Achieving Quality Production
Achieving Quality Production
Achieving Quality Production
c Checking at the end of the production process (1), fault might have been made at the beginning of
the production process so resources were wasted completing a faulty product (1). Inspection boring
(1), task of inspection is repetitive and inspectors might become demotivated and take less care in
checking the quality of Component Y (1). [Total: 4]
d Introduce quality assurance (1), – raw materials and other resources used in the production process
must meet required standards (1), quality standards to be agreed for every stage of production and
employees responsible for meeting these (1). Introduce CAD and CAM (1) – use computers to design
and control manufacture of components such as Component Y (1), this improves design quality and
CAM reduces human error in the production process (1). [Total: 6]
e The percentage of Component Y found to be defective at the end of the production process increased
from 0.5% to 2% showing that production of these components is not as good in 2012 as it was in 2011
(1). Management should be concerned about this trend because it shows that quality has fallen (1). Or,
the number of Component Y returned from customers has fallen from 4 to 2, even though Zebtech
produced more of these in 2012 than in 2011 (1). Management should be pleased that the inspection
process has improved (1). However, Component Y is used in heart surgery and even one faulty
component getting through the inspection process is not good and could damage Zebtech’s reputation
(1). (Maximum 4 marks for use of data) Management should be concerned because hospitals will
look for a more reliable supplier of the component/ might not buy any other medical equipment from
Zebtech (1) if they are worried about quality. This will decrease Zebtech’s sales and profits (1). [Total: 6]
2 a Providing goods or services that meet the needs and wants of consumers.
b 46 000 × 1.5% = 690
c Improves reputation / brand image, increases sales/profits, can charge higher prices, reduces waste,
reduces customer complaints, easier to introduce new products to market. (1 mark per relevant
reason) [Total: 4]
d Quality of inputs (1), poor-quality raw materials / demotivated employees / problems with
machinery (1), if the quality of any inputs decreases it will affect the quality of PP’s products
(1). Inspection process is boring (1), quality inspectors become demotivated because the work is
repetitive (1), demotivated inspectors are less careful when checking products and allow faulty
products to be despatched to customers (1). [Total: 6]
e Present system not working as well as previously (1), could look at improving the present system (1).
Quality assurance ensures that inputs into the production process are of required quality (1),
minimum standard is set for each stage of production (1), employees are made responsible for the
quality of their work (1). (Maximum 4 marks) Cost of introducing quality assurance, e.g. setting
standards, training employees, improving machinery, etc. (1), is this outweighed by reduction in
faulty goods and customer complaints (1)? [Total: 6]