2024-09-29 - Your Fixed Rate Saver Is Maturing
2024-09-29 - Your Fixed Rate Saver Is Maturing
2024-09-29 - Your Fixed Rate Saver Is Maturing
9 Fieldfare Way
14 October 2024
Dear Miss Wong
Following your request, we're writing to confirm we've transferred money from your account to a
Fixed Rate Saver.
Gross interest
rate per annum. : 4.3000%
To work out the interest figures above, we've based this on a month with 31 days. The monthly interest
you receive may vary depending on the number of days in a month.
Registered in England and Wales number 09928412. Registered Office: 1 Centenary Square, Birmingham B1 1HQ
Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our firm
reference number is 765112
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Miss Wong
14 October 2024
Our online banking services can be used with your own personal assistive technology. You can access
your information and contact us via live chat in a way that suits you. Find out more about our online
banking at: hsbc.co.uk/ways-to-bank/online-banking
We can send this information in large print, braille, or audio. You can speak to us by visiting one of our
branches, or by giving us a call. We also work with third parties such as SignVideo who provide services
such as Text Relay and British Sign Language (BSL) Video Relay. Please visit hsbc.co.uk/accessibility to
find out more.