Resolution Passed by The Company-16022024

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AKD TOWERS PRIVATE LIMITED CIN- U70100DL1998PTC092052 REGD. OFF. ADD.: B-211 GRATER KAILASH,NEW DELHI,DELHI INDIA, 110048 E MAIL ID: QUEENSRESIDENCY@HOTMAIL.COM CERTIFIED TRUE COPY OF THE RESOLUTION PASSED IN THE 25™ ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE COMPANY AKD TOWERS PRIVATE LIMITED HELD ON WEDNESDAY, 15™ DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2023 AT 11:00 AM AT B-211 GREATER KAILASH,NEW DELHI,DELHLINDIA,110048. ORDINARY BUSINESS: ITEMNO.2 To re-appointment of statutory auditor and fix their remuneration and in this regards to Consider and if thoughts fit, to pass with or without modification, the following resolution as an ordinary resolution: “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to provisions of section 139 of companies act 2013 read with companies (audit and auditors) Rules 2014 (including any statutory modification(s)or re- enactment thereof) pursuant to recommendation of board of directors of GIRI & BANSAL Chartered accountants (FRN: 080319) be and is hereby re-appointed as a statutory auditor of the company ,is hereby to hold office from conclusion of this 25™ annual general meeting till the conclusion of 30™ annual general meeting for period of five years. For and on behalf of AKD TOWERS PRIVATE LIMITED ees DAVINDER SINGH DIRECTOR DIN: 01718355 ADD: HOUSE NO.1879,SECTOR-4,URBAN AREA GURGAO HARYANA-122001

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