CHOP Documented Testimonies 10th - 15th July 2023 (HM)

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Monday, 10th – Saturday, 15th July 2023

Monday, 10th July 2023

1. Unimaginable Breakthrough!
“When Operations By All Means was flagged off, my wife and I decided to
pick the Railway Station in Agege where all manner of homeless people dwell
as our harvest field. We also engaged every night praying God to deliver
their souls to the Kingdom. God manifested himself as several of the people
were convicted and converted by the Holy Ghost for Christ and brought to
the church. We also participated tirelessly in the corporate Saturday
outreaches. Then, God showed up! We bought a piece of land in Lagos, but
we could not start construction, but to the glory of God, for the 5-bedroom
house, the raft, filling, German floor, block work, column/lintel and level for
the ground floor were completed by July. Furthermore, in May this year, a
Financial Institution asked me to join them, but I declined because I didn't
really receive clearance in my spirit. However, our God who knew all things
intended the new job for promotions. When there was a major shakeup in my
current organization in July, I decided to call the institution again and I was
told that the position was reserved for me. Lo and behold, the new job
offered a managerial position and three levels above my current job. It will
take minimum six years to attain the same feat in my current organization. I
give all the glory to the God of my father Bishop David Oyedepo!” David

2. 7-Year Barrenness Terminated!

‘We believed God for the fruit of the womb after our marriage in 2009 to no
avail. When the Wonder Double Season was flagged off, we engaged
willingly and diligently. On Saturdays, we went out for souls and
brought them in to Church. One of the Sundays, my husband and I
brought in more than ten souls to Church and I had to leave our car
to join the Church bus in order to bring in our converts. On 24th
January, 2016, the Bishop said, “If anyone comes to Church next
Sunday with a new soul and is not visited, then I am not sent.” I
obeyed and the following week, I was confirmed pregnant for the
first time after seven years. Thereafter, week, the enemy struck, and I
started seeing blood. However, we kept declaring God’s Word and began to
tell friends and families that God had done it, despite the medical reports of
miscarriage and fibroids. I took a step of faith and registered for antenatal.
At that visit, a 14-week old fetus was seen. On 14th December same year,
God blessed us with a bouncing baby boy and in 2018, He blessed us with
another baby boy. To God be the glory!’ — Tolulope and Oluwaseun Aina
Tuesday, 11th July 2023
1. Miracle Job Via Soul Winning
Last year I had a strong reason to resign from my job voluntarily as a result
of some expectations from the organization that was beyond me. I believe
the Lord will provide a new job within a short time, truly lots of international
organizations approached me with each one declaring me fit for the position,
and after each final meeting, I will cease hearing from them, this continued
till this year, I started praying for career restoration, termination of
stagnancy in my life and end to financial frustration. Another opportunity
to engage in kingdom advancement and soul winning then emerged
during the Wonder-Double Agenda month, I consciously obey and
went out for soul winning, the Lord gave me 6 souls in one day and
they are all established already in the church and I followed up with
many others; suddenly, every siege and barrier were lifted and I got a call
from one of the companies for a meeting the following day, I was offered a
miracle job as the regional head for the organization in Abuja and all the
north with all that goes with the position. I have resumed this month and I
want to give glory to the Lord of lords for all He has done for me. It really
pays to win souls and to serve God! Samuel, R

2. Miracle House via Kingdom Advancement Endeavours!

‘When Operation By-All-Means started, Bishop David Oyedepo admonished
us to engage in soul winning and pray Kingdom advancement prayer. I keyed
into it, and God gave me souls beyond my imagination. As part of my follow
up strategy, I bought phones for the new converts without phones so as to
be able to reach them and follow up. Many of them were jobless, but God
used me to get jobs for them. Also, we set up a weekly zoom prayer meeting
in addition to the physical one we did. Meanwhile, owning our own house in
Lagos has always been our dream. It was almost becoming embarrassing
having stayed in Lagos, in a rented apartment, for so many years. However,
the week after Operation By-All-Means ended, the Lord gave us a brand new
five-bedroom duplex without mortgage or bank loan. I return all the glory
to God!’ — Akande O.
Wednesday, 12th July 2023
1. Fast Track Promotion
I have never experienced God sharply this way. After listening to one of the
testimonies in covenant hour of prayer of a brother who took 2 weeks leave
to engage in soul winning, I bought into it. Normally I will travel to rest for my
vacation because my job is a very demanding one, this time I invested it
wisely. I choose a partner and we engage in soul winning and praying
1 hour each day for the souls won and follow up with them to
church. I also did not miss the evening prayers. A day to the end of my 2
weeks investment precisely May 25th, God showed up. I was not expecting
promotion until next 2 years (company policy) but my boss told me that they
couldn't wait to promote some of us. Out of 43 staff in my unit, I was the only
one promoted. I have never seen it in this fashion. Matt 633 works with the
speed of light. - Ebenezer A.

2. Supernatural Turnaround
I joined this commission 7years ago and I have always been obeying every
prophetic instruction that comes from the altar. I was mocked by many, but I
never pay attention to them because I know that it is from their mockery that
my God will make me. In all the operations I engaged tirelessly both in the
morning and night sharing fliers and winning souls to the kingdom.
Sometimes it will not be convenient for me because of my children but I had
to do it for my own breakthrough. Like play like play, God started elevating
me, I started buying landed properties everywhere I see, invested in so many
businesses and paying my tithe in 5digit figures. People are coming to me for
help, even my mockers and I helped them. The recession in Nigeria didn't
have any effect upon me and my family. Then, God of bishop Oyedepo show
up again in my favour by bringing me and my family back together in United
states of America. I am now in U.S with my husband and children as one
happy family. I return all the Glory to God for proving Psalm 68:6 in my life.
Indeed, serving God pays. Tabiti Olasumbo
Thursday, 13th July 2023
1. Divine Restoration and Promotion via Soul-Winning!
“On September 28, 2010, I was sacked from my place of work unjustly. In
October, I began to engage in outreach vigorously, not minding my
predicament. During one of the services, Bishop Oyedepo declared
another soul winning Operation, I engaged in it forcefully, bringing
people to Church and ensuring they are established!
That same month, God spoke to our international client to start paying my
salary in dollars, while I was no longer working in the company. On Tuesday ,
I was still in the field trying to witness to someone, when I received
a call that I had been restored to my place of work. Meanwhile, the
Bishop declared earlier that someone would be recalled back to his place of
work in a royal manner! Indeed, I was restored as a senior manager in my
place of work!” ---James. S.

2. I am an Established Convert with 27 Established souls in Church

I met with Bishop David Oyedepo last year October 2017 in one of his
outreaches at Iyana-Iyesi junction and ever since then, I have been coming
to the Church. In February I enrolled into Word of Faith Bible Institute
(WOFBI). I am now an established convert of the Bishop and have been
committed to Mathew 6:33. Since the time the Bishop showed me the way to
the top most top by engaging in Kingdom Advancement endeavours, I have
won and established 27 souls in the Church. Last month May, God gave
me some converts. One of the converts had been believing God for a miracle
job. I invited him to the Church and he honoured my invitation. Right in the
service, the Bishop declared that someone will receive job sms today. While
still in the service with him, a job sms came through his phone to resume for
a job the following Monday. He was so excited. The following Sunday, he also
came to the Church with his convert. As these converts moves into the
Church, different kinds of great doors began to open for me. I have
started my second degree in the University of my choice without any
financial stress. Indeed, Soul winning pays the most for anyone that cares to
believe and engage OSAKUE GRACIAH
Friday 14th July 2023
1. Career Stagnation Terminated via Kingdom Advancement
After my graduation in 2014, getting a job became a huge challenge. As a
result, I was dejection, belittled and rejected; between 2017 and 2018, it
became life-threatening because of the psychological stress it hard on me.
Thereafter, I made Matthew 6:33 my lifestyle; I engage vigorously in soul
winning and prayed Kingdom advancement prayers earnestly for
one hour every day. Then the heavens opened!
Meanwhile, I had applied to an organisation that was in charge of recruiting
two hundred agro pastoral counsellors across the nation and sixty thousand
people applied for it. In the south west region, seven hundred and twenty-
five person compiled. Lo and behold, when the final list was released, only
twelve persons were selected and my name was number 3. Now, my
monthly salary is worth more than what I could have ever saved in the last
four years of stagnation. I return all the glory to God’! — Abuh Godlove A

2. 7-Year Barrenness Terminated!

‘ we believed God for the fruit of the womb after our marriage in 2009 to no
avail. When the Wonder Double Season was flagged off, we engaged
willingly and diligently. On Saturdays, we went out for souls and
brought them in to Church. One of the Sundays, my husband and I
brought in more than ten souls to Church and I had to leave our car
to join the Church bus in order to bring in our converts. On 24th
January, 2016, the Bishop said, “If anyone comes to Church next
Sunday with a new soul and is not visited, then I am not sent.” I
obeyed and the following week, I was confirmed pregnant for the
first time after seven years. Thereafter, week, the enemy struck, and I
started seeing blood. However, we kept declaring God’s Word and began to
tell friends and families that God had done it, despite the medical reports of
miscarriage and fibroids. I took a step of faith and registered for antenatal.
At that visit, a 14-week old fetus was seen. On 14th December same year,
God blessed us with a bouncing baby boy and in 2018, He blessed us with
another baby boy. To God be the glory!’ — Tolulope and Oluwaseun Aina
Saturday, 15th July 2023
1. Supernatural Change of Story
Before I join this Church, my life was without meaning, I hired pastors
everywhere that prays and fast for me, yet nothing positive to show for it. I
engaged in all manner of spiritism, like batting in the river, batting with the
blood of a chicken, incisions all over my body yet nothing good can be
noticed around my life, instead I was going backward, until I came across this
Commission. I gave my life to Christ and quit everything when I joined this
great commission...This commission is indeed a rescue commission for me.
Last year September, like Bishop Oyedepo normally will say ''IT IS
soul winning shamelessly, sharing tracts in open bus stop and
everywhere, winning souls for Christ and the God of this commission
showed up suddenly. I was given miracle federal government Job
appointment like a dream of the night with amazing packages without
examination, interview etc. in fact they didn't even see my face. I was even
given a higher rank, plus Health insurance for me, Husband and 4 if that was not enough, again I got A text message again from
Another Federal Gov Agency to come and pick up my Appointment letter. I
sincerely bless the God of this commission The God of my Papa...BISHOP

Career Breakthrough via Kingdom Service!

‘In March 2021, when Operation Who Is on the Lord’s Side was declared, I
determined to engage vigorously, and I told God to change my career level
as a reward for my engagement. So, instead of the required four souls as
instructed by Bishop David Oyedepo, I brought eight souls. In April, I
redeemed my Shiloh Sacrifice and tied it to my desired turnaround.
Thereafter, the Holy Spirit told me to go further by giving my April salary as a
sacrifice for the advancement of the Kingdom. I initially ignored the voice,
thinking I had done enough, but it persisted. I told my wife about it, and she
said, “Praise the Lord,” and I obeyed as instructed.
In June, my wife dreamt that I had a new job that was higher. That same day,
I received a call for interviews with another bank, and I went through the first
and second stages of the interview. Before going for the third stage with the
MD, I went for soul winning and told God to grant me favour. The interview
went well, and a week later, my wife dreamt again that I had been offered
the job. The following day, the offer letter whose package was higher than
my current one was sent to my email. At this point, I informed my current
employers that I was going to resign, and they were not willing to let me go;
they gave me a counteroffer higher than what the other bank had offered.
Like a dream of the night, I had two job offers at a go in the middle of the
ravaging joblessness. However, I engaged in divine guidance, and God
directed me to remain with my current employer. Indeed, Kingdom service is
the changer of levels. I return all the glory to God!’ — Pastor Henry Banda

Jesus is

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