ARDA Publication 123580
ARDA Publication 123580
ARDA Publication 123580
2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 6215–6226
Research is one of the major functions in a university that should be nurtured and fostered in order to
advance quality education. The capability of an instructor to conduct research is expedient in addressing
the pressing issues in the society starting with the classroom. This study assessed the research capability of
faculty members at Cebu Technological University (CTU) – Moalboal Campus anchoring Bandura’s Self
Efficacy Theory. The works of literature dictate that there’s no study about research capability of college
instructors initiated in Visayas, Philippines where Cebu is one of the provinces. This prompted the
researchers to elicit pertinent information about the demographic profile of the instructors and their research
capability (2.89) through a validated researcher-made instrument. All faculty members (69) participated the
study. Utilizing descriptive-correlation research design, the researchers established significant relationship
of the dependent and independent variables through Pearson-correlation coefficient. The results derived
that age (0.13), gender (0.56), and number of papers completed but were not published (0.59) were not
significant at 0.05 significant level. Number of years in service (0.04), number of years in conducting
research (0.00), number of papers published (0.00), and number of local and international conferences
attended (0.02) were significant. The findings of the study ensued a creation of research management plan
that provides mechanisms on how to address the concerns and challenges of respondents in conducting
research. In this way, college instructors are assisted and guided in completing and publishing their research
article, thus, improving the research culture of the university.
Keywords: Capability, College Instructors, number of papers published, number of years in conducting
research, Research
innovations and improving the quality of life. The (Manongsong et al., 2018). This can be further
main purpose of conducting research is to serve developed when participating actively with the
men and to attain a higher quality of living numerous research capacity-building activities
(Basilio & Bueno, 2019). The study of Chin and seminar write shop. The faculty members of
(2007) in China accentuated the importance of the Cebu Technological University – Moalboal
investing in research wherein students will turn to Campus are interested in honing their skills in
be part of the quality workforce in the country conducting research. The interest should also
with the increasing number of innovations. Chin parallel to the capability of doing it. With this, the
emphasized that investing in research will boost researchers are determined to know the capability
the economy of China. In the Philippines, of the faculty members of this institution to make
research initiatives are given attention by the sound decisions on what initiative should be
government most especially in the educational undertaken. Further, this paper intends to make
sector. The Department of Education (DepEd) sustainable management plans that can augment
embedded in their year-end assessment rating the blurry spot of planning to conduct research.
among teachers to conduct Action Research Cebu Technological University –
entailing with the management guidelines and Moalboal Campus (CTU-MC) is composed of
procedures that can elevate the quality of teaching four colleges namely the College of Education
practice and pedagogies to have meaningful (COED), College of Arts and Sciences (CAS),
learning experiences (Deped Order no. 16, College of Technology (COT), and the College of
s.2017). Business Management and Engineering (CBME).
The Commission of Higher Education The total number of organic faculty is 69 who are
(CHED) conducted a survey in order to find out all the respondents of this study. Every college
the status of research capability among the has an allotted amount for research and
college instructors in select areas in Luzon, publication. However, these funds were not
Philippines. It was revealed that research was utilized for quite some time for a myriad of
given poor priority and limited funding among reasons such as the motivation and determination
other activities in the Higher Educational of faculty members to conduct research. Another
Institutions (HEIs). In the study of Wong (2019), challenge is the technicality or the knowledge of
the findings revealed that 92.95% of the faculty conducting it as this is not a routine done on a
members in the country joined research and daily basis. Various seminars and workshops
development activities for two decades but only were initiated in order to augment this pressing
22.81% were involved in the conduct of research. issue but the problem is still prevalent.
Further, the results exemplified that the faculty Confirming with the works of literature and local
members will just join for attendance and studies, the research capability of CTU-MC
certificate purposes but not necessarily for the faculty members is what the researchers would
passion of making research articles. This is the like to ascertain.
reality that needs to be investigated and should be
addressed – the research capability of the faculty RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
members in the HEIs. Generally, this study would like to assess
It is the common notion of every faculty the capability of faculty members in Cebu
member to have doubts about researching Technological University – Moalboal Campus.
because it is a tedious process by its nature. The Specifically, this paper delves more into the
capability of conducting research underscores the following:
meaning of its construct. Research capability is 1. The Demographic Profile CTU-MC
the ability to answer a problem following the faculty members in terms of age,
scientific processes of planning, gathering data, gender, highest educational
and interpreting it with the appropriate statistical attainment, and number of years in
tool or qualitative analysis (Salom et al., 2013; service.
Ismael et al., 2012). The research capability 2. The level of faculty members
among the faculty members may develop over exposure to research in terms of
time as it is a skill that needs constant practice number of years in conducting
research, number of Local and should be focused on more. Based on the results,
International Conferences attended, the data exemplified that the respondents posed a
number of papers published, and high intensity of challenges in terms of the
number of papers completed but was research process however, positive results were
not published. elicited that the teachers were motivated to do
3. The level of research capability research, had a neutral feeling and attitude
among the faculty members in Cebu towards it, and the capacity to conduct it and
Technological University – develop action plan were manifested yet, it needs
Moalboal Campus improvements.
4. The significant relationship between Furthermore, the determinants that
faculty members’ research capability correlate to the capability of the teacher to do
to their demographic profile and their research were skills in developing an action plan
exposure to research. and mentoring, the quantifiable data as to their
5. The creation of a research completed study, attitude, and how motivated
management plan in order to provide they are circulating at a different magnitude. With
assistance and solutions to the the aid of transcripts from the respondents, the
pressing concerns on how to make a researcher narrows the lens and focused on the
research article. motivation of the teachers, their productivity in
terms of making research, and most importantly
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE their age for they found out that age determines
The different surveyed materials the capacity of a teacher to conduct research.
regarding the research capability of teachers or Thus, the study recommended that to answer
faculty members are discussed in this section to these gaps, the sector should develop professional
shed light on the concept of the research. These development programs and seminars focusing on
articles were carefully examined purposely to the said determinants to create high esteemed and
elicit pertinent and reliable data to support the effective teachers in terms of conducting
current study. The construct, research capability, research.
is comprehensively defined and elaborated in this The research of Wong (2019) focused on
part. The quantitative, qualitative, and mixed- targeting the predictors of the teachers’ capacity
method research designs used by authors to to conduct, to teach, and their productivity. The
elucidate research capability were also indicated. theory Self Efficacy by Bandura was utilized to
The works of literature and local studies connive provide the inception of knowledge with regard
with one understanding which is the need to know to the capability of teachers to conduct a study.
the capability of faculty members in conducting This research is quantitative in nature with
research and the support they are getting from the correlational design as methods to provide
administration. understanding about the relationship of the
Research capability is a construct that different predictors and their interaction to elicit
caught many audiences such as in the field of implications about the construct being examined.
management, engineering, and physical sciences. With the gathered data, the study found out that
This includes the educational sector in advancing there are dimensions in research such as research
quality and research-based education that process, research utilization, and research
promulgates fact-based policies and programs. dissemination wherein teachers are having little
The research of Caingcoy (2020) provided pieces to no knowledge of all these, thus; this can be
of evidence of the determinants and correlation of evaluated as incapability to conduct research.
the different factors that play within the lens of Moreover, it can also be seen based on
conducting research in the field of education. The the results that personal qualities such as age,
study utilized an explanatory design wherein the motivation, attitude, years of service,
researcher gathered the quantitative data to know involvement in any research activities, cognition
the determinants of research capability construct in research, and support from the institution
and its relationship to each other. The qualitative creates an interaction to each other and to the
data narrows the perspective as to which factor construct which posed a determining factor to a
higher level of research capacity. With this, the This study is anchored on Bandura’s Self
study suggested that the Department of Education Efficacy Theory. Albert Bandura’s concept of
and other educational institutions should develop perceived self-efficacy boils down to the beliefs
management plans that can build their capacity to and ideas of an individual about the level of
do research. It also emphasized that focusing on capability to execute certain kind of action. The
the structuring of knowledge, creating a positive amount of perceived efficacy interacts to the
attitude towards research, and a wider support behavior of an individual at a certain level. The
from the management may impact the teachers’ higher perception of one’s efficiency, the more a
overall performance in research development and person is motivated alongside with the positive
productivity. outlook and behavior. Bandura elaborated that
Tamban & Maningas (2020) provided manifesting a strong sense of efficiency to oneself
substantial findings about the technical writing can positively impact the lives of every individual
skills as reference for capability management in varied ways. One highlighted notion is focused
plan. Most of the barriers or challenges that the on developing intrinsic motivation to carry out
researchers encountered are lack of time to challenging deliverables set by the organization
conduct the research, the pressure and nature of or institution because they manage to create
academic tasks, and the lack of support and certain mindset that these tasks are not a threat but
funding from the administration. Since research an opportunity to grow. With this, it can be
capability can be honed through time, it is gleaned that the higher perception of ones self-
expedient that teachers or faculty members are efficacy, the more productive, positive, and well-
given enough time to work with their research. groomed an individual can be.
The more load or preparations that a faculty The theory self-efficacy of albert bandura
member received, the less time they can utilize was utilized in the study of Hoy et al. (2009) as a
for their research. The nature of academic tasks database about teacher’s mechanism in carrying
should also be considered because if it is too the expected functions set by the institution. In
demanding, the more that the faculty member this study, they exemplified that among the
loses the energy to conduct research. Lastly, if a beliefs that a teacher has, the most powerful one
faculty member finished a research article, the was the perception about their capability,
administration should support it 100%. If the strengths and skills to navigate themselves
administrator or the research director will not around the field of teaching. This belief holds the
release the funding, the researcher will lose the cognitive and affective notion about how an
appetite for doing another paper. It will individual see things in the environment and it
discourage them from having their article may prompt a larger scale as to how they would
published. react with it. The study found out that crucial
The different articles discussed in this measurement of teacher’s efficacy and efficiency
portion provided a wide array of understanding in teaching interplays an array of effects on their
among the researchers. It is vital to see different performances in delivering the instruction.
angles in understanding research capability. This For the purpose of seeking for the
might be coined to research skills and research significant interacting factors with regard to self-
competence; however, the works of literature and efficacy among the teachers, the study of Klassen
local studies generate a clear and distinct & Tze (2014) describe that the direct
definition to these constructs. Research capability manifestation of high level of self-efficacy
should be assessed in order to know the ways how among the teachers can be examined through the
to improve it. These articles establish a good quality of instruction and performance that they
foundation of what to expect from the findings of provided to their students. The study is a meta-
this current study. These surveyed materials can analysis which evaluates different published
definitely corroborate the endpoint of this article about teacher’s performance with respect
research. to their self-efficacy. They found out that self-
efficacy has a strong association with regard to
Theoretical Underpinning their academic performance and it pose a
significant interaction with each other. With this,
it can be deciphered that the teacher’s perceived published, and number of papers completed but
self-efficacy greatly impacts the quality of was not published while the second part was a
instruction that they are giving and a factor to questionnaire with a 4-point Likert scale (1 -
acquire successful education in a wider strongly not evident, 2 - not evident, 3 - evident,
perspective. and 4 - strongly evident) composed of 30 items.
Originally, the items in the second part were
MATERIALS AND METHODS composed of 42, however, after the validation and
The study utilized the descriptive – reliability testing, it yielded 30 items with a high
correlational research design in order to establish value of Cronbach’s alpha at 0.89 (George &
significant relationship between the dependent Mallery, 2003). The instrument went through 4
and independent variables. The researchers validation such as face validity, content (expert)
gathered data through a validated researcher- validity, criterion validity, and construct validity.
made instrument. The instrument was designed This study used descriptive and
following the processes of designing and inferential statistical tools wherein the
validating an instrument by Colton & Covert researchers analyzed the data through weighted
(2007) cited by Cabello & Bonotan (2020). The mean, frequency, percentage, standard deviation,
instrument was composed of two parts; the first and Pearson-Correlation Coefficient using the
part was intended to elicit the demographic Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS).
profile of the respondents and their exposure to In this study, the total population of Cebu
research such as the name (optional), age, gender, Technological University – Moalboal Campus
highest educational attainment, number of years faculty members which is 69 served as the
in service, number of years in conducting respondents. The data gathered was treated with
research, number of Local and International the highest degree of confidentiality and
Conferences attended, number of papers anonymity (Bryman & Bell, 2007).
Table no. 1 showed the demographic respondents are dominated by young faculty
profile of the respondents such as age, gender, members. Male with 36 counts (51.43%) and
educational attainment, and number of years in female with 34 counts (48.57%) were equally
service. It can be gleaned that the age bracket of distributed. Faculty members’ educational
23-24 had the highest counts of 35 with the attainment presented a majority of bachelor’s
percentage of 50%. On the other hand, the age degree with 30 counts (42.86%) while 16 counts
bracket that got the lowest count of 3 with 4.29% (22.86%) are faculty members who finished
is 59-above. This data exemplified that the doctoral. Most of the respondents were within the
span of 1-10 years in service having 53 counts also affected by the respondents’ educational
(75.71%) while 2 (2.86) respondents already attainment as this predictor interact between the
rendered within the span of 31-40 years in acquired knowledge and behavior (Berkowitz et
service. al., 2017).
Based from the data being shown in the The study of Salom (2013) highlighted
table, it can be implied that most of the that the educational attainment gained a
respondents are young, new in the service, and significant relationship as to how they expected
majority of the respondent’s highest educational to perform their function as research instructor.
attainment is bachelor’s degree. This can be Given the respondent’s highest educational
corroborated by the study of Tarigan & Wimbarti attainment, it can be implied that institution
(2011) wherein young members in the faculty should consider to encourage these young faculty
family has a good ground to develop research members to engage in any professional
skills by attending trainings and programs development programs to acquire more
because of their compositions such that they knowledge and skills in doing research (Zhao,
manage to be active in every research endeavor 2017; Wong, 2019).
and their enthusiasm to learn new things (Punia
& Bala, 2021). The capacity to conduct research
results corroborated with the study of Cardona learning and acquire the necessary outcome in
(2020) that engaging in any research activities research production.
impacts the productivity rate of a teacher with The study of Beerens (2000) suggested
regard to research publication as this engagement that professional growth provides a strong
promulgates the skills and widens the perspective foundation of acquired knowledge and skills
with regard to research initiatives (Durand et al., especially in research innovation therefore,
2017) and its creation. Further, the level of institution should provide grounds for their
research skills and initiatives of the instructors are college instructors to engage in different research
the crucial constructs (Konig et al. 2020) that one activities. This program positively impacts not
should reconsider because these may affect their just to the expected performance and output of the
efficiency and effectivity to establish transfer of instructors but can capacitate them to innovate
research-based instruction and extensions.
Table 3 showed the research capability members are inclined to this as this is something
level of the respondents. It can be gleaned that the that can be done and practice in different fields.
highest mean of 3.15 interpreted as capable was Along with this, the respondents are also capable
on how to paraphrase and summarize. The faculty of looking for literature and local studies to
corroborate the results of the article and they can the interaction. According to the study of Van
also sustain the trustworthiness of the data Eekelen (2006) highlighted that “a will to learn”
gathered with the mean of 3.08. While the lowest of the teachers is significant in delivering
score was on the familiarization of the different performance, acquire new set of skills, and being
authors with the mean of 2.59 interpreted as less proactive because this gives them the drive to
capable. Along with the lowest mean, it can also explore beyond what is present and acquired. It
be seen that utilizing software in analyzing data can also widen the lens of understanding to
with the mean of 2.66 interpreted as capable. consider challenging pathways such as research
The data implied that the respondents are endeavors as an opportunity to develop
capable of doing research as they know almost all professionally and produce a research based
of the research processes. The results above academic performance (Guskey, 2021).
corroborate to the study of Hill & Haigh (2012) Furthermore, practicing and applying
wherein the respondents were research active. what is being learned is much meaningful as it
However, there’s a need to deepen research creates an impact to the development of skills and
productivity by seeing the number of research behavior. The more the teachers apply what’s
publications. The knowledge and skills of doing inside, the more they can develop the skills and
research is present however it is not a guarantee capacity to do research and can create a positive
that they can successfully complete the study mindset about the research processes (Foster et
because there are other variables that interact with al., 2003).
it such that behavior plays a wide participation in
Table 4. The significant relationship between faculty members’ research capability to their demographic
profile and their exposure to research.
Independent Variables Dependent Variable
Demographic Profile and Exposure to Research Research Capability
r value p value Remarks
Age 0.1813 0.13 Not Significant
Gender -0.0703 0.56 Not Significant
Educational Attainment 0.2714 0.02 Significant
Number of years in service 0.2507 0.04 Significant
Number of years in conducting research 0.3491 0.00 Significant
Number of Papers published 0.4452 0.00 Significant
Number of Local and International Conferences Attended 0.2688 0.02 Significant
Number of papers completed but were not published 0.2266 0.59 Not Significant
Significant level at 0.05
produce efficient professional imbibe with The more years in conducting research, the more
research-based skills that can deliver effective a faculty member attain an increased knowledge
instructions and outcomes. and capability in making research articles. If a
With this, it can be gleaned that even if faculty member able to publish an article, that
you are old or young, male or female, you can instructor knows the feeling already. With this the
conduct research. However, the higher the more papers published, the higher the faculty
educational attainment is, the chance of member’s capability in conducting research. This
increasing the capability of conducting research. also aligns to the number of international
Not to mention that in continuing advanced conferences attended wherein a faculty member
education, the more exposure to research is exposed to different researches, its
activities. The number of years may affect in methodologies and technicalities. Not just the
increasing the capability of conducting research. “how to make the research” can be mastered but
The more years, the more experiences, the more the appreciation of the intent and impact of the
exposure to research wherein a faculty member different researches that penetrates the heart of a
can take advantage of. Research is a skill that can researcher.
be honed when practice (Bandaranaike, 2018).
Software used To enumerate Orientation and May 202- All Software such
in analyzing different software Discussion of the June 2022 directors, as SPSS,
data used in analyzing different software college Minitab, Excel,
data in qualitative used in qualitative instructors NVivo,
and quantitative and quantitative and the IT MAXQDA,
researches and researches Experts Transana,
discuss its ATLAS.ti and
appropriateness and many more
how it should be
Designing and To identify the Present the model July 2022- All Published an
Validating a necessary factors formulated by September directors article about
research affecting in Colton & Covert 2022 and college designing and
instrument designing and (2007) in designing instructors validating an
validating an and validating an instrument
instrument instrument
Discussion of the
format for the
construction of the
research instrument