M012 Apply 5S
M012 Apply 5S
M012 Apply 5S
Level – I
March, 2022
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Table of Content Page
Introduction to the Module...........................................................................................................7
Unit One: Prepare for work........................................................................................................10
1.1. Work Instruction........................................................................................................10
1.2. Job Specification........................................................................................................11
1.2.1. Purpose of Job Specification.........................................................................11
1.2.2. Job Requirements...........................................................................................12
1.3. Use OHS Requirements.............................................................................................14
1.3.1. Personal Safety Equipment............................................................................15
1.4. Select and prepare tools and equipment to implement 5s..........................................18
1.4.1. Tools and materials used to implement Sort activity.....................................18
1.4.2. Tools and materials used to implement set in order......................................18
1.4.3. Tools and materials used to implement shine................................................19
1.5. Identify and check safety equipment and tools..........................................................20
1.5.1. Tools used to evaluate the effectiveness of Kaizen.......................................20
1.6. Prepare Kaizen Board for Work Place.......................................................................22
1.6.1. Kaizen Basics.................................................................................................22
1.6.2. The Origin of Kaizen.....................................................................................23
1.6.3. The Dissemination of Kaizen in Ethiopia......................................................24
1.6.4. Kaizen Tools..................................................................................................25
1.6.5. Characteristics of Kaizen...............................................................................29
1.6.6. Benefits of Kaizen.........................................................................................29
1.6.7. Principles of Kaizen.......................................................................................30
1.6.8. Elements of the Kaizen approach..................................................................30
1.6.9. Kaizen board..................................................................................................31
Self-Check- 1................................................................................................................32
Unit Two: Sort.............................................................................................................................34
2.1. Definition of Sort..........................................................................................................35
2.1.1. Benefits of sort activity..................................................................................36
2.2. Prepare plan for implementing sorting activities.......................................................38
2.2.1. Implementing sort activity.............................................................................38
2.2.2. Plan and procedures for sort activity..................................................................38
2.3. Identify all items in the work area follow procedures...............................................39
2.4. list necessary and unnecessary items in the appropriate format................................40
2.5. Record and quantify all items in the work area.........................................................41
2.5.1. A sample format for recording all items at the workplace..................................41
2.5.2. A sample format for recording necessary items.................................................42
2.5.3. A sample format for recording unnecessary items.............................................43
Ministry of Labor and Skills wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many
representatives of TVT instructors and respective industry experts who donated their time and
expertise to the development of this Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM).
5S: -helps in creating a safe and organized workplace and to reduce waste and optimize
productivity through maintaining an orderly workplace and using visual cues to achieve more
consistent operational results.
This module covers knowledge, skills and attitude required to apply 5S techniques to the
workplace. It covers responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the workplace and ensuring
that continuous improvements of Kaizen elements are initiated and institutionalized.
This module is designed to meet the industry requirement under the finishing construction field
occupational standard, particularly for the unit of competency: Apply 5s.
This Module Covers the Units:
Prepare for work
Set in order/ Seiton
Standardize 5S/Seiketsu
Sustain 5S/Shitsuke
Learning Objective of the Module
Prepare for work
Apply Sort items.
Apply Set all items in order
Apply shine activities
Apply Standardize 5S
Apply Sustainability of 5S
Module Instruction
Job description and job specification are two integral parts of job analysis. They define a job
fully and guide both employer and employee on how to go about the whole process of
recruitment and selection. Both data sets are extremely relevant for creating a right fit between
job and talent, evaluate performance and analyze training needs and measuring the worth of a
particular job.
Discipline: Nothing is possible without discipline. Any job requires a fundamental core of
discipline from the worker or the employee and this is a quality which is independent of
age, post, stature, job and so on.
Enthusiasm: Enthusiasm for work is also a pre-requisite for any job. An innate love for the
job, which in modern parlance is known as job satisfaction, is a core requirement for any
Qualifications: This is a more material, tactile need for a job which can be conveyed
through degrees and certificates. However, education is not limited to what is taught in
colleges or vocational training courses.
Soft Skills: Soft skills include those skills which ensure that a job is executed well, and the
employee can carry himself in the proper manner too. For example, good and smooth
communication, computer skills, proficiency in language if needed, presentable
appearance, the ability to manage crises are all soft skills which are fundamentally
important in any job and which must be cultivated consciously.
In the United States the term occupational health and safety is referred to as occupational health
and occupational and non-occupational safety and includes safety for activities outside work.
Occupational safety and health can be important for moral, legal, and financial reasons. In
common-law jurisdictions, employers have a common law duty (reflecting an underlying moral
obligation) to take reasonable care for the safety of their employees. Statute law may build upon
this to impose additional general duties, introduce specific duties and create government bodies
with powers to regulate workplace safety issues: details of this will vary from jurisdiction to
Good OSH practices can also reduce employee injury and illness related costs, including
medical care, sick leave and disability benefit costs. As defined by the World Health
Organization (WHO) "occupational health deals with all aspects of health and safety in the
workplace and has a strong focus on primary prevention of hazards." Health has been defined as
Tools are expensive; tools are vital equipment. When the need for their use arises, common sense
plus a little preventive maintenance prolongs their usefulness.
Safety Shoes
Some safety shoes are designed to limit damage to your toes from falling objects. A steel plate is
placed in the toe area of such shoes so that your toes are not crushed if an object impacts there.
Such danger is minimized by elimination of all metallic nails and eyelets and by the use of soles
that do not cause static electricity.
The safety strap and body belt are what might be called your extra hands when you work alone.
The body belt, strapped around your waist, contains various pockets for small tools. The safety
strap is a leather or neoprene-impregnated nylon belt with a tongue-type buckle at each end.
While you are climbing you will have the safety strap hanging by both ends from the left ring
(called a D-ring because of its shape) on the body belt. When you are at working position, you
unsnap one end of the safety strap, pass it around the supporting structure so there is no danger
of its slipping (at least 18 inches from the top of the part on which it is fastened), and hook it to
the right D-ring on the body belt. The safety strap must be placed around a part of the structure
that is of sufficient strength to sustain an Abs weight and his or her equipment, and must rest flat
against the surface without twists or turns. It must not be placed around any part of a structure
that is being removed.
Tools and materials are required to implement sort, set in order and shine activities in work
stations. The following are some tools and materials used to implement the first pillar of 5S-Sort.
1. PDCA Cycle: PDCA cycles are cycle that is often implemented when completing Kaizen
strategies. This cycle can be used employees of all levels in the organization and is an
effective introduction to Lean manufacturing. There are 4 phases of the cycle: Plan > Do >
Check > Act that allows a continuous structure for kaizen strategies to be implemented and
assessed while providing a framework for continuous Improvement.
2. Gemba: Gemba means the real place. Often managers and supervisors can get valuable
information by actually going down to the production line and talking with employees.
Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy for improvement that can be traced to the meaning of the
Japanese words ‘Kai’ and ‘Zen’, which translate roughly into:
Mr. Imai also stated “Kaizen is not just a management technique but a philosophy which
instructs how a human should conduct his or her life. Kaizen focuses on how people conduct
The Late PM H.E Meles Zenawi The Late PM Meles Zenawi receiving Kaizen
manual produced by the pilot project, 2011.
The Ethiopian Kaizen institute is established with various objectives and functions of
formulating policies, plans, strategies and programs for Kaizen dissemination; providing
trainings; developing authorized and standardized training materials and manuals; conducting
consulting services; and establishing mechanisms for nationwide outreach. EKI has designed
Ethiopian Kaizen model consisting of five stages: Testing, Institutionalization, Implementation,
Sustain and Ownership (TIISO). At each of these stages’ awareness raising, experiencing best
practices and customization are done.
QC 7 tools are the most frequently used analytical tools for QC activities and Kaizen activities.
They are: (1) graphs; (2) check sheets; (3) histogram; (4) control charts; (5) Pareto charts; (6)
fish-bone charts (cause-and-effect diagrams); and (7) scatter diagram.
Leveled production means levelling of type and/or volume of items produced at any time. It is
avoiding variance in product types and/or volume.
Continuous flow processing is a method of production in which products move from one work
station to the next piece by piece in succession and in Correct sequence of processing to
complete a process.
Pull System is when products in the previous process are taken by the workers in the next
process when needed and in the amount needed. In the previous process operation, only the
amount taken is produced. Kanban is used as the communication tool to request parts, semi-
JIDOKA is a systematic approach to prevent defects or abnormalities from passing to the next
process. Operation stops automatically by a programmed machine at the time of detection of an
abnormality or stopped by the worker who detected the abnormality.
POKAYOKE (Foolproof) means error prevention. It is a method which avoids mistakes and
defects from being produced. e.g., only one type of bolt used within a specific work-station to
prevent wrong part usage.
Visualize – tools that will help you visualize what your change process will look like. ...
Measure – Being consistent is key to making improvements. ...
Improve – The principles of kaizen are split into four categories: process, product,
people, and environment. ...
Repeat – Repeat the process
Score = ___________
Rating: ____________
People tend to hang onto parts, thinking that they may be needed for the next time. They see an
inappropriate machine or equipment and think that they will use it somehow. In this way,
inventory and equipment tend to accumulate and get in the way of everyday activities. This leads
to a massive build of waste in companywide or in the whole workshop. An easy rule is to remove
anything that will not be used within the next 30 days. A ceiling on the number of necessary
items should be established.
Red-tag holding area can also help to evaluate the need of an item instead of simply getting rid of
it. This greatly reduces the risk of disposing of an item that is needed later that will be explained
in detail in the next contents.
Problems and annoyances in the work flow are reduced, communication between workers is
improved, and product quality is increased, and productivity is enhanced. If the first pillar is not
well implemented, the following types of problems occur:
1. The factory or a workshop becomes increasingly crowded and hard to work in.
The following sample formats can be used to record all necessary and unnecessary items.
Once these items are identified, they can be held in a “Red Tag Holding Area” for a period of
time to see whether they are needed, disposed of, relocated, or left exactly where they are.
In order to implement the red-tag strategy effectively, a red-tag holding area must be created. A
red-tag holding area is an area set aside for use in storing red-tagged items that need further
evaluation. Red-tagging is helpful when the need or frequency of need for that item is unknown.
When an item is set aside in a red-tag holding area and watched for an agreed-upon period of
time people tend to be more ready to let it go when that time is over.
There are two red-tag holding areas: local and central holding areas. Local red-tag holding area is
used to manage the flow of red-tagged items with in a local department or production area.
Central red-tag holding area is used to manage the flow of items that cannot or should not be
The material used for red tags can be red paper, thick red tape, or others. Red tags can be
laminated with plastic or another material to protect them during repeated use.
Step 5: Attach the red tags
The best way to carry out red-tagging is to do the whole target area quickly, if possible, in one or
two days. In fact, many companies choose to red-tag their entire factory during a one- or two-day
period. Red-tagging should be a short and powerful event. You should red-tag all items you
question, without evaluating what to do with them.
Step 6: Evaluate the red-tagged items
In this step, the red-tag criteria established in step 3 are used to evaluate what to do with red-
tagged items. Options include:
Keep the item where it is.
Move the item to a new location in the work area.
Store the item away from the work area.
Hold the item in the local red-tag holding area for evaluation.
Dispose of the item.
Instructions: Answer all the questions listed below. Illustrations may be necessary to aid some
Score = ___________
Rating: ____________
3. Red-Tagging
Steps/procedures in red-tagging
4. Record and quantify all items in the work area using the following formats.
Qualitative Results
Record intangible/qualitative results and changes that are achieved by applying Sort activity
using the following indicators.
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the above coverage.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Prepare plan for implementing set in order activities.
Perform general cleaning activities, in parallel with set in order activity.
Decide location/layout, storage and indication methods for items.
Prepare and use necessary tools and equipment for setting in order activities.
Place items in their assigned location.
Return immediately the items to their assigned location after use.
Report performance results using appropriate formats.
Regularly check each item in its assigned location and order.
Setting in order is important because it eliminates many kinds of waste from operations in a
workplace. These include searching time waste, waste due to difficulty in using items, and waste
due to difficulty in returning items. In general, the following problems and wastes are avoided
when set in order is well implemented.
1. Motion wastes
2. Searching time wastes
3. The waste of human energy
4. The waste of excess inventory
5. The waste of defective products
6. The waste of unsafe conditions
The set-in order step is actually at the core of so many important business principles such as
safety, ergonomics, quality, inventory control, productivity, standard work, the visual workplace
and employee morale. Also, it is the core of standardization. This is because the workplace must
be organized before any type of standardization can be implemented effectively. Standardization
means creating a consistent way of doing or carrying out tasks.
Store tools according to function or product. Function-based storage means storing tools
together when they have similar functions. This works best for job-shop production.
Product-based storage means storing tools together when they are used on the same
product. This works best for repetitive production.
There are principles helpful in deciding the best locations for parts, equipment, and machinery,
as well as tools by removing motion wastes. Motion wastes are unnecessary movements created
when people move their trunks, feet, arms, and hands more than needed to perform a given
operation. These wastes lead to waste of time, energy and effort. These motion wastes can be
minimized by locating parts, equipment, and machinery in the best locations possible. More
important than removing motion wastes is asking why it occurs. By asking ‘why’ we can find the
methods of manufacturing that work and approach the zero-waste mark. Eliminating the
unnecessary motions from existing operations is called Motion improvement. And finding ways
to eliminate the whole operations to remove the wastes is called Radical improvement.
The principles that are helpful to eliminate or reduce motions that operators make are:
Principle 1: Start and end each motion with both hands moving at once.
Principle 2: Both arms should move symmetrically and in opposite directions.
Principle 3: Keep trunk motions to a minimum.
Principle 4: Use gravity instead of muscle.
Principle 5: Avoid zigzagging motions and sudden changes in direction.
Principle 6: Move with a steady rhythm.
Principle 7: Maintain a comfortable posture with comfortable motions.
Principle 8: Use the feet to operate on and off switches for machines where practical.
Principle 9: Keep materials and tools close and in front.
Fig. Guidelines for locating parts, equipment, and machinery to maximize motion efficiency.
3. Look carefully at the resulting “spaghetti diagram”. Can you see places where there is
congestion in the work flow? Can you see ways to eliminate waste?
4. Make a new 5S Map to experiment with a better layout for this work place. Again, draw
and number arrows to show the flow of operations performed.
5. Analyze the efficiency of the new layout (the after map), based on the principles explained
in the above.
6. Continue to experiment with possible layouts (after maps) using the 5S Map until you find
one which you think will work well.
The ‘after 5S Map’ discussed before is a kind of signboard. It shows the location of parts, tools,
jigs, dies, equipment, and machinery in a given work area after set in order is implemented.
When posted in the work place, it is useful in communicating the standard for where items are
Painting strategy: is a method for identifying locations on floors and walkways. It is called the
Painting strategy because paint is the material generally used. But also, plastic tape, cut in to any
length, can be used. Plastic tape, although more expensive, shows up just as clearly as paint and
can be removed if the layout is changed.
The painting strategy is used to divide the factories or workshop’s walking areas (walkways)
from the working areas (operation areas). When putting lines to divide walkways from operation
areas, the following factors should be considered:
U-shaped cell designs are generally efficient that straight production lines.
In-process inventory should be positioned carefully for best production flow.
Floors should be levelled or repaired before we put lines.
Outlining strategy: is used to show which jigs and tools are stored where. Outlining simply
means drawing outlines of jigs and tools in their proper storage positions. When you want to
return a tool, the outline provides an additional indication of where it belongs.
Instructions: Answer all the questions listed below. Illustrations may be necessary to aid some
1. Give definition of the second pillar of 5S – Set in order. (3 points)
2. What are the benefits of implementing set in order? (4 points)
3. What are the procedures for set in order? (5 points)
4. What are the principles for deciding best locations of tools and equipment? (6 points)
5. What is 5S Map? (2 points)
6. List the steps of using the 5S Map? (4 points)
7. What are the strategies for implementing set in order? (3 points)
8. What factors should we follow when applying the painting strategy? (6 points)
9. What are the three standardized colors used for dividing and marking walkways and
operation areas? (3 points)
Score = ___________
Rating: ____________
Unit Four:Shine
Shine target areas are grouped in to three categories: warehouse item, equipment’s and space.
Warehouse items include raw materials, procured subcontracted parts, parts made in-house, and
assembly components, semifinished and finished products. Equipment includes machines,
welding tools, cutting tools, conveyance tools, general tools, measuring instruments, dies, wheels
and casters, worktables, cabinets, desks, chairs and spare equipment. Space refers to floors, work
areas, walkways, walls, pillars, ceilings, windows, shelves, closets, rooms and lights.
Workplace cleanliness is the responsibility of everyone who works there. Each employee should
be assigned specific area to clean. To do these two methods can be used:
A 5S Assignment Map – shows all the target areas for shine activity and who is
responsible for cleaning them. By marking on 5S Map, the shine assignments can be
A 5S schedule – shows in detail who is responsible for cleaning which areas on which
days and times of the day. Then this schedule should be posted in the work area.
Example 2:
Shine activities should be a natural part of the daily work. Shine activities and inspection should
be done before a shift starts, during work time and at the end of the shift.
The cleaning tools should be placed properly or set in order where they are easy to find, use and
Be sure to sweep dirt from floor cracks, wall corners, and around pillars.
Wipe off dust and dirt from walls, windows, and doors.
Be thorough about cleaning dirt, scraps, oil, dust, rust, cutting shavings, sand, paint, and
other foreign matter from all surfaces.
Use cleaning detergents when sweeping is not enough to remove dirt.
Daily cleaning or inspection can help to find these problems and solve them.
Inspection steps
The targets for inspection are similar to the targets of shine activities. These include machines,
equipment, jigs, dies, cutting tools and measuring instruments.
In principle, the people who carry out inspection on a particular machine should be the same
people who operate the machine. But most often one person can operate several machines at a
time (as in multi-process handling). In this case, it is good to involve line supervisors and group
leaders in the inspection duties. Once inspection activities are assigned, they have to be written
up on a large signboard for the workshop or on small signboards that are attached to each target
First all of the items to be inspected should be listed then an inspection checklist should be
prepared based on the listed inspection items. The following shows an example of an inspection
When implementing inspection, use all your senses to detect abnormalities. Inspection is not
simply a visual activity. There are some ways to detect abnormalities. These are:
Look closely at how the machine works and watch for slight defects (e.g., oil leakage,
debris scattering, deformation, wear, warping, mold, missing items, lopsidedness,
inclinations, color changes).
Listen closely for changes in the sounds the machine makes while operating (e.g.,
sporadic sounds, odd sounds).
Use your nose to detect burning smells or other unusual odors (e.g., burning rubber)
Touch the machine where it is safe during operation and during downtime to detect
deviations from normal conditions (e.g., strange vibrations, wobbling, looseness,
excessive heat, shifting).
All equipment abnormalities or slight defects should be fixed or improved. There are two
approaches to do these:
Requested Maintenance: In some cases, a defect or problem may be difficult for the operator to
hand alone and immediately. In this situation, the operator should attach a maintenance card to
the site of the problem in order to make it visible. He or she can also issue a maintenance Kanban
to request help from the maintenance department. It is also good to log requested maintenance
on to a checklist of needed maintenance activities. Once a requested maintenance is taken care
and its result confirmed, the activity should be checked off in the ‘confirmation’ column of the
checklist. The maintenance card should then be retrieved from the machine where it is attached.
Instructions: Answer all the questions listed below. Illustrations may be necessary to aid some
4. What are the two methods used to assign shine activities to employees? (2 points)
Score = ___________
Rating: ____________
3) Steps in inspection
As you read this section, you will discuss some of the tools for implementing Standardize of the
Sort, Set in Order, and Shine activities. This is because in order to standardize we must use these
same tools in a more systematic way to make sure that the first three pillars are maintained.
The Three Steps to Make the 3S Activities a Habit/Standardize using the Tools and
Techniques of 3S Standardization
A is for 'continuously," B for "daily (mornings)," C for "daily (evenings), " D for "weekly," E for
"monthly" and F for "occasionally." Each 5S job assignee can then use these charts as 5S
Checklists. This particular example shows clearly who is responsible for each job, which area,
what to do, and when to do it.
Visual 5S
The Visual 55 approach makes the level of five pillar conditions obvious at a glance. This is
particularly helpful in factories that handle a great variety and number of materials.
The main point of Visual 5S is that anyone should be able to distinguish between abnormal and
normal conditions at a glance.
When we find that tools have not been put back correctly, we immediately take care of them.
When we find an oil puddle on the floor, we immediately mop it up. Making these actions habit
is the foundation of Standardize. However, when the same problems keep on happening over and
over again, it is time to take the concept of Standardize to the next level: prevention.
To take this pillar to a higher level, we must ask "why?" Why do unneeded items accumulate
(despite Sort procedures)? Why do tools get put back incorrectly (despite Set in order procedure?
Why do floors get dirty (despite Shine procedures)? When we ask "why" repeatedly, we
eventually find the source of the problem and can address that source with a fundamental
improvement. Such improvements can help us develop Unbreakable standardization, which
Unbreakable sorting
Unbreakable setting in order
Unbreakable setting shining
Unbreakable Sorting
Unbreakable Unbreakable Set-in order
Standardization +
Unbreakable Shining
The Red-Tag Strategy described sorting out unneeded items. This strategy is a visual control
method that enables anyone to see at a glance which items are no longer needed. However, we
should note that the Red-Tag Strategy is an after-the-fact approach that deals with unneeded
items that have accumulated. No matter how often we implement this strategy, unneeded items
will accumulate in the interim.
To achieve unbreakable sorting, we must prevent unneeded items from even entering the
workplace. These words- «only what is needed" -have a familiar ring to anyone acquainted with
the just-in- time (JIT) philosophy and program. To prevent the accumulation of unneeded
inventory, we must find a way to procure and produce only those materials that are needed, only
when they are needed, and only in the amount needed.
For example, suppose your company is scheduled to produce a certain number of units of a
product during a particular month. Ideally, at the beginning of this month, only the parts needed
to produce the scheduled number of units would be delivered to you from your suppliers. For any
given part, your company might even receive the part in several deliveries, depending on the
type of part and the delivery considerations.
Receiving parts just-in-time for production rather than storing large quantities of parts in advance
eliminates many of the potential costs associated with maintaining inventory. As well, receiving
parts just-in- time is a preventive measure that avoids the accumulation of parts that needed to be
Prevent Things from Having to Be Put Back (Preventive Set in Order Procedures)
Preventive setting in order means keeping set in order procedure from breaking down. To
achieve preventive setting in order, we must somehow prevent the inefficiency that results from
the lack of orderly control of any specific item. There are two ways to do this: (1) make it
difficult to put things in the wrong place and (2) make it impossible to put things in the wrong
Indications on Shelves
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
Score = ___________
Rating: ____________
PURPOSE: - standardized work forms the baseline for kaizen or continuous improvement. As
the standard is improved, the new standard becomes the baseline for further improvements, and
so on. Improving standardized work is a never-ending process.
Instructions: Given necessary templates, workshop, tools and materials you are required to
perform the following tasks within -------- hours.
Task 1: Prepare standard to the sort activities in your workplace.
Task 2: Prepare standard to the set-in order activities in your workplace.
Task 3: Prepare standard to the shine activities in your workplace.
Consider the:
OHS procedures
Usually, you commit yourself to sustain a particular course of action because the rewards for
keeping to the course of action are greater than the rewards for departing from it (see figure
above). Viewed another way, the consequences of not keeping to the course of action may be
greater than the consequences of keeping to it.
For example, suppose you want to start an exercise program say you decide you want to work out
at a gym three times a week. You probably have difficulty sustaining this course of action. This is
because forces in your life, such as limits on your time and energy as well as the power of inertia,
challenge this plan.
However, if the rewards of sticking to your exercise program (for example, feeling and looking
better) are greater than the rewards of not sticking to it (for example, having more time for other
things that you need to do), your commitment will increase and you will probably sustain this
program over lime.
5S Slogans communicate the themes of the five-pillar campaign in your company. They are most
effective when they are suggested by you and your coworkers. They can be displayed on buttons,
stickers, flags, or posters.
Samples of poster
When it comes to communication about 5S implementation, the old saying that a "picture is
worth a thousand words" is definitely true. Photo Exhibits and Story boards showing the before
and after of 5S implementation activities are powerful tools for promoting the five pillars. Photos
and Storyboards can also communicate the status of five pillar activities.
55 Newsletters are in-house news bulletins centered on five pillar topics. They carry factory
reports on 5S conditions and activities. 5S Newsletters are most effective when issued on a
regular basis, perhaps once or twice a month and at staff meetings.
5s Maps
5S Maps can also be used to get employees involved in five pillar improvement on an ongoing
basis. 5S improvement Maps should be hung in a central location with suggestion cards attached
so anyone can suggest improvements.
5s Pocket Manuals
A 5S Pocket Manual can be created that contains five pillar definitions and descriptions, and is
small enough to fit into the pocket of work clothes. Shop floor workers, supervisors, and
managers can all use SS Pocket Manuals for easy reference to the 5S essentials.
5s Department Tours
When one department in a company has implemented the five pillars successfully, it can serve as
a model area for other departments to come visit. Since "seeing is believing," this technique is
extremely effective for promoting 5S implementation throughout a company.
5s Months
Companies should designate two, three, or four months every year as "5S Months.” During these
months, various activities such as 5S seminars, field trips, and contests can be carried out of
further promote 5S implementation in the company.
Having a cleaner workplace will make you appear more professional. Thus, it will be much more
appealing for clients and potential business partners to work with you.
Employees will also respect their jobs a lot more. Aside from that, a clean workplace will also
reduce the chances of viruses and germs spreading all over.
If you don’t keep your workplace clean, you don’t only end up with a dirty environment. You
also get an unhealthy work environment for everyone in the office.
Here are six ways cleanliness in the office has a positive effect on employees:
1. Motivates Them
Focus, much like motivation, is easy to lose. There are a lot of elements that are working against
you to keep your focus.
4. Reduces Absenteeism
With an unclean workplace, you also get the added effect of an unhealthy workplace. Germs and
bacteria can spread everywhere if you don’t clean properly. If diseases and viruses spread, then
your employees will get sick more often.
If you want to reduce absenteeism in your employees, then regularly clean your office.
There may be external factors outside of work that are stressing out your employees.
Sometimes, work itself can be stressful. And having a dirty office will certainly not help.
Keeping the office clean will have employees less distracted and they will be able to get their
work done without them being overwhelmed by the stress that they get from other external
Having everything working as it’s supposed to and where it’s supposed to helps employees get
more work done. At the same time, they aren’t plagued by office issues that are outside of their
A cleaner and healthier environment in the workplace is appealing to potential clients and
attractive to look at overall.
Remember to get the office cleaned regularly so that you don’t compromise on health as well as
the overall well-being of everyone in the office.
1. Bring all audit materials e.g., checklist, stickers, file holder & audit summary report
2. Get the KPT leader or facilitator to accompany auditor
3. Good public Relation
4. Check outstanding matter from the previous audit summary report
5. Proper issue of stickers & justified
6. Propose idea for improvement and justified.
7. Close matter when action has been taken. Remove sticker
8. Issue new sticker when action is not fully satisfied (old sticker still remain) and also for
new matter noted
9. Take photo as an example in case of the 5S team has shown very creative idea to make
the 5S initiative significantly effective, safe work place, cost saving
10.Only use maximum 3 stickers of each type for each working area / zone
11. Listen to the feedback given by workers
12. Provide positive suggestion for improvement if stickers are not appropriate
13.Prepare audit report of each working area on the Audit summary
14.Document must be signed by auditor & team leader
15. Audit to the next area and You may take 10 – 15 minutes for one zone.
1. What are the common tools and techniques to sustain 3S? (13 points)
2. How 5S slogans are used to sustain 3S? (2 points)
3. Why 5S photo exhibits and storyboards are used to implement sustain activities (3
4. Describe 5S newsletters? (2 points)
5. What are the 5S pocket manuals? (3 points)
6. How 5S months are scheduled? (3 points)
7. Describe 5S audit. (4 points)
8. What are the activities performed during preparation of audit and during audit (4
9. Why awarding is necessary in sustain implementation? (2 points)
10. List types of patrolling system. (6 points)
11. Define the fifth pillar of 5S? (2 point)
12. List problems avoided by implementing sustain. (6 points)
13. Why sustain is important? (4 points)
14. Explain how to implement sustain? (7points)
15. What are the roles of you and your management in implementation of sustain?
Note: Satisfactory rating - 35points Unsatisfactory - below 35 points
You can ask you trainer for the copy of the correct answers.
Score = ___________
Rating: ____________
PURPOSE:- A sustainable interior fit out is the essential first step in creating an
environmentally sustainable workplace.
Energy Management. Employee Engagement &
Water Efficiency & Conservation. Awareness.
Waste Reduction. Procurement & Supply Chain.
Go Digital.
Instructions: Given necessary templates, workshop, tools and materials you are required to
perform the following tasks within ------ hours.
Task 1: Prepare slogans and posters for your work area.
Task 2: Evaluate your work place by using the 5S check list and use stickers.
Task 3: Prepare audit summary report by using the given template.
Identify the:
Person -in-charge
Technology workshop
Work station
Consider the:
OHS procedures
Workplace procedures and standards (work area)
Frequency of maintenance activities
N Name
Field of Study