Coronary Angiography Image Segmentation Based On PSPNet
Coronary Angiography Image Segmentation Based On PSPNet
Coronary Angiography Image Segmentation Based On PSPNet
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Purpose: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is known to have high prevalence, high disability and mortality.
Received 13 September 2020 The incidence and mortality of cardiovascular disease are also gradually increasing worldwide. Therefore,
Accepted 30 November 2020
our paper proposes to use a more efficient image processing method to extract accurate vascular struc-
tures from vascular images by combining computer vision and deep learning.
Method: Our proposed segmentation of coronary angiography images based on PSPNet network was com-
Coronary angiography images
pared with FCN, and analyzed and discussed the experimental results using three evaluation indicators of
blood vessel segmentation
deep learning precision, recall and Fl-score. Aiming at the complex and changeable structure of coronary angiography
multi-scale convolutional neural network images and over-fitting or parameter structure destruction, we implemented the parallel multi-scale con-
transfer learning volutional neural network model using PSPNet, using small sample transfer learning that limits parameter
learning method.
Results: The accuracy of our technique proposed in this paper is 0.957. The accuracy of PSPNet is 26.75%
higher than the traditional algorithm and 4.59% higher than U-Net. The average segmentation accuracy
of the PSPNet model using transfer learning on the test set increased from 0.926 to 0.936, the sensitivity
increased from 0.846 to 0.865, and the specificity increased from 0.921 to 0.949. The segmentation effect
in this paper is closest to the segmentation result of the human expert, and is smoother than that of
U-Net segmentation.
Conclusion: The PSPNet network reduces manual interaction in diagnosis, reduces dependence on med-
ical personnel, improves the efficiency of disease diagnosis, and provides auxiliary strategies for subse-
quent medical diagnosis systems based on cardiac coronary angiography.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0169-2607/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Zhu, Z. Cheng, S. Wang et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 200 (2021) 105897
Convolutional neural network (CNN), relying on weight sharing, from the original grayscale or color value transformation [14]. The
automatic feature extraction and computer performance improve- threshold segmentation method is actually a process of assuming
ment, has achieved remarkable results [9]. The medical community a criterion function and then using it to find the optimal threshold
has also noticed the great success of deep learning methods and solution. The frequently used threshold selection methods include
hopes to apply these technologies to different tasks in medical im- the maximum inter-class variance method, the maximum entropy
age processing. automatic threshold method, and the gray histogram method.
The use of deep learning technology to segment coronary ves- At present, image threshold segmentation is also used in many
sels has three advantages. The first point is that it can automati- fields, for example, in medical applications, blood cell image seg-
cally extract features [10]. In the past, meaningful or task-related mentation, as well as image segmentation in magnetic resonance
parts were mainly identified by human experts. Based on their un- have also used threshold segmentation algorithms.
derstanding of these images, these features can be carried out by
non-experts in the field, using machine learning techniques. Now, 2.1.2. Region segmentation
deep learning has incorporated feature engineering steps into the Region-based segmentation methods comprise region growth
scope of learning steps. In other words, there is no need to manu- and split and merge. The region growing algorithm artificially di-
ally extract features. If necessary, deep learning only needs a small vides the image into n similar regions, and then gradually connects
amount of pre-processed data, and then new features can be dis- and merges the adjacent regions according to a judgment criterion.
covered in a self-learning manner. The region splitting algorithm is just the opposite. There is no pro-
The second point is that deep learning technology has good ver- cess of artificially dividing regions. First, the input image is made
satility [11]. Because of the difference in imaging environment and a complete region, then it starts to split, and finally the similar re-
the level of radiologists, even the same patient will have differ- gions are merged. These two algorithms are serial algorithms, that
ent CAG images [12]. The traditional method uses the features de- is, the process of segmentation is multiple steps in sequence, and
signed by experts, who may have a good effect on a certain kind the subsequent operations are based on the results of the previous
of image, but it is not universal. Deep learning technology uses step and then continue.
a large number of high-quality labeled samples for training. This Based on the region segmentation algorithm, it is divided into
method can be applied to various types of contrast images. seed region growth and Region growing algorithm [15]. Seed re-
The third point is that deep learning can improve efficiency and gion growth algorithm groups similar pixels to form regions. First
detection accuracy [13]. Coronary vascular images will inevitably find a seed pixel for each region that needs to be segmented as
introduce various noises during the imaging process, and the con- the starting point for growth, and then merge the pixels in the
trast agent will be unevenly distributed in the blood vessels due to neighborhood around the seed pixel that have the same or simi-
various reasons. The vascular bifurcation will cause the traditional lar properties as the seed into the seed where the pixel is located.
methods to be slow in the segmentation process. The accuracy is The Region growing algorithm inherited the idea of the seed re-
low and a lot of labor time is wasted. Deep learning technology re- gion growth algorithm. It uses the Celular Automaton (CA) as the
lies on powerful feature extraction and classification. This enables segmentation frame to transform the category information into the
deep learning technology to be more efficient and detection accu- state of the cell. According to features such as location and color,
racy than traditional methods. the location is adjacent to the color. Similar pixels change and
evolve to the same category.
2. Methodology
2.2. Image segmentation using convolution neural network
2.1. Target segmentation based on traditional algorithms
In the field of computer vision, the most basic work is image
Currently, traditional image segmentation comprises threshold- segmentation, which is to divide similar parts of the picture into
based segmentation, region-based segmentation, edge-based seg- continuous area blocks, such as the roughness, contrast, direction,
mentation, and specific theories-based segmentation. With the and compactness of the image block, to assist in image segmen-
progress of research, segmentation algorithms are divided into tation and enhance the effect. In simple terms, semantic segmen-
pixel-based classification, threshold segmentation, edge detection, tation is to classify pixels on the picture given a picture. Early re-
color image segmentation, depth image segmentation, and fuzzy searchers used decision trees and deep learning methods, which
set-based methods. are CNNs (fully connected layer type). In recent years, the network
for semantic segmentation is basically based on FCN [16]. Other
2.1.1. Threshold segmentation network structures for semantic segmentation include Dilated Con-
Threshold segmentation is a region-based image segmentation volutions, PSPNet [17], Deeplab Vl [18], Deeplab V2 [19], Deeplab
algorithm. The idea is to use the feature f(x, y) to calculate one V3 [20] and so on.
or more specific thresholds, and compare the feature value of each Next, this paper will introduce in detail the multi-scale CNN
pixel with the threshold, and then divide each pixel into its cor- proposed for the problem that the artery is a thin tubular struc-
responding appropriate category based on the comparison result, ture in the coronary vascular image, which has relatively low con-
which is shown in Equation 1. trast and artifacts, is difficult to accurately segment and effectively
1, f (x, y ) ≥ T annotate the scarcity of samples. Usually when using a deep CNN
g ( x, y ) = (1) model, the segmented object is a cropped coronary vascular image
0, f (x, y ) ≤ T
patch. Different from the past, this paper uses two different scales
The actual image target and background may not necessar- of patches for segmentation, one is obtained by cropping the orig-
ily be distributed in the two characteristic value ranges, the inal image; the other is obtained by cropping the original image
Equation (1) can be transformed into Equation 2. after downsampling, so that global features can be used to pro-
vide local features reference to make pixel segmentation more ac-
1, T1 ≤ f ( x, y ) ≤ T2
g ( x, y ) = (2) curate. The result of segmentation is whether the patch is a proba-
0, else
bility map of a blood vessel, and then all the probability maps are
Commonly used feature values can be the grayscale or color spliced together to obtain a complete coronary blood vessel seg-
feature values of the original image, or the features obtained mentation image.
X. Zhu, Z. Cheng, S. Wang et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 200 (2021) 105897
The entire coronary artery segmentation method is shown in 2.3.2. PSPNet network structure
Fig. 1. Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram of the multi-scale image that Pre-training in PSPNet uses a combination of ResNet and Dik-
can be seen. The core part is the construction of the segmentation ted Network. First, feature extraction is performed on the input
network model. In this paper, the segmentation model obtained by data, and the size of the extracted feature map is one-eighth of
multi-scale CNN and improved loss function has achieved good re- the original input image. Then input the feature map into the pyra-
sults in coronary artery segmentation. mid pooling module, and finally cascade to get the feature surface,
and then learn and adjust the parameters by calculating the loss
and back propagation algorithm. Compared with Global Pooling,
this structure is better for obtaining multi-size global information.
2.3. PSPNet network Comparing with the calculation, the FCN network will not increase
a lot. The Global Pyramid Poling model and the FCN feature extrac-
2.3.1. Introducing the PSPNet network tion model can be trained and optimized at the same time.
Using an image block around the pixel as the input of the CNN The network structure of CAG image segmentation using PSPNet
network for training and prediction is the characteristic of tradi- can be presented using Fig. 3. Firstly, the data of CAG is labeled:
tional CNN-based segmentation methods. This method has several it is divided into two steps: rough labeling and fine labeling, and
disadvantages. First, it requires a lot of storage space; second, the then classification and training test are carried out according to the
segmentation time is long, but the segmentation accuracy is not division of body positions in medicine. Then, the annotated image
high; third, the size of the pixel block often affects the size of the is processed into a grayscale image and input into the Cafe frame.
sensing area. FCN overcomes the above shortcomings by recovering After the image is combined with convolution pooling in the net-
the category to which each pixel belongs from the abstract fea- work, Feature Map is extracted, and then it is put into the pyramid
tures. pooling layer. The pyramid pooling layer will convolve the feature
Although FCN realizes the classification of each pixel, it does maps in different sizes, then cascade and integrate the output, and
not fully consider the relationship between pixels. Ignore the spa- then go through other convolutions and Dropout operations, and
tial regularization step used in the usual pixel classification-based finally use the Softmax classifier to classify the pixels, and achieve
segmentation method, which makes the network lack of spatial the final prediction, and complete the segmentation experiment.
In the 2016 ImageNet scene segmentation challenge, Zhao et al. 2.4. U-Net
proposed Pyramid Scene Parsing Network (PSPNet) [17]. The scene
proposed in the paper is accurate. The knowledge graph relies on 2.4.1. Development of U-Net
the prior information of the scene context, and the main problem Long et al. [21] implemented fully connected neural network,
of the FCN model is the lack of appropriate strategies to use the referred to as FCN. FCN is a neural network architecture, which re-
category clues in the global scene. alizes object detection by combining low-level appearance infor-
X. Zhu, Z. Cheng, S. Wang et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 200 (2021) 105897
X. Zhu, Z. Cheng, S. Wang et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 200 (2021) 105897
2.5. Transfer learning technique angiography image data is collected. This study established a
database derived from real patient cases. We collected CAG images
Machine learning technologies including deep learning have of 109 patients from the Fuwai Central China Cardiovascular Hos-
made brilliant achievements in many fields including classification, pital.
regression and clustering. However, these methods all assume that
excellent results can be obtained only when the training and test- 3.1.2. Data preprocessing
ing data have the same feature space and the same distribution. During subsequent training, the network can only accept
As sample data distribution changes, algorithms need to add addi- grayscale images as input, so we convert the blood vessel RGB
tional training data and then start training from scratch. In many value to a grayscale value from 0 to N-1 according to the impor-
real-world application scenarios, the cost of this method is high, tance of the blood vessel, where N is the type of blood vessel in
not to mention that many tasks cannot collect the data required each position. Considering that some blood vessels have similar
for retraining. These tasks are in great need of methods that can functions, they are converted to the same gray value.
reduce recollection of data and training data. In this case, knowl-
3.1.3. Establishment of data set
edge transfer or transfer learning between application domains is
We prepared the CAG data set as follows. First, we introduced
of practical significance. Schematic diagram of transfer learning as
the source of the original data, desensitization processing, data
Fig. 5.
selection and classification, and classified it according to medical
2.6. Evaluation criteria for experimental results common sense according to different lesions and different posi-
tions; and then designed according to needs the labeling tool was
For the task of vessel segmentation in CAG images, samples are implemented, and the data was roughly labeled and fine labeled.
divided into two categories: vascular and non-vascular. By com- Part of the process of fine labeling of some angiographic images
paring the results of segmentation with the manual segmentation was introduced. Eventually, we have a series of CAG images, which
results of experts, four situations can be obtained, namely: blood are labelled using a serial number. Finely annotated images are di-
vessel pixels are predicted to be blood vessels, which is called vided into test set and experimental set with a ratio of 2:1.
true positive (TP); blood vessel pixels are predicted to be non-
3.2. Segmentation experiment results
vessels This is expressed as false negative (FN); non-vascular pixels
predicted to be non-vascular are called true negatives (TN); non-
To obtain intuitively the effectiveness of the method of using
vascular pixels predicted to be blood vessels are called false posi-
the deep learning model to segment coronary arteries proposed in
tives (FP).
this paper, we tested the 10 images of the test set and gave their
We often use three criteria to compare the performance of the
human expert results as a reference standard. Fig. 6(A) shows two
proposed method with other state-of-the-art methods: sensitivity
CAG images with different blood vessel directions selected in this
(Sen), specificity (Spe) and accuracy (Acc). The calculation method
paper (noted as CAG image serial number 1-5). The coronary artery
is shown by the following Equations (3), (4), and (5).
in the left picture is smaller and has more background noise than
TP the coronary artery in the right picture. Figure (B) is the result of
Sen = (3)
TP + FN the human expert. Figure (C) is the segmentation result of U-Net.
Figure (D) is the segmentation result of the PSPNet network. As an
Spe = (4) illustration of our experimental results, we only show the segmen-
tation of CAG images based on serial numbers 1-5.
TP + TN Fig. 6 shows that the segmentation result based on the PSPNet
Acc = (5) network is closer to the result of the human expert segmentation.
TP + TN + FN + TN
Compared with U-Net network, the algorithm segmentation edge
3. Results of this paper is smoother.
3.1.1. Data source In order to explore whether the segmentation result of the deep
We will perform segmentation tasks and experiments on neural network is better than the segmentation result of the tra-
coronary angiography images. At present, the available coronary ditional algorithm, the traditional algorithm takes the Threshold
X. Zhu, Z. Cheng, S. Wang et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 200 (2021) 105897
Fig. 6. Experimental results of segmentation results based on two image serial numbers A) Original image; B) Human experts segmentation result; C) U-Net method seg-
mentation result; D) PSPNet network segmentation result
Table 1 0.949. This shows that the transfer learning strategy in this paper
Comparison of segmentation performance of three algo-
can improve the model performance.
X. Zhu, Z. Cheng, S. Wang et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 200 (2021) 105897
Fig. 7. The improvement of model performance by transfer learning based on A) accuracy; B) sensitivity; C) specificity
situation may lead to model degradation and unable to complete and is difficult to accurately segment and effectively annotate the
normal classification tasks. scarcity of samples. A PSPNet-based multi-scale CNN model is pro-
Finally, the sample labeling quality is low and the quantity is posed. This algorithm first down-sample the pre-processed image
small. In this case, the trained model is likely to have overfitting or to obtain images of multiple scales, and sends them to the CNN.
poor robustness. Just as the computer vision field achieves break- The features of different scales are selected and fused in the fully
through improvements by training tens of millions of natural im- connected layer, and finally the features are used to segment the
age data, deep learning models also need a large, public medical CAG images.
image data set in order to find more general features, reduce train- It has been confirmed that the coronary angiography image seg-
ing time, and improve training performance [26,27]. However, the mentation technology based on PSPNet has higher segmentation
establishment of such a medical image data set requires high time accuracy than the traditional Region growing algorithm and U-Net.
and economic costs, and the workload is huge. In order to further improve the segmentation accuracy, we propose
The segmentation of CAG images is an important practice and migration learning. We use transfer learning technology to solve
innovation of computer vision in the medical field. CAG is also the problem of limited training data when using deep neural net-
widely used clinically because of its safety and accuracy, and is works to segment coronary vessels. Usually transfer learning is to
considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of coronary heart train in the source domain to obtain the model, and then train to
disease [26,28,29]. In the future, image segmentation based on CAG update the model in the target domain. However, because the tar-
can not only assist doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of clin- get domain has less data, the trained model parameters will be
ical diseases, but also become a prerequisite for the quantitative destroyed after fine-tuning, resulting in overfitting. Therefore, our
description of vascular diseases, and it can also establish a foun- paper improves the strategy of using transfer learning for small
dation for the development of three-dimensional reconstruction of samples, and makes the newly trained model parameters close to
cardiac blood vessels [30,31]. Therefore, the experiments in this pa- the source domain model by adding regular terms. Finally, after us-
per are of great significance to the accurate segmentation of CAG ing transfer learning, the accuracy, specificity and sensitivity of the
images. model proposed in this paper in coronary artery segmentation are
Note that this paper compares traditional image segmentation
5. Conclusion methods and methods using deep learning. The accuracy of deep
learning is much higher than that of traditional ones, and our pro-
Based on the coronary vascular imaging, the artery is a thin posed PSPNet-based CAG image segmentation accuracy is the high-
tubular structure, which has relatively low contrast and artifacts, est.
X. Zhu, Z. Cheng, S. Wang et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 200 (2021) 105897
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