PBL Example Handouts
PBL Example Handouts
PBL Example Handouts
Lesson Plan: Develop an Opinion Piece on Topic Question, Week 4, Day 1 Date: Monday, December 18th
Leading Questions:
• What is opinion writing and why do authors compose opinion pieces?
• How are the components of an opinion writing piece like an “Oreo?”
• How can you form an opinion from a given topic using personal feelings and previous research?
• How can a graphic organizer help me to organize my facts and information into main ideas that support my
• Which graphic organizer best fits my writing style?
• How can peers and others help me throughout the writing process?
Materials and Resources:
• Teacher Materials: OREO PPT., SmartTV, Teacher Computer, E.L.M.O., OREO Graphic Organizer, Google
Classroom, Google Forms, highlighter, and Student Notebook/Main Idea Organizer.
• Student Materials: Student Research Notebook, Research Binder, Main Idea Organizer, “OREO” PPT. and
“OREO” Graphic Organizer, Google Classroom, highlighter, and Student Chromebooks.
Technology Use:
Teacher will utilize a pre-made Opinion Writing PowerPoint displayed on the SmartTV during whole group to introduce
the lesson. Teacher will then use the E.L.M.O. to model how to successfully find gathered facts and information from
research notebook to best support opinion statement. Students will answer a quick-check question via Google Forms
found on the Google Classroom page to assess knowledge of objective #1. Students will have a choice as to which graphic
organizer they want to use via Google Classroom or hard copy.
Hook Question/Statement? “Have you ever had an Oreo Cookie? What layers does an Oreo cookie have? Today, we are
going to learn how the layers of an Oreo cookie can help us to understand the “layers” of an opinion piece. Once we have
knowledge of how and why opinion pieces are composed, we will use our research, knowledge, and our personal feelings
on coral reefs to help us develop a clear opinion statement on topic question.”
I Do: Teacher will state I Can statement #1 to prepare students for lesson and what they will be learning. Teacher
will present Opinion Writing PowerPoint to students during whole group lesson. During the PowerPoint presentation,
teacher will explain how thinking of the layers of an Oreo cookie can help us to remember the layers of opinion writing.
Teacher will also answer the following leading questions: What is opinion writing and why do authors compose opinion
pieces? How are the components of an opinion writing piece like an “Oreo?”
We Do: Turn and Talk: students will then discuss the main components of opinion writing and why they are important
with a neighbor. Teacher will walk around and observe students who have an understanding of this question and those
who need more assistance during small-group instruction. Teacher will then call on 1-2 pairs of students to answer this
question aloud.
I Do: “Now that have the knowledge of how and why opinion pieces are composed, let’s find out how to compose our
own opinion pieces.” Teacher will state I Can statement #2 to prepare students for next part of lesson and what they
will be learning. Teacher will then state the opinion piece topic question to students and model how to form an opinion of
that topic question by modeling the following:
• Personal feeling of topic question: teacher will think aloud to students to model this.
• Previous research: teacher will then model how to look back in research and find facts and information
that connect to personal feeling or opinion statement. Teacher will model how to highlight those facts and
information and then think-aloud to show students how those facts and information connect or support
opinion statement.
We Do: Teacher will call on students to help find additional facts and information that support opinion statement. During
this time, teacher and students will have opportunities to discuss how certain facts are more useful than others, how some
facts disprove opinion statement, and what to do when you are unable to find facts and information supporting your
opinion statement.
You Do: Quick-check: students will then complete an independent quick-check via Google Classroom to check for
understanding of main components of opinion writing. Teacher will assess answers and take note of students who have
not grasped this concept to further assist in small-groups. After quick-check students will then start highlighting facts and
information within their own research notebooks. During this time, teacher will conduct small-group instruction of those
observed needing more assistance during whole group lesson. Students will have about 20-25 minutes to independently
work. After that time, teacher will give the option for students to work in research groups to discuss their opinion
statement and supporting facts with each other. During this time, students will be able to use peers to help strengthen their
opinion statement or assist each other in finding facts and information to support opinion statement.
Teacher will call students back to whole group and re-state I Can statements and goals of daily lessons. Students will then
share their opinion statement and supporting details with the class. Peers and teacher will provide feedback to student to
help differentiate between a clear opinion statement/supporting facts and opinion statements/supporting facts needing
more work. Lastly, students will share challenges of today’s lesson and what their plan is tomorrow to become more
successful on concept.
Cross-curriculum Connections:
This lesson connects to the following standards:
(1) ISTE NETS-s Standards Global Collaborator 7c: Students contribute constructively to project teams,
assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.
(a) Students will be able to utilize peers within their research clubs to help them throughout the writing
process and strengthen their writing.
(2) Reading WCS: 2.RI.KID.2 Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of
specific paragraphs within the text.
(a) Students will need to apply knowledge of this standard in order to form their own main topic, ideas,
and supporting details of a multi-paragraph text.
(3) Science CS: GLE 0207.2.1 Investigate the habitats of different kinds of local plants and animals.
(a) Students will need to apply their knowledge of the research found regarding coral reefs and its
Differentiated Instruction:
Teacher will provide a variety of tools to help differentiate during lesson such as:
1. Student choice of using digital tools and resources.
2. Student choice of graphic organizer.
3. Variety of lesson delivery: whole group, small group, and independent.
4. Small-group instruction to further assist with development of opinion piece.
5. Advanced learners will be able to extend lesson by continuing to complete graphic organizer.
6. Advanced technology users can chose to type instead of write.
7. Emergent readers/writers will be given opportunities to co-author with peers.
ELL Modifications:
Teacher will provide a variety of accommodations for ELL students such as:
1. Peer co-authoring where students can work in pairs throughout the development of opinion piece to ensure focus
of learning standard.
2. Voice-to-Text software to help student compose written expression of opinion.
3. Modified writing assignment in which student can focus more on learning standard of forming an opinion and less
on the actual act of writing.
4. Small-group instruction or one-on-one instruction to further assist with development of opinion piece.
5. Coordination of ELL teacher’s schedule to help student during this time.
SPED Modifications:
Teacher will provide a variety of accommodations for SPED students such as:
1. Choice of seating during whole-group instruction.
2. Verbal quick-check question and answer if student chooses not to utilize Google Forms
3. Small-group instruction to further assist with development of opinion piece.
4. Choice of graphic organizer to use for writing process
5. Peer co-authoring where students can work in pairs throughout the development of opinion piece to ensure focus
of learning standard.
6. Student choice of developing opinion piece via computer or paper/pencil.
7. If needed, teacher will provide scribing for students who struggle with written expression.
Students will begin to develop opinion piece by using graphic organizer and finding the most important facts and
information within notes that support opinion statement. For today’s lesson, teacher will be assessing the completion of
following components of graphic organizer:
• Written opinion statement using a complete thought.
Teacher will then assess that student has highlighted facts and information within notebook that support opinion
Lessons: Week 1: How do researchers find the most useful facts
on a topic and keep them organized? Review
research project materials and process. Researching
Coral Reefs through "Inquiry Questions," and curiosity
on topic.
Materials: Google Classroom Day 1: Ask: How do researchers find the most useful
Research Page, Driving Question facts on a topic and keep them organized?
Project Outline, KWLS Graphic Introduce the topic and driving question. Look over
Organizer, Investigation Planner, assessment rubric and project presentation outline.
Research Binder, and notebook. Group in to research groups and have them fill out
the team project planner.
Day 2: Complete driving question project outline and
KWLS Graphic Organizer. Talk about inquiry questions
and how they help us to start the research process.
Fill out investigation planner.
Day 3: Review what resources they have inside of
their binders and how they are useful.
Day 4: Review "Digital Coral Reef Sources" document
with them and explore sources together- located on
Google Classroom Research Page
Week 1 Goal: understanding of Day 5: Have reading clubs sit together, go over their
driving question, unit project, and inquiry questions, the driving question, and where
knowledgeable of sources. they plan to start researching.
Materials: Notebook, Research Week 2: Why are Coral Reefs in Danger of
Binder, and Digital Sources. Disappearing? Using a variety of sources to research
driving question.
Day 1: Choice of research and note-taking.
Conference with one group.
Day 2: Choice of research and note-taking.
Conference with one group.
Day 3: Choice of research and note-taking.
Conference with one group.
Day 4: Choice of research and note-taking.
Conference with one group.
Week 2 Goal: completed majority of Day 5: Check in-classroom discussion on their opinion
research, understand what a coral of driving question and opinion piece question. Finish
reef is, and why it is in danger. with additional research
Materials: Notebook, Research Week 3: How do researchers discuss and learn more
Binder, and Main Idea Graphic about a topic with each other? Students will have a
Organizer. jigsaw discussion with other reading clubs, organize
their notes into main ideas, and form complete
thoughts from their notes.
Day 1: Jigsaw Discussion with another reading club
member. Whole group discussion on how jigsaw
discussion went.
Day 2: Organization of notes. Looking at reasons
supporting opinion and supporting details through
reader’s eyes. Ask: is there more information you
need? Teacher will model main idea and supporting
details with various student notes.
Day 3: Organization of notes. Looking at reasons
supporting opinion and supporting details through
reader’s eyes. Ask: is there more information you
Day 4: Organization of notes. Looking at reasons
supporting opinion and supporting details through
reader’s eyes. Ask: is there more information you
Week 3 Goal: successful jigsaw Day 5: Jigsaw discussion about main ideas, chapters,
discussion, organized notes into at and organization of facts and information with
least 3 main ideas with 3 supporting another reading club student. Whole group check-in
details to show opinion of driving on what was successful and what we should work on.
Materials: Notebook, Research Week 4: How can we form an opinion on a driving
Binder, Main Idea Organizer, OREO question and develop an opinion piece? Students will
PPT. and OREO Graphic Organizer. use graphic organizer to form a rough draft opinion
piece on given topic, revise, edit, and publish.
Day 1: Read through Opinion Writing Powerpoint,
whole group model on OREO graphic organizer. Use
another student's research notebook to model how
to develop main ideas using graphic organizer.
Day 2: Continue OREO graphic organizer-
conference with students.
Day 3: Continue OREO graphic organizer-conference
with students.
Day 4: Continue OREO graphic organizer-conference
with students.
Week 4 Goal: understands the Day 5: Students will be at different areas of rough
components of an opinion piece and draft, have them continue on what they need to
has formed rough draft on prompt. complete. Encourage sharing with peers.
Week 5: Why are visual aids important to use when
presenting an idea? Students will create a visual aid
Week 5 Goal: successful presentation and present their opinion piece. Students may
of opinion with visual aid choose to use a digital visual aid from these websites:
Materials: Visual Aid resources and all
unit rubrics. Day 1: Create Visual Aid
Day 2: Create Visual Aid
Day 3: Present
Day 4: Present
Day 5: Student self-reflection and assessment using
the "Teamwork Rubric," "Pack Rubric," and "Project
Presentation Assessment."
Hilton PBL Unit Outline
1) Unit Introduction: Students will gain a deeper understanding on how to research non-
fiction texts surrounding global problem (disappearing coral reefs) through various tools.
Students will then collaborate with a group of peers to create a solution to the global
problem of disappearing coral reefs from non-fiction research findings. Through inquiry,
research, and problem-solving, students will gain understanding of how communities work
together to solve problems in hopes of creating a more positive impact on the
environment in which we live.
a) Unit topic: Non-Fiction Research Unit using Reading Clubs. Unit Resources and Driving
Question used from Reading A-Z PBL Unit Pack: https://www.readinga-z.com/project-
b) Grade level: Second Grade
c) Length of unit (two weeks minimum): 5 weeks
d) Driving question, problem statement/question: How can communities use technology
to solve the problem of disappearing coral reefs? Driving question pulled from the
Reading A-Z PBL learning pack: https://www.readinga-z.com/project-based-
e) Description of learning group: 20 Second Grade Students.
i) Detailed description of group to receive instruction: classroom is made up of
20 second grade students, ages 7-8 years old. The classroom consists of 11 boys and 8
girls. DRA reading levels range from 18-28. There are three Tier 3 students that receive
additional reading and math services outside of the classroom, two Tier 2 students,
and 7 advanced students. There is one student who has an IEP due to slight speech
impairments and receives speech services. No other classroom disabilities; however, a
large amount of classroom students have very high energy making them more apt to
kinesthetic/high-sensory learning.
ii) Demographics of both group and school:
Classroom Demographics: 4- African American, 1- ESL Background, 2-
Indian, 1-Caucasian/African American, 13- Caucasian. No free and
reduced lunch/low-income families.
School Demographics: 761 K-5th graders. 17:1 teacher/student ratio. 18%
minority (mostly Asians), under national average of 35% minority. 51% male
and 49% female. Around 2% free and reduced lunch, under the TN free
and reduced lunch average around 50%. Data found from:
3) Lesson Plan
a) One daily lesson plan following LU format – one day from the two weeks: see attached
document on Blackboard.
b) Two week unit plan – brief outline of lessons for each day
b) Literature selections (title, author): Online literature comes from an online app, “Big
Universe.” Books listed below have been “assigned” to students through digital app.
i) “Learn About the Earth: Coral Reefs” by Colleen Sexton
ii) “What Lives in a Coral Reef” by Oona Gaarder Juntti
iii) “Oceans Alive Corals” by Ann Herriges
iv) “Life in a Coral Reef” by Kari Schuetz
v) “The Coral Reef: A Giant City Under the Sea” by Stephen Person
c) Technology – teacher: presentation, management, production
i) All materials will be uploaded into a Google Classroom created specifically for this
unit. Students will have links to websites, digital books, digital videos, and all other
ii) Google Classroom will also be utilized as a way to conduct quick checks, teacher-
student feedback, and peer feedback.
iii) Students will also keep a unit binder with hard copies of all of their unit resources as
d) Resources used to develop PBL (i.e. articles, similar lessons, textbooks)
i) Unit resources from Reading A-Z include: unit presentation rubric, overall unit rubric,
investigation planner, team unit planner, teamwork rubric, peer review sheet, ask
and answer kwls chart, driving question project outline, “Coral Reefs” pdf booklet (2
different reading levels for emergent and advanced readers), coral reef food web
pdf, “Discover the Great Barrier Reef” pdf article, “Follow the Pollution” pdf timeline,
“Life on a Coral Reef” pdf article, “Healthy Reefs” pdf article, “Coral Reefs Might Be
mfr/LU Module Four 2 of 2
Saved” pdf article, “Interview with Mia Adreani” pdf article, “Underwater Medicine
Cabinet” pdf article, and “Growing Coral in a Nursery” pdf article.
ii) Original unit resources include: main idea graphic organizer, unit lesson plans,
OREO graphic organizer, and Opinion Writing PowerPoint.
7) Technicality
a) Meets rubric standards
9) Public Audience
a) Neighborhood, community, state, national or global implications
i) Fisherman profit from healthy coral reefs sustaining life for fish.
ii) Tourism around coral reef locations.
iii) Global economy profiting from seafood/fish products.
iv) Local coastal communities-protection from storms.
b) Presentation of results (how will they be shared and with whom)
i) Students will present their findings to their peers, teacher, various parents, and other
staff within the school (principal, vice principal, and coaches).
Writing Standards WCS: Writing: 2.W.TTP.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts.
a. Introduce topic or text.
b. State an opinion.
c. Supply reasons to support the opinion.
d. Use linking words to connect the reasons to the opinion.
e. Provide a concluding statement or section.
2.FL.SC.k With prompting and support, link sentences into simple, cohesive paragraph
with a main idea and topic.
2.W.PDW.4 With guidance and support, produce clear and coherent writing in which
the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
2.W.PDW.5 With guidance and support from adults respond to questions and
suggestions from peers, and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing.
Science/Social GLE 0207.2.1 Investigate the habitats of different kinds of local plants and animals. Correlate with SS
Studies Standards (in Quarter 3) 2.18 Compare physical features of the earth, including islands, lakes, mountains,
oceans, peninsulas, plains, plateaus, rivers, and valleys. GLE 0207.2.2 Investigate living things found
in different places.
Technology Empowered Learner 1c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their
Standards: practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways. Knowledge Constructor 3d:
Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas
and theories and pursuing answers and solutions. Global Collaborator 7c: Students contribute
constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively
toward a common goal.
Driving Question: How can communities use technology to solve the problem of disappearing coral reefs?
Real-World Students will gain a deeper understanding on how to research a global problem through various
Connection tools and then collaborte with a group to create a solution that will help solve that global problem.
Students will gain understanding of how communities work together to solve problems in hopes of
creating a more positive impact on the environment around them.
Assessments: Week 1: Formal: Ask and Answer Questions using "Investigation Question" graphic organizer.
Research notebook to check for informal notetaking. Informal: Teacher observation of active role
in group and responsible,effecient technology usage.
Week 2: Formal: Non-fiction main idea graphic organizer, note-taking within research notebook
highlights most important information, use of rubric checklist. Informal: teacher observation of
active role in group including giving relevant feedback to peers on topic.
Week 3: Formal: Rough Draft of opinion piece, including knowledge of revising and editing steps in
writing process. Informal: teacher observations of co-authoring with peers to give feedback,
transformation of informal notes to formal sentences, knowledge of how to organize research and
formal sentences in sequential order according to opinion writing structure.
Week 4: Formal: Published opinion piece answering driving question using unit rubric with visual aid.
Unit Presentations: Students will gain a deeper understanding on how to research a global problem through various
tools and then collaborte with a group to create a solution that will help solve that global problem.
Students will gain understanding of how communities work together to solve problems in hopes of
creating a more positive impact on the environment around them. For unit presentation students
will write an original opinion piece answer the question: "Are Coral Reefs in danger of
disappearing?" Students will also create an original visual aid to go with their opinion writing piece.
Grouping of Includes 5 classroom reading clubs. Each reading club will be grouped as 1 emergent reader, 1
Students: average reader, 1 average/high reader, and 1 high reader.
Materials Needed: See folders within drive
Literacy A-Z Reading Articles- located on drive, Big Universe Digital Books, and pulled library books.
Digital Resources https://docs.google.com/a/myplace.wcs.edu/document/d/1ch2LRSbjD6KfTTVjAmKBLk1Nb2xy_SMkhZuHOOW1iIo/edit?usp=sh
Lessons: Week 1: How do researchers find the most useful facts on a topic and keep them organized?
Review research project materials and process. Researching Coral Reefs through "Inquiry
Questions," and curiosity on topic.
Materials: Google Day 1: Ask: How do researchers find the most useful facts on a topic and keep them organized?
Classroom Research Introduce the topic and driving question. Look over assessment rubric and project presentation
Page, Driving Question outline. Group in to research groups and have them fill out the team project planner.
Project Outline, KWLS
Graphic Organizer,
Investigation Planner,
Research BInder, and
Day 2: Complete driving question project outline and KWLS Graphic Organizer. Talk about inquiry
questions and how they help us to start the research process. Fill out investigation planner.
Day 3: Review what resources they have inside of their binders and how they are useful.
Day 4: Review "Digital Coral Reef Sources" document with them and explore sources together-
located on Google Classroom Research Page
Week 1 Goal: Day 5: Have reading clubs sit together, go over their inquiry questions, the driving question, and
understanding of where they plan to start researching.
driving question, unit
outcome, and
knowledgeable of
Materials: Notebook, Week 2: Why are Coral Reefs in Danger of Disappearing? Using a variety of sources to research
Research Binder, and driving question.
Digital Sources.
Day 1: Choice of research and note-taking. Conference with one group.
Day 2: Choice of research and note-taking. Conference with one group.
Day 3: Choice of research and note-taking. Conference with one group.
Day 4: Choice of research and note-taking. Conference with one group.
Week 2 Goal: Day 5: Check in-classroom discussion on their opinion of driving question and opinion piece
completed majority of question. Finish with additional research
research, understand
what a coral reef is,
and why it is in
Materials: Notebook, Week 3: How do researchers discuss and learn more about a topic with each other? Students will
Research Binder, and have a jogsaw discussion with other reading clubs, organize their notes into main ideas, and form
Chapter Oraganizer. complete thoughts from their notes.
Day 1: Jigsaw Discussion with another reading club member. Whole group discussion on how
jigsaw discussion went.
Day 2: Organization of notes. Looking at reasons supporting opinion and supporting details through
readers eyes. Ask: is there more information you need?
Day 3: Organization of notes. Looking at reasons supporting opinion and supporting details through
readers eyes. Ask: is there more information you need?
Day 4: Organization of notes. Looking at reasons supporting opinion and supporting details through
readers eyes. Ask: is there more information you need?
Week 3 Goal: sucessful Day 5: Jigsaw discussion about main ideas, chapters, and organization of facts and information
discussion with peers with another reading club student. Whole group check-in on what was sucessful and what we
on topic, organized should work on.
notes into at least 3
main ideas with 3
supporting details for
Materials: Notebook, Week 4: How can we form an opinion on a driving question and develop an opinion piece?
Research Binder, Students will use graphic organizer to form a rough draft opinion piece, revise, edit, and publish.
Reason Organizer, and
OREO Graphic
Day 1: Whole group model on OREO graphic organizer. Use another student's project as an
Day 2: Start on OREO graphic organizer- conference with students.
Day 3: Continue OREO graphic organizer-conference with students.
Day 4: Continue OREO graphic organizer-conference with students.
Week 4 Goal: Day 5: Students will be at different areas of rough draft, have them continue on what they need to
understands the parts complete. Encourage sharing with peers.
of an opinion piece
and has formed rough
draft on prompt.
Week 5 Goal: sucessful Week 5: Why are visual aids important to use when presenting an idea? Students will create a
presentation of opinion visual aid and present their opinion piece. Students may choose to use a digital visual aid from
with visual aid these websites: