An Automated Online Proctoring System Using Attentive-Net To Assess Student Mischievous Behavior
An Automated Online Proctoring System Using Attentive-Net To Assess Student Mischievous Behavior
An Automated Online Proctoring System Using Attentive-Net To Assess Student Mischievous Behavior
In recent years, the pandemic situation has forced the education system to shift from
traditional teaching to online teaching or blended learning. The ability to monitor remote
online examinations efficiently is a limiting factor to the scalability of this stage of online
evaluation in the education system. Human Proctoring is the most used common ap-
proach by either asking learners to take a test in the examination centers or by monitoring
visually asking learners to switch on their camera. However, these methods require huge
labor, effort, infrastructure, and hardware. This paper presents an automated AI-based
proctoring system- ‘Attentive system’ for online evaluation by capturing the live video of
the examinee. Our Attentive system includes four components to estimate the malprac-
tices such as face detection, multiple person detection, face spoofing, and head pose
estimation. Attentive Net detects the faces and draws bounding boxes along with
confidences. Attentive Net also checks the alignment of the face using the rotation matrix
of Affine Transformation. The face net algorithm is combined with Attentive-Net to
extract landmarks and facial features. The process for identifying spoofed faces is
initiated only for aligned faces by using a shallow CNN Liveness net. The head pose
of the examiner is estimated by using the SolvePnp equation, to check if he/she is seeking
help from others. Crime Investigation and Prevention Lab (CIPL) datasets and custom-
ized datasets with various types of malpractices are used to evaluate our proposed system.
Extensive Experimental results demonstrate that our method is more accurate, reliable
and robust for proctoring system that can be practically implemented in real time
environment as Automated proctoring System. An improved accuracy of 0.87 is reported
by authors with the combination of Attentive Net, Liveness net and head pose estimation.
Keywords Online proctoring . Face spoofing . Face detection . Head pose estimation .
Attentive -Net
* Venkatramaphanikumar S
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology &
Research, Vadlamudi, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
30376 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404
1 Introduction
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected different sectors of society,
especially education. The education sector is recovering from the pandemic with the usage of
digital devices to avoid a generational catastrophe in teaching, learning, and evaluation. Every
component of education — including but not limited to classroom teaching and teaching
methods, student learning and exposition, reciprocation and review, examination and testing,
and assessment and evaluation — has undergone paradigm shifts to meet the expectations in
the realms of academia, research, and innovation at large. The considerable shift in the
expected skills, training, and acumen of graduates has initiated these changes, particularly in
the domains of science, technology, and engineering. Information and Communication Tech-
nology supports knowledge transmission to remote places. Various technological platforms
have been introduced into the education sector to decrease the transitional distance among the
learners. The orientation towards blended learning is highly promoted as a combination of both
conventional and online teaching. Online education offers the learners to attend the classes
either in synchronous or asynchronous mode. The challenges of the virtual learning world
demand an array of strategies to gauge the attentiveness of the learners in the e-classrooms.
The pandemic made the teachers, institutions and systems to imbibe victorious strategies to
usher in a learning system to “make your way by unexpected routes and tackle unguarded
spots - problems that are novel in virtual learning. In addition, it facilitates the instructors to
evaluate the learners also in both modes. Asynchronous mode of evaluation is not preferred by
all the instructors for summative assessment. For synchronous mode of examinations, a human
proctor manually examines the examinee and alerts if any mischievous behavior is observed.
But, this physical proctoring does not identify all types of malpractice behavior of the
examinee [31]. In line with the present scenario revisiting the existing/past practices to re-
visualize, recast, and redesign the leading conventions and evolving as “competent” individ-
uals, who can examine the students and online proctoring is the switch required. As per the
current scenario, various Software industries have introduced proctoring software like
ProctorU [40] to help the instructors in the conduction of examination in online mode, though
there is still a need for trained proctors [10] or sensors [50] to do online monitoring of the
examines to avoid malpractices. The authors in [2] state that the percentage of students
indulging in mischievous behavior has been increased drastically during these online modes.
Semi-automated proctoring software restricting the examinee to not to open any other
browsers during the exam and also take the snaps of the students in random intervals to
capture the behavior through various video Processing techniques like dominant Color [36],
SURF, HARRIS, BRISK features [35], Color and shape features [37]. Automated Online
proctoring systems uses Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning techniques to identify the
attentiveness of learner/examinee in virtual learning. Fully automated online proctoring
facilitates an instructor to identify the misbehavior of the examinee with minimum require-
ments like internet connectivity, webcam, etc. using various deep learning models [15] and
various convolutional neural networks [60]. The proposed automated proctoring identifies
different physical activities of the examinee through the use of a camera. The proctoring
system alerts the examiner if the examinee is not found or if multiple persons are detected or if
face spoofing is identified. Furthermore, these proctoring systems are also used to assess the
attentiveness of the examinee during the examination and as well as in the regular classrooms.
The proposed automated proctoring system – Attentive System helps to examine the
attentiveness of the examinee with minimum false alarms. In this study, the authors proposed
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404 30377
& Face detection system using an Attentive Network to assess the attentiveness of the
& FaceNet approach to extract features using Inception-Resnetv1 blocks to carryout land-
mark localization and Affine Transformation to check the face alignment.
& Evaluation of the proposed method on customized and CIPL Datasets to estimate the
accuracy in Head Pose and Face Spoofing respectively.
2 Related work
Over the recent years, researchers have developed a wide spectrum of proctoring methodol-
ogies for online examinations. These methodologies are mainly divided into four categories: (i)
No proctoring (ii) Manual Proctoring (iii)Semi-automated Proctoring and (iv) Fully Automated
Proctoring. In the absence of online proctoring, mischievous behavior of the examinees is
identified through eight online exam control procedures like offering the online exam only at
one set time, exam to be accessible only for a brief period, to randomize questions, etc. [11]. In
[51], network security issues were considered to prevent cheating of examinee. In manual
proctoring, well-trained proctors are employed but this needs more manpower. Guo et al. [19]
in their study took snapshots at regular intervals and observed the behavior of the examinee. In
Semi-automated proctoring, 3600 cameras are employed to get the view of the examinee from
all angles. Some manual proctoring systems [25] uses group cryptography for controlling of
ports and inputs. In desktop Robo [42] robots are also used to monitor the examinee’s
behavior. In [27], both front and rear camera are used to identify the examinee behavior.
These methods are very costly and do not identify all types of malpractice behavior. In [24], AI
based techniques are used to identify examinee behavior. In (
automating-online-proctoring-using-ai-e429086743c8) some fully automated online
proctoring systems, eye-gaze tracking is used to monitor the examinees which requires high-
end infrastructure. In [38], by using Dlib’s facial keypoint detector and OpenCV, eye-gaze
tracking is implemented. Object detection techniques (
automating-online-proctoring-using-ai-e429086743c8) are used to identify various objects
30378 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404
used for cheating proctor. This system is limited to identifying only one type of misbehavior.
Pratish et al. [38] used audio-visual traits to identify the mischievous behavior of the examinee.
Atoum et al. [2] used two cameras to do behavior profiling to capture both what the examinee
sees and what their behavior is. In this work, the authors proposed a semi-automated system in
which they used four-vision-based capabilities like gaze tracking, mouth open or close, face
accounting, and mobile phone detection.
Face Detection Facial detection plays a prominent role in the online proctoring application.
Despande et al. [14] used Region-Based Convolutional Neural Networks (R-CNN) for feature
extraction from the faces detected. Histogram Intersection Kernel with Support Vector Ma-
chines (SVM) classifier is used for the classification. Sun et al. [47] used a faster R-CNN
framework including feature concatenation, hard negative mining, multi-scale training for face
detection. This framework needs to be boosted for different patterns of the face and has a
computational burden. Resnet50 based Caffe model (
automating-online-proctoring-using-ai-e429086743c8) identifies multiple persons before the
camera and as well as the absence of a person before the camera. It is observed that the
background affects the accuracy of the model. In [12], Haar Cascade algorithm combined with
three weak classifiers based on skin hue-histogram matching, eyes detection and mouth
detection. This is not suitable for the real time applications due to its high computational time.
In [48], authors applied skin filter and entropy rate super pixels (ERSs) to obtain face
candidates. Then, angle compensation, refinement and symmetry extension are applied to
improve accuracy of face detection. This technique is robust to in-plane rotation even if out-
plane rotation exists. Chong Li et al. [29] improved Yolov3 for the face detection by changing
detection layer and choosing soft max loss function to maximize the difference of inter-class
Face alignment Face alignment verification is not performed in this methodology which
plays key role in proctoring. In [26], authors proposed PCA (Principal Component Analysis) to
reduce the large amount of data storage. Self-space projection is used in face detection by
defining a number of facial images with the own vectors of the covariance matrix. Authors in
[54] designed a hierarchical attention mechanism instead of convolution neural networks.
Authors proposed Gaussian kernels to search for proper positions and scales of local regions to
extract informative features of the face. Then LSTM is used to model relations between the
local parts and adjust their contributions to the detection tasks. The LSTM introduces
additional computational cost. In [7], a three-level Cascaded Neural Network learned via
residual learning was used for face alignment identification. These subnetworks are based on
residual part heatmap regression. Wenyan wu et al. [53], uses boundary information of the face
to predict landmarks coordinates. Face geometric structure is drawn using landmark coordi-
nates which is used for verifying face alignment. The boundary aware face alignment
algorithm does not perform well for very small faces as landmarks are not accurately
reconstructed from boundary. In [45], authors proposed multiple shape prediction layers for
detecting certain cluster of semantically relevant landmarks. As training should be performed
for each cluster of landmarks, training cost increases. Authors in [61] used both non-linear
layers and linear layers for face alignment. The non-linear layers with cosine activations
encodes relationships between representations of images and shapes of facial landmarks.
The linear layers are used to encode landmark correlations by low-rank learning. This works
better for heavy occluded images. Authors of [6] estimated the facial landmarks by using the
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404 30379
image intensities. Rotation Vector is calculated using Rodrigues rotation formula for verifying
the face alignment. Authors [8] proposed discriminative Feature Learning method for face
alignment based on the fully convolutional Network. Affine Transformation is used on
hourglass network for aligning the face. In [30], authors analyze the texture of the facial
images using multi-scale local binary patterns. The high-level features are robust to real time
tasks than the textural features of image, deep features are extracted. Gustavo [13],
integrates deep texture features with LBP descriptor and gives as input to convolution neural
network. The Caffe- framework is considered as a base framework.
Face Spoofing In [28], Local Binary Patterns (LBP) layers were combined with convolution
layers for face spoofing detection. The VGG-face network is used for face detection. For face
spoofing, the VGG-face network needs to be fine-tuned. The accuracy of face spoofing
detection depends upon the features extracted from the face. Authors in [46], designed a
descriptor called spatial pyramid coding micro-texture feature to characterize the local appear-
ance information and then uses SSD to conduct end-to-end face presentation detection. Then,
fake faces are detected by designing template-face matched binocular depth feature. This
method requires a special hardware device like binocular camera. In [56], authors used
convolution neural networks named G-Net to rough estimate the head pose and localize seven
primary landmarks. One more CNN LNet is used to learn local CNN features and predict pose.
Overfitting is adjusted to only some extent.
Head Pose Estimation In [5], the Regression algorithm applied to a web-shaped model was
used for head-pose estimation. This method also predicts the value of the dependent variable
for all three angular values. Pitch angular error is a limitation to this method. In [43], the
authors used face identification, multiple face detection, and head-pose estimation for the
identification of malpractices during examinations. In this work, the authors used yaw angle
for head pose estimation and achieved 80% accuracy. Yaw angle was used to obtain the three-
dimensional rotation angles of the face. To identify the malpractices, three-dimensional angles
are not required which increases the complexity of the model. But this method identifies only
some types of malpractices.
By considering the limitations of existing systems, authors proposed a real time system
which requires to meet the objectives. Authors proposed Attentive system with less complexity
and less computational time. The Attentive system identifies the face from the frame using
three staged Attentive-Net. Features are extracted only from the aligned faces using the Face
net algorithm which is based on inception-resnetv1 blocks. Further, the proposed system
records if the examinee is seeing towards left, right, by estimating the head pose using
SolvePnp Equation. The sequential layered Liveness Net Model is employed in this system
to detect face spoofing.
3 Methodology
The proposed work is used to detect the face and used to check head alignment according to
pose. Further, this system also detects the presence of the examinee and verifies the multiple
faces and other accessories notification. The architecture of the proposed work is presented in
Fig. 1. Figure 1 shows that the examinee’s video is continuously recorded through a webcam
and then is divided into frames for further processing. As a part of the first module, all the faces
within the frame are detected using the top, bottom, left, and right coordinates, and a
customized border is drawn around the face for visualization. The three-stage cascaded neural
network-based model Attentive-Net is used for face detection. Attentive-Net is formed by
taking Multi-Task Cascaded Convolution Networks(MTCNN) [55] as base model along with
naïve-inception module and face alignment verification. The frame with a minimum size of 80
× 80 is given as an input to the face detection algorithm. In our online proctoring system, face
detection alone will not serve the purpose. We also need to detect the liveness and estimate the
head pose of the face. To detect the liveness, first, the faces are checked for the alignment
using Affine transformation matrix. For the aligned faces Inception-ResNet v1 architecture-
based model, FaceNet is used to extract the features of the face. This feature extraction
algorithm yields a feature vector of length 128 comprises landmark points such as nose tip,
chin, left eye left corner, left mouth corner, right mouth corner, etc. From these landmarks, the
spoofed face is identified and an alert is given to the examiner.
The same landmarks extracted by Attentive Net is used to find out rotation vector and
translation vector of aligned face to estimate head pose either as left or right. The head-pose
estimation is done for the live face image to avoid malpractice issues. In this process, if the
examinee is taking help from any other devices or the neighborly people, the examiner is
notified. Cell phones, laptops, and books in the frame are detected, and an alert is generated for
the examiner. The following section describes the process of video acquisition followed by
In the proposed model, a webcam is used to continuously stream and capture the video of the
examinee and convert them into frames. Furthermore, keyframes are extracted based on the
motion detection or according to the changes in the visualization. Malpractices may be found
even without major changes in motion and visualization. So, in our work, instead of extracting
only keyframes, all the frames are processed. For all the frames, faces are detected by using the
following process.
30382 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404
All the frames detected are inputted to the Face Detection module. Face detection is used to
detect the frontal faces from the frames captured through the webcam. Attentive-Net is used to
detect the faces from the frame and resized into different scales and a scale pyramid is formed.
Further, the image is smoothed with a sequence of smoothing filters, which has a radius twice
the radius of before. The smoothing is carried with the deferrable smoothing filter f is
mentioned in Eq. (1).
2 2
bs ¼ ∑ ∑ f ðm; nÞ:s0 ði−mÞð j−nÞ ð1Þ
m¼−2 n¼−2
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404 30383
Further, down sampling is applied to reduce the frame size by half of its size with smoothing.
2 2
slþ1 ði; jÞ ¼ ∑ ∑ f ðm; nÞ:sl ð2i−mÞð2 j−nÞ ð2Þ
m¼−2 n¼−2
Considering each image has only one face and multiple landmarks in real world, each image is
represented as (xn,yn, zn), n = 1,2,…,N. Here xn represents the n-th image sample, yn = c,
c = 0,…,C-1 is Face label and, zn = [ z1n;…; zM T
n ] is the facial landmarks for the n-th image
sample. If the n-th image sample has the m-th facial landmark is set as zm n = 1, otherwise
n = 0. Therefore a given dataset is denoted as (X,Y,Z) = {(x n n, n n ∈{1,2,…,N}}.
,y z ),
Three stages (not directly connected) are implemented on a scale pyramid, but the
outputs of the earlier stage are fed as input to the next stage.
In stage 1, a full CNN called Naive-Proposal network (NP-net) is applied to extract facial
windows and bounding box regression vectors. For each scaled frame, a 12 × 12 stage 1
kernel scans the image from the top left corner (0,0) to (12,12). In this connection, any face we
find will be tracked. To achieve the real time performance, the same process is repeated with
stride 2 reducing the number of operations to a quarter of the original. Within each of these
kernels, 3 convolutions are run through with 3 × 3 kernels along with Naive Inception
module. The naive inception module consists of NP-net contains 1 × 1 convolution, 3 × 3
convolution, 5 × 5 convolution along with max-pooling. For each convolution and max-
pooling 16 × 16 filter is used. The final concatenated output results in 64 channels. The output
of all these is concatenated and is given as input to the third convolution layer. After every
convolution layer, the Parametric Rectified Linear Unit (PReLU) layer is added to multiply
every negative pixel with alpha. To remove every other pixel and leave only the largest one,
the max-pooling is added after the first PReLU layer. The network is split into two layers after
the third convolution layer. The activations are passed on to both layers (convolution 4–1,
convolution 4–2) but, the SoftMax function is applied to only one of the above convolution
layers (convolution 4–1). The SoftMax adds up to the probability that there is a face or there is
not a face. The convolution 4–2 outputs the coordinates of the bounding boxes. For each
candidate box, we predict the offset between it and the nearest ground truth (i.e., bounding
boxes left, top, height and width). As the learning objective is formulated as regression
problem, Euclidean loss for each sample is implemented as below:
Loss ¼ b pðyÞ−pðyÞ ð3Þ
Where, bpðyÞ is the regression target obtained from network and p(y) is the ground truth
coordinate. This results in overlapped bounding boxes with different confidences. Non-
maxima suppression is implemented on all the bounding boxes of all kernels to remove
bounding boxes with low confidence. For all the bounding boxes (boi) with different confi-
dences (Ci), remove the bounding boxes with overlap (IoU ≥ NMSt), where IoU: Intersection
over Union, M: argmax of C, NMSt: NMS threshold,
IoU ðM ; boi Þ≥ NM S t ; where Bo ←Bo –boi ; C←C−C i ð4Þ
NMS threshold is considered as 50%. All bounding boxes are reshaped into a square in stage
1. The complete structure of the process can be explained with the following algorithm.
30384 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404
Algorithm 1. NP-NET
NR-Net (Refine Network) is similar to NP-Net with more layers. In stage 2, NR-Net
padding is applied to reshape out-of-bound boxes and also filter them. For the bounding boxes
related to occluded or partial faces, padding is carried with zeros. NR-Net has 3 convolutions
run through with 3 × 3 kernels along with Naive Inception module. The naive inception
module consists of NP-net contains 1 × 1 convolution, 3 × 3 convolution, 5 × 5 convolution
along with max-pooling. For each convolution and max-pooling 48 × 48 filter is used. The
final concatenated output results in 192 channels. The output of all these is concatenated and is
given as input to the third convolution layer. All the bounding boxes obtained from stage 1 are
resized to 24 × 24 and their values are normalized between −1 and + 1. Similar to NP-Net,
NR-Net also splits into two layers which returns classification and bounding boxes with
confidence as shown in the following algorithm. Bounding boxes with low confidence are
further deleted using the Non-maxima suppression (NMS) logarithm.
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404 30385
Algorithm 2. NR-NET
In stage 3, Output Network (O-Net), is implemented for the out-of-bound boxes with
padding as shown below.
30386 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404
Algorithm 3. O-NET
The O-Net also splits into three layers which output the probability of face being in the box,
coordinates of the bounding boxes, and the coordinates of the facial landmarks. In this stage,
all the boxes are resized to 48 × 48 and then five facial landmarks like eye tips, nose tips, and
lips tips are extracted. Finally, classification is applied to categorize the features as either face
or no face. The binary cross entropy loss function is used for binary classification as per Eq. (5)
given below, where t(x) is the probability produced by the network that indicates sample to be
a face. The notation p(x) ∈{0,1} denotes ground-truth label.
Lb ¼ −ð pðxÞ:logtðxÞ þ ð1−pðxÞÞ:logð1−t ðxÞÞÞ ð5Þ
The face landmarks are given as an output from the cascaded model. Different types of training
images in learning process like face, nonface and partially aligned face are considered. In this
case, Euclidean loss or Cross entropy loss are not alone used. The cross-entropy loss function
is implemented for the sample of background region. This can be implemented directly with a
sample type indicator as below:
Where, N is the number of training samples and αj, denotes on the task importance, Li is the
Euclidean Loss. We use αdet = 1, αbox = 0.5, αlandmark = 0.5 in NP-Net and NR-Net, while
αdet = 1, αbox = 0.5, αlandmark = 1 in output network. β ij ∈{0, 1} is the sample type indicator.
In these cases, stochastic gradient descent is used to train the CNNs. Figure 2 shows the
network architecture of the proposed cascaded model. The following section describes the
extraction of landmarks of the faces detected from three staged networks of Attentive-Net.
The first block of the architecture is the Naïve-proposal network which results in the
classified faces and bounding boxes. The second block of the architecture is Naïve-Refine
Network which performs further Non-Maxima Suppression and results in face classification
and bounding boxes. The third block is Output Network which results in Face Classification,
Bounding boxes and Landmarks Localization.
The extracted landmarks are localized to verify the alignment of the face image which is a
submodule of Attentive-Net. The process continues only if the face detected is aligned
otherwise alert is generated for the examiner by aborting the process. Generally, the accuracy
of the facial alignment depends on the feature’s extraction. To check the face alignment, the
landmarks obtained from the three-staged networks of Attentive-Net are considered as original
points. The average of the face positions according to the face points is considered as the base
point. Further, similarity transform is used to compute the difference between original and base
points using the Frobenius norm as in Eq. (7).
h 2 1 =2
kBk F ¼ Σ i; j abs bi; j ð7Þ
The norm values of original and base matrices are used to calculate the covariance using Eq. (8):
Cov Bo; B ¼ Σ ððBoi –Bomean Þ*ðBbi −Bbmean ÞÞ=ND ð8Þ
where Bo is Frobenius norm of the original matrix; Bo mean is the mean of Frobenius norm of
Original matrix; Bb mean is mean of Frobenius norm of Base matrix, and ND is the number of
data variables. Then, the singular value decomposition (SVD) of covariance such that UDVT =
SVD (Covariance) is computed, where U and V are the orthonormal left and right matrices of
singular vectors, respectively. D is a diagonal matrix of decreasing positive singular values.
Thereafter, the affine matrix is computed using u, d, and v values. Here, only the rotation about
the base points is carried by using the affine transformation matrix using Eq. (9).
2 3
cosθ sinθ 0
4 −sinθ cosθ 0 5 ð9Þ
0 0 1
The rotation matrix is calculated with pixel mapping is given in Eq. (10).
0 xcosθ−y sinθ
R ¼ ð10Þ
xsinθ þ y cosθ
30388 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404
The affine transformation is applied on the original points and the length of the aligned face is
160. All the aligned faces of a frame are marked, and feature extraction is done only if a single
aligned face is detected in a frame. The algorithm for the above-described process is as shown
below. The input given to the Face alignment algorithm is the landmarks of the faces extracted
by Attentive-Net. L1 are the landmark positions. A1 are the Average Face Positions.
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404 30389
In (,
the process is implemented for all the faces detected in the frame which increases the
complexity. The examinee’s face will be aligned during the examination and if not, an alert
can be given to the proctor and further processing for non-aligned face can be terminated.
FaceNet is a kind of deep neural network [44] applied to extract the features from a frame and
it complies with inception_resnetv1 architecture as shown in Fig. 3. It is a 22-layered deep
neural network. Face Net uses a 1 × 1 filter for dimensionality reduction. Along with these
filters, 3 × 3, 5 × 5, and 7 × 7 filters are implemented parallelly to down sample the image by
using max pooling. There is a chance of vanishing gradient problems during backpropagation.
Therefore, two auxiliary outputs are tapped at middle layers and added to total loss by taking a
weighted average. The facial points or fiducial points identified using FaceNet vary between 5
and 78. The minimum number of points to be identified is 5. In (https://towardsdatascience.
com/automating-online-proctoring-using-ai-e429086743c8), 68 facial points or fiducial points
were identified. FaceNet compresses a face into a vector of 128 Dimensions by calculating the
distance between these facial points. The 128-dimensional embedded vector contains the
numbers which represent the important features of the face. The specific feature of FaceNet
is its Triplet Loss Function as well as SoftMax activation with cross-entropy loss function, as
represented in Eq.(11).
Cost Function ¼ ∑ Triplet Loss Function þ L2 Regularization ð11Þ
30390 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404
The embedded vector acts as a hash code of the face. This vector of 128 dimensions which
is the distances between 68 specific points (landmarks) is used for identifying the spoofed face
as explained below.
Face spoofing and multiple face detection is a crucial phase in an online proctoring system. In
this phase, an examiner can understand whether the examinee is spoofing or any other person
helping the examinee. In (
ai-e429086743c8), the spoofed face is not identified. All the faces identified in the frame are
considered real and the remaining process is implemented. But there will be a great probability
of spoofing the faces during an examination. Face spoofing is done by notifying the
confidence level of the liveness of the face.
As shown in Fig. 4, the Face Detection module detects the face in the frame, if at least one
face is aligned then it extracts the features from the aligned faces. The vector of 128
dimensions obtained from landmark localization which is unique for all faces is used for
Liveness Model. The localized landmarks distance between the eye tips, distance between
mouth tips, distance between eye tips and nose tip, distance between nose tip and mouth tip
and the distance between mouth tips and chin from the Face Net are considered for the liveness
detection algorithm. The procedure of extracting landmarks using Face net and detecting the
liveness is described in the following algorithm.
Fig. 4 Liveness detection. After detecting faces in the frame, face alignment is verified. Features are extracted for
the aligned faces. The extracted features are used for liveness detection
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404 30391
As liveness detection is implemented to only aligned faces, false positives can be reduced.
A sequential layered model is considered as base model on which liveness model is designed.
The liveness model is a simple and shallow CNN with very few parameters to minimize the
chances of overfitting small datasets. It exhibits VGGNet-esque qualities. Our CNN is very
shallow with only a few learned filters. All the images loaded are resized into 32 × 32. All the
pixel intensities are scaled to the range [0,1]. Two-layered sets of conv = > ReLU = > conv =
> ReLU = > Pool are implemented along with batch normalization and dropout. Finally, fully
connected and ReLU activated layers with a SoftMax are added. The complete summary of the
model is shown in Fig. 5.
In this model, the ReLU activation function is implemented, and the pool size is taken as 2
× 2 all-time for Max Pooling 2D. Later, different activation functions are used for testing. The
SoftMax classifier is considered which returns the probabilities.
* e zi
σ Z ¼ k z ð12Þ
i ∑ j¼1 e j
If the probability returned by the liveness model is less than 0.5, the detected face is considered
as fake, i.e., spoofed face else, the face is identified as a real face. An alert will be given to the
proctor if a spoofed face is identified. If more than one real face is detected, our system gives
an alert to the proctor that multiple faces are detected. To reduce the computational complex-
ity, the head pose is estimated only for the faces identified as real as described below.
30392 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404
Examinees may take help from others who are in the room or also they can also take help
from other resources like laptops, systems placed in the room. This kind of misbehavior can
be identified by estimating the head pose orientation. The head pose is estimated only for the
aligned faces. If the examinee is seeing continuously other directions like left and right, with
a certain angle, an alert is sent to the proctor. In [2] (
automating-online-proctoring-using-ai-e429086743c8), gaze tracking is implemented
instead of head pose estimation. The eye-ball detection of the gaze-tracking does not give
accurate results if the examinee is using spectacles. So, in our system, we are going with
head-pose estimation using an affine rotation matrix. Step by step process involved in the
head pose estimation is as follows:
1. Attentive net model is used to compute the landmarks such as Nose Tip, Chin, Left eye
left corner, Right eye right corner, Left mouth corner, Right mouth corner.
2. Further, model points for 3D projection are also estimated. Camera Intrinsic parameters as
below are also given as an input to the SolvePnp function. fx and fy, are focal lengths that
are expressed in pixel units and a principal unit (cx, cy) is included in the matrix.
2 3
fx 0 cx
40 fy cy 5 ð13Þ
0 0 1
3. SolvePnp function is used to compute the Direct Linear Transform (DLT) solution
followed by Levenberg-Marquardt optimization. DLT is used to solve a set of variables
from a set of similarity relations like below:
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404 30393
xi ¼ Ayi where; A ¼ X Y T Y Y T ð14Þ
The Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm starts with an initial guess g0, where g is
adjusted by only δ exclusively for downward steps as follows:
J J þ λI δ ¼ J T r ð15Þ
4. A 3 × 3 Rotation Matrix (R`) and 3 × 1 translation vector (t) are calculated is as follows
R` t
Pc ¼ Pw ð16Þ
0 1
2 3
r11 r12 r13 tx
R` t 6 r21 r22 r23 ty 7
¼4 7 ð17Þ
0 1 r31 r32 r33 tz 5
0 0 0 1
5. Plot the translation and rotation vector values in the view of the nose end tip.
From the above procedure, the head movement towards left and right can be identified. If the
head is turned either to left or right, then an alert is given to the proctor. The above steps show
that an alert will be given to the proctor either if face spoofing is identified for the aligned faces
or if the head of real face is rotated towards left or right.
In this chapter, the authors discussed dataset statistics, evaluation procedures of the proposed
method, discussion on experimental results, and comparative analysis with other methods. The
proposed system is implemented on Keras with TensorFlow as the backend. In this work, each
frame is captured video with a minimum size of the frame as 80*80 and then it will be given as
an input to the system.
The performance of the proposed model is evaluated on a dataset that comprises 200 videos
with various combinations of malpractice behaviors. Attentive-Net is pre-trained on the
CASIA-Web Face dataset which consists of 453,453 images to assess the liveliness of the
examinees. Further, Liveliness is evaluated on a custom dataset with 200 images, where 100
images are fake and the remaining 100 images are real. Our proposed model is also evaluated
on Computational Intelligence and Photography Lab (CIPL) dataset, which has 960 fake and
30394 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404
1081 real face samples. Figure 6 shows the sample fake and real images. The performance of
the proposed method is evaluated by considering 75% samples for model building and the
remaining 25% of samples are used to assess the model performance.
The input images extracted from frames are resized to 32*32 and are inputted to Attentive-Net.
Firstly, acquired face image was duly aligned and then mean positions of face for five
landmarks considered to determine the angle of rotation are x = [0.224152, 0.75610125,
0.490127, 0.254149, 0.726104] and y = [0.2119465, 0.2119465, 0.628106, 0.780233,
0.780233], respectively. Further, the affine matrix and the face position (left, right, center)
details are computed. If at least one sample image is registered as aligned, then the FaceNet
Algorithm is implemented to extract 128 dimensional features along with the computation of
liveliness detection and estimating head pose. The performance of the proposed Attentive
system is evaluated in both alignments: with and without face alignment. The experimentation
shows that the feature extraction without face alignment has a high ratio of false positives. If
the alignment process showing the examinee’s face is not captured, immediately proctor is sent
an alert instead of feature extraction. If the examinee is writing the examination, through the
camera we can find at least one face image, and a further aligned face can be identified. The
Attentive system yielded a 14.67% of false-positive ratio (FPR) without face alignment which
was reduced to 11.65% with face alignment. Similarly, False Negative Ratio (FNR) without
face alignment is 15.45% and with alignment, it was reduced to 11.29%.
During model building learning rates are varied from 1e-4 to 5e-4 in the proposed work and
it is observed that the model performance is stable at 1e-4 learning rate, batch size as 10 and
number of epochs as 60. But decay in performance is observed at the learning rates of 2e-4, 3e-
4, 4e-4, and 5e-4. Table 2 shows the performance of the proposed model with Adam as an
optimizer with varied learning rates and batch sizes.
The performance of the proposed method is evaluated with various activation functions like
Sigmoid, Hyperbolic Tangent, ReLu, and Leaky ReLu in the face detection module. Table 3
shows the performance of the proposed model in terms of Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and
Loss; it also shows that the Sigmoid achieved lower accuracy when compared with SoftMax in
the binary classification. The results show that the performance of ReLu and Leaky ReLu are
almost the same. The experimentation shows that ReLu addresses well the gradient vanishing
problem and is comparatively less computationally expensive. During the training process, it is
observed that the training time corresponding to each face detection increases with increase in
number of training samples. Conversely, the no. of training sample increases, the test time
corresponding to each face detection decreases.
Fig. 6 Sample real and fake images of CIPL and custom datasets
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404 30395
Further, Figs. 7 and 8 shows the performance of the Attentive system on how it identifies
the malpractice behavior of the examinee with the level of confidence. For each captured face
image, face alignment is carried, and then liveliness is computed continuously for 30 frames.
The SolvePnp equation is used to compute the rotation and translation vectors of each live
face sample using the nose endpoint as illustrated in Fig. 9. To identify the left and right
positions of the head image, the translation and rotation vectors were set as (40, 20) and
(40, −20).
Our system also detected various objects like a mobile, book, laptop as shown in Fig. 10.
An alert will be generated by our system if any of these objects are detected. Figure 11 shows
the working of head-pose estimation. Our model checks for the aligned face and continues the
further steps. Head pose is estimated only when at least one face is aligned. As the face is not
aligned in the second part of Fig. 11, the Head pose is not estimated. In the remaining parts of
the Figure, it is observed that the head pose towards the right, left and center can be detected by
using the vector values displayed at the nose tip.
The performance of the proposed method is compared with the Vardhaman AI Proctoring
system (
e429086743c8), Automated Online Proctoring system [2] as in Table 4. It is evident that the
precision value of the proposed method is 0.81 and it is superior to the other two methods as
shown in Fig. 12. The Vardhaman AI_Proctoring is limited in the recognition of live faces
efficiently in the dim light when compared to our proposed approach. These existing systems
do not verify the face alignment during the verification of face spoofing. Considering our
Attentive system as a Computer Vision Problem, our system is compared with existing system
[2] in different scenarios, Attentive system performs well in face detection over Viola-Jones.
Also Attentive-Net estimates head-pose more accurately using Direct Linear Transform over
Left Centre
Fig. 11 (From Left to right) Head Right, not aligned face, Head Left, Head straight
Lucas-Kanade method used in [2]. Attentive system uses YOLOv3 model to detect various
gadgets and books which can be used for malpractice.
The proposed research is also evaluated on a dataset with video samples having 15% of
mischievous behavior when compared with cheating activities and the remaining section have
regular activities. The mischievous actions include seeking help from others, usage of mobile
phone, substituting the examinee, and moving away from the camera, etc. The performance of
the proposed model is evaluated in two different scenarios like segment-based and instance-
based metrics [2]. Both these metrics are determined using True Detection Rate (TDR) and
False Alarm Rate (FAR). The mischievous behavior of the examinee is assessed using the
following formulae:
Σi#detected cheating instances
Instance−based TDR ¼
Σi#cheating instances
Table 4 F1 score for existing systems and proposed system on the custom dataset (100 videos)
Precision-Recall Curve
0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.30.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6
Vardhaman_AI Proctoring Automated Onine Proctoring System Our System
Fig. 12 Precision-recall curve over custom dataset (100 videos) for proposed attentive system and existing
(a) Instance based comparison of TDR with (b) Instance based comparison of TDR with
0.9 1
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Automated Online Exam Monitoring(Binary SVM)
Automated Online Exam Monitoring(Binary SVM)
Vardhaman AI_Proctoring Vardhaman AI_Proctoring
Proposed Method Proposed Method
Model Loss Function Opt=Adam, LR = Opt=Adam delta, LR = Opt=Adamax, LR= Opt=SGD, LR = Opt=Adagrad, LR =
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
Vardhaman_AI Binary Cross Entropy 0.66 0.65 0.86 0.62 0.65 0.73 0.63 0.63 0.72 0.63 0.64 0.75 0.68 0.65 0.87
Poisson 0.75 0.8 0.87 0.69 0.71 0.73 0.7 0.72 0.85 0.6 0.63 0.84 0.61 0.62 0.64.
Cosine Proximity 0.66 0.68 0.69 0.62 0.63 0.62 0.63 0.64 0.77 0.71 0.73 0.82 0.6 0.62 0.62
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404
Kullback Leibler Divergence 0.66 0.66 0.7 0.62 0.63 0.69 0.61 0.62 0.72 0.69 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.62 0.77
Hinge 0.63 0.68 0.86 0.63 0.66 0.72 0.61 0.62 0.61 0.58 0.59 0.68 0.61 0.63 0.74
Mean squared logarithmic error 0.62 0.64 0.79 0.6 0.62 0.82 0.61 0.64 0.79 0.6 0.61 0.7 0.6 0.62 0.79
Proposed Method Binary Cross Entropy 0.81 0.86 0.96 0.8 0.82 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.92 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.82 0.85 0.89
Poisson 0.85 0.9 0.97 0.79 0.81 0.83 0.8 0.82 0.85 0.8 0.83 0.94 0.81 0.82 0.84.
Cosine Proximity 0.86 0.88 0.89 0.82 0.83 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.87 0.81 0.83 0.84 0.8 0.82 0.82
Kullback Leibler Divergence 0.86 0.86 0.9 0.82 0.83 0.89 0.81 0.82 0.82 0.79 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.82 0.87
Hinge 0.83 0.84 0.86 0.83 0.86 0.92 0.81 0.82 0.81 0.78 0.79 0.98 0.81 0.83 0.84
Mean squared logarithmic error 0.82 0.84 0.89 0.8 0.82 0.92 0.81 0.84 0.89 0.8 0.81 0.9 0.8 0.82 0.89
30400 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023) 82:30375–30404
It is observed that the loss curve fits better with the Adam Optimizer when compared with
other loss functions such as cosine, hinge, and mean squared logarithmic error. The proposed
model maintains 0.86 accuracies for the cosine proximity and Kullback Leibler Divergence
loss functions. Also, the loss function affects the learning rate. The characteristics of various
optimizers are as follows; Adam needs less memory, Ada max is based on infinity norm,
Adagrad depends on parameter specific learning rate and Adadelta is a stochastic gradient
descent method. The existing Vardhaman AI proctoring system uses Adam delta optimizer,
with the batch size 10 and learning rate 1e-4. The Vardhaman AI proctoring system is a
ResNet50 based model which failed to extract embeddings for several faces from images with
high Gaussian blur. It is also not able to vectorize poor quality images which can be done by
the face net.
The average processing time of different modules like Face Detection, Head Pose Estima-
tion, Phone Detection, Face Spoofing and Multiple person detection are compared and the
results are presented in the Table 6. Apparently, introducing the face alignment module into
our Attentive system saves the time of Head Pose Estimation significantly.
From the above discussions, it is observed that our Attentive system superior to existing
methods in face detection, pose estimation and phone detection which can be embedded to any
platform/software for online proctoring with additional services or features such as User
Verification and Active Window Detection to avoid some more malpractice.
The face detection module identifies an individual only if the complete face is bounded in the
frame. In the face detection module, as the partial or occluded faces are not properly identified,
an alert cannot be sent to the proctor. In some of the cases, those partial faces could be of
people other than the examinee who may be extending their help to the examinee but are not
identified. Besides, the examinee may spoof his/her face. The liveness detection model
identifies the face spoofing and also alerts the proctor about the mischievous behavior of the
examinee. We are training the model with images of different poses and expressions. If the
faces with neutral expressions are categorized into spoofed images and faces with some
expressions are categorized into live images, then the examinee who is with neutral expression
while writing examination is also identified as spoofed image. The examinee’s face is in the
same position continuously for a long duration is identified as a spoofed image as there is no
facial movement or expression. The accuracy in these terms can be improved by categorizing
the datasets with more combinations. Along with liveliness detection, face verification also
needs to be done. If the examinee’s face is partially covered with a mask or hand then the pose
Model Face Detection Face Head Pose Phone Face Multiple person
module Alignment Estimation Detection Spoofing detection
is not estimated properly, as all facial features are not extracted accurately. The marking of the
pose angles will also be disturbed due to missing facial features.
The liveness detection and estimation of the head pose may not be sufficient as the
examinee may seek help from other persons or devices located in the room. The examinee
may not rotate his/her head but moves eyes to seek help. These types of malpractice behaviors
can be detected by using eye-gaze tracking. Without changes in the position of the head and
eyes, the examinee can also speak to others to seek help that is not identified. Our Attentive
system is limited to the recognition of some mischievous behaviors of the examinees. The
proposed online proctoring system works efficiently in the place of a human proctor. Our
proposed proctoring system detects the faces from live video, identifies the face spoofing,
detects cell phones, laptops, books and estimates the head pose. Our system helps proctors to
identify the malpractices carried by the examinees. The experimental results prove that the
proposed system better performs when compared to the existing Proctoring system. The
performance of the proposed system can be improvised in identifying if the examinee is
speaking to someone else during an examination.
5 Conclusion
The main objective of this paper is to develop a well-rounded automation system that is
capable of helping the proctor to monitor the students attending an online examination. Out of
the several proposed features of the system, our paper has developed the ability to do multiple-
person detection, face spoofing, and head pose estimation. While these form important
milestones, the ultimate objective is to develop the automation system. Our system reduced
the hardware and labor cost as the process is implemented only for aligned faces. Our model is
trained in such a way to detect faces from frames with poor quality. The experimental results
demonstrated that our automation system performs better with a precision value of 0.81 and
recall of 0.91. Various cheating behaviors are also identified with 0.86 accuracy, where
accuracy for existing systems is around 0.64. The model also performs better with various
Hyperparameters. At the moment, the scope of the project is restricted to video Processing. It is
hoped that the system can also be implemented using the examinee identity verifications,
mouth opening detection mechanisms, and other audio capturing tools.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal
relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human participants performed by any of the
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