Sensors 21 01121 With Cover
Sensors 21 01121 With Cover
Sensors 21 01121 With Cover
Ibai Laña, Javier J. Sanchez-Medina , Eleni I. Vlahogianni and Javier Del Ser
Special Issue
Developing “Smartness” in Emerging Environments and Applications with Focus on the Internet of
Things (IoT)
Edited by
Prof. Dr. Rashid Mehmood, Prof. Dr. Juan M. Corchado and Prof. Dr. Tan Yigitcanlar
From Data to Actions in Intelligent Transportation Systems:
A Prescription of Functional Requirements for
Model Actionability
Ibai Laña 1, * , Javier J. Sanchez-Medina 2 , Eleni I. Vlahogianni 3 and Javier Del Ser 1,4
1 TECNALIA, Basque Research & Technology Alliance (BRTA), P. Tecnologico Bizkaia, Ed. 700,
48160 Derio, Spain; or
2 CICEI, Department of Computer Science, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35001 Las Palmas, Spain;
3 Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, National Technical University of Athens,
15780 Zografou, Greece;
4 Department of Communications Engineering, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU,
Alameda Urquijo S/N, 48013 Bilbao, Spain
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Advances in Data Science permeate every field of Transportation Science and Engineering,
resulting in developments in the transportation sector that are data-driven. Nowadays, Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS) could be arguably approached as a “story” intensively producing and
consuming large amounts of data. A diversity of sensing devices densely spread over the infras-
tructure, vehicles or the travelers’ personal devices act as sources of data flows that are eventually
fed into software running on automatic devices, actuators or control systems producing, in turn,
complex information flows among users, traffic managers, data analysts, traffic modeling scientists,
Citation: Laña, I.;
etc. These information flows provide enormous opportunities to improve model development and
Sanchez-Medina, J.J.; decision-making. This work aims to describe how data, coming from diverse ITS sources, can be used
Vlahogianni, E.I.; Del Ser, J. From to learn and adapt data-driven models for efficiently operating ITS assets, systems and processes;
Data to Actions in Intelligent in other words, for data-based models to fully become actionable. Grounded in this described data
Transportation Systems: modeling pipeline for ITS, we define the characteristics, engineering requisites and challenges intrin-
A Prescription of Functional sic to its three compounding stages, namely, data fusion, adaptive learning and model evaluation.
Requirements for Model Actionability. We deliberately generalize model learning to be adaptive, since, in the core of our paper is the firm
Sensors 2021, 21, 1121. https://
conviction that most learners will have to adapt to the ever-changing phenomenon scenario underly-
ing the majority of ITS applications. Finally, we provide a prospect of current research lines within
Data Science that can bring notable advances to data-based ITS modeling, which will eventually
Academic Editor: Rashid Mehmood
bridge the gap towards the practicality and actionability of such models.
Received: 7 January 2021
Accepted: 2 February 2021
Published: 5 February 2021
Keywords: Intelligent Transportation Systems; functional requirements; machine learning; model
actionability; model evaluation
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
tral with regard to jurisdictional clai-
ms in published maps and institutio-
nal affiliations. 1. Introduction
In the last years Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have experienced an unpar-
alleled expansion for many reasons. The availability of cost-effective sensor networks,
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li-
pervasive computation in assorted flavors (distributed/edge/fog computing) and the
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
so-called Internet of Things are all accelerating the evolution of ITS [1]. On top of them,
This article is an open access article
Smart Cities cannot be understood anyhow without Smart Mobility and ITS as techno-
distributed under the terms and con- logical pillars sustaining their operation [2]. Smartness springs from connectivity and
ditions of the Creative Commons At- intelligence, which implies that massive flows of information are acquired, processed,
tribution (CC BY) license (https:// modeled and used to enable faster and informed decisions. For the last couple of decades, ITS have grown enough to cross pollinate with previ-
4.0/). ously distant areas such as Machine Learning and its superset in the Artificial Intelligence
taxonomy: Data Science. These days Data Science is placed at the methodological core of
works ranging from traffic and safety analysis, modeling and simulation, to transit network
optimization, autonomous and connected driving and shared mobility. Since the early 90’s
most ITS systems exclusively relied on traditional statistics, econometric methods, Kalman
filters, Bayesian regression, auto-regressive models for time series and Neural Networks,
to mention a few [3,4]. What has changed dramatically over the years is the abundance of
available data in ITS application scenarios as a result of new forms of sensing (e.g., crowd
sensing) with unprecedented levels of heterogeneity and velocity. Zhang et al. [3] have
defined this new form of data-driven ITS as the systems that have vision, multisource,
and learning algorithms driven to optimize its performance and augment its privacy-aware
people-centric character.
The exploitation of this upsurge of data has been enabled by advances in computa-
tional structures for data storage, retrieval and analysis, which have rendered it feasible to
train and maintain extremely complex data-based models. These baseline technologies have
laid a solid substrate for the proliferation of studies dealing with powerful modeling ap-
proaches such as Deep Learning or bio-inspired computation [5], which currently protrude
in the literature as the de facto modeling choice for a myriad of data-intensive applications.
However, significant consideration must be placed to the systematic and myopic selec-
tion of complex data-based solutions over well-established modeling choices. The current
research mainstream seems to be misleadingly focusing on performance-biased studies,
in a fast-paced race towards incorporating sophisticated data-based models to manifold
research area, leaving aside or completely disregarding the operational aspects for the
applicability of such models in ITS environment. The scope of this work is to review
existing literature on data-driven modeling and ITS, and identify the functional elements
and specific requirements of engineering solutions, which are the ultimate enablers for
data-based models to lead towards efficient means to operate ITS assets, systems and pro-
cesses; in other words, for data-based models to fully become actionable. Bearing the above
rationale in mind, this work underscores the need for formulating the requirements to be
met by forthcoming research contributions around data-based modeling in ITS systems.
To this end, we focus mainly on system-level on-line operations that hinge on data-based
pipelines. However, ITS is a wide research field, encompassing operations held at longer
time scales (e.g., long-term and mid-term planning) that may not demand some of the
functional requirements discussed throughout our work. Furthermore, our discussions
target system-level operations rather than user-level or vehicle-level applications, since in
the latter the information flow from and to the system is scarce. Nevertheless, some of the
described functional requirements for system-level real-time decisions can be extrapolated
to other levels and time scales seamlessly. From this perspective, our ultimate goal is to
prescribe – or at least, set forth – the main guidelines for the design of models that rely
heavily on the collection, analysis and exploitation of data. To this end, we delve into a
series of contributions that are summarized below:
• In the first place, we identify the gap between the data-driven research reported so far,
and the practical requirements that ITS experts demand in operation. We capitalize
on this gap to define what we herein refer to as actionable data-based modeling workflow,
which comprises all data processing stages that should be considered by any actionable
data-based ITS model. Although diverse data-based modeling workflows can be
found in literature with different purposes, most of them count on recognized stages,
that are presented in this work from an actionability perspective, i.e., what to take
into account from the operational point of view when designing the workflow, how to
capture and preprocess data, how to develop a model and how to prescribe its output.
These guidelines are proposed and argued within an ITS application context. However,
they can be useful for any other discipline in which data-based modeling is performed.
• Next, functional requirements to be satisfied by the aforementioned workflow are
described and framed in the context of ITS systems and processes, with examples
exposing their relevance and consequences if they are not fulfilled.The contributions
Sensors 2021, 21, 1121 3 of 34
of this section are twofold: on the one hand, we identify and define the holistically
actionable ITS model along with its main features; on the other hand, we enumerate
requirements for each feature to be considered actionable, as well as a review of the
latest literature dealing with these features and requisites.
• Finally, on a prospective note we elaborate on current research areas of Data Science
that should progressively enter the ITS arena to bridge the identified gap to action-
ability. Once the challenges of modeling and ITS requirements have been stated,
we review emerging research areas in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science that can
contribute to the fulfilment of such requirements. We expect that our reflexive analysis
serves as a guiding material for the community to steer efforts towards modeling
aspects of more impact for the field than the performance of the model itself.
As a summary, the contributions of this work consist of identifying the main actionabil-
ity gaps in the data-based modeling workflow, gathering and describing the fundamental
requirements for a system to be actionable, and considering both the requirements and
the usual data-based processing workflow, proposing solutions through the most recent
technologies. These contributions are organized throughout the rest of the paper as follows:
Section 2 delves into the actionable data-based modeling workflow, i.e., the canonical data
processing pipeline that should be considered by a fully actionable ITS system with data-
based models in use. Section 3 follows by elaborating on the functional features that an ITS
system should comply with so as to be regarded as actionable. Once these requirements are
listed and argued in detail, Section 4 analyzes research paths under vibrant activity in areas
related to Data Science that could bring profitable insights in regards to the actionability
of data-based models for the ITS field, such as explainable AI, the inference of causality
from data, online learning and adaptation to non-stationary data flows. Finally, Section 5
concludes the paper with summarizing remarks drawn from our prospect.
modeling outcome and the final decision/action derived from the modeling result. Besides,
each step can have implications for the final actionability of the model, reason for which all
of them are analyzed below.
actionability of a system built upon these data is subject to the geographical area
where such sensing devices are deployed and their range.
2. In-vehicle sensing, which includes a broad range of transponder devices that are
part of the on-board equipment of certain fleets. Commercial vehicles on land, air
and water usually have location devices that record and emit the position and other
metrics of the vehicles at all times. This opens up a wide range of ITS applications,
such as fleet management [8], route optimization [9], delay analysis and detection [10],
airport/port management [11] or, when the vehicles are a part of traffic, a detailed
analysis of their behavior along a complete route (not only in certain sensorized
locations) [12]. This technology is highly extended in commercial fleets and its
multiple analytic applications are nowadays remarkably actionable, due to industry
standards requirements. However, machine learning modeling based approaches are
starting to emerge, and should consider actionability as a core concern.
3. Cooperative sensing, which denotes the general family of data collection strategies
that regards the information provided by different users of the ITS ecosystem as a
whole, thus being grouped and jointly processed forward. This inner perspective of
traffic and transportation can be obtained through many mechanisms, and, although
it is more specific and scarce, it is also more complete than the one obtained from road-
side sensing. These data open the door to mobility profiling and anomaly detection,
enriching the outlook of a transportation model by means of the fusion of different
data-based views of an ITS scenario. This includes all forms of mobile sensing data,
from call detail record data that can be used to obtain users trajectories [13], to GPS
data [14]. These sources are the foundation of abundant research [15,16], but in most
cases the data fusion part is obviated. Crowdsourced and Social Media sensing can
be analogously considered in this category. These data sources can also contribute to
data-based ITS models by means of sentiment analysis and geolocation. The use of
crowd-sourced data is well established among technology-based companies (Google,
Uber etc), yet not very often available to research community and private and public
authorities in the transport operations management. The limited information that
becomes available is deprived from the necessary statistical representativeness and
truthfulness in order to be easily integrated to legacy management systems.
4. External data sources, which include all data that are not directly related to traffic of
demand, but have an impact on it, such as weather, calendar, or planned events, social
and economic indicators, demographic characteristics etc. These data are usually
easy to obtain, and their incorporation to ITS models augments in general the quality
of their produced insights and ultimately, the actionability of the actions yielded
therefrom. It is also true that this data source is typically unstructured, which can
pose a challenge regarding its automatic integration.
5. Structured/static data, which refers to data sources that provide information of ele-
ments that have a direct impact on transportation, such as public transportation lines
and timetables, or municipal bike rental services. Due to their inherently structured
nature, data provided by these sources are often arranged in a fixed format, making it
easier to incorporate to subsequent data-based modeling stages. Any of the previous
data and applications can be enriched with these kind of data; a model that is able to
represent the mobility of a city would probably enhance its capabilities if it considered
these data. For instance, a bus timetable can help understand traffic in the street
segments that are traversed by the bus service or where its stops are located. These
information sources must be considered for an intelligent transportation system to be
actionable, being a particularly essential piece of urban and interurban mobility.
spectrum of knowledge these data can bring to the sake of informed decision making,
the more the sensing opportunities the larger the needs for powerful preprocessing and
skills are before reaching the stage of modeling.
A principled data-driven modeling workflow requires more than just applying off-
the-shelf tools. In this regard, preprocessing raw data is undoubtedly an elementary step
of the modeling process [17], but still persists nowadays as a step frequently overlooked by
researchers in the ITS field [18].
To begin with, when a model is to be built on real ITS data, an important fact to be taken
into account is the proneness of real environments to present missing or corrupted data due
to many uncertain events that can affect the whole collection, transformation, transmission
and storage process [19]. This issue needs to be assessed, controlled and suitably tackled
before proceeding further with next stages of the processing pipeline. Otherwise, missing
and/or corrupted instances within the captured data may distort severely the outcome of
data-based models, hindering their practical utility [20]. A wide extent of missing data
imputation strategies can be found in literature [21,22], as well as methods to identify,
correct or discriminate abnormal data inputs [23]. However, they are often loosely coupled
to the rest of the modeling pipeline [24]. An actionable data preprocessing should focus not
only on improving the quality of the captured data in terms of completeness and regularity,
but also on providing valuable insights about the underlying phenomena yielding missing,
corrupted and/or outlying data, along with their implications on modeling [25].
Next, the cleansed dataset can be engineered further to lie an enriched data substrate
for the subsequent modeling [26,27]. A number of operations can be applied to improve the
way in which data are further processed along the chain. For instance, data transformation
methods can be applied for different purposes related to the representation and distribution
of data (e.g., dimensionality reduction, standardization, normalization, discretization or
binarization). Although these transformations are not mandatory in all cases, a deep
knowledge of what input data represent and how they contribute to modeling is a key
aspect to be considered in this preprocessing stage.
Furthermore, data enrichment can be held from two different perspectives that can
be adopted depending on the characteristics of the dataset at this point. As such, feature
selection/engineering refers to the implementation of methods to either discard irrelevant
features for the modeling problem at hand, or to produce more valuable data descriptors
by combining the original ones through different operations. Likewise, instance selec-
tion/generation implies a transformation of the original data in terms of the examples.
Removing instances can be a straight solution for corrupted data and/or outliers, whereas
the addition of synthetic instances can help train and validate models for which scarce real
data instances are available. Besides, these approaches are among the most predominant
techniques to cope with class imbalance [28], a very frequent problem in predictive model-
ing with real data. Whether each of these operations is required or not depends entirely on
the input data, their quality, abundance and the relations among them. This entails a deep
understanding of both data and domain, which is not always a common ground among
the ITS field practitioners [29].
Finally, data fusion embodies one of the most promising research fields for data-driven
ITS [3,30], yet remains marginally studied with respect to other modeling stages despite its
potential to boost the actionability of the overall data-based model. Indeed, an ITS model
can hardly be actionable if it does not exploit interactions among different data sources.
Upon their availability, ITS models can be enriched by fusing diverse data sources. A recent
review on different operational aspects of data-driven ITS developments states that these
models rarely count on more than one source of data [16]. This fact clearly unveils a
niche of research when taking into account the increasing availability of data provided
by the growing amount of sensors, devices and other data capturing mechanisms that are
deployed in transportation networks, in all sorts of vehicles, or even in personal devices
held by the infrastructure users. Despite the relative scarcity of contributions dealing with
this part of the data-based modeling workflow, the combination of multiple sources of
Sensors 2021, 21, 1121 7 of 34
information has been proven to enrich the model output along different axis, from accuracy
to interpretability [31–34].
2.3. Modeling
Once data are obtained, fused, preprocessed and curated, the modeling phase implies
the extraction of knowledge by constructing a model to characterize the distribution of
such data or their evolution in time. The distillation of such knowledge can be performed
for different purposes: to represent unsupervised data in a more valuable manner (as in
e.g., clustering or manifold learning), for instance, to insight patterns relating the input
data to a set of supervised outputs (correspondingly, classification/regression) aiming to
automatically label unseen data observations, to predict future values based on the previous
values (time series forecasting), or to inspect the output produced by a model when
processing input data (simulation). To do so, in data-based modeling machine learning
algorithms are often put to use, which allow automating the modeling process itself.
The above purposes can serve as a discrimination criterion for different algorithmic
approaches for data-based modeling. However, when the goal is to model data interac-
tions within complex systems such as transportation networks, it is often the case that
the modeling choice resorts to ensembles of different learner types. For instance, when
applying regression models for road traffic forecasting, a first clustering stage is often
advisable to unveil typicalities in the historical traffic profiles and to feed them as priors
for the subsequent predictive modeling [35–37]. However, when it comes to model action-
ability, a key feature of this stage is the generalization of the developed model to unseen
data. This characteristic implies making a model useful beyond the data on which it is
trained, which implies that the model design efforts should not only be put on making the
model achieve a marginally superior performance, but also to be useful in other spatial
or temporal circumstances. Achieving good generalization properties for the developed
can be tackled by diverse means, which often depend on the modeling purpose at hand
(e.g., cross-validation, regularization, or the use of ensembles in predictive modeling).
Essentially, the design goal is to find the trade-off between performance (through repre-
senting much of the intrinsic variance of data) and generalization (staying away from an
overfitted model to a particular training set). This aspect becomes utterly relevant when
data modeling is done on time-varying data produced by dynamic phenomena. ITS are,
in point of fact, complex scenarios subject to strong sources of non-stationarity, thereby
calling for an utmost focus on this aspect.
The complexity met in traffic and transportation operations is usually treated with
heterogeneous modeling approaches that aim to complement each other to improve ac-
curacy [38–40]. This can be done either by comparing different models and selecting the
most appropriate one every time, or by combining different models to produce the final
outcome. Additionally, in some fields of ITS, such as traffic modeling, physical (namely,
theory- or simulation-based) models have been available for decades. Their integration into
data-based modeling workflows, considering the knowledge they can provide, can become
crucial for a manifold of purposes, e.g., to enforce traffic theory awareness in models
learned from ITS data. Indeed, the hybridization of physical and data-based models
has a yet to be developed potential that has only been timidly explored in some recent
works [41–43].
Interestingly, complex data driven modeling solutions to transportation phenomena
have been numerous and resourceful ranging from modular structures, to model combina-
tions, surrogate modeling [44] and so on. Regardless of the approach, literature emphasizes
on the critical issue of model hyperparameter optimization using for example nature
inspired algorithms, namely Evolutionary Computation or Swarm Intelligence [39,45].
Assuming that there is a feasible and acceptable solution to the problem of selecting the
proposed parameters for a data drive model, when dealing with complex modeling struc-
ture this task should be conducted automatically by optimizing the hyperparameter space
usually based on the models’ predictive error. It is to note that, the greater the number of
Sensors 2021, 21, 1121 8 of 34
models involved the more difficult the optimization task becomes. Moreover, relying on
nature inspired stochastic approaches, full determinism in the solution and convergence
stability can not be formally guaranteed [5].
2.4. Prescription
Once the modeling phase itself has been completed, the resulting model faces its
application to a real ITS environment. It is at this stage when actions deriving from the
data insights are defined/learned/decided, and when the actionability of the model can be
best assessed. Yet, this stage is frequently overlooked in most ITS research, where most
works conclude at presenting the good performance of a model; it is uncommon to find
evaluations of a given model in terms of its final application in a certain environment.
Are the actions that can be taken as a result of the outcome of a data-based model aimed at
a strategic, tactical or operational decision making? Is the output of the data-based model
able to support decisions made by transportation networks managers? Can the output
be consumed directly without any need for further modeling, or exploited by means of a
secondary modeling process aimed at optimizing the decision making process? This latter
case can be exemplified, for instance, by the formulation of the decision making process as
an optimization problem, in which actions are represented by the variables compounding
a solution to the problem, and the output of the previous data-based modeling phase can
be used to quantitatively estimate the quality or fitness of the solution. One of the most
prominent examples of this prescription mode deals with routing problems, since they often
use simulation tools or predictive models to assess the travel time, pollutant emissions or
any other optimization objective characterizing the fitness of the tested routes [46,47]. Other
examples of prescription based on data emerge in tactical and strategic planning, such as
the modification of public transportation lines [48], the establishment of special lanes
(e.g., taxi, bike) [49], the improvement of road features [50], the adaptive control of traffic
signaling [51], the identification of optimal delivery (or pickup) routes for different kinds
of transportation services [52], the incident detection and management [53], learning for
automated driving [54], or the design of sustainable urban mobility plans based on the
current and future demand or the drivers’ behavior [55,56].
In any of the above presented ITS cases, a data-based model should be equipped with
a certain set of features that guarantee its actionability. For instance, if a traffic manager
is not able to interpret a model or understand its outcome in terms of confidence, it can
be hardly applied for practical decision making. When the model is used for adaptive
control purposes (as in automated traffic light scheduling), the adaptability of the model
to contextual changes is a key requirement for prescribed actions to be matched to the
current traffic status [57]. Interestingly, some control techniques with a long history in
the field (e.g., Stochastic Model Predictive Control, SMPC, [58]) serve as a good example
of the triple-play between application requirements, decision making and data-based
models. When dealing with the design of control methods in ITS, SMPC has been proven
to perform efficiently in highly-complex systems subject to the probabilistic occurrence of
uncertainties [59]. Specifically, SMPC leverages at its core data-based prediction modeling
and low-complexity chance-constrained optimization to deal with control problems that
impose that the method to be used must operate in real time. In this case, and in most
actionable data-based workflows where decision making is formulated as an optimization
problem, we note a clear entanglement between application requirements (e.g., real-time
processing), decision making (low-complexity, dynamic optimization techniques) and
data-based models (predictive modeling for system dynamics forecasting).
2.5. Adaptation
Finally, the proposed actionable data processing workflow considers model adaptation
as a processing layer that can be applied over different modeling stages along the pipeline.
When models are based on data, they are subject to many kinds of uncertainties and non-
stationarities that can affect all stages of the process. Streaming data initially used to build
Sensors 2021, 21, 1121 9 of 34
the model can experience long-term drifts (for instance, an increase of the average number
of vehicles), sudden changes (a newly available road), or unexpected events (for example,
a public transportation strike) [60–62]. A closed lane, a new tram line, the opening of a
tunnel or simply the opening of a new commercial center, may change completely the way
in which network users behave, and thus, affect the data-based models that are intended
to reflect such a mobility. Therefore, data-based modeling cannot be conceived as a static
design process. This critical adaptation should be considered in all parts of the workflow,
and constantly updated with new data:
1. In the preprocessing stage, adaptation could be understood from many perspectives:
the incorporation of new sources of data, the partial or total failure of data capturing
sensors, which lead to an increased need for data fusion, imputation, engineering
or augmentation.
2. In the modeling stage, adaptations could range from model retraining, adaptation to
new data or alternative model switching, to the change of the learning algorithm due
to a change in the requested system requirements (for instance, in terms of processing
latency any other performance indicator).
3. In the prescription stage, adaptation is intended to dynamically support decisions
accounting for changes in data that propagate to the output of preceding modeling
stages. Data-based modeling can deal with such changes and adapt their output
accordingly, yet they are effective to a point. For instance, online learning strategies
devised to overcome from concept drift in data streams can speed up the learning
process after the drift occurs (by e.g., diversity induction in ensembles or active
learning mechanisms). Unfortunately, even when model adaptation is considered
the performance of the adapted model degrades at different levels after the drift.
Extending adaptation to the prescription stage provides an additional capacity of
the overall workflow to adapt to changes, leveraging techniques from prescriptive
analysis such as dynamic or stochastic optimization.
Adaptations within the above stages can be observed from two perspectives: auto-
matic adaptations that the system is prepared to do when certain circumstances occur,
or adaptations that are derived from changes that are introduced by the user. Thus, the adap-
tation layer is strongly linked to actionability: an ITS model will be more actionable if
adaptations, either needed or imposed, are accessible to its final users. For instance, a sys-
tem could be required to introduce a new set of data, and its impact on all the stages should
be controlled by the transportation network manager, or if a drift is detected, the system
should consider if it is relevant to inform the user.
Operative context For ATMS
Regulatory context Interpretability
Privacy Confidence based output
Social context Trade-off accuracy-usability
Environmental context SELF SUSTAINABILITY
TRAFFIC Adaptability
Integrability Stability & Resilience
Relevance Scalability
Large-scale application
Figure 2. Functional requirements for actionable data-based models in Intelligent Transportation
Systems (ITS). ATIS: Advanced Traveler Information Systems; ATMS: Advanced Transportation
Management Systems.
3.1. Usability
The way in which humans interact with information systems has been thoroughly
studied in last decades and formalized under the general usability term [63]. Although
usability is a feature that can be associated to any system in which there is some kind
of interaction with the user, most of its definitions to date gravitate around the design
of software systems [64–66], which is not necessarily the case of ITS research. Usable
designs imply defining a clear purpose for a system, and helping users making use of
it to reach their objectives [67]. Within ITS, there are domains where this definitions
apply directly [68], such as vehicle user interfaces [69–71], the development of navigation
systems [72], road signalization [73], or even the way in which public transportation
systems information is shown to users [74,75].
The aforementioned domains of application, and mostly any system lying at the core
of Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS), have an explicit interaction component.
On the other hand, models developed for Advanced Transportation Management Systems
(ATMS) are less related to user interaction (beyond the interface design of decision making
tools), hence this canonical definition of usability seems to be less applicable. However,
the general concept of usability can also accommodate the notion of utility as the quality of
a system of being useful for its purpose, or the concept of effectiveness, in regards to how
effective is the information provided by them [76]. Since ITS are systems developed as
tools designed to help the different stakeholders that take part in transportation activities,
the actionability of data-based models used for this regard depends stringently in this
general idea of usability [77]. Models’ usability is a feature largely disregarded in literature.
A clear example of this situation is traffic forecasting, a preeminent subfield of ATMS,
in which the link between the high end deep learning models with the requirements by the
road operators in forecasts to support the decision making is very weak [78].
Usability may relate to the person that is going to operate the model, and to the
type and complexity of the model, which relate to specific skills. Achieving usable ITS
models does not entail the same efforts for all ITS subdomains. Thus, while for research
contributions related to ATIS there is a clear interest in this matter [79], for ATMS develop-
ments some extra considerations need to be made. Usability in ITS has, therefore, a facet
oriented towards user interface, where interfaces reflect at least one of the outputs of an
ITS data-based model, and another facet towards creating models that are more aware of
the way their outputs are going to be consumed afterwards by the decision maker.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1121 11 of 34
3.2. Self-Sustainability
In general, self-sustainability of a model refers to its ability to survive—hence, to
continue to be useful—in a dynamic environment. ITS models and developments are
usually intended to operate during long periods of time. However, it is widely accepted
that traffic and transportation phenomena are strongly dynamic in nature, meaning that
these phenomena exhibit long term trends, evolve in space and time, but also, at the
occurrence of an unexpected event, they are susceptible to abrupt changes and exhibit long
term memory effects. For instance, a trip information system based on traffic forecasts
on a certain part of the network trained with historical data coming from recurrent traffic
conditions may not be easily transferable to other road networks or not efficient in case
of a severe disruption in traffic operation (accident). What is more, if the specific system
does not undergo constant training with new data over time, eventually it will fail to
correctly operate even for the network location it was originally designed to operate due
Sensors 2021, 21, 1121 13 of 34
other hand, for critical systems such as air traffic management, robustness would
require additional measurements to contain damage [110,111]. All in all, robust data-
based workflows should be able to accommodate unseen operational circumstances,
such as data distribution shifts or unprecedented levels of information uncertainty,
which particularly prevail in crowdsourced and Social Media data [112,113].
3. Stable and resilient: Actionable systems require a certain output stability in order to
be understandable by their users. This notion is apparently opposed to adaptability,
but while the latter is the ability to adapt the output to environment or data changes,
stability pursues maintaining the output statistically bounded even when contextual
changes occur, through e.g., model adaptation techniques. When adaptation is not
perfect and the model violates a given level of statistical stability, stability requires
another kind of adaptation, namely resilience, to make the model return to its normal
operation and thus, minimize the impact of external changes on the quality of its
output [114]. This entails, in essence, going one step further in the knowledge of
the environment and taking into account those circumstances that can affect the
system, and it could be linked to transferable models, which would be addressed
below. For instance, a traffic volume characterization model would be adaptable
if it considers the changes inherent to traffic volume (an increase over time due to
economical factors), and it would be stable if a change in the weather conditions does
not deteriorate its performance, or in other words, it has considered this essential
circumstance. These kind of considerations are almost nonexistent in literature [78],
but however crucial for a model to be self-sustainable.
4. Scalable: In the research environment, tests are run in a delimited scale, constrained to
the size of data, and useful for the experiments, in contrast with large, multi-variate
real environments. Scaling up is not, of course, a matter of ITS research, but an
engineering problem. However, models should be designed to be scalable since
their conception.
Leaving aside calibration and training phases, classic transportation theories tend in
general to be computationally more affordable than data-driven models. However,
the unprecedented amount of computing power available nowadays discards any
real pragmatic limitation due to the computational complexity of learning algorithms
in data-based modeling. An exception occurs with models falling within the Deep
Learning category which, depending on their architecture and size of training data,
may require specialized computing hardware such as GPU or multi-core equipment.
Nevertheless, the rising trend in terms of scalability is to make data-based models
incremental and adaptable [3], which finds its rationale not only in the environmental
sustainability of data centers (lower energy consumption and thereby, carbon foot-
print), but also in the deployment of scalable model architectures on edge devices,
usually with significantly less computing resources than data centers.
Although some ITS problems are easier to scale and this feature would not be trouble-
some, there are some fields that can be very sensitive to scalability. For instance,
route planners frequently consist of shortest-path problem and travel-salesman
problem implementations that increase in complexity when the number of nodes
grow [115]. This is a good example where artificial intelligence and optimization
tools provide solutions that are actionable in terms of scalability, and where cases
are found effortlessly [116,117]. Caring about aspects like the easiness to introduce
new variables when needed, the complexity of tuning if applies, or the execution
time, would make a model more actionable, by increasing its self-sustainability. This
need for scalability is not just a matter related to the computational complexity of
modeling elements along the pipeline, but also links to the feasibility of migrating the
designed models from a lab setup to a, e.g., Big Data computing architecture. Unfor-
tunately, scarce publications reflect nowadays on whether their proposed data-based
workflows can be deployed and run on legacy ITS systems, thereby avoiding costly
upgrade investments in computing equipment.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1121 15 of 34
by the traffic model obsolete and useless until the data captured from the environment
is exploited for retraining. Physical models can be highly useful to anticipate scenarios
and complement data-based models, providing additional information of what theories or
simulations determine that the behavior of the scenario should be.
This emergent modeling paradigm is known as Theory Guided Data Science, and aims
to enhance data driven models by integrating scientific knowledge [123]. The main ob-
jective of this approach is to enable an insightful learning using theoretic foundations of
a specific discipline to tackle the problem of data representativeness, spurious patterns
found in datasets, as well as providing physically inconsistent solutions. From the al-
gorithmic point of view, this induction of domain knowledge can be done in assorted
means, such as the use of specially devised regularization terms in predictive models
(e.g., in the loss function of Deep Learning models), data cleansing strategies that account
for known data correlations, or memetic solvers that incorporate local search methods
embedding problem-specific heuristics. In transportation, there has been several example
of theory enhanced models departing from traffic conditions identification and characteri-
zation [124,125], to data driven and agent based traffic simulation models for control and
management [3,42,126,127], or cooperative intelligent driving services [128].
Awareness with domain-specific knowledge can be also enforced at the end of the
workflow. When decision making is formulated as an optimization problem, the family of
optimization strategies known as Memetic Computing [129,130] has been used for years
to incorporate local search strategies compounded by global search techniques and low-
level local search heuristics. These heuristics can be driven by intuition when tackling
the optimization problem at hand or, more suitably for actionability purposes, by a priori
knowledge about the decision making process gained as a result of human experience
or prevailing theories. For instance, traffic management under incidences in the road
network can largely benefit from the human knowledge acquired for years by the manager
in charge, since this knowledge may embed features of the traffic dynamics that are not
easily observable from historical data. This knowledge can be inserted in an optimization
algorithm devised to decide e.g., which lanes should be rerouted in an accident.
First, within the operation, the deployment context where a developed model is
intended to be implemented can enforce a series of operative constraints. Creating and
proposing an ITS model without observing these requirements is an exercise of futility,
for its lack of actionability. From this operation perspective, the context covers from
deployment and operation costs—is the system cost-efficient considering its potential
service?—to functioning modes—has the model the expected response times? can it operate
in reduced computational power environments? As an illustration, a system designed to
detect and identify pedestrians can be very effective in terms of performance, but if it does
not operate at an appropriate speed, or it needs more demanding computations that cannot
be embarked in a vehicle, it is useless for an autonomous driving context [134]. A similar
reasoning holds if by operation cost one thinks about the energy consumption of the model
at hand. Questions such as whether the energy consumed by the model compliant with
the system should be kept in mind at design time, but also from the academic perspective,
where efforts should be directed to the development of models that are consequent with
the actual operative circumscription.
Second, regulations constitute a hard and highly contextual constraint in the imple-
mentation of ITS. Besides the wide regulatory differences that can be found across regions,
there are transport frameworks where regulations are specially rigid. A typical example
is the case of airports [135], and where there is a broad field for specialized ITS. Another
example is the constantly rising use of drone systems to monitor traffic [136]. Models that
fail to relate to the application’s regulatory environment are not actionable.
Third, data privacy and sovereignty constitute a growing concern in a connected
world where, after a decade of handing over data with complacency, an awareness about
personal information sharing is springing. A recent example is the introduction of the
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) framework, that severely disputed the
manner data were introduced to models, as well as data availability. ITS models that are
based on personal data are common nowadays, for instance in floating car data based
developments [137]. However, there are fields where this aspect is becoming crucial
(autonomous driving connectivity [138], security in public transport environments [139]),
and research is steering to privacy-preserving approaches [140], spheres where technologies
such as Blockchain can have a major dominance [141,142].
Fourth, social aspects of the application play a major role in modeling. Social trans-
portation is the subfield in ITS where the “social” information coming from mobile devices,
wearable devices and social media is used for a number of ITS management related applica-
tions [143]. The outcomes from social transportation may be, to name a few, traffic analysis
and forecasting [144,145], transportation based social media [146], transportation knowl-
edge automation in the form of recommending systems and decision support systems [147],
and services for the collection of further signal to be used later for the already mentioned
purposes or others. However, cultural differences can have a relevant impact in how
these systems operate, as social data are most commonly strongly linked to geographical
information. This is a key aspect for their actionability.
Fifth, transportation is currently a large source of greenhouse-gas emissions [148].
These concerns are gaining momentum in a wide range of ITS applications, such as the dis-
covery of parking spots [149], multimodality applications that grant travelers the chance of
using collective transportation systems efficiently and conveniently [150], the improvement
of logistics operations [151], shared mobility applications, which help reducing the number
of one-passenger vehicles in the road network [152], or driving analytics to improve safety
and ecological footprint [153–155].
Of course, research goes beyond the application context and does not need to be
always connected to a certain application scenario. A prototype can be far from the
practical requirements of its eventual deployment; still, knowing the essential application
common grounds is key to converge to actionable models. Unfortunately, this is a matter
frequently disregarded in ITS research.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1121 18 of 34
3.5. Transferability
Within the research context, it is common to employ test data to assess the models.
Regardless if these data are obtained from real sources or synthetically generated, the result-
ing models have been built around them, and can be heavily linked to that experimentation
context. Would these models work in other context or with other input data? Transferability
could be defined as the quality of a data-driven model to be applied in other environment
with other data, and it is directly linked with actionability: the application of a model
should be generalizable to different datasets and transportation settings. This definition
stems from the more general concept of Transfer Learning [156], which can entail that models
trained in a certain domain are applied to other domains, so that the previous knowledge
obtained from the first makes them perform better in the latter than models without it.
Depending on the subcategory of ITS, this requirement can be easily met or arduous to
achieve, as some subcategories are more oriented towards the application and rely less on
the environment than others; the key is defining what is environment. For example, a travel
time forecasting model developed with data of a certain location could be transferable to
another location without great complications, if it is built considering this feature [157].
In fact, many ITS models that are spatial-sensitive are developed using real data, but within
the experimentation context, they are evaluated only in certain locations. Transferability for
these scenarios would imply that the obtained results are reproducible (with certain degree
of tolerance) in other locations.This could entail from plainly extrapolating the model to
other locations [158], to implementing of techniques such as soft-sensing, aimed at modeling
situations where no sensor is available [159], and the environment information is enough
to obtain these models. A similar case in terms of spatial contexts, but with more parameter
complexity, requires plenty of information about the environment. As an illustration,
the case of crash risk estimation implies a higher calibration and adjustment needs due
to the higher number of parameters that take part in this type of estimations. In these
circumstances, works such as [160] or [161] work with posterior probability models and
give more relevance to models that behave with a certain performance in many contexts
than to models that perform better in a particular location. On the other extreme, for cases
like autonomous driving, the change of environment is connatural to the domain (a moving
vehicle constantly changing its location), and the parameters of these models are abundant
and highly variable. Thus, these applications need transferable solutions, transferability
that is specifically sought by researchers, for instance in LIDAR based localization [162] or
pedestrian motion estimation [163]. In any case, and regardless the domain, ITS research is
in an incipient stage (probably with the exception of autonomous driving) of developing
transferable models, and evaluating this feature, and some machine learning paradigms
can help improve this characteristic.
and dynamic optimization can expedite and proliferate the adoption of incremental
data-based models in more ITS-related applications.
• Transfer learning and domain adaptation, that could allow to develop models for
certain contexts and export them to others, linking directly to the transferability
requirement, but also to the integration of transportation theories and physical models
to data-based models.
• Gray-box modeling, a paradigm halfway between white-box (physical) and black-
box (data-based) models. Gray-box modeling represents a promising area to bring
awareness to traffic theory and other physical modeling when developing data-based
models, with the potential to increase the performance, usability and comprehensibil-
ity of the latter.
• Green AI, a trend in Artificial Intelligence research that connects directly with en-
ergy and cost efficiency. Developing efficient models has a relevant impact in their
sustainability and context awareness.
• Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics: Data-based models—specially
those learning from large amounts of diverse data from many sources—are fragile to
biases, and can compromise aspects such as the fairness of decisions or the differential
privacy of data. In this context of growing sources of data, including those gathered
from people, and increasingly opaque data-based models, it has become essential to
understand what models have learned from data, and to analyze them beyond their
predictive performance to consider ethical, societal and legal aspects. These aspects
have been scarcely considered in ITS research.
• Other Artificial Intelligence areas such as imbalanced learning, reinforcement learning,
adversarial machine learning are later highlighted for their noted relevance in ITS.
We next discuss on the research opportunities spurred by the above research lines,
their connections with the requirements presented in Section 3 (shown in Figure 3), as well
as the challenges that stem from the consideration of these AI areas in the context of ITS.
Figure 3. Schematic diagram showing how avant-garde AI subareas can promote actionability in ITS data-based modeling
workflows. Subareas contributing with particular emphasis to different functional requirements are connected together
along the way from data to actions.
data pipeline obsolete, thus demanding active or passive techniques to update it with the
characteristics of the stream [7,97].
Although activity around online learning has mostly revolved on certain clustering
and classification paradigms (the latter giving rise to the so-called concept drift term to
refer to pattern changes), it is important to note that adaptation can be also needed in
other stages of the actionable data-based workflow, from data fusion to the prescription of
actions. This being said, research areas such as dynamic optimization and dynamic multi-
sensor data fusion should be also investigated deeply in future studies related to actionable
data-based models, specially when the scenario under analysis can produce information
with non-stationary statistical characteristics. When merging different data sources, fusion
strategies at different levels can be designed and implemented, from traditional means
(data-level fusion, knowledge-level fusion) to modern methods (corr. model-based fusion,
federated learning or multiview learning) [164,165]. Fusion of correlated data sources can
compensate for missing entries or noisy instances in static environments. However, when
data evolve over time as a result of their non-stationarity, new challenges may arise in
regards to the inconsistency among multiple information sources, including measurement
discrepancy, inconsistent spatial and temporal resolutions, or the timeliness/obsolescence
of the data flows to be merged, among other issues. For this reason, close attention
should be paid to advances reported around adaptive fusion methods capable of detecting,
counteracting and correcting misalignments between data flows that occur and evolve over
time. This branch of dynamic data fusion schemes aims at combining together information
flows produced by non-stationary sources, synthesizing a representation of the recent
history of each of the flows to be merged into a set of more coherent, useful data inputs
to the rest of the data-based pipeline [166,167]. On the other hand, dynamic optimization
techniques can efficiently deliver optimized actionable policies when the objectives and/or
constraints of the underlying optimization problem varies [168,169]. We energetically
advocate for a widespread embrace of advances in these fields by the ITS community,
emphasizing on those scenarios whose dynamic nature can make the obtained actionable
insights eventually obsolete. This is the case, for instance, of traffic related modeling
problems (e.g., traffic flow forecasting and optimal routing) or driver characterization for
consumption minimization, among many others.
Other requirements for actionability can also benefit from the adoption of the above
models in dynamic ITS contexts. For instance, cost efficiency in terms of energy consump-
tion can largely harness the incrementality that often features an online learning model.
The use of dynamic data fusion can also yield a drastically less usage of communication
resources in wireless V2V links, such as those established in cooperative driving scenarios.
All in all, the recent literature poses no question around the relevance of adaptation in data-
based modeling exercises noted in this work, with an increasing volume of contributions
dealing with the extrapolation of adaptation mechanisms to ITS problems [170–172].
is not the only goal targeted by transfer learning. Domain adaptation may yield a better
performance when used between ITS models that can become severely affected by a lack of
calibration, different configurations or diverging specifications. An immediate example
illustrating this hypothesis is the use of camera sensors for vehicular perception. Models
trained to detect and identify objects in the surroundings of the vehicle can fail if the images
provided as their inputs are produced by image sensors with new specs. The same holds
for car engine prognosis: replaced components can make a data-based characterization
of the normal operation of the engine be of no practical use unless a domain adaptation
mechanism is applied. Personalization of ITS services can be another problem where
domain adaptation can help refine a model trained with data from many sources: a clear
example springs from naturalistic driving, where a behavioral characterization model built
at first instance from driving data produced by many individuals (source domain) can be
progressively specialized to the particular driver of the car where it is deployed [174–176].
In regards to actionability, several functional requisites can be approached by using
elements from Transfer Learning over the data-based pipeline. To begin with, it should be
clear that the transferability of learned models for their deployment in different locations
and contexts could be vastly improved by Transfer Learning, as the purpose of this AI
branch is indeed to meet this requirement in data-based learning models. In fact, this ap-
proach is currently under study and wide adoption within the ITS community working on
vehicular perception: when the capability of the vehicle to sense and identify its surround-
ing hinges on learning models (e.g., Deep Learning for image segmentation with cameras),
a plethora of contributions depart from pretrained models, which are later particularized
for the problem/scenario at hand [177]. This exemplified use case supports our advocacy
for further efforts to incorporate transfer learning methods in other ITS applications, spe-
cially those where data collection and supervision are not straightforward to achieve in
practice. Another functional requirement where Transfer Learning can pose a difference in
ITS developments to come is cost efficiency. The knowledge transferred between models
learned from different contexts can improve their performance, thereby reducing the need
for supervising data instances and ultimately, the time, costs and resources required to
perform the data annotation.
Finally, the more recent paradigm coined as Federated Learning refers to the privacy-
preserving exchange of captured knowledge among models deployed in different con-
texts [178,179]. Although the main motivation for the initial inception of Federated Learn-
ing targeted the mobile sector, techniques supporting the federation of distributed data-
based models can be of utmost importance in the future of ITS, specially for V2V com-
munications among autonomous vehicles and in-vehicle ATIS systems. Definitely the
enrichment of models with global knowledge about the data-based task(s) at hand will
pose a differential breakthrough in vehicular safety and driving experience. For instance,
federated models can collectively identify, assess and countermeasure the risk of more
complex vehicular scenarios than each of them in isolation [180]. Likewise, ATIS systems
can learn from the preferences and habits of other users to better anticipate the preferences
of the driver and act accordingly [181]. In a few words: an enhanced and more effective
actionability of the data-based workflows built to undertake such tasks.
likeliness of the workflow to cause discriminatory issues as the ones exemplified above.
The history of these AI areas in the ITS community has been going for years now [3].
However, we here emphasize the crucial role of these techniques beyond performance
boosting: the techniques originally aimed to counteract the effects of class imbalance
in the output of data-based models could be also leveraged to reflect legal impositions
that not necessarily relate to the model’s performance nor can they be inferred easily
for the attributes within the data themselves. The lack of compliance of the model with
fairness and ethics standards does not necessarily render a performance degradation
observed at its output, nor can it be inferred easily from the available data.
• Hybrid models encompassing linguistic rules and data-based learning techniques,
capable of supporting the transition from the traditional way of doing to the new data-
based modeling era in the management of ITS systems. We foresee that the community
will witness a renaissance of data mining methods incorporating methods such as
fuzzy logic not only to implement human knowledge to decision workflows, but also
to explain and describe the internal structure of learned models, as it is currently
under investigation in many contributions under the XAI umbrella [212,213].
• New prescriptive data-based techniques such as Deep Reinforcement Learning [214]
and Algorithmic Game Theory [215] will also grasp interest in the near future for their
close connection to actionable data science. The interaction of data-based workflows
with humans will require techniques capable of learning actions from experience,
and eventually orchestrating the interaction and negotiation among users when
their actions are governed by interrelated yet conflicting objectives. In fact such
new prescriptive elements are progressively entering the literature in certain ITS
applications that target machine autonomy (e.g., autonomous vehicle [216,217] or
automated signaling [51]), but it is our vision that they will gain momentum in many
other ITS setups.
• Privacy-preserving Data Mining [218,219], which has garnered a great interest in the
last year with major breakthroughs reported in the intersection between machine learn-
ing, cryptography, homomorphic encryption, secure enclaves and blockchains [220].
The use of personal data and the stringent pressure placed by governments and agen-
cies on differential privacy preservation has spurred a flurry of research to prevent
models from revealing sensitive data from their training instances [197,221]. Within
the ITS domain, it is possible to find many areas in which privacy preservation has re-
cently been a subject of intense research: from origin-destination flow estimation [222]
to route planners [223,224], or pattern mining [225], a glance at recent literature re-
veals the momentum this topic has acquired lately. In any of these examples data are
available as a result of the sensing pervasiveness (specially in the case of VANETs)
and the capture of user data. While previous works explored how to used these data
in a proper way with respect to privacy matters, it is straightforward to think that
the natural evolution of this research line arrives at how protected data is preserved
through the modeling workflow.
• Furthermore, the proven vulnerability of data-based models against adversarial at-
tacks has also motivated the community to lay the foundations of an entirely new
research area—Adversarial Machine Learning—, committed to the design of robust
models against attacks crafted to confuse their outputs [226,227]. Interestingly, one
of the most widely exemplified scenarios in this research area relates to ITS: auto-
mated traffic signal classification models were proven to be vulnerable to adversarial
attacks by placing a simple, intelligently designed sticker on the traffic sign itself [228].
Likewise, the rationale behind Federated Learning (discussed in Section 4.2) also
spans beyond the efficient distribution of locally captured knowledge among mod-
els: since no raw data instances are involved in the information transfer, privacy of
local data is consequently preserved. In short: security also matters in actionable
data-based pipelines.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1121 25 of 34
• Finally, the ever-growing scales of ITS scenarios demand more research invested
in scaling up learning algorithms in a computationally efficient manner [229]. Au-
tomated traffic, smart cities, mobility as a service constitute ITS scenarios where a
plethora of information sources interact with each other. Definitely more efforts must
be invested in aggregation strategies for data-based models learned from different
interrelated data ecosystems, either in a distributed fashion (e.g., federated learning)
or in a centralized system (correspondingly, Map-Reduce implementations of data-
based models, cloud-based architectures, etc). Computational aspects of large-scale
implementations should be also under study due to their implications in terms of
actionability, such as the latency of the system when prescribing decisions from data.
This latter aspect can be a key for real-time ITS applications for which the gap from
data to actions must be shortened to its minimum.
practice. This situation calls for a change of paradigm, to a one in which actionability
requirements of models is desired by researchers, and practitioners are aware of the tech-
nologies available to provide it. Model actionability is a great whole that can act as an
incentive to perform smaller steps towards its realization. It is probably unthinkable to
develop, in a research environment, a data-based model that meets all proposed require-
ments. However, addressing some of the postulated requirements while developing a
competing data-based ITS model will make it closer to actionability. There is, therefore,
a long road to be travelled in ITS model actionability, with interesting avenues around
the thorough understanding of models, and the adoption of emerging AI technologies
to endow data-based workflows with the requirements needed to make them actionable
in practice. As exposed in our study, there is a germinal interest in these research topics.
Nevertheless, we foresee vast opportunities for future work when model actionability is
set as a design priority.
On a closing note, we advocate for a new dawn of Data Science in the ITS domain,
where advances in modeling performance concurrently emerge along with histories and
reports about how such models have helped decision making in practical scenarios. Data
mining has limited merit without actions prescribed from its outputs, always in compliance
and close match with the specificities of its context.
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