Authenticity l1 3

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KAILASA’S Nithyananda Gurukul
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All meditation techniques, practices and procedures described or recommended in this book,
are suitable for practice only under the direct supervision of an instructor, trained and ordained
by Supreme Pontiff His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Further, you
should consult your personal physician to determine whether those techniques, practices are
suitable for you in relation to your own health and ability. This publication is not intended to be
a substitute for any personal medical attention, examination or treatment. Should any person
engage in any of the techniques, practices described or recommended in this book, he/she
would be doing so at his/her own risk. The authors and publisher advise readers to take full
responsibility for their health and know their limits.

Readers understand that all blessings, instructions, initiations, teachings and suggestions made
as part of any program/technique described in the book are purely in a spiritual capacity and
are not intended to be any sort of guarantee or definitive statement about the past, present, or
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author, publisher, co-collaborators with any or all of the programs/techniques, instructions,
initiations, teachings described in the book do not make any claims, promises, or guarantees
about the individual or group outcome of any or all the programs/techniques described in the

His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of KAILASA - the
ancient enlightened civilization, the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation.

HDH is an Avatar from, and is a Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.HDH has made science of power
manifestation, yoga and temple based universities for humanity.

Hindu diaspora are working for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to

His NITHYANANDA HINDU UNIVERSITY (World's largest) with extended campuses in 150
countries is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving
20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts and sciences like Ayurveda, music,
dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu.

HDH is the 293rd Guru Maha Sannidanam of Shyamalapeeta Sarvajnapeetham (ancient apex
body of Hinduism) and present Emperor of Suryavamsa Surangi Samrajyam. HDH has survived
the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and character by anti-
hindu elements.

To be able to unlock these great powers inside you, you must first understand a little more
about yourself. Whether you know it or not,whether you believe it not, you have four giant
POWERS sitting inside you. They are related to the four major dimensions of your life your
words, your thinking, your emotions, and your living. When you awaken your peak possibility in
each of these dimensions, it becomes a great power and support in your life.

Your four inner powers are:

The Power of Words or vak-shakti inSanskrit
The Power of Thoughts or mano-shakti
The Power of Feeling or prema-shakti
The Power of Living or atma-shakti

When you unlock the Power of Words, you will have the spontaneous intelligence to use the
right and most effective words towards yourself and others. When you discover the Power of
Thoughts, you will be able to focus your thoughts to achieve success in your job, relationships,
education, finances and life itself. The Power of Feeling teaches you how to launch yourself to
the next level of life through empowered responsibility. You are truly enjoying the Power of
Living when you realize that the greatest rewards come when you live your life for others.


Each of the Four Powers is guided by a spiritual principle known as 'tattva'. The tattva is the key
to unlock the corresponding power in you.The Power of Words will be available to you when
you practice Integrity.The Power of Thinking will be open to you when you practice
Authenticity.The Power of Feeling will be possible when you practice Responsibility.You will
have access to the Power of Living the moment you decide to Enrich others.


Lesson 1
Authenticity is expressing your peak possibility

Authenticity is nothing but being sincere to the four aspects of you: what you feel as you—inner
image(mamakara); what you project you to others—outer image(Ahankar);, and what others
hold you as—others’ image(Anahata), what you think about others and life—life

Being sincere to all these four is authenticity

Please listen, being sincere in all these four identities! What does this mean? Having the best
inner image, having the best outer image, having the best idea about others and life; and being
very sincere about what others hold as you.

Just create the best image, the most sincere image that you wanted to feel, think and project
about you.

Again and again, align your thinking to authenticity. See very clearly: Are you functioning
towards the best inner image by constantly developing liberated thinking?

Liberated thinking means your thinking should not have or should not lead you towards
powerlessness. Constantly your thinking should be leading you to being in a powerful space.

Listen. It is neither difficult nor easy, but you have to do it! It is nothing but tuning yourself to a
certain frequency. How tuning or changing a channel is neither difficult nor easy, it is a simple
technique; same way, go on tuning your thinking to śraddha, authenticity. Always think about
your thinking and align your thinking to authenticity.
To make the children understand authenticity means keeping their mamakara, ahankara and
anyakara in tune

What is Authenticity?
What is inner image?
What is outer image?
What is others image?
What is life's image?
What is liberated thinking?
What should align your thinking to?

Working with the truth and creating the most sincere inner image, outer image, others’ image
and life’s image based on that truth is what I call Authenticity
Art of the day!

Materials needed:
paper, pencil, pen.

Encourage the children to draw mamakara, ahankara and anyakara in a pictorial format.

Authenticity is you being established and responding to life from who you believe yourself to be
yourself, who you believe yourself to be for others and what others believe you to be for them.
Activity of the Day!

Explain to the children to play a word game of not answering with a negative answer. Each child
has to answer for the questions given to them with no negative answer.

Connect them to the fact let the world not create words in you. Your words create the world
around you.
Workshop of the day!

Explanation of the workshop:

A group will sit together and discuss about the unsaid words, about the irritation they carry
inside which they never express outside.

For example:
The child may express that the teacher did not teach properly or my mom does not know how
to cook tasty food. They have to share what is the vested interest and what is the loss they

Vested interest – In the above example, the child does not want to do homework so they say
the teacher did not teach properly. The vested interest in the second example is that the child
wants to eat outside of home. The loss is that they are inauthentic when they express my
teacher did not teach properly. The loss is they become lazy.

Let the world not create words in you and let your words create the world around you. They
have to sit and complete will all the unsaid words.

Authenticity means keeping the mamakara, ahankara and anyakara in tune.
Lesson 2
Peak capacity expresses with peak authenticity.

Whether it is at the ordinary level of the world, the meta physical level of using the powers of
the mind or the spiritual level of using conscious power, in all three levels only when you take
the responsibility for anyakara, you express and radiate.

For enlightenment to happen in you, you have to listen, internalize, and have strong trust on
yourself and not be distracted in between. Peak capacity expresses with peak authenticity.

The power of passion and the power of patience both express in their extreme, only when you
are authentic. Bring authenticity and the ability to stretch yourself to complete the anyakaras of
everyone around you. Anyakara is what others feel about you, it is not a curse but a possibility
for your expansion. Every time you raise yourself to others anyakara, every time you stretch
yourself to fulfill others anyakara, you achieve completion.

When you authentically commit, so much of energy is sent to your body and mind, and your
laziness pattern is broken. Whatever you commit will become your reality because that is what
is in your inner space. When you commit that you are going to do it, the cosmos immediately
sends energy to your body and mind and you do it.

To make them understand authenticity is stretching themselves.
• When does peak capacity expresses?

• What is anyakara?

• Is anyakara a curse?

• When you can achieve completion?

• What is mamakara?

• When does the liberation from mamakara happens?

Anyakara is what others feel about you , it is a possibility for
your expansion. Every time you raise yourself to others
anyakara, every time you stretch yourself to fulfill others
anyakara, you achieve completion.
Art of the day!

Materials needed:
Paper, pencil or pen.

Encourage children to draw anything holding the pen or pencil between their toes. Ask them
how they felt during the art project. Tell them they have accomplished a difficult task by
stretching themselves.

Only when you stretch, you will be able to liberate yourself from the identify that you are
carrying about you. Authenticity means stretching without fear.
Activity of day!

Explanation of the activity:

Encourage children to do some physical activities like tying knots, throwing at the target,
obstacle course and now increase the degree of difficulty by stretching the goal of the activities
to the next level.

Only when you stretch, you will be able to liberate yourself from the identify that you are
carrying about you. Authenticity means stretching without fear.
Workshop of the day!

Encourage the children to share about their convenience zone. For example going to bed
without brushing teeth, not completing homework etc. When they are in the convenience zone,
it means that they are inauthentic. Inference: Only when you stretch, you will be able to liberate
yourself from the identity that you are carrying about you. Authenticity means stretching
without fear.

Anyakara is what others feel about you, it is not a curse , it is a possibility for your expansion.
Every time you raise yourself to others anyakara, every time you stretch yourself to fulfill others
anyakara, you achieve completion.

Conclusion: Only with authentic commitment life moves further and completes

Peak capacity expresses with peak authenticity.
Lesson 3
Authenticity empowers You

Authenticity is a self complete technique, from the beginning to the end. When you become
leaders, you need to continuously maintain leadership consciousness. How to maintain
leadership consciousness is though authentically authenticating authenticity.

It means bringing yourself out of the mood of powerlessness again and again. When you are
powerless, feeling very agitated and uncomfortable, completely wash yourself with

Only when you constantly retain your authenticity authentically, can you continue to remain in
the consciousness of a leader, the space of a leader. Nature listens to you when you are in

Try to constantly bring authenticity in your thinking, in every level of your thinking. Do not allow
a low wood and the feeling powerlessness. If you are having fear, any fear is inauthenticity. A
person with authenticity achieves enlightenment. Authenticity is a self completion technique
from the beginning to the end.

Authentically authenticating authenticity it means again and again saying no to the mind which
says “it is okay”. When you constantly fill yourself with authenticity, authenticity itself becomes a
power. You have to make sure that authenticity gives you the power. It empowers you. It
constantly gets you out of the space of powerlessness.

To make the children understand Authenticity empowers you
• What happens when you are authentic?

• When does life moves further?

• What does authenticity means?

• What happens when you commit?

• Do cosmos helps us?

Authenticity is a self complete technique from the beginning to the end
Activity of the Day:
Doing difficult yoga postures Show the children difficult yoga postures and ask them to try it
out themselves to see whether they are able to do that.
Art of the day!

Materials needed:
Pencil or pen, paper, eraser.

Encourage the children to sit in pairs. Ask one child to describe an object and the other child
has to draw it as described. Then show the drawing to the child who described it to confirm
whether this is the object they expected out of his friend and then switch roles with each other.

Anyakara is what others feel about you, it is not a curse , it is a possibility for your expansion.
Every time you raise yourself to others anyakara, every time you stretch yourself to fulfill others
anyakara, you achieve completion.

Activity of the Day:

Doing difficult yoga postures Show the children difficult yoga postures and ask them to try it
out themselves to see whether they are able to do that.

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