Maintenance Instruction

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*Rev. B

Maintenance Instruction

Traction motor overhaul instructions are presented in seven sections, each under separate cover, and
contain detailed instructions to completely disassemble, inspect, overhaul, assemble, and test the traction
motor. Refer to Maintenance Instruction 3900 for general or “running” maintenance of the traction
motor and also for procedures to remove the traction motor from the locomotive truck. These
instructions apply to Models D37, D47, D57, D67, D75, and D77 traction motors unless specifically

Section No. ” Title

,l Disassembly
2 Bearing Component Inspection
3 Stator Inspection And Reconditioning - Mechanical
4 Stator Inspection And Reconditioning - ElecJrical
5 Armature Inspection And Reconditioning.
6 Armature Overhaul
7 Motor Assembly
i- *\
INTRODUCTION NOTE: The longer brushes can not be used on
Models D37, D47, or D57 unless brush
All of the models are similar in appearance and holders are changed or modified.
are the same general size, Fig. 1. The differences
are internal improvements to later models which Nylon grease retaining insert in
have progressed from the original Model D37 to pinion end bearing cover to prevent
improve service life and to increase motor output. grease purging.
A new axle cap oil overflow arrange-
The later model motors are similar to the Model ment to prevent overfilling.
D37 with the following differences:
A manganese-steel wear plate to the
D47 Increased copper size in stator field. motor nose support to obtain longer
wear plate service life.
D57 Application of a modified silicone A new high temperature varnish.
varnish to armature coils to improve
heat resistance, improved com- Commutator end recabling to reduce
mutator seasoning, and the use of temperature of commutator end
constant pressure brush holders. bearing under high speed, high cur-
rent, dynamic braking.
D67 New armature coil construction to
reduce temperature and moisture. D77 A thinner armature insulation (poly-
imide film) which allows an approx-
New type brush holders with longer imate 20% increase in armature coil
brushes for extended brush life. copper.
*This bulletin is revised and supersedes previous issues of this number.

E-L January 1978

M.I. 3950-l
TM Serial Number And Type
Air Intake.

Inspection - Cooling Air
Cover 3 Discharge Vents

Lubricator /1
Windows ,f”hh
-t Bearing Bore

CE Support
Bearing Cap

TM Leads - Grounding Cable




Fig. 1 - D77 Traction Motor

TIG (tungsten inert gas) welded joint cases it may be necessary to dampen a cloth in
between armature coil and com- solvent such as Stoddards Solvent to loosen and
mutator to ensure a more positive remove imbedded deposits.
electrical connection.
CAUTION: Ensure there is adequate ventilation
Three-wafer resilient pad brushes to and safety precautions are observed
provide improved commutation and when handling inflammable fluids
increase brush life. such as Stoddards Solvent, which has
a flash point of 46” C (115” F).
Nomex V-rings in the commutator to
improve commutator stability and
performance. DISASSEMBLY
CLEANING Perform the following procedure to disassemble
the traction motor. Refer to exploded view, Fig.
Prior to disassembly, the exterior of the traction 2, during disassembly.
motor should be thoroughly cleaned to remove
all dirt, oil, and grease to prevent dirt from 1. Place traction motor in its normal position on
entering the traction motor during disassembly. a suitable stand that will provide a convenient
In cases where dry wiping cloths are incapable of working height.
removing caked grease and dirt, a stiff brush or
soft wood or fibre scraper may be used. In severe 2. Remove commutator inspection covers, Fig. 1.

M.I. 3950-l

\ Thrust Collar Stator , Pinion End Cap


Pinion End Housing

*Outer Oil Thrower


: e rG r e !ase Slinger

Outer Seal

Outer Gasket
Inner’Gasket Armature

Inner Gasket 8
Outer Gasket Partition Plate
*Inner and outer oil thrower deleted, effective mid 1976.


Fig. 2 - Exploded View Of Traction Motor

3. Remove commutator brushes from brush Refer to Service Data for special equipment re-
holders. quired for pinion removal. The pinion is removed
as follows:
4. Protect commutator by wrapping with a strip
of paper measuring 1.5 mm x 180 mm x PINION REMOVAL WITH HYDRAULIC PULLER
1 372 mm (l/16”) x 7” x 54”). Hold paper
in place with tape. 1. Remove the nut from end of armature shaft
with a retaining nut wrench and handle, Fig.
PINIONS 3, or with an air impact wrench.
2. Clean threads in pinion and in pulling pilot.
The pinion mounted on the traction motor arm-
ature shaft is carburized, which provides an ex- 3. Apply spacer between the end of the arma-
tremely hard outer surface yet retains a desired ture shaft and the ram of the puller to
soft core. The number of teeth on the pinion and protect the shaft from possible damage.
mating axle gear determine the locomotive gear 4. Install threaded pilot and hydraulic puller
ratio. Various gear ratios are available to suit assembly, Fig. 4, using a suitable hoist. The
specific locomotive service requirements. Pinions threaded pilot should enter the threaded por-
will vary from 12 teeth to 25 teeth depending tion of the pinion to its complete depth so
upon installation. The traction motor with a 12 threads will not strip.
tooth pinion is referred to as an “E” model.
Since the diameter of 12 tooth pinion is small, it WARNING: Remove hoist before attempting to
is made intergral with the armature shaft; all pull pinion. Pinion releases suddenly
other pinions are removable. and if left suspended on hoist, can
swing violently.
PINION REMOVAL Clear area in line with pinion to
avoid damage to equipment or injury
Pinions are heated and shrunk onto the shaft to to personnel when drive pinion
provide the fit necessary to withstand the strain releases.
imposed in operation. The pinion is either re-
moved by pulling off with a hydraulic puller or 5. Pump hydraulic puller to build up pressure
by “floating-off” by means of hydraulic pressure. and remove pinion from shaft.
M.I. 3950-l


The float-off method of pinion removal can be

used on armature shafts which are manufactured
with a groove around the shaft taper which is
connected by drilled passages to a l/2”-20 tapped
hole in the center of the shaft, as shown in Fig.
5. The pinion is removed by applying high pres-
sure oil through the drilled passages to the inside
of the pinion bore, which results in the pinion
being released from the shaft.

Fig. 3 - Removing Pinion Retaining Nut

Fig. 5 - Float-Off Pinion Removal
1. Loosen the nut on the end of the armature
shaft with a retaining nut wrench and handle,
Fig. 3, or with an air impact wrench approxi-
mately one turn, but do not remove.

3 Clean the center of the armature shaft and


remove l/2”-20 socket head setscrew. Ensure

the threads and pressure fitting seat are clean.

3. Screw adapter nipple into shaft and tighten to

35-40 N*m (25-30 ft-lbs). Do not overtighten
as this will damage the shaft seat.

4. Connect adapter nipple to the hydraulic

pump with high pressure hose assembly. Close
screw on pump and operate lever to build up
pressure. When pressure becomes great
enough, pinion will be released from armature
shaft and will move off against the retaining

8643 5. Remove equipment and replace setscrew in

Fig. 4 - Hydraulic Pinion Puller end of armature shaft.
M-1. 3950-l
NOTE: Refer to Service Data for tools or fixtures
required to remove end housing and
1. Remove l”-8 bolts holding the commutator
end bearing housing’to the stator frame, Fig.
6. Clean out 5/8”-11 NC jack bolt holes in
the stator frame with a tap.
2. Loosen pinion end housing bolts so that they
protrude from stator housing 19 mm (314”).
Do not remove these bolts at this time. Clean
out 7/8”-9 NC jack bolt holes in the end
housing with a tap. Insert three 7/8”-9 jack
3. Remove commutator end bearing cover,
bearing retainer, and thrust collar, Fig. 6.
1. Retainer
2. Thrust Collar
3. Bearing Cover
4. Bearing Housing
- Stator
- . Frame

Fig. 7 - Preparing For Armature Removal

cock the bearing housing and damage

the bearing.
6. If housing is still held by frame, tighten
NOTE: On current model D77 motors, the commutator pinion end jacking bolts only one half turn
end oil slinger and spacer are replaced by one wider
spacer. The commutator end collar and bearing cap alternately until housing is free. After housing
are replaced with a new configuration.
is released from the frame, remove pinion end
Fig. 6 - Commutator End Bearing Arrangement jacking bolts. Lift the armature out of the
frame, Fig. 8. Use care to prevent contact
4. Apply lifting eye bolt to pinion end of the between the armature and the frame.
shaft. Lift traction motor with a crane from
stand and place in a vertical position, commu- 7. Apply armature turning plate to the commu-
tator end down, on frame stand, Fig. 7. tator end housing and insert bar through eye
Frame stand will support the stator frame in in plate, Fig. 9. Use steel stand to pivot the
the proper position for removing armature. armature while setting the armature into a
saddle or rack. Do not set armature on the
5. Remove the pinion end housing bolts. Raise commutator or bands. Support the armature
armature slightly with the aid of a hoist, Fig. on the core sections only. Remove the arma-
7. Keep hoist hook centered over the arma- ture eye bolt or lifting fixture from the
ture shaft to prevent armature damage. pinion end housing. Remove the turning fix-
CAUTION: In Step 6, do not tighten jacking ture from the commutator end housing and
bolts more than one half turn at a lifting eye bolt from pinion end of shaft.
time. Tightening the bolts more can 8. Remove brush holders from stator.
M.I. 3950-l

NOTE: Refer to Service Data for tools or fixtures

required to remove commutator end

1. Insert three 5/8”-11 NC jack bolts in com-

mutator end of stator frame and jack out
bearing housing along with bearing outer race
and rollers, Fig. 6. Use caution to prevent
damage to housing. Do not cock or force the
CAUTION: In Step 2, ensure pulling plate is
pulling equally on all studs to prevent
damage to the bearing cap.

2. Apply puller plate and studs to bearing cap,

Fig. 10, and remove the bearing cap, oil
thrower, and inner race. Do not drop the
inner race as it is pulled from the shaft.
3. If bearing collar and spacer, remaining on
shaft are in good condition, do not remove.

Fig. 8 - Removing Armature Assembly


Fig. 10 - Removing Commutator End Bearing Cap,

Oil Thrower, And Inner Race
4. Remove bearing outer race from bearing
housing by completely supporting the face of
the bearing race, and pressing the bearing
housing off the bearing race with a bearing

NOTE: If bearing parts are not to be used

immediately, they should be coated with
Shell Cyprina RA Grade 3 to prevent
NOTE: Refer to Service Data for tools or fixtures
required to remove pinion end bearing
Fig. 9 - Lowering Armature Into Saddle assembly.

M.I. 3950-l

1. Clean pinion end bearing housing, bearing 3. Apply heat quickly and sparingly to outer
cover, grease seals, and oil ring so that no dirt grease slinger and remove slinger.
will enter bearing.
4. Remove the eight 5/8”-11 bolts from bearing
2. Remove six 3/8”-11 bolts from pinion end cover.
outer seal, Fig. 1 1 and remove seal.

5. Apply puller plate and studs through bearing

cover into the bearing cap, Fig. 12.

6. Line up puller plate and remove complete

pinion end bearing assembly. Ensure pulling
plate is pulling equally on all studs to prevent
damage to bearing cap.

NOTE: Actual pinion end bearing arrangement will vary between

traction motor models. Illustration presented to show
disassembly sequence only. Refer to Section 7 of this
Maintenance Instruction for different pinion end bearing

* l.lnner Oil Ring 7. Partition Plate Fig. 12 - Removing Pinion End Bearing Assembly
2. Bearing Cap * 8. Outer Grease Slinger
3. Outer Race * 9. Outer Oil Thrower
4. Bearing Housing 10. Inner Race
5. Bearing Cover *ll. Inner Oil Thrower 7. When bearing assembly is free of shaft, re-
6. Outer Oil Seal move puller plate and all but one stud. One
*Effective mid 1976, Item 1 Inner Oil Ring is wider, eliminating stud should be left in assembly to prevent
Item 11 Inner Oil Thrower. Item 8 Outer Grease Slinger is wider, parts from falling.
eliminating Item 9 Outer Oil Thrower.

21905 8. Support bearing assembly with a crane and

slide bearing assembly and housing off the
Fig. 11 - Pinion End Bearing Assembly bearing inner race.

9. Remove bearing outer race from bearing

NOTE: On current mode1 D77 motors, the pinion housing by completely supporting the face of
end outer grease slinger and outer oil the bearing race, and pressing the bearing
slinger are replaced with one slinger. The housing off the bearing race with a bearing
pinion end inner oil thrower and inner oil press.
ring are replaced by one seal.
10. Apply sufficient heat to bearing inner race
CAUTION: Remove outer seal and outer grease and inner oil ring to remove bearing inner
slinger before attempting to remove race and oil ring by hand.
bearing assembly. Failure to remove
seal and slinger could result in NOTE: If bearing parts are not be used immedi-
damage to bearing cap when pulling ately, they should be coated with Shell
assembly. Cyprina RA Grade 3 to prevent corrosion.

M.I. 3950-l

Weights (Approximate)
Motor with Pinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 790 kg (6150 Ibs)
Armature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821 kg (1810 lbs)


Lifting Eye Bolt, Pinion End

. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8067 122
Armature Lifting Fixture (“E Series” motors) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8065527
Frame Mounting Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80649 17
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8067 147
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8309742
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8246430
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 27054
830974 1
apter Nipple (tiodeis’D47B2’and D47B3 only),’ 3/8”:24 * : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 83 02965
aining Nut (Models D47B2 and D47B3 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8303020
Pinion Puller Kit (Models D37 and D47 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8303330
Plate Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8168577
ingPlate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8168604

ing cap) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8168606

roilring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .;/. . . . . . . . 8168611
bearing cap) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8204436
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8041446

-8- Litho in U.S.A.

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