Group Presentation Assessment - Reflective Exercise: Essential Skills For BIOSCIENTISTS - Assessment 1

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Essential skills for BIOSCIENTISTS – assessment 1

Group Presentation Assessment – Reflective Exercise

Name Jaafar
Group: 11

Self-Reflection (15%)
Critically reflect on the role you have played within your group to complete this assessment.

Discussiona Response

What was your designated My role was involved with data and analysis as well as proof, the
role in your group? negatives and positives of current water treatment using visual
What was/were your data and bar charts including world graphs to give an insight, I
specific contribution(s) to believe that if I was not present my group would not have
the presentation submitted achieved completing the PowerPoint as there was crucial
by your group? What would information that was needed such as data on the current water
the group not have treatment methods effectivity for example chlorination positives
achieved if you were not and negatives.

How many meetings did 6 meetings in total

your group set up and how
many did you attend?

What aspects of your group Simple explanation of slides without complexity or

presentation went well? confusion in explaining bar charts/graphs/etc, good
communication with the group.

What aspects of your group We could have added few animations to appear visually
presentation would you like pleasing and got long text shortened a bit in some slides, to
to improve? appear coherent.

What will you do differently I will organise face to face meetings with my groups and
when next given an discuss with work instead of discussing things online, this is
opportunity to participate in to improve organisation and teamwork.
a group assessment to
I learned skills such as collaboration and critical thinking
improve this experience?
skills, by working in a group it allowed me to share ideas
What did you learn from the
with my group.
experience of working in a
group for this assessment?
When reflecting on your individual contribution, consider the marking statements on Page 2.

Essential skills for BIOSCIENTISTS – assessment 1

Peer assessment of group presentations (15%)

This is the evaluation of the contribution of the members of your team. Provide a score from
0 – 4 that best describes each member of your team for each criterion using the statements

Team Team Intellectual Teamwork Effort Communicati Total

member member’s Input Collaboration, Contribution to on
name Creativity, Pleasant tasks, Initiative, Staying in
input during atmosphere Responsibility touch
, slide
1 Casian 4 4 4 4 16
2 Osman 4 4 4 4 16
3 Lewis 4 4 4 4 16
4 Jaafar Al 4 4 4 4 16

Marking statements

The typical quality of intellectual input this person provided was:

4- Provides extensive, accurate information to group members.
3- Information is usually accurate and is an adequate amount.
2- Mostly misinforms the group or provides little information.
1- Provides group with no useful, accurate information.

When our group was collaborating, this person:

4- Listens to others’ ideas. Gives broad ideas and expands on them or encourages others to
do so. Builds on the contributions of others.
3- Listens well. Contributes ideas, but the ideas do not deepen the discussion but rather
maintain it at the current level.
2- Listens well but interrupts at times. Rarely deepens the discussion.
1- Overbearing. Interrupts. Doesn’t allow discussion of ideas other than own and/or does not
listen or contribute.

The way in which this person contributed and put it in effort:

4- Contributes ideas. Actively speaks up. Brainstorms. Attends class and demonstrates an
understanding of relevant topics. Takes good notes.
3- Contributes some ideas but is mainly passive. Misses occasional information but is
generally informed about material covered in class and readings.
2- Sits passively. Misses information often but knows some class material and readings.
1- Does nothing. Misses class and expects others to inform him/her about the material.

They way in which this person communicated was:

4- Reliably communicates progress to group. Reachable and regularly checks
messages/email. Talks with others in group.
3- Stays in fairly good touch with the group but is occasionally difficult to contact.
2- Is unreachable but initiates communication with others occasionally.
1- Is unreachable and does not communicate with group members about the project.

Essential skills for BIOSCIENTISTS – assessment 1

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