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Takhti Bahi

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Takht Bhai, a Buddhist monastery in Mardan

Article · April 2022

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Takht Bhai, a Buddhist monastery in Mardan

Takhti Bahi, the largest religious and formal complexity of the Gandhara civilization, is known

as an ornament of Pakistan's cultural heritage. These magnificent endowments give rise to a

subtle experience that takes us back to a time when hundreds of Buddhists gathered to offer their

religious services in a very peaceful atmosphere.

A visit to Takhti Bahi ('Original Throne') provides an opportunity to explore the history of the

Gandhara civilization when the region was highly civilized, tolerant, and peaceful. Takht-e-Bahi,

about 15 km from Mardan in Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa, is also known as the monastery

of the great Kushan king Kanishka, who ruled

Gandhara in the second century AD and was

known for his military, political and spiritual

achievements. Takht-e-Bahi Buddhist

Monastery Complex was founded in the early

1st century. Located on top of a high hill, it

has survived a series of attacks and is still

remarkably safe. Nearby are the ruins of Sahir

Bahlol, a small fortified town of the same


Listed as a World Heritage Site, it is considered one of the most built Buddhist monasteries in

the Gandhara District. It is located at a height of about 500 feet on a small hill about 2 km east of

Takht Bhai Bazaar in Mardan District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), once called the center of
Gandhara Civilization, which attracts tourists, historians, monuments. Attracts archaeologists

and Buddhists from all over the world.

The Buddhist complex and the village, as locals call it, are named after two wells found on a

hilltop near the complex, however, the majority believe that Takht means throne and Bhai means

water in Persian.

The Buddhist monastery was in constant use until the 7th century AD. It consists of a collection

of buildings and is the most complete Buddhist monastery in Pakistan. The buildings were

constructed of stone in the Gandhara pattern, with local costumes and semi-clad stone blocks set

in lime and clay mortar. Today, the ruins include a central stupa court, the Votivo Stupas Court,

a group of three stupas, a monastery square that includes meditation cells, a conference hall, a

covered stairway, and other secular buildings.

The other component resides in the neighboring town of

Sahar Bahlol, in a fertile field about 5 km away. The ruins

of Sahar Bahlol are the remains of a small ancient fortified

town of the Khasan period. The town is perched on a 9-

meter-high mound and is surrounded by parts of the

defensive walls that feature "diaper" style from the first

two or three centuries AD. This area covers an area of 9.7


"I believe it is named after the spring on the left side of the Buddhist site”

The historic site is an archeological marvel, which is considered important because of its unique

design.This site is extremely important for its unique state of integrity and preservation. It is also
important for its antiquity, which was certainly built during

the first century AD, as named after Gondofries (20-46 AD)

Proved by important logs.

Gondophares was a Parthian king of the Sorin family from

Sakastan, or Sistan (a Sorin general defeated Roman forces in

53 BC, in present-day Turkey, at the Battle of Carrhae, where

20,000 Romans were killed and 10,000 captured Done).

Immediately after the Gondofries, the throne was under the

control of the first Kushan king, Kajula Kadfesis. This site has been in use since ancient times

(7th century AD).

The historic site is an archeological

The site symbolizes the architectural complexity of the Buddhist monastery complex and should

be considered a spectacular introduction to Gandharan Buddhist architecture, a must-see for

tourists heading to Swat. The splendor of its architecture and the serenity of its location leaves an

indelible mark on the minds and hearts of the visitors.

A group of Peshawar college students was also busy

observing different parts of the monastery.

I am a bachelor student of political science and it is a

unique experience to visit this great Buddhist site in my

hometown several times. The architecture is amazing, it

shows how advanced they were in civil works and

engineering. ‫۔‬Tourist arrivals are a good source of income for local transporters, shopkeepers,

and restaurant owners, especially from September to April.

It's a great place for people who love history, antiquities, and archeology. The architecture and its

engineering are advanced. It impresses me and I invite every Pakistani to Come and see this




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