Parthiv Saravanan - PWHL
Parthiv Saravanan - PWHL
Parthiv Saravanan - PWHL
Enthusiasm is mounting for Regular season games will at Scotiabank Arena. It was
the 2024-2025 season of the increase from 24 to 30. The top shattered again in April, when
Professional Women’s Hockey four teams will make the playoffs more than 21,105 attended
League (PWHL). Training to decide the league champion. the Bell Centre to see visiting
camps get underway November Toronto beat Montreal 3-2.
A stellar launch
12. Play will start shortly after.
Total attendance at regular-
CBC, Radio-Canada, Sportsnet,
This is just the second season for season games was 392,259. Some
and TSN all showed games on
the fledgling six-team hockey games moved to larger arenas to
TV. Matches were also streamed
league. Teams did not have make room for more fans.
on YouTube, TSN+, CBC Gem,
names last year. Now, teams have
and the CBC Sports app. Some "Seeing the outpouring of
names, brands and logos. Three
2.9 million people watched the passion from fans across the
– the Montréal Victoire, the
first game between Toronto and country . . . has been nothing
Ottawa Charge, and the Toronto
New York on January 1st – a short of inspiring," said Laura
Sceptres – are Canadian. The
huge display of interest. Curtis Ferrara of Scotiabank, a
Boston Fleet, the Minnesota
major sponsor. "The formation
Frost, and the New York Sirens The PWHL has crushed records
of the PWHL is truly an integral
are based in the U.S. right from the start. Over 8000
moment in Canada's history."
people flocked to TD Place
"Our teams were so proud to
Arena for Ottawa's home opener Talent on the ice
represent their home markets
against Montreal in January. That
last season," said Jayna Hefford, Last year, fans got their money's
set a record for a professional
PWHL Senior Vice President worth. Thrills began the moment
women's hockey game.
of Hockey Operations. "And as Montreal's Claire Dalton scored
we launch Season Two, we're But the record didn't last. In the first goal in franchise history
elevating that pride with new February, 19,285 fans cheered before a hometown crowd.
identities that truly embody the as Toronto blanked Montreal
Other "firsts" delighted fans as
spirit of each club." 3-0 in the 'Battle on Bay Street'
well, including the first hat trick
hat trick: when one player scores three goals in one game inauguration: the introduction of an important change
fledgling: a person, an organization, or a system that is new
2024/2025: Issue 2 What in the world? • Le vel 1 Page 13
PWHL builds on the first season
– women's hockey gears up for a new go around
scored by Grace Zumwinkle of Montreal's first choice was two-
Minnesota. She was later named Did you know? time Olympic medalist Cayla
rookie of the year. Toronto's The Walter Cup, a 16-kilogram Barnes. She scored 36 points
Emma Maltais scored the sterling silver trophy inspired in 39 games to help Ohio State
first short-handed goal. And by the look of ice, honours the University win a national title.
Montreal goalie Elaine Chuli PWHL's first six teams. It is
named for the family of Mark Toronto then picked Julia
won her first five starts. Gosling, a 23-year-old power
and Kimbra Walter of Los
Toronto had the most regular Angeles who provide financial forward from St. Lawrence
season points but lost in the and moral support to the league. University in New York. As team
playoffs. Minnesota claimed the captain, she scored 51 points,
Walter Cup, the league's trophy. and resources they needed. So including 22 goals in 37 games.
It beat Boston 3-0 in game five. they refused to play for any Four players from the Swedish
North American league. They Women's Hockey League were
Fighting for fairness
joined the Professional Women’s also drafted. Among them was
The creation of the PWHL ended Hockey Players’ Association Olympic bronze medallist Ronja
a period of instability in the pro (PWHPA) to fight for a fair deal. Savolainen of Finland. She will
women’s hockey circuit. It is play for Ottawa. As well, Ilona
The tactics worked. Last June,
also a testament to women who Markova will skate for Boston.
new investors negotiated an
stood their ground. She is the first Russian to skate in
eight-year contract with the
The PWHL traces its roots to PWHPA union. The deal the PWHL.
the Premier Hockey Federation, guarantees a minimum salary of Pride and promise
which founded the National $35,000 (U.S.), travel expenses,
Women’s Hockey League health insurance, pregnancy and The future looks bright for the
(NWHL) in 2015. parental leave, and other benefits. PWHL. This season, to meet
The PWHL's first season was demand, many games will be
The NWHL was the first female played in larger arenas.
hockey league to pay players. unprecedented.
It lured many stars away from Drafted! "The PWHL created something
the Canadian Women’s Hockey truly special," said Allison
League (CWHL), which didn’t The draft for the second Sandmeyer-Graves, Canadian
offer salaries. The CWHL folded season took place in Saint Paul, Women and Sport CEO. "It
in 2019 after 12 seasons. Minnesota in June. Ottawa chose validated what champions of
Danielle Serdachny in the first women's sport have been saying
In its second season, the round. The 23-year-old scored an for years: that women's sport
four‑team NWHL asked players impressive 22 goals and 61 points matters, that Canadians do
to take a salary cut. The 200 in 40 games playing for Colgate care about it, that it's exciting
players wanted to be properly College in New York last year. and fun." J
paid and to get the coaching
draft: a system where professional sports teams choose players union: an organization that represents workers and protects
from college or high school their rights, pay and working conditions, etc.
testament: something that serves as a sign or evidence of a
specified fact, event, or quality
2. How many teams belong to this league? Identify their cities and the new team names.
In total, there are 6 teams in the PWHL. They consist of the Montréal Victoire, the Ottawa Charge, the Toronto Sceptres,
the Boston Fleet, the Minnesota Frost, and the New York Sirens. The teams are rooted in the U.S.A. and Canada.
3. How is the PWHL different from earlier women's hockey leagues? Explain.
From the start, the PWHL attracted an immense amount of interest. They totaled up to 400,000 attendance at regular season
games, which outshone other women's hockey leagues. This was because it used a large sum of money, to enhance the
game style compared to other leagues where the funding was poor.
4. How many games were played during the first season? How many will be played this season?
During the first season, 24 games were played, but now, 30 games will be commenced during the regular season.
5. How many teams will qualify for the playoffs this season?
4 out of the 6 teams will qualify for the playoffs.
9. List at least two other statistics that show that the PWHL had a successful first season.
One statistic was how they were flexible with the stadium venues. The PWHL didn't hesitate to do so, allowing to triple and
double attendance, which showed interest in watching the games live. Additionally, they focused on empowering women,
sent a message to women and girls, globally. This created an effect where it created a larger and larger fanbase, which
increased attendance records.
2024/2025: Issue 2 What in the world? • Le vel 1 Page 15
PWHL builds on the first season
– women's hockey gears up for a new go around
Photographs are useful sources of information. Learning to “read the clues” in photographs
can help us learn about historical or contemporary events, time periods or people. The “5W”
questions (Who, What, Where, When and Why) is a technique used by reporters when
investigating an event – and may be helpful in interpreting a photograph. Each of the 5W
questions can help us focus on clues (hints or pieces of information that help us find out something)
or evidence in the picture. We can then use these clues to help us draw conclusions (answers
or ideas that we think of because of a clue) about what is happening in a photograph.
Consider the picture below:
Prepared with assistance from TC2 , The Critical Thinking Consortium. © 2024
Clues (what you see in the picture) Conclusions (what you think about
what you see)
Who is in the A women's hockey team in the PWHL
The players of the Minnesota Frost
-The players
Where is the At an ice rink The action is taking place at Boston's Tsongas
action taking Center.
When did the Presumably during the playoffs The Minnesota Frost won the Walter Cup on May
action in the 29, 2024, after defeating Boston 3-0 in Game 5
photograph of the PWHL Final
take place?
Why is Could have won a championship
The action is happening because the Minnesota
the action Frost had won the first ever PWHL Final.
2. Write a caption: Develop a complete and believable explanation (or caption) for the photograph.
A good explanation answers all of the 5W questions, is supported with evidence, and leaves no doubts
about the conclusions.
This historic moment shows the Minnesota Frost players hoisting the Walter Cup high above their heads after their nail-
biting victory in the PWHL Finals. The scene shows the delight in their eyes as Frost won the title with a dominant 3-0 win
over Boston in the Tsongas Center on May 29, 2024, in Game 5 of the series. Star players like Taylor Heise, who was the
MVP, is surrounded by her fellow teammates.
Prepared with assistance from TC2 , The Critical Thinking Consortium. © 2024