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Soaps are mixture of sodium of potassium salts of higher

fatty acids such as stearic acid palmitic acid, oleic acid
They are usually obtained by the hydrolysis of oils and fats
with sodium or potassium hydroxide (alkali hydrolysis).

For example;

The alkaline hydrolysis of oils and fats is known as

saponification. The sodium soaps are generally hard in
consistency and are known as hard soaps. The
potassium soaps. on the other hand are the
comparatively soft and more soluble and are referred to
as soft soaps. Shaving creams, vanishing creams.
shampoos etc. are all potassium soaps.

Soaps act as cleansing agent by decreasing the surface

tension of water It is a kind of molecule in which both the
ends have different property. The first one is the
hydrophilic end and second one is the hydrophobic end.


Alcohols or alkanes may be considered as hydroxy
denvatives of saturated hydrocarbons or alkenes and
represented by formula R-OH group All alcohols contain
the hydroxyl group (-OH) as the functional group, which
determine the general properties of this family. The
remaining parti e other than the OH group is called the
hydrocarbon structure

Alcohols are classified as mono, di and trihydric alcohols

according to the number of hydroxyl groups contained in
their molecules

Glycerol is trihydric alcohol with three hydroxyl group

Carboxylic acids are the organic compounds containing
carboxy(COOH) group.
They are represent by general formula R-COOH.
Aliphatic monocarboxylic acids (containing one
carboxylic group) are known as fatty acids because
some of their higher members with longer hydrocarbon
chains are obtained from oil and fats.

These insoluble soaps get precipitated as scum and

hence a part of soap is wasted. In fact, this scum creates
hinderance to good washing because the precipitate of
these soaps adhere to fabric of clothes as gummy mask.
Likewise hair washed with hard water look dull due to
this sticky precipitate.

Similarly due to this gummy mask, dye does not absorb

evenly on cloth washed with soap using hard water.

Salts cannot be used in acidic solution, since acids

precipitates the insoluble free fatty acids which
adhere to the fabrics and thus reduce the ability of
soap to remove oil and grease from fabric.


★Test Tube
★Test Tube Stand
★Water Tub
★China Dish
★ Burner
★Glass Rod
★Coconut Oil (100 ml)
★ Sodium Hydroxide
★ Ethanol
★ Water


★Place a water bath on the tripod stand and start

heating it.

★Pour coconut oil in a beaker and put the beaker in

water bath.
★Take 100 ml water and 7-8 pellets of solid NAOH and
make a concentrated solution of NAOH.

★Pour the conc. NAOH solution into hot oil.

★Let the solution boil strongly at 80°C to 100°C for 10- 20

minutes until saponification occurs.

★For clear soap (eg. Pears) boil the soap mix in excess of
ethanol and let the excess vapourise till the solution
becomes clear and thick.

★By making your own soap you can get what you want.
good filter material, additional materials, safe, colour
and fragrance.

★Making soap itself is very fun and full of creativity

★Homemade soaps not only clean but also moisturize

and soften the skin because oil contains about 25%
glycerine. in the industry, glycerin sold separately
because the price is more expensive.

Soap is good cleaning agent and is 100% biodegradable le

microorganism present in sewage water can completely
oxidize soap to CO2

Soap cannot be used in hard water, since calcium and

magnesium ion present in hard water produce curdy
white precipitate of calcium and magnesium salts of
higher fatty acid

For Eg:
Glycerol is trihydric alcohol with three hydroxyl group.
Carboxylic acids are the organic compounds containing
carboxyl(COOH) group They are represent by general
formula R-COOH, Aliphatic monocarboxylic acids
(containing one carboxylic group) are known as fatty acids
because some of their higher members with longer
hydrocarbon chains are obtained from oil and fats.
Members of family of carboxylic acids in which R contains 15
or more carbon atoms are known as higher fatty acids. Some
common higher fattyacids are

While working on this project following books and

websites has been referred

★Comprehensive practical chemistry

★Lab manual in chemistry NCERT Textbook


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