Computer Science1
Computer Science1
Computer Science1
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
PSO 3 Identify, analyse, and synthesize scholarly literature relating to the field of
computer science to design, analyze and interpret data to find solutions
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
1. The admission to M.Sc. Computer Science programmes shall be as per the rules
and regulations of the College.
2. The eligibility criteria for admission shall be as announced by the College from
time to time.
3. Separate rank lists shall be drawn up for reserved seats as per the existing rules.
4. The college shall make available, to all the admitted students, information’s
regarding all the courses including electives offered with syllabus and credit for
the entire course.
5. There shall be a uniform calendar prepared by the College for the conduct of the
6. There shall be provision for inter collegiate and inter University transfer in the 2nd
and 3rd semester within a period of two weeks from the date of commencement of
the semesters.
7. There shall be provision for credit transfer subject to the conditions specified by the
Board of Studies concerned.
8. There shall be a uniform calendar prepared by the College for the registration,
conduct/schedule of the courses, examinations and publication of results.
1. There shall be provision for readmission of students, as per the prevailing rules of
the College.
2. For readmission, the vacancy should be within the sanctioned strength.
3. This readmission is not to be treated as college transfer.
4. There should be a gap of at least one semester for readmission.
5. The candidate seeking readmission to a particular semester should have registered for
the previous semester examination.
6. Readmission shall be taken within two weeks from the date of commencement of the
semester concerned.
7. The Principal can grant readmission to the student, subject to the above conditions,
and inform the matter of readmission to the Controller of Examinations within one
month of such readmission.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
8. If change in scheme occurs while readmission, provision for credit transfer will be
subject to the common guidelines prepared by Board of Studies/ Faculty concerned.
1. The programme includes three types of courses, viz., Core courses (Code C), Elective
Courses (Code E) and Audit Courses (Code A).
2. Every student of the MSc Computer Science programme shall have to work on a
project/dissertation of not less than 8 credits under the supervision of a faculty
member as per the curriculum. Project/dissertation shall be treated as Core Course.
Project Work is mandatory for all regular programmes and Comprehensive Viva-
voce is optional and these shall be done in the end semester. The combined Credit
for the Project Work and Comprehensive Viva-voce shall not be more than 8
(eight) credits subject to a minimum of 4 (four) credit for Project Work. All
students have to submit a Project Report/Dissertation in the prescribed structure
and format as a part of the Project Work undertaken.
3. Total credit for the programme shall be 80 (eighty), this describes the weightage of
the course concerned and the pattern of distribution is as detailed below
i) Total Credit for Core Courses shall not be less than 58 (fifty-eight) and not
more than 68 (sixty-eight).
ii) Total Credit for Elective Course shall not be less than 12 (twelve) and not more
than 20 (Twenty).
iii) Total Credits for Comprehensive Viva-voce and Project Work combined
together shall be 8 (eight) subject to a minimum of 4 (four) credit for Project
iv) Total credit in each semester shall vary between 14 to 22 (Excluding audit
v) No course shall have less than 2 credits and more than 5 credits.
4. Elective courses shall be spread over third and fourth Semesters.
5. Audit Courses: There will be two Audit Courses (Ability Enhancement Course &
Professional Competency Course) with 4 credits each. These have to be done one each
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
in the first two semesters. The credits will not be counted for evaluating the overall
SGPA and CGPA. Students have to obtain only minimum pass requirements in the
Audit Courses.
6. A student shall accumulate a minimum of 80 credits for the successful completion of
the programmes. (Excluding audit courses)
3. Students shall be normally permitted to register for the examination, if they have
required minimum attendance. If the student has a shortage of attendance in a
semester, the student shall be permitted to move to the next semester and can write
the examination for the entire courses of the semester in which shortage of attendance
occurs as supplementary examination, only after the completion of the entire
programme. In such cases, a request from the student may be forwarded through the
Head of the department to the Controller of Examinations within two weeks of the
commencement of the semester. There will not be any repeat semester from 2020
admission onwards.
5. The students who have attendance within the limit, but could not register for the
semester examinations, have to apply for token registration, within two weeks of the
commencement of the next semester.
1. The students admitted in the PG programmes shall be required to attend at least 75
percent of the total number of classes (theory/practical) held during each semester.
The students having less than prescribed percentage of attendance shall not be
allowed to appear for the End Semester Examination.
2. Condonation of shortage of attendance for a maximum of 9 days (10% of the working
days in a semester) in the case of single condonation and 18 days (20% of the working
days in a semester) in the case of double condonation in a semester subject to a
maximum of two times (for single condonation only) during the whole period of Post
Graduate programme may be granted by the College as per the existing procedures. In
the case of double condonation, only one condonation shall be allowed during the
entire programme.
3. Benefit of condonation of attendance will be granted to the students on health
grounds, for participating in University Union activities, meeting of the University
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
1. There shall be End Semester Examination at the end of each semester.
2. Practical examinations shall be conducted at the end of even semesters. There will
be one internal and one external examiner for the conduct of End Semester Practical
3. Project Work / Dissertation shall be evaluated at the end of the programme only.
There shall be both Internal and External evaluation for the Project Work.
4. There shall be one end-semester examination of 3 hours duration for each theory
course and practical course.
Both the internal and External evaluation shall be carried out using direct
grading system as per the general guidelines of university and regulation of St.
Thomas’ College (Autonomous).
To ensure transparency of the evaluation process, the internal assessment grade awarded to
the students in each course in a semester shall be published on the notice board at least one
week before the commencement of external examination. There shall not be any chance for
improvement for internal grade. The course teacher shall maintain the academic record of
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
each student registered for the course, which shall be forwarded to the Controller of
Examinations , through the Academic Management System.
Internal evaluation must consist of following components
Sl. No Component
1 Sessional Examinations (2)
2 Seminar
3 Assignment
4 Attendance
The criteria and percentage of weightage assigned to various components for internal
evaluation are as follows:
(a) Theory
Sl. No Component Percentage
1 Examination /Test 40%
2 Seminars / Presentation 20%
3 Assignment 20%
4 Attendance 20%
(b) Practical
Grades shall be given for the internal evaluation are based on the grades A+, A, B, C, D
and E with grade points 5,4, 3, 2, 1 and 0 respectively and the overall grades shall be as
per the ten point scale.
• All students should have a rough record (observation note book) in which they write
all the works to be carried out in the lab prior to his/her entering the lab. (S)he may also
note down the input and output that (s)he gives for program verification in the observation
note book (rough record).
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
• All lab works should be neatly recorded in a Laboratory Record Book (Fair Record)
in written form. However program results can be pasted in the left hand side of the fare
• Chairperson, Board of Examination (PG) has to prepare the modalities of the
practical papers (list of experiments to be done, number of minimum experiments required
in the practical record, etc) and distributed to all departments concerned, at the beginning
of each semester itself. Model lists of experiments are provided with the syllabus for each
practical session.
• No candidate will be permitted to attend the end-semester test unless he/she
produces certified record of the laboratory.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
>=90% A+ 5
85% >=Attendance<90% A 4
80% >=Attendance<85% B 3
75% >=Attendance<80% C 2
50% >=Attendance<75% D 1
<50% E 0
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Total 30 18
f. Questions should be asked as far as possible from all modules following a uniform
A sample ESE evaluation sheet of a theory course is illustrated below:
Component Weightage
Grade Gra
Type of Question Weightage d Grade Calculation
Awarded de
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
diagram/UI A 4 6 2
diagram/Class 4
Diagram 114/30 =
Implementation A 4 6 24 3.80
Result/ Output B 3 6 18
Record A 4 6 24
Viva A 4 6 24
Total 30 114 O
1. There shall be External and Internal evaluation for Project Work done and the grading
system shall be followed.
2. One component among the Project Work evaluation criteria shall be Viva-voce
(Project Work related) and the respective weightage shall be 40%.
3. Consolidated Grade for Project Work is calculated by combining both the External
and Internal in the Ratio of 4:1 (80% & 20%).
4. For a pass in Project Work, a student has to secure a minimum of P Grade in External
and Internal examination combined. If the students could not secure minimum P
Grade in the Project work, they will be treated as failed in that attempt and the
students may be allowed to rework and resubmit the same in accordance with the
college exam stipulations. There shall be no improvement chance for Project
5. The External and Internal evaluation of the Project Work shall be done based on the
following criteria and weightage as detailed below :
Sl. Criteria % of Weightage
N Weightage
o Externa Internal
2 Viva-voce 40% 16 4
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
The first component for 60% weightage can be sub-divided into following
project implementation components:
SlNo Components Weightage
External Internal
5 Quality of Implementation/Simulation 4
6 Quality of Testing/Result Analysis 2
7 Quality of Contributions 2
11 Quality of Presentation 1
Total 40 10
A+ 5
A 4
B 3
C 2
D 1
E 0
3. No separate minimum is required for Internal evaluation for a pass, but a minimum
P Grade is required for a pass in the external evaluation. However, a minimum P grade
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
The SGPA is the ratio of sum of the product of the number of credits with the grade points
scored by a student in all the courses taken by a student and the sum of the number of
credits of all the courses taken by a student.
After the successful completion of a semester, Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) of
a student in that semester is calculated using the formula given below.
(SGPA= Total Credit Points awarded in a semester / Total credits of the semester)
th th
Where ‘Sj‘ is the j semester , ‘Gi’ is the grade point scored by the student in the i course
'Ci ‘ is the credit of the i course, 'Cr' is the total credits of the semester.
a minimum SGPA of 2.0. However, the students are permitted to move to the next
semester irrespective of their SGPA.
Department Level Committee: The college shall form a Grievance Redressal Committee
in each department comprising of course teacher, one senior teacher and elected
representative of Students (Association Secretary) as members and the Head of the
Department as Chairman. The committee shall have initial jurisdiction over complaints
against Continuous Assessment.
College Level Committee: There shall be a college level grievance redressal committee
comprising of student adviser, two senior teachers , two staff council members (one shall
be elected member) and elected representative of students (College Union Chairperson)
as members and the Principal as Chairman. This committee shall address all grievances
relating to the internal assessment grades of the students.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Item Description
C Credits
L Lecture Hours
P Practical Hours
T Total
Weightage Hours/Week
No Course Code Course Name C
1.1 CSS1C01 Discrete Mathematical Structures 4 1 4 5 4 0 4
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Weightage Hours/Week
No Course Code Course Name C
2.1 CSS2C06 Design and Analysis of 4 1 4 5 4 0 4
2.2 CSS2C07 Operating System Concepts 4 1 4 5 3 2 5
2.3 CSS2C08 Computer Networks 4 1 4 5 2 2 4
2.4 CSS2C09 Computational Intelligence 4 1 4 5 4 0 4
2.5 CSS2C10 Principles of Software 4 1 4 5 4 0 4
2.6 CSS2L02 Practical II 2 1 4 5 0 4 4
CSS2A02 Term Paper (Professional
2.7 4 5 0 5 0 0 0
Audit Course)
Total Credits (Excluding Audit Course): 22 1 8 25
Weightage Hrs/Week
No Course Code Course Name C
3.1 CSS3C11 Advanced Database Management 4 1 4 5 3 1 4
3.2 CSS3C12 Object Oriented Programming 4 1 4 5 2 3 5
3.3 CSS3C13 Principles of Compilers 4 1 4 5 4 0 4
3.4 CSS3E01 Elective I 4 1 4 5 4 0 4
3.5 CSS3E02 Elective 2 4 1 4 5 4 0 4
3.6 CSS3L03 Practical III 2 1 4 5 0 4 4
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Total Credits: 22 17 8 25
Weightage Hours/Week
No Course Code Course Name C
4.1 CSS4E0 Elective 3 3 1 4 5 5 0 5
4.2 CSS4E0 Elective 4 3 1 4 5 5 0 5
4.3 CSS4P01 Project Requirements Analysis &
3 1 4
Design Related Discussion
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [14 T]: Sets and Mathematical Logic: Set Theory - Types of sets, Set operations,
Principles of Inclusion and Exclusion. Mathematical Logic - Propositional Calculus -
Statement, Connectives, Conditional and Biconditional, Equivalence of Formula, Well
Formed Formula, Tautologies, Duality Law, Functionally Complete Sets of Connectives,
Normal Forms, Theory of Inference for the Statement Calculus, Predicate Calculus -
Statement Functions, Variables and Quantifiers, Free and Bound Variables, Theory of
Inference for the Predicate Calculus.
Unit III: [22 T] Lattices and Boolean Algebra - Lattices and Algebraic Systems,
Principles of Duality, Basic Properties of Algebraic Systems Defined by Lattices,
Distributive Lattices and Complemented Lattices. Boolean Lattices and Boolean
Algebras. Boolean Functions and Boolean Expressions.
Unit V [14 T]: Graph Theory – Introduction, Directed Graph, Undirected Graph,
Connected and Disconnected Graphs, Bipartite Graph, Complete Bipartite Graph,
Isomorphic Graphs, Subgraph. Paths and Circuits. Shortest Paths in Weighted Graphs -
Dijkstra's Algorithm. Eulerian Paths and Circuits, Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits. Trees
- Spanning Trees and Cut-Sets, Minimum Spanning Trees - Kruskal's Algorithm, Prim's
1. C Liu and D. Mohapatra, Elements of Discrete Mathematics - A Computer Oriented
Approach, TMH, ISBN: 1259006395.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
2. Alan Doerr and Kenneth Levassur, Applied Discrete Structure for Computer
Science, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd, ISBN: 9780574217554.
3. J. K. Sharma, Discrete Mathematics, Macmillan Publishers India Limited, ISBN:
4. J. P. Tremblay and R. Manohar, Discrete Mathematical Structures with
Application to Computer Science, McGraw-Hill Companies, ASIN:
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [8 T] :Data structure - definition - types & operations, characteristics of data
structures - Abstract Data Type (ADT) – algorithms - concepts - definition - objectives
of algorithms - quality of an algorithm - space complexity and time complexity of an
Unit II[18 T]: Counting Techniques: Basic counting techniques - permutations and
combinations, asymptotic behaviour of functions. Linear data structures - Arrays -
records - representation - data structure operations - traversing, inserting and deleting -
sorting and searching - sorting algorithms - linear search & binary search - complexity.
Linked lists - operations and implementations, - Stack - operations and its
implementations (both array and linked list) - Applications - parsing arithmetic
expressions, conversion and evaluating expressions. Recursion - characteristics of
recursion, types of recursion applications of recursion in algorithms - comparison of
recursive and non-recursive algorithms. Queue - operations and its implementations (both
array and linked list) - circular queue - dequeue - priority queues, recursive lists,
heterogeneous lists, deterministic skip lists, doubly linked lists and circular lists sparse
matrix- representation.
Unit III[18 T]: Non-linear Data Structures - trees - terminology - tree traversals
algorithms - Binary trees - threaded binary trees - binary search trees - traversals and
operations on BST heap Tree - balanced trees - M-way trees - B and B+ trees, Red Black
Tree, Digital Search Tree, Tries, Treaps, Huffman algorithm for extended binary tree -
operations and their implementation. Graphs - representation of graphs – operations -
traversals and their implementation.
Unit IV[12 T]: Hashing - overview of hashing - hash tables - hash functions and their
computations open addressing - linear probing - quadratic probing - double hashing
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Unit V[16 T]: Heap structures - Min-Max heaps - Deaps - leftist heaps - binomial heaps
- Fibonacci heaps -binary heaps - skew heaps - pairing heaps - applications - amortized
analysis an unrelated puzzle - Binomial queues - skew heaps - Fibonacci heaps - Splay
1. Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman, Data Structures and
Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 978-0201000238.
2. Horowitz E and Sahni S, Fundamentals of Data Structures, Computer Science Press,
ISBN: 9780716780427.
3. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and Susan Anderson-Freed, Fundamentals of Data
Structures in C, Silicon Press, ISBN: 0929306406.
4. Richard F. Gilberg and Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data Structures: A Pseudocode
Approach With C, Thomson Brooks/Cole Publications, Course Technology, ISBN:
5. Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam and Moshe J. Augenstein, Data Structure
using C, Prentice- Hall, ISBN: 9780131997462.
6. Robert Kruse, Tondo C L and Bruce Leung, Data Structures & Program Design in C,
Pearson India, 2nd Edition, ISBN: 9788177584233.
7. U. A. Deshpande and O. G. Kakde, Data Structures & Algorithms, ISTE Learning
Materials Centre, New Delhi, ISBN: 9788188057054.
8. Thomas H Cormen, Charles E Leiserson, and Ronald L Rivest, Introduction to
Algorithms, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, ISBN:
9. Seymour Lipschutz, Data Structures With C, 1st Edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education
Private Limited, ISBN: 0070701989.
10.Jean-Paul Tremblay, Paul G. Sorenson, P. G. Sorenson, Introduction to Data
Structures with Applications, 2nd Edition, Mcgraw-Hill College, ISBN:
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [14 T]: Preliminaries - Introduction to formal proof and inductive proofs - The
central concepts of Automata Theory - Alphabets, Strings, .Languages - Introduction to
automata and grammar -Deterministic and Non-deterministic Finite Automata -
Equivalence of Deterministic and Nondeterministic Finite Automata - Finite Automata
with Epsilon Transitions - Equivalence of NFA with and without epsilon moves.
Unit II [16 T]: Regular Expressions, Finite Automata and Regular Expressions,
Properties of Regular Languages - Pumping lemma and proof for existence of non-regular
languages, Closure properties, homomorphism, substitution - Decision Properties -
Equivalence and Myhill Nerode and DFA state minimization - Regular Grammar.
Unit III [16 T]: Context Free Languages - Equivalence of CFG and PDA - Normal forms
(CNF and GNF) - Closure properties of CFL's - DCFL's and their properties - Decision
procedures - CYK algorithm - Pumping lemma and proof for existence of non-context -
free languages. Context sensitive languages: Equivalence of LBA and Context Sensitive
Grammar (CSG).
Unit IV [14 T]: Turing machines - TM computations - Equivalence of standard TM with
multi tape and non deterministic TM's - Turing acceptable, Turing decidable and Turing
enumerable language classes - Equivalence of type 0 grammars with TM's - Church thesis
- Chomsky hierarchy - Closure properties of recursive and recursively enumerable
Unit V [10 T]: Computability and Decidability - halting problem - reductions - post
correspondence problem. Computational complexity - Time and space bounded
simulations. Classes P and NP - NP completeness - Cook's theorem.
1. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata
Theory, Languages of Computation, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0321455363.
2. Linz P, An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, Narosa Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, ISBN: 9788173197819.
3. Michael Sipser, Introduction to Theory of Computation, Cengage Learning India
Private Limited, Indian Edition, ISBN: 8131505138.
4. H.R. Lewis and C.H. Papadimitriou, Elements of Theory of Computation, 2nd Edition,
Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0132624788.
5. J. E. Savage, Models of Computation, Exploring the Power of Computing, Addison
Wesley, 1998, Available at
6. Martin J.C, Introduction to Languages and Theory of Computation, Tata McGraw
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
CO CO Statement Hrs Cognitive Knowledge PO PSO
Level(CL) Category
CO1 Illustrate various notions of 6 Ap P PO1 PSO2
flowchart and algorithm.
CO2 Design flowchart and 6 Ap P PO1 PSO2
algorithm for a given
CO3 Determine the data 10 An C PO1 PSO2
representation formats for a
specific problem domain.
CO4 Analyze user defined data 8 U F PO1 PSO2
types viz. Structures and
CO5 Evaluate the merits and 14 U C PO1 PSO2
demerits of various
programming constructs to
choose an appropriate
CO6 Implement the basic 13 An P PO1 PSO2
operations in file handling.
CO7 Implement the concept of 9 U C PO1 PSO2
dynamic memory
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [22 T ]: Part A: Problem Solving - Flow Chart for Structured Programming -
Program Charts System Charts - Variables, data names, programming statements - Flow
Chart Symbols - Terminal Symbols - I/O - Comments - Connectors - Process - Decision
- Loops
- Flow Charts of Fundamental Algorithms (mentioned in Part B). Part B: Algorithm Design
- Problem Solving Aspect - Top down Design - Formal Conventions Writing Algorithms -
Fundamental Algorithms (Discuss the Design of Algorithms only). Part C: Program,
Characteristics of a good program - Modular Approach - Programming style -
Documentation and Program Maintenance - Compilers and Interpreters - Running and
Debugging Programs - Syntax Errors - Run-Time Errors - Logical Errors - Concept of
Structured Programming.
Unit III [12 T]: Decision making - if statement, if else statement, nesting of if else and
else if ladder, switch statement, break statement, continue statement, goto statement,
return statement. looping - while, do-while, and for loops, nesting of loops, skipping &
breaking loops. Arrays - single dimension arrays - accessing array elements - initializing
an array, two dimensional & multi-dimensional arrays - memory representation - strings
- processing of strings - string manipulation functions.
Unit IV [15 T]: The Concept of modularization - defining function - types of functions -
User defined functions - function prototype and definition - arguments - passing
parameters - call by reference - call by value - returning - nesting of functions and
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
recursion - passing arrays & strings to function - returning multiple values - recursion -
scope and life time of variables storage class specifiers - automatic, extern, static storage,
register storage. Structures & Union definition, giving values to members, structure
initialization, comparison of structure variables, arrays of structures, arrays within
structures, structures within arrays, structures and functions, Unions, bit-fields.
Unit V [11 T]: Pointer - pointer operator - pointer expression - declaration of pointer -
initializing pointer - de-referencing - pointer to pointer, constant pointer, array of
pointers, pointer to function. Files - file handling - defining & opening a file - closing a
file - Input/output operations on files - error handling, random access to files, command
line arguments - dynamic memory allocation - linked lists (concepts only) - preprocessor
directives: macro substitution directives - simple macros - macros with arguments -
nesting of macros, compiler control directives.
1. Martin M. Lipschutz and Seymour Lipschutz, Schaum's Outline of Theory and
Problems of Data Processing, ISBN: 9780070379831 (Unit I Part A).
2. Anil Bikas Chaudhuri, The Art Of Programming Through Flowcharts &
Algorithms, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi (Unit I Part A).
3. Jean Paul Trembley and Pual G Sorenson, An Introduction to Data Structures with
Applications, Tata McGraw Hill (Unit I Part B).
4. R G Dromey, How to Solve by Computer, Pearson Education, 5th Edition, ISBN:
0134340019 (Unit I Part B).
5. J.B Dixit, Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C, Firewall Media,
ISBN: 8170088828. (Unit I Part C).
6. Dennie Van Tassel, Program Style, Design, Efficiency, Debugging, and Testing,
PHI, ISBN: 0137299478 (Unit I Part C).
7. E Balagruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, TMH, 5th Edition, ISBN: 0070681821.
8. Kamthane, Programming in C, 2nd Edition, Pearson India, ISBN: 8131760316.
9. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, C Programming Language, PHI, ISBN:
10. Kanetkar, Let Us C, BPB Publications, 8th Edition, ISBN:1934015253.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
4 (4: 0: 0) 4 5
1.5 CORE (Internal 1+
External 4)
Course Outline
Unit I [16 T]: Number systems and Conversions, Boolean Algebra - Truth Tables - Logic
gates and Map simplification - flip-flops - design of combinational and sequential circuits
- examples of digital circuits - adders, multiplexers, decoders, counters, shift registers -
register transfer language and micro operations - data representation - data types, sign
and magnitude, complements, fixed-point representation, floating-point representation,
other binary codes, error detection codes.
Unit III [14 T]: Arithmetic & Logic Unit - addition of positive numbers - fast adders -
signed addition and subtraction - addition/subtraction logic unit - multiplication of
positive numbers - array multiplier, sequential multiplier - signed number multiplication
- multiplication using Booth's algorithm - fast multiplication - bit pair recording of
multiplication, division-restoring and non-restoring algorithms, floating point numbers
and operations.
Unit IV [12 T]: Main Memory - memory hierarchy - main memory - RAM, ROM -
memory cells
- cell organization - working - performance considerations - cache memory - virtual memory
- memory management requirements - secondary storage - memory interleaving. Input /
Output Organization - Accessing I/O ,d&Vices - programmed I/O, interrupt I/O -
interrupts - interrupt processing - hardware interrupts - programmable interrupt controller -
vectored interrupts - interrupt nesting - daisy chaining - direct memory access (DMA) -
DMA operations & DMA Controller, Introduction to I/O interfaces, I/O channels, IO
Unit V [18T]: Architecture - General 8-bit microprocessor and its architecture - 8085 -
Functional block diagram - architecture functions of different sections - architecture of
8086 CPU. Instruction Sets - Instruction format - addressing modes - instruction set of
8085 CPU Instruction cycle - timing diagrams - different machine cycles - fetch and
execute operations estimation of execution time - estimation of execution time. Intel 8051
Micro controller - Architecture - basic instructions - basic assembly language programs
peripherals: interrupts, timers, parallel port, serial port.
1. V Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic and Safwat Zaky, Computer Organization, Mc-
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I: C Programming
1. Simple C Programs like area of a circle, checking whether a given number is odd or
2. Implementation of programs using Loops (pyramid printing, factorial computation,
number reversing, checking for Armstrong numbers, finding first N or Nth Prime
numbers etc).
3. Use of 1D and 2D Arrays (searching, sorting and vector operations, matrix addition,
matrix multiplication).
4. String Manipulations.
5. Structures and Unions (like addition of two complex numbers, student record
creation and manipulation etc).
6. Writing functions.
7. Implementation of recursion ( compute factorial, reverse a string etc).
8. Command line arguments.
9. Pointers - simple programs to learn concept of pointers, array operation using pointers
10. File operations – file and structures.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
in the classrooms. Instead, the students need to do self study or can enrol themselves for
the online course offered at NPTEL. The online course is available at Students can either view the video module online
or can download the video lessons and transcripts to view or read them offline.
Course Outline
The students are encouraged to cover the following modules of the course Introduction to
Research from NPTEL:
▪ Week1: Overview of Research
▪ Week2: Overview of Literature Survey: Literature Survey using Web of Science,
Literature Survey using Scopus, Writing Up, Tutorial on using BibTeX with LaTeX
to add references to a document, Tutorial on using Microsoft Word with
Bibliographic Sources, Tutorial on using Microsoft Word with endnote entries
▪ Week3: Data Analysis
▪ Week4: How to make Technical presentation – Technical Writing
▪ Week 6: Intellectual property
▪ Week8: Research in Computer Science & Engineering
1. Video Lessons and Transcripts available (including in the regional language) at
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [12 T]: Algorithm Design: Introduction, Steps in developing algorithm, Methods
of specifying an algorithm, Decisions prior to designing: based on the capabilities of the
device, based on the nature of solutions, based on the most suitable data structures. Model
of Computation: RAM model and PRAM model. Important Problem Types (Introductory
concepts): Sorting, Searching, String processing, Graph problems, Combinatorial
problems, Geometric problems and Numerical problems.
Unit II [15 T]: Basic Technique for Design of Efficient Algorithm: Brute Force approach
(String matching), Divide-and-Conquer approach (Merge sort), Branch-and-Bound
technique (Knapsack problem). Greedy approach (Kruskal's algorithm and Prim's
Algorithm), Dynamic Programming (Longest Common Subsequence), Backtracking
(Sum of subsets problem).
Unit III [18 T]: Algorithm Analysis: Importance of algorithm analysis, Time and Space
Complexity. Growth of Functions: Asymptotic notations, Cost estimation based on key
operations- Big Oh, Big Omega, Little Oh, Little Omega and Theta notations, Big Oh
Ratio Theorem, Big Theta Ratio Theorem, Big Omega Ratio Theorem. Analyzing
Algorithm Control Structures, Solving Recurrences: Iteration Method, Substitution
Method, The Recursion Tree Method, Master's Theorem, Problem solving using Master's
Theorem Case 1, Case 2 and Case 3. Analysis of Strassen's algorithm for matrix
multiplication, Analysis of Merge sort.
Unit IV [12 T]: Complexity - Complexity Classes: P, NP, NP Hard and NP Complete
problems. NP Completeness reductions for Travelling Salesman Problem and
Hamiltonian Cycle. P versus NP problem.
Unit V [15 T]: Analysing Parallel Algorithms: Time Complexity, Cost, Number of
Processors, Space Complexity, Speed up, Efficiency, Scalability, Amdahl's Law. Parallel
merging and sorting, Euler tour technique, Parallel prefix computation, Deterministic
symmetry breaking.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline:
Unit I [15 T]: Operating System Overview - Objectives and functions - Evolution of
Operating System - Major Achievements - Process Description and Control - Process,
Creation & Termination of Processes, Five State Model, Suspended Process, Process
Description, Process Control - Modes of Execution, Process Creation, Process and Mode
Switching. Threads - Processes Vs Threads, Multithreading, Thread States, Types of
Threads, Multi Core and Multithreading. Case Study - Unix SVR4 Process Management,
Linux Process and Thread Management.
Unit II [18 T]: Concurrency - Principles, Race Condition, Operating System Concerns,
Process Interaction, Completion for Resources, Cooperation by Sharing. Mutual
Exclusion - Requirements, Hardware Support, Semaphores, Producer Consumer
Problem, Monitors, Message Passing, Readers/Writers Problem. Deadlock - Principles,
Prevention, Avoidance, Detection, Recovery, Dining Philosophers Problem. Case Study:
Unix Concurrency Mechanisms.
Unit III [18 T]: Memory Management, Address binding, Logical Vs Physical address
space, Dynamic Loading, Dynamic Linking and Shared Libraries, Overlays, Swapping,
Contiguous Memory allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual memory, Demand paging,
Page replacement, Thrashing. Case Study: Windows Memory Management.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
1. William Stallings, Operating System- Internals and Design Principles, 7th
Edition, Pearson, ISBN: 9780273751502.
2. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin and, Greg Gagne, Operating System
Concepts, 9th Edition, John Wiley & SonsTISBN: 9781118063330.
3. Ann Mclver McHoes and Ida M. Flynn, Understanding Operating Systems,
6th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2010, ISBN: 9781439079201.
4. Mukesh Singhal and Niranjan G. Shivaratri, Advanced Concepts in Operating
Systems - Distributed, Database, and Multiprocessor Operating Systems, Tata
McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited, ISBN: 9780070575721.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline:
Unit II [12 T]: Application layer protocols – principles – the web and HTTP – FTP –
Email in Internet – DNS. Socket programming – building a Web server - content
Unit III [13 T]: Transport layer services – introduction – relationship between Transport
and Network layer – UDP – reliable data transfer – TCP - congestion control - Network
layer services – routing – IP - routing in Internet - router - IPV6 - multicast routing –
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Unit IV [10 T]: Link layer services - error detection and correction - multiple access
protocols – LAN address – ARP – Ethernet – hubs – bridges – switches - wireless links
– PPP - ATM.
1. J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach
Featuring Internet, 6th Edition, Perason Education, ISBN: 0132856204.
2. Behrouz Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, 4th Edition, McGraw-
Hill Reprint, ISBN: 0073250325.
3. Peterson L.L. and Davie B .S., Computer Networks, A Systems Approach, 5th Edition,
Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN: 9780123850591.
4. Keshav, An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, Pearson Education
Asia, ISBN: 97898123598652000.
5. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 5th Edition, PHI,
ISBN: 9788131787571.
6. Herbert Scheldt, Java Complete Reference, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill Osborne
Media, ISBN: 9780072263855.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I:[ 10 T]
Introduction - Artificial Intelligence - problems, scope and applications, problem space
and search - production system- characteristics – artificial intelligent agents, structures
and strategies for state space search, strategies for space search, using state space to
represent reasoning with the predicate calculus.
knowledge acquisition, expert system life cycle & expert system tools, MYCIN &
DENDRAL examples of expert system.
Unit V: [11 T]
Machine learning - rote learning, learning by taking advice, learning in problem solving,
learning from examples, explanation based learning, analogy, formal learning theory,
connectionist models - hopfield networks, learning in neural networks, back propagation,
the genetic algorithm, classifier systems and genetic programming, artificial life and
society based learning.
1. Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight and Shivshankar B. Nair, Artificial Intelligence, 3rd
Edition, Tata - McGraw Hill, New Delhi, ISBN: 0070087709.
2. V S Janakiraman, K Sarukesi and P Gopalakrishnan, Foundations of Artificial
Intelligence and Expert System, Macmillan India Limited, ISBN: 0333926250.
3. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvg, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd
Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0136042597.'
4. G. F. Luger and W.A Stubblefield, Artificial Intelligence - Structures and
Strategies for Complex Problem Solving, Addison-Wesley, 6th Edition, ISBN:
5. P. H. Winston, Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley, 3rd Edition,
ISBN: 0201533774.
6. Nils J. Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence, A New Synthesis, 1st Edition, Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, Inc, ISBN: 1558604677.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course CSS2C10
Name Principles of Software Engineering
of the
Course Course Numbe Number of Total Weightage
No Category r of hours (Int+Ext)
Core/Compli/ Credits of
Elective Lectures/week
4 4 5
2.5 CORE (4:0:0) (Internal 1+
External 4)
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit II [20 T]: Software requirements analysis & specification - feasibility study - types
of feasibility – software requirements - problem analysis – requirement specification –
functional specification – metrics. Software design – outcome – cohesion and coupling –
layered arrangement of modules – approaches to software design - structured analysis –
DFD extending DFD technique for applying to real-time systems – structured design –
detailed design - object oriented modelling – use case model – class diagram – interaction
diagram - activity diagram - data diagram – state chart diagram - ER diagram.
Unit III [35 T]: User Interface (UI) design – characteristics – basic concepts – types –
fundamentals of component-based GUI Development – UI design methodology – process
planning – cost estimation – project scheduling – configuration management – risk
management - software coding – review – documentation – software testing - software
testing basics - steps involved in test plan - software testing strategies.
Unit IV [10 T]: Managing project – time management – setting aims and objectives –
techniques for generating ideas – literature survey – types of information sources –
writing literature survey.
Unit V [10 T]: Project story preparation – key deliverables – communicating with
experts – forms of communication – presenting ideas – common problems faced by a
research scholar – report writing.
1. Pankaj Jalote, An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, 3rd Edition, Narosa
Publishing House, ISBN: 9788173197024.
2. Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, 3rd Edition, PHI Learning Pvt
Ltd, ISBN: 9788120338197.
3. Rohit Khurana, Software Engineering: Principles and Practices, 2nd Edition, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt Ltd, ISBN: 8125939466.
4. Andy Hunt, Your Research Hunt, How to Manage it, Routledge, ISBN: 0415344085.
5. Michael Jay Polonsky, David S. Waller, Designing and Managing a Research
Project: A Business Student's Guide, Sage, ISBN: 1412977754.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
6. Richard Bullock, Maureen Daly Goggin and Francine Weinberg, The Norton Field
Guide to Writing (with Readings and Handbook), 3rd Edition, W. W. Norton &
Company, ISBN: 0393919595.
7. Kavadia Garg, Agrawal and Agrawal, An introduction to Research Methodology,
Rbsa Publishers ISBN: 8176111651.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I: Computer Networks
1. Design a LAN with a given set of requirements. The design should include topology,
hardware and software requirements like cable, connectors, hubs/switches/bridges,
interface cards along with a budget for the LAN. (Faculty in charge should give the
requirements to the students)*.
2. Establish a LAN that consists of at least one server and two clients*.
3. Study of network utilities in Linux/Windows (hostname, ping, ifconfig, ipconfig,
netstat, nslookup, telnet, traceroute, finger, telnet, tracert, arp, ftp etc)*.
4. Implementation of TCP Client.
5. Implementation of TCP Server.
6. Write a program to check the Date and Time in TCP Date Time Client.
7. Write a program to check the Date and Time in TCP Date Time Server.
8. Implementation of UDP client and server.
9. Write a program to transfer Files using UDP.
10. Implementation of transferring files using FTP.
11. Write a program to simulate the sliding window protocol.
12. Study of Network Simulators (NS2/Glomosim)*.
*These questions are NOT meant for examination purpose. However Viva questions
can be asked based on these experiments.
10. To demonstrate the process of contiguous allocation of memory blocks to store files
of varying sizes.
11. To implement Producer Consumer problem using semaphores.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course : CSS2A02
Credit : 4 (4: 0: 0)
CO CO Statement
CO1 Understand the techniques of literature survey.
CO2 Understand the process of presenting the research work through
seminars and technical reports.
Component Weightage
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Students have to obtain only minimum pass requirements in this Audit Course.
Articles from ACM/IEEE/INFLIBNET Journals/Conference Proceedings and/or
equivalent documents, standard textbooks and web based material, approved by the
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3C01
Course Number of
Course Category hours Total marks
No Core/Compli/ of (Int+Ext)
Elective Lectures/week
Cognitive Knowledge
CO CO Statement Hrs Level Category PO PSO
(CL) (KC)
Recall the basic concepts PO1 PSO2
CO1 in database management 14 R C
Understand the relational PO1 PSO2
CO2 database design 14 U F
Recall and memorize PO1 PSO2
CO3 structured query language , 14 Ap P
Understand transaction , PO1 PSO2
CO4 concurrency control in 15 U C
Understand the concepts in PO1 PSO2
CO5 object oriented database 15 U C
management system
Course Outline
Unit I [12 T]: Introduction - purpose of database systems, views of data - data
abstraction, instances and schemas, data independence, data models - hierarchical data
model, network data model, relational data model, ER d&tg9,mg9lei. Database languages
- DDL, DML, transaction management, storage management, database administrator,
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
database users, overall system structure. Relational data model - relational model
concepts, keys, integrity constraints - domain constraints, key constraints, entity integrity
constraints, referential integrity constraints. ER data model - basic concepts, constraints,
keys, design issues, entity relationship diagram, weak entity sets, extended ER features,
design of an ER database schema, reduction of an ER schema to tables. Relational algebra
and calculus - relational algebra - selection and projection, set operations, renaming,
joins, division. Relational calculus - tuple relational calculus, domain relational calculus.
Expressive power of algebra and calculus.
Unit II[12 T]: Relational database design - anomalies in a database - functional
dependency - lossless join and dependency- preserving decomposition - normalization -
normal forms - first, second and third normal form - Boyce Codd normal form -
multivalued, dependency - fourth normal form - join dependency - project join normal
form - domain key normal form.
Unit III [12 T]: Relational database query languages - basics of QBE and SQL. Data
definition in SQL data types, creation, insertion, viewing, updation, deletion of tables,
mo difying the structure of the tables, renaming, dropping of tables. Data constraints -
I/O constraints, primary key, foreign key, unique key constraints, ALTER TABLE
command database manipulation in SQL - computations done on table data - SELECT
command, logical operators, range searching, pattern matching, grouping data from
tables in SQL, GROUP BY, HAVING clauses. Joins - joining multiple tables, joining a
table to it. DELETE - UPDATE. Views - creation, renaming the column of a view,
destroys view. Program with SQL - data types Using SET and SELECT commands,
procedural flow, IF, IF /ELSE, WHILE, GOTO, global variables. Security - locks, types
of locks, levels of locks. Cursors - working with cursors, error handling, developing
stored procedures, CREATE, A LTER and DROP, passing and returning data to stored
procedures, using stored procedures within queries, building user defined functions,
creating and calling a scalar function, implementing triggers, creating triggers, multiple
trigger interaction (Use MySQL as the RDBMS).
Unit IV [12 T]: Transaction management, concurrency control and query processing -
definition and states of transactions, ACID properties - concurrency control,
serializability - conflict serializability, view serializability, recoverability-recoverable
schedules, non- cascading schedules, strict schedules. Concurrency control schemes -
locking- two phase locking, deadlock, granularity, timestamp ordering protocol. Basics
of query processing.
Unit V [12 T]: Object Oriented Database Management Systems (OODBMS) -
concepts, need for OODBMS, composite objects, issues in OODBMSs, advantages and
disadvantages of OODBMS. Distributed databases - motivation - distributed database
concepts, types of distribution, architecture of distributed databases, the design of
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3C12
Name of the
Object Oriented Programming Concepts
Course Number of
Course Category Number of hours Total marks
No Core/Compli/ Credits of (Int+Ext)
Elective Lectures/week
5 (1 Internal+ 4
3.2 Core 2:0: 5
CO CO Statement Hrs Category PO PSO
Level (CL)
Course Outline
Unit I [14 T]: Introduction to OOPS - basic principles of object orientation (objects ,
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
attributes and methods, encapsulation and information hiding, state retention, object
identity, messages, class hierarchy, inheritance, polymorphism, genericity) - introduction
to Java history, versioning, the Java Virtual Machine, byte code, features of Java,
language components - primitive data types, comments, keywords, literals, variables
scope & declarations, control structures - FOR, IF, WHILE, DO WHILE, SWITCH,
BREAK, CONTINUE statements - operators - casts and conversions - arrays.
Unit II [14 T]: Object - oriented programming – classes - class fundamentals - declaring
objects - new operator – methods – parameter passing – constructors - parameterized
constructors - this keyword – finalize method. Overloading methods and constructors,
access controls, static and final, nested and inner classes. Inheritance - extends, member
access and inheritance, super keyword, polymorphism, method overriding, dynamic
method dispatch, abstract classes, packages and interfaces.
Unit III [15 T]: Exceptions, threads & IO in Java - The file and standard streams,
stream classes and interfaces, using byte streams and character streams, threads - threads
vs. processes, creating threads, runnable interface, thread class, inter thread
communication, synchronization. Exceptions - basic of Java exception handling,
hierarchy, developing user defined exception classes.
Unit IV [14 T]: Applets, AWT & Swing - applet class, types of applet, skeleton, applet
tag, passing parameters, event handling, delegation event model, event classes, listeners,
AWT classes and window fundamentals, frames, working with fonts, graphics and colors,
AWT controls, layouts and menus, dialogue boxes. Swings - Japplets, icon, labels,
buttons, textbox, combo box, tables and panes.
Unit V[15 T]: Database and sockets - JDBC - introduction, architecture, drivers,
connections, statements, resultset and meta data (Use MySQL as the RDBMS). Sockets:
introduction to networking, InetAddress, url, socket, server sockets, datagrams.
Introduction to Unified Modelling Language (UML), UML diagrams, class diagrams,
object interaction diagrams, state and activity diagrams, component diagrams,
deployment diagrams. Introduction to analysis - object oriented system analysis, design
and implementations.
1. Herbert Scheldt, Java Complete Reference, 8th Edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education
Private Limited, ISBN: 1259002462.
2. E Balaguruswamy, Programming in Java: A Primer, 4th Edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill
Education Private Limited, ISBN: 007014169X.
3. Kathy Sierra, Head First Java, 2nd Edition, Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt
Ltd, ISBN: 8173666024.
4. David Flanagan, Jim Farley, William Crawford and Kris Magnusson, Java Enterprise
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3C12
Name of the
Principles of Compilers
Number of Total
Course Category Number of
hours marks
No Core/Compli/ Credits
of Lectures/week (Int+Ext)
3.3 Core (4:0:0 4 5 (1+4)
CO CO Statement Hrs Category PO PSO
Level (CL)
Understand the PO1 PSO2
process of translating
CO1 14 U C
a high-level language
to an executable code.
Familiarize the PO1 PSO2
function and
CO2 14 U P
complexity of modern
Understand the PO1 PSO2
CO3 machine dependent 14 U C
Apply flow graph for PO1 PSO2
CO4 the intermediate 15 Ap P
Apply optimization PO1 PSO2
techniques to have a
CO5 15 Ap P
better code for code
Course Outline
Unit I [12 T]: Introduction to compiling - definition of compiler, translator, interpreter,
analysis of the source program, the phases of a compiler, compiler construction tools-
applications of compiler technology – programming language basics - lexical analysis –
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Unit II[12 T]: Syntax analysis – role of parser – error handling and recovery –
definitions of parsing, top-down parsing and bottom-up parsing - context free grammars
– derivations - parse tree – ambiguity – associativity and precedence of operators - writing
a grammar – top- down parsing – recursive descent parsing - FIRST and FOLLOW – LL
(1) Grammars – recursive predictive parsing - bottom up parsing – reductions – handle
pruning – shift reduce parsing - operator precedence parsing, simple LR parsing.
Unit III [12 T]: Intermediate code generation – DAG – three address code – addresses
and instructions – quadruples – triples – Static Simple Assignment form – types and
– type expressions - type equivalences – declarations – type checking – rules – type conversion
– function and operator overloading – type inference and polymorphic functions – control
flow – boolean expressions – short circuit code – flow-control statements – control-flow
translation for boolean expressions – BREAK CONTINUE and GOTO statements.
Unit IV [12 T]: Run time environments – storage optimization – static Vs dynamic
allocation – stack allocation of space - activation trees and records – calling sequences –
access to non local data on the stack – data access without nested procedures – issues
with nested procedures – heap management – the memory manager – the memory
hierarchy – locality in programs – reducing fragmentation - manual deallocation requests.
Unit V [12 T]: Code generation – issues in the design of a code generator – the target
language – a simple target machine model – the program and instruction costs – address
in the target code – static allocation – stack allocation – run-time address for names –
basic blocks and flow graphs – representation of flow graphs. Code optimization - the
principal sources of optimization – data flow analysis – abstraction – data flow analysis
schema – data flow schemas on basic blocks – reaching definitions – live variable analysis
– available expressions. Region based analysis – regions – region hierarchies for
reducible flow graphs – overview of a region based analysis.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3L03
Name of the
Number of Total
Course Category Number of
hours marks
No Core/Compli/ Credits
of Lectures/week (Int+Ext)
Course: CSS3L03 –
Credit :
Hrs Cognitive Knowledge P0 PSO
CO CO Statement
Level(CL) Category (KC)
Course Outline
Unit I: Advanced Database Management System
1. Creating database tables and using data types (create table, modify table, drop table).
2. Data Manipulation (adding data with INSERT, modify data with UPDATE, deleting
records with DELETE).
3. Implementing the Constraints (NULL and NOT NULL, primary key and foreign
key constraint, unique, check and default constraint).
4. Retrieving Data Using SELECT (simple SELECT, WHERE, IN, BETWEEN,
5. Aggregate Functions (AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM).
6. String functions.
7. Date and Time Functions.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3E01a
Name of the
Computer Graphics
Number of Total
Course Category Number of
hours marks
No Core/Compli/ Credits
of Lectures/week (Int+Ext)
3.5a Elective (4:0:0 4 5 (1+4)
Cognitive Knowledge
CO CO Statement Hrs Level Category PO PSO
(CL) (KC)
Course Outline
Unit I: Introduction – Application of computer graphics, Video Display Devices- refresh
CRT, raster and random scan display, color CRT, flat panel, LCD, LED, DVST. Raster -
Scan Systems-video controller, display processor, Random-Scan Systems.
Unit II: 2D Graphics: Line drawing algorithms – DDA, Bresenham’s – Midpoint Circle
drawing algorithm –Filling-Scan line polygon fill algorithm, boundary fill algorithm,
floodfill algorithm, 2D Transformations-translation, rotation, scaling, shearing and
reflection, composite transformations. 2D Viewing –the viewing pipeline, viewing
coordinate reference frame, window-to- viewport coordinate transformation. Clipping-
point clipping, Cohen Sutherland line clipping, Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping,
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
text clipping.
Unit V: Discrete Techniques and OpenGL programming - Texture mapping, Bit and
Pixel operations, Compositing, Sampling and Aliasing Techniques. Introduction to
OpenGL, Features in OpenGL, OpenGL operations, Abstractions in OpenGL - GL, GLU
& GLUT, a few examples of OpenGL programs.
1. Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall,
ISBN: 0135309247.
2. Donald D. Hearn, M. Pauline Baker and Warren Carithers, Computer Graphics with
Open GL, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 9780136053583.
3. Hill, Computer Graphics using OpenGL, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India Private
Ltd. New Delhi, ISBN: 8120338294.
4. Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom Davis, Dave Shreiner, Dave Shriner and Tom
David, Open GL Programming Guide, 6th Edition, Person, ISBN: 9780201604580.
5. The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 1.1, Available at
6. Shreiner and Angel, Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with
Shader-Based OpenGL, 6th Edition, Pearson Education, ISBN: 0132545233.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3E01b
Name of the course Introduction to Soft Computing
Number of
Course Category Number of Total marks
No Core/Compli/ Credits (Int+Ext)
of Lectures/week
5 (1 Internal+ 4
3.5b Elective 4 4
Cognitive Knowledge
CO CO Statement Hrs Level Category PO PSO
(CL) (KC)
Course Outline
Unit I: Introduction - introduction to statistical ,syntactic and descriptive approaches -
features and feature extraction - learning - Bayes Decision theory - introduction -
continuous case - 2-category classification - minimum error rate classification - classifiers
- discriminant functions - decision surfaces – error probabilities and integrals - normal
density - discriminant functions for normal density.
Unit II: Introduction to genetic algorithm, genetic operators and parameters, genetic
algorithms in problem solving, theoretical foundations of genetic algorithms,
implementation issues – systems.
Unit III: Neural model and network architectures, perceptron learning, supervised
hebbian learning, back-propagation, associative learning, competitive networks, hopfield
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Unit IV: Introduction to fuzzy sets, operations on fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations, fuzzy
measures, applications of fuzzy set theory to different branches of science and
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3E01c
Course Number of
Course Category hours Total marks
No Core/Compli/ of (Int+Ext)
Elective Lectures/week
3.5c Elective 4 (4:0:0) 4 5 (1+4)
Cognitive Knowledge
CO CO Statement Hrs Level Category PO PSO
(CL) (KC)
Unit II: Client side programming – introduction – popular client side scripting languages
- Java Script - introduction, identifiers, operators, functions, event handling, classes, objects,
array, math, string, window object, navigator DHTML font, text, image change, table
expansion. JavaScript’s object model- strengths and weaknesses of JavaScript - building
and extending objects in JavaScript - events in JavaScript - event handlers - creating
interactive forms – cookies - storing users choices in cookies - encoding cookies - browser
objects - object hierarchy, creating browser objects, working with window, document,
history & location - browser detection, Java to JavaScript communication.
Unit III: Web server – role - Apache web server – introduction – architecture – features
- Apache's role in the Internet – LAMP – WAMP - installation and configuration - build
and install Apache web server - verify initial configuration start, stop, and status the
Apache server process. Configure Apache core modules security - basic security with
Apache - host-based authentication - user-based authentication - secure sockets layer
(SSL) - delivering dynamic web content - Apache's role in the dynamic web - server side
includes (SSIs) - configure Apache web server to support CGI – CGI Alternative
Technologies. virtual hosts, redirection, indexing – virtual hosting with Apache, virtual
host configuration redirection, directory indexing. Proxy servers and firewalls - apache
proxy configuring, proxy services firewalls and apache, firewall architecture models
monitoring apache web server - error logs, logging http access, web server status and
server information, user tracking - proxy caching.
Unit IV: Server side programming – server side scripts – PHP – designing dynamic web
pages using PHP - defining PHP variables – variable types – operators – control flow
constructs in PHP – passing form data between pages - establishing connection with
MySQL database – managing database.
1. Thomas A. Powell, The Complete Reference HTML, 3rd Edition, McGraw-
Hill/Osborne Media, ISBN: 0072129514.
2. Thomas A. Powell, Web Design: The Complete Reference, 2nd Sub-Edition,
McGraw- Hill/Osborne Media, ISBN: 0072119772
3. Robert W. Sebesta, Programming with World Wide Web, 7th Edition, Addison-
Wesley, ISBN: 9780132665810.
1. Xue Bai, Michael Ekedahl, Joyce Farrell, Don Gosselin, Diane Zak, Bill Morrissey,
Michael V. Ekedahl, Peter Macintyre and Shashi Kaparthi, The Web Warrior
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3E01d
Name of the course BIOINFORMATICS
Course Category Number of Number of hours Total marks
No Core/Compli/ Credits of Lectures/week (Int+Ext)
3.5d Elective 4 4 (1 Internal + 4
Cognitive Knowledge
CO CO Statement Hrs Level Category PO PSO
(CL) (KC)
Course Outline
Unit I: Bioinformatics - introduction to - nature and scope of computational biology and
Bioinformatics. Cells - prokaryotes and eukaryotes - DNA double helix - central dogma
- RNA, Amino acids, Proteins - string representations. A glossary of Bioinformatics terms
- file format for bio-molecular sequences, sequence alignment, phylogeny, gene finding,
microarray analysis, homology and evolutionary relationships.
Unit II: Basic algorithms in Computational Biology - exhaustive search methods and
their applications in Computational Biology - string matching algorithms. Motif finding
- tandem repeats - concept of dynamic programming - graph algorithms - clustering
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Unit III: Sequence alignment - pair-wise sequence alignment, need of scoring schemes
- penalizing gaps, scoring matrices for amino acid sequence alignment, PAM probability
matrix and log odds matrix, BLOSUM, Dot-plot visualization, Needleman- Wunsch
algorithm- effect of scoring schemes - evalues - BLAST and FASTA, Smith - Waterman
algorithm for local alignment.
Unit IV: Multiple sequence alignment - sequence alignment using dynamic
programming, Ndimensional dynamic programming. Tools for MSA - muscle and T-
Coffee. Phylogenetic algorithms - evaluation of phylogenetic trees, significance.
Unit V: Introduction to the major resources - NCBI, EBI and ExPASy - nucleic acid
sequence databases - GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ – Protein sequence databases –
SWISS- PROT, TrEMBL, PIR_PSD - genome databases at NCBI, EBI, TIGR, SANGER
– procedures to access these databases and to make use of the tools available.
1. Mount D, Bioinformatics; Sequence & Genome Analysis, 2nd Edition, Cold spring
Harbor Press, ISBN: 978-087969712.
2. Dan Gusfield, Algorithms on Strings Trees and Sequences, 1st Edition, Cambridge
University Press, ISBN: 0521585198.
3. Pevzner P A, Computational Molecular Biology: An Algorithmic Approach, MIT
Press, Cambridge, MA, ISBN: ISBN: 9780262161978.
4. Jeremy J. Ramsden, Bioinformatics: An Introduction, Springer, ISBN:
5. Sushmita M and Tinku A, Data Mining: Multimedia, Soft Computing and
Bioinformatics, Wiley-Interscience, ISBN: 9780471460541.
6. Richard M. Karp, Mathematical Challenges from Genomics and Molecular
Biology, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 544553.
7. Glyn Moody, Digital Code of Life: How Bioinformatics is Revolutionizing Science,
Medicine and Business, ISBN: 9780471327882.
8. Tao Jiang, Ying Xu and Michael Q. Zhang, Current Topics in Computational
Molecular Biology Edible OH Processing, 1st Edition, Ane Books Pvt Ltd, ISBN:
9. Andrzej K. Konopka and M. James C. Crabbe, Compact Handbook of Computational
Biology, 1st Edition, CRC Press, ISBN: 9780824709822.
10. Richard E. Bellman, Dynamic Programming, Princeton University Press, ISBN:
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
11. Needleman S B and Wunsch C D, A General Method Applicable to the Search for
Similarities in the Amino Acid Sequence of Two Proteins, J. Mol. Biol., 48 (1970)
12. Smith T F and Waterman M S, Identification of Common Molecular Subsequences,
J. Mol. Bio. 147 (1981) 195-197.
13. Watson J D and Crick F H C, A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid, Nature, 171
(1953) 737-738.
14. Pevzner P A and Waterman M S, Open Combinatorial Problems in Computational
Molecular Biology, Proc. Third Israel Symp. Theo. Comp. Syst. IEEE Computer
Society Press, (1995) 158 - 173.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3E01e
Name of the course Computer Optimization Techniques
Course Number of
Course Category Number of hours Total marks
No Core/Compli/ Credits of (Int+Ext)
Elective Lectures/week
(1 Internal + 4
3.5e Elective 4 4
CO CO Statement Hrs e Level PO PSO
Course Outline
Unit I: Linear programming and sensitivity analysis - two variable LP model, graphical
and algebraic LP solutions, some LP applications, the simplex method and sensitivity
analysis, primal-dual relationships and economic interpretation, dual simplex and
generalized simplex algorithms and post-optimal analysis.
Unit II: Transportation and Network models - The transportation models and algorithm,
the assignment and trans-shipment models, minimum spanning tree algorithm, shortest-
route problem, maximum flow and min-cost models, critical path method and algorithms
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
for matching.
Unit III: Advanced linear programming and applications - simplex method
fundamentals, revised simplex method and computational considerations, bounded
variables algorithm, duality, parametric linear programming, goal programming
formulations and algorithms.
Unit IV: Integer linear programming - illustrative applications, integer programming
algorithms, unimodularity and cutting-plane methods, travelling salesperson problem.
Unit V: Dynamic programming (DP) and its application - recursive nature of
computations in DP, forward and backward recursion, selected DP applications, problem
of dimensionality, branch and bound method and dynamic programming, some
deterministic inventory models. Nonlinear programming - convex programming
problems, unconstrained problems and algorithms, constrained problems and algorithms.
1. H. A. Taha, Operations Research: An Introduction, 9th Edition, Pearson Prentice
Hall, ISBN: 013255593X.
2. C. H. Papadimitriou, K. Steiglitz, Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and
Complexity, Dover Publications, ISBN: 9780486402581.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3E01f
Name of the course Numerical & Statistical Methods
Course Number of
Course Category Number of hours Total marks
No Core/Compli/ Credits of (Int+Ext)
Elective Lectures/week
(1 Internal + 4
3.5f Elective 4 4
Cognitive Knowledge
CO CO Statement Hrs Level Category PO PSO
(CL) (KC)
Course Outline
Unit I: Approximation and errors in computing - introduction, significant digits - inherent
errors - numerical error - modelling errors - blunders - absolute and relative errors -
conditioning and stability. Roots of non-linear equations - introduction - iterative
- bisection - false position - Newton - Raphson's, Secant and Bairstow's methods.
Unit II: Introduction solution of linear equations - Gauss elimination - Gauss-Jordan
method Jacobi Iteration method - Gauss-Seidal methods. Interpolation - linear
interpolation Newton's forward backward & divided difference interpolation methods -
Lagrange's method.
Unit III: Integration - trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3, & 3/8 rules. Differential
equations: Heunn’s polygon, Range-Kutta fourth order, Milne-Simpson, Adams-
Bashforth and Adams- Moulton methods.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3E02a
Name of the course Pattern Recognition
Number of
Course Category Number of Total marks
No Core/Compli/ Credits (Int+Ext)
of Lectures/week
(1 Internal + 4
3.6a Elective 4 4
Cognitive Knowledge
CO CO Statement Hrs Level Category PO PSO
(CL) (KC)
Course Outline
Unit I: Introduction - introduction to statistical - syntactic and descriptive approaches -
features and feature extraction - learning - Bayes Decision theory - introduction -
continuous case 2 - category classification - minimum error rate classification - classifiers
- discriminant functions - decision surfaces – error probabilities and integrals - normal
density - discriminant functions for normal density..
Unit II: Parameter estimation and supervised learning - maximum likelihood estimation
- the Bayes classifier - learning the mean of a normal density - general Bayesian learning
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3E02b
Name of the course
Course Number of
Course Category Number of hours Total marks
No Core/Compli/ Credits of (Int+Ext)
Elective Lectures/week
5 (1 internal + 4
3.6b Elective 4 4
CO CO Statement Hrs e Level PO PSO
Course Outline
Unit I: Introduction - applications - brief history of wireless communication – open
research problems – wireless transmission – frequencies for radio transmission – signals
– antennas – signal propagation – multiplexing – modulation – spread spectrum – cellular
systems – medium access control – motivation – SDMA – FDMA – TDMA – CDMA –
Unit II: Different generations of Wireless Cellular Networks - 1G, 2G, 2.5G, 3G, 4G.
Telecommunication systems – GSM – DECT – TETRA – UMTS – IMT-2000. Wireless
LAN – Infrared Vs Radio transmission – Infrastructure Vs Adhoc networks – IEEE
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
– HIPERLAN – Bluetooth.
Unit III: Mobile network layer - Mobile IP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol -
Routing - DSDV - DSR - Alternative Metrics. Transport and application layers -
traditional TCP classical TCP improvements - WAP, WAP 2.0.
Unit IV: Wireless network security - IEEE 80211i security - Wireless Transport Layer
Security sessions and connections - protocol architecture - WAP end-to-end security.
Unit V: Java for wireless devices - setting up the development environment - basic data
types, libraries (CLDC, MIDP) - UI controls - displayable and display image - events and
event handling - list and choice - text box - alerts - persistent storage - record stores -
- record enumeration - network MIDlets - the connection framework - connection interface
- connection using HTTP - datagram connection.
1. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, ISBN:
2. Raj Kamal, Mobile Computing, 2nd Edition Oxford Univ Press, ISBN: 0198068913.
3. William Stallings, Network Security Essentials Applications and Standards, 4th
Edition, Pearson India, ISBN: 8131761754.
4. Yu Feng and Jun Zhu, Wireless Java Programming with J2ME, 1st Edition, Sams,
ISBN: 0672321351.
5. Dreamtech Software Team, Wireless Programming with J2ME: Cracking the Code,
Wiley, ISBN: 0764548859. C,
6. William Stallings, Wireless Communications and Networks, 2nd Edition, Pearson
India, ISBN: 8131720934.
7. Jochen Burkhardt, Horst Henn, Stefan Hepper, Klaus Rindtorff and Thomas
Schaeck, Pervasive Computing Technology and Architecture of Mobile Internet
Applications, 14th Edition, Pearson Education, ISBN: 8177582801.
8. Nishit Narang and Sumit Kasera, 2G Mobile Networks: GSM and HSCSD, Tata
McGraw Hill Education, ISBN: 0070621063.
9. Hasan Ahmed, Roopa Yavagal and Asoke K Talukder, Mobile Computing:
Technology, Applications and Service Creation, 2nd Edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill
Education Private Limited, ISBN: 0070144575.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3E02c
Number of
Course Category Number of Total marks
No Core/Compli/ Credits (Int+Ext)
of Lectures/week
5 (1 Internal + 4
3.6c Elective 4 4
Cognitive Knowledge
CO CO Statement Hrs Level Category PO PSO
(CL) (KC)
Course Outline
Unit I: Computer security concepts – challenges – security attacks – security services –
security mechanisms – a model for network security. Cryptography – symmetric
encryption principles – cryptography – cryptanalysis – Feistal Cipher structure.
symmetric block encryption algorithms - DES – Triple DES – AES – random and
pseudorandom numbers – stream cipher and RC4 – cipher block modes of operation.
Unit II: Message authentication – approaches – MAC – one way Hash function – secure
Hash functions – Message Authentication Codes. Public key cryptography principles –
algorithms – digital Signatures.
Unit III: Network security applications - symmetric key distributions using symmetric
encryption - Kerberos version 4 - key distributions using asymmetric encryption - X.509
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3E02d
Number of
Course Category Number of Total marks
No Core/Compli/ Credits (Int+Ext)
of Lectures/week
5 (1 Internal + 4
3.6d Elective 4 4
Cognitive Knowledge
CO CO Statement Hrs Level Category PO PSO
(CL) (KC)
CO1 Understand the concepts of Web 2.0 14 U F
Course Outline
Unit I: Web 2.0 - definition, characteristics, key features, client side technologies (Ajax
and JavaScript frameworks - YUI library, Dojo toolkit, MooTools, jQuery, Ext JS and
prototype JavaScript framework), server side technologies (Ruby, Perl, Python,
Enterprise Java J2EE and Microsoft.NET Framework), concepts (Rich Internet
Application — Web-Oriented Architecture — Social Web), SLATES.
Unit II: Fundamentals of Web Services - Definition, Components, benefits, behavioural
characteristics. Web services architecture - web service roles, web service protocol stack,
service transport. Web services components - XML-RPC, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI. web
services security (notions) - confidentiality (XML-RPC and SOAP run on top of HTTP)
- support for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for HTTP - encrypted communication via SSL,
authentication (HTTP's built-in support for Basic and Digest authentication - SOAP
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
11. Wesley J Chun, Core Python Programming, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, ISBN:
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3E02e
Number of
Course Category Number of Total marks
No Core/Compli/ Credits (Int+Ext)
of Lectures/week
5 (1 Internal+ 4
3.6e Elective 4 4
Cognitive Knowledge
CO CO Statement Hrs Level Category PO PSO
(CL) (KC)
Course Outline
Unit I: Introduction - evolution of cloud computing - system models for distributed and
cloud computing - NIST cloud computing reference architecture - Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS) - resource virtualization - Platform as a Service (PaaS) - cloud platform &
- Software as a Service (SaaS) - available service providers.
Unit II: Virtualization - basics of virtualization - types of virtualization - implementation
levels of virtualization - virtualization structures - tools and mechanisms - virtualization
of CPU, memory, I/O devices - desktop virtualization - server virtualization - Linux
KVM, Xen, Qemu, LXC, OpenVZ.
Unit III: Cloud infrastructure - FOSS cloud software environments - Eucalyptus, Open
Nebula, OpenStack - OpenStack architecture - compute, object storage, image service,
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
identity, dashboard, networking, block storage, metering, basic cloud orchestration and
service definition.
Unit IV: Programming model - parallel and distributed programming paradigms –
Mapreduce, twister and iterative Mapreduce – mapping applications - programming
– Apache Hadoop – HDFS, Hadoop I/O, Hadoop configuration, MapReduce on Hadoop.
Unit V: Security in the cloud - security overview – cloud security challenges – software-
as- aservice security – security governance – risk management – security monitoring –
security architecture design – data security – application security – virtual machine
security – Qubes
– desktop security through Virtualization.
1. Kai Hwang, Geoffrey C Fox, Jack G Dongarra, Distributed and Cloud Computing
(From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things), Elsevier Science, ISBN:
2. John W. Rittinghouse and James F. Ransome, Cloud Computing: Implementation,
Management, and Security, 1st Edition, CRC Press, ISBN: 1439806802.
3. Toby Velte, Robert Elsenpeter and Anthony Velte, Cloud Computing, A Practical
Approach, TMH, ISBN: 9780071626958.
4. George Reese, Cloud Application Architectures, 1st Edition, Shroff /O'Reilly, ISBN:
5. Ravi Nair and Jim Smith, Virtual Machines: Versatile Platforms for Systems and
Processes, 1st Edition, Elsevier Science / Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN:
9780080525402/ 1558609105.
6. Katarina Stanoevska - Slabeva, Thomas Wozniak, Santi Ristol, Grid and Cloud
Computing - A Business Perspective on Technology and Applications, Springer,
ISBN: 3642051928.
7. Open stack Operations Guide,
8. Tom White, Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, O'Reilly Media, ISBN:
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code CSS3E02f
5 (1 Internal+ 4
3.6f Elective 4 4
Cognitive Knowledge
CO CO Statement Hrs Level Category PO PSO
(CL) (KC)
Course Outline
Unit I: Data warehouse - definition - operational database systems Vs data warehouses -
multidimensional model - from- tables and spreadsheets to Data Cubes - schemas for
multidimensional databases - measures - concept hierarchies - OLAP operations in the
multidimensional data model - data warehouse architecture.
Unit II: Data mining - introduction - definition - data mining functionalities - major
issues in data mining - data pre-processing - data cleaning - data integration and
transformation - data reduction - data discretization and concept hierarchy generation.
Association rule mining - efficient and scalable frequent item set mining methods -
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outcome :
▪ Understand process of software development life cycle.
▪ Develop a quality software solution by following the software engineering
principles and practices. Students are also encouraged to take up a research oriented
work to formulate a research problem and produce results based on its
implementation/simulation/experimental analysis.
Course Outline
Major project work is to be done individually by each student, under the guidance of a
faculty member of the concerned department.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Guide has to constantly monitor the works done by the student, imparting him/her the
necessary inputs for the successful completion of the project work. Students can either
take up a real-life application oriented project work or research and development project.
The student can formulate a project problem with the help of her/his guide and submit
the project proposal of the same. Approval of the project proposal is mandatory. If
approved, the student can commence working on it, and complete it.
Guidelines for Submission of Report
The distinguishing mark of a dissertation is an original contribution to knowledge. The
dissertation is a formal document whose sole purpose is to prove that you have made an
original contribution to knowledge. Failure to prove that you have made such a
contribution generally leads to failure.
It is a test of the student’s ability to undertake and complete a sustained piece of
independent research and analysis / application development, and to write up the work in
a coherent form according to the rules and conventions of the academic community. The
role of the supervisor too is very crucial in this context.
A satisfactory dissertation should not only be adequate in its methodology, in its analysis
and in its argument, and adequately demonstrate its author’s familiarity with the relevant
literature; it should also be written in correct, coherent language, in an appropriate style,
correctly following the conventions of citation. It should, moreover, have a logical and
visible structure and development that should at all times assist the reader understands
the arguments being presented. The layout and physical appearance of the dissertation
should also conform to university standards. The dissertation is to be prepared in TEX
format (either Latex or a suitable Windows TEX variant). The format of the report is
included in Appendix A. Students are also encouraged to present their work in IT
fest/conference/workshop/journal with the assistance and guidance of the supervisor.
This should pave as a good start for the student in the art of publishing/presenting his/her
work to the outside world. Due weightage is accommodated for publications out of the
project work in the final evaluation.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [18 T]: Basic Techniques - Intuitive Compression, Run-Length Encoding, RLE
Text Compression, RLE Image Compression, Move-to-Front Coding, Scalar
Quantization, Recursive Range Reduction. Statistical Methods - Information Theory
Concepts, Variable-Size Codes, prefix Codes, Shannon-Fano Coding, Huffman Coding,
Adaptive Huffman Coding
Unit II [18 T] : Dictionary methods - string compression, LZ77 sliding window,
MZW, GIF images. Image compression - approaches to image compression, intuitive
methods and image transform, test images, JPEG, progressive image compression, vector
Unit III [18 T]: Wavelet methods - Fourier transform, frequency domain, Fourier
image compression, CWT and inverse CWT, Haar transform, filter bank, DWT, JPEG
2000. Video compression - analogue video, composite and component video, digital
video, video compression, MPEG.
Unit IV [18 T]: Audio compression - sound, digital audio, human auditory system,
MPEG-1 audio layer. Fractal based compression - IFS. Comparison of compression
algorithms. Implementation of compression algorithms.
1. David Solomon, Data Compression: The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Springer,
ISBN: 8184898002.
2. Stephen Welstead, Fractal and Wavelet Image Compression Techniques, Lap
Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 384651845X.
3. Khalid Sayood, Introduction to Data compression, 4th Edition, Elsevier India Pvt.
Ltd, ISBN: 8131234088.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [15 T]: Introduction to pervasive computing - past, present, future - the pervasive
computing market, m-Business, challenges and future of pervasive computing.
Application examples of pervasive computing: retail, airline check-in and booking, sales
force automation, healthcare, tracking, car information systems, Email access via WAP
and voice.
Unit II [18 T]: Device technology for pervasive computing - hardware, human-machine
interfaces, biometrics, operating systems, Java for pervasive devices, outlook. Device
connectivity - protocols, security, device management.
Unit III [17 T]:: Web application concepts for pervasive computing - history, WWW
architecture, protocols, trans-coding, client authentication via the Internet for pervasive
computing. WAP and beyond - introduction, components of the WAP architecture, WAP
infrastructure, WAP security issues, Wireless Markup Language, WAP push, products,
i-Mode, outlook.
Unit IV [20 T]:: Web voice technology - basics of speech recognition, voice standards,
speech applications, speech and pervasive computing, security personal digital assistants
- history, device categories, personal digital assistant operating systems, device
characteristics, software components, standards, mobile applications and personal digital
assistant browsers. Server side programming (Java) for pervasive computing - Java 2
Enterprise Edition (Overview), servlets, Enterprise Java Beans, Java Server Pages,
Extensible Markup Language, Web Services, Model-View-Controller pattern.
Unit V [20 T]:: Pervasive web application architecture - background, scalability &
availability - development of pervasive computing web applications, pervasive
application architecture - example pervasive application - introduction, user interface
overview, architecture, implementation. Access from PCs - smart-card authentication via
the Internet, ordering goods. Access via WAP - WAP functionality, implementation -
access from personal digital assistants - extending the example application to personal
digital assistants, implementation for synchronized devices, implementation for
intermittently connected devices, implementation for connected devices - access via
voice: extending the example application to voice access, implementation.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
1. Jochen Burkhardt, Horst Henn, Stefan Hepper, Thomas Schaec and Klaus Rindtorff,
Pervasive Computing: Technology and Architecture of Mobile Internet
Applications, 14th Edition, Pearson Education, ISBN: 8177582801.
2. Stefen Poslad, Ubiquitous Computing: Smart Devices, Environments and
Interactions, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, ISBN: 8126527331.
3. Guruduth S. Banavar, Norman H. Cohen and Chandra Narayanaswami, Pervasive
Computing: An Application-Based Approach, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN:
4. Frank Adelstein, S K S Gupta, GG Richard and L Schwiebert, Fundamentals of Mobile
and Pervasive Computing, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, ISBN: 0070603642.
5. Genco and S. Sorce, Pervasive Systems and Ubiquitous Computing, 1st Edition, WIT
Press, ISBN: 1845644824.
6. Somprakash Bandyopadhyay, Amitava Mukherjee and Debashis Saha, Networking
Infrastructure for Pervasive Computing Enabling Technologies and Systems, 1st
Edition, ISBN: 8184898037.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [14 T]: Notion of different types of securities - information security - computer
security - security goals, relation between security, confidentiality, integrity, availability
and authorization, vulnerabilities - principles of adequate protection. Notions of operating
security, database security, program security, network security attacks - threats,
vulnerabilities and controls. The kind of problems - interception, interruption,
modification, fabrication. Computer criminals - amateurs, crackers, career criminals.
Methods of defence
- control, hardware controls, software controls, effectiveness of controls.
Unit II [16 T]: Program security - secure programs - fixing faults, unexpected behaviour,
types of
flaws. Non-malicious program errors - buffer overflows, incomplete mediation. Viruses
and other malicious code - kinds of malicious code, how viruses attach, how viruses gain
control, prevention, control example - the brain virus, the internet worm, web bugs.
Targeted malicious code - trapdoors, Salami attack. Controls against program threats -
development controls, peer reviews, hazard analysis.
Unit III [16 T]: Operating system security - protected objects and methods of
protection - memory address protection - fence, relocation, base/bounds registers, tagged
architecture, segmentation, paging. Control of access to general objects - directory, access
control list. File protection mechanism - basics forms of protection, single permissions.
Authentication - authentication basics, password, authentication process challenge -
response, biometrics. Trusted operating systems - security policies for operating systems,
models of security - requirement of security systems, multilevel security, access security,
limitations of security systems. Trusted operating system design - elements, security
features, assurance, system flaws and assurance methods.
Unit IV [14 T]: Database Security - security requirements - integrity of database,
confidentiality and availability, reliability and integrity, sensitive data, interface,
multilevel database, proposals for multilevel security.
Unit V [12 T]: Administrating security - security planning - contents of a security
planning, team members, commitment to a security plan, business continuity plans. Risk
analysis - the nature of risk, steps of risk analysis. Arguments for and against risk
analysis, organizational security policies - purpose and goals of organizational security.
Audience, characteristics of a good security policy. Nature of security policies - data
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [12 T]: Overview of molecular modelling - molecular modelling methods - semi-
empirical method and empirical method. Model Type - static, dynamic and probabilistic
models. Models of growth and decay
Unit II [15 T]: System modelling - concept, principles of mathematical modelling, static
physical model, stochastic activities, continuous and discrete simulation. Discrete system
- probability concepts in simulation, random number generations and their testing,
stochastic variable generation. Model execution - event driven versus time driven.
Unit III [22 T]: Computational gene mapping - genetic mapping, gene expression,
gene prediction methods, gene prediction tools, mutational analysis, introduction to
restriction mapping and map assembly, mapping with restriction fragment fingerprints,
Lander - Waterman statistics. Software Packages for Phylogenetic Analysis -
PHYLogeny Inference Package (Phylip), Phylogenetic Analysis using Parsimony
(PAUP) and Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood (PAML). Microarray
technology - techniques for microarray data analysis - microarray databases. Scatter
Plots, Principal Component A nalysis, Cluster Analysis, Applications of Microarray
Unit IV [21 T]: Structural Modelling: Protein structure prediction - Prediction of
protein secondary structure from the amino acid sequences. Prediction of three
dimensional protei n structure. Protein structure classification: Two major classification
schemes - CATH and SCOP. Protein structure prediction: Steps involved in homology
modeling. Protein- Protein Interactions: Prediction methods for Protein- Protein
interactions. Protein- protein interaction Databases. Computer Assisted Drug Design
(CADD): Protein based drug design cycle, drug discovery pipeline. Docking Simulations:
Rigid docking and Flexible docking.
Unit V [20 T]:: Molecular Visualization: Visualization of protein structure, Methods of
studying proteins, Proteomics databases, Protein family databases, PDB file format.
Software tools for 3D molecular graphic visualization: Rasmol - basic operations and
steps in Rasmol to visualize the molecule, advantages of Rasmol, advantages of Swiss-
1. Stephen Misener and Stephen A. Krawetz, Bioinformatics: Methods and Protocols, 1st
Edition, Humana Press, iSBN: 1617371564.
2. Geoffrey Gordan, System SimuS&nr 2nd Edition,' PHI, ISBN: 9788120301405.
3. Tamar Schlick, Molecular Modeling and Simulation: An Interdisciplinary Guide, 2nd
Edition, Springer, ISBN: 14w1426902.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
4. Narsingh Dev, System Modelling with Digital Computer, PHI, ISBN: 0138817898.
5. Andrew Leach, Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications, Prentice Hall. 2nd
Edition, ISBN: 81317286092001.
6. Prakash S Lohar, Bioinformatics, MJP publishers, Chennai,
ISBN: 9788180940668.
7. H-D Holtje, Molecular Modeling - Basic Principles and Applications, 3rd Edition,
Wiley-VCH, ISBN-13: 9783527315680.
8. Alan Hinchliffe, Molecular Modelling for Beginners, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons
Ltd, ISBN: 9780470513149.
9. N Cohen, Guidebook on Molecular Modeling in Drug Design, 1st Edition, ISBN
10. Masatoshi Nei and Sudhir Kumar, Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics, Oxford
University Press, ISBN: 0195135857.
11. Asheesh Shanker, Vinay Sharma and Ashok Munjal, A Textbook of Bioinformatics, 1st
Edition, Rastogi Publications, New Delhi, ISBN: 9788171339174.
12. Des Higgins (Ed), Willie Taylor (Ed), Bioinformatics: Sequence, Structure and
Databanks - A Practical Approach, 3rd Edition, New Delhi Oxford University Press,
ISBN: 0195667530.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [18 T]: Introduction to Big Data – definition & importance of Big Data - four
of Big Data - volume, velocity, variety, veracity – importance of big data – structured
data, unstructured data - the role of a CMS in big data management - integrating data
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
types into a big data environment - distributed computing and Big Data. Big Data stack
– layer 0,1 and 2 – Big Data management – operational databases – relational databases
– non relational databases – NoSQL - key-value pair databases – document databases -
columnar databases - graph databases - spatial databases.
Unit II [18 T]: Big Data analysis - basic analytics - operationalized analytics -
modifying business intelligence products to handle Big Data - Big Data analytics
examples - Analytics solutions
- text analytics - exploring unstructured data - understanding text analytics analysis and
extraction techniques - the extracted information - text analytics tools for Big Data - custom
applications for Big Data analysis - R Environment - Google Prediction API - Characteristics
of a Big Data Analysis Framework.
Unit III [18 T]: NoSQL databases - types - Advantages over Relational Databases -
MongoDB - introduction - MongoDB philosophy - the data model - designing the
database - collections
- documents - data types - the _id Field - indexes - viewing available databases and collections
- opening a database - inserting data - querying for data - retrieving documents - aggregation
commands - grouping results - conditional operators - specifying an array of matches -
applying criteria for search - $slice - $size - $exists - $type - $elemMatch - $not (meta-
operator) - update() - save() - $inc - $set - $unset - $push - $pushAll - $addToSet - removing
elements from an array atomic operations - modifying and returning a document atomically
- renaming a collection - removing data - referencing a database - implementing index-related
functions - min() and max().
Unit IV [18 T]: Hadoop - history - components - HDFS - MapReduce Basics - origins
of MapReduce map function - reduce function - putting them together - Hadoop common
components - application development in Hadoop - Pig and Pig Latin - Load - Transform
- Dump and Store - Hive - Jaql - getting our data into Hadoop - basic copy data - Flume
- Zookeeper ^ HBase -Oozie - Ltycene - Avro.
Unit V [18 T]: Understanding MapReduce - key/value pairs - the Hadoop Java API for
MapReduce - the Mapper class - the Reducer class - the Driver class - writing simple
MapReduce programs - Hadoop-provided mapper and reducer implementations -
Hadoop- specific data types - the Writable and WritableComparable interfaces - wrapper
classes - Input/output - InputFormat and RecordReader - OutputFormat and
RecordWriter. Implementing WordCount using streaming - analyzing a large dataset -
summarizing the UFO data - summarizing the shape data - a relational view on data with
Hive - creating a table for the UFO data - inserting the UFO data - redefining the table
with the correct column separator - creating a table from an existing file - SQL views.
1. Hurwitz, Alan Nugent, Fern Halper and Marcia Kaufman, Big Data for Dummies,
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
ISBN: 9781118504222.
2. Eelco Plugge, Peter Membrey and Tim Hawkins, The Definitive Guide to MongoDB:
The NoSQL Database for Cloud and Desktop Computing, 1st Edition, Apress, ISBN:
3. Chris Elaton, Derk Deroos, Tom Deutsch, George Lapis and Pual Zikopoulos,
Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming
Data, 1st Edition, ISBN: B006UWBBO6.
4. Garry Turkington, Hadoop Beginner's Guide, Packt Publishing Ltd, ISBN:
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code
Name of the
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [12 T]: Web Engineering (WE) – introduction – motivation – categories &
characteristics of web applications – product related, usage related and development
related – evolution of WE.
Unit II [14 T]: Requirements Engineering (RE) for web applications - introduction -
fundamentals - sources of requirements - RE activities - RE specifications in WE - RE
principles for web applications - adapting RE methods for web applications development
- requirement types, notations, tools.
Unit III [18 T]: Web application architecture - introduction - fundamentals - definition
of architecture - developing and characterising architectures - components of a generic
web application architecture - layered architecture - database centric architecture -
architecture for web document management - architecture for multimedia data.
Unit IV[24 T]: Modelling web applications - introduction - modelling specifics in WE
- levels – aspects phases of customizations - modelling requirements - hypertext
modelling - hypertext structure modelling concepts - access modelling concepts. Web
application design - web design from an evolutionary perspective - information design -
software design merging information design & software design - problems and
restrictions in integrated web design - a proposed structural approach - presentation
design - presentation of nodes and meshes - device independent development -
approaches - interaction design - user interaction - user interface organization - navigation
design - deigning a link representation - designing link internals - navigation and
orientation - structural dialog for complex activities - interplay with technology and
architecture - functional design.
Unit V [22 T]: Testing web applications - introduction - fundamentals - terminology -
quality characteristics - test objectives - test levels - role of tester - test specifics in we -
test approaches
- conventional, agile - test schemes - three test dimensions - applying the scheme to web
applications - test methods and techniques - link testing - browser testing - usability
- load, stress and continues testing - testing security - test- driven development. Web project
development - scope - refining frame work activities - building a WebE team - risk
management - making schedule - managing quality, change - project tracking.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
1. Gerti Kappel, Birgit Proll, Siegried Reich and Werner Retschitzegger, Web
Engineering: The Discipline of Systematic Development of Web Applications, John
Wiley and Sons Ltd, ISBN: 9780470064894.
2. Roger S Pressman and David Lowe, Web Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach,
1st Edition, Tata Macgraw Hill Publications, ISBN: 9780073523293.
3. Leon Shklar and Rich Rosen, Web Application Architecture: Principles, Protocols
and Practices, 2nd Edition, Wiley, ISBN: 047051860X.
4. Guy W Leeky-Thompson, Just Enough Web Programming with XHTML, PHP, and
MySQL, 1st Edition, Cenagage Learning, ISBN: 159863481X.
5. Anders Moller and Michael Schwartzbach, An Introduction to XML and Web
Technologies, 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2009.
6. Chrits Bates, Web Programming: Building Internet Applications, 3rd Edition, Wiley
India Edition, ISBN: 8126512903. MySQL, 1st Edition, Cenagage Learning, ISBN:
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [16 T]: Introduction - digital image representation - fundamental steps in image
- elements of digital image processing systems - digital image fundamentals - elements of
visual perception - a simple image model - sampling and quantization - basic relationship
between pixels - image geometry.
Unit II [16T]: Image transforms - introduction to Fourier transform - discrete Fourier
transform (DFT) - properties DFT- other separable image transforms - Walsh, Hadamard
and Discrete Cosine transforms. Hotelling transform.
Unit III [16 T]: Image enhancement - basic grey level transformation - histogram
equalization - image subtraction - image averaging - spatial filtering - smoothing,
sharpening filters Laplacian filters. Enhancement in the frequency domain - frequency
domain filters smoothing, sharpening filters - homomorphic filtering.
Unit IV [16 T]: Image restoration - model of Image degradation/restoration process -
noise models inverse filtering - least mean square filtering - constrained least mean square
filtering. Edge detection - thresholding - region based segmentation - boundary
Unit V [16 T]: Image compression - fundamental concepts of image compression -
compression models - information theoretic perspective. Lossless compression -
Huffman coding - arithmetic coding - bit plane coding - run length coding. Lossy
compression - transform coding - image compression standards.
1. Richard E Woods and Rafael C Gonzalez, Digital Image Processing, 3rd Edition,
Pearson Education Singapore Pte Ltd, ISBN: 8131726959.
2. B. Chanda and D.D. Majumder, Digital Image Processing and Analysis, 2 Edition,
Machine Vision, 3rd Edition, Ceneage Learning India Pvt Ltd, ISBN:
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [10T]: The Extended Entity Relationship model and object model - The ER
model revisited, motivation for complex data types, user defined abstract data types and
structured types, subclasses, super classes, inheritance, specialization and generalization,
constraints and characteristics of specialization and generalization, relationship types of
degree higher than two.
Unit II [12 T]: Object-Oriented databases - overview of object-oriented concepts,
object identity, object structure, and type constructors, encapsulation of operations,
methods, and persistence, type hierarchies and inheritance, type extents and queries,
complex objects, database schema design for OODBMS, OQL, persistent programming
languages, OODBMS architecture and storage issues, transactions and concurrency
control, example of ODBMS.
Unit III [ 14 T]: Object relational and extended relational databases - database design
for an ORDBMS - nested relations and collections, storage and access methods, query
processing and optimization, an overview of SQL3, implementation issues for extended
type - systems comparison of RDBMS, OODBMS and ORDBMS.
Unit IV [18 T]: Parallel and distributed databases and client-server architecture -
architectures for parallel databases, parallel query evaluation, parallelizing individual
operations, sorting, joins, distributed database concepts, data fragmentation, replication
and allocation techniques for distributed database design, query processing in distributed
databases, concurrency control and recovery in distributed databases. An overview of
client-server architecture.
Unit V [18 T]: Object databases on the web and semi structured data - web interfaces
to the web, overview of XML - structure of XML data, document schema, querying XML
data - storage of XML data, XML applications - the semi structured data model,
implementation issues, indexes for text data. Enhanced data models for advanced
applications - active database concepts, temporal database concepts, spatial databases
concepts and architecture, deductive databases and query processing, mobile databases,
geographic information systems.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
1. Elmasri and Navathe, Database Systems - Models, Languages, Design and
Application Programming, 6th Edition, Pearson India, ISBN: 8131792471.
2. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, 3rd
Edition, McGraw - Hill Education, ISBN: 9339213114.
3. Korth, Silberchatz and Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, 6th Edition,
McGraw- Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd, ISBN: 9332901384.
4. Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon, Database Management System, 1st Edition, Vikas
Publishers, ISBN: 8182092221. L»r
5. Peter Rob and Coronet, Database Systems, Design, Implementation and
Management, 5th Revised Edition, Course Technology, ISBN: 061906269X.
6. C J Date, Introduction to Database Systems, 8th Edition, Addison-Wesley, ISBN:
0321197844. CSS4E01c | Software Development for Portable Devices
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [23 T]: Introduction to Mobile Web (HTML 5) - Semantic Elements - Structural
- Basic formatting tags - heading, paragraph, underline break, bold, italic, underline,
superscript, subscript, font and image. Different attributes like align, color, bgcolor, font
face, border, size. Navigation Links using anchor tag - internal, external, mail and image
links. Lists - ordered, unordered and definition, table tag, HTML5 form controls - form,
input types - color, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, month, number, range, search, tel,
time, url, week, text, password, textarea, button, checkbox, radio button, select box, hidden
controls, calendar, date, time, email, url, search. Datalist, keygen, output - Introduction to
Unit II[15 T] jQuery - introduction - Adding jQuery to web pages - downloading -
accessing from CDNs - jQuery syntax - jQuery selectors - event methods - ready(),
click(), dblclick(), mouseenter(), mouseleave(), mousedown(), mouseup(), hover(),
foucs(), blur() - effects - hide, show, fading, sliding, animation - callback functions -
chaining - methods for changing and manipulating HTML elements and attributes -
adding new elements/content - append(), prepend(), after(), before() - removing elements
- remove(), empty() - manipulating CSS3 - dimensions of elements and browser window
- traversing - ancestors, descendants, siblings.
Unit III [15 T]: Introduction to Android and smart phones, Android architecture &
virtual machine, mobile technology terminologies, setting up the environment, setting up
emulators, Android fundamentals - activities and applications activity life cycles, activity
stacks, activity states. Introduction to manifest, resources &, assets, values -
- form widgets, views, layouts & drawable resources - XML layouts, linear layouts, relative
layouts, table layouts, A ndroid widgets, UI XML specifications events, bundles & intents
- explicit intents implicit intents event broadcasting with intents event reception with
broadcast receivers, adapters and data binding.
Unit IV [10 T]: Files, content providers and databases - saving and loading files, SQLite
- Android database design - exposing access to a data source through a content provider
content provider registration native content providers, Android Debug Bridge (adb) tool,
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Unit V [15 T]: Adapters and widgets, notifications, custom components threads
running on UI thread, Worker thread handlers & runnable asyntask (in detail), playing
audio and video, recording audio and video, using the camera to take and process pictures.
Networking & location based services - live folders, using sdcards – reading and writing,
XML parsing - JSON parsing - including external libraries in applications, Map-based
activities, Maps via intent and Map activity GPS, location based services configuration,
geocoding, accessing phone services (Call, SMS, MMS), network connectivity services,
using Wifi & Bluetooth action bar tabs and custom views on action bars.
1. Terry Felke-Morris, Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5, 7th
Edition, Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0133571785.
2. Html5 Black Book: Covers CSS3, Javascript, XML, XHTML, Ajax, PHP and Jquery,
Kogent Learning Solutions Inc, ISBN: 9350040956.
3. Kessler, Programming HTML 5Applications, OReilly Media, ISBN: 9350235904.
4. Robin Nixon, Html5 For IOS and Android: Beginner Guide, 1st Edition, McGraw-
Hill Education India Pvt .Ltd, ISBN: 101259003078.
5. Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder, Android Wireless Application Development:
Android Essentials (Volume 1), 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, ISBN:
6. Zigurd Mednieks, Rick Rogers, Lombardo John and Blake Meike, Android
Application Development, 1st Edition, O'Reilly Meida,
7. Reto Meier, Professional Android 2 Application Development, 1st Edition, Wiley
India Pvt Ltd, ISBN: 8126525894.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course CSS4E04d
Name of Storage Area Networks
Course Course Number Number of hours Total Weightage
No Category of of Lectures/week (Int+Ext)
Core/Compli/ Credits
3 5 5
4.2d ELECTIVE4 (5:0:0) (Internal 1+
External 4)
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [18 T]: Basic networking concepts and topologies - OSI reference model,
common network devices, network topologies, MAC standards - need for storage
networks – storage devices - techniques evolution - benefits of SANs - SAN components
and building blocks - fibre channel basics - fibre channel topologies, fibre channel layers,
classes of service SAN topologies.
Unit 2 [20 T] : SAN fundamentals - SAN operating systems software and hardware
types of SAN technology - technology and configuration, high scalability and flexibility
standards - storage management challenges - networked storage implementation
challenges - storage subsystems for video services.
Unit III [22 T: Storage networking architecture storage in storage networking -
challenges, cost and performance - Network in storage networking - fibre channel,
emerging SAN interconnect technologies - basic software, advanced software, backup
software implementation strategies.
Unit IV [15 T]: Storage network management in-band management out-of-band
management - SNMPHTTP - TELNET storage network management issues - storage
resource management - storage management, storage, systems and enterprise
management integration.
Unit V [12 T]: Designing and building a SAN - design considerations - business
requirements - physical layout, placement, storage, pooling, data availability,
connectivity, scalability, migration, manageability, fault tolerance and resilience -
prevention of congestion - routability - backup and restoration - SAN security & iSCSI
technology - basic security guidelines - implementing SAN security - backup and
restoration in iSCSI technology - future of SANS.
1. Meeta Gupta, Storage Area Network Fundamentals, Cisco Press, ISBN:
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
2. John R. Vacca, The Essential Guide to Storage Area Networks, 1st Edition, Prentice
Hall, ISBN: 0130935751.
3. Richard Barker and Paul Massiglia, Storage Area Network Essentials: A Complete
Guide to Understanding and Implementing SANs, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, ISBN:
4. Tom Clark, Designing Storage Area Networks: A Practical Reference for
Implementing Fibre Channel and IP SANs, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley
Professional, ISBN: 0321136500.
5. Robert Spalding, Storage Networks: The Complete Reference, 1st Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN: 0070532923.
6. Christopher Poelke and Alex-Nikitin, Storage Area Networks for Dummies, 2nd
Edition, ISBN: 9780470385135. '
7. Ulf Troppens, Rainer Erkens, Wolfgang Mueller-Friedt, Rainer Wolafka and Nils
Haustein, Storage Networks Explained: Basics and Application of Fibre Channel
SAN, NAS, iSCSI, InfiniBand and FCoE, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, ISBN: 8126518324.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course Outline
Unit I [18 T]: Components - types - ontological commitments - ontological categories
- philosophical background - knowledge representation ontologies – top level ontologies
- linguistic ontologies - domain ontologies - semantic web - need - foundation - layers -
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Unit II[18 T]: Languages for semantic web and ontologies - web documents in XML
– RDF – schema – web resource description using RDF - RDF properties – topic maps
and RDF – overview – syntax structure – semantics – pragmatics - traditional ontology
languages – LOOM - OKBC – OCML - Flogic Ontology Markup Languages – SHOE –
– OIL – OWL.
Unit III[18 T]: Ontology learning for semantic web - taxonomy for ontology learning
- layered approach - phases of ontology learning - importing and processing ontologies
and documents
- ontology learning algorithms - evaluation.
Unit IV [18 T]: Ontology management and tools - overview - need for management -
development process - target ontology - ontology mapping - skills management system -
ontological class - constraints - issues. Evolution - development of tools and tool suites -
ontology merge tools - ontology based annotation tools.
Unit V [18 T]: Applications - web services - semantic web services - security issues -
current trends.
1. Asuncion Gomez-Perez, Oscar Corcho and Mariano Fernandez-Lopez, Ontological
Engineering: with examples from the areas of Knowledge Management, e- Commerce
and the Semantic Web, 1st Edition, Springer, ISBN: 1849968845.
2. Grigoris Antoniou and Frank van Harmelen, A Semantic Web Primer, The MIT Press,
ISBN: 0262012103.
3. Liyand, Introduction to the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services, Chapman,
ISBN: 1584889330.
4. Alexander Maedche, Ontology Learning for the Semantic Web, Springer, 2002nd
Edition, ISBN: 0792376560.
5. John Davies, Dieter Fensel and Frank Van Harmelen, Towards the Semantic Web:
Ontology - Driven Knowledge Management, 1st Edition, Wiley, ISBN: 0470848677.
6. Dieter Fensel, Wolfgang Wahlster, Henry Lieberman and James Hendler, Spinning
the Semantic Web: Bringing the World Wide Web to Its Full Potential, The MITPress,
ISBN: 9780262562126.
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Course code
Name of the
Course Outline
Unit I [15 T]: RMI & Servlets - introduction, architecture, defining remote objects,
creating stubs and skeletons, serializable classes, accessing remote objects, factory
classes, dynamically loaded classes, RMI activation, registering remote objects.
Unit II[15 T]: Servlets, generic servlet, servlets that access request headers, develop
servlets that manipulate response headers, HTTP servlets, forms, HTTP protocols -
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
configuring Tomcat Server, servlet context, servlet context listener, servelet chaining.
Unit III [18 T]: JNDI & EJB - architecture, context initial context class, objects in a
context, binding objects, accessing directory services, attributes and attribute interface
modifying directory entities, creating directories entities. EJB roles, architecture,
container, implementing a basic EJB object, implementing session beans, implementing
entity bean, deploying an enterprise bean object.
Unit IV[23 T]: Java Server Pages (JSP) - developing JSP pages, technology, syntax
using scripting elements, syntax using the courier page directive, create and use JSP error
pages, building reusable web presentation, components, JSP technology syntax using the
include directive, JSP technology syntax using the jsp:include standard action,
developing JSP Pages using custom tags, problem with JSP technology scriptlet code,
given an existing custom tag library, develop a JSP page using the library, developing a
simple custom tag, structure and
execution of a custom tag in a JSP page, tag handler class for a simple empty custom tag, custom tag that
includes its body in the contour of the HTTP response, tag library description for a simple, empty custom
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
13 MSc Computer Science (Academic Year 2019-20
Page i
I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another
person or material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma
of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment
has been made in the text.
Date: Signature:
: Reg.
13 MSc Computer Science (Academic Year 2019-20
Page ii
Certificate from Guide & HoD
This is to certify that the project report entitled <<TITLE HERE>> submitted by <<Name
of the Student>> (Register Number: << Reg, No>>) to University of Calicut for the award
of the degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Computer Science is a bonafide record of
the project work carried out by him/her under my supervision and guidance. The content
of the report, in full or parts have not been submitted to any other Institute or University
for the award of any other degree or diploma.
Signature Signature
<<Name Project Guide>> <<Name of the HOD>>
<<Designation>> <<Designation>>
13 MSc Computer Science (Academic Year 2019-20
Page iii
List of Figures <<Page No>>
List of Tables <<Page No>>
1.<<Chapter Name>> <<Page No>>
1.1.<<Section Name>> <<Page No>>
1.2.<<Section Name>> <<Page No>>
1.2.1.<<Sub-Section Name>> <<Page No>>
13 MSc Computer Science (Academic Year 2019-20
Page iv
The abstract is a very brief summary of the report's contents. It should be about half a
page long. Somebody unfamiliar with your project should have a good idea of what it's
about having read the abstract alone and will know whether it will be of interest to them.
An abstract is a section at the beginning of a report, dissertation, thesis or paper
summarising the contents, significant results and conclusions of said document. It allows
people to rapidly ascertain the documents purpose and if the document will be useful for
them to read.
The abstract is not the same as a summary in the sense you are think of. It is a standalone
account of the document giving purpose of the work (objectives), method used, scope of
the work, results, conclusions and recommendations.
The abstract, although it comes first logistically, always should be written at the
completion of the other chapters of the project report. It needs to be written last because
it is the essence of your report, drawing information from all of the other sections of the
report. It explains why the experiment was performed and what conclusions were drawn
from the results obtained.
A general guideline for an abstract has five sections or areas of focus: why the experiment
was conducted; the problem being addressed; what methods were used to solve the
problem; the major results obtained; and the overall conclusions from the experiment as
a whole.
Do not be misled, however, from this list into thinking that the abstract is a long section.
In fact, it should be significantly shorter than all of the others. All of this information
should be summarized in a clear but succinct manner if the abstract is going to be
successful. An estimated average length for all of this information is only a single
paragraph. Although this may seem as though it is a short length to contain all of the
required information, it is necessary because it forces you to be accurate and yet compact,
two essential qualities.
There are many useful web pages such as
biologv/abslit.html to get few sample abstracts and the common mistakes we make when
we write an abstract.
14 MSc Computer Science (Academic Year 2019-20
Page v
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
List of Figures
Page vi
List of
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
Table 2.1: <<Table title>> <<Page No>>
Table 2.2: <<Table title>> <<Page No>>
Page vii
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
This is a general introduction about the project. Briefly summarize the relevance and
background information about the proposed work. It should have the following sections.
1. About the proposed work, underlying technologies and techniques – outline briefly
the technological/engineering/scientific/socioeconomic/relevance or significance
of the project work being reported.
2. Project Profile – Tile, Area and Category and other relevant information.
3. About the Organization – to whom the Project Work is carried out.
4. Major Contributions of the Project Work.
Page 1
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
M.Sc. Computer Science 2020 Admission onwards
This chapter is about the realisation of the concepts and ideas developed earlier. It can
also describe any problems that may have arisen during implementation and how you
dealt with them.
Do not attempt to describe all the code in the system, and do not include large pieces of
code in this section. Instead pick out and describe just the pieces of code which, for
▪ Are especially critical to the operation of the system;
▪ You feel might be of particular interest to the reader for some reason;
▪ Illustrate a non-standard or innovative way of implementing an algorithm, data
structure, etc.
You should also mention any unforeseen problems you encountered when implementing
the system and how and to what extent you overcame them. Common problems are:
▪ Difficulties involving existing software, because of, e.g.,
o its complexity,
o lack of documentation;
o lack of suitable supporting software;
o over-ambitious project aims.
A seemingly disproportionate amount of project time can be taken up in dealing with
such problems. The Implementation section gives you the opportunity to show where that
time has gone.
Complete source code should be provided separately as an
appendix. This chapter includes the following subsections.
1. Brief description about the Tools/Scripts for Implementation
2. Module Hierarchy
3. Coding
4. Problems Encountered
This chapter includes the following subsections.
1. Test Plans
2. Unit Testing
a. Test Items (Test Cases)
3. Integration Testing
4. System Testing
a. Test Items (Test Cases)
5. Implementation - Changeover Plans
The purpose of this section is to provide a summary of the whole thesis or report. In this
context, it is similar to the Abstract, except that the Abstract puts roughly equal weight
on all report chapters, whereas the Conclusion chapter focuses primarily on the findings,
conclusions and/or recommendations of the project.
There are a couple of rules for this chapter:
▪ All material presented in this chapter must have appeared already in the report; no
new material can be introduced in this chapter (rigid rule of technical writing).
▪ Usually, you would not present any figures or tables in this chapter (rule of thumb).
Conclusions section can have the following (typical) content. These contents must not be
given in bulleted format.
▪ Re-introduce the project and the need for the work though more briefly than in the
▪ Reiterate the purpose and specific objectives of your project.
▪ Recap the approach taken similar to the road map in the introduction.
▪ However, in this case, you are re-capping the data, methodology and results as
you go.
▪ Summarize the major findings and recommendations of your work.
Future Enhancements
Identify further works that can be added to make your system to meet the challenges of
tomorrow. You can also include whatever requirements you could not fully due to the
scarcity of time/resources.
Ideas or contents taken from other sources should be properly cited. It is important that
you give proper credit to all work that is not strictly your own, and that you do not violate
copyright restrictions.
References should be listed in alphabetical order of authors’ surname, and should give
sufficient and accurate publication details. IEEE format is to be followed while preparing
A list of publications made or communicated out of the work done in the project is to be
included here.
1. All chapters should contain an introduction and summary (summarizes the entire
chapter content in one or two lines) sections.
2. Students have to take care that only chapters/sections relevant to their work are to be
included in their report.
3. Instead of merely replicating the definitions for these sections from standard text books
of Software Engineering, the student has to describe the information related to his/her
work (For eg, Feasibility study should be about how the proposed work is
technically/economically/operationally feasible).
4. Figures and tables are to be clear and legible.
5. Citations are to be provided wherever necessary.
6. Important code, screenshots, report formats and glossary of technical terms are to be
attached as Appendices A, B, C and D respectively.
Model Question Paper
Computer Science
CSS1 C01: Discrete Mathematical Structures
Computer Science
CSS1 C02: Advanced Data Structures
CSS1C03 Theory of Computation
TIME: Three Hours Maximum: 30 weightage
Part A
Answer any 4 questions
Each question carries 2 weightage
1. Write a Regular Expression to denote a language L which accepts all the strings which begin or
end with either 00 or 11. Define Instantaneous description (ID) in PDA.
2. What is: (a) CFL (b) Sentential form? Explain in detail
3. If S->aSb | aAb , A->bAa , A->ba .Find out the CFL
4. What is Backus-Naur Form (BNF)?
5. What is a Turing machine?
6. State Cooks theorem.
7. What is NP complete?
(4×2=8 weightage)
Part B
Answer any 4 questions
Each questions carries 3 weightage.
a. Explain the Halting problem. Is it decidable or undecidable problem
b. What is meant by Turing acceptable, Turing decidable and Turing enumerable language
classes ?
a. Write the Myhill Nerode algorithm to minimise a FA.
b. Minimise the given Finite Autonomous:
18. Explain the Chomsky hierarchy. Compare the closure property of recursive grammar and
recursively enumerable grammar.
(2×5=10 weightage)
CSS1C04: The Art of Programming Methodology
Part A
Answer any 4 Questions. Each question carries 2 weightage (4x2=8 Weightage)
1. What is a compiler? List the difference between compiler and interpreter.
2. Explain the different types of user defined data types in C.
3. Discuss the different string handling functions in C.
4. What are the different character I/O functions?
5. Differentiate between structure and Union with suitable examples
6. Explain the term recursion with suitable example
7. Explain various input/output operations on files? Write a program to copy the contents
of one file into another?
Part B
Answer any 4 questions. Each question carries 3 weightage (4 x 3 = 12 Weightage)
8. What are program chart and system chart? Explain the flowchart for structured programming?
9. What is the purpose of format specifiers? Explain the different format specifiers in C with example.
10. What is the difference between call by value and call by reference? Explain with suitable programs
11. Explain the scope and lifetime of storage classes in C
12. Write a program to find if a square matrix is symmetric or not with flowchart and algorithm
13. What are the advantages of using typedef in a program? Give its significance in structures with an
example program.
14. a) Write a program to sort an array of elements using function?
b) Write a recursive program to find the factorial of a number?
Part C
Answer any 2 questions. Each question carries 5 weightage. (2 x 5 = 10 Weightage)
15. Write a function program that allow a floating point number to be raised to an integer power y=xn
without using library function. Give algorithm and flowchart. Also explain the different flowchart
16. Explain various decision control and looping structures available in C with suitable examples?
17. a) What is a function pointer? Write a recursive function using function pointer to
find the sum of first n natural numbers?
b) Write a program to sort a list of strings into alphabetical order using an array of
18. a) Explain with a suitable example how structures are passed to functions?
b) Write a program to sort an array of strings using pointers.
c) Differentiate between structures and arrays.
Computer Science
Time: 3 Hours Maximum: Weightage: 30
Part A
Answer any 4 Questions. Each question carries 2 weightage (4 x 2=8 Weightage)
1. a) Convert 78610 to octal and 7778 to binary.
b) What are BCD codes?
2. What is meant by size of an instruction? Write short notes on zero address, one address, two address
and three address instructions
3. Describe the different types of flags in 8085.
4. Explain the IEEE standard specification of floating point numbers? Differentiate between overflow and
5. What are micro instructions? Give the difference between hardwired control unit and micro-
programmed control unit
6. What is the use of DMA controller? Explain with a neat diagram.
7. What is Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)? Discuss how interrupts are serviced.
Part B
Answer any 4 questions. Each question carries 3 weightage (4 x 3 = 12 Weightage)
8. List out the different types of cache memory mapping techniques.
9. a) What are timing diagrams?
b) Perform subtraction using 2’s complement a) 11012-10102 b) 110002-101012
10. What are logic gates? Discuss various types of logic gates. Also explain universal gates
11.a) Discuss signed magnitude representation using suitable examples.
b) Explain the working of a shift register.
12. a) Write notes on I/O interface.
b) Differentiate between programmed I/O and Interrupt I/O.
13. How data transfers between registers and memory? Explain
14. Give a short note on K-map. Simplify using K-map X=ABCD+AB(C+D)+ACD+BCD
Part C
Answer any 2 questions. Each question carries 5 weightage. (2 x 5 = 10 Weightage)
15. Discuss sequential circuits and combinational circuits with the help of a diagram and truth table.
16. Explain different arithmetic operations on floating point numbers.
17. Explain how the ALU performs multiplication of two positive numbers with a neat diagram
18. Discuss the architecture of Intel 8051.
Computer Science
CSS2 C06: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
2 −8 4 7
5 4 −3 9
Part C
Answer any 2 questions. Each question carries 5 weightage. (2 x 5 = 10 Weightage)
15. What is meant by Minimum Cost Spanning Tree? Explain about Kruskal and Prim’s
Algorithm with appropriate examples for each.
16. Explain and prove Cook’s theorem with example.
17. Explain in detail about Parallel prefix computation.
18. Write about Amortized Analysis.
Computer Science
CSS2 C07: Operating System Concepts
Computer Science
CSS2 C08: Computer Networks
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Weightage: 30
Part A
Answer any 4 Questions. Each question carries 2 weightage (4 x 2=8 Weightage)
1. a) What is the purpose of a web server?
b) Define multicasting and broadcasting?
2. a) What are the major principles of cryptography?
b) Why firewall protection required?
3. Write about different types of networks?
4. Define hamming distance? How is it calculated? Explain with an example
5. What do you mean by a socket? Explain TCP/IP socket and Datagram socket.
6. a) What is the usage of hubs? How does it differ from switch?
b) How network delays are calculated?
7. What do you mean by burst error?
Part B
Answer any 4 questions. Each question carries 3 weightage (4 x 3 = 12 Weightage)
8. Explain various networks topologies.
9. Short note on IPV4 and IPV6.
10. Explain the various layers of TCP/IP model.
11. a) Explain the protocol HTTP
b) Differentiate switches and bridges.
12. Describe various error detection and error correction methods
13. Explain various FEC techniques
14. Write short note on protocols TCP and UDP.
Part C
Answer any 2 questions. Each question carries 5 weightage. (2 x 5 = 10 Weightage)
15. a) Explain various layers of ISO OSI reference model.
b) Give the comparison between ISO OSI and TCP/IP reference model
16. a) Explain various routing techniques.
b) Write socket programme to distribute content through networks
17. Explain various algorithms for cryptography.
18. a) Discuss different access control protocols
b) Describe different application layer protocols
Second Semester M.Sc. Degree Examinations
M. Sc. Computer Science
CSS2C09: Computational Intelligence
1. Explain the relationship between the A* algorithm and the Uniform Cost Search algorithm?
2. Write algorithm to implement mean end analysis.
3. Compare the complexity of informed and uninformed search techniques
4. Compare Depth First Search and Breadth First Search technique?
5. What do you under by the term heuristic search?
6. What are the properties of knowledge representation system?
7. What are the components of a planning system?
Part B
Answer any 4 questions. Each question carries 3 weightage (4 x 3 = 12 Weightage)
Part C
Answer any 2 questions. Each question carries 5 weightage. (2 x 5 = 10 Weightage)
15. Explain the different types of hill climbing search techniques. Write the algorithm to implement
each of the techniques.
16. Explain the concept of slot and filler structures
17. What is meant by constraint satisfiability problem? Trace the constrain satisfiability procedure
solving the following crypt arithmetic problem:
where alphabets take values from 0-9 and nor two alphabets is assigned the same value
18. Write the procedure for resolution in predicate logic using unification algorithm. Assume the
A like easy courses
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BK301 is a basket weaving course.
Use resolution to answer the question “what course does A like?”
Part B
II Short Essay (Answer any 4) 3*3=12
8. Explain the spiral model with the help of examples?
9. List the commonly followed elicitation techniques?
10. Explain the process of structured analysis?
11. What are the issues involved in software testing?
12. Discuss the process of code documentation briefly?
13. Write the steps for writing a literature survey?
14. What is communication? List the different forms of communication?
Part C
III Essay Questions (Answer any Two) 5*2=10
Computer Science
CSS3 C11: Advanced Database Management System
Part A
Answer any 4 Questions. Each question carries 2 weightage (4 x 2=8 Weightage)
1. a) Differentiate candidate key and primary key of a relation with suitable examples.
b) What is data independence?
2. a) Define a weak entity, with suitable example.
b) Differentiate database intension and extension.
3. What is functional dependency? Explain BCNF with example
4. What is Lossless and Lossy Decomposition? Explain with example.
5. Explain the different DML commands in SQL with example.
6. Why concurrency control is needed? Explain the different concurrency control mechanisms.
7. Distinguish between 4NF & 5NF.
Part B
Answer any 4 questions. Each question carries 3 weightage (4 x 3 = 12 Weightage)
8. Differentiate tuple relational calculus and domain relational calculus. Give examples
9. a) Explain informal guidelines that are used to measure the quality of a relation schema.
b) What is closure? State inference rules for functional dependencies.
10. a) Explain the advantages of DBMS over file system.
b) Discuss homogeneous DDBMS.
11. Describe stored procedures and function with example.
12. Elucidate transaction management. What is a time stamp? How does the system generate a time
13. Write short notes on cursors and triggers with example.
14. a)What are the advantages of replication transparency?
b) Explain pattern matching mechanism in RDBMS.
Part C
Answer any 2 questions. Each question carries 5 weightage. (2 x 5 = 10 Weightage)
15. What do you mean by ER model? Explain ER diagram in detail. Give example
16. Explain 1NF, 2NF & 3NF with suitable examples.
17. Explain all constraints in SQL statement. Provide examples.
18. Write a short note on:
(a) Concurrency control
(b) 2PL protocol
(c) Recovery in DBMS
(d) Embedded SQL
Part A
Answer any 4 Questions. Each question carries 2 weightage (4x2=8 Weightage)
1. Give a brief description of applet life cycle.
2. What do you mean by dynamic method dispatch in Java? Explain with an example.
3. Briefly explain UML.
4. Discuss the features of Java.
5. What is meant by adapter classes?
6. Give the different stream classes used for file handling in Java.
7. Write a Java program that implements an echo server.
Part B
Answer any 4 questions. Each question carries 3 weightage (4 x 3 = 12 Weightage)
8. What is a UML state diagram? Discuss the different symbols used in state diagram.
9. How does Java allow you to fully utilize the “one interface, multiple methods” aspect of polymorphism?
12. What is the purpose of LayoutManager? Discuss the different Layout Manager classes available in
java.awt package.
13. Describe the features of different swing components
Part C
Answer any 2 questions. Each question carries 5 weightage. (2 x 5 = 10 Weightage)
15. Describe the Java Thread Model.
16. Explain the basic principles of object orientation. Also give the significance of JVM and byte code.
Third Semester M.Sc. Degree Examination
Computer Science (Core)
CSS3C13: Principles of Compilers
Time: 3 hours Weightage: 30
Part A
Answer any 4 Questions. Each question carries 2 weightage (4 x 2=8 Weightage)
1. Mention the applications of DAGs.
2. Define left factoring. Left factor the following grammar: S → iEtS | iEtSeS |a
3. What do you mean by Recursive Descent Parsing?
4. Define handle. What do you mean by handle pruning?
5. State error recovery in operator-Precedence Parsing.
6. Why LR parsing is attractive one?
7. What are the benefits of using machine-independent intermediate form?
Part B
Answer any 4 Questions. Each question carries 3 weightage (4 x 3=12 Weightage)
8. Define context free grammar. When will you say that two CFGs are equal?
9. Consider the following grammar:
A → A+A | B++
Draw the parse tree for the input “y + + + y + +”
10. Why do we use regular expressions to define the lexical syntax of a language?
11. What is a syntax tree? Draw the syntax tree for the assignment statement a := b * -c + b * -c.
12. Write the static assignment form of the statement: Consider the following intermediate program
in three address code
p=a–b q = p *c p=u*v q=p+q
13. Compare the various methods of implementing three address statements?
14. Explain back patching.
Part C
Answer any 2 Questions. Each question carries 5 weightage (5x 2=10 Weightage)
a. What is meant by Shot-Circuit or jumping code?
b. Translate the conditional statement if a<b then 1 else 0 into three address code.
16. Explain the phases of a compiler.
17. Consider the following grammar:
X → YaYb | ZbZa Y →ε Z →ε
Using the definition of LL(1), explain why the grammar is or is not LL(1).
18. Consider the following grammar with terminals [, ], a, b, c, +, and -:
S→[SX]|a X→ε |+SY|Yb Y→ ε | - S X c
Parse the string parse [a+a-ac]
Computer Science
CSS3 E01a: Computer Graphics
Time: 3 Hours Max. Weightage: 30
Part A
Answer any 4 Questions. Each question carries 2 weightage (4 x 2=8 Weightage)
1. a) What is DVST?
b) Differentiate between LCD and LED.
2. a) Explain DDA algorithm with algorithm
b) Discuss Midpoint circle generation algorithm
3. Explain 2D transformations with example
4. Explain the different 3D transformations with examples. Also explain composite 3D transformations.
5. a) Discuss the features of OpenGL.
b) How can you draw a triangle in OpenGL? Explain with code.
6. a) A Homogenous Co-ordinate point P(3, 2, 1) is translated in X, Y and Z direction by -2, -2 and -2 units
respectively followed by successive rotation about X – axis. Find the final position of the co-ordinate.
b) Describe wire frame model for representing 3D objects,
7. How are curves represented in Graphics? Explain different types of curves.
Part B
Answer any 4 questions. Each question carries 3 weightage (4 x 3 = 12 Weightage)
8. a) Write the perspective projection matrix on the view plane where Z = f and where
Centre of projection is (0, 0, 0).
b) What is projection? What are the different types of projection
9. a) Consider a triangle represented by A (0, 0), B (3, 1), C (4, 2). The triangle is rotated
by 60 degrees about a point P (-1, -1). Compute the co-ordinates of the new triangle
after rotation.
b) Explain the different 3D transformations
10. a) Derive equation for reflection y = -x.
b) What is sampling and aliasing technique?
11. a) Explain using Bresenham’s algorithm to draw a line from (1, 1) to (8, 5).
b) Discuss scanline and Boundary fill algorithm.
12. What is visible surface detection? Explain the different algorithms for visible surface detection.
13. Explain raster scan display.
14. Describe various 3-D object representations.
Part C
Answer any 2 questions. Each question carries 5 weightage. (2 x 5 = 10 Weightage)
15. What is clipping? Explain Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm and Sutherland Hodgeman
polygon clipping algorithm with example.
16. Explain different video display devices.
17. Discuss spline representation.
18. Describe the following:
a) Texture mapping b) Bit and pixel operations
c) Sampling techniques d) GL, GLU & GLUT
e) Compositing
CSS3E02f: Data Warehousing and Data Mining
TIME: Three Hours Maximum: 30 weightage
Answer any 4 questions
Each question carries 2 weightage
a. Define OLTP.
a. Define KDD.
a. Define pre-pruning.
b. Define SVM.
a. What is DBSCAN?
b. Define CLARA.
(2×4=8 weightage)
Answer any 6 questions
Each question carries 2 weightage each
a. Differentiate between operational database and data warehouse.
b. What are operations on datacube?
9. Mention few approaches to mining Multilevel Association Rules.
a. Explain naive Bayesian classification.
b. Explain lazy learners.
11. Explain the Classification by Back propagation.
a. Explain agglomerative clustering method.
b. What is an outlier? Explain the types of outliers in detail.
a. Explain web mining
b. What is Spatial Data mining? Explain the techniques used in Spatial Data mining.
14. . Explain partitioning clustering methods in detail.
(3×4=12 weightage)
Answer any 2 questions.
Each question carries 5 weightage
15. Explain various data reduction methods.
16. Explain association rule mining. Explain Apriori Algorithm with an example.
17. Explain the Classification by Decision Tree Induction.
18. Explain model evaluation and selection for classification methods.
(5×2=10 weightage)
Fourth Semester M.Sc. Degree Examination
M. Sc. Computer Science
CSS4E01a Digital Image Processing
Part A
Answer any 4 Questions. Each question carries 2 weightage (4 x 2=8 Weightage)
1. Define histogram.
2. What is meant by image negatives?
3. What is meant by Laplacian filter?
4. What do you mean by Point processing?
5. What is meant by Noise probability density function?
6. What is meant by least mean square filter?
7. What is segmentation?
Part B
Answer any 4 questions. Each question carries 3 weightage (4 x 3 = 12 Weightage)
8. What is inverse filtering?
9. Explain about Wiener filter used for image restoration.
10. What is meant by region growing.
11. Describe homomorphic filtering
12. Discuss in detail: (a) Power law transformation (b) Contrast stretching
13. Sketch a block diagram model for the image degradation/restoration process.
14. Explain the steps in image processing.
Part C
Answer any 2 questions. Each question carries 5 weightage. (2 x 5 = 10 Weightage)
Fourth Semester M.Sc. Degree Examination
M. Sc. Computer Science
CSS3 E05c: System Security
Part A
I. Answer any four Questions. Each question carries 2 weightage (4 x 2=8 Weightage)
a. What is the difference between a Threat and a Vulnerability?
b. List three important security goals
a. What is a Trapdoor?
b. Define Digital Signature
a. What is incomplete mediation?
b. Why does Salami attack persist?
4. What are Base/Bound Registers?
a. List the two essential systems of Kerberos.
b. What is social engineering?
a. What is meant by Trusted System?
b. What is Commutative Filter?
7. What do you mean by sensitivity lock?
Part B
II. Answer any 4 questions. Each question carries 3 weightage (4 x 3 = 12 Weightage)
a. What is the outcome of Footprinting? How does is it different from Scanning?
b. Bring out the purpose of encryption in multilevel secure database management
9. Explain how a Fence Register is used for relocating a user’s program?
a. What is Access Control Matrix? Explain
b. What is Chinese Wall Security policy? Explain
11. Explain any four security features employed by an ordinary operating system.
a. What are the major arguments for and against Risk analysis? Explain
13. Discuss the concept of Tracker Attacks.
14. What are the major characteristics of a good security policy?
Part C
III. Answer any 2 questions. Each question carries 5 weightage. (2 x 5 = 10 Weightage)
a. List and explain any five memory address protection mechanism in detail.
b. Explain Bell-La Padula confidentiality model.
a. Elaborate the security features of trusted operating system.
b. Elucidate basic security requirement of database system.
17. Describe the biometric user authentication schemes.
18. Write short notes on:
a) contents of security plan b) Security policy
c) Contingency planning