Process Support Products

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Process Support Products

Essentials for highest yields

Machines & Software Process Expertise Tools & Materials

ASMPT Enables Printing Excellence

Stable printing processes are critical for the quality and
efficiency of your electronics production.

ASMPT is the only equipment manufacturer in the world that is able to offer everything
you need for the stencil printing process: machines and software, consumables,
stencils and toolings, process expertise, and smart process solutions. Only our teams
of experts can adjust each component perfectly to provide you with the best solution
available. The bottom line: only ASMPT guarantees printing excellence.

2 | Process Support Products | ASMPT Enables Printing Excellence

Smart Processes

Our printing solutions deliver maximum productivity, Stencils, toolings and consumables for optimized processes
extreme accuracy, and ease of operation.
Printing processes are complex. The only way to achieve
Excellent hardware with powerful yet easy-to-operate software optimal results is by employing the right stencils, toolings and
– the trademarks of our DEK printing solutions. Users benefit consumables. We are the only equipment manufacturer that can
from outstanding printing accuracy, high yields, and economic provide you with everything you need to optimize your printing
efficiency. Our DEK portfolio of printers features solutions for processes.
every type of production. With their modular design, DEK printers
can be configured for any requirement. State-of-the-art SPI solutions for total process control

Competent support from experienced process experts Optical systems and sensors in our machines ensure closed-loop
process controls and safeguard stable printing processes. As the
Stable, optimized printing processes require more than good industry’s technology leader, ASMPT also counts on innovative
machines and materials – they require process expertise. technologies that offer an entirely new set of possibilities for
The global ASMPT team has decades of experience in stencil process control and optimization.
printing. We gladly share this knowledge with your teams – in
training seminars, workshops, and joint projects. Our application With the WORKS Process Expert, we offer one of most precise
support is there when you need it – online, in our SMT Centers of and flexible SPI solutions on the market that raises your printing
Competence all over the world, or at your location. processes to an entirely new level.

Your partner for printing process
Printing processes are complex. As the world’s only manufacturer of printing
solutions, we are by your side at every point in the process chain.

Machines and Software

Powerful, modular best-in-class printing
platforms that can be optimally configured for
any application and a wide range of production
types with efficient and reliable operation
thanks to state-of-the-art software.

■ DEK NeoHorizon – maximum flexibility

■ DEK TQ/DEK TQ L – maximum performance
■ WORKS Printer Programming

Tools and Materials

Get the most out of your printing processes.
With our Process Support Products (PSP) you
optimally coordinate all process components
for maximum efficiency and quality.

■ Stencils
- All Materials
- All technologies
- Single-/multi-level
- Coated/uncoated
■ Stencil frame solutions
■ Smart Stencil lifecycle management
■ Stencil storage systems
■ Support solutions
■ Consumables
■ Squeegees

4 | Process Support Products | ASMPT Enables Printing Excellence

Process expertise
Benefit from the decades of process expertise
we have accumulated in our global network of
developers, application engineers and support

■ SMT Centers of Competence

- Testing/application support
■ On-site training seminars and workshops
■ Remote Smart Factory
■ ASMPT Academy training portal

Smart processes
New technologies open up new possibilities.
As the industry’s technology leader, we are
always at the forefront of making your printing
processes future-proof.

■ Process Lens (SPI)

■ WORKS Process Expert – our self-learning
inline expert system for autonomous printing
process optimization
■ DFM HealthCheck

Stencils from Stencil storage systems 57
the global No. 1 9
DEK VectorGuard™ cabinet 60
Stencil network 13 DEK VectorGuard™ tower cabinet 61
DEK VectorGuard™ mobile cabinet 61
Stencils technologies DEK VectorGuard™ working station 62
DEK Fine Grain stencils 14 DEK Mesh-mounted stencils/
DEK Multi-level stencils 15 DEK Precision screens storage 62
DEK Electroform solutions 16
DEK Electroform 3D stencils 18 Consumables 65
DEK Electroform Variable Aperture
Height Technology (VAHT) 19 DEK Ultra-Fine Pitch (UFP)
DEK Electroform Mini LED Stencil 20 ECO understencil cleaning rolls 67
Dek Electroform Stencil – Eform-Eco 21
DEK PumpPrint™ / Adhesive stencils 22 DEK SMT high performance
understencil cleaning fabrics 69

Stencil coating technologies

DEK Pro and DEK Pro XF advanced
DEK NanoUltra Gold stencil coating 23
understencil cleaning chemistries 70
NanoClear® stencil coating 24

Pre-saturated wipes
Smart Stencil 25
DEK Hand cleaner wipes 71
DEK IPA/DI wipes 71
DEK IPA/DI 96% wipes 71
Stencil frame solutions 29
DEK Stencil cleaner wipes 71
DEK Adhesive remover wipes 71
DEK VectorGuard™ frame solutions 32
DEK Mesh-mounted frame solution 35
Cleaning sprays
DEK SMT stencil cleaner 72
DEK Reflow oven cleaner 72
Substrat support solutions 37

Singulated Substrates Support 40
DEK Latex gloves 73
DEK Multiple Alignment of Singulated
DEK Powder-free blue nitrile gloves 73
Substrates (MASS) 41
DEK Topside Reference System (TRS) 42
High-purity precision
DEK Virtual Panel Tooling (VPT) 43
cleaning dry wipes
DEK Non-woven material wipes 74
PCB Standard Support 44
DEK Polyester material wipes 74
Flex Support 44
Custom dedicated tooling 46
Precision swabs 75
DEK PCB pallet solutions 49
DEK Foam swabs 75
DEK Grid-Lok™ 50
DEK Grid-Lok™ Gold 51
DEK Spatulas 76
DEK Grid-Lok™ Silver 52
DEK Grid-Lok™ spare parts 54
DEK Solder paste nozzles 77
DEK Support bars 55

6 | Process Support Products | Content

Squeegees 79
Process Support
DEK Metal squeegees
DEK Laser cut replacement squeegees blades
DEK Metal squeegees for lead free applictions 84
DEK Self Adjusting Paste Deflectors (SAPDs) 85
Make your processes the best they can be
DEK Polyurethane squeegees 86
DEK PumpPrint™ squeegees 88 To meet the steadily rising requirements on fine-pitch/ultra-fine-
DEK Special squeegees 89 pitch production in the electronics field, you must continuously
improve your printing processes – your printers, printing
parameters, stencils, tools, and consumables.

To do this, electronics manufacturers have a unique

partner in ASMPT, because our brands stand for more than
technologically leading printing and placement solutions. We
are the world‘s only equipment supplier that also develops and
delivers process support products (PSP) ranging from stencils,
tools and consumables to cleaners and fabrics to boost your
manufacturing processes.

Everything from a single source – with our extensive PSP

portfolio we help operators and process engineers improve the
yield and productivity of their printing processes and SMT lines.
We have knowledgeable experts who work with your team
to optimize printing processes, as well as a broad portfolio of
tools and consumables that help you to get the most from your

This applies not only to ASMPT‘s own DEK printing platforms.

Equipment from other companies can also deliver peak
performance with ASMPT process support products. And as
part of ASMPT, the world‘s largest equipment supplier to the
electronics industry, we are present globally – with logistics
centers, sales offices, personalized support, and process
consultants for all our process support products. This makes
it possible to run simple and standardized purchasing and
support processes in all locations.

Our tip: Eliminate unstable printing processes and frequent

interventions that jeopardize the productivity of your lines.
Talk with our process experts and find out how you can improve
the yield and speed of SMT production with process support

Process Support Products

8 | Process Support Products | Content

the global
No. 1
Improving theEnabling
print process
the advanced
and boosting
Stencils from the global No.1

Stencil network 13

Stencil technologies
DEK Fine Grain stencils 14
DEK Multi-level stencils 15
DEK Electroform solutions 16
DEK Electroform 3D stencils 18
DEK Electroform variable aperture
height technology (VAHT) 19
DEK Electroform Mini LED Stencil 20
Dek Electroform Stencil – Eform-Eco 21
DEK PumpPrint™ / Adhesive stencils 22

Stencil coating technologies

DEK NanoUltra Gold stencil coating 23
NanoClear® stencil coating 24

Smart Stencil 25

10 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
the global
No. 1
Stencils for all your printing needs
Stencil technologies and delivers more stable printing processes for fine-pitch
applications while minimizing paste and flux residues on the
As the world’s largest supplier of stencils for industrial printing stencil. Stencils with DEK NanoUltra coating must be cleaned
processes, ASMPT is the right partner at your side. The quality much less frequently. This saves time and money in the sten-
of the stencil is a critical factor in the printing process. Stable cil printing process.
and cost-effective printing processes can only be achieved with
materials that are precisely manufactured and extremely resil- Smart Stencil: RFID-based lifecycle control
ient. ASMPT produces stencils with a wide range of technolo-
gies – from classic laser cutting to high-precision electroform- A stencil's tension and surface quality decline as it is being
ing, and from single level to multi-level stencils. The broad port- used. These aging effects reduce the quality, yield and stabil-
folio of our award-winning stencil and frame solutions features ity of the printing process. Smart Stencil is our unique, RFID-
perfectly coordinated high-quality products for all requirements based all-in-one solution for monitoring stencil lifecycles.
ranging from standard SMT applications to the production of RFID tags on the stencils – provided by ASMPT for stencils
the most complex modules. from any supplier – record and store the number of print
cycles, while DEK printers with Smart Stencil readers report
Stencil coatings when each stencil's adjustable warning or maximum number
of print cycles has been reached. You can’t make printing any
DEK NanoUltra coatings deliver dramatic improvements in the smarter.
release behavior of solder pastes. To achieve this, we coat the
aperture walls and/or the underside of the stencil with a thin,
flux-repellent material. This improves the solder paste transfer

Stencils from the global No. 1
ASMPT is the world’s largest manufacturer of stencils for industrial
printing applications as a result of the high quality and reliability of
our products and services. All of ASMPT’s factories and partners in
the global stencil network operate with the same materials, the same
equipment, and in accordance with strictly certified procedures. This
enables us to supply our customers quickly and with consistently high
quality – no matter where they may be located.

Consulting Convenient ordering, fast delivery

The worldwide network of ASMPT offices, service centers and You can place your orders the way your prefer – the classic way
partners guarantees close proximity, quick responses, and fast, via your local representative or electronically via the ASMPT
competent help on site. Web Shop that is open 24/7. Either way, we guarantee speedy
shipment – up to our Premium Rush Service with its 4-hour
delivery time.
Application support

Only ASMPT as the global SMT technology leader can offer DFM HealthCheck
printing process expertise with this depth and quality. In our five
SMT Centers of Competence (CoCs) spread around the world we With this pioneering process, state-of-the-art expert system
provide application support, check designs, offer improvement and big data technologies are used to run virtual prints in order
workshops, and simulate and test specific printing processes to analyze your stencil data, identify critical areas, and make
in a realistic environment. Our experts stand by you in person concrete proposals for optimized printing process settings. Based
or remotely, and always in close contact with your local ASMPT on this information, you can print right away, eliminating the need
partners. for time-wasting NPI test runs.

Design: Production technology:

■ Process & design knowhow of ■ Laser cutting
experts ■ E-form technology
■ Five Center of competence for ■ Welding or micro milling
layout testing steps
■ Proven stencil design libraries ■ Various coating
■ Global information exchange technologies
of experts

The four elements

for a perfect stencil
Materials: Auxilary:
■ Standard stainless steel ■ Coatings
■ Fine grain SS ■ RFID tags
■ Nickel blanks ■ Frames
■ Nickel E-form ■ Support toolings
■ Plastic material (PumpPrint)

12 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
the global
No. 1
Stencil network

ASMPT stencil operations

EUROPE ASIA ASMPT direct support

■ Györ (Hungary) ■ Singapore Stencil partner network
■ Weymouth (England)

Real-life SMT lines in the SMT Centers of Competence are used Tests in labs featuring modern equipment confirm
to provide application support and run tests including SPI analysis. the high quality of ASMPT stencils.

Stencil solutions – stencil
technical specification
Standard PHD Laser cut nickel Fine grain Standard Platinum Wide fine grain
stainless steel stainless steel E-form nickel E-form stencil stainless steel
Material type 304 PHD Nickel Fine grain SS Hard nickel Hard nickel Fine grain SS
Material hardness (HV) ≥370 >470+ ≥370 500 +/-50 500 +/-50 ≥370
Grain size (µm) 5-10 1 2-5 1 0.6 2-5
Thickness available (µm) 50-500 100-175 50-250 75- 200 20-230 80-200
Thickness tolerance 2% 7% 2% 10% <5% 4%
Area ratio window >0.66 >0.6 >0.55 >0.5 >0.5 >0.6
Sheet width max 690.9 mm 584 mm 610 mm 610 mm 584 mm 690.9 mm
Apertures size tolerance ±5 µm ±5 µm ±5 µm ±10 µm ±4 µm ±5 µm

DEK Fine Grain stencils

Achieving a finer grain of stainless steel, DEK Fine Grain stencils
provide superior paste release and a smoother stencil surface.

DEK Fine Grain stencils can be used with the DEK Mesh-
mounted frames, DEK VectorGuardTM Classic and DEK
VectorGuardTM High Tension frame systems. Fine grain stainless
steel stencils provide smoother laser-cut aperture walls for
improved paste release and better material transfer efficiency.
A cost-effective alternative to nickel, fine grain stainless steel is
ideal for challenging dimensions and high-density assemblies.

14 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
the global
No. 1
DEK Multi-level stencils
Ideal for ensuring optimized solder paste height and volume for components that are
distributed over a wide area, DEK Multi-level (step) stencils are produced with the latest
micro-milling technology to ensure exceptional accuracy and repeatability.

DEK Multi-level (step) stencils are available in stainless steel Benefits:

or nickel and are ideal for printing paste on SMT boards with
■ Flexible local adaptation to any component mix
fine pitch parts arranged over a large area. These stencils
provide excellent print performance for applications with micro ■ Maximum positioning accuracy
BGAs, 0.3 mm QFPs and small components such as 0201s ■ Improved solder paste homogeneity
metric, as well as packaging applications and release of specialty ■ Improved repeat accuracy thanks to extra-smooth surface
solder paste formulations structure and high-precision edges
■ Minimized paste wastage through optimized surface structure
Multi-level stencils are available mesh mounted onto industry-
standard frames and are available for the DEK VectorGuard™ ■ Significant reduction of paste residue in shadow areas
Classic and DEK VectorGuardTM High Tension frame systems. ■ Flexible design of pressure-sensitive areas
■ Significant squeegee pressure reduction thanks to a modified
ramp profile

DEK Electroform solutions
Achieve ultimate material volume consistency control for standard
SMT, micro-SMT, semiconductor, solar and LED lighting applications
with DEK Electroform stencils.

Singapore Center of Competence

To develop new manufacturing processes such as electroplating electroformed stencils are clearly superior to stencils produced
solutions for stencils, ASMPT operates a center of competence with traditional dispensing or spray coating techniques by
in Singapore with its own nickel electroplating facility. The local delivering more throughput per hour and improved performance.
team has many years of experience and deep expertise in the
production of electroformed stencils and parts for non-SMT Features and benefits:
components. The stencil designs are developed and tested in the
■ Min thickness: 12 µm to 200 µm
adjacent application center.
■ Min stencil size:
By providing maximum control over the thickness and evenness DEK VectorGuard™ 584 mm × 584 mm (23” × 23”)
of stencils, ASMPT’s electroforming technology ensures ultimate ■ Max stencil size:
consistency for many standard SMT, micro SMT, semiconductor, DEK VectorGuard™ 584 mm × 736 mm (23” × 29”)
solar and LED applications. With material thicknesses down to
DEK Mesh-mounted frame solution 736 mm × 736 mm
12 microns, the material can be adapted to meet any current and
future requirements. In addition, electroforming technology offers (29” × 29")
the possibility to manufacture specialized components in large ■ No additional costs for large quantities of apertures
volumes, thus reducing their unit cost. ■ No deformation of stencil like lasering of large quantities of
apertures like for wafer bumping
Made with an additive galvanic process, DEK Electroform
■ Test and development support for new projects
stencils can be produced with extremely complex designs to
enable the printing of exceptionally small deposits in recesses,
around components, or on multiple levels. In many applications,

16 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
the global
No. 1
3D printing

Applications: ■ 3D printing on wafers, substrates

■ Semiconductor packaging
■ Surface-mount assembly
- Wafer and substrate bumping
- Standard SMT printing
- Ball placement
- VAHT stencils – variable height on different apertures
- Leadframe printing
- 3D stencils – print apertures on different levels; cover
- Low-Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC)
components and print around the covered area
- Die attach

■ Piece Parts
■ LED Printing
- Electrical test probes
- LED leadframe printing
- Electro-mechanical parts
- Flux printing for flip-chip mounting
- Multiple other parts such as foils and sieves
- Phosphor layer printing on wafer die or over flip chip die
- Piece parts

DEK Electroform 3D stencils
DEK Electroform 3D stencils ensure highest print quality and throughput for jobs
that require printing with different height levels and into indentations.

DEK Electroform 3D stencils are single thickness stencils Specifications:

produced to accommodate mass imaging of surfaces that are
■ Special, (usually) supplied slotted squeegee required
not flat or include features or structures that would prohibit
conventional one-pass printing. ■ Proven for a variety of different applications
- LED cavity printing
Well-suited for printing inside cavities or cover printing on pre- - SMT multi-level printing
populated substrates, 3D stencils allow higher throughput and
- SMT ceramic substrate cavity printing
lower costs through the elimination of secondary printing or
dispensing steps. - Semiconductor printing to accommodate wafer embossment
- Semiconductor die top printing
Benefits: ■ Stencil frame size: DEK VectorGuardTM Classic or
■ Enables single pass printing for challenging, non-flat or pre- DEK VectorGuardTM High Tension 23” x 23” recommended
populated substrates ■ Stencil foil thickness: 50 µm - 250 µm (2 mil-10 mil)
■ Lowers cost by eliminating traditional secondary printing or ■ Pocket size: 1.0 mm square (min)
dispensing steps used to accommodate positive or negative
■ Pocket depth: 2.0 mm (max, depending on pocket size)
Z axis values
■ Pocket to pocket gap allowance: 2.5 mm (min)
■ Improves production throughput
■ Can be manufactured to conform to any shape or topography
■ Better uniformity and deposit shape control than with
dispensing processes

18 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
the global
No. 1
DEK Electroform Variable Aperture
Height Technology (VAHT)
DEK VAHT technology offers a unique alternative to multi-level stencils for non-
homogeneous assemblies that call for larger, area-specific paste volumes to
accommodate bigger components.

Electroform stencils can be produced with modifications to Benefits:

accommodate specific applications. One such adaptation is a
■ Ideal for heterogeneous assemblies, allowing printing of
technique called Variable Aperture Height Technology (VAHT),
various solder paste volumes with a single stencil
whereby a gasket overgrowth is created around apertures to
create more aperture height to allow for increased paste volumes ■ Improved throughput
to be deposited.

VAHT is ideal for PCBs that incorporate both small and large
components that require varying amounts of solder material.
Aperture gasket height can be 1 to 2 mils higher than the base
stencil thickness.

DEK Electroform
Mini LED Stencil
Miniaturization trend demands stencil with smaller apertures.

In recent years, miniLED has emerged as a new segment with In addition, miniLED products using RGB configurations typically
high growth potential and has drawn the interest of most major require more than 100,000 apertures in one stencil as well as a
LED companies. miniLED are used in the back-light units (BLUs) stencil thickness in the range of 23 – 40 µm. Laser cut stencils
of display screens and are very competitive both in terms of cost are not able to meet such requirements.
and function, offering excellent contrast though the use of local
dimming. However, miniLED products pose a real problem to Specifications:
the packaging industry which has not yet developed solutions
for handling such small dies with the accuracy and throughput ■ Aperture Size: 50 µm × 50 µm (minimum), ± 4 µm
required; a typical miniLED die is smaller than an 0201m ■ Thickness: 23 µm (minimum)
component. ■ Gap between apertures: 50 µm (minimum)
■ Frame Size: DEK VectorGuardTM 23” × 23”
The challenges related to stencil printing for miniLED products
involve printing paste deposits which are smaller than 100µm ■ Positional Accuracy: 0.1 µm/mm
in size and controlling the uniformity of the paste deposits to
avoid die tilt, bridging and other defects. Electroform is uniquely
positioned to address these challenges. Electroformed stencils
have better paste release capabilities, a result of the superior
smoothness of the aperture side wall and the surface energy of

20 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
the global
No. 1
DEK Electroform Eco stencil
Improving print process yield for SMT with optimum costs.

Understanding and addressing common printing process defects Spezifikationen:

in SMT are essential for maintaining high-quality electronic
■ Area ratio ≥ 0.58
manufacturing. DEK Electroform Eco stencil offers smooth
aperture wall compared to most fine grain (FG) material. With ■ Thickness: 3 mil to 6 mil
superior hardness value at 500 HV, which translate into extended ■ Minimum aperture: 75 µm
stencil lifespan and cost savings.

Nickel is the preferred and desirable material for stencil

manufacturing due to its superior properties in durability,
chemical resistance, low surface energy which enhance paste
release capabilities and reduce under stencil cleaning frequency.

The DEK Electroform Eco stencil is uniquely positioned to

address the gap between typical FG laser cut stencil and
premium electroformed stencils, offering unmatched
capabilities to meet high expectation of turnaround
time and quality for SMT industry.

DEK PumpPrint™ /
Adhesive stencils
DEK PumpPrintTM technology enables a wide range of adhesive patterns
to be successfully deposited using a screen printing platform.

DEK PumpPrintTM / Adhesive stencils enable deposition of Features and benefits:

adhesives in a single stroke, as opposed to the slower, serial
■ Significantly improved throughput, efficiency, and flexibility
process of dot dispensing systems. With adhesive printing,
compared to traditional adhesive dispensing
throughput is dramatically increased and cycle time is constant.
Also effective for certain solder applications, DEK PumpPrintTM ■ Nozzle changeovers eliminated
stencils can be utilized for solder deposition around through-hole ■ Allows re-deployment of existing resources
component leads or into the base of deep packages. ■ Underside routing clears components, cut and clinched
through-hole leads, paste and solder mask
DEK PumpPrintTM / Adhesive stencils are constructed of an
■ Stencils are lightweight and solvent-resistant
acrylic material and available in standard thicknesses of
1.0 mm to 3.0 mm, or up to 8 mm for special applications. ■ Available for the DEK VectorGuardTM Classic stencil frame
Printing through accurately machined apertures, deposit system
heights from 75 µm to 1 mm can be achieved. Specially
designed DEK PumpPrintTM stencils are also available for use
with the DEK VectorGuardTM Classic stencil frame system.

22 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
the global
No. 1
DEK NanoUltra Gold stencil coating
Applied upon completion of the stencil manufacturing process, DEK NanoUltra
Gold fluxophobic stencil coatings deliver stencil underside and aperture coating
for maximum material transfer efficiency and optimized understencil cleaning

■ Very long life cycle
■ Coating applied to the bottom surface of the
stencil and to the aperture walls for optimized print
■ Significantly reduces understencil cleaning
frequency requirements, lowering costs and
improving throughput
■ Delivers superior print definition for area ratios
below 0.6
■ Increases transfer efficiency by 10% to 40%
depending on area ratio
■ Reduces solder paste bridging
■ Encourages more uniform solder paste deposits
■ Colored coating provides visual confirmation of
coverage, as opposed to clear wipe-on nano
■ Micron-thick coating lasts longer compared to
wipe-on nano solutions
■ Non-ionic, not conductive, and chemically inert
■ ECHA REACH, RoHS and RoHS 2 compliance
■ Recommended stencil materials: Fine Grain and
stainless steel

Properties Values
Appearance Gold
Thickness of coating 3 to 4 micron
Specific gravity @ 25C 1.02 g/cm3
Static contact angle, water 105°
Static contact angle, n-hexadecane 64°
Abrasion resistance, ASTM D2486, isopropyl alcohol > 2000 cycles
Abrasion resistance, ASTM D2486, IPA based flux > 2000 cycles
Pencil hardness >9H
Resistivity > 10 x 1012 ohm-M
Ionic residues (ROSE) 0 μg of NaCl / liter
Ionic species on board (as received) None detected
Ionic species on board (after reflow) None detected


Part number Description
03178413 800109 Europe
03137312 800110 Americas

NanoClear® stencil coating
Self-applied fluxophobic stencil coating technology delivers high performance
stencils in a cost-effective wipe. Designed to overcome the challenges of smaller
aperture sizes, the NanoClear® coating offers a unique solution to improve cleaning
effectiveness and reduce cleaning frequency.

Features and benefits:

■ Increases efficiency
- Reduces the frequency of cleaning
- Allows time for more production or SPI

■ Reduces cost
- Less cleaning uses less USC fabric and solvent
- Less expensive than alternative wipe-on coatings
- Easy to apply to new or existing stencils
- Chemically inert when dry to ensure no possible
interaction with paste
- Forms a permanent bond and can be reapplied
as it only adheres to uncovered areas
- REACH compliant
- Compatible with stainless steel or nickel stencils
- One pouch will coat one stencil (measuring up to
29“ x 29”)

tail group
repels flux
5 nm max.

head group
bonds to stencil


Part number Description
03128620 431800 Box of 10 wipes

24 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
the global
No. 1
Smart Stencil
Smart Stencil is our complete solution for managing the service life of
stencils. It is smart, RFID-based, and transparent. Never again will the
use of outdated stencils hurt the quality and efficiency of your printing

Declines in tension and surface quality, which are normal as Functions and benefits
stencils age, reduce the quality, yield and process stability of the
■ Process stability through seamless service life management
solder paste printing process. Smart Stencil is an RFID-based
solution that provides for the first time a simple, convenient, and ■ Smart Stencil RFID tags available for stencils from all
seamless solution for monitoring the service life of stencils. manufacturers
■ Customers can apply RFID tags themselves
Its core components are ASM-supplied RFID tags which are ■ Service life data can be stored on and recalled directly from
applied by the stencil manufacturer – or by the user – to each the stencil RFID
stencil to identify it and store basic data about it. DEK printers
■ Ability to store a stencil profile (technical data, manufacturer,
equipped with the Smart Stencil option record each printing cycle
reordering data, storage locations, etc.)
on the RFID tag even if the stencil is used on different lines.
■ DEK printer with the Smart Stencil option write to the tags with
The basic data and print cycles stored on the RFID tags can each print cycle
be read by DEK printers with the Smart Stencil option and by ■ Manual entries possible with the RFID handheld device
handheld devices. The ability to store warning thresholds and ■ Customer-definable warning and maximum thresholds
maximum values for the number of print cycles makes seamless
process control possible. For example, when the threshold level ■ Warning threshold optimize ordering processes and in-house
is reached, the system can use this information to order a new logistics
stencil. The necessary data can also be stored on the RFID ■ Reaching the maximum threshold stops the printing process;
tag. When the maximum value is reached, the printer stops the it can only be overwritten by authorized personnel
printing process. ■ Only available for the DEK NeoHorizon platform

Smart Stencil – Application and positioning

Stencil with
Adhesive stencil
DEK VectorGuard™ framing solutions

Smart Stencil Smart Stencil

mit RFID tag mit RFID tag



The RFID tag must be 18 mm 1 mm

positioned on the left side
centered to the print layout.

18 mm 1 mm


Part number Part number

SAP Description Unit SAP Description Unit
03216102-01 Smart Printer Hardware (DEK Horizon) Each 03221004-01 Smart Printer Hardware MPU (DEK Horizon) Each
03215953-01 Smart Printer Hardware (DEK NeoHorizons 03221003-01 Smart Printer Hardware MPU
Each Each
and DEK Galaxy) (DEK NeoHorizons and DEK Galaxy)
03216105-01 Offline Unit (EU and ETSI Model) Each
03220448-01 Offline Unit (US and FCC Model) Each
03216909-01 RFID Tag Each
03216106-01 RFID Multi Pack & Fitment guide 50

26 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
the global
No. 1
Process Support Products

28 | Process Support Products | Content

Stencil frame solutions
Improving the print process and boosting throughput
Stencil frame solutions

DEK VectorGuard™ frame solutions 32

DEK Mesh-mounted frame solution 35

30 | Process Support Products | Stencil frame solutions

Stencil frame solutions
DEK stencil frame solutions give your stencil additional stability,
ensure proper and even tension, and extend their service life.
You build a foundation for stable printing processes with your
choice of patented DEK VectorGuard frames or aluminum fa-
mes for your DEK stencils. Both are available in a wide range
of sizes to fit any stencil.

DEK VectorGuard™ frame solutions
ASMPT’s patented, award-winning DEK VectorGuardTM System is the industry
standard for high-performance stencil frame technology to facilitate fast
changeover, tension control and longer lifetime.

ASMPT invented the unique DEK VectorGuard™ single-frame The DEK VectorGuardTM frame system is available in both a
stencil system and replaced older industry mechanisms that classic version and a high tension version to address varying
were cumbersome, malfunction-prone and unsafe for operators manufacturing needs.
with a simple, air pressure-controlled frame design. Today,
DEK VectorGuard™ is the industry benchmark for high quality
stencil technologies, ideal for fast changeover and product DEK VectorGuardTM Classic frame
The proven, original DEK VectorGuardTM Classic frame system is
In addition to its changeover advantages, DEK VectorGuard TM
ideal for standard SMT processes that do not generally employ
delivers consistent tension over the life of the stencil. Traditional ultra-fine-pitch, highly miniaturized dimensions. Cost-effective
mesh-mounted stencils have initial high tension but, with use and and versatile, DEK VectorGuardTM Classic delivers the benefits
cleaning, the elasticity of the stencil mesh can weaken, resulting of quick changeover, simplified storage, operator safety and low
in areas of “sag” that can adversely affect stencil aperture to pad cost-of-ownership.
alignment and printing yields.

Features and benefits: DEK VectorGuardTM High Tension frame

■ Unique mechanical tensioning system that secures the foil in
DEK VectorGuardTM High Tension frame, which is compatible
the frame
with all DEK VectorGuardTM foils, is designed specifically for
■ Evenly distributed tension across the entire stencil processes that integrate miniaturized dimensions and require
■ Greater, more consistent tension over the life of the stencil as extreme solder paste deposit definition. The DEK VectorGuardTM
compared to mesh-mounted stencils High Tension frame provides 45% greater tension than the
■ No epoxy bonds that can degrade or break down over time DEK VectorGuardTM Classic frame, facilitating superior material
transfer efficiency for small dimension printing.
■ Easy-to-use and operator-safe
■ Reduces stencil storage space requirements by as much
as 75%
■ Global availability and support

32 | Process Support Products | Stencil frame solutions

DEK VectorGuard™ FRAME
Part number Description Available stencil types
Stainless Nickel laser DEK E-Formed Tension Adaptable
SAP DEK steel cut PumpPrintTM to 29 x 29“

03128711 800023 VG260 High Tension

23 x 23 x 1.2“ (584 x 584 x 30 mm) · · · ≈ 47N
03130410 800029 VG265 wide High Tension
29 x 29 x 1.2“ (736 x 736 x 30 mm) · ≈ 47N

03130429 800039 VG265 High Tension

29 x 23 x 1.2“ (736 x 548 x 30 mm) · · · ≈ 47N
03128796 430585 VG260
23 x 23 x 1.2“ (584 x 584 x 30 mm) · · · · ≈ 32N
03130214 430586 VG265
23 x 29 x 1.2“ (584 x 736 x 30 mm) · ≈ 32N
03130215 430587 VG265 wide
· · ·
≈ 32N
29 x 29 x 1.2“ (736 x 736 x 30 mm)
03132464 186770 VG 650 x 550
650 x 550 mm · · · ≈ 32N

Note: 1. Limited stencil thickness 5, 6, 7 and 8 mils


Part number Description Remarks
03130337 430905 Wash-frame for VG260 stencils Bottom profile 40 x 40 mm, VG stencil to slide in from the top
03134676 430906 Wash-frame for VG265 stencils Bottom profile 40 x 40 mm, VG stencil to slide in from the top
03130339 430907 Wash-frame for VG265 wide stencils Bottom profile 40 x 40 mm, VG stencil to slide in from the top
03127432 430887 Repair kit without tools Kit includes all materials to re-tube a frame
03131166 186680 Pneumatic fitting Tube fitting to connect to the tube (red head)
03128687 430646 Sidebar set to adapt 23" frame to 29" Adaptor bars to adapt a 23 x 23" or 23 x 29" to a 29 x 29" size
03138776 186826 BOM 248 VG ROLLER SET OF 4 VG roller set to load VG frame into DEK 248 printer
03132620 430022 AIR PRESSURE FITTING Replacement air fitting for VG frames
03133878 430451 VG ESD Cassette 23x23" Black ESD storage cassette for VG (23"x23") stencil, black
03133877 430452 VG ESD Cassette 23x29" Black ESD storage cassette for VG (23"x29") stencil, black
03132622 430609 ESD Plastic Cassette Hook ESD Hook for ESD storage cassette
03162857 800033 VG Service Kit Level 1 Service Please contact your local PSP sales representative
03162858 800034 VG Service Kit Level 2 Service Please contact your local PSP sales representative
03162859 800036 VG Service Kit Level 1 Upgrade Please contact your local PSP sales representative
00152975 800050 Annual Maintenance VG 23x23 (30 mm) Please contact your local PSP sales representative
00152976 800051 Annual Maintenance VG 23x29 Please contact your local PSP sales representative
00152977 800052 Annual Maintenance VG 29x29 Please contact your local PSP sales representative
00152979 800053 Calibration & Certification VG 23x23 (30 mm) Please contact your local PSP sales representative
00152980 800054 Calibration & Certification VG 23x29 Please contact your local PSP sales representative
00152981 800055 Calibration & Certification VG 29x29 Please contact your local PSP sales representative
00152966 800059 Annual Maintenance VG 23x23 (26 mm) Please contact your local PSP sales representative
00152978 800060 Calibration & Certification VG 23x23 (26 mm) Please contact your local PSP sales representative
03137294 800062 Annual Maintenance VG 600x550 / VG 650x550 Please contact your local PSP sales representative
03242331 VG Airline High Tension Kit
03258506 VG Airline Classic Kit

See also Stencils and screens storage on page 55 for DEK VectorGuardTM cabinets.


29” (736 mm) 29” (736 mm)

23” (584 mm)

VG 260
VG 260 Centre adapted VG 260
23” P/N 430585 29” P/N 430585 Front adapted
(584 mm) (736 mm) with P/N 430585
P/N 430646 with
P/N 430646

VG 265
29” VG 265 VG 265 wide
P/N 430586
(736 mm) P/N 430586 P/N 430587
P/N 430646

VG Asia VG Asia
550 mm 600 x 550 mm Adapted
650 x 550 mm

600 mm 650 mm

34 | Process Support Products | Stencil frame solutions

DEK Mesh-mounted frame solution
Robust aluminum construction to exact manufacturing specifications ensures
DEK Mesh-mounted frames provide optimum stencil stability
for modern SMT print processes.

ASMPT can provide DEK Mesh-mounted frames

in a variety of sizes:
■ DEK 260 23”x23” (40 mm x 584 mm x 584 mm)
■ DEK 265 29”x29” (40 mm x 736 mm x 736 mm)
■ 40 mm x 600 mm x 550 mm
■ 40 mm x 650 mm x 550 mm
■ Space saver 29” x 29” (10 mm x 736 mm x 736 mm)

By request, non-standard framed stencils can be supplied;

please contact your local representative.

Process Support Products

36 | Process Support Products | Stencil frame solutions

Substrate support solutions
Highest and profitable yield
PCB support solutions

Singulated Substrates Support 40

DEK Multiple Alignment of Singulated
Substrates (MASS) 41
DEK Topside Reference System (TRS) 42
DEK Virtual Panel Tooling (VPT) 43

PCB Standard Support 44

Flex Support 44
Custom dedicated tooling 46
DEK PCB pallet solutions 49
DEK Grid-Lok™ 50
DEK Grid-Lok™ Gold 51
DEK Grid-Lok™ Silver 52
DEK Grid-Lok™ spare parts 54
DEK Support bars 55

38 | Process Support Products | PCB support solutions

PCB support solutions
Having a solid and even support for the substrate is a key to Functions and benefits of SMT toolings:
a high yield and more efficiency in screen and stencil printing.
■ Improved performance
ASMPT offers a broad spectrum of custom-tailored, automatic
and modular toolings and carrier systems for virtually any ■ More efficiency
production requirement. ■ Reduced costs
■ More capabilities
Solutions for supporting previously singulated substrates
■ Technological leadership
ensure maximum efficiency and precision in these innovative
and increasingly popular printing processes for particularly
demanding applications. ASMPT supplies a choice of different
tooling versions with mechanical and optical alignment.

For classic panel printing applications, ASMPT offers a broad

spectrum of support solutions ranging from application-specific
tooling and carrier system to DEK Flex Support and highly
flexible DEK Grid-Lok™ solutions whose support pins adapt
automatically to any requirements and topology.

Singulated Substrates Support
Singulated Substrates Support allows you to operate innovative process chains
where only substrates that have been singulated and tested as good are printed
to maximize your yield and productivity.

DEK Multiple Alignment of

Singulated Substrates (MASS)

±12.5 μm

DEK Topside Reference

Typical Alignment Accuracy @ 2 Cp

System (TRS)
±25 μm

DEK Virtual Panel

Tooling (VPT)
±30 μm

±75 μm


The growing complexity and density of applications increases Benefits:

the proportion of faulty substrates. Moving substrates marked
■ Combined printing of singulated substrates
as faulty through the process hurts your yield and productivity –
even if they are not printed and populated with components. ■ More printing and line productivity
■ Available for different DEK printers
Singulated Substrates Support solutions provide a remedy. They ■ Accuracy levels up to 12.5 µm @ 2 Cp
allow you to transport, align and efficiently populate up to 72
■ Precise printing processes
singulated substrates in accordance with the respective degree
of accuracy required. ■ Less mechanical stress on the circuit board (due to upstream
substrate separation)

40 | Process Support Products | PCB support solutions

DEK Multiple Alignment of
Singulated Substrates (MASS)
Multiple substrates are optically aligned at the same time – a technological
breakthrough for efficient and high-precision printing processes with
singulated substrates.

With DEK MASS, which sets new standards for printing Features and benefits:
processes with singulated substrates, ASMPT offers a perfect
■ Scalable design
solution for particularly demanding applications such as
smartphone panels, etc. ■ Maximum precision thanks to optical alignment
(up to 12.5 µm @ 2 Cp)
The printer’s vision system detects the fiducials on each sub- ■ Simultaneous alignment via movable tooling towers
strate before aligning it individually with an accuracy of up to guarantees short cycle times
12.5 µm @ 2 Cp via movable, application-specific tooling towers ■ Vacuum fixation
(X, Y, theta) and vacuum-holding it in place for the printing pro-
■ Surround plate for pressure optimization
cess. The alignment after the measurement happens simulta-
neously for all substrates while they are raised from the carrier. ■ Maximum efficiency for demanding applications
This minimizes cycle times and guarantees maximum efficiency. ■ Technological leadership
■ Retrofittable
DEK MASS is produced as an application-specific tooling.
DEK NeoHorizon printing platforms with the new table design
can be retrofitted with DEK MASS at any time.

DEK Topside Reference System (TRS)
The DEK Topside Reference System (TRS) for up to 72 singulated substrates adapts
to tolerances in the substrate thickness and achieves more accuracy with its “active
surround” technology.

DEK Topside Referencing System (TRS) is advanced tooling Features and benefits:
engineered to handle and align singulated substrates from a
■ Enables imaging of singulated substrates in a single print
carrier to enable mass imaging. Leveraging the concepts of the
stroke for increased throughput
award-winning Virtual Panel Tooling technology, DEK TRS moves
singulated device processing to the next level. ■ Compatible with various carrier types: J-boats, JEDEC tray,
Flat Boat and custom carriers
Specifically designed to address assembly complexities as flip ■ Effectiveness confirmed on challenging components such as
chip manufacture moves to smaller pin pitch, thin-core and LGA, BGA, 01005 passives and 0.25 mm - 0.3 mm BGA pad
coreless technologies, DEK TRS provides edge alignment of size, 0.5 mm pad pitch
multiple substrates into a virtual panel to facilitate multi-part ■ Fast cycle time, typically less than 30 seconds
printing with a single stroke. DEK TRS has proven its success
■ Reliable alignment of substrates that have different thicknesses
with processor, SMT, ceramic and sensor applications, though its
or are warped thanks to the topside reference plate and the
relevance for mass imaging of challenging products is unlimited.
Z-Lock mechanism
■ Active surround plate for more accuracy

42 | Process Support Products | PCB support solutions

DEK Virtual Panel Tooling (VPT)
DEK Virtual Panel Tooling provides an efficient way to boost throughput for
singulated substrates by printing multiple parts with a single print stroke.

DEK Virtual Panel Tooling (VPT) allows the printer to process Features and benefits:
multiple individual substrates in a single print cycle. The
■ Parallel processing of singulated substrates for more
substrates are presented to the printer in a carrier and are then
throughput – eliminates delays caused by the sequential
lifted out, mechanically centered (aligned) and placed into a
printing/dispensing of individual substrates
surrounding plate to create a “virtual panel” prior to coming in
contact with the stencil and then mass imaged. ■ Scalable design for the simultaneous printing to 2 to 72
singulated substrates
In combination with a DEK printer, DEK VPT offers a high- ■ Highly efficient mechanical alignment
throughput, low-cost alternative to dispensing for many flip-chip ■ Surround plate for pressure optimization
packaging processes and other advanced applications, including
■ Retrofittable on existing DEK printer platforms
sensors, PCBs and thermal interface materials (TIMs).

PSP Standard Support

Flex Support Solution

DEK Grid-LokTM
DEK Support Bars

Magnetic pins
f ety
ghe r sa
r s, hi
eo ve
etup c han g
F aster s

Flexibility, short setup times and traceability – we offer

the optimal support solution for all requirements.

Flex Support Solution

A support solution that quickly pays off. Our modular support
solution delivers maximum flexibility and the fastest setup

Flex Support is the innovative support solution

that gives you maximum flexibility. The secret is
its modular design. The Flex Support Base Tower
System gets adapted to the respective printer
platform, including printers from manufacturers other
than DEK. The system stays in the printer and keeps
it open to all applications you want to support.

The second component are the Flex Support

plates we manufacture on demand for your specific
application. The advantage: You can mount each
plate flexibly and quickly – without any tools – on any
printer equipped with the Flex Support base tower
system and start printing with minimal setup time.
Even your warehouse will be happy because only the
support plates must be stored and made available.

44 | Process Support Products | PCB support solutions

Flex Support Base Tower System Flex Support Plates

This component is adapted to the respective printing platform Support plates suitable for the Support Flex Base Tower Systems
and remains in the printer. That way, the printer is always ready – optionally manufactured for specific applications. Plates can be
to support a wide range of applications. installed quickly without tools.

Functions and benefits: Functions and benefits:

■ Easily adjustable in size (80 to 300 mm) ■ Four models:
■ Stays in the printer, i.e. one system for all applications - 1st/2nd pass (support for unpopulated or previously
■ Available for DEK Horizon, DEK NeoHorizon, and DEK TQ populated PCBs)

■ Also available for printing platforms from other manufacturers - With or without vacuum

■ Play-and-play fastening without screws ■ Anodized surfaces for easy cleaning

■ Low weight for easy handling and storage
■ Delivery
- Measurement protocol for each support plate
Part number Description
- Application-specific support plates as per the customer’s
03176910-01 Flex Support Tower – DEK
03177829-02 Flex Support Tower – DEK TQ platform
03177491-02 Flex Support Schnaidt Tower – DEK
03176911-01 Flex Support Tower – EKRA
Material Spec EN AW7075
Other Tower on request
Surface Hard Anodised
Tower Height 58.7 mm +0/-0.02 mm
FLEX SUPPORT PLATE OVERVIEW Tool plate Thickness 22.3 mm +0/- 0.02 mm
Part number Description PCB Bottom Ref. Height 81 mm
SAP Applicable PCB Size min (L/W) 100 mm/100 mm
03176914-01 1st Pass Plate (22.3 mm) Applicable PCB Size max (L/W) 550 mm/450 mm
03176916-01 1st Pass Vacuum Plate (22.3 mm) Applicable PCB thickness 0.8 mm to 10 mm
03176915-01 2nd Pass Plate (22.3 mm) Vacuum Option Yes
03176917-01 2nd Pass Vacuum Plate (22.3 mm) Weight tower 2.3 kg


DEK Micron DEK TQ EKRA YAMAHA MPM (Edison) MPM (Accela/ Panasonic
Series Series (Serio/X5) Momentum) (SPG/Sp series)
1st Standard non-vac 22.3 mm – –
2nd Standard non-vac 22.3 mm – –
1st Vacuum 22.3 mm – – –
2nd Vacuum 22.3 mm – – –

Custom dedicated tooling

Custom dedicated tooling solutions are designed for optimal Benefits:

substrate support and the best quality print. Because any
■ Process safety and control
movement or incorrect positioning of the substrate during
processing can result in defects, ASMPT employs proven design ■ Increased stencil life
concepts and solid manufacturing methods to safeguard against ■ Reduced cleaning schedule
these issues. An additional benefit: the side support of the ■ Increased squeegee speed
squeegee, that will improve not only the lifetime of the stencil
■ Avoid or reduce short circuits
significantly, but also the print quality.
■ Avoid or reduce paste residue
From support for standard PCBs to flexible boards and ultra- ■ Minimized line downtime
fine-pitch board geometries to singulated products, ASMPT ■ Improved print quality
offers a variety of dedicated tooling solutions. In addition
to DEK printers, dedicated tooling is compatible with most
commercialized screen printing platforms, placement machines,
inspection equipment and test systems.

46 | Process Support Products | PCB support solutions

Data format Gerber, HPGL, IGES, DXF, STEP, STL
Finish option Standard tool finish – sand blasted, natural (Other by request)
Stencil support ProFlow, squeegee, jetting, other*
Vacuum option Requires a vacuum option to be fitted to the target machine
Aluminium plate (standard size) Up to 550 x 270 x 50 mm
Surface flatness <0.05 mm
Aluminium plate (maximum size) Up to 550 x 450 x 150 mm
Surface flatness <0.1 mm
Dedicated Tower (Support bar or H-tower) 55.6 mm +0 mm / -0.025 mm
Compatible with ASMPT printer Tooling solutions available for the complete range of DEK printers
Tooling solutions for Non ASMPT printers MPM, EKRA etc (please contact us with your machine type)

Tooling Type

1st pass – for a blank PCB with no components fitted typically Depending on the process required, it is often more cost-
means a flat support surface on the tool. 2nd pass – for a PCB effective to design a 2nd pass-capable tooling block that can
with components fitted to one side. This means the support also be used for the 1st pass requirement.
surface will have pockets to avoid the components on the PCB.
Vacuum capability can be added to either tooling design for the
most effective support surface.

Part number Description
03175938-01 Dedicated narrow tower with vacuum for DEK TQ printer (incl. 2 support pins)
03154262-01 Dedicated narrow tower with vacuum (incl. 2 support pins)
03154264-01 Dedicated narrow tower without vacuum (incl. 2 support pins)
03154263-01 Dedicated narrow tower dual lane (incl. 2 support pins)
03154261-01 Dedicated H-tower (incl. 2 support pins)
03154265-01 Dedicated narrow tower without vacuum 0.6 mm holes (incl. 2 support pins)
03154266-01 Dedicated flat leg support (2 pcs)
03154267-01 Support bar 400 x 25 x 81 mm
03154268-01 DEK Classic Support Plates (25.4 mm) - 1st pass non-vacuum
03154270-01 DEK Classic Support Plates (25.4 mm) - 1st pass with vacuum
03154269-01 DEK Classic Support Plates (25.4 mm) - 2nd pass non-vacuum
03154271-01 DEK Classic Support Plates (25.4 mm) - 2nd pass with vacuum

Stencil Board


1st pass tooling support (flat plate) 2nd pass tooling support with routed component pockets

Single routed tooling plate to support side 1 and 2

(1st and 2nd pass tooling plate)

Support tower

Customers can use an existing stock tooling plate or

specify a new tooling plate to be supplied with the

For DEK printers, the current standard machine

mounting hardware is called the "Narrow Tower". This
is supplied with two additional pillars that are fitted to
the rear side of the tooling plate.

A single tower can be used with many tooling plates,

if required. The tower has alignment pins that
interface with the rising table to ensure a repeatable
and accurate fitting to the target machine.
‘Narrow Tower’ for DEK printers


Standard vacuum capability is added to the tooling

plate in the form of pockets, holes or channels which
are then routed through to the support tower.

Vacuum cups and O-ring seals, flat gaskets and

custom seals are available and can be applied to the
design as an option when required.

‘Narrow Tower’ with tooling plate

Tooling tolerances

For standard tooling products, manufacturing and

inspection is carried out in accordance with the
tolerances as shown in the image on the left.

■ Process safety and control
■ Increase stencil lifetime
■ Reduced cleaning schedule – improved PPH
■ Increased squeegee speed
■ Avoid / reduce short circuits
■ Avoid / reduce paste residue
■ Minimize line downtime
■ Improved print quality

48 | Process Support Products | PCB support solutions

DEK PCB pallet solution
Electronics miniaturization driven by mobile electronics, wearables, high-
density connectors and LED strips require printing onto flexible PCBs, small
boards and odd-shaped substrates. These applications need fixed pallets for
robust transport through the SMT process.

DEK PCB pallets

Transport pallets, flex pallets, and singulation pallets

Pallets facilitate the transport and printing of challenging substrates which

may be too small, flexible or odd-shaped for standard printing processes.
ASMPT can custom design and manufacture pallets in varying quantities,
depending on specific requirements.

Pallets are typically made of Durastone to withstand high oven temperatures.

Other materials are available on request.

DEK Wafer pallet

Standard wafer pallet – A lightweight (approx. 4 kg) wafer pallet that uses
vacuum grooves to secure and hold the wafer.

Precision wafer pallet – A heavy pallet option that requires an additional

machine transport rail upgrade. This pallet has a high flatness specification
and utilizes a porus material to support the wafer and maintain vacuum.

Both the standard and precision pallets utilize a wafer shim to contain the
wafer. Wafer sizes of 100 mm to 300 mm with thicknesses of 150 um and
above can be accommodated. Both systems are fitted with wafer ejector pins
to release the wafer from the pallet, allowing a wafer handler to process the
wafer before and after the print.

Key benefits:
■ Consistent flatness, stable printing, process control
■ Pallet size: 400 mm x 400 mm
■ Wafer diameters: 4/5/6/8/12 inches (100 mm to 300 mm)
■ Wafer thickness: 150 µm to 600 µm
■ The wafer is vacuum-secured during transport; automatic and
manual operation
■ Custom solutions available
■ Data formats: Gerber, DXF, DWG
■ Material: Durastone, aluminum and sintered stainless steel.

DEK Grid-Lok™ premium automatic
substrate PCB support for SMT processes
Unique, patented automatic pin array technology facilitates fast product
changeover and unmatched substrate support.

Recognizing the need for a flexible alternative to dedicated and System components:
more costly substrate support, ASMPT developed the multi-
■ Control box to provide module(s) – machine interface
award winning, patented DEK Grid-LokTM system which remains
the industry’s premier automatic tooling solution. ■ Hand controller to set operating mode
■ Up to 6 DEK Grid-LokTM modules
Designed to accommodate assemblies of all types – from basic ■ Field installation kit
SMT to high-density, highly miniaturized products – DEK Grid-
■ Manifold used to support up to 6 modules
LokTM is the best total process substrate support technology on
the market. ■ Machine-specific fitting tools
■ Machine-specific interface (sensor or pneumatic input
Key benefits: to start the pin raise and clamp cycle)
■ High versatility ■ All interconnecting hardware
■ Unparalleled flexibility
■ Minimal operator intervention
■ Reduced or zero changeover time
■ No risk of component damage

System requirements:
■ Air pressure: 80-102 PSI (0.55-0.7 Mpa)
■ Air quality: 2.3.3 where 2 (dirt) = 1 micron, 3 (water) = -20° C
pressure dew point and 3 (oil) = 1 mg/m3
■ 120-240 AC supply to provide 24 VDC to power control box

50 | Process Support Products | PCB support solutions

DEK Grid-Lok™ Gold
DEK Grid-LokTM Gold provides robust, adaptable board support
for screen printing and testing processes.

Module specifications:
Depending on the specific machine application, the modules
have the following specifications:
■ Available tooling heights 39 mm to 98 mm
■ Available module lengths: 305 mm, 457 mm
■ Component clearance: 13 mm to 40 mm
■ Pin count
- Module width: 32 mm
- 305 mm – 46 pins configured in 2 rows on a
12 mm x18 mm pitch
- 457 mm – 70 pins configured in 2 rows on a
12 mm x18 mm pitch
- Pin setting force – 5 grams per pin
- Pin cap – electrically conductive silicone rubber compound

Stencil printers: DEK Grid-Lok™ GOLD KITS

Part number Controller/ Manifold(s) included Included in all kits
■ ASMPT description
■ Ekra 03140727 KIT_111 111_CTL – single 1 each, 006_MAN, INC_FIK - Field Installation Kit, 002_CON
table system manifold for 6 modules – Handheld controller/holder (only for single
■ Ersa
table system), 6 each twin leashes per
03136308 KIT_211 211_CTL – dual 2 each, 006_MAN, manifold, all necessary fittings, tubes and
■ Juki GKG table system manifolds for 12 modules air pipes for kit installation
■ MPM Speedline Note: 077_SBA – optical sensor which is not included in the kit, may be required if the host machine doesn’t have pneumatic activated board clamps. Please
consult your local ASMPT representative for more information.
■ Panasonic
■ Speedprint
■ Yamaha Height (mm) Part numbers Equipment
GOLD, HD, 12 inch modules Gold, HD, 18 inch modules
39 03132658 GHD3912 03130467 GHD3918 MPM Momentum, Accela, Accuflex
41 03132059 GHD4112 03131865 GHD4118 Panasonic SP18, 60, 70, 80, SPG
59 03148495 GHD5912 03148496 GHD5918 Speedprint
65 03132660 GHD6512 03148498 GHD6518 Juki GKG
67 03140916 GHD6712 03140833 GHD6718 Yamaha YSP
81 03130368 GHD8112 03128499 GHD8118 ASMPT
87 03130475 GHD8712 03130371 GHD8718 Ekra
98 03136187 GHD9812 03140858 GHD9818 Ersa

DEK Grid-Lok™ Silver
DEK Grid-LokTM Silver is ideal for placement processes, where substrate support
requires robustness and protection against vibration.

Module specifications:
Depending on the specific machine application, the modules
have the following specifications:
■ Available tooling heights: 53 mm to 135 mm
■ Module length: 355 mm and 254 mm (for few heights)
■ Module width: 32 mm
■ Pin count: 27 pins configured in 2 rows, on a
25 mm x 20 mm pitch
■ Component clearance: 16.5 mm
■ Pin cap – electrically conductive silicone rubber compound

System requirements:
■ Air pressure: 80-102 PSI (0.55-0.7 MPa)
■ Air quality: 2.3.3 where 2 (dirt) = 1 micron, 3 (water)
= -20° C pressure dew point and 3 (oil) = 1 mg/m3
■ 120-240 AC supply to provide 24 VDC to power control box


Part number Controller/ Manifold(s) included Included in all kits
SAP DEK description

03140727 KIT_111 111_CTL – Single 1 each, 006_MAN, INC_FIK - Field Installation Kit, 002_CON
Table System manifold for 6 modules – Handheld controller/holder (only for single
table system), 6 each twin leashes per
03136308 KIT_211 211_CTL – Dual 2 each, 006_MAN, manifold, all necessary fittings, tubes and
Table System manifolds for 12 modules air pipes for kit installation
Note: 077_SBA – optical sensor which is not included in the kit, may be required if the host machine doesn’t have pneumatic activated board clamps. Please
consult your local ASMPT representative for more information.

Placement systems:
■ Assembleon
■ Fuji
■ I-pulse
■ Juki
■ Panasonic
■ Samsung
■ Universal
■ Yamaha

52 | Process Support Products | PCB support solutions


Height (mm) Controller Part number Equipment

Silver, MD, 10 inch modules Silver, MD, 14 inch modules
53 single 03132669 GMD5310A 03131866 GMD5314A Fuji NXT M3, M6 single
53 dual 03132669 GMD5310A 03131866 GMD5314A Fuji NXT M3, M6 dual
57 single N/A N/A 03148514 GMD5714A UIC
57 dual N/A N/A 03148514 GMD5714A UIC
65 single N/A N/A 03148517 GMD6514A Juki, GKG
67 single N/A N/A 03132674 GMD6714A Yamaha YSP
70 single N/A N/A 03148501 GMD7014A Panasonic NPM, I-Pulse
76 single N/A N/A 03132681 GMD7614A Yamaha YS12
76 dual 03148520 GMD7610AM* N/A N/A Yamaha YS24
77 single N/A N/A 03136228 GMD7714A ASMPT (SIPLACE F, C, S)
81 single N/A N/A 03136229 GMD8114A ASMPT (DEK)
87 single N/A N/A 03148521 GMD8714A Ekra
97 single N/A N/A 03136230 GMD9714A ASMPT (SIPLACE D, SIPLACE SX), Juki
97 dual N/A N/A 03136230 GMD9714A ASMPT (SIPLACE X), Juki FX-3
97 quad N/A N/A 03136230 GMD9714A ASMPT (SIPLACE X), SIPLACE HS
98 single N/A N/A 03148522 GMD9814A Ersa
132 single N/A N/A 03141189 GMD1324A Samsung SM421
134 single N/A N/A 03141190 GMD1344A Samsung SM481, 482
134 dual N/A N/A 03141190 GMD1344A Samsung SM471
* Hybrid modules


Height (mm) Part number Equipment

Silver, MD, 10 inch modules Silver, MD, 14 inch modules
53 03130374 GMD5310M 03128587 GMD5314M Fuji NXT M3, M6
57 N/A N/A 03132672 GMD5714M UIC
65 N/A N/A 03148518 GMD6514M Juki GKG
67 N/A N/A 03132676 GMD6714M Yamaha YSP
70 N/A N/A 03138817 GMD7014M Panasonic NPM, I-Pulse
76 03132680 GMD7610M 03132683 GMD7614M Yamaha YS12, YS24
77 N/A N/A 03132685 GMD7714M ASMPT (SIPLACE F, C, S)
81 N/A N/A 03128560 GMD8114M ASMPT (DEK)
87 N/A N/A 03128591 GMD8714M Ekra
97 N/A N/A 03128624 GMD9714M SIPLACE D, SX, Juki
98 N/A N/A 03148523 GMD9814M Ersa, Takaya off line
132 N/A N/A 03132667 GMD1324M Samsung SM421
134 N/A N/A 03141332 GMD1344M Samsung SM481, 482, 471

DEK Grid-Lok™ spare parts


Part number Description
03128574 025_TIP ESD rubber top caps for GSX old modules (25 pcs)
03128754 100_TIP ESD rubber top caps for GSX old modules (100 pcs)
03128569 025_UTP ESD rubber top caps for GHD gold modules (25 pcs)
03128778 100_UTP ESD rubber top caps for GHD gold modules (100 pcs)
03128582 025_TMP ESD rubber top caps for GMD silver modules (25 pcs)
03130302 100_TMP ESD rubber top caps for GMD silver modules (100 pcs)
03128792 025_TSP ESD rubber top caps for GHD 39mm MPM gold modules (25 pcs)
03130303 100_TSP ESD rubber top caps for GHD 39mm MPM gold modules (100 pcs)
03128623 018_PRK Pin repair kit old GSX 81mm DEK modules (25 pcs)
03128779 881_PRK Pin repair kit gold GHD 81mm DEK modules (25 pcs)
03128713 887_PRK Pin repair kit gold GHD 87mm Ekra modules (25 pcs)
03142684 009_PRK Pin repair kit old GSX 75mm Panasonic modules (10 pcs)
03128733 818_PRK Pin repair kit gold GHD 39mm MPM modules (10 pcs)
03132652 062_PRK Pin repair kit gold GHD 62mm Takaya modules (25 pcs)
03132651 053_PRK Pin repair kit silver GMD modules (10 pcs)
03128695 006_MAN Manifold (pneumatic connector) with 6 outputs
03128699 006_SMF Quick silver connect fitting female for manifold (6 pcs)
03130459 006_RMF Quick red connect fitting female for manifold (6 pcs)
03136066 006_AFT 90 deg fitting 1/4" tube
03130301 006_FLO Air flow controller fitting for the manifold
03130460 018_FLO Air flow controller fitting for GHD gold and GMD silver modules (5 pcs)
03130300 005_LEA Twin tubing leashes for all modules (5 pcs)
03148504 041_BLA Board lifters set 41mm (Panasonic SP)
03132653 067_BLA Board lifters set 67mm (Yamaha YSP)
03128724 087_BLA Board lifters set 87mm (Ekra)
03128500 077_SBA Optical sensor with magnetic Base
03130304 111_CTL Single Table DEK Grid-Lok™ controller
03132655 211_CTL Double Table DEK Grid-Lok™ controller
03128656 002_CON DEK Grid-Lok™ hand held remote control
03130298 001_DCP 24 volt power supply
03139626 005_SFT Straight fitting 5/32" tube x 10-32 thread for all modules
03144459 005_AFT 90 deg fitting 5/32" tube x 10-32 thread for old GSX modules
03132654 111_VAL Valve for control box 111_CTL
03148506 111_PSI Pressure sensor for 111_CTL
03148505 111_PCB Programmed circuit board for 111_CTL
03148507 211_PCB Programmed circuit board for 211_CTL
03128723 518_MAG Adhesive magnetic tape (5 pcs)
03132650 010_PIP Pin in paste jig 10" Silver module (jig to keep selected pins down )
03131335 012_PIP Pin in paste jig 12" gold module (jig to keep selected pins down )
03143235 014_PIP Pin in paste jig 14" silver module (jig to keep selected pins down )
03131852 018_PIP Pin in paste jig 18" gold module (jig to keep selected pins down )
03148494 553_PST Plastic piston for the silver modules (5 pcs)
03148487 018_ORS Orange rubber piston stoppers for the gold modules (50 pcs)
03178218 Connecting pin to the piston for DEK Grid-Lok™ Silver manual modules (5 pcs)
03178219 Conical springs for DEK Grid-Lok™ Silver manual modules (20 pcs)

54 | Process Support Products | PCB support solutions

DEK Support bars
Our support bars are an extremely flexible and easy-to-
handle support option.

DEK support bars serve as a quick and universal support solution Module specifications:
for PCBs to be printed on one side only and other substrates.
■ Length: 400 mm
The operator places the DEK support bar manually on the
printing table between the conveyors. That way, a wide range of ■ Wide: 25 mm
PCBs and substrates can be printed after a short setup time. ■ Height: 81 mm
■ Weight: ~2kg
Features and benefits:
■ Cost-effective solution for PCBs to be printed on one side only
■ Average setup time
■ Placement by the operator


Part number Description
03154267 173658 TLG DED BAR 400 × 25 × 81 Support
On request: TGL DED BAR 250 × 25 × 81 Support
03180985-01 TLG DED BAR 380 × 25 × 81 Support TQ
03177469-01 TLG DED BAR 400 × 40 × 81 Support

Process Support Products

56 | Process Support Products | PCB support solutions

Stencil storage systems
Minimizing floor space and changeover times
Stencil storage systems

DEK VectorGuard™ cabinet 60

DEK VectorGuard™ tower cabinet 61
DEK VectorGuard™ mobile cabinet 61
DEK VectorGuard™ working station 62
DEK Mesh-mounted stencils/
DEK Precision screens storage 62

58 | Process Support Products | Stencils and screens storage

Stencil storage systems
DEK VectorGuardTM has revolutionized the paste printing ASMPT has also developed a whole range of stencil cabinets
process. Instead of having to use separate mesh-mounted to properly secure your investment. With the cabinets you
frames for each stencil, DEK VectorGuardTM features easy-to- make sure that stencils and frames are always in the right
use foil mounting technology that saves up to 75% of storage place and at hand when needed.
space for stencils.

Stencil storage systems
Stencils and screens are a large investment; storing them properly will protect
their value and prolong the usable life while providing organized, easy access.
ASMPT has designed a complete portfolio of storage solutions for stencils and

DEK VectorGuard™ cabinet

■ Ideal storage for 96 DEK VectorGuard™ stencils
■ Special stainless steel adjustable, numbered runners for easy
retrieval and return
■ A practical drawer for convenient access and out-of-sight
storage for all consumables and printing tools, such as
■ Optional doors for additional stencil protection and safe-

DEK VectorGuard™ CABINET

Part number Description Size (mm)
03128746 431190 DEK VectorGuard™ cabinet 260/265 excl. doors 2000 H x 1000 W x 620 D
03130343 431180 DEK VectorGuard™ cabinet 260/265 incl. doors 2000 H x 1000 W x 620 D
03128717 431191 DEK VectorGuard™ cabinet 265 excl. doors 2000 H x 1000 W x 765 D
03130345 431181 DEK VectorGuard™ cabinet 265 ncl. doors 2000 H x 1000 W x 765 D

60 | Process Support Products | Stencils and screens storage

DEK VectorGuard™ tower cabinet
■ Includes practical hanging runner to store away items quickly
and safely
■ Holds 100 stencil foils
■ Accommodates all common stencil foil sizes
■ Stencil foil size 584 mm x 584 mm (23 x 23 inches)
■ Stencil foil size 584 mm x 736 mm (23 x 29 inches)
■ Stencil foil size 736 mm x 736 mm (29 x 29 inches)


Part number Description Size (mm)
03130346 431183 DEK VectorGuard™ tower cabinet 2000 H x 1000 W x 765 D

DEK VectorGuard™ mobile cabinet

■ Storage of up to 50 hanging DEK VectorGuard™ stencil foils
■ Stencil foils size 584 mm x 584 mm (23 x 23 inches)
■ Mobility-enabled with wheel transport and stability brakes;
lockable doors
■ Cabinet height intentionally designed to enable production line
visibility at all times


Part number Description Size (mm)
03130353 431184 DEK VectorGuard™ mobile cabinet 1010 H x 1000 W x 620 D

DEK VectorGuard™ working station
■ Swift change of DEK VectorGuard™ stencils directly on the
production line
■ Lockable, anti-static ESD wheels
■ Frame brackets on both cabinet sides for DEK VectorGuard™
■ Lockable drawers in three different sizes for organized
arrangement of printing tools, for example:
- Drawer 1: Spatulas, cleaning wipes and swabs, shift plan/
- Drawer 2: Magnet pins, DEK Grid-Lok™, board clamps,
squeegee blades
- Drawer 3: Cleaning media, precision wipes, dedicated tooling


Part number Description Size (mm)
03130356 431188 DEK VectorGuard™ working station 928 H x 600 W x 750 D

DEK Mesh-mounted stencils or DEK Precision

screens storage system
■ Flexible storage solution for mesh-mounted stencils and
emulsion screens in different sizes; can also accommodate
DEK VectorGuardTM stencils
■ Robust, stainless steel working surface to facilitate manual
cleaning of stencils, squeegees and spatulas with different
cleaning substances
■ Multi-functional storage solution with drawer, adjustable
panel below the drawer and squeegee bracket holder to store
consumables and squeegees
■ Anti-static, lockable wheels and doors for easy transportation
through the production facility
■ Optional 20 stencil/screen storage with no drawer or shelf


Part number Description Size (mm)
03130367 431256 Stencils and screens cabinet 1048 H x 1153 W x 808 D

62 | Process Support Products | Stencils and screens storage

Process Support Products

64 | Process Support Products | Stencils and screens storage

Boosting throughput and yield for the Intelligent Factory
65 | Process Support Products | Stencils and screens storage

DEK Ultra-Fine Pitch (UFP)

ECO understencil cleaning rolls 68

DEK SMT high performance

understencil cleaning fabrics 69

DEK Pro and DEK Pro XF

advanced understencil cleaning chemistries 70

Pre-saturated wipes
DEK Hand cleaner wipes 71
DEK IPA/DI wipes 71
DEK IPA/DI 96% wipes 71
DEK Stencil cleaner wipes 71
DEK Adhesive remover wipes 71

Cleaning sprays
DEK SMT stencil cleaner 72
DEK Reflow oven cleaner 72

66 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
Consumables the global
No. 1
Gloves The quality and stability of the printing process greatly impacts
DEK Latex gloves 73 efficiency and yield for the entire SMT line. With increasing
DEK Powder-free blue nitrile gloves 73 miniaturization and component diversity, the printing process
has become more complex than ever before.

High-purity precision cleaning dry wipes

In order to optimize the printing operation and realize the
DEK Non-woven material wipes 74 best results technically possible, harmonization of printing
DEK Polyester material wipes 74 equipment, stencils, squeegees, tooling solutions and
consumables is required. As the leading print process expert,
Precision swabs 75 ASMPT is the world's only equipment supplier that offers
DEK Foam Swabs 75 a comprehensive portfolio of process support products
(PSPs) which enhance printing on DEK platforms, as well as
DEK Spatulas 76 equipment made by other manufacturers.

DEK Solder paste nozzles 77

DEK Ultra-Fine Pitch (UFP)
ECO understencil cleaning rolls
DEK UFP ECO rolls are designed to boost productivity and yield,
reduce defects and decrease manufacturing costs.

The unique 3D architecture of DEK UFP ECO understencil cleaning rolls counters the
risk of contamination as the fabric traps solder paste and solders balls within its pockets.
This is a key differentiator from paper-based products that allow paste to remain on
the surface of the paper, creating the potential for contamination. Consequently, DEK
UFP ECO rolls not only ensure effective understencil cleaning, they also prevent
contamination-related defects.

Ideal for ultra-fine-pitch apertures inherent with today’s miniaturized devices, DEK UFP
ECO rolls ensure a quick and effective clean. The hydrophilic properties of the fibers
provide fast wicking, as solvent is delivered through the fabric to the bottom of stencil
instantaneously so that cleaning is more thorough and solvent consumption is reduced.

Features and benefits:

■ Outstanding cleaning performance
■ Reduced solvent consumption by an average of 50%
■ Unique 3D structure traps solder particles away from the stencil,
removing smear
■ Ultra-low linting, Class 1000, ISO6 cleanroom compatible
■ Enhanced vacuum performance
■ Hydrophilic fiber structure for rapid solvent wicking
■ ESD-safe packaging
■ Improved process control
■ Non-abrasive structure of fabric increases stencil and coating life
■ Environmentally-friendly, chloride-free, recyclable
■ Faster, more effective cleaning cycle leading to higher throughput


Part number Platform Fabric width Core width Inner core Roll max outer Roll length (m)
SAP DEK (mm) (mm) diameter (mm) diameter (mm)

03128525 800071 ASMPT (DEK Micron) 515 530 19 56 11

03128531 800072 ASMPT (DEK Micron) 400 530 19 56 11
03130297 800073 ASMPT (DEK Micron) 300 530 19 56 11
03239913 – ASMPT (DEK TQ) 400 – – – 19
03128585 800074 MPM 443 457 19.5 64 12
03131628 800075 MPM 443 457 19.5 100 44
03131629 800076 MPM 546 559 19.5 64 12
03131630 800077 EKRA 400 400 13 53 10
03131631 800078 EKRA 500 500 13 53 10
03131632 800080 Panasonic 365 380 19.5 64.5 15
03131633 800082 Yamaha 440 440 25.5 88 25
03131634 800083 Yamaha 530 530 25.5 88 25
03155072 800084 Yamaha 620 620 25.5 88 25

68 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
Consumables the global
No. 1
DEK SMT high performance
understencil cleaning fabrics
DEK SMT high-performance understencil cleaning fabrics provide
effective cleaning and compatibility with multiple print platforms.

Features and benefits:

■ Absorbent, vacuum-friendly & fast-wicking
- Special non-woven fabric construction reduces lint, preventing aperture blockages
and contamination
- Fabric does not compromise vacuum power, optimizing aperture cleaning
- Wicks consistently across the full width of the cleaning roll to ensure even
distribution of the cleaning agent for a more productive clean
- Wick time is extremely fast compared to other cleaning fabrics

■ Effective cleaning
- Dry cycle in addition to Wet (Vac/Dry) cycle
- Delivers a superior clean for underside of the stencil

■ Broad machine compatibility

- Suitable for ASMPT, MPM, Ekra and other on-board cleaning systems, in addition to
advanced understencil cleaners
- 11 meters minimum length reduces number of changeovers and total changeover
time on DEK platforms
- 44 meter length available for latest MPM platform


Part number Platform Fabric width Core width Roll diameter Inner core Roll length
SAP DEK (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m)

03127081 176215 ASMPT (DEK Micron) 515 530 56 19 11

03128524 176216 ASMPT (DEK Micron) 400 530 56 19 11
03128532 176217 ASMPT (DEK Micron) 300 530 56 19 11
03128523 173826* ASMPT (DEK Micron) 515 530 56 19 11
03128538 431524 ASMPT (DEK Micron) 607 620 56 19 11
03233780 ASMPT (DEK Micron) 625 11
03217296 – ASMPT (DEK TQ) 420 – – – ~ 22
03252411 – ASMPT (DEK TQ L) 515 – – – 22
03252072 – ASMPT (DEK TQ L) 580 – – – 22
03131502 173451 AP series, UP series, SPM, 320 457 64 19 12
MPM125, Accela, Momentum
03131501 173450 AP series, UP series, SPM, 443 457 64 19 12
MPM125, Accela, Momentum
03139825 178911 AP series, UP series, SPM, 597 622 64 19 12
MPM125, Accela, Momentum
03131512 178864 Accela, Momentum 443 457 100 19 44
03144221 178909 Accela, Momentum 546 559 100 19 44
03128533 178908 All Ekra In - Line printers 400 400 53 13 10
03131513 178907 All Ekra In - Line printers 500 500 53 13 10
*With metalised anti-static packaging.

DEK Pro and DEK Pro XF
advanced understencil cleaning chemistries
Designed specifically for understencil cleaning, DEK Pro and DEK Pro XF improve
process performance and reduce print defects. They are safer, cleaner and
more environmentally friendly than IPA and traditional solvent cleaners, and are
compliant with all industry standards and environmental regulations.

Features and benefits:

■ Prioritizes health, safety and the environment
- DEK Pro XF has no flash point and is low VOC
- DEK Pro has a high flash point of 67º C
(IPA flash point is 12º C)
- Safer to use, transport, store and dispose
- Manufactured using biodegradable materials

■ Reduce print defects

- No impact on thixotropic properties of the solder paste
- Reduce risk of solder slump and solder balling
- Residue-free after evaporation

■ Compliant and compatible

- Compatible with all solder paste materials
- RoHS and REACH compliant


Part number Description Volume Available for
03129706 173483 DEK Pro cleaning agent 1 liter Vacuum and non vacuum printers and manual cleaning
03129708 173485 DEK Pro cleaning agent 5 liters Vacuum and non vacuum printers and manual cleaning
03130223 431093 DEK Pro cleaning agent 20 liters Vacuum and non vacuum printers and manual cleaning


Part number Description Volume Available for
03130225 431513 DEK Pro XF cleaning agent 1 liter Vacuum printers
03126194 431514 DEK Pro XF cleaning agent 5 liters Vacuum printers

70 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
Consumables the global
No. 1
Pre-saturated wipes
Designed for fast and effective cleaning of stencil surfaces, adhesives and general cleaning
applications, pre-saturated cleaning wipes are ideal for quick clean-up on the line.

comprised of 70% Isopropyl alcohol and 30% de-ionized water

and is excellent for removal of fluxes, light oils, polar soils and
white mineral residue.

NEW: DEK IPA/DI 96% wipes

New IPA 96% wipes for even lower residue, even faster
evaporation pre-saturated wipes are ideal for general cleaning
applications. The cleaning solution is comprised of 96% Isopropyl
alcohol and 4% de-ionized water and is excellent for removal of
fluxes, light oils, polar soils and white mineral residue.

DEK Hand cleaner wipes DEK Stencil cleaner wipes

Pre-saturated, disposable DEK Hand cleaner wipes are designed Designed for fast, efficient surface cleaning of stencils and
for use in any environment where cleanliness is required for screens, DEK Stencil cleaner wipes are non-abrasive and pre-
handling critical components. The environmentally-safe, citrus- saturated with hydro-treated Naphtha, which effectively cleans
scented, low- linting wipes are easily dispensed and dry quickly most commercial solder pastes and inks.
after application.
DEK Adhesive remover wipes
DEK IPA/DI wipes DEK Adhesive remover wipes clean adhesives from the surface
DEK low-residue, rapid evaporation pre-saturated wipes are of stencils and screens. Specifically designed for use in SMT
ideal for general cleaning applications. The cleaning solution is processes, the wipes are compatible with most commercial


Part number Description Unit Box quantity
03128534 115809 Hand clean wipes, 1 tub contains 100 wipes Per tub 6 tubs
03132440 173280 Hand clean wipes refill, 1 pack contains 100 wipes Per pack 10 packs


Part number Description Unit Box quantity
03126895 115806 IPA/DI wipes,1 tub contains 100 wipes Per tub 6 tubs
03129703 173277 IPA/DI wipes refill, 1 pack contains 100 wipes Per pack 10 packs


Part number Description Unit Box quantity
03178114 - IPA/DI 96% wipes,1 tub contains 100 wipes Per tub 6 tubs
03178115 - IPA/DI 96% wipes refill, 1 pack contains 100 wipes Per pack 10 packs


Part number Description Unit Box quantity
03128526 115807 Stencil clean wipes, 1 tub contains 100 wipes Per tub 6 tubs
03132439 173278 Stencil clean wipes refill, 1 pack contains 100 wipes Per pack 10 packs


Part number Description Unit Box quantity
03126751 115808 Adhesive remover wipes, 1 tub contains 100 wipes Per tub 6 tubs
03128535 173279 Adhesive remover wipes refill,1 pack contains 100 wipes Per pack 10 packs

Cleaning sprays
ASMPT’s maintenance cleaners have been designed to facilitate convenient cleaning of
electronics assembly applications for improved productivity at the lowest possible cost.

DEK SMT stencil cleaner

A powerful and versatile, non-corrosive and residue-free cleaner suitable for stencils,
webbing, frames and misprinted boards, DEK SMT stencil cleaner’s hybrid formulation
blends safe and non-flammable water-based ingredients with aggressive long-chain
alcohol solvents.

■ Solder pastes, epoxies and inks
■ Manual cleaning
■ Automated understencil wipes
■ Unheated ultrasonic cleaning systems
■ Cold dip tanks
■ Safe on all metals, synthetics, plastics and elastomers


Part number Description Unit
03129695 173009 Can 470 ml (340 g/12 oz), standard case quantity 10 cans Each
03134003 173042 1 US gallon (4 liters) refill Each

DEK Reflow oven cleaner

This robust cleaner is a high-performance mix of water, alkaloids and long-chain

alcohols to remove burned-on fluxes and residues. The DEK Reflow oven cleaner
formulation uses residual oven heat to boost cleaning power, reducing cleaning time by
as much as 50 % and preventing flux curing. The cleaner is non-flammable, quick-drying
and ozone-safe.

■ Wave soldering machines
■ Relow ovens
■ Pick and place systems
■ Metal pallets
■ Heating elements
■ Bafles & clamps
■ Chains, pulleys, drive gears and housings


Part number Description Unit
03134011 173012 Can 470 ml (340 g/12 oz), standard case quantity 10 cans Each
03134002 173045 1 US gallon (4 liters) refill Each

72 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
Consumables the global
No. 1
DEK Latex gloves

Powder-free, polymer-coated, latex gloves combine economical single use protection

from most acids and bases with comfort and flexibility. The proprietary Miracle Grip
polymer coating offers a significantly enhanced wet/dry grip with excellent sensitivity.

Features and benefits:

■ Comfort, tactile sensitivity and ergonomic fit
■ Go on easily, minimize skin-latex contact
■ Maximize wet or dry grip
■ Resist roll down
■ Meet recognized tests and regulatory requirements


Part number Description Unit
03134009 173015 9“ polymer coated latex glove/MED Bag 100
03134008 173016 9“ polymer coated latex glove/LG Bag 100
03134010 173017 9“ polymer coated latex glove/XL Bag 100

DEK Powder-free blue nitrile gloves

The affordable choice for consistency, performance and reliability, DEK nitrile gloves
are manufactured to ensure a tough, durable glove, free of chemical odors and harsh,
irritating deodorants. Stronger than either comparable latex or PVC/vinyl gloves, blue
nitrile gloves provide excellent splash and contact protection from a wide range of
chemicals. Textured palms and fingers offer exceptional wet or dry grip.

Features and benefits:

■ Pure, 100 % nitrile polymer; absolutely no natural rubber latex proteins
■ Medical grade for top performance
■ Comfortable – flexible silky feel eliminates the tiring, constant hand pressure of
latex gloves
■ Rugged – three times more puncture resistant than vinyl or natural rubber latex
gloves of equal thickness
■ Economical – outperforms PVC and latex for reduced overall glove consumption


Part number Description Unit
03134006 173018 9“ powder free blue nitrile glove/SM Box 100
03134005 173019 9“ powder free blue nitrile glove/MED Box 100
03129696 173020 9“ powder free blue nitrile glove/LG Box 100
03134004 173021 9“ powder free blue nitrile glove/XL Box 100

High-purity precision
cleaning dry wipes
DEK wipes feature non-woven and polyester technologies to maximize
effectiveness and prevent contamination. They are designed, manufactured
and packaged with precision to serve various cleaning and maintenance

DEK Non-woven material wipes

DEK Non-woven material wipes are made from a unique blend

of cellulose and polyester to provide maximum absorbency,
low particle generation and affordability. Most of the DEK Non-
woven wipes are packaged in a cleanroom for use in Class 100

DEK Polyester material wipes

DEK Polyester material wipes are perfect for cleanroom

applications – including optical work. The wipes are
pre-cut and packaged in a cleanroom for use in Class 10
environments. Polyester wipes provide superior scrubbing
capability with no lint left behind.


Part number Description Unit
03134066 115825 Wipes, med absorb, poly blend (15 x15 cm) Bag 50
03134065 115826 Wipes, med absorb, poly blend (23 x 23 cm) Bag 300
03134063 115829 Wipes, quilted absorb, (20 x 20 cm) Bag 100
03134062 115832 Wipes, optical cleanroom poly (23 x 23 cm) Bag 150
03130306 431088R Cleanroom dry wipes 23 x 23 cm / 9“ x 9“ Bag 150

74 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
Consumables the global
No. 1
Precision swabs
DEK Precision swabs are designed, manufactured and packaged to provide
high-quality, economical solutions for various cleaning and maintenance
requirements in SMT and clean room applications, or anywhere that cleaning is
directly related to accuracy.

DEK Precision swabs have tips that are heat-sealed to the

handles to avoid contamination and adhesive compatibility
issues. The materials have been selected to provide the best
flexibility and durability.

DEK Foam swabs

The foam swab is an excellent general-purpose swab for

cleaning small and confined areas. Its laundered foam head
possesses good absorbing capacity and cushioning. A compact,
rigid handle and round internal head core provide firm support.


Part number Description Unit
03134060 115840 Swab, foam LG. PDLE. HD 16 x 25 mm, L-13 cm Bag 50
03134059 115841 Swab, foam SLM - HD 12 x 25 mm, L-12 cm Bag 50
03134058 115842 Swab, foam NRW - HD 4 x 12 mm, L- 9 cm Bag 50
03134057 115843 Swab, foam MED - HD 6 x 19 mm, L-11 cm Bag 50
03128530 431415 Cleanroom foam swab, ESD handle Bag 25
03128545 431416 Cleanroom foam swab, ESD handle Bag 100

DEK Spatulas
DEK Spatulas are color-coded to ensure isolated use with appropriate materials and
are an essential tool on the line. Light and durable, the polypropylene spatulas are
shatterproof and flexible for long-lasting performance.

Features and benefits:

■ Constructed of durable polypropylene
■ Shatterproof and flexible
■ Easy to grip
■ Less likely than metal spatulas to scratch the stencil surface
■ Easily cleaned with DEK pre-saturated wipes
■ Wide blade width for more efficient clearing of solder paste

Available in two, color-coded versions:

■ Lead-free green
■ Anti-static black

Part number Description Unit
03128559 173788 Green spatula Bag of 5
03129776 173825 Black ESD spatula Bag of 5

76 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
Consumables the global
No. 1
DEK Solder paste nozzles
DEK Solder paste nozzles have been designed to facilitate solder
paste cartridge changeover more cleanly and efficiently than
conventional re-usable nozzles.

DEK Solder paste nozzles easily snap into place, making the
cartridge immediately ready for use with on-board printer auto-
dispense technologies. These easy-to-use nozzles eliminate
clean-up of internal threads and solder paste drip, which are
common side effects of threaded dispense tip installation.

With this unique design, manufacturers can reduce process

costs, lower material waste and limit operator intervention.

Features and benefits:

■ Color-coded: Visual identification of leaded and lead-free
solder pastes.
■ Non-drip: Paste flow is more controlled and excess material
reduced; ‘X’ low profile promotes paste mixing during solder
bead deposition.
■ Disposable: Simple, reduced-cost nozzles can be disposed
of with the empty solder paste tube. Eliminates messy, time-
consuming nozzle changes. Compatible with SEMCO® type
paste tubes.
■ Low waste and anti-mix strategy compliant: Compact format
reduces the amount of paste ‘in transit’ through the nozzle.
Disposable design ensures no cross contamination of paste


Part number Description Unit
03131635 800120 Paste nozzles green (lead-free) 500
03131636 800125 Paste nozzles red (lead-rich) 500
03128678 800121 Paste nozzles green evaluation pack 25
03128629 800126 Paste nozzles red evaluation pack 25
03153616 - Paste nozzles black for jar dispenser 25

Process Support Products

78 | Process Support Products | Electroform

Stencils fromstencil
Consumables the global
No. 1
Enabling a perfect print process

DEK Metal squeegees 82

DEK Laser cut replacement squeegees blades 83
DEK Metal squeegees for lead free applictions 84
DEK Self Adjusting Paste Deflectors (SAPDs) 85
DEK Polyurethane squeegees 86
DEK PumpPrint™ squeegees 88
DEK Special squeegees 89

80 | Process Support Products | Squeegees

The integrity of the squeegee blade in the solder paste printing operation is
essential to optimal material deposition. ASMPT ensures its DEK squeegee
blades are manufactured to exacting standards for maximum lifetime and
excellent in-use performance.

Squeegee characteristics including blade material, flexibility, Steel squeegees are well-suited for applications that feature a
angle of attack and mounting mechanism have a significant mix of large, standard and fine-pitch components or in cases
effect on printing process control. Aligning the proper where PCB panel flatness cannot be confirmed. The wider
squeegee to the application is made more simple with pressure window of DEK Stainless Steel stencils provides
ASMPT's comprehensive range of polyurethane and stainless excellent consistency and minimal wear.
steel blades, bonded or clamped mounting options and
choice of 45° or 60° printing angle. DEK Stainless Steel metal squeegees are available with two
different angles and overhangs (free moving plate length
DEK Polyurethane squeegees without support of the squeegee holder) to enable different
aperture paste filling requirements. The standard recommended
Polyurethane squeegees satisfy single thickness or multi- angle is 60° for a normal paste filling of the apertures, while
level (step) stencil applications. The hardness of the an angle of 45° will add more pressure to fill the apertures for
squeegee is dependent on the stencil construction: choose paste-intensive applications such as pin-in-paste.
harder squeegees (97 durometer and above) for durable, low
abrasion performance with single thickness stencils and a Bonded / clamped mounting mechanisms
softer squeegee (70 to 94 durometer) for multi-level stencils.
Mounting options for DEK Squeegees include bonding
Available in hardness ranges up to 120 durometer, DEK or clamping. The mounting selection should take into
Polyurethane squeegees are manufactured of the highest- consideration the specific application, squeegee type and
quality material and can be re-ground to maintain a sharp printing operation. Clamping allows squeegees to be easily
edge throughout the squeegee lifetime. DEK Polyurethane interchanged and adjustments to blade flexibility and durometer
squeegees are also available for DEK PumpPrintTM / Adhesive to be made based on application requirements.This mounting
stencils, mesh and emulsion screen printing applications. method is particularly well-suited for stainless steel and
composite blades.
Stainless steel squeegees
Bonded squeegee assembly guarantees blade straightness for
The most widely used for SMT printing with metal stencils, high durometer polyurethane blades and allows exploitation of
particularly for heterogeneous assemblies, DEK Stainless the squeegee’s process advantages.

DEK Metal squeegees

Part number Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit SAP DEK Size Unit
88SQA310 SQA310 170 mm Pair 88SQA300 SQA300 170 mm Pair
88SQA311 SQA311 200 mm Pair 88SQA301 SQA301 200 mm Pair
88SQA312 SQA312 250 mm Pair 88SQA302 SQA302 250 mm Pair
88SQA313 SQA313 300 mm Pair 88SQA303 SQA303 300 mm Pair
88SQA314 SQA314 350 mm Pair 88SQA304 SQA304 350 mm Pair
88SQA315 SQA315 400 mm Pair 88SQA305 SQA305 400 mm Pair
88SQA316 SQA316 440 mm Pair 88SQA306 SQA306 440 mm Pair
88SQA317 SQA317 483 mm Pair 88SQA307 SQA307 483 mm Pair
88SQA318 SQA318 510 mm Pair 88SQA308 SQA308 510 mm Pair
88SQA319 SQA319 535 mm Pair 88SQA309 SQA309 535 mm Pair
03264271 - 560 mm Pair
03264296 - 570 mm Pair


Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit
88SQA350 SQA350 170 mm Pair
88SQA351 SQA351 200 mm Pair
88SQA352 SQA352 250 mm Pair
88SQA353 SQA353 300 mm Pair
88SQA354 SQA354 350 mm Pair
88SQA355 SQA355 400 mm Pair
88SQA356 SQA356 440 mm Pair
88SQA357 SQA357 483 mm Pair
88SQA358 SQA358 510 mm Pair
88SQA359 SQA359 535 mm Pair

82 | Process Support Products | Squeegees

DEK Laser cut replacement squeegees
The new generation of laser cut squeegee replacement blades Features and benefits:
ensuring an improved paste transfer with little to no paste
■ Reduced paste smear
smearing. Reduces both defect count and operator intervention.
Produced with an optimised laser setup to ensure the highest ■ More consistent paste roll control
quality; reliability, repeatability and accuracy. ■ Reduced cleaning frequency
■ Short lead times


Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit
03165892 129924 170 mm Each The attacking edge looking
03165893 129925 200 mm Each reasonably square

03165894 133584 250 mm Each

03165895 133585 300 mm Each
03165896 129926 350 mm Each
03165897 133586 400 mm Each
03165898 129927 440 mm Each
03165899 133587 483 mm Each
03165900 133588 510 mm Each
03165901 129928 535 mm Each
03264122 - 560 mm Each
03264188 - 575 mm Each


Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit
03166893-01 133601 170 mm Each
03168405-01 133602 200 mm Each
03168555-01 133603 250 mm Each
03168791-01 133604 300 mm Each
03169303-01 133605 350 mm Each
03169341-01 133606 400 mm Each
03169513-01 133607 440 mm Each
03170087-01 133608 483 mm Each
03170351-01 133609 510 mm Each
03172721-01 133610 535 mm Each

DEK Metal squeegees for lead free applictions

Part number Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit SAP DEK Size Unit
03130219 431001 200 mm Each 03130452 SQAG311 200 mm Pair
03128589 431002 250 mm Each 03130453 SQAG312 250 mm Pair
03130220 431003 300 mm Each 03130454 SQAG313 300 mm Pair
03128577 431004 350 mm Each 03128618 SQAG314 350 mm Pair
03130221 431005 400 mm Each 03130455 SQAG315 400 mm Pair
03130340 431006 440 mm Each 03130456 SQAG316 440 mm Pair
03143610 - 483 mm Each
■ Anodised Green
■ Chromium Blades (CrN) ~ 1.5 microns


Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit
03130447 SQAG301 200 mm Pair
03130448 SQAG302 250 mm Pair
03130449 SQAG303 300 mm Pair
03128716 SQAG304 350 mm Pair
03130450 SQAG305 400 mm Pair
03130451 SQAG306 440 mm Pair
03141830 SQAG307 483 mm Pair

■ Anodised Green
■ Chromium Blades (CrN) ~ 1.5 microns

84 | Process Support Products | Squeegees

DEK Self Adjusting Paste Deflectors (SAPDs)
SAPDs enable the customer to change the print pressure without needing to adjust
the height of the paste deflectors reducing risk of stencil damage and reducing cost
through lessening material waste.

SAPDs are ideal for solder paste printing on SMT boards with
pressure forces between 0 and 20 kg to improve the level of
process control and reduce solder paste waste. The profile and
structure of the deflectors ensure that the paste does not escape
outward during the printing process. This cuts down on wasted
paste (faster ROI) and drastically reduces printing problems
resulting from dried paste on the edges. The bottom line: more
performance from the first print to the last.

There is no set up required per product, so risk of stencil coining

due to product changeover is eliminated. The deflectors can be
removed from the assembly without the need of tools with the
simple ‘clip-in’ design, therefore increasing cleanliness of the
squeegee/ deflector interface.

Features and benefits:

■ Drastically reduction of paste wastage through much reduced
tram lines.
■ Fast Return on Invest because of much reduced paste
■ More consistent paste roll
■ Reduced operator intervention
■ Increased ease of cleaning
■ Less risk of cross-contamination due to their enclosed system,
ease of cleaning and ability to ‘clip’ in new deflectors per
■ Suitable for metal squeegees and lead free squeegees


Part number
SAP DEK Description Unit
Self adjusting paste deflectors MPU
03162490-01 602428*1 Set of 4
(2x left hand, 2x right hand)
03162487-01 226587 Paste deflector kit Set of 2
03162489-01 225974 Left hand paste deflector Each
03162488-01 225973 Right hand paste deflector Each

DEK Polyurethane squeegees
Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit
03136509 SQA248 100 mm Pair
03130492 SQA254 150 mm Pair
03130403 SQA161 170 mm Pair
03130488 SQA167 200 mm Pair
03130406 SQA174 250 mm Pair
03130398 SQA152 300 mm Pair
03130408 SQA185 350 mm Pair
03142810 SQA190 400 mm Pair
03138030 SQA201 440 mm Pair
03130490 SQA210 483 mm Pair
03142818 SQA219 510 mm Pair
03141708 SQA231 535 mm Pair


Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit
03134708 SQA260 100 mm Pair
03130494 SQA266 150 mm Pair
03142810 SQA119 170 mm Pair
03131308 SQA120 200 mm Pair
03128791 SQA139 250 mm Pair
03130400 SQA155 300 mm Pair
03128789 SQA121 350 mm Pair
03130409 SQA196 400 mm Pair
03130391 SQA122 440 mm Pair
03131649 SQA136 483 mm Pair
03142819 SQA225 510 mm Pair
03138819 SQA123 535 mm Pair


Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit
03142348 SQA247 100 mm Pair
03131654 SQA253 150 mm Pair
03131650 SQA160 170 mm Pair
03130404 SQA166 200 mm Pair
03131651 SQA173 250 mm Pair
03142286 SQA151 300 mm Pair
03130407 SQA184 350 mm Pair
03131652 SQA189 400 mm Pair
03142811 SQA200 440 mm Pair
03142815 SQA209 483 mm Pair
03142817 SQA218 510 mm Pair
03141707 SQA230 535 mm Pair

86 | Process Support Products | Squeegees

Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit
03130493 SQA259 100 mm Pair
03136233 SQA265 150 mm Pair
03130392 SQA124 170 mm Pair
03130393 SQA125 200 mm Pair
03130396 SQA138 250 mm Pair
03128686 SQA154 300 mm Pair
03130394 SQA126 350 mm Pair
03130489 SQA195 400 mm Pair
03128715 SQA127 440 mm Pair
03130483 SQA131 483 mm Pair
03130491 SQA224 510 mm Pair
03141770 n.a. 535 mm Pair
03141569 SQA487 580 mm Pair
03141884 SQA483 610 mm Pair


Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit
03142884 SQA246 100 mm Pair
03142226 SQA252 150 mm Pair
03130486 SQA159 170 mm Pair
03142232 SQA140 200 mm Pair
03139258 SQA172 250 mm Pair
03130485 SQA150 300 mm Pair
03142820 SQA229 350 mm Pair
03130484 SQA147 400 mm Pair
03142875 SQA130 440 mm Pair
03142814 SQA208 483 mm Pair
03142880 SQA217 510 mm Pair
03142820 SQA229 535 mm Pair


Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit
03141449 SQA258 100 mm Pair
03130411 SQA264 150 mm Pair
03130389 SQA117 170 mm Pair
03137799 SQA113 200 mm Pair
03130395 SQA137 250 mm Pair
03130399 SQA153 300 mm Pair
03131648 SQA110 350 mm Pair
03139906 SQA194 400 mm Pair
03139907 SQA116 440 mm Pair
03142876 SQA132 483 mm Pair
03142882 SQA223 510 mm Pair
03142874 SQA112 535 mm Pair
03141571 SQA491 580 mm Pair
03141883 SQA482 610 mm Pair

Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit
03142821 SQA245 100 mm Pair
03136182 SQA251 150 mm Pair
03130401 SQA158 170 mm Pair
03142806 SQA141 200 mm Pair
03142877 SQA171 250 mm Pair
03142808 SQA178 300 mm Pair
03142228 SQA142 350 mm Pair
03142809 SQA188 400 mm Pair
03142257 SQA199 440 mm Pair
03142813 SQA207 483 mm Pair
03142816 SQA216 510 mm Pair
03142883 SQA228 535 mm Pair


Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit
03142885 SQA257 100 mm Pair
03142306 SQA263 150 mm Pair
03130487 SQA164 170 mm Pair
03131336 SQA168 200 mm Pair
03142878 SQA177 250 mm Pair
03131337 SQA181 300 mm Pair
03131338 SQA186 350 mm Pair
03131653 SQA193 400 mm Pair
03142812 SQA204 440 mm Pair
03142879 SQA213 483 mm Pair
03142881 SQA222 510 mm Pair
03131339 SQA234 535 mm Pair

DEK PumpPrint™ squeegees

Part number
SAP DEK Size Unit
03142822 SQA455 170 mm Pair
03130505 SQA456 200 mm Pair
03130439 SQA457 250 mm Pair
03130440 SQA458 300 mm Pair
03130441 SQA459 350 mm Pair
03130442 SQA460 400 mm Pair
03130506 SQA461 440 mm Pair
03130507 SQA462 483 mm Pair
03142202 SQA463 510 mm Pair
03142823 SQA464 535 mm Pair

88 | Process Support Products | Squeegees

DEK Special squeegees
In addition to the standard stainless steel and rubber squeegees,
ASMPT offers a variety of other types of squeegees for
applications such as:

■ Screen prinitng
■ Wafer coating

Part number
SAP DEK Size Description Application Unit

3141152 208226 180 mm Diamond squeegee blade 9.5 mm Polyurethane, RED Screen printing Each

3141953 213699* 180 mm Diamond squeegee blade 9.5 mm Polyurethane, Blue Screen printing Each

3141511 SQA102 200 mm Diamond squeegee with Polyurethane Blade, Pink Screen printing Each
3141603 SQA104 350 mm Diamond squeegee with Polyurethane Blade, Pink Screen printing Each
3141062 FBA062 450 mm Flood bar squeegee incl. stainless steel blade Screen printing Each
3139877 FBA047 170 mm Flood bar squeegee incl. stainless steel blade Screen printing Each

3130445 SQA544 250 mm Half round squeegee assembly Semiconductor like Each
wafer coating
3130446 SQA545 330 mm Half round squeegee assembly Semiconductor like Each
wafer coating

3144432 S4922 350 mm Polyurethane replacement blade for Diamond Screen printing Each
squeegee, Green

3141668 163424 450 mm Replacement blade for flood squeegee assembly Screen printing Each
3161783 107805 535 mm Replacement blade for flood squeegee assembly Screen printing Each
* Only compatible for Eclipse printers

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Edition 10/02-2024
11/07-2024 | All rights reserved. | Order No.: A22-ASMPT-A322-EN | Printed in Germany | © ASMPT GmbH & Co. KG
All information and illustrations in this brochure are provided “as is” and without any warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to,
implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose and/or correctness.
The contents of this brochure are for general information purposes only, do not constitute advice, and are subject to change without notice. ASMPT therefore makes no
warranties or representations regarding the use of the content, details, specifications or information contained in this brochure in terms of their correctness, accuracy,
adequacy, usefulness, timeliness, reliability or otherwise, in each case to the fullest extent permitted by law. Please contact ASMPT for the most current information.
Any specific performance features and/or capabilities will only be binding if contractually agreed upon.
All product names are brands or trademarks of ASMPT or other suppliers. Unauthorised use by third parties may violate the rights of their owners.

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