Crystal Defects

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Crystal Defects

Electronic Materials and Devices

BECE201L  Crystals will have a regular periodic arrangement of
Module 1: Electrical and Thermal  Any deviation from this periodicity is known as defects

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conduction in Solids or imperfections in crystals.
Crystalline Materials  Definition: The deviation from the perfect periodicity of
 Crystalline state
atomic arrays in crystals is known as crystal defects.
 Crystalline defects • The crystal defects affect their properties such as

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 Single Crystal Growth
 Czochralski Crystal Growth
mechanical strength, ductility, crystal growth, dielectric
strength, magnetic hysteresis, conductivity, etc.
• A perfect crystal, with every atom of the same type in
Dr. K. Govardhan, correct position, does not exist.

School of Electronics Engineering,
VIT University
• Thus, all crystals have some defects. The defects in

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crystals may be confined to a point, line, surface and
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Types of Crystal Defect


 These are defects of atomic dimensions that

1. Point defects: (Zero-dimensional defects) usually result from:

2. Line defects: (One-dimensional defects) 1. The presence of an impurity atom

 Substitutional →larger atoms
3. Surface defects: (Two-dimensional defects)  Interstitial → smaller atoms
2. The absence of a matrix atom (vacancy)
4. Volume defects: (Three-dimensional defects)
3. The presence of a matrix atom in a wrong place

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Point Defects Point Defects
• Vacancies: Presence of an impurity atom:
-vacant atomic sites in a structure. -"extra" atoms positioned between atomic sites.

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distortion Interstitial
of planes

• Self-Interstitials:

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-"extra" atoms positioned between atomic sites.


of planes

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The point defects discussed so far occur in metallic
structures. Those in ionic structures differ because of the
Schottky defects
charge neutrally requirement. • It is special case of vacancy defects in ionic crystals.
• Definition: When a pair of vacancies is produced at one
positive ion site and one negative ion site due to absence
of positive and negative ions, then this type of defect is

An anion called the Schottky defect.

and a cation
is missing
• In ionic crystals, there are two types of possible vacancies,
namely cation (+ve ion) vacancies and anion (–ve ion)
• When a +ve ion from the interior of the lattice moves out
of the crystal to its surface, then a +ve vacancy is formed
at its site.
An anion or a • The formation of +ve ion vacancy results in excess
cation is at an
interstital site negative charge inside the crystal.

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• To maintain charge neutrality, a –ve ion moves to the
Frenkel defects
crystal surface creating a –ve ion vacancy at its  It is special case of vacancy and interstitial defects in
site. ionic crystals.
 Definition: When a pair of vacancies is produced at
• NaCl, CsCl etc., exhibits Schottky defect

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one positive ion site and one negative ion site by
replacing positive and negative ions, then this type of
defect is called the Frenkel defect.
 Consider the periodic distribution of +ve and –ve ions

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in an ionic crystal.
 When a +ve ion leave its site and settles in the
interstitial position then it creates a vacancy in its

 Thus, a vacancy and interstitial defects are created.

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This pair of defects is known as Frankel defect.

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 In case of Frankel defect also charge neutrality is
2. Line Defects (Dislocations)
 AgBr, AgCl, ZnS etc., exhibits Frankel defects • are line defects,
• slip between crystal planes result when dislocations move,
• produce permanent (plastic) deformation.

Schematic of Zinc (HCP):

• before deformation • after tensile elongation

slip steps

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Linear Defects (Dislocations) Edge dislocations
– Are one-dimensional defects around which atoms • If one of the vertical planes does not extended to the
are misaligned full length, but ends in between, within the crystal,
• Edge dislocation: then such a defect is known as edge dislocation.

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– extra half-plane of atoms inserted in a crystal
• In perfect crystal,
– b  to dislocation line atoms are arranged in

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• Screw dislocation: both vertical and
– spiral planar ramp resulting from shear horizontal planes as
deformation shown in Fig .
– b  to dislocation line

• From the figure it is clear that the atoms are in
perfect equilibrium in their positions and all bond

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Burger’s vector, b: measure of lattice distortion
lengths are in equilibrium state.

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• If one of the vertical planes

BE Go • The distorted configuration spreads all along the
does not extend to the full edge into the crystal.
length, but ends in between
within the crystal as shown • Thus, the maximum distortion is centered around
in Fig. it is called edge the edge of the incomplete plane.

dislocation. • This distortion represents a line imperfection and

is called an edge dislocation.
• Because of dislocation, (i) just above the • Edge dislocations are symbolically represented
discontinuity, the atoms are squeezed and are in by ┴ or ┬.
state of compression and (ii) just below the
discontinuity; the atoms are pulled apart and are
in state of tension.

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• When the incomplete plane
starts from the top of the
Edge Dislocations
crystal, then it is called
positive edge dislocation and
is represented by “┴”

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(see Fig. a)
Burger’s vector is
• When the incomplete plane perpendicular to dislocation
starts from the bottom of the in edge dislocations.

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crystal, then it is called
negative edge dislocation and
is represented by “┬”
(see Fig. b).

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Screw dislocations
BE Go Shearing of one portion of the crystal with respect to another, by one
atomic distance.
Displacement occurs on either side of the screw dislocation line.
• The screw dislocations are also known as The circular arrow around the line symbolizes the screw dislocation.
Burger dislocations. As we move away from the dislocation line, the atoms in the upper
portion become more out of registry with those below; at the edge of
• These dislocations arise due to the the crystal, this displacement is one atomic distance

displacement of atoms in one part of a crystal

relative to the other part
[forming a spiral ramp around the dislocation

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 Boundaries could be summarized into three:

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1. Free surfaces: Interfaces between liquids and

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2. Grain boundaries: Interfaces between crystal
systems having different orientation.
In each crystal system the atoms are arranged
orderly. However, at the boundary there is a

transition zone which is not alinged with either of

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the crystal systems.

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Interphase boundaries: similar to grain
Grain Boundaries
boundaries both in shape and behavior.
However, in these systems there are two or more
materials having different crystal structures.
Multiphase materials having a change in

physical and/or chemical characteristics will also

have interphase boundaries. (Ex: ice-water)

Twist boundary: Result of a set of screw


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Numerical – 2 - Vacancy Concentration in a Metal
 The grain boundaries have broken bonds, voids, The energy of formation of a vacancy in the aluminum crystal is about 0.70 eV.
vacancies, strained bonds, and interstitial-type atoms. Calculate the fractional concentration of vacancies in Al at room temperature, 300 K,
and very close to its melting temperature 660 °C. What is the vacancy concentration at
 The structure of the grain boundary is disordered, and 660 °C given that the atomic concentration in Al is about 6.0 × 1022 cm-3?
the atoms in the grain boundaries have higher
At 300 K,

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energies thanthose within the grains.

At 660 °C or 933 K,

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 Almost 1 in 6000 atomic sites is a vacancy. The atomic concentration N in Al
is about 6.0 × 1022 cm−3, which means that the vacancy concentration nv at
660 °C is

 The mean vacancy separation (on the order of nv −1∕3) at 660 °C is therefore

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roughly 5 nm.
 The mean atomic separation in Al is ∼0.3 nm (∼N−1∕3), so the mean
separation between vacancies is only about 20 atomic separations

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Numerical 3- Vacancy Conc. in a Semiconductor

The energy of vacancy formation in the Ge crystal is about 2.2 eV. Calculate the
fractional concentration of vacancies in Ge at 938 °C, just below its melting
temperature. What is the vacancy concentration given that the atomic mass Mat
and density ρ of Ge are 72.64 g mol−1 and 5.32 g cm−3, respectively?
 At 300 K,

 Number of Ge atoms per unit volume is

 at 938 °C,

 Only 1 in 109 atoms is a vacancy.

 A better calculation would also consider the decrease in the atomic
concentration N with temperature (due to the expansion of the crystal).
 The final nv is still about 3 × 1013 cm−3.


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