Wastewater Treatment Plant 1
Wastewater Treatment Plant 1
Wastewater Treatment Plant 1
1.1 Introduction
Tourist accommodation facilities such as hotels generally tends to discharge a higher amount
of wastewater due to the high number of occupants as well as due to the tendency to consume
more water by the guests. This is reflected in the SLS 745: 2004 Part 2, where a high amount
of per capita daily wastewater flow is given for the hotel category, compared to other users. If
the wastewater is discharged to the sewer system, this higher pollutant load will cause an
additional burden on the authorities, which is not sustainable. Some other issues are as
Apart from the wastewater flow from guestrooms and staff accommodations, there
will be wastewater coming from restaurants, kitchens and service areas too. Different
compounds in these wastewater flows will adversely affect the environment if
discharged directly to sources of water
Even though the agricultural landscape is nearby, it is prohibited to discharge wastewater into
the agricultural landscape considering it is an inland agricultural landscape and water flow
within the agricultural landscape is very slow
Hence, it is proposed that a wastewater treatment plant is necessary for this establishment.
Under the existing conditions of the agricultural landscape, even releasing treated water
seemed questionable. Therefore, it is proposed to use the treated effluent from the plant to be
used for the indoor and rooftop gardens as well as for the surrounding landscape, as required.
The treated effluent shall comply with the tolerance limits for the discharge of wastewater or
effluents on land for agricultural purposes (National Environmental Act No. 47 of 1980) as
given in below table.
For the design of unit processes, influent wastewater characteristics were calculated. A
summary of these characteristics is given in below table
Required Trap volume for a 30 min HRT was calculated as 2.34 m 3. Hence, an oil and grease
trap with a 1.35m × 1.8m footprint is provided, while water depth is taken as 1.0 m. Hence,
provided volume is 2.43m3. A freeboard of 300 mm is also provided.
1.2.4 Design of Equalization Tank
Required Tank capacity for a 5-hour HRT was calculated as 46.67 m 3. Hence, a rectangular
equalization tank with a 6m × 4m footprint is provided, while water depth is taken as 2m.
Hence, provided volume is 48m3. Dead storage depth for submersible pump is taken as 300
mm. A freeboard of 300 mm is also provided.
Equalization tank
Required Tank capacity for a 16-hour HRT was calculated as 152 m3. Hence, an aeration tank
with a 12.75m × 4.25m footprint is provided, while water depth is taken as 3m. Hence,
provided volume is 162 m3. A freeboard of 400 mm is also provided.
Aeration tank
1.2.6 Design of Clarifier
Overflow rate was calculated as 18 m3/m2/day. Hence, a circular clarifier with a 4m radius and a
4m depth is provided. Hence, provided volume is 50.3 m3.
Clarifier tank
Wet sludge coming from clarifier after thickening will be sent to a Filter press for sludge
dewatering. After this process, the dried sludge can be collected and can be either disposed of
or used for other purposes such as for landfills, as a soil conditioner or building material,
depending on the requirement.
1.2.8 Design of Toe Drains
Total amount of wastewater (grey & black water) generated from the project is directed to the
wastewater treatment plant via toe drains.
Odor originating from the wastewater treatment process will be a huge inconvenience to the
tourists as well as the staff working in the hotel. Hence, there should be measures taken to
control the air contamination due to odors.
1.2.10 Design of Toe Drains
Total amount of wastewater (grey & black water) generated from the project is directed to the
wastewater treatment plant via toe drains. Toe drains arrangement is shown in below figure.
• Hotel has 59 no. of Double rooms, 27 no. of Deluxe rooms, 35 no. of Family rooms, 8
no. of suites and 20 no. of 2-person cabanas.
• According to SLTDA guidelines, 1.5 staff per room is required for a 5-star hotel. Hence,
hotel has total staff of 225 out of which 75% is resident and 25% is nonresident
• Hotel has an Outdoor Restaurant with 200 seating capacity
• Hotel has a Banquet hall with 330 seating capacity
• Hotel has a Coffee shop with 100 seating capacity
• Hotel has Conference rooms with 150 seating capacity
• Hotel has a Nightclub with 100 guest capacity
• According to SLS 745: 2004 (Part 2) per capita wastewater flow, o For Hotel guest = 240
L/person/day o For Residential staff = 200 L/person/day o For Nonresidential staff = 100
o For Kitchen = 15 L/meal
o For Swimming Pool = 10 L/user/day
• Restaurants and Coffee shop serve 3 meals per day
• Nonresident staff have 2 meals per day and resident staff have 3 meals per day
• Swimming pool will be used by 90% of guests once a day
• Boiler blowdown and cooling tower bleeding do not contribute for organic load.
Assumed as used directly for gardening purposes
• Maximum number of events in Banquet hall, Conference rooms and Nightclub are one
per day, and one meal will be served
• Water demand for washing clothes 3 liters/cloth
Average Average
Time Hourly Flow Minute Flow
(m3/h) (m3/min)
0:00-1:00 0.371 0.0062
1:00-2:00 0.495 0.0083
2:00-3:00 0.619 0.0103
3:00-4:00 0.99 0.0165
4:00-5:00 1.485 0.0248
5:00-6:00 2.474 0.0412
6:00-7:00 3.464 0.0577
7:00-8:00 4.701 0.0784
8:00-9:00 3.464 0.0577
9:00-10:00 1.979 0.033
10:00-11:00 1.485 0.0248
11:00-12:00 2.227 0.0371
12:00-13:00 2.969 0.0495
13:00-14:00 2.474 0.0412
14:00-15:00 1.979 0.033
15:00-16:00 1.485 0.0248
16:00-17:00 1.485 0.0248
17:00-18:00 2.474 0.0412
18:00-19:00 3.711 0.0619
19:00-20:00 3.464 0.0577
20:00-21:00 2.474 0.0412
21:00-22:00 1.732 0.0289
22:00-23:00 0.99 0.0165
23:00-24:00 0.495 0.0083
Total Flow 49.485
Average minute flow 0.0344
Maximum average minute
Peak minute flow 1.03
Average Hourly
(Inflow –
Time Hourly Outflow
Flow (m3h) (m3h)
0:00-1:00 1.68 9.33 -7.65
1:00-2:00 2.24 9.33 -14.74
2:00-3:00 2.8 9.33 -21.27
3:00-4:00 4.48 9.33 -26.12
4:00-5:00 6.72 9.33 -28.73
5:00-6:00 11.2 9.33 -26.86
6:00-7:00 15.68 9.33 -20.51
7:00-8:00 21.28 9.33 -8.56
8:00-9:00 15.68 9.33 -2.21
9:00-10:00 8.96 9.33 -2.58
10:00-11:00 6.72 9.33 -5.19
11:00-12:00 10.08 9.33 -4.44
12:00-13:00 13.44 9.33 -0.33
13:00-14:00 11.2 9.33 1.54
14:00-15:00 8.96 9.33 1.17
15:00-16:00 6.72 9.33 -1.44
16:00-17:00 6.72 9.33 -4.05
17:00-18:00 11.2 9.33 -2.18
18:00-19:00 16.8 9.33 5.29
19:00-20:00 15.68 9.33 11.64
20:00-21:00 11.2 9.33 13.51
21:00-22:00 7.84 9.33 12.02
22:00-23:00 4.48 9.33 7.17
23:00-24:00 2.24 9.33 0.08
Total Flow 224.00
Average Flow 9.33
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Design suspended growth system for BOD removal.
Step 1
Nonbiodegradable Volatile Suspended Solids (nbVSS)
={ }{ }
𝑏𝑝𝐶𝑂𝐷 706 441 − 132
={ }{ } = 0.75
𝑝𝐶𝑂𝐷 4411083 − 433
nbVSS = {1 − 𝑏𝑝𝐶𝑂𝐷
} VSS = {1 − 0.75} × 369 = 92 nbVSS =
mg/l 92 mg/l
Inert total suspended solids
ITSS = TSS -VSS = 434 – 369 = 65 mg/l
Step 2
Specific Growth rate of nitrifying bacteria (g new cells / g
Step 4
Calculating Biomass Production PX,bio = A + B + C
Heterotrophic Biomass (A) = 𝑄𝑌 (𝑆0 −𝑆)
1+kd SRT
Eq. 8.15
Cell debris (B) = 𝑓𝑑 𝑘𝑑 𝑄𝑌 (𝑆0 − 𝑆) 𝑆𝑅𝑇
1 + kd SRT
1+kd SRT
Flow rate (Q) = 224 m3 /day
Biomass yield (Y) = 0.4 g VSS/ g bCOD
Eq. 8.10 Influent substrate Concentration (S0) = 706 g bCOD/m3
Concentration of growth-limiting substrate in solution (S)
S = Ks[1+ kd SRT]
SRT(µm − kd) − 1
Step 6
Determination of the Biomass Production with new value of
(NOx)old SRT C PX,bio (NOx)new -
3 3
g/m day Kg/d Kg/d g/m g/m3
134 7.8 1.684 36.769 148 22
148 7.8 1.860 36.945 148 0
⸫ NOx = 148 mg/l
Hence, C = 1.860 Kg/d
PX,bio= 36.945 Kg/d
Step 7
Determination of the concentration & masses of VSS & TSS
in aeration basin
Mass = PX (SRT)
Eq. 8.15 PX, VSS = A + B + C + D PX, VSS
D = QXO,i = nbVSS in the influent = 224 x 92/1000 kg/d = 20.60 =56.857
kg/d kg/d
Eq. 8.16 PX, VSS = A + B + C + D = 57.055 kg/d
PX, TSS = 𝐴 + 𝐵 + 𝐶 + D + Q (TSS0 -VSS0) PX, TSS =
Eq. 7.54 0.85 0.85 0.85 78 kg/d
= (29.54/0.85) + (5.047/0.85) + (1.860/0.85) + 20.6 + 224 x (434
Mass of
- 369) /1000 = 78 kg/d MLVSS =
445 kg
Mass of MLVSS = XVSS V = PX, VSS x SRT = 57.055 x 7.8 = 445 kg
Mass of MLSS = XTSS V = PX, TSS x SRT = 78 x 7.8 = 608 kg Mass of
608 kg
Step 8
Determination of the Aeration tank volume
Design MLSS is taken as 4000 mg/L
16.3 h
= 608 x 1000/4000 = 152 m3
HRT= V/Q = 152 x 24 / 224 = 16.3 h
According to Table 8-26, HRT shall be in the range of 4 - 8 hours.
However, this waste has high amount of nbVSS and iTSS.
Therefore, it got high HRT. If F/M ratio and volumetric BOD
loading is in the given range, it can accept tank volume.
However, tank volume can be reduced by introducing a grit
chamber as a pre-treatment.
Step 9
Determination of MLVSS
Eq. 7.60
Fraction VSS = 445 kg VSS = 0.90
608 kg TSS
F/M = 0.22 g
Table BOD / g
MLVSS = 0.90 x 4000 g/m3 = 3600 g/m3
8.16 MLVSS.d
Eq. 7.61 Determination of F/M ration and BOD volumetric loading Lorg =
F/M = QS0 /XV = 224 x 441 = 0.22 g BOD / g MLVSS.d
0.65 kg
BOD / m3.d
F/M ratio is within the acceptable range of 0.2–0.6 g BOD / g
Determine Volumetric BOD loading Lorg =
224 x 441
QS0 /V = = 0.65 kg BOD /
m .d
1000 x 152
Lorg = 0.65 kg/m3.d kg/m3 .d
Lorg ratio is within the acceptable range of 0.3 - 1.6 kg BOD /
Height (H) of the aeration tank = 3 m
Length (L) : Width (W) = 3 : 1
L x W x H = 152 m3
3W x W x 3 = 152 hence W = 4.1m
Step 10
Determination of the observed yield based on TSS and VSS
Step 12
Fine bubble aeration design
Air flow rate at average design flow rate,
Aeration tank depth = 3.5 m
Diffuser height from bed = 0.1 m
Eq. 5.55
a. Determination of C Ŝ,T,H
i. DO concentration in water at temperature; Colombo
Table D-1
Temperature: 25 0C
D) C20 = 9.08 mg/L , C25 = 8.24 mg/L
= 2.36 m3 /min
Step 13
Determination of the amount of alkalinity needed
Xr = 4000 – 12000 mg/l, Assume Xr as 8000 mg/l.
R=𝑋= 4000
= 1.0
𝑋𝑟−𝑋 8000−4000