Fire Alarm Requirements

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2015 IFC:BC 105.2.5 / 2015 IBC:BC 105.7 - All (IFC) Work requiring a permit/work
required permits and work authorizations are authorization shall not commence until said
posted (i.e. Building, EWA, HWA, PWA, Fire permit/work authorization is posted in a
Alarm, Fire Protection Systems, etc.). conspicuous place on the job site and approved
plans are available at this location. Where work
is commenced prior to obtaining said
permit/work authorization, the fees may be
increased by 100% as determined by the AHJ,
but payment of the increased fee shall not
relieve any person from fully complying with the
requirements to obtain a permit/work
authorization, nor of any other penalties herein.
(IBC) The reviewed building plans and building
permit/work authorization or copy, shall be
kept readily available, on the site of the work,
always work is being performed until the
completion of the project.

2015 IFC:BC 105.2.5 / 2015 IBC:BC 109.4 - Work (IFC) Work requiring a permit/work
commencing before permit issuance (Required authorization shall not commence until said
permit fees are doubled for violation). permit/work authorization is posted in a
conspicuous place on the job site and approved
plans are available at this location. Where work
is commenced prior to obtaining said
permit/work authorization, the fees may be
increased by 100% as determined by the AHJ,
but payment of the increased fee shall not
relieve any person from fully complying with the
requirements to obtain a permit/work
authorization, nor of any other penalties herein.
(IBC) Any person who commences any work on
a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical
or plumbing system before obtaining the
necessary permits or work authorizations shall
be subject to a fee established by the building
official that shall be in addition to the required
permit fees. No work shall be started at a new
construction site or an existing structure
without a permit being issued or by approval to
begin work by the Fire Marshal or his designee.


Both the individual contractor along with the

site general contractor will be held liable for
such actions. Where work is commenced prior
to obtaining said permit, the permit fees shall
be increased by twice the original permit fee
amount, but payment of the increased fee shall
not relieve any person from fully complying with
the requirements to obtain a permit, nor of any
other penalties herein.

2015 IFC:BC 105.4.7 / 2015 IBC:BC 105.7 - (IFC) When a permit/work authorization or
Reviewed and stamped set of plans are available approved plans are not available upon request
on job site. by the Fire Marshal or the Fire Marshal's
designee any further inspections shall not be
scheduled or performed until the fee has been
paid. (IBC) The reviewed building plans and
building permit/work authorization or copy,
shall be kept readily available, on the site of the
work, always work is being performed until the
completion of the project.

General / Status of System

2015 IFC 901.5 - Witness of installation In Unincorporated Bexar County, all acceptance
acceptance testing tests must be witnessed by the BCFMO
inspector. Fire detection and alarm systems, fire-
extinguishing systems, fire hydrant systems, fire
standpipe systems, fire pump systems, private
fire service mains and all other fire protection
systems and appurtenances thereto shall be
subject to acceptance tests as contained in the
installation standards and as approved by the
fire code official. The fire code official shall be
notified before any required acceptance testing.

2013 NFPA 72 10.4.4 - Areas that are not In areas that are not continuously occupied,
continuously occupied, properly protected automatic smoke detection shall be provided at
the location of each fire alarm control unit(s),
notification appliance circuit power extenders,
and supervising station transmitting equipment
to provide notification of fire at that location.


2013 NFPA 72 - Fire alarm box Where connected to a supervising station, fire
provided for initiating devices alarm systems employing automatic fire
detectors or waterflow detection devices shall
include a manual fire alarm box to initiate a
signal to the supervising station.

2013 NFPA 72 - Notification prior to Before proceeding with any testing, all persons
testing and facilities receiving alarm, supervisory, or
trouble signals and all building occupants, shall
be notified of the testing to prevent unnecessary

2013 NFPA 72 10.3.1 - Equipment, listed for the Equipment constructed and installed in
purpose for which it is used conformity with this Code shall be listed for the
purpose for which it is used.

Control Panel

2013 NFPA 72 10.3.2 - Fire alarm system Fire Alarm system components shall be
components installed, tested, and maintained installed, tested, and maintained in accordance
with the manufacturer's published instructions
and this Code.

2013 NFPA 72 10.4.1 - Systems shall be installed All systems shall be installed in accordance with
in accordance with the authority having the specifications and standards approved by
jurisdiction the authority having jurisdiction.

2013 NFPA 72 - System circuit System circuit disconnecting means shall be
disconnecting, permanently identified permanently identified as to its purpose in
accordance with the following: FIRE ALARM for
fire alarm systems EMERGENCY
COMMUNICATIONS for emergency
communications systems FIRE ALARM/ECS for
combination fire alarm and emergency
communications systems

2013 NFPA 72 - Circuit disconnecting, For fire alarm and/or signaling systems, the
marked in red circuit disconnecting means shall have a red

2013 NFPA 72 - Secondary power The secondary power source shall consist of
source one of the following: (1) A storage battery
dedicated to the system with at least 12 hours
of 100 percent system operation capacity and


arranged in accordance with 10.6.10. (2) An

automatic-starting, engine-driven generator
serving the dedicated branch circuit or the
system with at least 12 hours of 100 percent
system operation capacity and storage batteries
dedicated to the system with at least 2 hours of
100 percent system operation capacity and
arranged in accordance with

2013 NFPA 72 - Batteries marked Batteries shall be marked with the month and
with month and year year of manufacture using the month/year

2013 NFPA 72 - - Obtain date code, Where the battery is not marked with the
properly mark batteries month/year by the manufacturer, the installer
shall obtain the date code and mark the battery
with the month/year of battery manufacture.

2013 NFPA 72 - Ground connections All fire alarm systems shall test free of grounds.
Exception: Parts of circuits or equipment that
are intentionally and permanently grounded to
provide ground-fault detection, noise
suppression, emergency ground signaling, and
circuit protection grounding shall be

2013 NFPA 72 - Visible notification of Visible annunciation of the location of an

initiating device operated initiating device shall be by an
indicator lamp, alphanumeric display, printout,
or other approved means.

2013 NFPA 72 - Visible notification of The visible annunciation of the location of
initiating device (canceled) operated initiating devices shall not be canceled
by the means used to deactivate alarm
notification appliances.

Manual Stations

2015 IFC:BC 907.4.2.1 - Located within 5 feet of Manual fire alarm boxes shall be located not
exterior exit(s) more than 5 feet from the entrance to each
exit. In buildings not protected by an automatic
sprinkler system, additional manual fire alarm
boxes shall be so located that exit access travel
distance to the nearest box does not exceed
200 feet. Exception: Where construction of the


building prohibits the proper installation of a

pull station (e.g., glass walls) a pull station shall
be allowed to be in the normal path of egress

2015 IFC 907.4.2.6 / 2013 NFPA 72 - Manual fire alarm boxes shall be accessible,
Manual fire alarm boxes (pull stations) shall be unobstructed, unobscured and visible, always.
unobstructed and unobscured. This section addresses the concern that manual
fire alarm boxes be kept clear and
unobstructed. It is recommended that a
minimum of 3 feet be kept clear, but more may
be needed. NFPA 72 addresses the need for
manual fire alarm boxes to be unobstructed in
Section and states that manual fire
alarm boxes be conspicuous, unobstructed and
accessible. This requirement will assist during
the design, construction, inspection and future
maintenance of manual fire alarm boxes when
they are located where they will be provided
with enough space to access and will not be

2015 IFC 907.4.2.2 - Height (42 - 48 inches) The height of the manual fire alarm boxes shall
be not less than 42 inches and not more than 48
inches measured vertically, from the floor level
to the activating handle or lever of the box.

2013 NFPA 72 17.14.3 - Manually actuated Manually actuated alarm-initiating devices shall
alarm-initiating devices, securely mounted be securely mounted.

Area Smoke Detectors

2013 NFPA 72 - Devices protected from All devices shall be so located and mounted that
jarring or vibration accidental operation is not caused by jarring or

2013 NFPA 72 - Location of spot- Unless otherwise modified by,

type detectors, or, spot-type heat-sensing
fire detectors shall be located on the ceiling not
less than 4 inches from the sidewall or on the
sidewalls between 4 inches and 12 inches from
the ceiling.


2013 NFPA 72 - Smoke detector In the absence of specific performance-based

spacing / requirements in the absence of specific design criteria, one of the following
performance-based design criteria requirements shall apply: (1) The distance
between smoke detectors shall not exceed a
nominal spacing of 30 feet and there, shall be
detectors within one-half the nominal spacing,
measured at right angles from all walls or
partitions extending upward to within the top
15 percent of the ceiling height. (2) All points on
the ceiling shall have a detector within a
distance equal to or less than 0.7 times the
nominal 30 feet spacing.

2013 NFPA 72 - Spaces served by air- In spaces served by air-handling systems,
handling systems detectors shall not be located where airflow
prevents operation of the detectors.


2013 NFPA 72 - Fire alarm system Fire alarm system wiring and equipment,
wiring, and equipment installed properly including all circuits controlled and powered by
the fire alarm system, shall be installed in
accordance with the requirements of this Code
and of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, and
Article 760.

2013 NFPA 72 12.2.4 - Pathway wiring installed The installation of all pathway wiring, cable, and
properly equipment shall be in accordance with NFPA 70,
National Electrical Code, and the applicable
requirements of through

Duct Smoke Detectors

2015 IFC:BC 907.3.1 - Duct smoke detectors Smoke detectors installed in ducts shall be
listed for the air velocity, temperature and
humidity present in the duct. Duct smoke
detectors shall be connected to the building's
fire alarm control unit when a fire alarm system
is required by Section 907.2. Activation of a
duct smoke detector shall initiate a visible and
audible supervisory signal at a constantly
attended location and shall perform the
intended fire safety function in accordance with
this code and the International Mechanical


Code. Duct smoke detectors shall not be used

as a substitute for required open area
detection. Exceptions: 1. The supervisory signal
at a constantly attended location is not required
where duct smoke detectors activate the
building's alarm notification appliances. 2. In
occupancies not required to be equipped with a
fire alarm system, actuation of a duct smoke
detector shall activate a visible and an audible
signal in an approved location. Smoke detector
trouble conditions shall activate a visible or
audible signal in an approved location and shall
be identified as air duct detector trouble.
Where a duct smoke detector is installed, there
shall also be installed a remote test switch that
includes a visual signal, audible signal, and a key
operated test/reset switch.

2013 NFPA 72 17.4.7 - Concealed locations, Where smoke detectors are installed in
provided with remote alarm or supervisory concealed locations more than 10 feet above
the finished floor or in arrangements where the
detector's alarm or supervisory indicator is not
visible to responding personnel, the detectors
shall be provided with remote alarm or
supervisory indication in a location acceptable
to the authority having jurisdiction.

2013 NFPA 72 - Supply air system, Where the detection of smoke in the supply air
required smoke detector system is required by other NFPA standards, a
detector listed for the air velocity present and
that is to be located in the supply air duct
downstream of both the fan and the filters shall
be installed.

2013 NFPA 72 - Return air supply, Unless otherwise modified by or
required smoke detector, if the detection of smoke in the
return air system is required by other NFPA
standards, a detector listed for the air velocity
present shall be located where the air leaves
each smoke compartment, or in the duct
system before the air enters the return air
system common to more than one smoke
(A) Additional smoke detectors shall not be
required to be installed in ducts where the air


duct system passes through other smoke

compartments not served by the duct.
(B) Where total coverage smoke detection is
installed in accordance with in all areas
of the smoke compartment served by the
return air system, installation of additional
detector listed for the air velocity present
where the air leaves each smoke compartment,
or in the duct system before the air enters in
the return air system shall not be required,
provided that their function is accomplished by
the design of the total coverage smoke
detection system.


2013 NFPA 72 - Ceiling heights If ceiling heights allow, and unless otherwise
(appliance location) permitted by through, wall-
mounted appliances shall have their tops above
the finished floors at heights of not less than 90
inches and below the finished ceilings at
distances of not less than 6 inches.

2013 NFPA 72 24.3.1 - Intelligible voice messages Emergency communications systems shall be
(Voice Evac systems) capable of the reproduction of prerecorded,
synthesized, or live (e.g., microphone,
telephone handset, and radio) messages with
voice intelligibility in accordance with Chapter

2013 NFPA 72 A. - Audio levels / sound A shunt trip is required in occupancies to
system shunts. reduce or eliminate the background noise from
sound systems and other entertainment
systems that may have audio that is louder than
the fire alarm. Since NFPA 72 requires that the
fire alarm produce a minimum decibel level that
is at least 15 db above average ambient sound
or 5 db above maximum sound level, an audio
shunt is required to reduce/eliminate the
ambient sound produced by sound systems and
other entertainment systems so that the fire
alarm can be heard without interference by
these systems.



2013 NFPA 72 - Wall mounted devices Wall-mounted appliances shall be mounted
(height) such that the entire lens is not less than 80
inches and not greater than 96 inches above the
finished floor or at the mounting height
specified using the performance-based
alternative of

2013 NFPA 72 - Spacing of devices Spacing shall be in accordance with either Table
(rooms) and Figure or Table Table Room Spacing
for Wall-Mounted Visible Appliances Table Room Spacing for Ceiling-Mounted
Visible Appliances

2013 NFPA 72 - Spacing of devices Visible notification appliances shall be located
(corridors) not more than 15 feet from the end of the
corridor with a separation not greater than 100
feet between appliances.

2013 NFPA 72 - Visual devices Visible notification appliances shall be installed
(strobes) synchronized in accordance with Table or Table using one of the following: (1) A
single visible notification appliance. (2) Two
groups of visible notification appliances, where
visual appliances of each group are
synchronized, in the same room or adjacent
space within the field of view. This shall include
synchronization of strobes operated by
separate systems. (3) More than two visible
notification appliances or groups of
synchronized appliances in the same room or
adjacent space within the field of view that
flash in synchronization.

2013 NFPA 72 - Sleeping areas within For rooms with a linear dimension greater than
16 feet of the pillow 16 feet, the visible notification appliance shall
be located within 16 feet of the pillow.


2013 NFPA 72 - Secondary power The secondary power source shall consist of
source one of the following: (1) A storage battery


dedicated to the system with at least 12 hours

of 100 percent system operation capacity and
arranged in accordance with 10.6.10. (2) An
automatic-starting, engine-driven generator
serving the dedicated branch circuit or the
system with at least 12 hours of 100 percent
system operation capacity and storage batteries
dedicated to the system with at least 2 hours of
100 percent system operation capacity and
arranged in accordance with

2013 NFPA 72 - Two independent Two independent means shall be provided to
means to retransmit. retransmit an alarm signal to the designated
communications center.

2015 IFC 903.4.1 - Monitoring provided Alarm, supervisory and trouble signals shall be
distinctly different and shall be automatically
transmitted to an approved supervising station
or, where approved by the fire code official,
shall sound an audible signal at a constantly
attended location.

2013 NFPA 72 - Verification of alarm Alarm monitoring and notification should be
monitoring / maximum operating time. verified by placing the system in LIVE status and
notifying Fire Alarm Dispatch that a test is being
performed. An alarm initiating device shall be
activated and Bexar County Fire Alarm dispatch
should receive the notification from the alarm
monitoring company within 210 seconds (3 1/2
minutes) of activation. If the time exceeds this
by greater than 15 seconds, the inspection will
fail unless the installer can fix it on site and
perform the test again.

Tagging & Paperwork

SFMO 34.620 - Installation Label-White If tag is current, this item should be marked No
Violation. If tag is expired or a red or yellow tag
is present, this item should be marked
Violation. (a) After the completion of an
installation of new fire alarm equipment or a
new system, or the extension, alteration, or
modification to a fire alarm system already in
place, an installation label must be affixed to


the inside of the control panel cover or, if the

system has no panel, in a permanent location.
Yellow or red labels must not be attached for
the installation of a new system or new
equipment used in the extension, alteration, or
modification to an existing fire alarm system.
(b) Installation labels must be white with black
lettering. (c) Installation labels must be
approximately three inches in height and
approximately three inches in width and must
have an adhesive on the back. (d) Installation
labels must contain the following information in
the format of the label as indicated in
subsection (e) of this section: (1) DO NOT
MARSHAL (all capital letters in at least 10-point
bold face type); (2) INSTALLATION RECORD (all
capital letters in at least 10-point bold face
type); (3) the registered firm's name, address,
and telephone number and the certificate of
registration number (either main office or
branch office) of the firm performing the
installation; (4) the installation date, the
licensee's signature (a stamped signature is
prohibited) and license number; and (5) the
name and license number of the fire alarm
planning superintendent or residential fire
alarm planning superintendent (as applicable)
or professional engineer's name and license
number who planned the system.

SFMO 34.622 - State inspection tag on system is If tag is current, this item should be marked No
current and signed by licensed installer. Violation. If tag is expired or a red or yellow tag
is present, this item should be marked
Violation. (a) After the inspection and testing of
a fire alarm system, a fire alarm inspection/test
label must be completed in detail and affixed to
either the inside or outside of the control panel
cover or, if the system has no panel, in a
permanent location. The signature of the
licensee on the inspection/test label certifies
that the inspection and tests performed
complies with requirements of the adopted
standards. (b) If any service or maintenance is


performed pursuant to the inspection or test, a

service label, in addition to the inspection/test
label, shall be completed and attached
according to the procedures in this section. (c) If
during any inspection or test it is observed that
the system does not comply with applicable
standards adopted at the time the system was
installed, has a fault condition, or is impaired
from normal operation, the owner or the
owner's representative and the local authority
having jurisdiction must be notified of the
condition and the licensee must attach, in
addition to the inspection/test label, the
appropriate yellow or red label, in accordance
with the procedures in this section. (d)
Inspection/test labels shall remain in place for
at least five years, after which time they may be
removed by a licensed employee or agent of a
registered firm. An employee of the State Fire
Marshal's Office or an authorized
representative of a governmental agency with
appropriate regulatory authority may remove
excess labels at any time. (e) The
inspection/test label must be blue in color with
printed black lettering. (f) The inspection/test
label must be approximately three inches in
height and three inches in width and must have
an adhesive on the back that allows for label
removal. (g) Approximately 1/2 inch of the
adhesive on the top back of the label should be
used to attach the label.


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