Unit 4. Neurodidactics
Unit 4. Neurodidactics
Unit 4. Neurodidactics
As education professionals, it is essential to be updated in our field of knowledge and
base our actions on scientific evidence. Advances in neuroscience have shed a lot of light
on how our brain works and how we learn. Understanding these will allow us to create
more appropriate and effective learning situations for our students, respecting their
needs all times.
To acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of the main themes of Didactics
to guide the practice of the teaching profession.
To expand the technical vocabulary and manage the bibliography related to the
content of Didactics.
To understand the bases of our brain functioning and its application in teaching
To deepen the pillars of neurodidactics and to develop practical strategies for
each of them.
To identify useful strategies to promote intrinsic motivation in our students.
To reflect on how emotional regulation and attentional processes influence
learning and to identify how we can positively influence them.
The teacher will introduce the main concepts. Students will work in groups and will
develop their knowledge with the different resources that the teacher will provide and
the activities proposed. Will use cooperative learning adapted to the circumstances.
Continuous assessment consists of activities done in class, attendance, participation and
2. Introduction
The deep knowledge that we currently have of the functioning of the nervous system,
specifically the brain and its relationship with mental processes and the functioning of
the rest of our body, allows us to better understand human behavior. (Peñafiel, 2023).
For education professionals, the knowledge of all the advances in neurosciences allows
us to understand what the best conditions are in in which people learn, to promote real
and exciting learning situations. It is in this context that Neuroeducation and
Neurodidactics are born.
2. Neurodidactics: the knowledge related to mental process that help us to have a better human
3. What Neurodidactics is
If as educators we really know how we learn, we can certainly be much more effective
and efficient in our teaching. In this case, knowing how the functioning of the brain
influences and how we can change this functioning with our actions, makes us "brain
modifiers". Although it sounds weird, we are constantly doing it by interacting with
When we ridicule or use sarcasm with a student, their brain activates the release of
cortisol and adrenaline, neurotransmitters related to stress; When we generate
cooperative environments or face mistakes in a positive way, the release of serotonin,
dopamine and endorphins, neurotransmitters responsible for positive affective states,
is activated.
When educators know how brain chemistry works and have strategies to identify and
modify it, they can change strategy at any time and propose another activity that
regulates functioning to optimize learning.
Mora (2013) states that "The brain only learns if there is emotion", especially, we
assimilate knowledge better if we feel safe and there is surprise, curiosity and emotional
involvement. According to this, repeating the same contents over and over again to
memorize them and tell them later in an evaluation test, does not seem the best way to
Taking the contributions of Francisco Mora and other neuroscientists, some of the
contributions of the neurosciences on which neurodidactics is based can be synthesized.
Here, we will review only a few that are especially relevant in teaching practice, but we
recommend expanding the study of this broad and interesting topic:
1. Brain plasticity. Our brain changes throughout our lives. Every day, new
connections are generated and others are destroyed. These changes are what
cause learning. Although there are stages in life when this plasticity is greater,
our ability to learn only ends when we die. With the right stimulation, we can
learn and develop all kinds of skills.
2. Mirror neurons. They are a type of neurons that we have in our brain and that
are activated when we observe someone performing an action. They are
designed to copy the other, which is why learning by observation and imitation
is so important. In addition, these neurons allow us to understand what happens
to people who are in our environment (empathy). Analyzing the function of these
neurons, we can understand why the teacher becomes a model and main
reference for students.
3. Emotions. The brain needs to get excited to learn. Emotions are physiological
responses activated from our brain to deal with external or internal stimuli. These
emotions can be pleasant or unpleasant. The saying "la letra con sangre entra" is
based on this principle. However, science shows us that learning linked to
pleasant emotions, such as surprise, curiosity, security and joy are much more
productive. Those linked to unpleasant emotions, such as fear or anger, are more
related to painful and traumatic experiences than to what we want to generate
in the school context. It is important to include emotional education in curricula
in order to develop the necessary competences to be good with ourselves and
4. Multisensory learning. The brain learns best if it is stimulated by all five senses.
The variety allows to expand attention and memory and, therefore, facilitates
learning. In addition, it gives the opportunity to connect in many ways with the
interests of each of our students. Some methodologies are based on this idea.
5. Stress. Stress is a response of our body that allows us to face intense situations.
Through the release of different neurotransmitters and hormones, among which
is cortisol, our body is filled with energy and increases its ability to cope with
something. It is very useful when we have to dedicate extra time to study in the
days before an exam, for example. However, cortisol has a cumulative effect on
our body and, if stressful situations are prolonged, stress can become chronic.
When the body is subjected to long or intense periods of stress, some difficulties
begin to appear that can translate into health problems. In these moments,
learning becomes increasingly complicated. When working with children, it is
important to maintain safe environments and provide opportunities for them to
release the stress they generate. If we know that they are going through a
complicated personal situation, it is possible that stress makes them more
irascible or clueless, for example, and their ability to learn decreases.
6. We are social beings: As mammals, we need to be with others to survive. Our
genetic program activates mechanisms that push us to be with others. When we
do not feel that we belong to the group, we are rejected, etc. our brain interprets
it as a threat and activates the stress circuit. This explains why we feel nervous
on the first day of school when we still do not know anyone or why a child does
not want to go to school if he does not have friends. But it also means that, when
we feel valued and important within a group, dopamine and oxytocin (among
others) are activated, which makes us feel well-being. That's why we learn best
when we are with others and feel belonging and importance. Creating this feeling
in each of our students should be a priority for every teacher.
7. Physical activity. We are a unity of body, brain and mind. Therefore, it is necessary
not to attend only to mental processes or the functioning of the brain. We have
to learn to listen to the needs of our body and respond also in the school
environment. Food, rest and physical activity are essential to function properly.
Recess and physical activity are necessary to maintain motivation and reduce
stress and have a positive impact on learning, so, whenever possible, we should
promote spaces for recreation and activity.
8. Individuality. Each person is unique and their brain matures differently. Although
our educational system establishes groups according to age, this does not always
correspond to the same maturation level. As teachers, we must be attentive to
the rhythm of each of our students, to respect and give an individualized
response to their needs.
9. Creativity. Creativity and art education have a positive impact on all learning, so
it is important to integrate it transversally throughout the curriculum.
10. Cognitive processes. Mental processes such as memory and attention can be
trained and improved, but it is important to know how they work.
6. The importance of security Que confien en ti para que no estén alerta
Being safe references for our students is a primary objective. Neuroscience shows us that
when we feel safe and calm, curiosity is activated, interaction is favored and the brain
develops. However, when we do not feel safe, our stress circuit is activated so that our
body prepares to defend or attack. When we don't feel safe, our brain goes "into survival
mode." When our safety is not guaranteed, that is, the child perceives a threat (real or
imagined), some resources of our body are inhibited in favor of others. They do not focus
on learning, relating in a positive way, growing and developing, etc.; Focus on surviving.
For this reason, it is essential to be able to create a safe environment and become safe
people for them. In addition, it is necessary to know that, when a child is stressed, he will
not learn well. Our purpose, before thinking about teaching him anything, should be to
help him regain calm and a sense of security. This is especially relevant for those children
who live complicated situations and are subjected to chronic stress. Probably, their
learning difficulties have a lot to do with this and not so much with limitations in other
So how do we manage to create a safe environment?
Normas, reglas
First, it is important that the limits are clear, consensual, defined by all, known and
understood, flexible, renegotiable at certain times and respectful for all parties.
Boundaries or limits provide us with security and peace of mind. When I know what is
expected of me, I can devote myself to thinking about other things.
Cambios de clase a clase
Routines and transitions are also important. Routines are the customs and actions we
perform daily. They are temporary indicators that give structure to our day. They help us
organize the day, anticipate and reduce uncertainty about what is going to happen. In the
little ones, who still do not have clear the structure of time and sometimes do not know
when it is in the morning or in the afternoon, routines are essential to be able to anticipate.
When there are no established routines, children are much more nervous and irritable.
Transitions refer to changes of activity. When we establish routines or rituals for
transitions, they are done in a short time and with minimal distraction. When you have
not invested time in practicing them, it is possible that with each transition there is a chaos
and a significant loss of time. Dedicating time to practice routines and transitions, in the
medium and long term will save time and energy and provide children with a great sense
of security.
In addition, as we will see in Unit 5, it is essential how we deal with mistakes. If when
they make a mistake, disrespect, do not do what we expect them to do, have a conflict
with a partner, etc. we react negatively (scolding, punishing, threatening, blackmailing,
etc.), rather than learning from the mistake, they may learn to avoid it to skip the
consequence we impose on them or try to hide it next time. On the contrary, if we take
advantage of these situations to produce a learning, for example, helping them to find a
way to solve or repair the mistake, reconcile with the partner or trying to see how they
can prevent it from happening again, that situation will become an opportunity. When
children are afraid of making mistakes, they become withdrawn and insecure; When
they understand that the error is part of the learning process, they learn to better face
the frustration of the error itself and are more responsible and autonomous.
Activity: Reflect on why you think classroom rules are important. Think about how you
would propose the creation of classroom rules so that they are consensual and easier
for them to want to comply with and how you would face when they are not met (hint:
mistakes are opportunities to learn).
7. Motivation in the classroom Intrisic
Activity: Look at the following examples and discuss which of the two you think would
arouse more interest and why, what kind of learning you are encouraging, what kind of
motivation, etc.
- Class 1: "Today you have to read the theory on page 28 about Newton's laws and do
all the problems that appear. You will find it very useful because they are very
important questions and do not forget that I will ask you in the next exam. The one
who does it best, will have an extra point in the subject."
- Class 2: Today we will reflect on practical situations that are surely familiar to you
and that can be useful to calculate the forces to which we are subjected. What do
you think, do we measure the same when we are lying down as when we are
standing? Do we weigh the same at home, on an airplane or in the elevator when
accelerating upwards? You have 5 minutes to discuss it with your partner and we
will share it in class. Then we'll do an internet search together to check the answers."
Activity: For a task to be a challenge for the student, it must allow a successful start
and this is achieved if the demand is adequate. If this happens you will be motivated
to continue the work. For example, it will be of little use to pose an algebraic problem
if arithmetic operations are not consolidated. The difficulty must increase
progressively and the student must find new challenges, such as when we pass the
level in a video game. Each student's starting point may be different. Give an example
of a content in which you would put several levels to pose a challenge.
4. PROTAGONISM. In the process of academic and personal evolution of the student
it is essential to promote their autonomy to act and take responsibility for their
actions. But for this it is important that you are an active participant in learning
and have the possibility of choice. We must respect questions, interventions,
debates or analyses between students without haste. The important thing is not
what we teachers teach but what the students learn. Rushing to finish the
syllabus does not guarantee that students will learn. Students must feel
important and taken into account in the classroom and be the protagonists of
learning. For this, it is convenient that they participate in the creation of the
classroom rules, in the choice of projects that are going to be worked, in the
activities that are going to be done, etc. It will be much easier for them to get
involved if they feel that they are their rules and their projects than if they have
been imposed. The teacher thus gives part of the protagonism to the student,
speaks less and listens more because in the classroom we all learn. Some
examples that favor this protagonism are project- or problem-based learning and
cooperative learning.
Activity: Give an example in which you recognize the effort that a student has made,
regardless of their ability or the result of the task. Remember that the purpose is to
encourage their perseverance to face the most complex tasks and not to feel unable to
face them.
There are different types of attention. On this occasion, we are going to talk about
selective attention, which is a cognitive function that allows directing attention towards
a stimulus ignoring the rest, which are more irrelevant. Selective attention span is
housed in our prefrontal cortex (along with all other executive functions). This area of
our brain is the last to mature. Approximately, it does not begin to mature (connections
between its neurons) until 7-9 years old and will not reach its maximum potential until
about 25. This means that the capacity for selective attention in early childhood is very
limited and will continue to be reduced throughout the primary education stage.
When the prefrontal cortex is activated, a great deal of energy is expended and tires
easily. That means that in order to activate it, first of all, we have to have that energy in
our body. In addition, there must be an element that catches our attention, generates
surprise and curiosity so that it is activated and maintained. It is estimated that the
window of time in which we can keep our selective attention active is around, at best,
15-20 minutes.
One strategy to help our students maintain selective attention for long periods of time
are the so-called "brain breaks" (recreos cerebrales). These are activities that allow you
to rest your attention for a few moments, to be able to recover it later. If we respect the
attention spans, we will make our students learn more and better.
That implies that, in sessions in which we want our students to pay attention, we should
introduce, every 10 minutes approximately, a brain recess of about two minutes,
regardless of the age of the students. Connecting with our students, promoting intrinsic
motivation and finding challenges that generate wonder, curiosity and interest, will allow
us to make attention more present in our classes.
Some types of brain breaks are:
- Playful: they do not have to be related to the contents worked; They are small games
that allow them to rest, reconnect, develop different abilities, enjoy, etc. For
example, listening to a song with a sequence of movements that they have to
- Processual: they help to process what is being worked on. For example, a kahoot, a
debate, a dramatization, etc.
- Mindfulness: They are different activities that allow you to focus your attention in a
relaxed way. For example, draw a picture or find the seven differences between two
- Mixed: Combine the previous ones.
After each brain break we get a better state of attention, avoiding distractions and falling
into boredom.
Activity: After watching the video to analyze in class, comment on the ideas that have
caught your attention:
9. Emotional regulation
Emotional regulation is a skill that we have to develop and practice throughout life.
Regulating emotions does not mean that they do not appear nor does it mean repressing
them. All emotions are welcome and we know we can't choose to show them up.
Emotional self-regulation involves using that most evolved part of our brain (the
prefrontal cortex, i.e., our cognition), to identify and name what's happening in another
part of our brain (the amygdala, i.e., impulses and emotions), regulate intensity, and be
able to make appropriate decisions about what I want to do. This capacity, as we said
with attention, requires a neurological maturity that we will not develop until 7-9 years
and requires training to work (biological capacity is not enough if you do not train).
What does this mean? Well, before that age, our students will be unable to regulate
themselves and that, afterwards, unless they have trained for it, they will also show
difficulties. When they are not able to self-regulate, the way they regulate their emotions
is through what we call co-regulation. This means that, if the referent adult is well
regulated, he will be able to help regulate the other through mirror neurons. In addition,
by observing us, they will also learn strategies for emotional regulation and coping with
situations that generate stress and frustration.
How we accompany them when they feel an intense emotion will be fundamental for
them to develop regulation strategies. To do this, we need to validate their emotion, not
minimize its importance, empathize, help them calm down and seek reasonable
solutions, etc.
If we are the ones who have deregulated, it is important that we have strategies to be
able to regulate ourselves again. Nothing happens if they see us, it can be an excellent
opportunity to observe how we can manage a situation that has overwhelmed us. For
example, withdrawing until we feel that we have calmed down, apologizing if we have
realized that, as a result of our anger, we have shouted, offering an alternative, etc.
(Rabanal and Peñafiel, 2021).
When we introduce activities to return to calm in our day to day, we are giving them
tools so that they can use them when they need them. Brain breaks can be a good
occasion for this. For example, we can do a breathing exercise that will then be useful
when you need it.
10. Neuromyths
Neuromyths are mistaken beliefs about how the brain works and what its structure is.
This, applied to the educational field, leads us to carry out practices that are not proven
and that can even be counterproductive for the teaching-learning process. According to
Mora (2018), some of the most frequent beliefs that are actually neuromyths and some
ideas that many doubt are actually true. Look at the following and try to establish if they
are a neuromyth or true:
- We only use 10% of our brain.
- People learn best when they do so with their preferred learning style (visual,
auditory, or kinesthetic).
- The first three years are crucial in brain development so it is important that during
those years you are exposed to many stimuli so that they "absorb" everything they
can. This will be a great advantage for your future.
- There are "normal brains" and brains "with pathologies".
- Full executive attentional capacity lasts no more than 15-20 minutes.
- ADHD is actually a cause of boredom for many students, but it is not a disorder as
- Dyslexia is a difficulty in reading and writing due to poor learning, but it is not related
to brain function.
Activity: Research any of the following neuromyths or truths and prepare a brief
argument to explain to your peers.
11. Bibliography
Caballero, M. (2017). Neuroeducation of teachers and for teachers: From teacher to head
teacher. Pyramid.
Guillén, J.C. (2017). Neuroeducation in the classroom: From theory to practice.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Mora, F. (2013). Neuroeducation. What the brain teaches us. Publishing Alliance.
Mora, F. (2018). Myths and truths of the brain. Paidós. Barcelona. 215 pp.
Nieto Gil, J.M. (2011). Neurodidactics: contributions of neurosciences to learning and
teaching. CSS Editorial
Peñafiel, E. (2023). Four neuroscience keys to parenting.
Tokuhama-Espinosa, Tracey (2011). Mind, brain, and education science: a comprehensive
guide to the new brain-based teaching. W. W. Norton & Co
Rabanal, J.J. & Peñafiel, E. (2021). Emoprende en familia: a practical guide to positive
and conscious education. Khaf.