Lockout-Tagout (Energy Isolation)
Lockout-Tagout (Energy Isolation)
Lockout-Tagout (Energy Isolation)
Revision: 001
HSE Guidelines Date: 15/09/2013
Page No: 1 of 4
Process Title: Energy Isolation (Lockout/Tagout)
To ensures that personnel doing maintenance activities are protected from
Process Objective(s): getting injured, being exposed or come in contact with any potential
hazardous energy
The Energy Isolation (Lockout/Tagout) Guidelines ensures that personnel doing maintenance
activities are protected from getting injured, being exposed or come in contact with any
potential hazardous energy such as electrical, mechanical, steam, hydraulic, pneumatic, and
any form of stored energies. Additional hazards may include heated, flammable, toxic,
corrosive or chemical material.
Whenever personnel work on or near equipment (electrical, fluid, mechanical or other) where
release of energy in the system could result to injury, the equipment shall be isolated from its
energy sources. When working on electrical systems, it should be de-energized by
disconnecting its power supply through switches, circuit breakers or other isolating devices,
and locked in the safe position. For fluid systems this could require the installation of blinds,
the closure and locking of valves, the removal of fluid from the system, or the physical removal
of piping. Residual energy in any system must be removed before work begins.
To ensure that the application of Energy Isolation (Lockout/Tagout) is done effectively prior to
start of work, the following steps should be followed:
1. The PIC and Permit Holder shall identify the isolation points and types of isolating
devices that are to be applied. If necessary, they shall consult with third parties, such
as electrical specialists.
2. A Permit to Work (PTW) and an Energy Isolation Certificate (EIC) shall be completed
prior to start of work.
a. On the EIC, each isolation points should be clearly indicated with their proper
identification (e.g. Mud Pump No. 2 440KV CB, Mud Pump No. 2 Discharge
Valve, Mud Pump No. 2 Inlet Valve, etc.).
b. The locks and tags used should be uniquely numbered and indicated on the
EIC. Each lock shall be keyed separately, with no duplicate key, to ensure
removal only by the authorized user.
c. The status of the isolating device, whether open or close, should be indicated
after the application of the Lockout/Tagout on the EIC and Tag. For electrical
circuit breakers or disconnect switches, de-energizing the system means it is
in OPEN status. Energized electrical system means it is in CLOSE position.
d. The person who had isolated, locked and tagged a particular isolation point
should indicate his initials and signature on the EIC and Tag.
e. In situations where it is not possible to lockout or chain off an isolating device,
isolation may be accomplished by removal of fuses, disconnection of electrical
cables, installation of blind flanges, or physical removal of a component of the
system supplying energy to the equipment. The point of physical interruption
should be identified with a fully completed tag. “TAG” should be written on the
Lock No. section of the EIC for this situation.
3. Isolation will have been completed only when no associated control device, such as a
push button, control interlock or automatic start-up control circuit, shall have the
capability of energizing equipment.
Doc No:
Revision: 001
HSE Guidelines Date: 15/09/2013
Page No: 2 of 4
Process Title: Energy Isolation (Lockout/Tagout)
To ensures that personnel doing maintenance activities are protected from
Process Objective(s): getting injured, being exposed or come in contact with any potential
hazardous energy
4. All affected personnel will be notified that an energy isolation procedure is being
5. Shut down all the equipment by following the normal shutdown procedures. Shutting
down an equipment or system will only be done by the PIC or authorized personnel
through the approval of the Rig Manager.
7. Verification tests, in which all affected parties participate, shall be conducted by the
PIC and Permit Holder on each isolating device and on each piece of equipment
8. PIC or authorized personnel apply the locks and tags on isolating points in the
presence of the Permit Holder.
10. Permit Holder will only accept the EIC if zero energy source is established and verified.
11. If a function test is required following inspection and/or repairs to equipment which is in
isolation and prior to reintroducing it into service, approval must first be granted by the
person indicated on the PTW and EIC, as completing the isolation. During the function
test, all safety practices and procedures in place are to be adhered to.
Releasing of Energy Isolation (Lockout/Tagout)
1. After completing the work, the Permit Holder will make sure that the work area is clear
from personnel, tools and equipment’s. After verifying this, the EIC should be closed
out by the Permit Holder on the Release Section.
2. The PIC cancels the EIC to commence removal of locks and tags.
3. The locks will be removed and only the person who placed the lock and signed the tag
may remove the lock. The person removing the lock and tag should notify the Permit
Holder, personnel working on the equipment and the affected personnel in the area
that the Energy Isolation had already been removed and the equipment is ready for
4. In the event a person is unavailable to remove the lock, the following procedure shall
be followed:
a. Inspect the work to ensure that nonessential items have been removed.
b. Ensure that the equipment components are intact.
Doc No:
Revision: 001
HSE Guidelines Date: 15/09/2013
Page No: 3 of 4
Process Title: Energy Isolation (Lockout/Tagout)
To ensures that personnel doing maintenance activities are protected from
Process Objective(s): getting injured, being exposed or come in contact with any potential
hazardous energy
c. Check the work area to ensure all employees are safely positioned or removed
from the equipment.
d. Notify all affected employees.
In the event it is necessary to isolate a piece of equipment for an extended period of time of
more than one tour, the following procedure will be followed:
When work/repairs have been completed on the isolated equipment, the following steps will be
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C major change to the process and / or records; retraining of involved personnel to be conducted