Notification Convocation Registration M2M
Notification Convocation Registration M2M
Notification Convocation Registration M2M
The Tenth Annual Convocation is scheduled to be held on December 22, 2023 from 11 am. The
Degree recipients are hereby advised to follow the below mentioned points:
1. The degree recipients are advised to appear in convocation venue latest by 10.30 am on
22nd December 2023. No one shall be allowed to enter the venue once the Academic
Procession starts. Please see Minute to Minute Programme attached herewith.
2. There will be no rehearsal on 21st December 2023. Students are advised to go through the
following video link in order to know the protocol of receiving degree from the dais.
3. The Registration Desk for the distribution of Uttoriyo and Invitation Card (with seat
number) shall start from 10.30 am on 21st December 2023. If any student is unable to
come on 21st December although registered his/her name through Google Form as per
the Notification (No 416/ACAD/2023 dated 30th November 2023),paid the registration
amount (Rs. 1500/-) and received the Acknowledgement Letter, can authorize someone
with proper authorization letter(as per attached format), acknowledgement receipt and
valid Identity Card(of the authorized student/person) who can collect registration kits on
his/her behalf but the degree recipient has to present on 22nd December 2023 in
order to receive the degree certificate in person.
4. The acknowledgement letter shall be sent to the student/scholar through registered mail
only. If any student/scholar is unable to receive the acknowledgement letter till December
20, 2023(01.30 pm), he/she should contact with Academic Section immediately (Mobile
Number 9830677601).
For Ph.D. Scholars: Room No 267, Metallurgy & ME Department First Floor.
6. Two invitation cards shall be given to the parents of Ph.D. holders and medal recipients
which will be given to the respective degree recipients while distributing the Uttoriyo.
To Date:
The Joint Registrar (Academic)
IIEST, Shibpur
Sub: Requesting for issuance of the Registration Kits for attending Tenth Annual
Convocation 2023
I have completed my course during the last Academic Session and a degree recipient of Tenth
Annual Convocation 2023.
Due to some unavoidable circumstance, I shall be unable to attend on December 21, 2023 for
collecting my Registration Kits. I hereby authorize the following student/person on my behalf to
collect the Registration Kits (Uttoriyo, Invitation Card etc). However I hereby declare that I
personally must present on 22nd December 2023 in order to receive the degree certificate
from the convocation venue.
Department :
Registration No :
Programme :
Mobile No :
Department :
Registration No :
Mobile No :
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature/Scan Signature of the Degree Recipient)
मिनट से मिनट का कार्यक्रि
1. 10:30 hr Members of the Board of Governors and the Senate arrive and robe.
2. 10:35 hr Chairperson, Board of Governors, IIEST, Shibpur & Director arrive, robe
and brief the members about the Chief Guest.
6. 11:00 hr Invocation
17. 13:57 hr Chairperson, Board of Governors, IIEST, Shibpur. signs the Scroll of
18. 14:00 hr Presentation of Memento to the Chief Guest by the Chairperson, Board of
Governors, IIEST, Shibpur
22. 14.06 hr Group Photographs of the students (Course wise) with the dignitaries.
२२ मदसांबर, २०२३
6. 11:00 hr मं गलाचरण ।
22. 14:06 hr गणमान्य व्यक्तिययं के साि छात्यं (पाठ्यक्रम के अनुसार) की सामूशहक तस्वीर