8615 Assingment No 2
8615 Assingment No 2
8615 Assingment No 2
Department of Education
Program: B.Ed. (1.5)
Assignment no: 02
Prior to the early 1900s, there was no management theory as we think of it today.
Work happened as it always had—those with the skills did the work in the way
they thought best (usually the way it had always been done). The concept that
work could be studied and the work process improved did not formally exist
before the ideas of Frederick Winslow Taylor.
Frederick W. Taylor Before the Industrial Revolution, most businesses were small
operations, averaging three or four people. Owners frequently labored next to
employees, knew what they were capable of, and closely directed their work. The
dynamics of the workplace changed dramatically in the United States with the
Industrial Revolution. Factory owners and managers did not possess close
relationships with their employees. The workers “on the floor” controlled the
work process and generally worked only hard enough to make sure they would
not be fired. There was little or no incentive to work harder than the next man (or
Taylor was a mechanical engineer who was primarily interested in the type of
work done in factories and mechanical shops. He observed that the owners and
managers of the factories knew little about what actually took place in the
workshops. Taylor believed that the system could be improved, and he looked
around for an incentive. He settled on money. He believed a worker should get “a
fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work”—no more, no less. If the worker couldn’t work
to the target, then the person shouldn’t be working at all. Taylor also believed
that management and labor should cooperate and work together to meet goals.
He was the first to suggest that the primary functions of managers should be
planning and training.
Scientific management has at its heart four core principles that also apply to
organizations today. They include the following:
Look at each job or task scientifically to determine the “one best way”
to perform the job. This is a change from the previous “rule of thumb”
method where workers devised their own ways to do the job.
Hire the right workers for each job, and train them to work at
maximum efficiency.
Monitor worker performance, and provide instruction and training
when needed.
Divide the work between management and labor so that management
can plan and train, and workers can execute the task efficiently.
Taylor designed his approach for use in places where the work could be
quantified, systemized, and standardized, such as in factories. In scientific
management, there is one right way to do a task; workers were not encouraged
(in fact, they were forbidden) to make decisions or evaluate actions that might
produce a better result. Taylor was concerned about the output more than
worker satisfaction or motivation. Taylor’s work introduced for the first time the
idea of systematic training and selection, and it encouraged business owners to
work with employees to increase productivity and efficiency. And he introduced a
“first-class worker” concept to set the standard for what a worker should be able
to use in a set period of time. Scientific management grew in popularity among
big businesses because productivity rose, proving that it worked.
As stated above, the Gilbreths used films to analyze worker activity. They would
break the tasks into discrete elements and movements and record the time it
took to complete one element. In this way, they were able to predict the most
efficient workflow for a particular job. The films the Gilbreths made were also
useful for creating training videos to instruct employees in how to work
Taylor and the Gilbreths belonged to the classical school of management, which
emphasized increasing worker productivity by scientific analysis. They differed,
however, on the importance of the worker. Taylor’s emphasis was on profitability
and productivity; the Gilbreths were also focused on worker welfare and
motivation. They believed that by reducing the amount of motions associated
with a particular task, they could also increase the worker’s well-being. Their
research, along with Taylor’s, provided many important principles later
incorporated into quality assurance and quality control programs begun in the
1920s and 1930s. Eventually, their work led to the science of ergonomics and
industrial psychology. (Ergonomics is the study of people in their operating
environment, with the goal of increasing productivity and reducing risk of work-
related injury.)
Q.2 Analyze role of different indicators for quality management of educational
It should be noted that customers do not always assign the same importance to
any characteristic or feature permanently. The ever increase in the numbers and
peculiarity of substitute and complimentary products/services and even features
complicates the Education system’s comprehension of the package of features
that would best meet customer needs and wants. Thus, the measure of quality
education depends on the skill with which the various stakeholder voices are
integrated, processed and escalated into features of the institution and its related
deliverables such as courses and programs. Such features include, but are not
limited to:
1. institutional structure,
2. institutional facilities,
3. program and course content,
4. delivery modes and
5. Instructional interaction at the student-teacher interface.
Good as they are, these BPPs need to be in vinculum with quality excellence
principles upon which education is premised. In fact the BPPs must help in
creating a context for optimization of policies, procedures and standards used to
deliver high quality education in institutions.
It is the author’s view that the route to high quality education should be designed
down from the institution’s vision which must be explicitly clear on quality
objectives and metrics. Subjecting educational outputs to the scrutiny and
validation of the customers helps in setting and sharing meaning and standards
against which to design a corpus of criteria for success. Modern industry-based
QMSs like Six Sigma, Total Quality Management and quality function deployment
among others have, since the 1980s, become widely used in education. The
success of such adoptions depends partly on the ability of protagonists to make
the focus of the QMS overlap with the focus of their education. Examining the
alignment of the assumptions of a quality model with the key performance
indicators in education would tell whether a model suits the expected array of
results. The quality management model must embody the sub-systemic issues
that matter to quality education. Thus, an encompassing QMS must be hinged on
a system-based mental model in which individuals accept responsibility to learn
with others and to partake in a shared vision about how to create, manage and
deliver quality. Models previously used in education are now stunted as they
focus on small-scale aspects of the education system:
1. The four-level model and the goal-free evaluation model both focus on
2. The behavioral objectives approach focus on results.
3. The responsive evaluation model, the consumer-oriented approach and the
empowerment evaluation model focus on the customer.
4. The organizational learning model focus on knowledge management while.
5. The participatory/collaborative approach focus on partnerships.
1. Focus group
2. Institutional data
3. Reflective student essays
4. SWOT analysis
5. Syllabus review
Q.3 Define the Change process in detail. What are the basic strategies for
managing the change?
After the plan has been created, all that remains is to follow the steps outlined
within it to implement the required change. Whether that involves changes to the
company’s structure, strategy, systems, processes, employee behaviors, or other
aspects will depend on the specifics of the initiative.
Once the change initiative has been completed, change managers must prevent a
reversion to the prior state or status quo. This is particularly important for
organizational change related to business processes such as workflows, culture,
and strategy formulation. Without an adequate plan, employees may backslide
into the “old way” of doing things, particularly during the transitory period.
By embedding changes within the company’s culture and practices, it becomes
more difficult for backsliding to occur. New organizational structures, controls,
and reward systems should all be considered as tools to help change stick.
Ask yourself questions like: Were project goals met? If yes, can this success be
replicated elsewhere? If not, what went wrong?
While no two change initiatives are the same, they typically follow a similar
process. To effectively manage change, managers and business leaders must
thoroughly understand the steps involved.
Some other tips for managing organizational change include asking yourself
questions like:
Q.4 Discuss the different ways of data collection, its analysis and decision
The process of gathering and analyzing accurate data from various sources to find
answers to research problems, trends and probabilities, etc., to evaluate
possible outcomes is Known as Data Collection. Keep scrolling to know more.
Knowledge is power, information is knowledge, and data is information in
digitized form, at least as defined in IT. Hence, data is power. But before you
can leverage that data into a successful strategy for your organization or
business, you need to gather it. That’s your first step. So, to help you get the
process started, we shine a spotlight on data collection. What exactly is it?
Believe it or not, it’s more than just doing a Google search! Furthermore, what
are the different types of data collection? And what kinds of data collection
tools and data collection techniques exist?
If you want to get up to speed about what is data collection process, you’ve come
to the right place.
Before we define what data collection is, it’s essential to ask the question, what is
data? The abridged answer is, data is various kinds of information formatted in a
particular way. Therefore, data collection is the process of gathering, measuring,
and analyzing accurate data from a variety of relevant sources to find answers to
research problems, answer questions, evaluate outcomes, and forecast trends
and probabilities. Our society is highly dependent on data, which underscores the
importance of collecting it. Accurate data collection is necessary to make
informed business decisions, ensure quality assurance, and keep research
integrity. During data collection, the researchers must identify the data types, the
sources of data, and what methods are being used. We will soon see that there
are many different data collection method. There is heavy reliance on data
collection in research, commercial, and government fields.
Before an analyst begins collecting data, they must answer three questions first:
What methods and procedures will be used to collect, store, and process
the information?
Before a judge makes a ruling in a court case or a general creates a plan of attack,
they must have as many relevant facts as possible. The best courses of action
come from informed decisions, and information and data are synonymous. The
concept of data collection isn’t a new one, as we’ll see later, but the world has
changed. There is far more data available today, and it exists in forms that were
unheard of a century ago. The data collection process has had to change and grow
with the times, keeping pace with technology. Whether you’re in the world of
academia, trying to conduct research, or part of the commercial sector, thinking
of how to promote a new product, you need data collection to help you make
better choices. Now that you know what data collection is and why we need it,
let's take a look at the different methods of data collection. While the phrase
“data collection” may sound all high-tech and digital, it doesn’t necessarily entail
things like computers, big data and the internet. Data collection could mean a
telephone survey, a mail-in comment card, or even some guy with a clipboard
asking passersby some questions. But let’s see if we can sort the different data
collection methods into a semblance of organized categories. What are the
Different Methods of Data Collection?
The following are seven primary methods of collecting data in business analytics.
Transactional Tracking
Online Tracking
Data collection breaks down into two methods. As a side note, many terms, such
as techniques, methods, and types, are interchangeable and depending on who
uses them. One source may call data collection techniques “methods,” for
instance. But whatever labels we use, the general concepts and breakdowns apply
across the board whether we’re talking about marketing analysis or a scientific
research project.
As the name implies, this is original, first-hand data collected by the data
researchers. This process is the initial information gathering step, performed
before anyone carries out any further or related research. Primary data results
are highly accurate provided the researcher collects the information. However,
there’s a downside, as first-hand research is potentially time-consuming and
Secondary data is second-hand data collected by other parties and already having
undergone statistical analysis. This data is either information that the researcher
has tasked other people to collect or information the researcher has looked up.
Simply put, it’s second-hand information. Although it’s easier and cheaper to
obtain than primary information, secondary information raises concerns
regarding accuracy and authenticity. Quantitative data makes up a majority of
secondary data.
Let’s get into specifics. Using the primary/secondary methods mentioned above,
here is a breakdown of specific techniques.
Delphi Technique
The Oracle at Delphi, according to Greek mythology, was the high priestess of
Apollo’s temple, who gave advice, prophecies, and counsel. In the realm of data
collection, researchers use the Delphi technique by gathering information from a
panel of experts. Each expert answers questions in their field of specialty, and the
replies are consolidated into a single opinion.
Focus Groups
Focus groups, like interviews, are a commonly used technique. The group consists
of anywhere from a half-dozen to a dozen people, led by a moderator, brought
together to discuss the issue.
Unlike primary data collection, there are no specific collection methods. Instead,
since the information has already been collected, the researcher consults various
data sources, such as:
Financial Statements
Sales Reports
Retailer/Distributor/Deal Feedback
Business Journals
Trade/Business Magazines
The internet
Now that we’ve explained the various techniques, let’s narrow our focus even
further by looking at some specific tools. For example, we mentioned interviews
as a technique, but we can further break that down into different interview types
(or “tools”).
Word Association
The researcher gives the respondent a set of words and asks them what comes to
mind when they hear each word.
Sentence Completion
Respondents are presented with an imaginary situation and asked how they
would act or react if it was real.
In-Person Surveys
Online/Web Surveys
These surveys are easy to accomplish, but some users may be unwilling to answer
truthfully, if at all.
Mobile Surveys
Phone Surveys
No researcher can call thousands of people at once, so they need a third party to
handle the chore. However, many people have call screening and won’t answer.
Sometimes, the simplest method is the best. Researchers who make direct
observations collect data quickly and easily, with little intrusion or third-party
bias. Naturally, it’s only effective in small-scale situations. The Importance of
Ensuring Accurate and Appropriate Data Collection .Accurate data collecting is
crucial to preserving the integrity of research, regardless of the subject of study or
preferred method for defining data (quantitative, qualitative). Errors are less likely
to occur when the right data gathering tools are used (whether they are brand-
new ones, updated versions of them, or already available).
Among the effects of data collection done incorrectly, include the following -
When these study findings are used to support recommendations for public
policy, there is the potential to result in disproportionate harm, even if the degree
of influence from flawed data collecting may vary by discipline and the type of
investigation. Issues Related to Maintaining the Integrity of Data Collection In
order to assist the errors detection process in the data gathering process,
whether they were done purposefully (deliberate falsifications) or not,
maintaining data integrity is the main justification (systematic or random errors).
Quality assurance and quality control are two strategies that help protect data
integrity and guarantee the scientific validity of study results. Each strategy is
used at various stages of the research timeline:
Quality control - tasks that are performed both after and during data
As data collecting comes before quality assurance, its primary goal is "prevention"
(i.e., forestalling problems with data collection). The best way to protect the
accuracy of data collection is through prevention. The uniformity of protocol
created in the thorough and exhaustive procedures manual for data collecting
serves as the best example of this proactive step. The likelihood of failing to spot
issues and mistakes early in the research attempt increases when guides are
written poorly. There are several ways to show these shortcomings:
Quality Control
Problems with data collection, for instance, that call for immediate action include:
Fraud or misbehavior
Researchers are trained to include one or more secondary measures that can be
used to verify the quality of information being obtained from the human subject
in the social and behavioral sciences where primary data collection entails using
human subjects. For instance, a researcher conducting a survey would be
interested in learning more about the prevalence of risky behaviors among young
adults as well as the social factors that influence these risky behaviors' propensity
for and frequency.
A budget is an estimation of revenue and expenses over a specified future period
of time and is usually compiled and re-evaluated on a periodic basis. Budgets can
be made for a person, a group of people, a business, a government, or just about
anything else that makes and spends money.
To manage your monthly expenses, prepare for life's unpredictable events, and
be able to afford big-ticket items without going into debt, budgeting is important.
Keeping track of how much you earn and spend doesn't have to be drudgery,
doesn't require you to be good at math, and doesn't mean you can't buy the
things you want. It just means that you'll know where your money goes, you'll
have greater control over your finances.
Understanding Budgeting
A budget is a microeconomic concept that shows the trade-off made when one
good is exchanged for another. In terms of the bottom line—or the end result of
this trade-off—a surplus budget means profits are anticipated, a balanced budget
means revenues are expected to equal expenses, and a deficit budget means
expenses will exceed revenues .
Budget in 7 Steps:
The specifics of your budget will depend on your personal financial situation and
goals. In most cases, though, the steps for creating a budget are the same. You
can make a budget by following seven simple steps.
1. Add up your total income. This should include all sources, such as a
paycheck, tips, Social Security, disability, alimony, or investment income.
2. Track your spending. Spend a month keeping track of everything you
spend, whether you pay with a credit card or cash, to find what your real
expenses are. Be sure to include automatic payments, subscriptions, and
3. Set financial goals. Do you want to save money? Pay off debt? Stop
overspending? Decide on realistic goals. Remember, you can adjust these
over time. Pick the most pressing goals, such as paying off debt or creating
an emergency fund, first.
4. Calculate mandatory expenses. These are expenses you must pay each
month, such as rent, insurance premiums, taxes, childcare, or your cell
phone bill. Subtract these from your total income.
5. Identify debt payments. If you are paying off debt, such as student loans
or a credit card bill, find the minimum payment for each debt. Subtract
that from your income as well.
6. Make a spending plan. The amount of income you have left is what you
can spend on discretionary expenses. These can include your goals, such as
debt payment or savings. It should also include things like groceries,
entertainment, gas, or surprise expenses. Give every dollar a job, based on
your goals and what you discovered when you tracked your spending.
7. Adjust each month. Each month, look at your spending and goals,
Reevaluate and adjust where you assign your discretionary spending. A
flexible budget will help you avoid overspending.
Corporate Budgets
Budgets are an integral part of running any business efficiently and effectively.
The budget is published in a packet that outlines the standards and procedures
used to develop it, including the assumptions about the markets, key
relationships with vendors that provide discounts, and explanations of how
certain calculations were made.
All budgets get rolled up into the master budget, which also includes budgeted
financial statements forecasts of cash inflows and outflows, and an overall
financing plan. At a corporation, the top management reviews the budget and
submits it for approval to the board of directors.
Static vs. Flexible Budgets
There are two major types of budgets: statics budgets and flexible budgets. A
static budget remains unchanged over the life of the budget. Regardless of
changes that occur during the budgeting period, all accounts and figures
originally calculated remain the same.
A flexible budget has a relational value to certain variables. The dollar amounts
listed on a flexible budget change based on sales levels, production levels, or
other external economic factors.
Both types of budgets are useful for management. A static budget evaluates the
effectiveness of the original budgeting process, while a flexible budget provides
deeper insight into business operations. Personal Budgets individuals and
families can have budgets, too. Creating and using a budget is not just for those
who need to closely monitor their cash flows from month to month because
"money is tight." Almost everyone—even people with large paychecks and plenty
of money in the bank—can benefit from budgeting.
Without knowing your cash flow, you could be putting yourself into a bad
financial situation and not even know it. You can only get by without knowing
your cash flow for so long before you get into financial trouble, so make the time
you know the flow of your cash. Budgeting should be something that everyone
does, regardless of their financial situation.
Budgeting is a wonderful tool for managing your finances, but many people think
it's not for them. Below is a list of budget myths—the erroneous logic that stops
people from keeping track of their finances and allocating money in the best way.
3. My Job Is Secure
No one's job is truly safe. If you work for a corporation, being laid off due to
downsizing or a takeover always is a possibility. If you work for a small company,
it could die with its owner, be bought out, or just fold.
You should always be prepared for a job loss by having at least three months'
worth of living expenses in the bank. It's easier to accumulate this financial
cushion if you know the amount you're bringing in and spending each month,
which can be monitored with a budget.
Perhaps you don't want to save up for a house because you live in New York City
and expect that renting will be the most affordable option for the rest of your
life. But in five years, you might be sick of the Big Apple and decide to move to
rural Vermont. Suddenly, buying a home becomes more affordable and you
might wish you had five years' worth of savings in the bank for a down payment.
So if you want to save money without compromising your financial aid eligibility,
you can do so by using your savings to buy a house, prepay your mortgage, or
contribute more money to your retirement accounts. The savings you put into
these assets can still be accessed if you face an emergency, but you won't be
penalized for it.
Even if you employ all the available legal strategies to maximize your financial aid
eligibility, you still won't always qualify for as much aid as you need, so it's not a
bad idea to have your own source of funds to make up for any shortfall.
8. I'm Debt-Free
Good for you! But being debt-free without any savings won't pay your bills in an
emergency. A zero balance can quickly become a negative balance if you don't
have a safety net.
9. I Always Get a Raise or Tax Refund
It's never a good idea to count on unpredictable sources of income. This may be
the year your company may not have enough money to give you a raise or as
much of a raise as you'd hoped for. The same is true of bonus money. Tax
refunds are more reliable, but this depends in part on how good you are at
calculating your own tax liability.
Some people know how to figure how much they'll get in a refund (or how much
they will owe) as well as how to adjust this figure through changes in payroll
withholding throughout the year. However, changes in tax deductions IRS
regulations, or other life events can mean a nasty surprise on your tax return.
If you are saving for retirement, you may have the option of contributing a set
amount regularly to a 401k or other retirement savings plan. This way, you can
pay yourself first, have enough money for the transfer, and pay yourself the
same predetermined amount that you know will help you meet your savings
goals. Building a Budget in general, traditional budgeting starts with tracking
expenses, eliminating debt, and once the budget is balanced, building an
emergency fund. But to speed up the process, you could start by building a
partial emergency fund. This emergency fund acts as a buffer as the rest of the
budget is put in place and should replace the use of credit cards for emergency
situations. The key is to build the fund at regular intervals, consistently devoting
a certain percentage of each paycheck toward it, and if possible, putting in
whatever you can spare on top. This will get you to think about your spending,