b) 5

c) 2

d) Compilation Error: invalid value in enum

Answer: c)
The corresponding integer values for Tuesday and Friday are 3 and 5, respectively. Hence,
the addition operator overload will be calculated as (3 + 5) % 7 = 8 % 7 = 1, which maps
to the second element in the enum, which is 2 (Monday). Therefore, the correct option is c).

Question 8
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

float calculate(int x, float y){

return x + y;
float calculate(float x, int y){
return x - y;

int main(){
cout << calculate(4, 5); //LINE-1
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) 9.0

b) -1.0

c) -1

d) Compilation Error at LINE-1: Call of overloaded ‘calculate(int, int)’ is ambiguous

Answer: d)
The call to the function calculate(.) is ambiguous because it matches both the function
prototypes calculate(int, float) and calculate(float, int). Hence, the correct option
is d). Note that the int data type is implicitly converted to the float data type by the compiler,
which leads to the ambiguity.

Question 9
Consider the following code segment. [MSQ, Marks 2]

using namespace std;
struct vector{
int x, y;
void show(){ cout << "(" << x << ", " << y << ")"; }
______________________________________{ //LINE-1
vector temp;
temp.x = v1.x * v2.x;
temp.y = v1.y * v2.y;
return temp;
int main(){
struct vector v1={2,3},v2={4,5};
struct vector t = v1 * v2;;
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with the correct function header.

a) vector operator*(vector &v1, vector &v2)

b) vector operator*(vector v1, vector v2)

c) int operator*(vector v1, vector v2)

d) void operator*(vector v1, vector v2)

Answer: a), b)
Explanation: We need to overload the multiplication operator for the structure vector. Both
options a and b are correct, as they take two vector objects as parameters and return a new
vector object that is the result of multiplying the two input vectors. Option a passes the
parameters by reference, while option b passes them by value. Both approaches are valid.

Programming Questions

Question 1
Consider the program below.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 and LINE-2 with appropriate statements

such that it satisfies the given test cases. Marks: 3

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

float compute(__________ x){ //LINE-1

return (____); //LINE-2

int main(){
float y;
cin >> y;
cout << compute(y * 2);
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 3.5
Output: 6

Public 2
Input: 2.0
Output: 3

Private 3
Input: 5.5
Output: 10

LINE-1: const float&
LINE-2: x - 1
Since we are passing an expression as an argument, the header for the function compute() will
be: float compute(const float& x).
Since x is a constant, it cannot be changed by decrement operator. But we need to decrement
the argument by 1 to get the result. Hence, LINE-2 will be filled as return (x - 1).

Question 2
Consider the following program that is intended to reverse a given string and check if it is a

• Fill in the blanks at LINE-1 and LINE-2 to complete the function definitions

such that it satisfies the given test cases. Marks: 3

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

string reverseString(const string& str) {

______________ ;// LINE-1
for (int i = str.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
reversed += str[i];
return reversed;

bool isPalindrome(const string& str) {

______________ ;// LINE-2
return str == reversedStr;

int main(){
string input;
cin >> input;
string reversedInput = reverseString(input);
cout << "Reversed: " << reversedInput << endl;
if (isPalindrome(input)) {
cout << "The string is a palindrome." << endl;
} else {
cout << "The string is not a palindrome." << endl;
return 0;

Public 1
Input: level
Reversed: level
The string is a palindrome.

Public 2
Input: hello
Reversed: olleh
The string is not a palindrome.

Input: radar
Reversed: radar
The string is a palindrome.

LINE-1: string reversed = "";
LINE-2: string reversedStr = reverseString(str);

In LINE-1, to reverse the string correctly, we initialize an empty string reversed and append
characters from the input string in reverse order.
In LINE-2, for the palindrome check, we call the reverseString function and compare the
original string with the reversed string. If they are equal, the original string is a palindrome.

Question 3
Consider the following program.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 to complete the operator function header for the addition
operator +.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 with a proper statement

such that the program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Vector{
int x;
int y;

_____________________________(const Vector& v1, const Vector& v2){ //LINE-1

Vector v;
v.x = v1.x + v2.x;
v.y = v1.y + v2.y;
return v;

Vector wrapper(const Vector v1, const Vector v2){

Vector v = _________; //LINE-2
return v;

int main(){
int a, b, c, d;
cin >> a >> b >> c >> d;
Vector v1 = {a, b}, v2 = {c, d};
Vector result = wrapper(v1, v2);
cout << result.x << " " << result.y;
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 1 2 3 4
4 6

Public 2
Input: 5 5 10 10
Output: 15 15

Input: -1 -2 -3 -4
Output: -4 -6

LINE-1: Vector operator+
LINE-2: v1 + v2
The operator function calculates vector addition. So, this addition operator needs to be over-
loaded for the Vector structure. Hence, LINE-1 should be filled as
Vector operator+(const Vector& v1, const Vector& v2)
To call the operator function, LINE-2 should be filled as
v = v1 + v2.

Programming in Modern C++: Assignment Week 3
Total Marks : 25

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302

July 31, 2024

Question 1
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

class Rectangle{
int width, height;
void setWidth(int w){ width = w; }
void setHeight(int h){ height = h; }
void display(){ cout << width << " x " << height; }
void doubleSize(){ width *= 2; height *= 2; }
int increaseWidth(){ return width + 1; }
int increaseHeight(){ return ++height; }

Identify the set of all the methods that change the state of the class Rectangle objects.

a) setWidth(), setHeight(), display()

b) setWidth(), setHeight(), doubleSize(), increaseHeight()

c) setWidth(), setHeight(), doubleSize(), increaseWidth(), increaseHeight()

d) setWidth(), setHeight(), increaseWidth(), increaseHeight()

Answer: b)
The function setWidth() changes the data member value width. Thus, setWidth() changes
the state of the object.
The function setHeight() changes the data member value height. Thus, setHeight()
changes the state of the object.
The function doubleSize() changes the values of data members width and height. Thus,
doubleSize() changes the state of the object.
The function increaseHeight() changes the value of data member height. Thus, increaseHeight()
changes the state of the object.
Note that, the function increaseWidth() does not change the value of data member width,
as it returns an expression only i.e. (width + 1).

Question 2
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Example {
int x;
Example(int x_ = 0) : x(x_) { cout << "Constructor:" << x << " "; }
~Example() { cout << "Destructor:" << x << " "; }

Example globalObj(50); // LINE-1

int main() {
Example *pExample = new Example(20); // LINE-2
Example localObj1(30); // LINE-3
Example localObj2(40); // LINE-4
delete pExample; // LINE-5
} // LINE-6
return 0;
} // LINE-7

What will be the output?

a) Constructor:50 Constructor:20 Constructor:30 Constructor:40 Destructor:40

Destructor:30 Destructor:20 Destructor:50

b) Constructor:20 Constructor:50 Constructor:30 Constructor:40 Destructor:40

Destructor:30 Destructor:50 Destructor:20

c) Constructor:50 Constructor:20 Constructor:40 Constructor:30 Destructor:30

Destructor:40 Destructor:20 Destructor:50

d) Constructor:50 Constructor:20 Constructor:30 Constructor:40 Destructor:20

Destructor:40 Destructor:30 Destructor:50

Answer: d)
The object (globalObj) defined at LINE-1 has a global scope, so this object will be created
even before the main() function starts. It calls the constructor and prints Constructor: 50.
Then, within main() another object gets instantiated at LINE-2, and it calls the constructor
and prints Constructor: 20.
At LINE-3, an object localObj1 gets instantiated, which calls the constructor and prints
Constructor: 30.
At LINE-4, an object localObj2 gets instantiated within a block scope, and calls the construc-
tor and it prints Constructor: 40.
At LINE-5, the object pExample (which was created at LINE-2) gets deleted, so it calls the
destructor and prints Destructor: 20.
At LINE-6, the block scope ends. Thus, the local object localObj2 (which was created at
LINE-4) gets deleted. It calls the destructor and prints Destructor: 40.

At LINE-7, the scope of the main() function ends. Thus, the local object localObj1 (which
was created at LINE-3) gets deleted. It calls the destructor and prints Destructor: 30.
At the end of the program, the object globalObj having a global scope gets deleted. It calls
the destructor and prints Destructor: 50.

Question 3
Consider the following class. [MCQ, Mark 1]

class Sample {
int a;
int b;
/* Some more code */

Fill in the blanks with proper access specifiers so that member b can be accessed from outside
of the class but member a cannot be accessed.

a) public, public

b) private, public

c) public, private

d) private, private

Answer: b)
A class member should be declared as public to be accessed from outside of the class. On the
other hand, a private data member prevents itself from being accessed directly from outside of
the class. Therefore, member a should be private and member b should be public.

Question 4
Consider the code segment below. [MCQ, Marks 2]
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int globalVar = 5;

class MyClass {
int memberVar;
MyClass(int memberVar_ = 0) : memberVar(++memberVar_) { ++globalVar; } // LINE-1
~MyClass() { memberVar = 0; globalVar = 0; }
void display() {
cout << "memberVar = " << memberVar << ", globalVar = " << globalVar << endl;

void function() {
MyClass obj;

int main() {
MyClass obj;
return 0;

What will be the output?
a) memberVar = 6, globalVar = 7
memberVar = 1, globalVar = 8
b) memberVar = 1, globalVar = 7
memberVar = 1, globalVar = 0
c) memberVar = 1, globalVar = 8
memberVar = 1, globalVar = 0
d) memberVar = 1, globalVar = 7
memberVar = 2, globalVar = 0
Answer: b)
The statement MyClass obj; in main() calls the constructor at LINE-1, which makes memberVar
= 1 and globalVar = 6.
Then the statement MyClass obj; in function() calls the constructor at LINE-1, which
makes memberVar = 1 and globalVar = 7.
Then the statement obj.display(); in function() prints memberVar = 1, globalVar = 7.
As the function function() returns, the destructor for the local object obj is called, which
makes memberVar = 0 and globalVar = 0.
Finally, the statement obj.display(); in main() prints memberVar = 1, globalVar = 0.

Question 5
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int globalVar = 0;

class Example {
Example() { globalVar = 5; }
~Example() { globalVar = 6; }

void someFunction() {
Example ex;

int anotherFunction() {
globalVar = 7;
return globalVar++;

int main() {
cout << anotherFunction() << " ";
cout << globalVar << endl;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 5 6

b) 7 5

c) 6 7

d) 7 8

Answer: c)
globalVar is initialized to 0 (globalVar = 0; executes before main() is called). Then
main() starts and calls anotherFunction() which sets globalVar to 7 by globalVar = 7;.
The anotherFunction() calls the function someFunction(). In function someFunction(),
Example ex sets globalVar = 5. But the object ex is local within function someFunction().
So, as the function someFunction() returns, the destructor of local object ex will be called
before return and globalVar becomes 6. This 6 will be returned by anotherFunction(), and
gets printed.
Further, globalVar value is incremented to 7 after return (since globalVar++ is post-increment).
Finally, the value of globalVar is printed as 7.
Hence the correct option is c).

Question 6
Consider the code segment below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Sample {
int x, y, z;
Sample(int val = 0) : z(++val), y(val++), x(++val) {}
void display() {
cout << "x = " << x << ", y = " << y << ", z = " << z << endl;

int main() {
Sample obj(5);
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) x = 8, y = 6, z = 6

b) x = 6, y = 6, z = 8

c) x = 8, y = 7, z = 6

d) x = 6, y = 7, z = 8

Answer: b)
The order in which the data members are initialized in an initialization list follows the order
of declaration of the data members.
Since z is declared first, z gets initialized to ++val i.e. 6.
Then y gets initialized to val++ i.e. 6. However, the value of val becomes 7.
Finally, x gets initialized to ++val i.e. 8.

Question 7
Consider the code segment below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Car {
int id;
string model;
Car(){} // LINE-1
Car(int id_, string model_) : id(id_), model(model_) {}
void updateCar(Car& c) {
this->id =;
this->model = c.model;
} // LINE-2
void display() {
cout << id << ", " << model << endl;

int main() {
Car car1(101, "Sedan");
Car car2(202, "SUV");
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) 101, Sedan

b) 202, SUV

c) Compiler error at LINE-1: Car::Car() cannot be private

d) Compiler error at LINE-2: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

Answer: d)
Since this is a constant pointer, any attempt to modify it (at LINE-2) results in a compiler

Question 8
Consider the code segment below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Rectangle {
int width, height;
Rectangle(int width_ = 0, int height_ = 0) : width(width_), height(height_) {
cout << "ctor ";
} // LINE-1

Rectangle(Rectangle &r) : width(r.width), height(r.height) {

cout << "c-ctor ";
} // LINE-2

Rectangle& operator=(Rectangle r) {
width = r.width;
height = r.height;
cout << "c-assign ";
return *this;
} // LINE-3

int main() {
Rectangle r1(30, 40);
Rectangle r2 = r1;
Rectangle *rPtr;
Rectangle r3;
r3 = r2;
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) ctor c-ctor ctor c-ctor

b) ctor c-ctor ctor c-assign

c) ctor c-ctor ctor c-ctor c-assign

d) ctor c-assign ctor c-assign

Answer: c)
The statement Rectangle r1(30, 40); invokes the constructor at LINE-1 and prints ctor.
The statement Rectangle r2 = r1; invokes the copy constructor at LINE-2 and prints c-ctor.
The statement Rectangle *rPtr; does not create an object.
The statement Rectangle r3; invokes the constructor at LINE-1 and prints ctor.
The statement r3 = r2; calls the copy assignment function. Since it passes r2 as pass by
value, it invokes the copy constructor at LINE-2 and prints c-ctor. Then it executes the body
of the copy assignment function (at LINE-3) and prints c-assign.

Question 9
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

using namespace std;

class Demo {
int y;
Demo(int b=0) : y(b){ cout << "First "; }
Demo(const int &j) : y(j){ cout << "Second "; }

int main() {
Demo d1 = 10;
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) First

b) Second

c) First Second

d) Compilation error: conversion from ’int’ to ’Demo’ is ambiguous

Answer: d)
Both the constructors take an integer as input and assign it to the data member of the class. So,
when the assignment of an integer to the class object is done, the compiler becomes confused
about which constructor to call. Hence, it gives an error.

Programming Questions

Question 1
Marks: 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:

• at LINE-1 with an appropriate initialization block to initialize the data members,

• at LINE-2 with an appropriate definition of the destructor to free the memory allocated
for the data members,

• at LINE-3 and LINE-4 with appropriate definitions of the functions getA() and getB().

such that it will satisfy the given test cases.

using namespace std;

class Pair {
const int *a, *b;
Pair(int val1, int val2) : _________________________{} //LINE-1
~Pair(){ __________________________________________ } //LINE-2
int getA(){ _______________________________________ } //LINE-3
int getB(){ _______________________________________ } //LINE-4

int main(){
int x, y;
cin >> x >> y;
Pair p(x, y);
cout << "[" << p.getA() << ", " << p.getB() << "]";
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 3 4
Output: [3, 4]

Public 2
Input: 7 8
Output: [7, 8]

Input: 15 25
Output: [15, 25]

LINE-1: a(new int(val1)), b(new int(val2))
LINE-2: delete a; delete b;
LINE-3: return *a;

LINE-4: return *b;
Since the data members are pointer types, the constructor must allocate memory and initialize
them. Thus, the definition of the constructor can be as follows:
Pair(int val1, int val2) : a(new int(val1)), b(new int(val2)) //LINE-1
The destructor must free the memory allocated for the data members. Thus, the definition of
the destructor can be as follows:
Pair() delete a; delete b; //LINE-2
The functions getA() and getB() must return the values pointed to by the data members a
and b respectively. Thus, the definitions of the functions can be as follows:
int getA() return *a; //LINE-3
int getB() return *b; //LINE-4

Question 2
. Marks: 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:
• at LINE-1 with appropriate declaration of the data member total,

• at LINE-2 and LINE-3 with appropriate headers for the functions calculateTotal()
and display()
such that it will satisfy the given test cases.

using namespace std;

class Calculator {
int a, b;
__________________; //LINE-1
Calculator(int a_, int b_) : a(a_ * 2), b(b_ * 2){}
__________________________________ { total = a + b; }; //LINE-2
__________________________________ { //LINE-3
cout << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << ", total = " << total;

int main(){
int x, y;
cin >> x >> y;
const Calculator calc(x, y);
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 4 6
Output: a = 8, b = 12, total = 20

Public 2
Input: 7 -3
Output: a = 14, b = -6, total = 8

Input: 15 10
Output: a = 30, b = 20, total = 50

LINE-1: mutable int total
LINE-2: void calculateTotal() const
LINE-3: void display() const

Since calc is defined as a constant object, and we need to modify the value of total, total
has to be defined as a mutable member. Thus, the declaration of total can be as follows:
LINE-1: mutable int total
Since the functions calculateTotal() and display() are called on a constant object, they
must be defined as constant functions as follows:
LINE-2: void calculateTotal() const
LINE-3: void display() const

Question 3
Marks: 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:

• at LINE-1 with the appropriate definition of the copy constructor,

• at LINE-2 with the appropriate definition of the copy assignment operator,

• at LINE-3 with the appropriate condition to check for self-assignment.

such that it will satisfy the given test cases.

using namespace std;

class Student {
int sid;
char *name;
Student(int sid_, const char *name_) : sid(sid_), name(strdup(name_)) {}
_______________________ : sid(s.sid), name(strdup( { } //LINE-1
________________________________________ { //LINE-2
if (_____________________) { //LINE-3
sid = s.sid;
name = strdup(;
return *this;
void display(){
cout << sid << " : " << name << endl;

int main(){
int a, b;
char n1[80], n2[80];
cin >> a >> n1 >> b >> n2;
Student s1(a, n1);
Student s2 = s1;
Student s3(b, n2);
s1 = s3;
return 0;

Public 1
5 John
10 Alice
10 : Alice
5 : John
10 : Alice

Public 2
20 Bob
25 Carol
25 : Carol
20 : Bob
25 : Carol

30 Dave
35 Eve
35 : Eve
30 : Dave
35 : Eve

LINE-1: Student(const Student& s)
LINE-2: Student& operator=(const Student& s)
LINE-3: this != &s
At LINE-1, the header of the copy constructor must be as follows: LINE-1: Student(const
Student& s)
At LINE-2, the header of the copy assignment operator must be as follows: LINE-2: Student&
operator=(const Student& s)
At LINE-3, the condition must check for self-assignment which can be done using the code as
LINE-3: this != &s

Programming in Modern C++: Assignment Week 4
Total Marks : 25

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302

August 6, 2024

Question 1
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Counter {
static int count;

void increment() {
count = count + 5;

void display() {
cout << count;

int Counter::count = 15;

int main() {
Counter c1, c2;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 15

b) 20

c) 25

d) 30

Answer: c)
The static data member Counter::count is initialized during the program startup and is
shared by both objects c1 and c2 of the class Counter. Hence, the data member is initialized
as 15 during the start of the main function. It is incremented two times, each time by 5, when
the increment() function is called for both objects. Hence, the display() function will print

Question 2
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Example {
static int count;

void increment() {
count = count + 5;

______ void show() { // LINE-1

cout << count;

int Example::count = 0;

int main() {
Example e;
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print 5.

a) mutable

b) static

c) class

d) friend

Answer: b)
The show() function is being called from the increment() function without any object. It
can be done only when the function is declared as static. Hence, LINE-1 should be filled as

Question 3
Consider the following code segment. [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Number {
int value;

Number(int _value = 0) : value(_value) {}

______________________________ // LINE-1

void show(Number &n) {

cout << n.value;

int main() {
Number n(10);
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print 10.

a) void friend show(Number&);

b) static void show(Number&);

c) friend void show(Number&);

d) void const show(Number&);

Answer: a), c)
The global function show() accesses the private data member of the class Number. This can
only be done when the function is declared as a friend of the class. Hence, the correct options
are a) and c).

Question 4
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int num = 5;

namespace space {
int num = 15;

int main() {
using namespace space;

int num = 10;

cout << ::num << " " << num << " " << space::num;

return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) 5 10 15

b) 10 5 15

c) 15 5 10

d) Compilation Error: reference to ’num’ is ambiguous

Answer: a)
When there are multiple instances of the same variable, the local instance will get higher
priority. So, num will be printed as 10. To access the global variable, we use ::num. For the
namespace variable, it is qualified by the namespace space. So, the cout statement at LINE-1
will print 5 10 15.

Question 5
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

int main() {
char message[] = "Welcome";
cout << message; // LINE-1
return 0;

The cout statement at LINE-1 gives an error. Change the cout statement such that it prints

a) std::cout << message;

b) using cout << message;

c) using std::cout << message;

d) std.cout << message;

Answer: a)
cout is a predefined object in the namespace std. In order to call the cout function, we
need to specify that cout belongs to the std namespace. The correct syntax for the same is
std::cout << message; i.e. option a).

Question 6
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int y = 2;

namespace name2 {
int y = 4;

int main() {
int y = 3;
cout <<_______________________<< endl; // LINE-1
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the program will print 6.

a) name2::y + ::y

b) name2::y + y

c) y + ::y

d) name2.y + ::y

Answer: a)
As per the output, we need to add the global y and y from the namespace name2. It can be
done as name2::y + ::y. Hence, the correct option is a).

Question 7
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class X {
int x;

X(int _x) : x(_x) {}

int getValue() {
return x;

class Y {
static X obj;

static int getValue() {
return obj.getValue();

int main(void) {
cout << Y::getValue();
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) 0

b) 10

c) Compilation error: cannot access static object obj

d) Compilation error: undefined reference Y::obj

Answer: d)
The static variable obj in Y needs to be initialized globally in order to use it. But there is no
initialization for obj in the program. Thus, it gives a compilation error as ”undefined reference
to Y::obj”.

Question 8
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Counter {
static int count;

Counter() {

static int getCount() {

return count;

int Counter::count = 5;

int main() {
cout << Counter::getCount() << " ";
Counter c[3];
cout << Counter::getCount();
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 5 8

b) 5 9

c) 6 8

d) 6 9

Answer: a)
The lifetime of a static class variable will be throughout the program. So, the static data
member of the class is initialized with 5 when the getCount() function is called. The first
cout statement prints 5. Next, the initialization of another three objects increments the static
variable three times. Hence, the second cout statement prints 8.

Question 9
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Alpha {
int x = 15;

_________________________;// LINE-1:

class Beta {
int increase(Alpha &a) {
return (a.x + 5);

int main() {
Alpha a1;
Beta b1;
cout << b1.increase(a1);
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print 20.

a) friend class Beta

b) class friend Beta

c) friend int increase(Alpha&)

d) friend int Beta::increase(Alpha&)

Answer: a)
The increase() function of Beta is accessing the private member of Alpha. It is possible
when the class Beta is declared as a friend of class Alpha. So, the correct answer is a).
The function increase() cannot be declared as a friend of class Alpha because of forward
declaration problems.

Programming Questions

Question 1
Marks: 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:

• at LINE-1 with appropriate declaration so that a global operator function can access
private data of class Vector,

• at LINE-2 with the appropriate operator function header,

• at LINE-3 with the appropriate return statement, such that it will satisfy the given test

using namespace std;

class Vector{
int x, y;
Vector(int a, int b) : x(a), y(b){}
void display(){
cout << x << " " << y;

___________________________________________; //LINE-1

___________________________________{ //LINE-2
return Vector(_____________); //LINE-3

int main(){
int n;
cin >> n;
Vector v(2, 3);
Vector v1 = v + n;
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 4
Output: 6 3

Public 2
Input: 7
Output: 9 3

Input: 1
Output: 3 3

LINE-1: friend Vector operator+(const Vector& v, int n)
LINE-2: Vector operator+(const Vector& v, int n)
LINE-3: v.x + n, v.y
We need to overload the addition operator for the Vector class so that a Vector object and
an integer can be added together and return the resultant Vector object.
Hence, LINE-2 will be filled as Vector operator+(const Vector& v, int n)
The operator function should have access to the private data members of the Vector class.
Hence, LINE-1 should be filled as friend Vector operator+(const Vector& v, int n).
As per the test cases, LINE-3 should be filled as v.x + n, v.y.

Question 2
Marks: 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:

• at LINE-1 with the appropriate keyword to declare the Singleton pointer variable,

• at LINE-2 to complete the header for function getInstance(int value),

• at LINE-3 with the appropriate keyword to complete instance variable initialization

such that it will satisfy the given test cases.

using namespace std;

class Singleton {
int data;
______ Singleton *instance; //LINE-1
Singleton(int value) : data(value) {}
int getData() { return data; }
__________________ getInstance(int value) { //LINE-2
instance = new Singleton(value);
return instance;

___________ Singleton::instance = 0; //LINE-3

int main(){
int n, value;
cin >> n;
int arr[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cin >> arr[i];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
Singleton *instance = Singleton::getInstance(arr[i]);
cout << instance->getData() << " ";
return 0;

Public 1
3 4
Output: 3 3

Public 2

2 4 6
Output: 2 2 2

5 7
Output: 5 5

LINE-1: static
LINE-2: static Singleton*
LINE-3: Singleton*
As per the test cases given, the pointer variable instance is initialized only once at the time
of first object creation in the main function. The same instance is used for all objects. It can
be done only when the LINE-1 is filled as static.
The function getInstance() is being called using the class name. It can only be done when
the function is declared static. Hence, LINE-2 will be filled as static Singleton*.
The initialization of static variable at LINE-3 can be done as Singleton* Singleton::instance
= 0;

Question 3
Marks: 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:
• at LINE-1 with an appropriate statement so that the global operator function can access
private members,
• at LINE-2 with an appropriate operator function header,
• at LINE-3 with an appropriate operator function header,
• at LINE-4 with an appropriate operator function header such that it will satisfy the given
test cases.

using namespace std;

class Vector {
int x;
int y;
Vector(int _x, int _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {}
void display(){
cout << "(" << x << "," << y << ")";
___________________________________________; //LINE-1

___________________{ //LINE-2
return *this;
______________________{ //LINE-3
Vector temp(x, y);
return temp;
________________(istream& is, Vector& v){ //LINE-4
is >> v.x >> v.y;
return is;
int main(){
int i, j;
cin >> i >> j;
Vector v(i, j);
return 0;

Public 1

3 4

Public 2
5 2

1 5

LINE-1: friend istream& operator>>(istream&, Vector&)
LINE-2: Vector& operator++()
LINE-3: Vector operator++(int)
LINE-4: istream& operator>>
The input operator needs to be overloaded for class Vector to take data members as input.
Hence, LINE-4 can be filled as istream& operator>>.
As per the test cases, the pre-increment operator for the class object v is called twice, which
increments the data member x keeping the data member y as it is. Hence, LINE-2 should be
filled as Vector& operator++().
Similarly, for the post-increment operator, LINE-3 should be filled as Vector operator++(int).
The global operator function at LINE-4 should have access to the private data members of
class Vector. Hence, LINE-1 should be filled as friend istream& operator>>(istream&,

Programming in Modern C++: Assignment Week 5
Total Marks : 25

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302

August 13, 2024

Question 1
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Base {
int number;
static int counter;

Base() {
number = ++counter;
cout << number << "-" << counter << ", ";

class Derived1 : public Base {

Derived1() {
cout << counter << ", ";

class Derived2 : public Derived1 {

Derived2() {
cout << counter << ", ";

int Base::counter = 0;

int main() {
Derived2 dObj[2];
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 1, 2, 3

b) 1, 2, 3-3, 1, 2, 3-3,

c) 1, 2, 3-3, 4, 5, 6-6,

d) 1-1, 2, 3, 4-4, 5, 6,

Answer: d)
When we create an object, all the constructors of the class hierarchy get executed in top-down
order. Since we create 2 objects of Derived2 type. For the first object, class Base prints
1-1, class Derived1 prints 2 and class Derived2 prints 3. For the second object, class
Base prints 4-4, class Derived1 prints 5 and class Derived2 prints 6.

Question 2
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 1]
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Alpha {
Alpha() {
cout << "A ";

~Alpha() {
cout << "-A ";

class Beta : public Alpha {

Beta() {
cout << "B ";

~Beta() {
cout << "-B ";

class Gamma : public Alpha {

Beta b;

Gamma() {
cout << "C ";

~Gamma() {
cout << "-C ";

int main() {
Gamma g1;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) A B C -C -B -A

b) A A B C -C -A -A

c) A C -C -A

d) A A B C -C -B -A -A

Answer: d)
When an object of class Gamma is being instantiated, the constructor of class Alpha is called,
which will print ”A” first. Then the data member of class Gamma is created, which will again
call the constructor of class Alpha and print ”A”, then print ”B” from the constructor of class
Beta. Finally, ”C” is printed from the constructor of class Gamma. After the end of the main()
function, the reverse of the already printed sequence will be printed from the destructors of
the classes. So, the answer is (d).

Question 3
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Vehicle {
Vehicle() {
cout << "Vehicle created, ";

~Vehicle() {
cout << "Vehicle destroyed, ";

class Car : public Vehicle {

Car() {
cout << "Car created, ";

~Car() {
cout << "Car destroyed, ";

class Bike : public Vehicle {

Bike() {
cout << "Bike created, ";

~Bike() {
cout << "Bike destroyed, ";

class SportsCar : public Car {

Bike b;

SportsCar() {
cout << "SportsCar created, ";

~SportsCar() {
cout << "SportsCar destroyed, ";

int main() {
SportsCar sc;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) Vehicle created, Car created, Vehicle created, Bike created, SportsCar created,
SportsCar destroyed, Bike destroyed, Vehicle destroyed, Car destroyed, Vehicle

b) Vehicle created, Car created, SportsCar created, Vehicle created, Bike created,
Bike destroyed, Vehicle destroyed, SportsCar destroyed, Car destroyed, Vehicle

c) Vehicle created, Car created, SportsCar created, Bike created, Bike destroyed,
SportsCar destroyed, Car destroyed, Vehicle destroyed,

d) Vehicle created, Car created, SportsCar created, Bike created, Vehicle destroyed,
Car destroyed, SportsCar destroyed, Bike destroyed,

Answer: a)
A constructor of the derived class must first call the constructors of the base classes to construct
the base class instances of the derived class.
The destructor of the derived class must call the destructor of the base classes to destruct the
base class instances of the derived class.
Thus, to instantiate an object of class SportsCar, it first calls the constructor of class
Vehicle which prints Vehicle created. Then the constructor of class Car which prints
Car created. However, to create an object of SportsCar, an object of class Bike needs to
be instantiated. The creation of the Bike object first calls the constructor of class Vehicle
which prints Vehicle created, and then the constructor of class Bike which prints Bike
created. Finally, the constructor of SportsCar is called which prints SportsCar created.
Similarly, the invocation of the destructors takes place in the exact reverse order.

Question 4
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Instrument {
void play() {
cout << "Instrument::play()";

void play(int volume) {

cout << "Instrument::play(int)";

class Guitar : public Instrument {

void play() {
cout << "Guitar::play()";

void play(int volume) {

cout << "Guitar::play(int)";

int main() {
Guitar g;

______________________; // LINE-1

return 0;

Choose the appropriate option to fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output of the code
becomes Instrument::play().


b) Instrument::play()

c) g.Instrument::play()


Answer: c)
We can access a base class function using the scope resolution operator even if it is hidden by
a derived class function. Hence, c) is the correct option.

Question 5
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int value = 5;

class Parent {
int value;

Parent() : value(15) {}

~Parent() {}

class Child : public Parent {

int value;

Child() : value(25) {}

~Child() {}

void display() {
cout << _____________________ ; // LINE-1

int main() {
Child c;
return 0;

Choose the appropriate option(s) to fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output becomes
25 15 5

a) this->value << " " << Parent::value << " " << value

b) Child::value << " " << Parent::value << " " << value

c) value << " " << Parent::value << " " << ::value

d) Child::value << " " << Parent::value << " " << ::value

Answer: c), d)
Since value = 25 is in the scope of class Child which is also the local scope for the function

display(), value can be accessed by writing Child::value or just by value.
Since value = 15 is in the scope of class Parent, it can be accessed by writing Parent::value.
Since value = 5 is in the global scope, it can be accessed by writing ::value. So option c)
and d) both are correct.

Question 6
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int globalVar = 5;

class MyClass {
int memberVar;

MyClass(int memberVar_ = 0) : memberVar(++memberVar_) { // LINE-1

~MyClass() {
memberVar = 0;
globalVar = 0;

void print() {
cout << "memberVar = " << memberVar << ", globalVar = " << globalVar << endl;

void test() {
MyClass obj;

int main() {
MyClass obj;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) memberVar = 6, globalVar = 7
memberVar = 1, globalVar = 8

b) memberVar = 6, globalVar = 8
memberVar = 1, globalVar = 0

c) memberVar = 1, globalVar = 7
memberVar = 2, globalVar = 8

d) memberVar = 1, globalVar = 7
memberVar = 1, globalVar = 0

Answer: d)
The statement MyClass obj; in main(), calls the constructor at LINE-1 which makes memberVar
= 1 and globalVar = 6.
Then the statement MyClass obj; in test(), calls the constructor at LINE-1 which makes
memberVar = 1 and globalVar = 7.
Then the statement obj.print(); in test() prints memberVar = 1, globalVar = 7.
As the function test() returns, the destructor for the local object obj would be called, which
makes memberVar = 0 and globalVar = 0.
Finally, the statement obj.print(); in main() prints memberVar = 1, globalVar = 0.

Question 7
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Vehicle {
int reg_no;
string type;

Vehicle(int reg_no_, string type_)
: reg_no(reg_no_), type(type_) {}

void showDetails() {
cout << reg_no << ":" << type << ":";

class Car : private Vehicle {

int owner_id;
string owner_name;

Car(int owner_id_, string owner_name_, int reg_no_, string type_)
: owner_id(owner_id_),
Vehicle(reg_no_, type_) {}

void showDetails() {
Vehicle::showDetails(); // LINE-1
cout << owner_id << ":" << owner_name;

int main() {
Car* carObj = new Car(101, "Rahul", 12345, "Sedan");
display(carObj); // LINE-2
delete carObj;
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) 12345:Sedan:

b) 12345:Sedan:101

c) compiler error at LINE-1: Vehicle is an inaccessible base of Car

d) compiler error at LINE-2: ‘display’ was not declared in this scope

Answer: d)
Explanation: Compilers will not convert a derived (Car) class object into a base (Vehicle)
class object if the inheritance relationship is private. As the display() function takes a
parameter of type class Vehicle* and we are passing a parameter of class Car object, it will
give a compilation error as inaccessible base.

Question 8
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Base {
Base() {}

~Base() {}

Base(const Base& obj) {}

Base& operator=(const Base&) {}


class Derived : public Base {

int data;

Derived() {}

Derived(const int& data_) : data(data_) {}

void print() {
cout << data << " ";

int main() {
Derived d1(30);
Derived d2(40);
d1 = d2;
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) 40 30

b) 40 40

c) Compiler error: ’Base& operator=(const Base&)’ is private

d) Compiler error: ’Base(const Base& obj)’ is private

Answer: c)
Explanation: Since class Derived inherits class Base where the copy constructor and

assignment operator function are both private, it prevents the free copy constructor and free
assignment operator function from being added to the Derived class. As a result, when d1 =
d2; invokes the assignment operator function, the call fails.

Question 9
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class X {
int x;

class Y : protected X {
int y;

class Z : public Y {
int z;

Z(int x_, int y_, int z_) {

x = x_; // LINE-1
y = y_;
z = z_;

int main() {
Z zObj(10, 20, 30);
cout << zObj.x << " "; // LINE-2
cout << zObj.y << " "; // LINE-3
cout << zObj.z;
return 0;

What will be the output/error(s)?

a) 10 20 30

b) compiler error at LINE-1: X::x is not accessible

c) compiler error at LINE-2: X::x is not accessible

d) compiler error at LINE-3: Y::y is not accessible

Answer: c)
The inheritance relationship between X and Y is protected. Thus, x becomes protected in
class Y. The inheritance relationship between Y and Z is public. Thus, y remains public in
class Y, but x remains protected in class Z. As a result, x in class Z becomes invisible to
the main() function. Hence, the correct answer is c).

Programming Questions

Question 1
Marks: 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:

• at LINE-1 with the appropriate initialization list to initialize the data members,

• at LINE-2 to call displayContact(), such that it will satisfy the given test cases.

using namespace std;

class Contact {
int phone_number;
string email;
Contact(int phone_number_, string email_) : phone_number(phone_number_),
void displayContact(){
cout << "Phone: " << phone_number << endl;
cout << "Email: " << email << endl;

class Employee : private Contact {

int emp_id;
string emp_name;
Employee(int emp_id_, string emp_name_, int phone_number_, string email_)
: ____________________{} // LINE-1
__________________ // LINE-2
void display(){
cout << "ID: " << emp_id << endl;
cout << "Name: " << emp_name << endl;
int main(){
int id, phone;
string name, email;
cin >> id >> name;
cin >> phone >> email;
Employee e(id, name, phone, email);
return 0;

Public 1
101 9876543210
ID: 101
Name: Alice
Phone: 9876543210

Public 2
102 1234567890
ID: 102
Name: Bob
Phone: 1234567890

103 1112223333
ID: 103
Name: Charlie
Phone: 1112223333

LINE-1: emp id(emp id ), emp name(emp name ), Contact(phone number , email )
LINE-2: using Contact::displayContact;
At LINE-1, the data members from Employee must be initialized as:
emp id(emp id ), emp name(emp name ), and the data members from Contact must be ini-
tialized as: Contact(phone number , email ) Although the function displayContact() is
public in Contact, it becomes private in Employee due to private inheritance. So displayContact()
becomes inaccessible using the Employee object. In order to call the displayContact() func-
tion using the Employee object, at LINE-2 we must add:
using Contact::displayContact;

Question 2
Marks: 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:

• at LINE-1 and LINE-3 with the appropriate inheritance statement,

• at LINE-2 and LINE-4 with the appropriate initialization lists, such that it will satisfy
the given test cases.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Appliance {
int power;

Appliance(int p) : power(p) {}

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Appliance& a);


class WashingMachine : ________________{ // LINE-1

int drum_size;

WashingMachine(int p, int ds) : __________ {} // LINE-2

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const WashingMachine& wm);


class Refrigerator : __________ { // LINE-3

int capacity;

Refrigerator(int p, int c) : ___________{} // LINE-4

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Refrigerator& r);


ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Appliance& a) {

os << "Power: " << a.power << "W" << endl;
return os;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const WashingMachine& wm) {

os << "Power: " << wm.power << "W, Drum size: " << wm.drum_size << "L" << endl;
return os;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Refrigerator& r) {
os << "Power: " << r.power << "W, Capacity: " << r.capacity << "L" << endl;
return os;

int main() {
int a, b, c, d, e;
cin >> a >> b >> c >> d >> e;
Appliance appliance(a);
WashingMachine wm(b, c);
Refrigerator fridge(d, e);
cout << appliance << wm << fridge;
return 0;

Public 1
500 600 50 700 200
Power: 500W
Power: 600W, Drum size: 50L
Power: 700W, Capacity: 200L

Public 2
300 400 35 450 150
Power: 300W
Power: 400W, Drum size: 35L
Power: 450W, Capacity: 150L

1000 850 60 950 250
Power: 1000W
Power: 850W, Drum size: 60L
Power: 950W, Capacity: 250L

LINE-1: public Appliance
LINE-2: drum size(ds), Appliance(p)
LINE-3: public Appliance
LINE-4: Appliance(p), capacity(c)
Since WashingMachine and Refrigerator both inherit class Appliance, at LINE-1 and
LINE-3 the inheritance statement must be public Appliance.

At LINE-2, the initialization list must be:
drum size(ds), Appliance(p)
and at LINE-4, the initialization list must be:
Appliance(p), capacity(c)

Question 3
Marks: 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:
• at LINE-1, LINE-2 and LINE-3 with initialization list,
• at LINE-4, LINE-5 and LINE-6 with function definitions, such that it will satisfy the
given test cases.

using namespace std;

class X {
int x;
X(int _x = 0);
int getSum();

class Y : public X {
int y;
Y(int _x = 0, int _y = 0);
int getSum();

class Z : public Y {
int z;
Z(int _x = 0, int _y = 0, int _z = 0);
int getSum();

X::X(int _x) : _______________________________ {} //LINE-1

Y::Y(int _x, int _y) : _______________________ {} //LINE-2
Z::Z(int _x, int _y, int _z) : _______________ {} //LINE-3
int X::getSum(){ _____________________________ } //LINE-4
int Y::getSum(){ _____________________________ } //LINE-5
int Z::getSum(){ _____________________________ } //LINE-6

int main(){
int a, b, c;
cin >> a >> b >> c;
X xObj(a);
Y yObj(a, b);
Z zObj(a, b, c);
cout << xObj.getSum() << ", " << yObj.getSum() << ", " << zObj.getSum();
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 10 20 30

Output: 10, 30, 60

Public 2
Input: 10 -10 10
Output: 10, 0, 10

Input: 10 20 -10
Output: 10, 30, 20

LINE-1: x( x)
LINE-2: X( x), y( y)
LINE-3: Y( x, y), z( z)
LINE-4: return x;
LINE-5: return X::getSum() + y;
LINE-6: return Y::getSum() + z;
The initialization lists at LINE-1, LINE-2 and LINE-3 are as follows:
LINE-1: x( x)
LINE-2: X( x), y( y)
LINE-3: Y( x, y), z( z)
The definition of the getSum() functions at LINE-4, LINE-5 and LINE-6 are as follows:
LINE-4: return x;
LINE-5: return X::getSum() + y;
LINE-6: return Y::getSum() + z;

Programming in Modern C++: Assignment Week 6
Total Marks : 25

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302

August 20, 2024

Question 1
Consider the code segment given below. [MCQ, Marks 2]
using namespace std;
class Parent{
void method1() { cout << "A" ; }
virtual void method2() { cout << "C" ; }
class Child : public Parent{
virtual void method1() { cout << "B" ; }
void method2() { cout << "D" ; }
int main(){
Parent *p = new Child();
return 0;

Which line/s will give error?

a) AC

b) AD

c) BC

d) BD
Answer: b)
As method1() is a non-virtual function at the base class, for the p->method1() function call
static binding is done. So, the function of pointer type will be called.
As method2() is a virtual function, for the p->method2() function call dynamic binding is
done. So, the function of object type will be called.

Question 2
Consider the code segment given below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Animal {
string type;
Animal(string t) : type(t) { }
void displayType() {
cout << type << " ";

class Dog : public Animal {

string breed;
Dog(string t, string b) : Animal(t), breed(b) { }
void displayBreed() {
cout << breed << " ";

int main() {
Dog d1("Mammal", "Labrador");
Animal *a = &d1;
a->displayType(); // LINE-1
a->displayBreed(); // LINE-2
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) Mammal Labrador

b) Mammal 0

c) Compilation error at LINE-1: class Dog has no member named ’displayType’

d) Compilation error at LINE-2: class Animal has no member named ’displayBreed’

Answer: d)
The object d1 of class Dog is assigned to the pointer variable a of class Animal. The function
displayType() is called using the pointer a which is valid. But a doesn’t have a member
function displayBreed(). Hence, LINE-2 will give a compilation error.

Question 3
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class X {
X() { cout << "X "; }
~X() { cout << "~X "; }

class Y : public X {
Y() { cout << "Y "; }
virtual ~Y() { cout << "~Y "; }

class Z : public Y {
Z() { cout << "Z "; }
~Z() { cout << "~Z "; }

int main() {
X *t1 = new Z;
delete t1;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) X Y Z ∼Z ∼Y ∼X

b) X Y Z ∼Z ∼Y

c) X Y Z ∼Y ∼X

d) X Y Z ∼X

Answer: d)
When the object of class Z is created, it calls the constructor of class Z, which in turn calls the
constructors of class Y and class X respectively. So, it will print X Y Z.
Whenever the object is deleted, it calls the destructor of class X first. The destructor of class
X is not virtual, so it will not call the child class destructors. So, the final result will be X Y Z

Question 4
Consider the code segment given below. [MCQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base {
void display() {
cout << "display()" << " ";

class Derived : public Base {

____________________// LINE-1
void display(int) {
cout << "display(int)" << " ";

int main() {
Derived d;
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program runs successfully and prints display()

a) Base::display();

b) using Base::display;

c) Base.display();

d) void display();

Answer: b)
The function display() is called using the object of class Derived. But the function display
is overloaded in Derived. Hence, the base class function display() becomes hidden in the
derived class. To disable the method hiding in Derived, LINE-1 will be filled as using

Question 5
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base {
Base() { cout << "B1 "; }
virtual ~Base() { cout << "D1 "; }

class Derived : public Base {

Derived() { cout << "B2 "; }
~Derived() { cout << "D2 "; }

void func(Base b) {
cout << "F ";

int main() {
Derived d;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) B1 B2 B1 F D1 D2 D1

b) B1 B2 F D1 D2 D1

c) B1 B2 F D2 D1

d) B1 B2 F D2

Answer: b)
The object d invokes the constructors of class Base and Derived respectively, which prints B1
The argument of the function call invokes a copy constructor to pass the Derived object to the
function. At the end of the function, the destructor of class Base gets invoked, which prints
D1 after printing F.
Similarly, the end of the main() function invokes the destructor of class Derived and class
Base respectively, which prints D2 D1.

Question 6
Consider the following code segment. [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Shape {
___________________ // LINE-1

class Circle : public Shape {

void draw() {
cout << "Circle::draw" << endl;

int main() {
Shape *s = new Circle;
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program gives output as

a) void draw() = 0

b) virtual void draw()

c) virtual void draw() = 0

d) void draw()

Answer: c)
Option a) and d) declare a non-virtual function, which requires a function definition (or func-
tion body). Thus, a) and d) are incorrect options.
Option b) is not a pure virtual function, which also needs the function definition.
Option c) is a pure virtual function, which does not require any definition. So it is the correct

Question 7
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base {
int b;
Base(int i) : b(i) {}
virtual void display(Base *t) { cout << t->b << endl; }

class Derived : public Base {

int d;
Derived(int i = 0, int j = 0) : Base(i), d(j) { }
void display(Derived *t) { cout << t->d << endl; }

int main() {
Base *ptr = new Derived(3, 4);
ptr->display(new Derived); // Line-1
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 0

b) 3

c) 4

d) Garbage

Answer: a)
The function call at LINE-1 invokes the base class function with a temporary object as a
parameter. The temporary object of class Derived has data members initialized with default
values (0). Hence, the program will print 0.

Question 8
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class X {
virtual void display() { cout << "X::display()"; }

class Y : public X {
void display() override { cout << "Y::display()"; }

class Z : public Y {
void display() override { cout << "Z::display()"; }

int main() {
Z obj;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) X::display()

b) Y::display()

c) Z::display()

d) Compilation error: cannot call member function of class ’Y’

Answer: b)
Since obj is of type Z and class Z inherits from Y, the statement obj.Y::display() calls the
function display() of class Y, which prints Y::display().

Question 9
Consider the code segment given below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base1 {
virtual void show() { cout << "Base1::show"; }
virtual void display() = 0;
void print() { cout << "Base1::print"; }

class Base2 : public Base1 {

void show() { cout << "Base2::show()"; }
virtual void display() { cout << "Base2::display()"; }
void print() { cout << "Base2::print"; }

int main() {
Base2 b2;
Base1 *p1 = &b2;
Base1 &r1 = b2;


return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) Base2::show()Base2::display()Base1::printBase2::show()Base2::display()Base1::print

b) Base2::show()Base1::display()Base2::printBase2::show()Base2::display()Base1::print

c) Base2::show()Base2::display()Base1::printBase2::show()Base1::display()Base2::print

d) compile time error

Answer: a)
The correct output is option a) because the code uses virtual functions for dynamic bind-
ing. The show() method is virtual in Base1 and overridden in Base2, so Base2::show()
is called for both p1->show() and since p1 and r1 point to an object of Base2.
The display() method, being pure virtual in Base1 and overridden in Base2, also results in
Base2::display() being called in both cases. However, the print() method is not virtual and

is overridden in Base2, but because it is non-virtual, the base class version Base1::print()
is called in both cases (p1->print() and r1.print()), as the calls are resolved at com-
pile time based on the type of the pointer or reference. This results in the final output of

Programming Questions

Question 1
Marks: 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:

• at LINE-1 with appropriate function declaration for Area function

• at LINE-2 with appropriate function declaration for Print function such that it will
satisfy the given test cases.

#include <iostream>
#define PI 3.14
using namespace std;

class Circle{
double radius;
Circle(double r) : radius(r) {}
______________________ //LINE-1
______________________ //LINE-2

double Circle::Area() { return PI*radius*radius; }

void Circle::Print() { cout << Area() << " "; }

class Cylinder : public Circle{

double height;
Cylinder(double r, double h) : Circle(r), height(h) {}
double Area() { return 2*PI*radius*radius*height; }

int main(){
double r, h;
cin >> r >> h;
Circle c1(r);
Cylinder c2(r,h);
Circle *c[2] = {&c1, &c2};
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)

return 0;

Public 1
Input: 2 4
Output: 12.56 100.48

Public 2
Input: 5 1
Output: 78.5 157

Input: 3 3
Output: 28.26 169.56

LINE-1: virtual double Area();
LINE-2: void Print(); OR virtual void Print();
As the call to the Area() function needs to support dynamic binding, it must be declared as
a virtual function.
The function Print() can be either a virtual or a non-virtual function.

Question 2
Marks: 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:

• at LINE-1 with appropriate keyword,

• at LINE-2 with appropriate statement so that Mul() can access private members of the

• at LINE-3 with appropriate statement such that it will satisfy the given test cases.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class myClass1{
int data1;
myClass1(int d) : data1(d) {}
_______ void print(); //LINE-1
_____________________________________; //LINE-2

class myClass2 : public myClass1{

int data2;
myClass2(int d1, int d2) : myClass1(d1), data2(d2) {}
void print(){
_______________; //LINE-3
cout << data2 << " ";

void myClass1::print(){ cout << data1 << " "; }

void Mul(myClass1 &m1, myClass1 &m2){

m1.data1 = m1.data1 * m2.data1;

int main(){
int m, n;
cin >> m >> n;
myClass1 *t1 = new myClass2(m,n);
myClass1 *t2 = new myClass1(m);
Mul(*t1, *t2);
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 2 4
Output: 4 4

Public 2
Input: 3 5
Output: 9 5

Input: 4 1
Output: 16 1

LINE-1: virtual
LINE-2: friend void Mul(myClass1&, myClass1&)
LINE-3: myClass1::print()
The print() function in the myClass1 class should be declared as virtual such that the
myClass2 class function can be called using the myClass1 class pointer type. The global
function Mul can access private data members of the myClass1 class only if it is a friend
function of that class. So, LINE-2 can be filled as friend void Mul(myClass1&, myClass1&).
The myClass1 class print function can be called at LINE-3 as myClass1::print().

Question 3
Marks: 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:

• at LINE-1 with appropriate statement to complete the Base class destructor declaration,

• at LINE-2 with appropriate statement to complete the Derived class destructor declara-
tion such that it will satisfy the given test cases.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base{
int d;
Base(int _d);
________________; //LINE-1
int get() { return d; }

class Derived : public Base{

Derived(int _d);
__________; //LINE-2

Base::Base(int _d) : d(_d) { cout << d << " "; }

Base::~Base(){ cout << 2*d << " "; }
Derived::Derived(int _d) : Base(_d) { cout << 3*_d << " "; }
Derived::~Derived() { cout << Base::get() << " "; }

int main(){
int m;
cin >> m;
Derived *t = new Derived(m);
Base *t1 = t;
delete t1;
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 5
Output: 5 15 5 10

Public 2
Input: 2
Output: 2 6 2 4

Input: 10
Output: 10 30 10 20

LINE-1: virtual ∼Base()
LINE-2: ∼Derived() OR virtual ∼Derived()
From the test cases, it can be noticed that destructors from both the base and derived classes
are being called while an object of the Derived class is deleted. So, we need to declare the base
class destructor as virtual, which needs the LINE-1 to be filled as virtual ∼Base();. The
LINE-2 destructor declaration may or may not be virtual. So, it can be filled as ∼Derived();
or virtual ∼Derived();.

Programming in Modern C++: Assignment Week 7
Total Marks : 25

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302

August 28, 2024

Question 1
Consider the following code segment. [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class employee {
string name ;
int salary;
employee(int _sal, string _name) : name(_name), salary(_sal) {}
void update(int s, string na) const{
( _________________________ )->salary = s; //LINE-1
( _________________________ )->name = na; //LINE-2
void showInfo() const {
cout << name << " : " << salary;
int main(void) {
const employee e(50000, "Ashim");
e.update(30000, "Ram");
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 and LINE-2 with the same statement such that the program will
print Ram : 30000.

a) const cast <employee*> (this)

b) static cast <employee*> (this)

c) dynamic cast <employee*> (this)

d) (employee*)(this)

Answer: a), d)

The statement const employee e(50000, "Ashim"); defines e as a constant object. To
modify its data-members, the constant-ness of the object need to be removed. This can be
done either by const cast (in option a) or casting constant this pointer to employee* type
(in option d).

Question 2
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 1]

using namespace std;
class A1{
virtual void f() {}
virtual void g() {}
class A2 : public A1{
void g() {}
void h() {}
virtual void i();
class A3 : public A2{
void f() {}
virtual void h() {}

What will be virtual function table (VFT) for the class A3?

a) A3::f(A3* const)
A2::g(A2* const)
A3::h(A3* const)
A2::i(A2* const)

b) A1::f(A1* const)
A2::g(A2* const)
A3::h(A3* const)
A2::i(A2* const)

c) A1::f(A1* const)
A2::g(A2* const)
A2::h(A2* const)
A3::i(A3* const)

d) A1::f(A1* const)
A2::g(A2* const)
A3::h(A3* const)
A3::i(A3* const)

Answer: a)
All four functions are virtual in the class A3. So, there will be four entries in virtual function
Now, function f() is overridden in class A3. So, the entry for function f() in the virtual
function table of class A3 will be A3::f(A3* const).
The function g() is virtual from class A1 and is overridden in class A2. So, the entry for
function g() in VFT of class A3 will be A2::g(A2* const).
The function h() is declared as virtual in class A3. So, the entry for function h() in VFT of
class C will be A3::h(A3* const).

The function i() is declared as virtual in class A2. But not overridden in A3. So, the entry
for function i() in VFT of class A3 will be A2::i(A2* const).

Question 3
Consider the following code segment. [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char ch = ’C’;
double db = 3.14;
char *cp = &ch;
double *pd;
ch = static_cast<char>(db); // LINE-1
db = static_cast<double>(ch); // LINE-2
pd = static_cast<double*>(cp); // LINE-3
ch = static_cast<char>(&ch); // LINE-4
return 0;

Which line/s will give compilation error?

a) LINE-1

b) LINE-2

c) LINE-3

d) LINE-4

Answer: c), d)
static cast cannot cast between two different pointer types. In LINE-3, double* is assigned
to char*. Hence it is error.
Using static cast, it is not possible to change a pointer type to a value type. In LINE-4, char*
is assigned to char which is not possible using static cast.

Question 4
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 1]

class Test1 { };
class Test2 { };
Test1* tst1 = new Test1;
Test2* tst2 = new Test2;

Which of the following type-casting is permissible?

a) tst2 = static cast<Test2*>(tst1);

b) tst2 = dynamic cast<Test2*>(tst1);

c) tst2 = reinterpret cast<Test2*>(tst1);

d) tst2 = const cast<Test2*>(tst1);

Answer: c)
On each option, there is an attempt to cast from Test1* to Test2*, and these two classes are
unrelated. As we know, only reinterpret cast can be used to convert a pointer to an object
of one type to a pointer to another object of an unrelated type. Hence only option c) is correct.

Question 5
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;
class C1 { public: virtual ~C1(){}};
class C2: public C1{};
int main() {
C1 b;
C2 d;
C2 *dp = &d;
C1 *bp = dp;
C2 *dpp = (C2*)dp;
cout << (typeid(bp).name() == typeid(dpp).name());
cout << (typeid(*bp).name() == typeid(*dpp).name());
cout << (typeid(dp).name() == typeid(dpp).name());
cout << (typeid(*dp).name() == typeid(*dpp).name());
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 0101

b) 0111

c) 0110

d) 0010

Answer: b)
Type of bp is C1* and type of dpp is C2*. Thus, output is 0.
*bp and *dpp point to the same object d, and it is a dynamic binding situation. Thus, both
are of type C2 and output is 1.
Type of dp and dpp is C2*. Thus, output is 1.
*dp and *dpp point to the same object d, and it is a dynamic binding situation. Thus, both
are of type C2 and output is 1.

Question 6
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A1{ public: virtual ~A1(){} };
class A2 : public A1{};
class A3 : public A1{};
int main(){
A1 objA;
A2 objB;
A1* pA = dynamic_cast<A1*>(&objB); //LINE-1
pA == NULL ? cout << "0" : cout << "1";
A2* pB = dynamic_cast<A2*>(pA); //LINE-2
pB == NULL ? cout << "0" : cout << "1";
A3* pC = dynamic_cast<A3*>(new A1); //LINE-3
pC == NULL ? cout << "0" : cout << "1";
pC = dynamic_cast<A3*>(&objB); //LINE-4
pC == NULL ? cout << "0" : cout << "1";
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 0101

b) 1010

c) 1100

d) 1011

Answer: c)
The type-casting at LINE-1 is valid as it is an upper-casting.
At LINE-2, though it is a down-casting, it is allowed as the pointer pB points to the same type
of object (which of type A2).
At LINE-3, the down-casting is invalid as the pointer pC points to parent type of object (which
is of type A1). Hence prints 0.
At LINE-4, the casting is also invalid as the pointer pC points to an object (which is of type
A2) that is neither of its base type or derived type and hence prints 0.

Question 7
Consider the following code segment. [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const double g = 9.81;
const double *pg = &g;
double *pt = _______________________(pg); //LINE-1
*pt = 10;
cout << *pt;
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the program will print 10.

a) const cast<double*>

b) static cast<double*>

c) dynamic cast<double*>

d) (const double*)

Answer: a)
At LINE-1, pg of type const double* needs to be casted to double*. It can be accomplished
by const cast<double*>(pg).
This question is intentionally made as MSQ

Question 8
Consider the following code segment. [MSQ, Marks 2]

using namespace std;
class A{
string a = "C++";
class B{
string b = "Java";
int main(){
A u;
B *v = _________________________(&u);
cout << v->b;
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the program will print ”C++”.

a) reinterpret cast<B*>

b) static cast<B*>

c) dynamic cast<B*>

d) (B*)

Answer: a), d)
We need to cast object of A to B type which are unrelated. This can be done using C style
casting or reinterpret cast.

Question 9
Consider the code segment given below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

class C1{ public: void f(){} };

class C2 : public C1 { public: virtual void f(){}};
class C3 : public C2{ public: void g(){} };
class C4 : public C1{ public: virtual void g(){} };

How many virtual function table (VFT) will be created?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

Answer: c)
The presence of a virtual function (either explicitly declared or inherited from a base class)
makes the class polymorphic. For such classes, we need a class-specific virtual function table
(VFT). All three classes except A1, thus, will set up virtual function tables.

Programming Questions

Question 1
Complete the program with the following instructions.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 to complete operator overloading for the assignment operator.
• Fill in the blanks at LINE-2 and LINE-3 to complete the type casting statements.
The program must satisfy the given test cases. Marks: 3
using namespace std;
class Class1{
int a = 10;
void show(){
cout << a << " ";
class Class2{
int b = 20;
void show(){
cout << b;
_____________________{ //LINE-1
b = b + x;
void fun(const Class1 &t, int x){
Class1 &u = ____________________(t); //LINE-2;
Class2 &v = _________________________(u); //LINE-3
v = x;;
int main(){
Class1 t1;
int x;
cin >> x;
fun(t1, x);
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 4
Output: 10 14

Public 2
Input: 9
Output: 10 19

Private 1
Input: 15
Output: 10 25

LINE-1: operator=(int x)
LINE-2: const cast<Class1&>
LINE-3: reinterpret cast<Class2&>
As per the function fun(), we need to overload the operator equal to for the class Class2 at
LINE-1 so that the assignment v = x will be valid. It can be done as operator=(int x).
To call a non-constant function show() using a const object reference u, we need to cast the
reference to a non-const reference. So, LINE-2 will be filled as const cast<Class1&>.
Casting between two unrelated classes at LINE-3 can be done as reinterpret cast<Class2&>.

Question 2
Consider the following program with the following instructions.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 to complete constructor definition.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 to complete assignment operator overload function signature.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-3 to complete integer cast operator overload function signature.

The program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3

using namespace std;
class TestClass{
int *arr;
int n;
TestClass(int k) : ______________________{} //LINE-1
_______________{ //LINE-2
return arr[--n];
__________________(int &k){ //LINE-3
int t;
for(int j = 0; j < k; j++){
cin >> t;
this->arr[j] = t;
return *this;
int main(){
int k;
cin >> k;
TestClass s(k);
s = k;
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)
cout << static_cast<int>(s) << " ";
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 3
1 2 3
Output: 3 2 1

Public 2
Input: 4
5 6 4 7
Output: 7 4 6 5

Input: 5
1 2 3 4 5
Output: 5 4 3 2 1

LINE-1: n(k), arr(new int(n))
LINE-2: operator int()
LINE-3: TestClass operator=
The initialization of the data-members at LINE-1 can be done as:
n(k), arr(new int(k))
At LINE-2, we overload type-casting operator for the statement static cast〈int〉(s) as:
operator int()
At LINE-3, we overload operator= for the statement s = k; as:
TestClass operator=(int& k)

Question 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:

• at LINE-1 to complete the constructor definition,

• at LINE-2 to complete the function header to overload operator for type-casting to char,

• at LINE-3 to complete the function header to overload operator for type-casting to int,

such that it will satisfy the given test cases. Marks: 3

using namespace std;
class Character{
char c;
_______________ : c(tolower(_c)){} //LINE-1
________________{ return c; } //LINE-2
________________{ return c - ’a’ + 1; } //LINE-3
int main(){
char c;
cin >> c;
Character cb = c;
cout << (char)cb << ": position is " << int(cb);
return 0;

Public 1
Input: A
Output: a: position is 1

Public 2
Input: c
Output: c: position is 3

Input: Z
Output: z: position is 26

LINE-1: Character(char c)
LINE-2: operator char()
LINE-3: operator int()
The statement Char cb = c; requires casting from char to class Character, which is imple-
mented by the constructor as:
Character(char c)
The statement (char)cb requires a casting operator from class Character to char which may
be done by the function

operator char()
The statement int(cb) requires a casting operator from class Character to int which may be
done by function
operator int()

Programming in Modern C++: Assignment Week 8
Total Marks : 27

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302

September 5, 2024

Question 1
Consider the program given below. [MCQ, Marks 2]


void validate(int i){

if(i < 0)
throw "negetive";
else if(i > 0)
throw i * 1.00;
throw 0;
catch(float ){ std::cout << "float "; }
catch(int ){ std::cout << "int "; }
catch(const char* ){ std::cout << "char *"; }
int main(){
catch(...) { std::cout << "ALL"; } //LINE-4

What will be the output?

a) int float char *

b) int float

c) int ALL

d) int ALL char *

Answer: c)
For call validate(0); it executes statement throw 0;, which throws int type exception. int
type exception will be handled within the function validate() and it prints int .
For call validate(5); it executes statement throw i * 1.00;, which throws double type
exception. double type exception will be handled in the main function (because validate()
cannot handle it) and it prints ALL . Due to the exception in main() the control comes out of
the try block.

Question 2
Consider the program given below. [MCQ, Marks 1]


void func(){
throw 9.81;
catch(int& e){ throw e; }

int main(){
catch(int& e){ std::cout << "int"; }
catch(...){ std::cout << "all"; } //LINE-1
catch(double& e){ std::cout << "double"; }
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) all

b) int

c) double

d) Compiler error LINE-1: ’...’ handler must be the last handler for its try block

Answer: d)
catch(...) { ... } must be the last handler for its try block. Thus, it generates an error
at LINE-1.

Question 3
Consider the following program. [MCQ, Marks 2]


class Printer {};

class Nozzle : public Printer{};
class Cartridge : public Printer{};

void print(int i){

i < 0 ? throw Nozzle() : throw new Cartridge();
catch(Printer) { std::cout << "PrinterException "; }
catch(Nozzle) { std::cout << "NozzleException "; }
catch(Cartridge) { std::cout << "CartridgeException "; }

int main(){
for(int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
catch(...) { std::cout << "Some other exception "; }
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) NozzleException CartridgeException CartridgeException

b) PrinterException Some other exception

c) PrinterException PrinterException

d) NozzleException Some other exception

Answer: b)
For print(-1), the thrown exception type is Nozzle*. Since within print() function, the
first catch block handles the exception of type Printer that is base class of Nozzle, the first
catch block will handle it and the output will be PrinterException.
For print(0), the thrown exception type is Cartridge*. Since it is not handled within
print() function, it will be forwarded to main() function. In main(), it will be handled with
printing Some other exception, and the control goes out of for loop.

Question 4
Consider the following program. [MCQ, Marks 2]

namespace DBErrors{
class SQLException {};
class KeyException : public SQLException {};
class PrimaryKeyException : public KeyException{};
class ForeignKeyException : public KeyException{};
class DBCon{
static void print_err(int eno = 0){
if(eno == 0)
throw PrimaryKeyException();
else if(eno < 0)
throw ForeignKeyException();
else if (eno > 0 && eno < 5)
throw KeyException();
throw SQLException();
catch(KeyException&) { std::cout << "DBErrors::KeyException"; }
int main(){
____________________________________; //LINE-1
catch(DBErrors::PrimaryKeyException&) {
std::cout << "DBErrors::PrimaryKeyException&";
catch(DBErrors::ForeignKeyException&) {
std::cout << "DBErrors::ForeignKeyException";
catch(DBErrors::SQLException) {
std::cout << "DBErrors::SQLException";
return 0;

Identify the option/s to fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that output IS NOT

a) DBErrors::DBCon::print err(-10)

b) DBErrors::DBCon::print err(0)

c) DBErrors::DBCon::print err(7)

d) DBErrors::DBCon::print err(20)

Answer: c), d)
For option c) and d), it throws exception SQLException(), which is not handled by the catch
block within the function print err(). It would be forwarded to main function, where it will
handed by printing DBErrors::SQLException.
For all other options, the exception thrown would be handled within the function print err()
since KeyException is the base class of PrimaryKeyException and ForeignKeyException,
and it will print DBErrors::KeyException.

Question 5
Consider the following code segment. [MSQ, Marks 2]

template<typename S>
int compare(S n1, S n2){
return n1 * n2;
int main(){
std::cout << compare(31.46, 34); //LINE-1
return 0;

Which of the following call/s to compare at LINE-1 will result in compiler error?

a) compare(’i’, ’k’)

b) compare(31.46, 34.0)

c) compare(31.46, 34)

d) compare(’A’, 34)

Answer: c), d)
Since the types of the actual arguments in the calls in option c) and d) are different, the
deduction of type S is ambiguous. Therefore, it generates a compiler error – ”no matching
function for call to compare”.

Question 6
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

______________________________________________ //LINE-1
class TempTest{
T1 a_;
T2 b_;
TempTest(T1 a, T2 b){
a_ = a;
b_ = b;
void test(){
std::cout << "a = " << a_ << ", b = " << b_ << std::endl;
int main(){
TempTest<int> t1(97, 65);
TempTest<> t2(97, 65);
return 0;

Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output of the program is:

a = 97, b = 65
a = a, b = 65

a) template<typename T1, typename T2>

b) template<typename T1 = char, typename T2 = int>

c) template<typename T1=int, typename T2>

d) template<typename T1=int, typename T2=char>

Answer: b)
From the output, it can be concluded that the default type of T1 is char and T2 is char. Thus,
option b) is correct.

Question 7
Consider the following program. [MCQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>
template <typename T, int N> //LINE-1
class NPrint{
T _v;
NPrint(T v) : _v(v){}
void print(){
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
std::cout << _v;
int main(){
int n = 3;
NPrint<char, n> np('C'); //LINE-2
return 0;

What will be the output / error?

a) 333

b) CCC

c) Compiler error at LINE-1: non-type argument is not allowed

d) Compiler error at LINE-2: the value of ’n’ is not usable in a constant expression

Answer: d)
In C++ template, non-type argument n in template must be a constant.

Question 8
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

class complex_num{
int re_, im_;
complex_num(int re = 0, int im = 0) : re_(re), im_(im){}
int getRe(){ return re_; }
int getIm(){ return im_; }
void setRe(int re){ re_ = re; }
void setIm(int im){ im_ = im; }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const complex_num& c);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const complex_num& c){
os << c.re_ << " + i" << c.im_ << std::endl;
return os;
template<class T> T add(T x, T y){
return x + y;
___________________________________________________________ { //LINE-1
complex_num t;
t.setRe(x.getRe() - y.getRe());
t.setIm(x.getIm() + y.getIm());
return t;
int main(){
complex_num c1(10, 10);
complex_num c2(5, 15);
std::cout << add<double>(5.5, 1.4) << ", ";
std::cout << add<int>(5, 4) << ", ";
std::cout << add<complex_num>(c1, c2);
return 0;

Identify the appropriate option to fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program gives
output as
6.9, 9, 5 + i25

a) complex num add(complex num x, complex num y)

b) template<complex num> complex num add(complex num x, complex num y)

c) template<> complex num add<complex num>(complex num x, complex num y)

d) template<T> add<complex num>(complex num x, complex num y)

Answer: c)
The appropriate statement for template specification for complex num at LINE-1 is:
template<> complex num add<complex num>(complex num x, complex num y))

Question 9
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

class computation {
int addition(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
int subtraction(int a, int b) {
return a - b;

____________________________________________________ { //LINE-1
return (obj->*fp)(x, y);

int main() {
computation cm;
std::cout << caller(10, 20, &cm, &computation::addition) << " ";
std::cout << caller(10, 20, &cm, &computation::subtraction) << std::endl;
return 0;

Choose the appropriate option to fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the output becomes
30 -10

a) int caller(int& x, int& y, computation* obj, int(computation::fp)(int, int))

b) int caller(int x, int y, computation* obj, int(computation::*fp)(int, int))

c) int caller(int& x, int& y, computation* obj, int(*computation::fp)(int, int))

d) int caller(int x, int y, computation* obj, int*(computation::fp)(int, int))

Answer: b)
The appropriate way to declare a function pointer to point to computation::addition and
computation::subtraction is as follows:
int(computation::*fp)(int, int))
Therefore, the correct option is b).

Programming Questions

Question 1
Consider the program below.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with appropriate template definition for function average.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 with appropriate header for function average.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-3 with appropriate declaration of size.

The program must satisfy the given test cases. Marks: 3

#include <iostream>
_________________________________________ //LINE-1
______________________________ { //LINE-2
T1 total = 0 ;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
total += arr[i];
r = (double)total / N;
int main(){
____________ size = 4; //LINE-3
int iA[size];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
std::cin >> iA[i];
double avg = 0.0;
average<int, double, size>(iA, avg);
std::cout << avg;
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 10 20 30 40
Output: 25

Public 2
Input: -2 4 5 -1
Output: 1.5

Input: 9 10 -5 7
Output: 5.25

LINE-1: template<typename T1, typename T2, int N>
LINE-1: template<class T1, class T2, int N>
LINE-2: void average(T1 arr[], T2& avg)
LINE-3: const int

Since the call to the function average is made as:
average<int, double, 5>(iA, avg); , the first two arguments of template are type argu-
ments, whereas the third one is non-type, which can be filled at LINE-1 as:
template<typename T1, typename T2, int N>
template<class T1, class T2, int N>
At LINE-2, the function header can be
void average(T1 arr[], T2& avg)
At LINE-3, the constant size can be declared as:
LINE-3: const int

Question 2
Consider the following program that computes the mean of the squares of a number of integers.
Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below to complete the definition of functor
average with local state:

• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with constructor header.

• At LINE-2 overload the function call operator.

The program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3

struct average {
int cnt_; //count of element
int ss_; //sum of square of emements
_______________________________ : cnt_(cnt), ss_(ss) {} //LINE-1
_____________________________________________ //LINE-2
int main(){
std::vector<int> v;
int n, a;
std::cin >> n;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
std::cin >> a;
average mi = for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), average());
std::cout << "mean = " << (double)mi.ss_/mi.cnt_;
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 4 1 2 3 4
Output: mean = 7.5

Public 2
Input: 5 10 20 30 40 50
Output: mean = 1100

Input: 4 10 9 8 7
Output: mean = 73.5

LINE-1: average(int cnt = 0, int ss = 0)
LINE-2: void operator() (int x) { ++cnt ; ss += x * x; }

The constructor must initialize ss = 0 and cnt = 0. Therefore, the constructor header must

be defined as:
max(int cnt = 0, int ss = 0)
The function call operator must be overloaded to find the count of the elements of the array,
and to get the sum of the squares of the elements. Thus, it must be:
void operator() (int x) { ++cnt ; ss += x * x; }

Question 3
Consider the following program, which define a type plist that stores N elements. Fill in the
blanks as per the instructions given below:

• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with appropriate template definition,

• At LINE-2 implement void insert(int i, T val) function, which inserts a value at

specified index; however, if the input index is ≥ N , it throws testArray exception,

• At LINE-3 implement void T peek(int i) function, which returns value of a speci-

fied index. However, if the element at the specified position is negative then it thorws
InvalidElement exception.

The program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3

class testArray{
virtual void what(){ std::cout << "index out of array"; }
class InvalidElement{
virtual void what(){ std::cout << "invalid"; }
____________________________________ //LINE-1
class plist{
T arr_[N];
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
arr_[i] = -1;
//LINE-2: impelement insert() function
//LINE-3: impelement peek() function
int main(){
int n;
char c;
plist<char, 4> li;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
std::cin >> n;
std::cin >> c;
li.insert(n, c);
}catch(testArray& e){
std::cout << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
std::cout << li.peek(i) << ", ";
}catch(InvalidElement& e){

std::cout << ", ";
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 1 a 2 b 3 c 0 x
Output: x, a, b, c,

Public 2
Input: 2 a 1 x 3 z 2 y
Output: invalid, x, y, z,

Public 3
Input: 0 a 2 b 3 x 4 z
index out of array
a, invalid, b, x,

Public 4
Input: 0 a 6 x
index out of array
a, invalid, invalid, invalid,

Input: 0 x 2 y 3 z 2 a
Output: x, invalid, a, z,

LINE-1: template<typename T, int N>
LINE-1: template<class T, int N>
void insert(int i, T val){
if(i < N)
arr_[i] = val;
throw testArray();
T peek(int i){
if(arr_[i] < 0)
throw InvalidElement();
return arr_[i];

At LINE-1, the template definition must be:
template<typename T, int N>
LINE-1: template<class T, int N>
At LINE-2, define the void insert(int i, T val) to add element val at index i as follows:

void insert(int i, T val){

if(i < N)
arr_[i] = val;
throw testArray();

At LINE-3, define the T peek(int i) to return the element at index i as follows:

T peek(int i){
if(arr_[i] < 0)
throw InvalidElement();
return arr_[i];

Programming in Modern C++: Assignment Week 9
Total Marks : 27

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302

September 12, 2024

Question 1
Consider the program given below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main () {
int i = 90;
cout << setbase(8)<< i << " ";
cout << setbase(10)<< i << " ";
cout << setbase(16)<< i << " ";
cout << static_cast<char>(i) << endl;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 90 90 90 90

b) 90 90 90 Z

c) 132 90 5a 90

d) 132 90 5a Z

Answer: d)
The function setbase(b) sets the base of an integer as b. Therefore, the statement :
cout << setbase(8)<< i << " ";
prints the value of i as octal (base 8) value.
The statement:
cout << setbase(10)<< i << " ";
prints the value of i as decimal (base 10) value.
The statement:
cout << setbase(16)<< i << " ";
prints the value of i as octal (base 16) value.
Finally, the statement static cast<char>(i) type-casts i to integer.

Question 2
Consider the program given below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

using namespace std;
int main(){
FILE *inp, *outp;
int c;
if((inp = fopen("in.txt", "r")) == NULL)
return -1;
if((outp = fopen("out.txt", "w")) == NULL)
return -2;
while((c = fgetc(inp)) != EOF && c != '\n')
fputc(c, outp);
return 0;

Choose the statement that is true about the output of the program.

a) It copies the entire content file in.txt to file out.txt.

b) It copies the content file in.txt to file out.txt without the newlines (i.e. the entire content
of in.txt would be copied to a single line of put.txt.

c) It copies the first line of file in.txt to file out.txt.

d) It copies the content file in.txt to file out.txt if file in.txt has only one line; otherwise,
it generates an error in runtime.

Answer: c)
The while loop in the program gets terminated either when fgetc(inp) return EOF or c ==
’\n’ . Therefore, if the file in.txt has only one line, the EOF will be encountered at the
end of the line. In case of multiple lines, it reads the first line, then encounters a ’\n’, and

Question 3
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main () {
std::ifstream inf("input.txt");
std::string line;
if (__________________) { //LINE-1
std::cout << "file is not opened";
while (getline(inf, line))
std::cout << line << std::endl;
return 0;

Choose the appropriate option to fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that it checks if the file
input.txt is opened or not.

a) open()

b) ! open()

c) !

d) fopen(inf) == NULL

Answer: b)
Since the program attempts to read from the file, whether the file exists or not can be verified
by is open() function. Thus, the correct option is b).

Question 4
Consider the following code segment. [MSQ, Marks 2]


template<class Itr, class T>

int findmax(Itr first, Itr last, T& mval) {
int maxpos = 0, i = 0;
mval = *first++;
while (first != last) {
if(*first > mval){
mval = *first;
maxpos = i + 1;
return maxpos;

int main(){
int iArr[] = { 1, 4, 8, 1, 3, 8, 7};
double mVal = 0.0;
_____________________________________________________; //LINE-1
std::cout << pos << ", " << mVal;
return 0;

Choose the appropriate options to fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program finds out
the maximum element of the array iArr and the output is 2, 8.

a) findmax(iArr, iArr + sizeof(iArr) / sizeof(*iArr), mVal)

b) int pos = findmax(iArr, &iArr[sizeof(iArr) / sizeof(*iArr)], mVal)

c) int mVal = findmax(iArr, iArr + sizeof(iArr) / sizeof(*iArr), mVal)

d) int pos = findmax(iArr, iArr + sizeof(iArr) / sizeof(*iArr), mVal)

Answer: b), d)
The formal parameters of the function findmax are as follows:

• first – the base address of the array, which is iArr

• last – the end address of the array, which is iArr + sizeof(iArr) / sizeof(*iArr)
or &iArr[sizeof(iArr) / sizeof(*iArr)]

• mval – a reference variable to store the maximum element of the array, which is mVal.

And it returns the index of the maximum element. If there is more than one maximum element,
then it returns the location of the first occurrence. Therefore, options b) and d) are the correct

Question 5
Consider the following code segment. [MCQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main () {
cout << setprecision(5) << setfill('0') << setw(9) << 20/3.0;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 00006.66667

b) 0006.6667

c) 0000000006.66667

d) 0000000006.70000

Answer: b)
20/3.0 = 6.6666...
setprecision(5) makes it to 6.6667
setfill(’0’) and setw(9) make it to 0006.6667.

Question 6
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <list>

int main() {
std::list<int> li= { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
std::vector<int> vi(li.size());
std::list<int>::iterator it1 = li.begin();
std::vector<int>::iterator it2 = vi.begin();
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ //LINE-1
it1++; it2++;

copy(it1, li.end(), it2);

for(it2 = vi.begin(); it2 != vi.end(); ++it2)

std::cout << *it2;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 12345

b) 45000

c) 00045

d) 00123

Answer: c)
The for loop at LINE-1 sets it1 and it2 at the third position of li and vi, respectively.
Therefore, the copy function copies the last two elements from li to the last two positions of

Question 7
Consider the following program (in C++11) to compute the inner product between the integers
in a vector vi and a list li. [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>

int operation1(int i, int j){ return i + j; }

int operation2(int i, int j){ return i * j; }

int main() {
std::vector<int> vi { 1, 2, 3 };
std::list<int> li { 10, 20, 30 };

int n = inner_product(___________________________________); //LINE-1

std::cout << n;
return 0;

Choose the correct option to fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that output becomes 140.

a) vi.begin(), vi.end(), li.begin(), 0, operation1, operation2

b) li.begin(), li.end(), vi.begin(), 0, operation1, operation2

c) li.begin(), li.end(), vi.begin(), 0, operation2, operation1

d) vi.begin(), vi.end(), li.begin(), 0, operation2, operation1

Answer: a), b)
The implementation of inner product function is similar to:

template<class In, class In2, class T, class BinOp, class BinOp2 >
T inner_product(In first, In last, In2 first2, T init, BinOp op1, BinOp2 op2) {
while(first!=last) {
init = op1(init, op2(*first, *first2));
++first; ++first2;
return init;

Thus, a) and b) both are the correct options.

Question 8
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MCQ, Marks 2]


struct divide{
int d_;
divide(int d = 1) : d_(d) { }
bool operator()(int i){ return (i % d_ == 0); }

template<class T, class P>

T find_if(T first, T last, P pred) {
while (__________________________) ++first; //LINE-1
return first;

void show(std::list<int> li, int d){

divide divi(d);
std::list<int>::iterator it = find_if(li.begin(), li.end(), divi); //LINE-3
while(it != li.end()){
std::cout << *it << " ";
it = find_if(++it, li.end(), divi);

int main(){
std::list<int> li {7, 8, 1, 4, 2, 5, 6, 3};
int d;
show(li, 4);
return 0;

Choose the appropriate option to fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that it prints the values from
list li, which are divisible by 4. So the output should be 8 4

a) first != last || !pred(*first)

b) first != last && !pred(*first)

c) first != last && pred(*first)

d) first != last || pred(first)

Answer: b)
At LINE-1, the while loop condition must be:
first != last && !pred(*first)
such that the loop stops either when it reaches the end of the list or when the given predicate
is satisfied.

Question 9
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MCQ, Marks 2]


template<typename Itr, typename T>

______________________________________ { //LINE-1
int minpos = 0, i = 0;
mval = *first++;
while (first != last) {
if(*first < mval){
mval = *first;
minpos = i + 1;
return minpos;

int main(){
std::vector<int> vi = { 3, 2, 1, 1, 6, 8, 7};
int mVal = 0;
int pos = minimum(vi.begin(), vi.end(), mVal);
std::cout << pos << " : " << mVal;
return 0;

Identify the correct function header(s) for minimum to fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the
program finds out the minimum element of the vector vi and the output is 2 : 1.

a) int minimum(Itr first, Itr last, T mval)

b) int minimum(Itr first, Itr last, T& mval)

c) int minimum(T first, T last, Itr& mval)

d) int minimum(Itr first, T last, T& mval)

Answer: b), c)
The actual parameters of the function minimum are as follows:

• vi.begin() and vi.end(): Return iterators pointing to the first element and last ele-
ment in the vector.

• mval: Must be pass-by-reference to store the minimum element of the vector.

And it returns the index of the minimum element. Therefore, option b) and c) are the correct

Programming Questions

Question 1
Consider the following program.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 to inherit from unary function.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 with appropriate initializer list.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-3 to override function call operator.

The program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3

struct Calculate : ____________________________________ { //LINE-1
int inc;
double sum;
Calculate() : ________________ {} //LINE-2
___________________________________________ //LINE-3
int main(){
std::vector<double> vd;
int n;
double d;
std::cin >> n;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
std::cin >> d;
Calculate com = for_each(vd.begin(), vd.end(), Calculate());
std::cout << "avg = " << com.sum /;
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 5 1.2 2.3 3.4 4.5 5.6
Output: avg = 3.4

Public 2
Input: 6 4.3 -9 -1.3 5.4 2.3 4.3
Output: avg = 1

Input: 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8
Output: avg = 4.14286

LINE-1: public std::unary function<double, void>
LINE-2: inc(0), sum(0.0)

LINE-3: void operator() (double x) { sum += x; ++inc; }
The functor Calculate inherits the unary function as:
struct Calculate : public std::unary function<double, void>
,since it accepts an int as input as double without any return.
The constructor must initialize sum = 0.0 and inc = 0. Thus, it must be:
Calculate() : inc(0), sum(0.0) {}
The function call operator must be overloaded to find the count of the elements of the array,
and to get the sum of the elements. Thus, it must be:
void operator() (double x) { sum += x; ++inc; }

Question 2
Consider the following program, which takes 10 numbers as input, and computes the frequency
of each number. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:

• at LINE-1 with appropriate statement to iterate over the given list li,

• at LINE-2 with appropriate statement to iterate over the given map fq,

such that it will satisfy the given test cases. Marks: 3

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <list>

std::map<int, int> Frequency(std::list<int> li){

std::map<int, int> fq;
for (_______________________________________) //LINE-1
return fq;

void print(std::map<int, int> fq){

for (___________________________________) //LINE-2
std::cout << it->first << " => " << it->second << ", ";

int main() {
std::list<int> li;
int a;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
std::cin >> a;
std::map<int, int> fq = Frequency(li);
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 10 30 50 20 30 40 50 10 20 10
Output: 10 => 3, 20 => 2, 30 => 2, 40 => 1, 50 => 2,

Public 2
Input: 10 20 10 30 10 40 10 50 20 30
Output: 10 => 4, 20 => 2, 30 => 2, 40 => 1, 50 => 1,

Input: 10 20 30 40 50 40 20 30 10 10
Output: 10 => 3, 20 => 2, 30 => 2, 40 => 2, 50 => 1,

LINE-1: std::list<int>::iterator it = li.begin(); it != li.end(); ++it
LINE-2: std::map<int, int>::iterator it = fq.begin(); it != fq.end(); ++it
The std::list<int>::iterator type can be used to iterate through the given list li, so the
statement at LINE-1 ca be:
for (std::list<int>::iterator it = li.begin(); it != li.end(); ++it)
Similarly, the std::map<int, int>::iterator type can be used to iterate through the given
map fq, so the statement at LINE-2 can be:
for (std::map<int, int>::iterator it = fq.begin(); it != fq.end(); ++it)

Question 3
Consider the following program that filters the elements from a given list li within a given
upper and lower bounds and prints them.

• Fill in the blanks at LINE-1 with appropriate template declaration.

• Fill in the blanks at LINE-2 with an appropriate condition of the while loop.

• Fill in the blanks at LINE-3 with an appropriate call to function find such that it returns
an iterator object to the first element from li that match the given predicate with upper
and lower bounds.

The program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3

template<typename T>
struct boundIt{
T ub_, lb_;
boundIt(T lb = 0, T ub = 0) : ub_(ub), lb_(lb) { }
bool operator()(T x){ return (x <= ub_ && x >= lb_); }
______________________________________ //LINE-1
T find(T first, T last, Pred prd) {
while (____________________________) ++first; //LINE-2
return first;
void display(std::list<int> li, int lb, int ub){
boundIt<int> bnd(lb, ub);
____________________________________________________; //LINE-3
while(it != li.end()){
std::cout << *it << " ";
it = find(++it, li.end(), bnd);
int main(){
std::list<int> li {30, 70, 10, 40, 20, 50, 60, 80};
int l, u;
std::cin >> l >> u;
display(li, l, u);
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 30 55
Output: 30 40 50

Public 2
Input: 20 80
Output: 30 70 40 20 50 60 80

Input: 50 88
Output: 70 60 80

LINE-1: template<typename T, typename Pred>
LINE-1: template<class T, class Pred>
LINE-2: first != last && !prd(*first)
LINE-3: std::list<int>::iterator it = find(li.begin(), li.end(), bnd)
At LINE-1, the function the appropriate funcition template is:
template<typename T, typename Pred>
template<class T, class Pred>
At LINE-2, the while loop condition must be:
first != last && !prd(*first)
At LINE-3, the first element matches the predicate can be found as:
std::list<int>::iterator it = find(li.begin(), li.end(), bnd)

Programming in Modern C++: Assignment Week 10
Total Marks : 27

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302

September 20, 2024

Question 1
Consider the program (in C++11) given below. [MCQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>

__________________ { // LINE-1
double dct = 0.05;
double getVal(double pri){
return pri * dct;

________________________ { // LINE-2
double dct = 0.07;
template<typename T>
T getVal(T pri){
return pri * dct;

int main(){
std::cout << ns1::getVal(105.0) << " ";
std::cout << ns2::getVal(105) << " " << getVal(105.0);
return 0;

Choose the appropriate option to fill in the blanks at LINE-1 and LINE-2 so that the output
5.25 7 7.35

a) LINE-1: namespace ns1

LINE-2: namespace ns2

b) LINE-1: namespace ns1

LINE-2: inline namespace ns2

c) LINE-1: inline namespace ns1

LINE-2: namespace ns2

d) LINE-1: inline namespace ns1
LINE-2: inline namespace ns2

Answer: b)
As per the output of ns1::getVal(105.0) and ns2::getVal(105), the ns1 and ns2 must
have basic namespace definition. However, since getVal(105.0) invoke the function getVal
from ns2, ns2 must be the default namespace. Thus, at LINE-1 and LINE-2, we must have:
namespace ns1
inline namespace ns2

Question 2
Consider the program (in C++11) given below. [MCQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>
int main( ){
int a = 1;
const int b = 1;
int& i1 = a;
const int& i2 = b;
auto x1 = i1;
auto x2 = i2; //LINE-1
std::cout << ++x1 << " " << ++x2 << " "; //LINE-2
std::cout << i1 << " " << i2;
return 0;

What will be the output/error?

a) Compiler error at LINE-1: auto connot deduce to cv-qualifier

b) Compiler error at LINE-2: read-only x2 cannot be modified

c) 2 2 2 2

d) 2 2 1 1

Answer: d)
Since auto never deduces adornments like cv-qualifer or reference (however, no error or excep-
tion is generated), the inferred type of x1 and x2 is int. Thus, the changes in x1 and x2 are
not reflected on i1 and i2.

Question 3
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
void change(std::vector<int>& iv){
auto j = 2;
for(________________ : iv) //LINE-1
i *= j;
int main( ){
std::vector<int> iVec { 10, 20, 30, 40 };
for(auto i : iVec)
std::cout << i << ", ";
return 0;

Choose the appropriate option/s to fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output is
20, 40, 60, 80,

a) auto i

b) decltype(j) i

c) decltype((j)) i

d) decltype(iv[j]) i

Answer: c), d)
In options a) and b), the inferred type of i is int. Thus, the changes made in i are not
reflected in the vector iVec. So, the O/P is 20, 40, 60, 80,
In options c) and d), the inferred type of i is int&. Thus, the changes made in i are reflected
in the vector iVec.

Question 4
Consider the following code segment (in C++14). [MSQ, Marks 2]


struct LHS{
int i {10};
int operator()() { return i ; }

struct RHS{
int i {10};
int& operator()() { return i ; }

template < typename T >

_______________________________________ { //LINE-1
return rf() ;

int main(){
LHS f1;
RHS f2;
std::cout << caller(f1) << " ";
std::cout << (caller(f2) = 100);
return 0;

Choose the appropriate option/s to fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output is 10 100.

a) auto caller( T& rf )

b) auto caller( T& rf ) -> decltype(rf())

c) int& caller( T& rf )

d) decltype(auto) caller( T& rf )

Answer: b), d)
The call caller(f1) evaluates to prvalue of type int.
The call caller(f2) = 100 evaluates to lvalue of type int&.
Since plain auto never deduces to a reference, option a) fails for lvalue.
Since plain int& always deduces to a reference, option c) fails for prvalue.
Option b) and d) works for lvalue as well as prvalue. Thus these two are correct options.

Question 5
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

int main( ){
int n = 10;

int& a = n;
const int& b = 10;

auto x1 = a;
auto x2 = b;
decltype(a) x3 = a;
decltype(b) x4 = a;

++x1; //LINE-1
++x2; //LINE-2
++x3; //LINE-3
++x4; //LINE-4

return 0;

Which of the following line/s generate/s compilation error/s?

a) LINE-1

b) LINE-2

c) LINE-3

d) LINE-4

Answer: d)
Since auto never deduces adornments like cv-qualifier or reference (however, no error or ex-
ception is generated), the inferred type of x1 and x2 is int. For x3, the inferred type is int&,
whereas for x4, the inferred type is const int&. Therefore, d) is the correct option.

Question 6
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MSQ, Marks 2]


long double operator"" _M(long double x) {

return x * 100;
long double operator"" _CM(long double x) {
return x;
class distance{
distance(int d1, int d2) : d1_(d1), d2_(d2){}
int getDistance(){ return d1_ + d2_; }
int d1_, d2_;
int main() {
distance d(____________________); //LINE-1
std::cout << d.getDistance() << "CM";
return 0;

Choose the appropriate option to fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output is 1019CM.

a) 10.0M, 19.0CM

b) 10.0 M, 19.0 CM

c) (M)10.0, (CM)19.0

d) 10 M, 19 CM

Answer: b)
For user-defined numeric literal operators, the correct way to invoke them is to write them as
10.0 M, 19.0 CM.
All other options are compilation error. Even option d) is wrong as numeric literal operators
require exact type matching.
Intentionally kept as MSQ

Question 7
Consider the following program (in C++11). [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <initializer_list>

template<typename T>
class Number{
Number() { std::cout << "1" << " "; }
Number(int n) { std::cout << "2" << " "; }
Number(std::initializer_list<int> elems) { std::cout << "3" << " "; }
Number(int n, std::initializer_list<int> elms) { std::cout << "4" << " ";
int main(){
Number<int> n1(10);
Number<int> n2({10, 20, 30});
Number<int> n3{10, 20, 30};
Number<int> n4 = {10, 20, 30};
Number<int> n5(10, {10, 20, 30});
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 2 3 3 1 4

b) 2 3 3 3 4

c) 2 3 2 1 3

d) 2 4 3 3 4

Answer: b)
Number<int> n1(10); invokes parameterized constructor Number(int n) { ... }.
Number<int> n2({10, 20, 30});, Number<int> n3{10, 20, 30}; and Number<int> n4 =
{10, 20, 30}; invoke the initializer list constructor Number(initializer list<int> elms){
... }.
Number<int> n5(10, {10, 20, 30}); invokes the mixed constructor
Number(int n, initializer list<int> elms){ ... }.

Question 8
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MSQ, Marks 2]


constexpr int f2(const int i){

return i + 10;

void function(const int i){

constexpr int n = 20;
constexpr int c1 = n + 30; //LINE-1
constexpr int c2 = n + c1; //LINE-2
constexpr int c3 = n + i; //LINE-3
constexpr int c4 = n + f2(i); //LINE-4

int main(){
return 0;

Identify the line/s that generate/s compilation error/s.

a) LINE-1

b) LINE-2

c) LINE-3

d) LINE-4

Answer: c), d)
constexpr needs compile-time constant.
At LINE-1, c1 = n + 30; where n is a constexpr and 30 is a literal. Therefore, c1 is a
At LINE-2, c2 = n + c1 where n and c1 both are constexpr. Therefore, c2 is a constexpr.
At LINE-3, c3 = n + i; where n is a constexpr; however i is not a compile-time constant.
Therefore, c2 cannot be constexpr.
At LINE-4, c4 = n + f2(i); where n is a constexpr; however the call f2(i) fails since i is not
a compile-time constant.

Question 9
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

void show(char* str){ /*some code*/ }

template<typename FUNC, typename PARA>

void function(FUNC f, PARA p){

int main(){
char s[15] = "Modern C++";
function(show, s); //LINE-1
function(show, 0); //LINE-2
function(show, s[4]); //LINE-3
function(show, nullptr); //LINE-4
return 0;

Choose the call/s to function that will result in compiler error/s.

a) LINE-1

b) LINE-2

c) LINE-3

d) LINE-4

Answer: b), c)
For the call in LINE-1, the template type parameter PARA is deduced to char*. Thus, it does
not generate any compiler error.
For the call in LINE-2, the template type parameter PARA is deduced to int. Thus, it generates
a compiler error.
For the call in LINE-3, the template type parameter PARA is deduced to char. Thus, it generates
a compiler error.
For the call in LINE-4, the template type parameter PARA is deduced to std::nullptr t and
the call show(f, std::nullptr t) is syntactically correct.

Programming Questions

Question 1
Consider the following program (in C++11). Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given

• Fill in the blanks at LINE-1 and LINE-2 with appropriate headers for the definition of
function getValue() belongs to class G and class KG.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-3 with appropriate template definition.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-4 with appropriate header for function convert weight.

The program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3

#include <iostream>

class KG;
class G{
G(double w) : w_(w) { }
KG getValue();
void print(){ std::cout << w_ << "G "; }
double w_;

class KG{
KG(double w) : w_(w) { }
G getValue();
void print(){ std::cout << w_ << "KG "; }
double w_;

______________________ { return KG(w_ / 1000); } //LINE-1

______________________ { return G(w_ * 1000); } //LINE-2
______________________ //LINE-3
____________________________________ { //LINE-4
return w.getValue();

int main(){
double a, b;
std::cin >> a >> b;
G o1(a);
KG o2(b);
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 10 10
Output: 0.01KG 10000G

Public 2
Input: 2000 20
Output: 2KG 20000G

Input: 50 500
Output: 0.05KG 500000G

LINE-1: KG G::getValue()
LINE-2: G KG::getValue()
LINE-3: template <typename T>
LINE-3: template <class T>
LINE-4: auto convert weight(T w) -> decltype(w.getValue())
LINE-4: decltype(auto) convert weight(T w)
At LINE-1 and LINE-2 the header for getValue() function can be written as:
KG G::getValue()
G KG::getValue()
At LINE-3 the template, and at LINE-4 the header for function convert weight can be written
template <typename T> or template <class T>
auto convert weight(T w) -> decltype(w.getValue()) in C++11/14
decltype(auto) convert weight(T w) in C++14

Question 2
Consider the following program in C++11/14. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given

• at LINE-1 with appropriate header and initialization list for the copy constructor,

• at LINE-2 with the appropriate header for copy assignment operator overload,

• at LINE-3 with appropriate header and initialization list for the move constructor,

• at LINE-4 with the appropriate header for move assignment operator overload,

such that it will satisfy the given test cases. Marks: 3

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

class Integer {
Integer(int i) : ip_(new int(i)) { }
__________________________________ { } // LINE-1: copy constructor
_______________________________ { // LINE-2: copy assignment
if (this != &n) {
delete ip_;
ip_ = new int(*(n.ip_) * 10);
return *this;
~Integer() { delete ip_; }
__________________________ { n.ip_ = nullptr; } // LINE-3: move constructor
____________________________ { // LINE-4: move assignment
if (this != &d) {
ip_ = d.ip_;
d.ip_ = nullptr;
return *this;
void show(){
if(ip_ == nullptr)
std::cout << "moved : ";
std::cout << *ip_ << " : ";
int* ip_ {nullptr};

int main(){
int a;
std::cin >> a;
Integer n1(a);
Integer n2 = n1;

Integer n3;
n3 = n1;;;;

Integer n4 = std::move(n1);
Integer n5;
n5 = std::move(n1);;;;
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 5
Output: 5 : 25 : 50 : moved : 5 : moved :

Public 2
Input: -10
Output: -10 : -50 : -100 : moved : -10 : moved :

Input: 1
Output: 1 : 5 : 10 : moved : 1 : moved :

LINE-1: Integer(const Integer& n) : ip (new int(*(n.ip ) * 5))
LINE-2: Integer& operator=(const Integer& n)
LINE-3: Integer(Integer&& n) : ip (n.ip )
LINE-4: Integer& operator=(Integer&& d)
As per the output specified, the header and initialization list for copy constructor at LINE-1
Integer(const Integer& n) : ip (new int(*(n.ip ) * 10)),
the header for copy assignment operator for copy assignment is:
Integer& operator=(const Integer& n),
the header and initialization list for move constructor at LINE-3 is:
Integer(Integer&& n) : ip (n.ip ),
the header for move assignment at LINE-4 is:
Integer& operator=(Integer&& d).

Question 3
Consider the following program (in C++11). Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given

• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with an appropriate template definition.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 to complete the header for function inner product.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-3 to define the new type Tmp.

The program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

_________________________ //LINE-1
void inner_product(________________________) { //LINE-2
_______________________________; // LINE-3: define new type Tmp
/* Don't edit the following part */
Tmp sum = 0;

for (int i=0; i < v1.size(); ++i) {

sum += v1[i] * v2[i];
std::cout << sum << " ";

int main(){
float a;
int b;
double c;
std::vector<float> Vec1;
std::vector<int> Vec2;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
std::cin >> a;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
std::cin >> b;

inner_product(Vec1, Vec2);
return 0;

Public 1
1.5 2.5 3.5
1 2 3
Output: 17

Public 2
5.5 3.0 4.5
11 12 13
Output: 155

3.14 3.15 3.15
10 20 30
Output: 188.9

LINE-1: template<typename U, typename V>
LINE-1: template<class U, class V>
LINE-2: std::vector<U>& v1, std::vector<V>& v2
LINE-3: typedef decltype(v1[0] * v2[0]) Tmp
At LINE-1, the appropriate template can be defined as:
template<typename U, typename V>
or template<class U, class V>
At LINE-2 the header for function inner product can be written as:
void inner product(std::vector<U>& v1, std::vector<V>& v2)
At LINE-3 the new type Tmp can be created as:
typedef decltype(v1[0] * v2[0]) Tmp

Programming in Modern C++: Assignment Week 11
Total Marks : 27

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302

September 27, 2024

Question 1
Consider the program (in C++11) given below. [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

class classA {
classA(const int& n) { std::cout << "base - lvalue : " << n << std::endl; }
classA(int&& n) { std::cout << "base - rvalue : " << n << std::endl; }

class classB {
template<typename T, typename U>
classB(T&& n1, U&& n2) : ____________________ { } //LINE-1
classA a1_, a2_;
int main(){
int i = 1;
classB b1(i, 2);
return 0;

Choose the appropriate option to fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the output becomes
base - lvalue : 1
base - rvalue : 2

a) a1 (n1), a2 (n2)

b) a1 (std::forward<T>(n1)), a2 (std::forward<U>(n2))

c) a1 (n1), a2 (std::forward<U>(n2))

d) a1 (std::forward<U>(n1)), a2 (n2)

Answer: b), c)

From the output we can understand that for object a1 the l-value version of the constructors
and for object a2 the r-value version of the constructors need to be called. Since at the
constructor of class classB, n1 and n2 are received as universal reference types, n1 can be
forwarded to class classA constructor as a1 (n1) or as a1 (std::forward<T>(n1)) but n1
needs to be forwarded to class classA constructor as a1 (std::forward<T>(n2))

Question 2
Consider the code segment (in C++11) given below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

template<typename T>
class Test{
void f1(T&& n); //LINE-1
template<typename U>
void f2(U&& n); //LINE-2
void f3(Test&& n); //LINE-3
template<typename V>
void f4(std::vector<V>&& n); //LINE-4

Identify the line/s where && indicates a universal reference.

a) LINE-1

b) LINE-2

c) LINE-3

d) LINE-4

Answer: b)
Note that && usually indicates rvalue reference. && indicates a universal reference only where
type deduction takes place.
At LINE-1, no type deduction takes place during function call (the type deduction takes place
during class instantiation), therefore && at LINE-1 is just a rvalue reference, not a universal
At LINE-2, the template type parameter U requires type deduction. Thus, && at LINE-2
indicates a universal reference.
At LINE-3, requires no type deduction. Thus, && at LINE-3 indicates a rvalue reference.
At LINE-4, the template type parameter V requires type deduction. However, since the form of
function parameter is not V&& (it in form std::vector<V>&&), it indicates only rvalue reference.

Question 3
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
enum class CCType {A, B, C};
enum class GRADE {A, B, C};
enum SECTION {A, B, C};
bool isA(CCType col){
if(col == CCType::A) //LINE-1
return true;
return false;
bool isB(CCType col){
if(col == GRADE::BEST) //LINE-2
return true;
return false;
bool isC(CCType col){
if(col == C) //LINE-3
return true;
return false;
int main() {
if(isC(CCType::C) && isB(CCType::B) &&
std::cout << "true";
return 0;

Identify the statement/s which are true for the given program.

a) It generates compiler error at LINE-1

b) It generates compiler error at LINE-2

c) It generates compiler error at LINE-3

d) It generates the output true

Answer: b), c)
The statement if(col == CCType::A) compares between two CCType type elements, which
compiles successfully.
The statement if(col == GRADE::BEST) compares between CCType type with GRADE type,
which are not type castable. Thus it generates error.
The statement if(col == C) compares between CCType type with int, which are not type
castable. Thus it generates error.
Since the code generates compiler error, it will not produce any output.

Question 4
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

int main() {
std::vector<int> v {20, 40, 30, 10, 50};
/* code-block-1 */
sort(v.begin(), v.end(), compare());
for(int i : v)
std::cout << i << " ";
return 0;

Identify the appropriate code block to be placed at code-block-1 such that the output is 50
40 30 20 10 .

a) bool compare(int a, int b){ return a > b; }

b) struct compare{
bool operator()(int a, int b){ return a > b; }

c) class compare{
bool operator()(int a, int b){ return a > b; }

d) bool operator()(int a, int b){ return a > b; }

Answer: b)
A functor can be local to a function; however, it is not possible for a function or class. Therefore,
b) is the correct option.

Question 5
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
template<typename T>
class Test{
Test() = delete;
Test(T _i) : i(_i){ }
Test(const Test& ) = delete;
Test(Test&& ) = default;
T i;
int main(){
Test<int> d1; //LINE-1
Test<int> d2(5); //LINE-2
Test<int> d3 = d2; //LINE-3
Test<int> d4 = std::move(d2); //LINE-4
return 0;

Which of the following line/s generate/s compiler error/s?

a) LINE-1

b) LINE-2

c) LINE-3

d) LINE-4

Answer: a), c)
Since the default constructor and the copy constructor of class Data are explicitly deleted.
LINE-1 and LINE-3m generate compiler errors.

Question 6
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

class emp{
explicit emp() : emp(0) { std::cout << "1 "; } //LINE-1
explicit emp(const int i) : emp(i, dSalary) { std::cout << "2 "; } //LINE-2
explicit emp(const double s) : emp(0, s) { std::cout << "3 "; } //LINE-3
emp(int i, double s) : id_{i}, salary_{s} { std::cout << "4 ";} //LINE-4
int id_ { -1 };
double salary_ { 0.0 };
static constexpr double dSalary = 5500.00;

int main(){
emp e1;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 1

b) 2 1

c) 4 2 1

d) 1 2 4

Answer: c)
The instatiation of object as emp e1; causes the follwoing consecutive calls to the constructors:

1. constructor at LINE-1,

2. constructor at LINE-2,

3. constructor at LINE-4.

Since the constructors are executed in reverse order of the calls, the output would be 4 2 1 .

Question 7
Consider the following program (in C++14). [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

template<typename T> T test = T(2.54);

int main(){
test<int> = 100;
auto cm_2_m = [](auto(cm)) { return cm * test<decltype(cm)>; }(100);
auto cm_2_in = [](auto(cm)) { return cm * test<decltype(cm)>; }(100.0);
std::cout << cm_2_m << ", " << cm_2_in;
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 254, 254

b) 10000, 10000

c) 10000, 254

d) 254, 10000

Answer: c)
In the expression: [](auto(cm)) return cm * test<decltype(cm)>; (100) , the inferred
type of cm is int. So, the result is 10000.
In the expression: [](auto(cm)) return cm * test<decltype(cm)>; (100.0) , the in-
ferred type of cm is double. So, the result is 254.

Question 8
Consider the following λ expression (in C++11). [MCQ, Marks 2]

auto test = [d, &sum](std::list<int> l) {

for(auto i : l)
sum += i;
return (double)sum / l.size();

Identify the most appropriate option that define the equivalent closure object for the above
lambda function.

a) struct test_struct {
int d;
int& sum;
test_struct(int d_, int& sum_) : d(d_), sum(sum_) { }
void operator()(std::list<int> l, double& avg) const {
for(auto i : l)
sum += i;
avg = (double)sum / l.size();
auto test = test_struct(d, sum);

b) struct test_struct {
int d;
int sum;
test_struct(int d_, int& sum_) : d(d_), sum(sum_) { }
operator()(std::list<int> l) {
for(auto i : l)
sum += i;
return (double)sum / l.size();
auto test = test_struct(d, sum);

c) struct test_struct {
int d;
int sum;
test_struct(int d_, int& sum_) : d(d_), sum(sum_) { }
double operator()(std::list<int> l) const {
for(auto i : l)
sum += i;
return (double)sum / l.size();
auto test = test_struct(d, sum);

d) struct test_struct {
int d;
int& sum;
test_struct(int d_, int& sum_) : d(d_), sum(sum_) { }
double operator()(std::list<int> l) const {

for(auto i : l)
sum += i;
return (double)sum / l.size();
auto test = test_struct(d, sum);

Answer: d)
For a λ-expression, the compiler creates a functor class with:

• data members:

– a value member each for each value capture (interval)

– a reference member each for each reference capture (result)

• a constructor with the captured variables as parameters

– a value parameter each for each value capture

– a reference parameter each for each reference capture

• a public inline const function call operator() with the parameters of the lambda as
parameters, generated from the body of the lambda

• copy constructor, copy assignment operator, and destructor

Question 9
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class intClass {
intClass(bool data) : d1_(data) { }
intClass(std::string data) : d2_(data) { }

explicit operator bool const() {

if(d2_ == "")
return d1_ == false ? 0 : 1;
return d2_ == "true" ? 1 : d2_ == "false" ? 0 : -1;

bool d1_ { false };
std::string d2_ { "" };

int main(){
std::string v = "false";
intClass i1(true);
intClass i2(v);
std::cout << i1 << " "; //LINE-1
std::cout << (bool)i2 << " "; //LINE-2
std::cout << static_cast<bool>(i1) << " "; //LINE-3
std::cout << bool(i2) << " "; //LINE-4
return 0;

Which of the following lines will generate compiler error/s?

a) LINE-1

b) LINE-2

c) LINE-3

d) LINE-4

Answer: a)
Since the typecast (to bool) operator is overloaded at LINE-1 is explicit, the typecast to bool
must an explicit typecasting. LINE-1 has an implicit which causes compiler error. The rest of
the options are explicit typecasting.
Intentionally kept as MSQ

Programming Questions

Question 1
Consider the following program (in C++11).
• Fill in the blanks at LINE-1 and LINE-3 with appropriate template definitions.

• Fill in the blanks at LINE-2 and LINE-4 with appropriate parameters for findMax func-
The program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3
#include <iostream>

__________________________ //LINE-1
double findMin(________){ return num; } //LINE-2

_____________________________________ //LINE-3
double findMin(________________________){ //LINE-4
return num <= findMin(nums...) ? num : findMin(nums...);

int main(){
int a, b, c;
double d, e, f;
std::cin >> a >> b >> c;
std::cin >> d >> e >> f;
std::cout << findMin(a, b, c) << " ";
std::cout << findMin(d, e, f) << " ";
std::cout << findMin(a, b, c, d, e, f);
return 0;

Public 1
10 20 30
12.5 15.5 20.5
10 10.5 10

Public 2
1 5 3
2.3 6.7 2.1
1 2.1 1

400 30 100
10.65 100.56 200.43

30 10.65 10.65

LINE-1: template <typename T>
LINE-2: T num
LINE-3: template <typename T, typename... Tail>
LINE-4: T num, Tail... nums
At LINE-1, the definition of the simple template is:
template <typename T>
, and at LINE-3 the parameter of the function findMin are:
T num
At LINE-3, the definition of the variadic template is:
template <typename T, typename... Tail>
, and at LINE-4 the parameters of the function findMin are:
T num, Tail... nums

Question 2
Consider the following program (in C++11). Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given

• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with an appropriate template declaration for the function

• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 with an appropriate header for function wrapper.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-3 with an appropriate return statement for function wrapper.

The program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

template<typename T, typename U>

struct Sum_op{
double operator()(std::ostream& os, std::vector<T>&& v1, std::vector<U>&& v2){
os << "rvalue version: ";
double sum {0.0};
for(T i : v1) sum += i;
for(U i : v2) sum += i;
return sum;
//template<typename T, typename U>
double operator()(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<T>& v1,
const std::vector<U>& v2){
os << "lvalue version: ";
double sum {0.0};
for(T i : v1) sum += i;
for(U i : v2) sum += i;
return sum;

____________________________________________ //LINE-1
__________________________________________ { //LINE-2
_______________________________________; //LINE-3

int main() {
std::vector<int> iv;
std::vector<double> dv;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
int a;
std::cin >> a;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
double b;
std::cin >> b;


std::cout << wrapper(std::cout, Sum_op<int, double>(), iv, dv);

std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << wrapper(std::cout, Sum_op<int, double>(), std::move(iv),
return 0;

Public 1
10 20 30
1.5 2.5 2.5
lvalue version: 66.5
rvalue version: 66.5

Public 2
1 -3 -4
2.5 4.5 -3
lvalue version: -2
rvalue version: -2

43 12 6
10.5 3.6 -98.3
lvalue version: -23.2
rvalue version: -23.2

LINE-1: template<typename F, typename... T>
LINE-1: template<class F, class... T>
LINE-2: auto wrapper(std::ostream& os, F&& func, T&&... args) -> decltype(func(os,
args...)) in C++11.
LINE-2: decltype(auto) wrapper(std::ostream& os, F&& func, T&&... args) in C++14.
LINE-3: return func(os, std::forward<T>(args)...)
At LINE-1 the template for function wrapper can be declared as:
template<typename F, typename... T>
template<class F, class... T>
At LINE-2 header for function wrapper can be written as:
auto wrapper(std::ostream& os, F&& func, T&&... args) -> decltype(func(os, args...))
in C++11.

decltype(auto) wrapper(std::ostream& os, F&& func, T&&... args) in C++14.
At LINE-3 the return statement should be:
return func(os, std::forward<T>(args)...)

Question 3
Consider the following program (in C++11) to find factorials of 3 integers. Fill in the blanks
as per the instructions given below:

• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 to complete the lambda function for computing factorial.

• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 to complete the lambda function for printing the vector vec2.

The program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>

int main() {
std::vector<int> vec1;
std::vector<long long> vec2;

for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){

int a;
std::cin >> a;

_______________________________________________________ { //LINE-1
return n > 1 ? n * factorial(n - 1) : 1;

for(auto i : vec1)

________________________________ { //LINE-2
for (auto i : x){ std::cout << i << " "; } }(vec2);

return 0;

Public 1
Input: 2 3 4
Output: 2 6 24

Public 2
Input: 1 3 5
Output: 1 6 120

Input: 2 4 6
Output: 2 24 720

LINE-1: const std::function<long long(int)> factorial = [&factorial](int n)

LINE-2: [](std::vector<long long> x)
The lambda function for computing the factorial can be written as:

const std::function<long long(int)> factorial = [&factorial](int n) {

return n > 1 ? n * factorial(n - 1) : 1;

The lambda function for printing the vector vec2 can be written as:

[](std::vector<long long> x) { for (auto i : x){ std::cout << i << " "; } }(vec2);

Programming in Modern C++: Assignment Week 12
Total Marks : 27

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302

October 4, 2024

Question 1
Which of the following types of smart pointers follow/s shared ownership policy? [MSQ,
Marks 1]

a) std::auto ptr

b) std::std::shared ptr

c) std::unique ptr

d) std::weak ptr

Answer: b), d)
std::auto ptr and std::unique ptr are the two smart pointer types that support exclusive
ownership policy.
std::std::shared ptr and std::weak ptr are the two smart pointer types that support
shared ownership policy.

Question 2
Consider the program (in C++11) given below. [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>

template <typename T>

class SPtr {
explicit SPtr(T* ptr = nullptr) {
std::cout << "SPtr::ctor(), ";
ptr_ = ptr;
~SPtr() { delete (ptr_); }
T& operator*() {
std::cout << "SPtr::operator*(), ";
return *ptr_;
T* operator->() {
std::cout << "SPtr::operator->(), ";
return ptr_;
T* ptr_;

class Test{
Test(){ std::cout << "Test::ctor(), "; }
void fun(){ std::cout << "Test::fun(), "; }

int main(){
SPtr<Test> sp(new Test());
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) SPtr::ctor(), Test::ctor(), Test::fun(), SPtr::operator->(),

b) Test::ctor(), SPtr::ctor(), SPtr::operator->(), Test::fun(),

c) SPtr::ctor(), Test::ctor(), SPtr::operator*(), Test::fun(),

d) Test::ctor(), SPtr::ctor(), SPtr::operator*(), Test::fun(),

Answer: d)
The statement SPtr<Test> sp(new Test()); calls the constructor of Test first and then calls
the constructor of SPtr, which print Test::ctor(), SPtr::ctor(),.
The statement (*sp).fun(); first calls the function operator*() from SPtr and then calls
the function of fun() from Test, which print SPtr::operator*(), Test::fun(),.

Question 3
Consider the following code segment (int C++11). [MCQ, Marks 1]

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

int func(int x1, int x2, int x3, const int& x4) {
return x1 - (x2 + x3 + x4);
int main() {
using namespace std::placeholders;
int i = 5, j = 3;
auto f = std::bind(func, _2, i, _1, std::cref(j));
std::cout << f(1, 2, 3) << " ";
i = j = -10;
std::cout << f(1, 2, 3);
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) -7 6

b) -8 6

c) -7 7

d) -8 16

Answer: a)
The call f(100, 20, -100) results in binding 1 to 1, 2 to 2, and 3 remains unused. The
formal arguments for the first call to func are as print(2, 5, 1, 3), which is evaluated as
-7. The formal arguments for the second call to func are as print(2, 5, 1, -10) (since j
is considered as reference type in bind function), which is evaluated as 6.

Question 4
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MCQ, Marks 2]


struct st_data{
st_data() = default;

void use(const std::shared_ptr<st_data> p){

auto p2 = p;
std::cout << p.use_count() << " ";
int main(){
st_data d;
auto p1 = std::make_shared<st_data>(d);
std::shared_ptr<st_data> p2 = p1;
std::cout << p1.use_count() << " ";
auto p2 = p1;
std::cout << p1.use_count() << " ";
std::cout << p1.use_count() << " ";
std::cout << p1.use_count();
return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 2 2 3 2 2

b) 2 2 4 2 0

c) 2 3 4 3 0

d) 2 3 4 2 2

Answer: b)
The values of recsouce counter (RC) associated with the shared ptr are explained in the code


struct st_data{
st_data() = default;

void use(const std::shared_ptr<st_data> p){ //RC = 3

auto p2 = p; //RC = 4

std::cout << p.use_count() << " ";
int main(){
st_data d;
auto p1 = std::make_shared<st_data>(d); //RC = 1
std::shared_ptr<st_data> p2 = p1; //RC = 2
std::cout << p1.use_count() << " ";
} //RC = 1
auto p2 = p1; //RC = 2
std::cout << p1.use_count() << " ";
std::cout << p1.use_count() << " "; //RC = 2
p1.reset(); //RC = 0
std::cout << p1.use_count();
return 0;

Question 5
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

void update_share_ptrs(std::shared_ptr<int> sp1, std::shared_ptr<int>& sp2){

sp1.reset(new int(0));
sp2.reset(new int(0));

void testAndPrint(const std::weak_ptr<int>& wp){

if(auto p = wp.lock())
std::cout << *p << " ";
std::cout << "expired ";

int main() {
auto p1 = std::make_shared<int>(1);
auto p2 = p1;
std::weak_ptr<int> wp1 = p1;
std::weak_ptr<int> wp2 = p2;
update_share_ptrs(p1, p2);

update_share_ptrs(p2, p1);

return 0;

What will be the output?

a) 1 1 expired expired

b) 1 0 1 0

c) 1 1 expired 1

d) 1 1 1 expired

Answer: a)
The function update ptr2 uses pass-by-value for first parameter and pass-by-reference for first
The statment auto p2 = p1; makes the RCs for p1 and p2 as 2.
The following statements:
std::weak ptr<int> wp1 = p1;
std::weak ptr<int> wp2 = p2;
makes the RCs for wp1 and wp2 as 2.
The call update ptrs(p1, p2); resets the p1 locally, however reset to p2 (associated with

wp2) would be reflected in main (since it is pass-by-reference). Therefore, RCs for p1 and p2
become 1, and RCs for wp1 and wp2 also become 1. As a result, Print(wp1) and Print(wp2)
print 1 1.
The call update ptrs(p2, p1); resets the p2 locally, however reset to p1 (associated with
wp1) would be reflected in main (since it is pass-by-reference). Therefore, RCs for p1 and p2
become 1, while RCs for wp1 and wp2 become 0. As a result, Print(wp1) and Print(wp2)
print expired expired.

Question 6
Consider the following code segment (in C++11). [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <future>
#include <vector>

struct Calc_sum{
Calc_sum(const std::vector<double> dv) : dv_(dv) { }
double operator()() {
double sum = 0.0;
for(double i : dv_)
sum += i;
return sum;
std::vector<double> dv_;

double makeThreadedCall(const std::vector<double> dv){

auto as = _____________________; //LINE-1
return as.get() ;

int main() {
std::vector<double> arr {2.3, 4.5, 6.3, 2.3, 5.6, 3.5};
std::cout << makeThreadedCall(arr) << std::endl;
return 0;

Choose the appropriate option to fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that output becomes 24.5.

a) std::thread(Calc sum(dv))

b) std::async(Calc sum(dv))

c) std::atomic(Calc sum(dv))

d) std::thread{bind(Calc sum(dv))}

Answer: b)
Since as.get() must be waiting for fullfillment of the promise, which the return value of
Calc sum, the call at LINE-1 must be std::async(Calc sum(dv)).

Question 7
Consider program (in C++11) given below. [MSQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>

void addition(std::vector<int>& v){

for(int i = 5; i < 9; i++)

int main(){
std::vector<int> v;
std::thread t1 { &addition, std::ref(v) };
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for(int i : v)
std::cout << i << " ";
return 0;

What will NOT be the output of the program?

a) 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8

b) 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3

c) 5 0 6 1 7 2 8 3

d) 0 1 2 3

Answer: d)
The given program add elements to the vector concurrently, and the vector will be printed once
all the elements are added. Therefore option a), b) and c) all can be valid output. However,
d) cannot be an output.
Intentionally kept as MSQ

Question 8
Consider the following program (in C++11). [MSQ, Marks 2]
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>

struct st_A{
int A_count = 0;

struct st_B{
int B_count = 0;

std::mutex A_mtx;
std::mutex B_mtx;

void request1(st_A& aObj, st_B& bObj, int an, int bn) {

std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck1(A_mtx);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck2(B_mtx);
aObj.A_count += an;
bObj.B_count += bn;
std::cout << "R1: " << aObj.A_count << " " << bObj.B_count << std::endl;

void request2(st_A& aObj, st_B& bObj, int an, int bn) {

std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck2(B_mtx);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck1(A_mtx);
aObj.A_count += an;
bObj.B_count += bn;
std::cout << "R2: " << aObj.A_count << " " << bObj.B_count << std::endl;

int main(){
st_A rA;
st_B rB;
std::thread t1{ std::bind(request1, std::ref(rA), std::ref(rB), 10, 10) };
std::thread t2{ std::bind(request2, std::ref(rA), std::ref(rB), 20, 20) };
return 0;
Identify the statement/s that is/are not true about the program.
a) It generates output as:
R1: 10 10
R2: 30 30
b) It generates output as:
R1: 10 10
R2: 20 20

c) It generates output as:
R2: 20 20
R1: 30 30

d) It results in deadlock

Answer: b)
Since the code in request1 and request2 execute in a mutually exclusive manner, the output
can be:
R1: 10 10
R2: 30 30 or
R2: 20 20 R1: 30 30
However, it cannot be
R1: 10 10
R2: 20 20 It may also happen that t1 holds lock on A mtx, and t2 holds lock on B mtx.
Then, t1 request to lock on B mtx, and t2 requests lock on A mtx. It results in a deadlock.
Therefore, b) is the correct option.
Intentionally kept as MSQ

Question 9
Consider the following code segment (in C++). [MCQ, Marks 2]

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
#include <vector>

void change (std::promise<std::vector<int>>& pr, std::future<std::vector<int>>& fu)

std::vector<int> v = fu.get();
std::vector<int> res;
long sum = 0;
for(auto i : v)
res.push_back(i * i);

int main () {
std::promise<std::vector<int>> p1;
std::future<std::vector<int>> f1 = p1.get_future();

std::promise<std::vector<int>> p2;
std::future<std::vector<int>> f2 = p2.get_future();

std::thread th {change, std::ref(p2), std::ref(f1)};

std::vector<int> v { 10, 20, 30, 40 };

____________________; //LINE-1
____________________; //LINE-2
for(auto i : rv)
std::cout << i << " ";
return 0;

Choose the appropriate option to fill in the blanks at LINE-1 and LINE-2 so that the output
becomes 100 400 900 1600 .

a) LINE-1: p1.set value (v)

LINE-2: auto rv = f1.get()

b) LINE-1: p1.set value (v)

LINE-2: auto rv = f2.get()

c) LINE-1: p2.set value (v)

LINE-2: auto rv = f1.get()

d) LINE-1: p2.set value (v)

LINE-2: auto rv = f2.get()

Answer: b)

As per the following call:
std::thread th {change, std::ref(p2), std::ref(f1)}; p2 becomes the promise and
f1 becomes the future. Therefore the input value must be associated with p1 and output
must be extracted from f2. So, b) is the correct option.

Programming Questions

Question 1
Consider the program below (in C++11), which implements a smart pointer.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with appropriate header and initializer list for the copy
• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 with appropriate header to overload dereferenceing operator.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-3 with appropriate header to overload indirection operator.
The program must satisfy the given test cases. Marks: 3

class myData{
int i_;
myData() = default;
explicit myData(int i) : i_(i) {}
explicit myData(const myData& d) : i_(d.i_) {}
void update(int i) { i_ = i; };
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const myData& d){
os << d.i_ << " ";
return os;

template <typename T>

class SmartPtr {
explicit SmartPtr(T* pointee) : pointee_(pointee) { }
________________________________ { //LINE-1: copy constructor
other.pointee_ = nullptr;
~SmartPtr() { if(pointee_ != nullptr) delete pointee_; }
________________________________ { return *pointee_; } // LINE-2: Dereferencing
________________________________ { return pointee_; } // LINE-3: Indirection
T* pointee_;

int main(){
int a, b;
std::cin >> a >> b;
SmartPtr<myData> sp(new myData(a));
std::cout << *sp;
std::cout << *sp;
SmartPtr<myData> sp2 = sp;
std::cout << *sp2;
return 0;

Public 1
Input: 5 10
Output: 5 10 10

Public 2
Input: 10 20
Output: 10 20 20

Input: 10 -10
Output: 10 -10 -10

LINE-1: SmartPtr(SmartPtr& other) : pointee (other.pointee )
LINE-2: T& operator*() const
LINE-3: T* operator->() const
At LINE-1, the header and initializer list for the copy constructor can be written as:
SmartPtr(SmartPtr& other) : pointee (other.pointee )
At LINE-2, the header of the function to overload the dereferencing operator can be written
as: T& operator*() const
At LINE-3, the header of the function to overload the indirection operator can be written as:
T* operator->() const

Question 2
Consider the following program in C++14 to represent a doubly linked list (of generic type),
which allows adding items at the front of the list. Complete the program as per the instructions
given below.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with appropriate statements to traverse the list in forward

• fill in the blank at LINE-2 with appropriate statements to traverse the list in backward
The program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3

template<typename T>
class mylist;

template<typename U>
class mynode{
mynode(U _info) : info(_info), next(nullptr) {}
friend mylist<U>;
U info;
std::shared_ptr<mynode<U>> next;
std::weak_ptr<mynode<U>> prev;

template<typename T>
class mylist{
mylist() = default;
void add(const T& item){
std::shared_ptr<mynode<T>> n = std::make_shared<mynode<T>>(item);
if(first == nullptr){
first = n;
last = first;
n->next = first;
first->prev = n;
first = n;
void biTraverse(){
for(___________________________________) //LINE-1
std::cout << t->info << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
for(___________________________________) //LINE-2
std::cout << p->info << " ";

std::shared_ptr<mynode<T>> first = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<mynode<T>> last = nullptr;
int main(){
mylist<int> il;
int n, a;
std::cin >> n;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
std::cin >> a;
return 0;

Public 1
10 20 30 40
40 30 20 10
10 20 30 40

Public 2
1 2 3 4 5
5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5

Public 3

-10 -20 30
30 -20 -10
-10 -20 30

LINE-1: std::shared ptr<mynode<T>> t = first; t != nullptr; t = t->next

LINE-2: std::weak ptr<mynode<T>> t = last; auto p = t.lock(); t = p->prev
Since in class mynode, next is a shared ptr, the for loop for forward traversal must be:
std::shared ptr<mynode<T>> t = first; t != nullptr; t = t->next)
Since in class mynode, prev is a weak ptr, the for loop for reverse traversal must be:
std::weak ptr<mynode<T>> t = last; auto p = t.lock(); t = p->prev
Note that last is a shared ptr while prev is a weak ptr. So we need to devise a way to
navigate between the two. Recall that weak ptr cannot be used to access the pointee. So
we first get weak ptr t from last. Now for access, we get a shared ptr p by locking the
weak ptr t. This will used in the loop body. Finally, to progress backward, we get p->prev
and keep in the weak ptr t. That completes the solution.

Question 3
Consider the following program (in C++11).
• Fill the blanks at LINE-1 and LINE-3 by locking the mutex object.

• Fill the blanks at LINE-2 and LINE-4 by unlocking the mutex object.
The program must satisfy the sample input and output. Marks: 3
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <functional>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
std::mutex ac_mtx;

class account {
account() = default;
void deposit(double amount){
______________________; //LINE-1
update_amount = amount;
int delay = (int)((double)std::rand() / (double)(RAND_MAX)* 10);
balance_ += update_amount;
______________________; //LINE-2
void withdrawal(double amount){
______________________; //LINE-3
update_amount = amount;
int delay = (int)((double)std::rand() / (double)(RAND_MAX)* 10);
balance_ -= update_amount;
______________________; //LINE-4
void show_balance() { std::cout << balance_; }
double update_amount {0.0};
double balance_ {0.0};

void sender(account& ac, int n){

for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
int delay = (int)((double)std::rand() / (double)(RAND_MAX)* 10);
ac.deposit((i + 1) * 10);

void receiver(account& ac, int n){

for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--){
int delay = (int)((double)std::rand() / (double)(RAND_MAX)* 30);

ac.withdrawal((i + 1) * 10);

int main(){
int n, m;
std::cin >> n >> m;
account ac;
std::thread t1{ std::bind(sender, std::ref(ac), n) };
std::thread t2{ std::bind(receiver, std::ref(ac), m) };

return 0;

Public 1
Input: 20 20
Output: 0

Public 2
Input: 10 20
Output: -1550

Input: 20 10
Output: 1550

LINE-1: ac mtx.lock()
LINE-2: ac mtx.unlock()
LINE-3: ac mtx.lock()
LINE-4: ac mtx.unlock()
At LINE-1 and LINE-3, locking of the mutex object can be written as:
ac mtx.lock()
At LINE-2 and LINE-4, unlocking of the mutex object can be written as:
ac mtx.unlock()


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