Academic Calendar Session 2024-25
Academic Calendar Session 2024-25
Academic Calendar Session 2024-25
The competent authority is pleascd to approvethe schedule of Academic Calendar 1or
B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) five year integrated to be obscrvcd in University Teaching Department tor the
Academic Scssion 2024-2025.
Semester I, III, V, VIl& IX
Sr. No. Events Dates
Note: Further updating in the academic calendar would be incorporated as per need and
notified from time-to-time w.r.t. the subsequent guidelines issued by the competent
authority/BCI/State Government.
Faculty Incharge(Academics)
Endst. No. DBRANLUJAcad./2024/ 7o-975 Date: 3olo y)oy
1. The Dean Academic Affairs/Head of Department, DBRANLU, Sonepat.
2. The Dean Student's Welfare, DBRANLU, Sonepat.
3. The Controller of Examinations, DBRANLU, Sonepat.
4. website.
Deputy Registrar, IT Cell, DBRANLU, Sonepat to upload this notification on University
5. P.A. to Vice-Chancellor (for kind information of the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor), DBRANLU,
6. P.A. to Registrar (for kind information of the W/Registrar), DBRANLU, Sonepat.