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Hari Razaki Akbar, Sofian, Wardah

English Education Study Program, Languages and Arts Education Department,
Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University Pontianak
Email: hari.hr156@gmail.com

The aim of this research was to improve students’ listening comprehension by
using Bottom-Up technique. This research is a classroom action research which
has done in three cycles. The subject for this research was the tenth grade
students in class X TAV. The research was conducted by using Bottom-Up
technique which consists of three main stages. There are word processing, phrase
processing, and comprehension. The researcher observed students’ improvement
in listening comprehension by collecting data through field notes, observation
checklist and listening test. Field note and observation checklist were used to
gather the students’ attitude in learning process. The data of listening was
collected through listening test and it was assessed through scoring rubric. The
result showed that students’ problems in understanding the contents of listening
and vocabulary had been solved by using Bottom-Up technique. In the first cycle,
the students mean score was 76.7. It increased in the second cycle to 82.1, and
83.7 in third cycle. As the conclusion, the technique was able to be used in
improving students’ listening comprehension. The researcher recommends the
teacher to use Bottom-Up technique as a technique in teaching and learning
process, especially in the teaching listening with the similar setting and difficulty.

Key words: Bottom-Up, Classroom Action Research, Listening


Listening skill is one of the four main skills in language learning. The ability
of listening becomes an important skill for English for Foreign Language (EFL)
students. As one of receptive skills, listening activity could be a tool for having
informations, ideas, or even thoughts. It plays a significant role in conversation. In
language learning, students are expected to master listening skill. By mastering
this skill, students will be able to receive the information or the lesson which have
been given by the teacher. In case of listening, students have to pay much
attention because listening is a foundation for other language skills. Carol (2005,
p.24) said that listening is related to speaking because both are oral skills.
Furthermore, Carol (2005, p.24) also said that by listening students are preparing
to imitate the sounds when they speak. For instance, students learn to speak by
listening to what is said to them and creatively putting things into words by

The problem of comprehending the listening material is often found among
students. From the result of preliminary study carried out at SMK Negeri 2
Pontianak through class observation and interview with the students of SMK
Negeri 2 Pontianak, the researcher found some difficulties regarding to students’
low listening ability. The first difficulty that the teacher faced in the classroom
regarding to the listening activity was that the students were not able to find the
main idea in monologue text. In this case, the students felt confused when they
listen to the monologue text. When the teacher gave a task, the students got lower
score means under 75 where they were supposed to get at least 75 to pass. The
second difficulty was they could not get any detailed information in the
monologue text while they listen to it. They could not deal with new words such
as names of things or number. They had difficulty in answering the task which
demanded them to find the detailed information. These difficulties occured
because the students had low motivation to learn English and they assumed
listening activity was hard to do and monotonous. As the result, they could not
improve their listening ability.
Based on the facts above, the teacher needed to find a technique which is
suitable and could improve listening ability of the tenth grade students of SMK
Negeri 2 Pontianak. There were a lot of teaching techniques that could be applied
by the teacher in the classroom. The Bottom-Up technique is a technique which
found by a psychologist, Eleanor J. Gibson. The main focus of Bottom-Up
technique is incoming sensory data and it occurs directly. It starts with sensory
data and it will be sent to brain’s integration of the sensory information.
The Bottom-Up technique is joyful to be implemented in the classroom.
With this technique, the teacher could make the students more interested in
learning listening. Bottom-Up could build understanding from the smallest units
of the acoustic message, such as phonemes, and combined into words, phrases,
clauses, and sentences (Carrel, 1988; Flowerdew & Miller, 2004; Rost, 1990).
The Bottom-Up technique could help the students to improve their ability in
listening comprehension especially to find the main idea and detailed information
of monologue text in form of descriptive text. The students also would be able to
recognize new words in descriptive text. Descriptive text is one of monologue
texts which is needed to be learned by the students at the second semester of tenth
grade. Therefore, the researcher applied this technique to a group of tenth grade
students of SMK Negeri 2 Pontianak to improve their listening skill.
The previous studies from Mahmudi entitled “Improving Students’
Listening Comprehension by Applying Bottom-Up Technique” in 2013 shows
how effective Bottom-Up technique for students of SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak in academic year 2011/2012. The research was done
by the researcher because he was intended to improve students’ vocabulary
mastery. During the research, the researcher took the mean score in each cycle. It
was used to know the improvement of students listening skill. There was a
significant improvement of the students’ achievement in listening skill. The
second study was held in China by Tsui & Fullilove in 1988. They were
conducted a research with 150.000 item performances by Chinese learners of
English to investigate whether skill in Bottom-Up technique make some listeners

more successful than others. The result shows that Bottom-Up technique could
improve the listening skill of the participants. The third study was conducted by
Rika Lestari in 2019. She was intended to investigate listening comprehension
difficulties and Top-Down & Bottom-Up strategies among the students of SMP
Negeri 3 Pontianak in Academic year 2018/2019.
The researcher was conducted this research to solve the problem of listening
comprehension of vocational high school students which has different syllabus
with senior high school. This research also focuses on three main problems of
listening comprehension. There are difficulty in finding main idea, detailed
information, and also vocabulary understanding. On the previous studies, they
conducted the research to solve the students’ problem in finding general
understanding of listening material.
Considering the success of the implementation of Bottom-Up, the researcher
conducted a classroom action research as an effort to solve the problem. As cited
in Cohen et al. (2007, p.299) said that one of the characters of action research is to
enhance the competencies of the participant. Action research will help the
students to improve their listening ability by using Bottom-Up technique. Based
on the research background, this research was conducted to answer this question:
How does Bottom-Up technique improve the students’ listening comprehension.

Research is the key to identify the answers for questions that take place in
any type of work. Mertler (2006, p.3) states that research is simply one of many
means by which human beings seek answers to questions. The researcher was
applied classroom action research . This is because the researcher aimed to
improve teaching and learning process and to solve the problems found in
classroom. Classroom action research is one of the best ways to enhance the
classroom situation in teaching and learning process. It was suitable to be applied
in this research. In this research, the researcher intended to design classroom
activity with bottom-up listening to solve the problems which occured in
Classroom action research could improve the teaching and it could help the
researcher to discover what technique would work best in classroom. Action
research could give a good chance and freedom for the teacher to apply any
techniques which could improve and solve the problems. The researcher believes
that the use of bottom-up listening will be a good technique to improve students’
listening skill.
During the teaching-learning process, it is necessary to know how far the
students’ progress in the process. Besides, the purpose of the indicators of process
is to know whether the activity that is considered during the teaching-learning
process is in line with what has been planned. Hence, the researcher indicated the
indicators of the process below: (1) All students are able to be active during
teaching-learning process. (2) All students are able to enjoy the classroom
situation while teaching-learning process. (3) All students are able to participate in
listening comprehension through activity of bottom-up technique. (4) All students

are able to do the listening test. (5) All students are able to improve their listening
As an addition, the process always determines the success. Thus, it is
necessary to provide the indicators of success to be the standard of the
students’ achievement to know how far the action that has been given can
solve the problem or improve the quality of the teaching-learning process.
They are: (1) Students’ mean score is B up to A (average to good or
excellent). (2) All students reach KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum)
that is 75 in SMK Negeri 2 Pontianak for English Subject. (3) Bottom-up
technique can solve the problem of comprehending the listening tasks and
making the students interested in listening class.
Validity is one of important keys of research, especially CAR.
Cohen, Manion and Marrison (2005, p.105) state that validity is the key to
effective research.Validity is needed in qualitative and quantitative data.
Therefore, the researcher worked with a collaborator to discuss the
progress of each cycle to avoid bias and exaggerated subjectivity. Then,
the researcher conducted the stages of conducting action research
according to Cohen, Manion and Morrison (2005, p.226) as follows:
Planning: In this stage, the reseracher identified and limited the topic, reviewed
the literature, and developed a research plan. The research plan includes the
research proposal, lesson plans, teaching materials, achievement, and observation
checklist table and field notes.
Acting: The researcher acted in the classroom as a teacher then teach the students
with the material of which the purpose is to improve the teaching-learning
process. In this case, the researcher became the real teacher who has authority and
responsibility to manage the class. By using bottom-up technique, it is expected to
help the students solving their listening comprehension problems in order to
improve their listening skill. The researcher explained what he do in cycle 1. In
cycle 1, the researcher had two meetings to do his research because it was not
enough that classroom action research is done in one meeting. In the first meeting
the researcher focused on the first step. The teacher motivated the students, asked
some questions about listening, and gave explanation what would be learned
especially listening. Second step consisted of activities and exercises to be carried
out while the learners listened to the listening audio and the teacher directed them
as they tried to get the main information of the listening passage. It was how the
teacher controls the listening activity. In third cycle, It contains of several
activities to reflect on some language aspects as they have comprehended the
main information and the content of the listening passage. The teacher also added
some additional work to do based on the content of the listening text.
Observing: The researcher gave a test to the students by giving questions based
on the listening comprehension. While the students were answering the questions,
the researcher checked the students’ score with checklist table. During this
process, the collaborator as researcher’s assistant filled the field notes down to get
anything that occured in the teaching learning process. Including the difficulties
which are found as well as solution to solve them. The collaborator also
concerned with teacher’s work whether the teacher applies by following phases

appropriately or not. Finally, to get the scores of judgement, the researcher
combined his score with the collaborator to get objective result.
Reflecting: In this stage, the reseracher and the collaborator shared and
communicated the result, and reflected on the process. The researcher also
discussed the result with the student to get feedbacks on what have been done.
Reflecting is one way of getting feedback from the teaching process. From this
activity, the researcher was assigned to find out the strengths and the weaknesses
of the process. After knowing the weaknesses, the teacher then decides what
action will be treated in the next cycle. Reflecting on the process means the
teacher reflected on and critically examined their entire teaching practice
continously during the process of teaching. These included the reflection on the
lesson plan, teaching materials, performance in the classroom, data collection and
data analysis.
Kemmis and McTaggart (1988) as cited in Burns (2009, p.9) divides action
research into 4 phases. There are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting in
which will be done in a cycle of research. The action research process could be
drawn in the scheme below.

Figure 3.1. Cyclical AR model based on Kemmis and McTaggart (1988)

Setting and Subject of Research

The research was conducted in SMK Negeri 2 Pontianak. The subject of this
research are the teacher and the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 2 Pontianak,
especially TAV (Audio-Visual) class in academic year 2019/2020. The class
consists of 34 students. The researcher chose this class after considering that the
problems found in that class need to be solved.

Techniques of Data Collection

In this research, the researcher had two techniques of data collection, there
are measurement (students’ worksheet) and observation. He conducted the
measurement and observation when he took data in the classroom where the
teaching-learning process occured.

Tools of Data Collection
There were some tools that be used in this research. There were: (1) Students’
worksheet: The students’ worksheet was used as a tool to collect the data by
measuring the students’ individual score. There score was measured based on
listening test in form of multiple choice, “True or False” statements, Point Out
The Meaning, and Rearrange The Ideas. (2) Observation Checklist Table: It was
used to collect the data which was containing description as learning material to
improve students’ listening skill of descriptive text. (3) Field Note: It is a note
made by the teacher to check or control the class situation while the teaching-
learning process occurred. The researcher processed the data that was found in the
field note after the teaching-learning process.


Research Findings
This research was Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was done in
three cycles. The researcher implemented Bottom-Up technique and all the
students have the same opportunities to participate the teaching and learning
process in the classroom. After that, the researcher and the teacher observed the
students’ behavior during teaching and learning process.
The researcher computed the individual student’s score based on the
listening assesment, and then computed the students’ individual score and
mean score. After that, the researcher proceed the result of mean score and
the data from the field note in order to achieve the contrast in the research

Cycle 1 (October 1st, 2019)

The researcher found problems when the researcher observed the students
in the classroom when they had English class. The students were not able to get
the information of listening audio about descriptive text which was played by the
teacher. They were confused to receive the information from the audio, hence they
were not paying attention of listening audio. Therefore, they had difficulties in
listening comprehension. Most of them were unable to listen to the audio of
descriptive text especially in finding main idea, detailed information, and they
were lacked in vocabulary mastery. Because of that reasons, the writer
implemented Bottom-Up technique to help students in order to improve their
listening comprehension in terms of finding main idea and detailed information,
and also vocabulary mastery.
Planning: The cycle was designed in two meetings. Time allocation was 2 x 45
minutes. The students learned about definition, aim, kind of monologue text,
generic structure and language features of monologue text, especially descriptive
text. The tools were students’ worksheet, observation checklist table and field
Acting: The researcher acted as a teacher and the teacher as the collaborator.
There were 2 students absent on that day. The researcher implemented Bottom-Up
technique in teaching and learning process to improve students’ listening
comprehension of descriptive text. The researcher began the teaching and learning

process by greeting and reviewing the previous material. The teacher started the
class by conducting brainstorming. The researcher asked the students about
vocabulary which were related to the descriptive text audio that would be learned.
All students responded to teacher’s greeting. The students also got involved in
brainstorming activity for example they mentioned the meaning of the related
words. After that, the researcher explained about the definition of descriptive
text,the generic structure and the language features of descriptive text. All the
students listened very carefully to the explanation. The researcher gave them an
example of descriptive text audio especially the description of historical building
in Indonesia. The researcher asked them to identify the generic structure of the
descriptive text that had been listened. After that the researcher gave them a group
task to rearrange the order of main ideas based on the descriptive text audio that
had been listened. This task was given in order to know the students’ ability in
finding the main ideas of the descriptive text. For the following activity, the
students were given a Point Out The Meaning task. The students had to do the
task individually. The aim of this activity was to know the students’
understanding of the vocabulary that had been listened. On the other hand, the
researcher also gave a task of “True or False Statement”. This activity aims to
know the students ability in finding the detailed information of the descriptive text
that had been listened. The task still connected to the previous task. Then the
students answered the multiple choice questions individually.
In this session, the researcher also explained the procedure of Bottom-Up
technique in the teaching and learning process. The researcher provided an
example of listening audio of historical building in Indonesia. In order to make the
students understand the content of the audio, the researcher gave the related
vocabulary and the students had to understand the vocabulary. After that, the
researcher played the audio and paused in every sentence. In each gap, the
researcher explained the structure, meaning, and also the ideas of the sentence.
Then the researcher played the audio again and paused in every paragraph. This
activity was aimed to make the students understand of the main ideas and detailed
information in each paragraph of the audio. As the last step, the researcher played
the whole descriptive text audio without pausing. Then, the researcher asked the
students to find the main ideas of whole text. This activity was aimed to make the
students understand of the descriptive text generally. This activity helped the
students to be more aware and to get more information of the audio without
missing any main ideas and detailed information.
The researcher ended the class by making conclusion of the lesson material with
the students. The researcher also asked the students about the difficulty during the
teaching and learning process. This helped the teacher to decide what action to be
implemented in the next cycle.
Observing: In this stage, the researcher and the collaborator observed the result of
acting stage. They observed all process of the first cycle by using observation
checklist table and field notes. By observing the whole process and the students’
participation, they tried to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the technique.
From the data taken by observation checklist table and field notes, it was found
the students were enthusiast when they were participated in Bottom-Up technique

by understanding the whole information of the descriptive text audio. But some
students were still could not pay attention because they found that audio was not
interesting enough for listening comprehension activity.
After getting the students’ tasks, both the researcher and the collaborator compute
the individual score to obtain the students’ mean score.
Reflecting: In this stage, the researcher and the teacher reflected what had been
done in the first cycle. The researcher made summary of the problems and
weakness in this cycle. Then, the researcher discussed about the sollutions and
added another action in order to solve the problems that happened, so the teaching
and learning process as well as the students’ achievement can be improved.
Based on the discussion between the writer and the teacher, it could be concluded
the first cycle was not satisfying. It needed some improvements to achieve the
goal of the technique. Students were able to understand the descriptive text by
finding the main ideas and determining the paragraphs include generic structure of
descriptive text, but they still had several weaknesses that were not solved. It
means that the second cycle had to be conducted in the classroom. The
weaknesses were as follows: (1) Students were difficult in finding specific
information of the audio which had been listened. (2) Students were difficult in
understanding the meaning of the vocabulary related to the descriptive audio that
had been listened. (3) Some Students were lack of paying attention to the listening
audio since it was not interesting enough for them.

Cycle 2 (October 8th, 2019)

Planning: Based on the result of reflection in the first cycle, the researcher and
the teacher found that the students were still difficult in finding specific
information of the audio. The students were confused in remembering the detailed
information of the descriptive text and it gave impact on students’ listening
comprehension. The students also had problems in understanding the meaning of
the words related to descriptive text audio. Some students were also lacked of
attention during the listening activity in the classroom. Hence, the students were
still getting low score in comprehending the detailed information and
understanding the vocabulary.
The researcher and the teacher intended to cover the weaknesses happened in the
previous meeting. The researcher and teacher prepared the lesson plan, teaching
media, observation checklist table and field notes. For the teaching media, the
researcher used video rather than audio to improve students’ attention on listening
Acting : On October 8th, 2019 the researcher and the teacher conducted the
second cycle. There were 3 students absent on that day. The researcher reviewed
the previous material. The teacher started the class by having brainstorming
activity. The researcher asked the students about vocabulary which were related to
the descriptive text audio that would be learned. All students responded to
teacher’s greeting. The students also got participated in brainstorming activity for
example they mentioned the meaning of the related words. After that, the
researcher played an audio of the descriptive text about the tourism place in
Indonesia. The researcher wanted to make the students understand of the detailed

information and also pay attention to the vocabulary that related to the audio.
Some students were active in the review by helping the researcher finding the
detailed information and also finding the meaning of some vocabulary.
After that, the researcher reseracher remained the students about the previous
“True or False Statement” activity. The students also remained the student about
how to answer the task. The students answered the task individually in order to
know the students’ understanding progress of detailed information. Then as the
following activity, researcher also gave the students “Point Out the Meaning”
task. This task was given to know how good the improvement of students’
voabulary understanding which was related to descriptive text audio that had been
The researcher ended the teaching and learning process by reviewing and
concluding the lesson with the students.The researcher also asked the students’
difficulty during today’s activity. During the teaching and learning process,the
teacher wrote down all process happened.
Observation: In this stage, the researcher and the collaborator observed the result
of acting stage. They observed all process of the second cycle by using
observation checklist table and field notes. By observing the whole process and
the students’ participation, they tried to identify the strengths and weaknesses of
the technique.
From the data taken by observation checklist table and field notes, it was found
the students were enthusiast when they were participated in Bottom-Up technique
by understanding the whole information of the descriptive text audio. They also
could collaborate well in the classroom. All the students paid attention to teacher’s
explanation during teaching and learning process. The students also did the task
carefully. But some students were not active in asking about several difficulty that
they faced during the teaching and learning process. After getting the students
tasks, both the researcher and the collaborator compute the individual score to
obtain the students’ mean score.
Reflecting: In this stage the researcher and the teacher reflected what had been
done in the second cycle. The researcher and the collaborator concluded that the
second cycle had been good but they needed some improvements to reach the
goal of the technique. There were several improvements in finding the specific
information from the descriptive text audio. They were also improved in
understanding the passage by determining the paragraphs and finding general
information. The weakness of students’ listening comprehension was the students
were still a bit slow in comprehending the meaning of the words which were
related to the listening audio. Some students were also afraid to ask the difficulties
that they encountered during the listening activity.

Cycle 3 (October 15th, 2019)

Planning: Based on the reflection result in the first and second cycle, the
researcher and the teacher needed to solve the problems happened in the previous
meetings. The researcher and the teacher prepared the lesson plan, teaching

media, observation checklist table and field notes. The teacher also gave an
opportunity to students to tell their difficulties during the listening activity.
Acting: On October 15th, 2019 the researcher and the teacher conducted the third
cycle. In this cycle, there were 2 students absent. The researcher reviewed the
previous material and also had brainstorming activity. After that the researcher
played an example of descriptive text audio of historical building in Indonesia. All
students were carefully listened to the audio.
Then the researcher started the activity by using Bottom-Up technique. After that
the students were given a task of “Point Out the Meaning”. They had to answer it
individually. This activity was aimed to know the students’ progress of
vocabulary understanding. The researcher was monitoring the students’ activity
during the teaching and learning process. As following activity, the researcher
gave multiple choice question to know the students’ listening comprehension of
the descriptive audio that had be listened. The students answered carefully the
The researcher made a conclusion of lesson material to end the class. The
researcher also discusses with the students about some difficulties the had during
todays’ teaching and learning process (reflection). During the teaching and
learning process,the collaborator wrote down all process occured in the classroom.
Observing: In this stage, the researcher and the collaborator observed the result of
acting stage. They observed all process of the third cycle by using observation
checklist table and field notes. By observing the whole process and the students’
participation, they tried to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the technique.
From the data taken by observation checklist table and field notes, it was found
the students were enthusiast when they were participated in Bottom-Up technique
by understanding the whole information of the descriptive text audio. They also
could collaborate well in the classroom. All the students paid attention to teacher’s
explanation during teaching and learning process. They also active in asking about
several difficulty that they faced during the teaching and learning process. The
students also did the task carefully. After getting the students tasks, both the
researcher and the collaborator compute the individual score to obtain the
students’ mean score.
Students’ reaction to the tecahing and learning listening process showed good
progression from second cycle to third cycle. It showed by students’ behavior of
being more active to answer and to participate in every task which were given by
the researcher and also in listening the descriptive text carefully.
Reflecting: In this reflection stage of the third cycle, the researcher and the
collaborator concluded that Bottom-Up technique could improve students’
listening comprehension of descriptive text. This was because based on
observation checklist table and field notes which were filled by the teacher and the
result of achievement test. It was found that the learning process was satisfied.
The student were able to find the main ideas and specific information. In addition,
the students also could improve the vocabulary understanding. The students’
achievement also continued to rise. It can be concluded that Bottom-Up technique
was able to improve students’ listening comprehension. The teacher also should
ask the students to keep practicing their English.

The result of the research showed that there was an improvement by
implementing Bottom-Up technique in teaching and learning process. Most of the
students actively participated in Bottom-Up activity. The result supports
Mahmudi’s (2013) research that Bottom-Up technique gave positive impacts on
students’ listening comprehension and also enhanced the students’ motivation in
listening activity. It can be seen that the students enjoyed the activity when the
students tried to listen carefully aimed to get the main ideas and detailed
information. The students also enhanced the understanding of related vocabulary.
The students were enjoying their learning delivered by the researcher.
The findings of the study extended what Flowerdew & Miller (2004) stated
Bottom-Up could build understanding of such phonemes, and combined into
words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. It could benefit the students to gain more
information of what they have listened both generally and specifically. It helps
alot in students’ listening comprehension.
In the first cycle, the students were able to understand the definition, the
aim and the kinds of descriptivetext also determining the main ideas of the
descriptive text audio. But in this cycle, there were 6 students who still difficult in
determining detailed information and also in understanding some vocabulary that
they found during listening activity. In the second cycle, the students more
understand about how to get the specific or detailed information of the descriptive
text audio. There was good improvement in comprehending the descriptive text
audio. But there were 4 students who were still a bit confused of understanding
the meaning of some vocabulary. In the third cycle, the teacher and the researcher
actively monitored the students’ activity in understanding the meaning of
vocabulary that the students listened. The researcher also reviewed the material
and gave the example of another descriptive text audio about historical building in
Indonesia. In this cycle, the students were more active and enjoyed the teaching
and learning process. They also showed a good progress and improvement of
listening comprehension.The students could do the ativities well and the
researcher provided good opportunity for students to tell the difficulties they
found during the teaching learning process. After observing the process and in
processing the data, the researcher and the collaborator decided to stop the actions
because the data showed that the indicators of success were fulfilled.
Bottom-Up technique supports higher level of listening comprehension and
also could stimulate the students to participate well in listening activity. Bottom-
Up technique helps the students to pay more attention in getting information of
listening audio and it could give more opportunities to get more information in
general or specific way.
In conclusion, the research findings of the classroom action research were
satisfying. The students’ listening comprehension of descriptive text is improved
by implementing Bottom-Up technique. The students can easily understand the
main ideas and also the detailed information. They also can improve their
understanding of related vocabulary. The students showed their interest in
listening activity during teaching and learning process.

From the discussion in the previous chapter, it could be concluded the
students’ listening in X TAV of SMK Negeri 2 Pontianak in academic year
2019/2020 improved through Bottom-Up technique. Based on the data in field
notes and observation checklist table, the implementation of Bottom-Up technique
in teaching listening was able to make the students active in teaching and learning
process. Bottom-Up technique improved the students listening comprehension by
applying the three main stages. The first stage is word processing where the
students listened and comprehended the listening material word by word. The
second stage is phrase processing where the students listened and comprehended
the listening material phrase by phrase. The last stage is comprehension where the
students had to understand the whole passage of listening material. In addition,
Bottom-Up technique can provide good opportunity to create active students in
listening class. The students are able to think critically and individually about the
given task and they are also able to get more information from the listening
activity specifically and generally. Now they will not feel confused to identify the
listening comprehension of descriptive text.

The researcher provides the suggestions drawn from the result of this
research, improving students’ listening comprehension by using Bottom-Up
technique at the tenth grade students in class X TAV of SMK Negeri 2 Pontianak
in academic year 2019/2020. (1) In using Bottom-Up technique as a teaching
technique, teacher needs to apply it in interesting and suitable activity in order to
achieve the goals of teaching and learning process and the technique can be
applied successfully. (2) The researcher suggests the English teacher to use and
apply Bottom-Up technique in teaching listening in order to make students more
active in improving their comprehension of finding main ideas, detailed
information and also improving students’ vocabulary understanding. (3) Bottom-
Up technique can be applied in every types of text with differen topic in teaching
English. This technique can be suitable with students’ level, students’ culture, and
students’ curriculum that the school implement. The main purpose of this
technique is to help teacher to teach. The use of Bottom-Up technique in teaching
process is more helpful in order to deliver teacning material for students. (4) For
using Bottom-Up technique as teaching technique, teacher can use other media
such as video or other media that suitable with the materials to help the students
more interested in participating in the classroom activity.

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