Airport Budget
Airport Budget
Airport Budget
University Affiliation
An airport budget is an important tool for any airport, large or small, to ensure its
operations are efficient and effective. Developing a budget for an airport requires careful
consideration of both operating and capital expenses and revenues. An airport budget worksheet
should provide an overview of all of these expenses and revenues, and should include both short-
term and long-term financial goals. The components of an airport budget include both operating
and capital expenses and revenues. Operating expenses are those expenses that are necessary to
keep the airport running on a day-to-day basis, including salaries and wages, utilities, and fuel.
Capital expenses, on the other hand, are those expenses that are necessary for long-term
investments in the airport’s infrastructure, such as new runways, hangars, and equipment.
The process of developing an airport budget is a lengthy and complicated one. It begins
with a review of the airport’s current financial situation and an analysis of the airport’s historical
performance. This analysis helps the airport’s management to identify areas of potential
improvement and to set realistic financial goals. Once these goals are set, the budget must be
developed and approved. The airport budget must also account for all sources of revenue and
expenses. Revenues come from a variety of sources, including airfare and landing fees,
concessions, and parking fees. Expenses must also be accounted for, including salaries and
Operating Budget
Revenues Expenses
Aircraft Landing Fees: Fees charged to Aircraft Maintenance and Repair: Costs
aircraft for the privilege of landing at the associated with the maintenance and repair of
airport. The amount of the fee is determined aircraft.
by the size and weight of the aircraft.
Aircraft Parking Fees: Fees charged to aircraft Terminal Maintenance and Repair: Costs
for the privilege of parking at the airport. associated with the maintenance and repairs
These fees are based on the size and number of the terminal building.
of vehicles.
Terminal Rental Fees: Fees charged to Security: Costs associated with security
airlines for the use of airport facilities. These personnel and equipment.
fees are based on the number and type of
passengers, baggage, and cargo being carried.
Car Rental Fees: Fees charged to car rental Air Traffic Control: Costs associated with air
companies for the privilege of utilizing airport traffic control personnel and equipment.
Concessions: Fees charged to restaurants and Ground Handling: Costs associated with
shops for the privilege of operating at the ground handling personnel and equipment.
Advertising: Fees charged to companies for Utilities: Costs associated with power, water,
the privilege of advertising in the airport. sewer, and telephone services.
Air Traffic Control Fees: Air traffic control Personnel: Costs associated with personnel
fees are charged to aircraft for the use of the salaries and benefits.
airport's air traffic control services. These fees
are based on the amount of time the aircraft is
in the airspace of the airport.
Aircraft Maintenance Fees: Aircraft Airport Security expense: Airport security
maintenance fees are charged to aircraft for expenses include the cost of maintaining a
the use of the airport's maintenance services. secure environment at the airport. This
These fees are based on the type and size of includes security personnel, security
the aircraft. equipment, and other related costs.
Capital Budget
Revenues Expenses
Government Grants: Funds received from the Land Acquisition: Costs associated with
federal, state, and local governments for the purchasing land for the purpose of
purpose of capital improvement. constructing airport facilities.
Private Grants: Funds received from private Construction: Costs associated with
entities for the purpose of capital constructing airport terminals, runways, and
improvement. other airport facilities.
Loans: Funds obtained through financial Equipment Acquisition: Costs associated with
institutions for the purpose of capital purchasing aircraft, vehicles, and other
improvement. equipment.
Financing: The funds received from outside Technology: Costs associated with installing
sources, such as bonds and maintaining computer and
communications systems.
Sale of Assets: The funds received from the Furnishings: Costs associated with purchasing
sale of capital assets. furnishings for the airport.
Miscellaneous Expenses: Costs associated
with miscellaneous items such as insurance,
legal fees, etc.
The budget of the Noura Elise International Airport is essential to ensure the efficient and
smooth operations of the airport. The two tables presented above outline the revenues and
expenses of the airport. The operating budget table outlines the revenue sources and the expenses
associated with personnel, maintenance, utilities, security, insurance, aircraft, and administration.
The capital budget table outlines the revenue sources and expenses associated with grants, loans,
and other capital revenues, as well as capital expenditures, debt service, and other capital
expenses. With a comprehensive budget, the airport can manage its finances and operations in an